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Jake Cohen
PolSic 12, 5/24/12
Alisa Rod, Section 9-9:50am
GRA!: A-
"alance "et#een $ational Sec%&it', Ci(il )i*e&ties, and !+ec%ti(e Po#e&
,he&e is no -%estion that .%*lic o.inion and media /oc%s can chan0e d&asticall' in a sho&t
.e&iod o/ time as a &es%lt o/ a sin0le e(ent1 2*(io%s &ecent e+am.les incl%de the acc%sations o/
&aciall' /%eled killin0s, s%ch as those o/ 2sca& G&ant in 2akland, Cali/o&nia and ,&a'(on 3a&tin
in San/o&d, 4lo&ida1 ,hese e(ents &es%lt in a s.ike in .%*lic o.inion and media attention in
&e0a&ds to &acism in Ame&ica1 $o di//e&ent is the chan0e in .%*lic o.inion o(e& time s%&&o%ndin0
te&&o&ism and co%nte&to&&i&ism iss%es1 Concisel' .%t, 5,he mo&e &ecent the 6te&&o&ist7 incident,
the hi0hest is the salience8 the /%&the& o// is the e.isode, the lo#e& is the .e&cei(ed im.o&tance o/
te&&o&ism9 :;inckle' <=1 ,he a/te&math o/ the te&&o&ist attacks on the >o&ld ,&ade Cente& on
Se.tem*e& 11
#as no e+ce.tion1 Polls taken a/te& 9/11 *' the ma?o& ne#s so%&ces s%ch as ,he
$e# @o&k ,imes, ,ime, ASA ,oda', and man' othe&s .oint to#a&d one concl%si(e statement:
4ea& o/ anothe& te&&o&ist attack in Ame&ica s.iked in the sho&t time .e&iod a/te& the attacks on the
>o&ld ,&ade Cente&, and then d#indled in the 'ea&s to /ollo# :$acos 1B5=1
As is e+.ected, .%*lic a..&o(al &atin0s o/ the P&esident and to#a&ds milita&' action in the
#ake o/ te&&o&ist acti(ites /l%ct%ates on a la&0e scale as #ell1 Cmmediatel' /ollo#in0 the
Se.tem*e& 11
attacks, P&esident "%shDs ?o* a..&o(al &atin0 &eached o(e& ei0ht' .e&cent, #ithin
a 'ea& had d&o..ed *' mo&e than t#ent' .oints, and #ithin t#o 'ea&s had &eached /i/t' .e&cent
:$acos 2E2=1 ,hese /i0%&es sho%ld come as no s%&.&ise /o& t#o &easons1 4i&st, as a &es%lt o/
eme&0enc' .o#e& 0i(en to the !+ec%ti(e "&anch, the "%sh Administ&ation #as a*le to act
-%ickl' and #ith d&astic meas%&es to .&eem.ti(el' de/end a0ainst /%t%&e te&&o&ism1 Second, e(en
as time .assed and .%*lic /ea& o/ anothe& te&&o&ist attack lessened, the "%sh Administ&ation
contin%ed to act #ith little ?%dicial &e(ie# and %se e+t&eme meas%&es, incl%din0 those that had
al&ead' .&o(en inne//ecti(e1
Ct is o&dina&' /o& the&e to *e a tem.o&a&' shi/t in .o#e& that /a(o&s the !+ec%ti(e "&anch
a/te& a catacl'smic e(ent1 ,he ma0nit%de o/ the Se.tem*e& 11
attacks, ho#e(e&, &es%lted in a
lon0 te&m shi/t o/ .o#e&s and a *latant dec&ease in the checks and *alances /&ame#o&k #ithin the
Anited States 0o(e&nment :$acos 1B5=1 C contend that this s%*stantial shi/t in %nchecked .o#e&,
and t#o o/ the &es%ltant alte&ations in Ame&ican ci(il li*e&ties, s.eci/icall' o%& &i0ht to .&i(ac'
and o%& &i0ht to e-%alit' &e0a&dless o/ &ace o& &eli0ion, a&e th&ee o/ the 0&eatest chan0es that ha(e
occ%&&ed in Ame&ica in the last decade1
>ithin t#o months o/ the attack on the >o&ld ,&ade Cente&, Con0&ess (oted into
le0islation #hat can *e a&0%ed as the 0&eatest in/&in0ement *' the Anited States 0o(e&nment
%.on the /o%&th amendment in Anited States histo&'1 ,he 0o(e&nmentDs in(ol(ement in co(e&t
o.e&ations that im.ede on o%& &i0ht to .&i(ac', ho#e(e&, is nothin0 ne#1 Cn 19F9, /o& instance,
the 0o(e&nment allo#ed the A&m' Si0nal Cntelli0ence o.e&ations to #i&e ta. inte&national ca*les
in an e//o&t to inte&.&et t&ansmissions comin0 /&om o(e&sees1 2.e&ation Sham&ock, as it #as
called, initiall' .&ima&il' /oc%sed on /o&ei0n si0nals, *%t e(ent%all' .aid attention to messa0es
that took .lace domesticall' as #ell1 ,he .&o0&am contin%ed *e'ond the #a& and #as then &%n
*' the $ational Sec%&it' A0enc' :$SA=, %sed d%&in0 the Cold >a&, and then d%&in0 the Gietnam
>a&1 5"' 19B4, intelli0ence se&(ices had in/o&mation on some B0,000 Ame&icans9 :Rome&o
14<=1 ,hen, /ollo#in0 the >ate&0ate scandal in 19B5, the Senate Select Committee to St%d'
Go(e&nmental 2.e&ation #ith Res.ect to Cntelli0ence Acti(ities %nco(e&ed the .&o0&am and
&ealiHed that the $SA #as collectin0 .&i(ate in/o&mation o/ AS citiHens1 ,o a(oid con/lict #ith
the 0ene&al .%*lic, as #ell as allo# /o& the contin%ation o/ the .&o0&am, Con0&ess .assed the
4o&ei0n Cntelli0ence S%&(eillance Act :4CSA= o/ 19BE1 4CSA c&eated 0%idelines /o& cond%ctin0
elect&onic s%&(eillance, as #ell as set %. a co%&t that #o%ld a..&o(e and o(e&see &e-%ests /o&
domestic s%&(eillance :Rome&o 14B=1 4CSA, as #ell as its conti0%o%s co%&t, #o&ked #ell to
mode&ate domestic s%&(eillance e+ce.t in t#o a&eas: technolo0ical ad(ancement, and the "%sh
Administ&ationDs 5#a& on te&&o&19
,he "%sh Administ&ation, as 0&anted *' Con0&ess, (astl' e+.anded thei& a%tho&it' and
a*ilit' to ac-%i&e and collect in/o&mation1 >ithin the t#o months /ollo#in0 the Se.tem*e& 11

attacks, Con0&ess si0ned into le0islation the Anitin0 and St&en0thenin0 Ame&ica *' P&o(idin0
A..&o.&iate ,ools Re-%i&ed to Cnte&ce.t and 2*st&%ct ,e&&o&ism Act - *ette& kno#n as the ASA
Pat&iot Act1 ,he&e is no do%*t that man' mem*e&s o/ con0&ess #e&e %n/amilia& #ith the details,
and the&e/o&e im.lications, o/ the Pat&iot Act1 ,he 0o(e&nment #as no# allo#ed to o&chest&ate
sea&ches in homes, o//ices, o& othe& .&i(ate locations #itho%t in/o&min0 s%*?ects .&io& to the
sea&ch1 Sim.l' *' statin0 that an indi(id%alDs in/o&mation #as necessa&' /o& 5in(esti0ation o/
inte&national te&&o&ism,9 the 0o(e&nment #as also no# a*le to access an' indi(id%alDs &eco&ds at
li*&a&ies, *ooksto&es, tele.hone com.anies, inte&net .&o(ide&s, and %ni(e&sities, and s%*.oena
them *ased on said in/o&mation1 4inall', as .&esident "%sh o.enl' ackno#led0ed, the $SA #as
inte&ce.tin0 inte&national con(e&sation, e(en #hen one end #as in Ame&ica, (ia email and .hone
lines o/ *oth Ame&ican citiHens and noncitiHens #ho #e&e s%s.ected to *e in contact #ith
te&&o&ists1 ,he $SA .&actices not onl' clea&l' (iolated the 4o%&th Amendment o/ the
Constit%tion, *%t also %na*ashedl' dis&e0a&ded the 4CSA Act, #hich &e-%i&ed #a&&ants /o&
elect&onic s%&(eillance o/ an' indi(id%als &esidin0 #ithin the Anited States :$acos 1BE=1
,oda', e(en a/te& ma?o& c&iticiHm s%&&o%ndin0 the Pat&iot Act as #ell as the "%sh and
2*ama Administ&ationsD actions, the $SA contin%es to c&oss the line #hen it comes to
s%&(eillance1 2&0aniHations s%ch as the Ame&ican Ci(il )i*e&ties Anion ha(e conti%o%sl' /iled
s%it a0ainst the 0o(e&nment /o& (iolatin0 the 4CSA Act and the 4o%&th Amendment1 2ne .&ima&'
&eason /o& the contin%ation o/ the s%&(eillance .&o0&ams %nde& the $SA has *een the e+ec%ti(e
*&anchDs a*ilit' to sh%t do#n liti0ation th&o%0h the State Sec&ets P&i(ile0e1 ,he State Sec&ets
.&i(ile0e sti.%lates that the 0o(e&nment can #ithhold in/o&mation o& mo(e to dismiss a la#s%it i/
the' *elie(e that the case #ill &e(eal in/o&mation that co%ld .otentiall' endan0e& national
sec%&it'1 Cn 200<, /o& instance, the Ame&ican Ci(il )i*e&ties Anion :AC)A= s%ed the $SA /o&
#a&&antless #i&e-ta..in01 ,he case #as decided in 200B, and the co%&t concl%ded that it co%ld
not &%le on the alle0ed $SA data*ase o/ domestic call &eco&ds as a &es%lt o/ the State Sec&ets
P&i(ile0e :Roach 22F=1 ,he 2*ama administ&ation has cotin%ed to %se to the State Sec&ets
P&i(ile0e as a method to contin%e s%&(eillance .&o0&ams o/ the $SA :Roach 1<4=1
,he %se o/ the State Sec&ets P&i(ile0e has *ecome one o/ the eas' &o%tes /o& the e+ec%ti(e
and le0islati(e *&anches to cond%ct o.e&ations that im.ede %.on ci(il li*e&ties #itho%t a check
/&om the ?%dicial *&anch1 J%d0e Anna i00s ,a'lo& asse&ted in he& assessment o/ the "%sh
Administ&ationDs a&0%ments de/endin0 the #a&&antless s.'in0,
5Ct #as ne(e& the intent o/ the /&ame&s to 0i(e the .&esident s%ch %n/ette&ed cont&ol,
.a&tic%la&l' #hen his actions *latantl' dis&e0a&d the .a&amete&s clea&l' en%me&ated in the
"ill o/ Ri0hts 1 1 1 ,he th&ee se.a&ate *&anches o/ 0o(e&nment #e&e de(elo.ed as a check
and *alance /o& one anothe&9 :Rome&o 149=1
3' /eelin0s a&e m%t%al #ith J%d0e ,a'lo& in &e0a&ds to the im.o&tance to %.hold se.a&ation o/
.o#e&s and o%& s'stem o/ checks and *alances #ithin 0o(e&nment, e(en #hen it comes to
national sec%&it'1
Admittedl', it is di//ic%lt to /ind a *alance *et#een ci(il li*e&ties and national sec%&it',
es.eciall' in the #ake o/ te&&o&ist attacks1 @et, it has *een o(e& a decade since the attacks, and
#a&&antless #i&e-ta..in0 contin%es1 As mentioned ea&lie&, the 0ene&al .%*licDs /ea& o/ anothe&
te&&o&ist attack has d#indled since the attacks, as has o%& a..&o(al /o& eme&0enc' .o#e&s (ested
in the e+ec%ti(e *&anch :$acos 2E9=1 )o0icall', it makes sense that national sec%&it' &eside as
one o/ o%& to. .&io&ities, *eca%se i/ as a nation #e a&e (%lne&a*le to milita&' o& te&&o&ist attacks,
most othe& iss%es *ecome moot1 !lect&onic s%&(eillance, C concl%de, has the .otential to .&e(ent
and dete& te&&o&ism, 'et m%st *e cond%cted in mode&ation and a%tho&iHed *' a co%&t1 C/ this
so%nds /amilia&, that is *eca%se this is the e+act o%tline /o& the o&i0inal 4CSA .&o0&am esta*lished
in 19BE1 Cn sho&t, C *elie(e that 0o(e&nment a0encies ma' %tiliHe elect&onic s%&(eillance, onl'
#ith the consent o/ a co%&t that *elie(es that the&e is tan0i*le e(idence, s%ch as i&&e0%la& actions
al&ead' taken *' an indi(id%al o& 0&o%., o/ a .la%si*le th&eat1
>hen the Pat&iot Act #as /i&st .assed th&o%0h con0&ess, an %n#&itten stat%te #as initiated
#hich #as meant to .&otect A&a* and 3%slim Ame&icans /&om (iolence, as #ell as .&ese&(e 5the
ci(il li*e&ties and &i0hts o/ all Ame&icans, incl%din0 A&a* Ame&icans, 3%slim Ame&icans and
Ame&icans /&om So%th Asia9 :Roach 1EB=1 C&onicall', *' sin0lin0 o%t ce&tain 0&o%.s, this
%n#&itten stat%te &es%lted in #hat can *e a&0%ed as anothe& o/ the 0&eatest chan0es in Ame&ica in
the last decade: Cslamo.ho*ia1 >hethe& o& not Con0&ess honestl' meant to .&otect 3%slims /&om
disc&imination, conside&in0 that all o/ the hi?acke&s on Se.tem*e& 11
#e&e 3%slim, is a
tan0ential disc%ssion1 ,he iss%e at hand is the clea& *&each o/ the 4i&st Amendment that took
.lace as a &es%lt o/ .&o0&ams s%ch as, *%t not limited to, P&e(enti(e and Cn(esti0ati(e etention
%nde& Cmmi0&ation )a#, as #ell as the Com.%te& Assisted Passen0e& P&esc&eenin0 S'stem CC
,o 0i(e conte+t /o& the &ecent -%estion o/ the 0o(e&nmentDs dis&e0a&d /o& the 4i&st
Amendment in &e0a&ds to disc&imination a0ainst 3%slims, an ela*o&ation on one o/ the mo&e
inte0&al im.lications o/ the 4i&st Amendment is needed1 Cn 19<9, the S%.&eme Co%&t settled the
case o/ "&anden*%&0 (1 2hio *' e+.lainin0 that the 4i&st Amendment de/ends those in s%..o&t o/
te&&o&ist .&o.a0anda and te&&o&ist (iolence, %nless thei& is .&oo/ that thei& incitements can lead to
%nla#/%l acti(it' :Roach 5E=1 At s%&/ace le(el, this de/inition o/ the 4i&st Amendment is ideal,
'et the t&%th is that, as Ame&icans &ealiHed in the .e&iod /ollo#in0 the Se.tem*e& 11
attacks, it is
di//ic%lt to /ind a *alance *et#een sa/et' and o*(io%s disc&imination1 A/te& the Pat&iot Act #as
.assed, the 4"C took .a&t in e+cessi(e detainin0, inte&(ie#in0 and /in0e&.&intin0 as .a&t o/ the
P&e(enti(e and Cn(esti0ati(e etention %nde& Cmmi0&ation )a#1 As man' as /i(e tho%sand
/o&ei0n nationals #e&e detained in the t#o 'ea&s /ollo#in0 the Se.tem*e& 11
attacks, man' o/
#hich took .lace in sec&et1 ,hese detentions, as #ell as thei& sec&ec' &es%lted in s%s.icions 5that
the 0o(e&nment #as im.&o.e&l' ta&0etin0 de/entats on the *asis o/ thei& ethnicit' and &eli0ion9
:Roach 1EE=1 ,hese s%s.icions and /ea&s, es.eciall' amon0 3%slims, #e&e not %n/o%nded in an'
&e0a&d1 As .a&t o/ the Cmmi0&ation )a#, a &e0ist&ation .&o0&am /o&ced ei0ht' tho%sand male
noncitiHens to take .a&t in detailed -%estionin0 and /in0e&.&intin01 All o/ the males #e&e /&om
.&edominantl' 3%slim o& A&a* co%nt&ies1 Anothe& ei0ht tho%sand 'o%n0 men o/ A&a* descent
#e&e s%*?ected to 4"C inte&(ie#s1 $one o/ these detentions &es%lted in te&&o&ist &elated a&&ests1
,hese disc&iminato&' .&actices o/ the 0o(e&nment a0encies #e&e a%tho&iHed th&o%0h
.&o0&ams s%ch as CAPPS CC1 ,he .&o0&am #as 5desi0ned to /oc%s on the t'.e o/ cha&acte&istics
that te&&o&ists ma' /ind di//ic%lt to ma&k o& chan0e9 :3a&0alioth F29=1 Asin0 com.%te&
al0o&ithms *ased on 0o(e&nment data*ases and *ack0&o%nd checks, ai&.o&t sec%&it' #as
s%..osed to sea&ch .assen0e&s *ased on thei& dete&mined the 5sa/et' sco&e19 ,he s'stem co%ld
ha(e &es%lted in an inc&ease o& dec&ease in &acial .&o/ilin0, 'et as a/o&ementioned statistics .&o(e,
the Cmmi0&ation A0encies and 4"C %sed the s'stem as an e+c%se /o& disc&iminato&' .&o/ilin01 Cn
&et&os.ect, .e&.et&ato&s o/ the .&o/ilin0, s%ch as a /o&me& commissione& o/ the Cmmi0&ation and
$at%&aliHation Se&(ice, &ealiHed that the a..&oach &es%lted in 5a lot o/ *ad .%*licit', liti0ation and
dis&%.tion in o%& &elationshi.s #ith immi0&ant comm%nities and co%nt&ies that #e needed hel.
/&om in the #a& on te&&o&9 :Roach 1EE=1 ,ho%0h the a0encies &ealiHed that the .&o/ilin0 had not
onl' not &es%lted in te&&o&ist &elated a&&ests, *%t also in #ides.&ead animosit' to#a&ds them, the'
did not &ealiHe that thei& actions had a lon0 te&m &i..le e//ect ac&oss the Ame&ican .%*lic no#
kno#n as Cslamo.ho*ia1
,he co(e& o/ A%0%st 2010 iss%e o/ ,ime 3a0aHine &ead, 5Cs Ame&ica Cslamo.ho*icI
>hat the anti-mos-%e %.&oa& tells %s a*o%t ho# the A1S1 Re0a&ds 3%slims19 :Ghosh 2=1 ,he
intense &acial .&o/ilin0 that /ollo#ed the Se.tem*e& 11
attacks &es%lted in the a hei0htened /ea&
and an0e& to#a&ds those o/ 3%slim and A&a* escent1 An/o&t%natel', Cslamo.ho*ia s.&ead to
the .oint #he&e, 5it is /%ll' em*&aced *' man' Ame&icans, as an Jacce.ta*le .&ice to .a' /o&
sec%&it'D9 :!lia 15B=1 ,ho%0h ha&sh as this statement ma' *e, as the ,ime co(e& sto&' e+.lo&ed,
it is in no #a' an e+a00e&ation o/ the c%&&ent state o/ a//ai&s *et#een 3%slim Ame&icans and
Ame&icans o/ othe& &eli0ions and descents in the Anited States1 >hen &1 3ano& 3i&Ha o/
She*o'0an Co%nt' in >isconsin met #ith a Honin0 commission to *%ild a 3os-%e on his o#n
.&o.e&t', he #as met #ith hostilit' and o*?ections, all o/ #hich had nothin0 to do #ith Honin0
&e0%lations, *%t &athe& #ith his &eli0ion: 5CtDs a*o%t 'o%& /aith1 Cslam is a &eli0ion o/ hate, the'
sa'1 3%slims a&e o%t to #i.e o%t Ch&istianit' 1 1 1 3%slims m%&de& thei& child&en 1 1 1 C donDt #ant
it in m' *ack'a&d 1 1 1 C ?%st think itDs not Ame&ica,9 #e&e all statements that 3i&Ha #as s%*?ected
to at the meetin0 :Ghosh 1=
2ne co%ld a&0%e that the Honin0 committee #as o(e&&eactin0 *eca%se 3i&Ha #anted to
*%ild a 3os-%e in the midst o/ a Ch&istian dominated nei0h*o&hood1 ;o#e(e&, Cslamo.ho*ia
has .&o(en to *e mo&e .&esent in the e(e&'da' li/e o/ 3%slims th&o%0ho%t Ame&ica1 Came&an
Sade-, o&i0inall' an C&a-i K%&d #ho /led Sadam ;%sseinDs &e0ime, &ecei(ed &e/%0e in the Anited
States in 20021 Altho%0h Ame&ica had 0i(en Sade- a sa/e& homeland, he also /elt the &i..le
e//ect o/ Cslamo.ho*ia in Ame&ica1 Cn one sim.le e+am.le, Sade- and th&ee othe& C&a-i /&iends
d&o(e to the Po&t o/ 3iami to (isit a m%t%al /&iend1 A/te& the' took a #&on0 t%&n into a &est&icted
a&ea at the .o&t, Sade- s.ent /i(e months at 3iamiDs K&ome etention Cente&1 >hile detained,
4"C and Cmmi0&ation and $at%&aliHation Se&(ice o//ice&s 5%sed the o..o&t%nit' to 0&ill Sade-:
JA&e 'o% a te&&o&istID Jo 'o% kno# an' te&&o&istsID9 :Ge&mani .a0e 2=1
!(identl', Cslamo.ho*ia is .&e(alent in mode&n Ame&ica1 S'non'mo%s to m' o.inion
&e0a&din0 #a&&antless elect&onic s%&(eillance, C a&0%e that the 0o(e&nment and its a0encies m%st
/ind a *alance *et#een .&otection and maintainin0 ci(il li*e&ties1 4%&the&mo&e, altho%0h
hei0htened meas%&es ma' need to *e taken in the immediate time /ollo#in0 a catast&o.hic e(ent,
the 0o(e&nment m%st *e a*le to act #itho%t lea(in0 a &i..le e//ect s%ch as Cslamo.ho*ia1 A0ain,
action sho%ld *e met #ith action, &athe& than action sho%ld incite othe& action1 Cnstead o/ the
0o(e&nment detainin0 indi(id%als solel' *ased on thei& ethnic *ack0&o%nds, #hich &es%lts in
#ides.&ead animosit' to#a&ds the 0o(e&nment as #ell as to#a&ds those indi(id%als, the
0o(e&nment sho%ld onl' detain indi(id%als a/te& the&e is tan0i*le e(idence that the' co%ld
insti0ate %nla#/%l acti(ities :Roach 2E9=1
Cn the 'ea&s since the te&&o&ist attacks on the >o&ld ,&ade Cente&, Ame&ican c%lt%&e and
0o(e&nment has chan0ed d&amaticall'1 >e ha(e seen the 0&eatest shi/t in .olitical .o#e& since
the *i&th o/ o%& nation1 >e ha(e also #itnessed some o/ the most e+t&eme co(e& %.s in Ame&ican
histo&'1 4&om #a&&antless #i&e ta.s to disc&iminato&' detainments, Ame&ica has *ecome a mo&e
.a&anoid nation that no# acts /aste& *%t #ith less tho%0ht and &e(ie# .%t into those actions1 ,he
ma?o&it' o/ these d&astic chan0es a&e the &es%lt o/ the e+.ansion o/ the e+ec%ti(e *&anchDs .o#e&
#ithin the last decade1 ,ho%0h this e+.ansion has *ene/its #hen it comes to -%ickl' &es.ondin0
to national catast&o.hes, the lon0 te&m im.act, as .&o(en ea&lie&, &es%lts in a mo&e %nita&'
0o(e&nment that has the a%tho&it' to s%.e&sede the co%&ts and im.ede %.on o%& ci(il li*e&ties1
,he&e is no one sim.le sol%tion, %nde&stood1 ,he&e a&e, ho#e(e&, %ncha&ted o.tion that co%ld
.&o(e e//ecti(e is so%0ht o%t ca&e/%ll'1 C *elie(e that "&%ce Acke&man, a%tho& o/ Before the Next
Attack: Preserving Civil Liberties in an Age of Terrorism has .%st%lated a &o%te to /indin0 a
*ette& *alance o/ shi/tin0 .o#e&s d%&in0 a time o/ eme&0enc'1 Acke&man has .&o.osed a
5eme&0enc' constit%tion9 that #o%ld tem.o&a&il' 0i(e 0o(e&nment e+.anded a%tho&ities to take
action to .&e(ent a 5second st&ike19 :Rome&o 204=1 ,ho%0h C &eco0niHe the di//ic%lt' in c&eatin0
s%ch an 5eme&0enc' constit%tion,9 C *elie(e that an a..&oach to a st&%ct%&ed tem.o&a&' shi/t in
.o#e& is amon0 the mo&e lo0ical sol%tions to *alancin0 o%& .&io&ities o/ national sec%&it' and
ci(il li*e&ties1
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Christian Science onitor1 ,he Ch&istian Science 3onito&, 09 Se.t1 20111 >e*1 24 3a' 20121
Ghosh, "o*, and ea&*o&n1 LCslamo.ho*ia: oes Ame&ica ;a(e a 3%slim P&o*lemIL Time1
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3a&0oliath, @o&am1 5,a&0etin0 the 3a?o&it': Redesi0nin0 Racial P&o/ilin019 !ale La" # Polic$
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$acos, "&i0itte )e*ens1 Terrorism an& Counterterrorism: 'n&erstan&ing Threats an& %es(onses
in the Post)*+,, Worl&1 $e# @o&k: Pea&son/)on0man, 200<1 P&int1
Roach, Kent1 The *+,, -ffect: Com(arative Counter)terrorism1 Cam*&id0e: Cam*&id0e AP, 20111
Rome&o, Anthon' 1, and ina ,em.le-Raston1 .n /efense of 0ur America: The 1ight for Civil
Liberties in the Age of Terror1 $e# @o&k: >illiam 3o&&o#, 200B1 P&int1

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