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Royal Greenwich Primary Common Application Form

For admission to the Reception class September 2015

You should only complete this form if you are a Royal Greenwich resident and your child was born between
1st September 2010 and 31st August 2011.
Childs family name/surname Given name(s) Middle name(s)
Boy Girl Childs date of birth (use the format Day/Month/Year)
(please tick)
Child's principal home address (the full address including postcode)
Date moved to this address (use the format Day/Month/Year)
Please give the full name of the early years provision (if any) your child currently attends
Full name of early years provider Tel. no.
If it is not a Royal Greenwich provider, please provide the full address including postcode

Last date of attendance

Title (tick box)
Mr Mrs Miss Ms Other
Family name/surname Given name(s) Middle name(s)
Parent or carers principal home address (full address including postcode)
Daytime tel. no. Email
Relationship to child (please tick)
Mother Father Other (please specify)

Early years provision 2
Childs details 1
Parent or carers details 3
(For office use only)
Please write the full name of up to six primary schools ranked
in order of preference. You should list all state maintained
schools or academies (not private schools) for which you are
applying, including any schools outside the Royal Borough of
Greenwich. Your application details will be forwarded to the
relevant local authority or school as appropriate. If you are
applying for a place at St Mary Magdalene CE School or as a
faith entrant at another school with a religious ethos, you will
also need to complete a supplementary information form and
return it to the school. Please include the name, gender and
date of birth of any sibling (brother or sister) who will be
attending the school (not the nursery) in September 2015. If
you wish to state why you are applying for a particular school,
please complete the appropriate box under Reason for
Looked after and previously looked after children 4
School preferences 5
Medical or social reasons 6
Do you feel that there is an acute medical or social reason
why your child should be offered a particular school? Yes No (tick box)
If yes, you must provide supporting evidence with your application. You will need to demonstrate why the school
is the most suitable for your child and the implications if your application is not successful.
Note: Travel, work or childcare arrangements, or moderate learning difficulties are not considered as being an acute medical
or social need.
Preference 1
Preference 2
Preference 3
Preference 4
Preference 5
Preference 6
Is your child looked after or previously looked after and now adopted or subject to a residence or special guardianship
order, immediately following having been looked after?
Yes No (tick box)
You will need to provide a letter confirming the legal status of your child.
Full name of primary school Local authority in which
the school is situated
Reason for preference Brothers or sisters already
attending the school
Full name, gender,
date of birth
Full name, gender,
date of birth
Full name, gender,
date of birth
Full name, gender,
date of birth
Full name, gender,
date of birth
Full name, gender,
date of birth
Declaration 7
Checklist Before returning this form, please ensure that you have:
Checked the admission arrangements for all preference schools.
Completed a supplementary information form where necessary.
Provided proof of address if you are not liable for Council Tax or have recently moved.
Please do not send original documents.
Provided any supporting evidence.
Completed all relevant sections of this form.
If you are submitting this form after the closing date, you need to state the reason why you are making a late
application, providing documentary evidence where possible.
I wish to make an application to the schools listed in Section
5, which I have ranked in order of preference. I certify that I
am the person with parental responsibility for the child
named in Section 1 and that the information given is true to
the best of my knowledge and belief. I agree to the
Admissions Service checking Council Tax records held by
the Royal Borough of Greenwich concerning the address I
have given on this form as my place of residence in order to
confirm that those records show me as a resident at the
property. I understand that any false or deliberately
misleading information given on this form and/or
supporting papers, or any relevant information withheld,
may render this application form invalid and could lead to
the withdrawal of an offer of a primary school place for
my child.
By signing this form, I confirm that I have read the Primary Schools in Royal Greenwich 2015/16 booklet.
Signature of parent or carer Date
Information supplied will be used for registered purposes under the Data Protection Act 1998.
The completed form must be returned by 15th January 2015.
The form must be returned to the Admissions Service at The Woolwich Centre, 35 Wellington Street, London SE18 6HQ
or emailed to

Childrens Services
Admissions Service
The Woolwich Centre
35 Wellington Street
London SE18 6HQ
Contact Centre: 020 8921 8043

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