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902.461.9617 112 Ross Street, Halifax, NS c33lu@hotmail.

Dalhousie University
Research Assistant, 02/2014-Present
Wrote and implemented web scraping and data
analysis scripts (Python, SPSS) and mapped results.
Completed/edited scientfc artcles and
documentaton. Prepared undergraduate
environmental engineering course materials,
including presentatons, tutorials, and assignments.
China Meteorological Bureau
Associate Editor, 09/2013-12/2013
Managed data collecton, database management
(SQL), and statstcal analysis projects. Edited scientfc
journal artcles, created presentatons, briefng notes,
and reports to inform sponsorship agencies and
internatonal joint commitees.
University of Waterloo
Research Assistant, 01/2013-04/2013
Interviewed 200+ research partcipants and trained
them in usage of test equipment. Confgured online
informaton collecton systems and analyzed results.
Revised experimental procedures, surveys, and
University of Waterloo
Bachelor of Science, Psychology, 09/2008-06/2013
Minor in Biology. cmGPA: 3.9. Treasurer, Quiz Bowl and Science Ficton
(WatSFiC) Societes. Member of the University of Waterloos Canadian
University Chess Championship and Debate teams and Cuban Salsa Group.
Tests and Measurement
Advanced Data Analysis
Quanttatve Modeling
Research Methods
Experiment, Test, & Survey Design Programming: Python, Java, Perl Financial & Technical Analyses
Research Methods, Modeling SQL Relatonal Databases Technical Writng & Documentng
Regression, Cluster, Factor Analyses Data Auditng & Standardizing Briefng Notes, Reports, and Papers
SPSS, Excel, VBA, MATLAB Web Data Integraton Debate & Presentatons
Sackville Public Library
Technical Writer, 06/2012-08/2012
Devised, tested, and published technology and
sofware learning modules. Redesigned and updated
previous course material. Supervised technical training
sessions implementng adult educaton methods.
Saint Marys University
Research Assistant, 06/2010-08/2010
Performed laboratory procedures including PCR
testng, electrophoresis, and UV imaging. Acquired,
cultvated, catalogued, and extracted genetc material
from specimens. Ensured safety regulaton
compliance; purchased, sterilized, and disposed of
Bedford Institute of Oceanography
Research Assistant, 06/2009-08/2009
Conducted statstcal analyses on mult-satellite
Atlantc Ocean spatal and spectral data. Compared
against models, wrote Perl scripts, and prepared
reports, scientfc publicatons, and visual media.


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