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16 IEEE POTENTIALS 0278-6648/14/$31.

onventional worldwide power
systems produce a significant
amount of greenhouse gas emis-
sions mainly due to their use of
fossil fuels for power generation.
In addition, the typical power grid in
most countries consists of an aged infra-
structure. Although the power grid has
provided several decades of useful ser-
vice, its dependence on fossil fuels can
be reduced. The next-generation power
grid is generally referred to as the smart
grid. The smart grid is envisioned as a
cyberphysical system that will utilize
modern communication technologies
extensively to maximize operational effi-
ciency of energy production, transmis-
sion, and delivery.
Twenty-first century communication
technologies can facilitate the operational
effectiveness of the power system by ena-
bling demand response functionality as
well as improving reaction time during
power outages. The use of the existing
power system infrastructure itself, as a
medium for data communications, has gen-
erated worldwide appeal. Despite healthy
competition from wireless technology,
powerline communications (PLC) remains
viable as a smart grid enabling tool. In par-
ticular, narrowband powerline communica-
tions (NB-PLCs) show incredible potential.
There are a plethora of NB-PLC standards,
Date of publication: 7 January 2014
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/MPOT.2013.2249691
Narrowband power line
Enabling the smart grid
each with their inherent advantages and
disadvantages. This article will explore
some of the various NB-PLC standards as
an enabler for the smart grid.
Eyeing advantages
Perhaps the salient advantage of PLC
over wireless technology lies in commu-
nication performance in highly urban-
ized areas. In these metropolitan areas,
attenuation losses to wireless communi-
cations are high, and signal strength is
low or non-existent. Figure 1 illustrates
the interference of signals that can occur
in metropolitan areas due to physical
objects. Fading causes a problem since
communication with the electric meter
may not be available in all locations or at
all times.
On the other hand, high-rise apart-
ments are common in these highly built-
up areas. In these high-rise apartments,
the electricity meters are typically
located in the basement. Communication
with meters in an underground location
provides another challenge. PLCs pro-
vide a viable communication solution
with these meters. Figure 2 illustrates
the location of electricity meters in the
basement of a typical high-rise apart-
ment building. The pervasive nature of
power lines within buildings makes
NB-PLC an effective solution for com-
munication with electric meters, espe-
cially when they are located in areas
where wireless coverage would be poor.
The world is undergoing the largest
wave of urban growth in history. In 2008,
for the first time in history, more than half
of the worlds population was living in
towns and cities. By 2030 this number
will increase to almost 5 billion. With
such a large population concentrated in
urbanized areas, a communications solu-
tion that provides reliable metering within
highly urban areas is desired. Furthermore,
since the power system infrastructure is
maintained by the utility, PLC communi-
cations would incur no additional costs
such as those associated with using exter-
nal communication options provided via
wireless service providers. PLCs can be
divided into two large classes: narrow-
band and broadband.
Narrowband PLCs
Narrowband PLCs typically operate in
the frequency range from 3 KHz to
500kHz. This narrowband technology is
further subdivided into those that make
use of multicarrier-based technology such
as orthogonal frequency division multi-
plexing (OFDM) and those that utilize
single carrier technology. In fact, the mul-
ticarrier-based technologies offer higher
data rates. Examples of these multicarrier
narrowband technologies are Powerline
Intelligent Metering Evolution (PRIME)
and G3-PLC. Both PRIME and G-3 PLC
were developed specifically with utility
applications in mind. Additionally, IEEE
1901.2 and ITU-T G.hnem are two prom-
ising, next generation NB-PLC standards
because of their improved data rates
compared to PRIME and G3-PLC. ITU-T
G.hnem and IEEE 1901.2 are based on
two proven OFDM technologies, PRIME
and G-3 PLC.
Broadband PLCs
Broadband PLCs usually function in
the frequency range from 1.8 MHz to
250 MHz and offer data speeds of up to
several hundred megabits per second.
Some examples of broadband PLC
Fig. 1 An example of physical obstacles causing interference in urban areas.
Example of an
ir C
Fig. 2 Electricity meters in the basement of a high-rise apartment complex.
technology include HomePlug AV,
HomePlug Green PHY, IEEE 1901, and
Unlike broadband PLCs, some NB-PLC
technologies offer the advantage of being
able to communicate through transform-
ers. Lower frequencies are able to cross
the transformer more effectively than the
higher frequencies utilized by broadband
PLCs. This feature is advantageous in that
NB-PLC technology can be utilized for
longer distances on the electric power
grid without the need for repeaters. The
installation of repeaters can increase the
cost of PLC deployment substantially.
Enabling the smart grid
NB-PLC can potentially form the
communication core of an intelligent
power system. For instance, NB-PLC
can be used to transmit energy con-
sumption data from the residential side
to the utility in real time. This data
enables the utility to have an increased
awareness of the demand on the power
grid. Additionally, if there is a fault on
the power system, bidirectional com-
munications, provided by NB-PLC can
facilitate faster and more efficient resto-
ration of power. Figure 3 provides a
basic schematic for the use of NB-PLC
as a backhaul technology and for the
control of devices at the residential end.
With the advent of bidirectional com-
munications in the smart grid, the poten-
tial for a host of other energy manage-
ment applications becomes possible. For
instance, the electric meter at the house-
hold can function as a central access
point to modulate the use of certain
appliances in response to time of use
pricing from the utility company.
Time-of-use pricing enables the utility
to set higher prices for electricity con-
sumption during peak times and reduced
prices during off-peak times. The aim of
time-of-use pricing is to encourage cus-
tomers to shift their energy consumption
away from peak times. Reduction in peak
demand reduces the need for bringing
inefficient peaking power plants online.
PLC essentials
Although PLCs may differ in terms of
physical layer (PHY) and medium access
control (MAC) specifications, they essen-
tially function in the same way. A cou-
pler is used to inject the PLC signal into
the electric power line. These couplers
may be inductive or capacitive. Inductive
couplers do not require a physical con-
nection with the bare wire, while capaci-
tive couplers require a physical connec-
tion. Additionally, in the deployment of
PLC systems, data concentrators are uti-
lized to convert the power line signals
from the individual electric meters into a
form that is more acceptable to a central-
ized data server.
Additionally, PLCs are a form of infor-
mation communications technology and,
as such, error detection and error correc-
tion mechanisms are important. Forward
error correction (FEC) enables errors to
be corrected without the need for retrans-
mission of data. Another error control
technique used by some PLC technology
is automatic repeat request (ARQ). ARQ
instantly requests a retransmission when
errors are detected. This ability to correct
data without retransmission is key in
applications where retransmission may
be too time consuming or impossible.
There are several types of FEC available.
Some examples of FEC coding include
Reed-Solomon coding and convolutional
coding. Different PLC standards use dif-
ferent levels of FEC. The more robust the
FEC employed, the more processing
power that is typically required at each
node. With increased processing power
requirements, the chipsets needed would
be more expensive. Many PLC systems
employ both FEC and ARQ schemes to
satisfy performance requirements.
Government regulations
concerning PLC operation
NB-PLC technology has a larger
potential to be deployed worldwide as a
smart grid communication tool from a
government regulation standpoint. In
addition to the power-system topology,
it is vital to understand that government
regulations within a specific country
would influence the PLC technology that
would be deployed within that country.
For instance, Galli et al. report that
Japans regulatory polices prevent the use
of broadband PLC outdoors. Therefore, in
Japan, PLC operating in the frequency
range between 2 and 30MHz would not
be allowed outdoors. However, NB-PLC
is a potential candidate for outdoor use in
Japan. Due to its abilities to cross the
transformer and its potential for providing
reliable communications at low power
consumption and cost, this article will
survey some of the most popular NB-PLC
technologies available.
Some European countries have
agreed that certain frequencies on the
power line be allocated for certain pur-
poses. For instance, Galli et al. report
that CENELEC EN 50065 (a European
standard) allows communication over
low voltage (LV) distribution power
line in the frequency range from 3 kHz
to 148.5 kHz. Razazian et al. reported
that in the United States, the Federal
Communications Commission has allot-
ted the spectrum between 14 and 480
kHz as one wideband channel. It can
be observed that it is difficult for one
specific standard to be the best choice
as each power system topology and the
respective regulations of each country
provides unique challenges.
PRIME is a narrowband OFDM PLC
technology that achieves data rates of up
to 130 kb/s. PRIME was conceptualized in
2006 with the needs of utility companies
in mind and utilizes a nonproprietary
PHY/MAC specification that has the
potential to become a globally recog-
nized industry standard. PRIME uses a
convolutional code as its FEC mechanism.
Berganza et al. indicated that PRIME
allows for cost-effective seamless integra-
tion with established standard metering
protocols such as device language
Central Access Point
Backhaul (NB-PLC Communications)
(System 2)
Home Area Network
(PLC Enabled)
Low Voltage Power Generation
Fig. 3 The potential use for NB-PLC as a smart grid enabler (backhaul communication).
message specification/companion specifi-
cation for energy metering (DLMS/
COSEM). Furthermore, Berganza et al.
reported that this compatibility with
DLMS/COSEM is a significant benefit of
PRIME. The DLMS/COSEM standard suite
is the most widely accepted international
standard for utility meter data exchange.
Fundamentally, DLMS/COSEM is a stan-
dardized message that allows for
interoperability with different types of
communications media.
Essentially, the PRIME Alliance is
responsible for promoting PRIME as a
global power line standard and for
encouraging multivendor interoperabil-
ity for markets/equipment. As of 2011,
Iberdrola, a Spanish-based multinational
utility company, had deployed 100,000
PRIME compliant meters in its electricity
distribution network in Castellon, Spain.
In their field deployment, Ibedrola
gained considerable insight into the
challenges faced with PRIME technol-
ogy. In fact, Berganza et al. identified
wideband interfering noise sources as
the single most common and serious
challenge involving PRIME deployments.
In particular, Berganza et al. identified
equipment such as garage ventilation
systems and defective lighting systems as
being a major contributor to this noise
on the power line. Noise on the power
line reduces data rates and, in some situ-
ations, can even impede communica-
tions. Berganza et al. proposed that fil-
ters at customers residences could
resolve the problem. Iberdrola is one of
the top five electric utility companies in
the world and has a worldwide market
of 30 million customers. As a principal
member of the PRIME alliance, Iberdrola
is actively promoting the PRIME NB-PLC
specification for smart grid applications
on the LV grid.
G3-PLC is an NB-PLC specification
developed to operate in the frequency
range from 35.9 kHz to 90.6kHz. G3-PLC
uses fast Fourier transform-based OFDM.
The G3-PLC specification was developed
by Maxim Integrated Products in collab-
oration with the French utility company
lectricit Rseau Distribution France.
One of the outstanding features of G3
PLC technology is its use of adaptive
tone mapping, whereby the system auto-
matically uses the part of the spectrum
that has the least amount of noise in
order to maximize data rate. Due to vari-
ous frequency regulations in different
countries, there are different versions of
G3-PLC. For instance, G3 FCC has been
developed to take advantage of the
legally available PLC spectrum in the
United States. Kaveh Razazian and fellow
researchers at Maxim Integrated Research
indicated that G3-PLC with D8PSK mod-
ulation can achieve data rates of up to
208 kb/s. Moreover, G-3 PLC is a PLC
specification intended for both medium
and LV networks.
Additionally, there is G-3 PLC Lite that
offers similar performance capabilities of
the G3-PLC chip set. G-3 PLC lite appears
to be more cost effective and, as a result,
does not support some features of
G3-PLC. These features that are lacking
include QPSK and 8PSK modulations,
adaptive tone mapping, as well as sup-
port for IPv6. Incidentally, Razazian et al.
conducted field trials in the U.S. distribu-
tion grid utilizing G-3 PLC Lite technol-
ogy. On one field trial, it was determined
that transformers can attenuate the G3
PLC Lite signal by more than 50 dB.
Razazian et al. demonstrated that the
received signal is the same level as noise
and highlighted the need for a power
line specification with a robust FEC
mechanism as provided by the G3-PLC
Anot her r eal pr obl em, whi ch
Razazian et al. identified in their study,
is the impact of capacitor banks during
PLC over medium voltage (MV) lines.
Certainly, on the MV grid, it is critical
that long distance communication be
achieved with minimum use of repeat-
ers. Undoubtedly, using fewer repeat-
ers would enable cost savings to the
utility. Razazian et al. informed that
these capacitor banks limit communica-
tion distances and data rates when they
are turned on. Moreover, Razazian et al.
reported that in a real-world test per-
formed in which a capacitor bank was
active, G3-PLC Lite achieved a data rate
of 33 kb/s at a communication distance
of 1 km. However, t he aforesai d
researchers conceded that the capacitor
bank probl em woul d need t o be
addressed by the use of repeaters.
Indeed, the aforementioned research
provides valuable insight for the future
deployment of G-3 PLC technology.
ITU-T G.hnem
G.hnem is an NB-PLC standard initi-
ated by the telecommunications sector
of the International Telecommunications
Union. The G.hnem project was insti-
gated in January 2010 with the intention
of developing a unified next generation,
worldwide standard for NB-PLC technol-
ogy. The G.hnem standard was specifi-
cally designed to facilitate smart grid
applications such as demand response
(DR) and advanced metering infrastruc-
ture (AMI).
Essentially, G.hnem integrates fea-
tures from both PRIME and G-3 PLC
standards and adds novel features for
claimed enhancements in coverage,
throughput, and reliability. G.hnem sup-
ports a data rate of 1 Mb/s and utilizes
Reed-Solomon and convolutional coding
as its FEC mechanism. Additionally,
G.hnem transceivers are highly parame-
terized and can be programmed to oper-
ate in the different frequency bands as
required by the regulatory bodies in
various countries. Therefore, it is possi-
ble that one G.hnem transceiver design
can be mass manufactured and individu-
ally programmed for the desired country
of use. This feature is notable when
compared to transceivers based on other
NB-PLC standards.
Markedly, G3-PLC FCC utilizes a dif-
ferent setup that is compatible in the
United States but not in Europe. This use
of a single design may reduce manufac-
turing costs for the G.hnem transceiver
and simplify global deployments of PLC
systems for the smart grid. However,
there are some disadvantages with
G.hnem. For instance, G.hnem is a
newer standard, and it has not been
tested as extensively in field deployment
as PRIME and G-3 PLC. Although G.hnem
promises a substantially higher data rate
than PRIME and G-3 PLC, the actual data
rate of G.hnem and its immunity to
noise needs to be tested in field deploy-
ment. Further research needs to be per-
formed to ascertain the cost effective-
ness of deploying G.hnem transceivers
as compared to thedeployment of trans-
ceivers based onother NB-PLC technol-
ogies. Dr. Vladimir Oksman, director of
technical marketing at Lantiq, reported
that G.hnem coexistence with other
NB-PLC can be used to
transmit energy consumption
data from the residential side
to the utility in real time.
This data enables the utility
to have an increased
awareness of the demand
on the power grid.
NB-PLC networks such as PRIME and
G-3 PLC, as well as IEEE 1901.2, is cur-
rently under study.
IEEE 1901.2
IEEE 1901.2 is a standard for low fre-
quency NB-PLC under development by
IEEE. IEEE 1901.2 is similar to ITU-T
G.hnem in that IEEE 1901.2 also adds
technological advances to G-3 PLC and
PRIME specifications. For instance, IEEE
Standards Association Marketing Man-
ager Shang Yu reports that IEEE 1901.2
is designed to support smart grid appli-
cations that include grid to utility meter
communications, electric vehicle to
charging station, home area networking,
and solar panel communications. IEEE
1901.2 promises data rates of up to 500
kb/s. IEEE 1901.2 is designed to work on
LV lines of fewer than 1,000 V and on
MV lines of up to 72 kV.
As with other NB-PLC technologies,
IEEE 1901.2 supports communication
through transformers and promises to
support interoperability with existing
PRIME and G3-PLC OFDM technologies.
IEEE 1901.2 is designed to work in the
frequency band of 10490 kHz and
accommodates various country band
regulations. IEEE 1901.2 utilizes Reed-
Solomon and convolutional coding as its
FEC mechanisms.
Challenges in field deployment
There are various power system topol-
ogies and communication regulations
around the world. As a result, some
NB-PLC technologies may be more effec-
tive than others in certain environments.
For instance, in several urban areas in
European countries, the MV line goes to a
substation room, and a few transformers
may serve a large number of homes in
this configuration. However, in countries
with lower population densities such as
the United States and Canada, the feeders
are basically the MV lines. These homes
are typically served by an aerial trans-
former. In these situations, only a few
homes may be served by a single trans-
former. These various configurations
would impact the power line specifica-
tion that a utility would deem most suit-
able for its specific market.
Although NB-PLC technologies have
the ability to cross the transformer, there
is a significant reduction in the signal-to-
noise ratio. A lower signal-to-noise ratio
increases the chance of errors during
data transmission. Therefore, in applica-
tions where the power line signal has to
be transmitted across a large number of
transformers, a PLC technology with
more robust FEC is desired.
For instance, G3-PLC has more rigor-
ous FEC mechanisms than PRIME. Mark-
edly, G3-PLC facilitates the Reed-Solomon
code and convolutional code as its FEC
mechanisms. Simulations performed by
Martin Hoch of the Friedrich-Alexander-
Universitat Erlangen-Nuremberg indi-
cated that due to its additional FEC,
G3-PLC performs better than PRIME
when subjected to the noise environment
typical of a power line. Razazian et al.
confirmed that G3-PLC is able to transmit
across the transformer.
PRIME may not be as effective as
G3-PLC in communicating across the
transformer since PRIME does not have a
FEC mechanism that is as robust. If a
power line technology is unable to pene-
trate the transformer effectively, additional
equipment is required to enable commu-
nications around the transformer. On the
other hand, utilizing a more robust FEC
mechanism requires additional processing
power. Therefore, the chip set required at
each node in a G3-PLC network may be
more sophisticated in order to handle
additional processing, and thus, it is more
expensive. There are several cost and per-
formance tradeoffs in NB-PLC technolo-
gies that need to be examined by utilities
for their specific needs.
When deploying PLCs, utilities need
to decide on the extent of the smart grid
services they wish to deploy. For
instance, the U.S. Department of Energy
reported that AMI and DR data-rate
requirements are expected to be around
100 kb/s and 500 kb/s for backhaul.
Based on the requirements, PRIME and
G3-PLC appear to be appropriate for
data communications to the individual
nodes but insufficient for the backhaul.
On the other hand, next-generation
NB-PLC standards ITU-T G.hnem and
IEEE 1901.2 promise data rates that would
be sufficient for both the individual
electric meters and the backhaul.
However, ITU-T G.HNEM and IEEE 1901.2
are newer standards and thus need to be
tested more extensively in field deploy-
ments in order to fully prove their merit.
Without question, information and
communication technologies will play a
vital role in enabling the next-generation
power systems to be more energy efficient
and reliable than currently existing power
systems. In particular, on the LV and MV
grids, NB-PLC technologies are particularly
attractive as a communications solution
due to their low cost of deployment and
ability to communicate across the trans-
former. This ability to cross the transformer
is vital in power system topologies with
lower population densities. It was ascer-
tained that wideband interfering noise
sources, such as defective lighting systems,
hampered communication in both PRIME
and G3-PLC systems.
Additionally, the next-generation
NB-PLC standards ITU-T G.hnem and
IEEE 1901.2 were investigated. ITU-T
G.hnem and IEEE 1901.2 seek to unify
NB-PLC technologies and promise
higher data rates than PRIME or G3-PLC.
Surely, narrowband PLC technologies
have a critical role in enabling a more
efficient and reliable power grid.
Read more about it
United Nations Population Fund.
(2010, Apr. 15). Urbanization: A majority
in cities [Online]. Available: http://www.
S. Galli, A. Scaglione, and W. Zhi-
fang. (2010, Oct. 46). Power line commu-
nications and the smart grid. presented
at 1st IEEE Int. Conf. Smart Grid Commu-
nications. pp. 303308. [Online]. Avail-
K. Razazian, A. Kamalizad, M.
Umari, Q. Qu, V. Loginov, and M. Navid,
G3-PLC field trials in U.S. distribution grid:
Initial results and requirements, in Proc.
IEEE Int. Symp. Power Line Communica-
tions Applications, Apr. 2011, pp. 153158.
(2012, Apr. 22). Technology over-
view [Online]. Available: http://www.
I. Berganza, A. Sendin, A. Arzuaga,
M. Sharma, and B. Varadarajan. (2011,
Oct. 1720). PRIME on-field deployment
first summary of results and discussion.
presented at IEEE Int. Conf. Smart Grid
Communications. pp. 297302. [Online].
Twenty-first century
communication technologies
can facilitate the operational
effectiveness of the power
system by enabling demand
response functionality as well
as improving reaction time
during power outages.
st amp.j sp?tp=&arnumber=6102336&
(2012, Apr. 22). 09-3 DLMS/COSEM
for Smart Metering. [Online]. Available:
(2012, Apr. 14). S Iberdrola looks
to prime PLC standard. [Online]. Avail-
able: URL: http://www.greentechmedia.
K. Razazian, A. Kamalizad, M.
Umari, Q. Qu, V. Loginov, and M.
Navid. (2011, Apr. 36). G3-PLC field
trials in U.S. distribution grid: Initial
results and requirements. presented
at IEEE Int. Symp. Power Line Com-
munications Applications. pp. 153158.
[Online]. Available:
V. Oksman and J. Zhang. (2011,
Dec.). G.HNEM: The new ITU-T stand-
ard on narrowband PLC technology.
IEEE Commun. Mag. [Online]. 49(12), pp.
3644. Available:
A. Rossello-Busquet. (2012, Jan
Feb. 302). G.hnem for AMI and DR.
presented at Int. Conf. Computing, Net-
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(2012, June 7). IEEE P1901.2
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line]. Available:
About the authors
Anim Amarsingh (animamarsingh@ earned his B.Sc. degree in elec-
trical engineering (summa cum laude)
from Morgan State University in 2011.
He is currently a Ph.D. student in elec-
trical engineering at the University of
Florida. His research interests include
smart grids, information and com-
munications technology, and energy
Haniph A. Latchman (latchman@list. earned his Ph.D. degree from
Oxford University (Rhodes scholar)
in 1986 and his B.Sc. degree (first
class honors) from the University of
the West IndiesTrinidad and Tobago
in 1981. He is a professor of electri-
cal and computer engineering at the
University of Florida and director of the
Laboratory for Information Systems and
Telecommunications (LIST).
Duotong Yang (yangduotong@ufl.
edu) earned his B.Sc. degree in elec-
trical engineering from North China
Electric Power University in 2011. He
is currently pursuing his M.S. degree
in electrical engineering at the Uni-
versity of Florida. His research inter-
ests include dynamic pricing for smart
grids, net-metering based on power
line communication, and renewable
energy adaptation.
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/MPOT.2013.2295161
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