GorjussAmi - ENG PDF

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This is just a basic english translation of the doll and dress.

For information on why I

designed this doll, for tutorials and video links, an option for a hand (rather than just a
doll arm) and instructions for the teddy bear, please visit my blog here
8 ply/DK cotton yarn - choice o lesh colour!
8 ply/DK cotton yarn "#lac$ an% &hite' or stoc$in(s!
8 ply/DK cotton yarn or %ress!
)otton perle threa% in si*e + or hair!
-!+.. hoo$
,aety eyes
/ritten &ith stan%ar% U, ter.s!
sc 0 sin(le crochet
inc 0 increase
%ec 0 %ecrease
%c 0 %ou#le crochet
sl st 0 slip stitch
ch 0 chain

/or$e% in a spiral2 use a .ar$er or the #e(innin( o each roun%!
In your choice o lesh-colore% !
3! - 4 sc in a .a(ic rin( "4'
-! - sc t&ice in each st "inc 4 ti.es' "3-'
5! - 6sc2 inc6 repeat 6 to en% "38'
7! - 6- sc2 inc62 repeat 6 to en% "-7'
+! - 65 sc2 inc62 repeat 6 to en% "58'
4! - 67 sc2 inc62 repeat 6 to en% "54'
9! - 6+ sc2 inc62 repeat 6 to en% "7-'
8! - 64 sc2 inc62 repeat 6 to en% "78'
:! - 69 sc2 inc62 repeat 6 to en% "+7'
38--3! - 3 sc in each st "+7'
--! - 69 sc2 3 %ec62 repeat 6 to en% "78'
-5! - 64 sc2 3 %ec62 repeat 6 to en% "7-'
-7! - 3 sc in each point "7-'
I usin( saety eyes2 attach these no&! 1ei(ht use% is #et&een ro&s 3- ; 35!
-+! - + sc2 3 %ec2 repeat to en% "54'
-4! - 7 sc2 3 %ec2 repeat to en% "58'
-9! - 5 sc2 3 %ec2 repeat to en% "-7'
-8! - - sc2 3 %ec!2 repeat to en% "38'!
<oin &ith a sl st2 lea=in( a lon( stran% to attach the #o%y!
,tu the hea% an% set asi%e!
>e(s are .a%e seperately2 then joine% to(ether sea.lessly &ith the #o%y!
>e(sB .a$e - the sa.e! Each ro& is joine% &ith a sl st an% #e(ins &ith a ch 3! ,tu the
le(s as your (o!
,tartin( &ith #lac$2 ch +!
3! - ,c in the -n% ch ro. the hoo$2 - sc2 5 sc in the last chain! Turn the piece an%2
continuin( %o&n the opposite si%e2 - sc an% sc t&ice in the last chain "38'
-! - - sc in the irst st2 - sc2 inc 5 ti.es2 - sc2 inc - ti.es! "34'
5 ! - inc2 7 sc2 inc 7 ti.es2 7 sc2 inc 5 ti.es "-7'
7! - 3 sc in each point "-7'
+! - 9 sc2 %ec 5 ti.es2 3 sc in each stitch until the en% o the roun% "-3'
4! - 4 sc2 %ec 5 ti.es2 3 sc in each stitch until the last t&o sts2 %ec the last - sts "39'
9! - + sc2 %ec 5 ti.es2 3 sc in each stitch until the en% o the roun% "37'
8 -:! - In &hite 2 3 sc in each point "37'
38-33! - In #lac$ 2 3 sc in each point "37'
3--35! - In &hite 2 3 sc in each point " 37'
37-3+! - In #lac$ 2 3 sc in each point "37'
34-39! - In &hite 2 3 sc in each point "37'
38-3:! - In #lac$ 2 3 sc in each point "37'
-8--3! - In &hite 2 3 sc in each point "37'
----5! - In #lac$ 2 3 sc in each point "37'
-7--+! - In &hite 2 3 sc in each point "37'
-4--9! - In #lac$ 2 3 sc in each point "37'
-8-58! - <oin your lesh color an% .a$e 3 sc in each point! "37'
To .a$e the #o%y2 hol% the le(s to(ether &ith the eet sli(htly turne% in&ar%s! /or$in(
o=er #oth le(sB
3! - 35 sc2 inc2 35 sc2 inc "58'
--8! - 3 sc in each point "58'
:! - 6%ec2 5 sc62 repeat 6 to en% "-7'
38-35! - 3 sc in each point "-7'
37! - 6inc2 5 sc62 repeat 6 to en% "58'
3+! - 6inc2 7 sc62 repeat 6 to en% "54'
34! - 3 sc in each point "54'
39! - 6%ec2 7 sc62 repeat 6 to en% "58'
38! - 56 sc2 %ec62 repeat 6 to en% "-7'
3:--8! - 3 sc in each point "-7'
-3! - 6- sc2 %ec62 repeat 6 to en% "38'
--! - 3 sc at each point "38'!
<oin &ith a sl st2 lea=in( a lon( stran% to attach the hea%!
,tu the #o%y2 then se& the #o%y an% the hea% to(ether!
ARM,B Ma$e -! ,tu as you (o!
/or$e% in lesh color2 startin( &ith a .a(ic rin(! They are &or$e% in a spiral!
3! - Ma(ic rin( &ith 4 sc "4'
-! - inc 4 ti.es "3-'
9--8! - 3 sc in each point "3-'
<oin &ith a sl st2 lea=in( a lon( stran% an% attach the. to the #o%y!
/or$e% in ro&s2 not roun%s! "ch5 counts as irst %c'
3! - chain 54
--7! - ch 52 turn! %c in the -n% stitch! %c to en%! "54'
+ on&ar%s! - 38 %c2 inc2 repeat to en%!
@nce &e ha=e the %esire% len(th asten o an% lea=e a lon( tail! ?aste/han%se& a piece
o lace to the #otto.2 place it un%er the ar.s an% sea. the %ress ro. #ehin% &ith a
e& points!
To create collar "an% hi%e the sea.s o the ar.s' B ch 532 sc in secon% ch ro. the hoo$2
sc to en% "58'! ,e& to the top o the %ress an% to the %oll i preere%!
The hair can #e la#orious! )ut pieces o yarn t&ice as lon( as inal hair len(th! Col% in
hal an attach to the hea% #y your preere% .etho% "slip $not2 se& into place2 tie on
in%i=i%ually etc'!
1ere is a tutorial you can =ie& or hair i%eas!

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