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The present investigation was referred "to the Study of physical skills
techniques in children under 10 categories and 12 schools in football and its
relationship with the basics" North Hills "," County ", city Quito, Pichincha
province during the school year 2012. " Alternative proposal. Technical Physical
Condition of the athletes who play this important sport. This degree work was to
diagnose the physical and technical qualities, known results, produced a
teaching guide for improving the physical qualities, using appropriate methods,.
In the research mode corresponds to a feasible project, was based on
qualitative research, not experimental, exploratory, descriptive, propositional
investigated was The coaches and school children soccer County Quito who
constituted population and study group. The test was the research technique
that allowed to collect information related to the problem of study and a survey
to see if coaches are evaluating and selecting appropriately to future players.
The Teaching Guide literature whose Physical Status Technical benefited the
coaches of the teams in question, the same as in their class sessions create an
atmosphere due to the large variety of exercises and games used to teach the
technical foundations football by technical physical exercises, where children
learn their skills significantly. At about the physical condition was to highlight the
following important aspects that contribute to the integral formation of the Child.
The school physical education programs are an important part of general
education and should give greater importance to the development and
maintenance of exercise habits for life, and instruct on how to achieve and
maintain a proper physical condition. The amount of exercise required to
achieve health and optimal functional capacity at different ages has not been
precisely defined. Until more definitive evidence available, current
recommendations are that children and young people carried out in 20-30
minutes of vigorous exercise every day. Usually, in physical education classes
dedicated time to develop physical fitness activities, but the total time of the
lesson is usually sufficient to develop and maintain optimal physical condition. .
The influence of home is important, and should be encouraged parents to show
interest in fitness as an important factor affecting the health and welfare of their
children. Parents should work with local school staff and teachers to promote
fitness. Parents should strive to be models of good physical condition.

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