Project Planning & WBS

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1. Primary Purpose of Planning - to establish a set of directions in sufcient
detail to determine: -
(i) What must be done, how and when
(ii) Resources required to deliver the proects successfull!
(iii) What ris"s and short-comin#s that ma! come ahead
$. Defniion of Planning - answers to the followin# questions: -
(i) What must be done
(ii) %ow should it be done
(iii) Who will do it
(iv) When must it be done
(v) %ow much will it cost
(vi) %ow #ood does it have to be
&. 'o plan e(ectivel!: -
(i) 'he proect team must plan-to-plan - heard of the sa!in# !failure o
plan is a plan o fail"#
(ii) )eople who will implement the plan must participate in the plannin#
(iii) *e prepared to replan as the process pro#resses.
(iv) +onduct ris" anal!sis.
(v) *e#in with a problem statement - i#e# purpose of $e pro%e&.
(vi) ,se wor" brea"down structure to divide the wor" into smaller -chun"s.
for better estimate of time, cost and resource needed.
/. 0enerall!, a preliminary pro%e& plan (or proect charter document) must
contain the followin# elements: -
(i) O'er'ie( - short summar! of obectives and scope of the proect
indicatin# the problem statement and how it is related to the mission
of the or#anisation.
(ii) O)%e&i'es - a more detailed statement of what is to be achieved
includin# technical #oals, competitive aims and 1nancial bene1ts.
(iii) General approa&$ - describes mana#erial and technical approach to
(iv) Conra&ual aspe&s - listin# reportin# requirements, review and
contrdocuments, speci1cations, etc.
(v) *&$e+ule - showin# duration estimates of each tas" that is used to
prepare the master schedule.
(vi) Resour&es - indicatin# bud#ets and cost estimates includin# cost
control procedures. 2lso indicates other resources required for the
(vii) Personnel - to determine the manpower and their relevant e3pertise
needed for the proect.
(viii) E'aluaion me$o+s - procedures to monitor and storin# pro#ress
histor! of the proect. )roects must be evaluated4audited a#ainst
a#reed standard e.#. a benchmar"in# procedure.
(i3) Poenial pro)lems - ris" mana#ement procedures.
,Also refer o - . - /
E+iion0 C$aper 10 Pg# 12341567
5. 6nce the proect plan is approved, it becomes a basis for detailed plannin# of
bud#ets7 schedules wor" plan and #eneral mana#ement of the proect. 'o
assist in sortin# out and plannin# all these details the hierarchical plannin#
s!stem (also called the -even plannin# processes) ma! be adopted. 8t
involves constructin# an 2ction )lan and Wor" *rea"down 9tructure (W*9).
:. 2n action plan ma! be described as a tabulation that must include a list of
the maor activities in the #eneral order in which the! would occur - usuall!
between $ to $; main activities. 'his is referred to as <evel 1. =ach activit!
in <evel 1 ma! be bro"en down further into $ to $; sub-tas"s to establish
<evel $. <evel & ma! be established as a further brea"down of the tas"s in
<evel $. 'his ma! be done until it is felt to be no lon#er necessar!.
'he action plan will also indicate the people responsible for a particular tas"
and the duration allowed for the tas" to be completed. )recedin# tas"s that
must be completed before the successions tas" is underta"en will also be
indicated. 'he tabulation must also include the resources required for the
,*ee - . - /
E+iion0 C$aper 1 Pg# 153 for ypi&al a&ion plan
>. 'he 11 8no(le+ge areas (as describes b! )?*6@) to be considered in
detailed proect plannin# and control: -
(i) Pro%e& Inegraion - inte#rates the & main proect mana#ement
processes of plannin#, e3ecution and control - where inputs from
several "nowled#e areas are brou#ht to#ether. 8t aims to brin# about
enhanced proect value throu#h e(ectiveness, performance and cost
(ii) *&ope -anagemen - processes required to complete proect
successfull!, de1nin# and controllin# important aspects to meet
sponsors and sta"eholders #oals. 8t consist of authorisation, scope
plannin#, scope de1nition, scope chan#e mana#ement and scope
(iii) Time -anagemen - to ensure timel! performance of the proect.
+onsists of activit! de1nition, sequencin#, duration estimatin#,
schedule development and time control.
(iv) Cos -anagemen - ensurin# proect completed within approved
(v) Aualit! ?ana#ement - to satisf! the needs for which it was underta"en7
determinin# required conditions and performance, qualit! plannin#,
assurance and control.
(vi) 9uman Resour&e -anagemen - to ma"e most e(ective use of
people in the proect7 or#anisation plannin#, sta( acquisition, team
(vii) Communi&aions -anagemen - to ensure proper collection and
discrimination of proect information7 communication plannin#,
information distribution, meetin#s, reportin# and administrative
(viii) Ris8 -anagemen - identif!in#, anal!sin# and respondin# to ris"s
and opportunities, identi1cations, quantiti1cation and impact, response
development and ris" control.
(i3) Pro&uremen -anagemen - to acquire #oods and services7
procurement plannin#, solicitation plannin#, source selection, contract
(3) *afey an+ 9eal$ -anagemen - to determine the issues that need
to be focused b! all parties concerned7 provides #uidelines on % B 9
parameters to be measured and monitored.
(3i) :alue -anagemen - covers value plannin#, value en#ineerin# and
value review. 8s a structured approach to e3pose and eradicate
redundant costs and to reinforce proect functionalit! throu#h the
anal!sis of proect alternatives and elements to produce a functional
solution satisf!in# or e3ceedin# the sta"eholders. requirements.
1. W*9 is a tool for the plannin# of resource requirements, activit! duration and
costs of a proect. ,suall! represented in -bo3es. arran#ed at di(erent levels
to show sequence of tas"s or b! strai#htforward listin# of the proect
activities - line intended W*9.
$. General Aspe&s Of T$e ;=*
W*9 can have up to $; levels for lar#e proects.
2ll paths on the W*9 do not have to #o down to the same level.
W*9 does not show sequencin# of wor". *ut all sub-tas" must 1rst be
'o consider a tas" is done.
W*9 should be done before schedule and allocation of resources.
)eople "nowled#eable about the wor" should develop W*9.
*rea"down a proect onl! to a level sufcient to provide estimate of the
accurac! and control.
&. Creaing A ;or8 =rea8+o(n *ru&ure
*rea"down the proect into all the individual activities needed to complete
the proect. 8t is easier if the maor sections of wor" are listed 1rst. 'hen
for each maor section of wor", list the activities needed in that section.
Ce3t the precedence of activities must be established. +ertain activities
can onl! ta"e place after certain other activities have been completed.
'he precedence chart is wor"ed out b!: -
(i) <istin# all activities in appro3imate order of e3ecution in the
(ii) Dor each activit!, note the activities that have to be completed
immediatel! before this activit! can be started. 'hese are
"nown as immediate predecessors.
*ased on e3perience, the duration of each activit! must now be
estimated. Where the proect duration is more certain the Crii&al Pa$
-e$o+ ,CP-7 will be used in schedulin#. T$e PERT ,Pro%e&
E'aluaion an+ Re'ie( Te&$ni>ue7 ma! be emplo!ed when the
duration is based on appro3imation.
/. Le'el Of ;=*
<evel Eescription
1 6verall 6bective4)ro#ram
$ 9peci1c )roect
& )roect 'as"s
/ 9ub-'as"s
5 Wor" )ac"a#es
: 9peci1c =(ort or 2ctivit!
5. E?amples Of ;=* - 'as"s and Wor" )ac"a#es Ee1nition
(8) =o? *ru&ure ;=*
<evel W*9
Wor" *rea"down 9tructure for a %ousin# )roect
8mplement a %ousin#
*uild %ouses
9ales B
- Identify
- Selling Price
- Customers
- Scheme
- Types of
- Phases of
- Civil Eng !or"s
- House Layout
- Specifi-cations #
- Selling Prices
- Sales Documen-
- &dvertising
- Documen-tation
- Tenders
- &%ard of
(88) Line - 8ntended W*9 for a %ousin# )roect: -
%ousin# )roect
1. Eo ?ar"et Research
8dentif! +ustomers
9ellin# )rice =3pectations
+ustomers =3pectations
$. Eevelop )lannin# )roposals
)roposed 9cheme <a!out
'!pes of %ouses in )roect
)hases of Eevelopment
&. Eetailed Eesi#n Wor"s
+ivil =n#ineerin# Wor"s
%ouse <a!out Eesi#n
*uildin# Eesi#n *!laws B 9peci1cations
/. 9ales and ?ar"etin#
)roposed 9ellin# )rice Eerivation
9ales Eocumentation
5. +ontract ?ana#ement
Eocuments )reparation
'ender =3ercise
2ward of +ontract
Wor" )ac"a#e <evel
2re the detailed tas"s and activities to be carried out at the sub-
tas" levelF 8t will enable detailed estimate for time and resource
=3ample: 2t the sub-tas" level of 2dvertisin# for a housin# proect,
the wor" pac"a#e level ma! include: -
9ub-'as" <evel
G - Eraft desi#n of advertisement
Wor" G - 2pproval of artwor"
)ac"a#e G - Auotations of artwor"
<evel G - Auotations and approval for
G advertisin# media
G - Release of advertisement
:. 'he W*9 is also useful in preparin# a linear responsibilit! chart. 'he chart is
essentiall! a tabulation indicatin# the tas" descriptions and the personnel
who will be responsible for those tas"s. 'he level of responsibilit! or
contribution towards the tas" ma! be coded as follows: -
+ode Co. )ersonnel <evel of Responsibilit!
1 2ctual and total responsibilit!
$ +ompulsor! support and input
& ?ust be noti1ed and informed of pro#ress
Also refer o -.- /
E+iion0 C$aper 10 an+ Page @AB ,fgure 1 4 2C
*implife+ Linear Responsi)iliy C$ar7

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