About My Self

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About my self

First I would like to share my small autobiography that how my life and my qualities changed during
the years. I was born in Meerut U.P on 21
October 1991 in army hospital. As I said army hospital,
my father is an army officer his rank is colonel and now posted here in Jalandhar. So, I am the first
child of my parents I have one elder sister. As my father is in the army we often used to move from
one place to another after every 2-3 years. Due to which my school also used to change a lot. I have
done my schooling from different 10 schools. During school I have done many sports activities and
had keen interest in cricket and also participated for air shooting for interschool competition in 12

and also played for state level and also participated for dance programs which are used to held in
schools. Therefore, 12th I have done from Meerut and then went for my graduation degree in 2010
in hotel management. I have done BSc. From YCMOU and BA EDINBURGH NAPIER UNIVERSITY
Scotland in hotel management which was dual degree. Then after three four years I came for my
MBA in Jalandhar.

First of all we should know what a leader is or what is Leadership? Further it has been described as
"a process of social influence in which one person can enlist the aid and support of others in the
accomplishment of a common task. some understand a leader simply as somebody whom people
follow or as somebody who guides or directs others, while others define leadership as "organizing a
group of people to achieve a common goal ".
So from here I would like to discuss my two experiences from home and work which helped to
improve my leadership qualities. As I have done my graduation in hotel management so we were
used to study about management and leadership qualities a lot. Therefore, while studding we were
used to send to hotels and was also send for 6 months industrial training which helped a lot and
boosted a lot to improve our working efficiency and ability to lead from the front. So, we were used
to help and to give a helping hand to the employees of the hotels for different departments. From
there I used to manage my college friend from the college to the hotel. I used to keep check on our
friends if they dont misbehave with employees of the hotel or any one from the staff. To check
whether they arent having any problem or difficulties while helping the hotel staff. Once incident
accrue while we were called by TAJ VIVANTA for outdoor catering for a day or for 12 hours for which
we were going to be paid by the hotel. So, with my college friends or the people who were
interested for coming for outdoor catering. We reached their at 1 in the afternoon and then
supervisorsers assigned the duties to different department respectively. When the function was got
over after 1 we closed all our outlets or our buffet and we packed up all the hotels things till 2:30. At
that time me with 15 other friends were very tired while working from 1 Oclock till 2:30 or 3 at
night. Then I asked my supervisor to arrange us a vehicle which will drop us all to our rooms. The
they said they were not informed about this that they have to give us a droop till our room. The we
were got stuned and we were getting angry after few minutes as leader I called our maam from our
college at late night who was coordinating with the hotel for our outdoor catering . Then I called
here she picked up my call then I said we were having problem like this, they said we are not going
to provide drop for us. They she talked to the manager and also I went to the manager to talk about
this. After 1 hour they provided us 2 cars and then in the morning we all reached safely to our
The second instance which improved my leading skills and helped me shaped my leadership qualities
are like that:
As I live with my father, mother, sister and get posted to different places though I have faced many
challenges during my growing period. One incident was like that
I with three other members of my family planned a trip to leh ladakh by car. 1
day of our trip we
reached massuri then the next day we started our journey for leh ladakh. While we were getting
ahead to our destination the roads to leh were getting difficult as the roads were not quit good in
every 20km stretch the roads were not good to drive car. So, then we had no option to move back
because we came to far from masurri and it was also getting darker. Then our car wheel got stuck in
the hole. We checked that it got stucked deep inside pot hole and it would require few mens to
move the wheel from that hole. then immediately I took the decision that we just crossed army
camp which was just 20 minutes away. So, I decided to go there and ask for help from them as it was
getting dark we had no option and the road was traffic less. Then I quickly walked to the army camp
and asked for help I gave all the information that my father is also an army officer. Then, within 15
minutes we reached there and then we all removed the car wheel from the hole and we all thanked
them as they helped us to get through this situation.
My core values
My core values are the values which we tend to get from our sroundings and the place where we belong.
First of all I should

. Temperament
A combination of natural genetic traits that always subconsciously, affects our behavior. Temperament is the
foundation upon which leaders construct the values of their character and personality. A good leader always
should control his/her temperament so that other could not get affected by this. As a person I have a good
temperament as we are humans we tend to loos temperament at any point
2. Openness, Honesty & Integrity
As we can say Leaders will not always tell people what they want to hear. However the unpleasant the issue,
leaders will not be afraid to raise it with them. By doing so leaders can challenge everyone to be different and
stand out from the crowd. This will require leaders to insist that everyone is to be open and honest with each
3. Passion & Enthusiasm
Intellectual solutions are commonplace and leaders can find them anywhere. A leaders passion is to help
everyone create an organization to engage the heart and soul, not just the mind. Leaders are passionate about
the fact that one cannot have the latter without the former anyway! Leaders will help everyone to create their
future and build ones dream.

4. Innovation & Creativity
Leaders dare people to be different, and challenge them to create something unique in their goals. Doing what
they have always done will get them what they have always got. Tomorrow is about leading the pack not being
part of it.
5. Courage & Humility
To lead an organization takes courage: courage to try new things; courage to make mistakes; courage to admit
you dont know everything; and courage to change knowing that what works today may not work tomorrow.
Leaders must work with others to create a lasting leadership legacy, based on courage that will touch peoples
6. Trust
If leaders cant trust others and others cant trust the leader. In that case the organization will not achieve
anything of lasting value together. A true partnership is working with others not for the leader.

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