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Good morning, everyone. Today our group will presenting a forum about bullying.

** Hi, Fui Sun, Phui Ling, Anny. Today we will discuss a topic about bullying.
Before, we start to discuss about bullying, let me explain the meaning of bullying.
Bullying is unwanted, aggressive behavior among school aged children
that involves a real or perceived power imbalance. The behavior is
repeated, or has the potential to be repeated, over time.
Both kids who are bullied and who bully others may have serious, lasting
problems. In order to be considered bullying, the behavior must be
Means: Kids who bully use their powersuch as physical strength, access
to embarrassing information, or popularityto control or harm others.
Power imbalances can change over time and in different situations, even if
they involve the same people. This called Imbalance of Power.
And the second one, the bullying behaviors will happen more than once or
have the potential to happen more than once. This called repetition.
Bullying includes actions such as making threats, spreading rumors,
attacking someone physically or verbally, and excluding someone from a
group on purpose.
Bullying can occur during or after school hours. While most reported
bullying happens in the school building, a significant percentage also
happens in places like on the playground or the bus. It can also happen
travelling to or from school, in the youths neighborhood, or on the Internet.
As we know, bullying cases have many types , right ?
PhuiLing, can you list out some types of bullying ?
Okay. Anny, do you know other types of bullying ?
Alright. Thanks for sharing about the four types of bullying.
Hmm, I have a doubt. Why kids involved in bullying, they often play more
than one role.
Fui sun, is it , true ?
Fui Sun say: Yea,.
Kelly say: Can you share about how do you define the roles kids play in
Alright, thanks fui sun of the sharing. As we know, the bullying cases
usually happening on student or occur at schools.
So, phui ling, do you know what the effect does bullying have on students
and schools?
Alright, thanks phui ling of the sharing.
Seem bullying is a serious issues and need to taken seriously and
effective measures to prevent it must be put in place.
Anny, do you have any idea or ways about how to prevent bullying cases
happen ?
Thank you all sharing many information about bullying.

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