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... through Bertha Dudde

Phase of development
uniue during a period of salvation....
!n"arnation of #eings of light....
$ission % &hild of God....
'a"h phase of the soul(s development o""urs onl) on"e during a
period of salvation even if it negle"ts to utilise the state of free *ill.
!n that "ase the phase of development passes *ithout effe"t for the
soul and it has to a""ept the "onseuen"es of this in the spiritual
But the "ompletel) God%opposing spirit+ *hose resistan"e "ould not
#e #ro,en during its infinitel) long earthl) progress+ is given the
opportunit) again in a ne* period of "reation- *here it "an+
em#odied *ithin a solid form+ live through a ne* phase of
development in a ne*l) #eginning earthl) period.
.nd then the spiritual su#stan"es *hi"h+ in a "ompulsor) state+
have to develop into a human soul again+ are permitted to o""up) a
human #od) on"e more for its final test of *ill.
/his re%in"arnation "an indeed ta,e pla"e #ut the pro"ess has su"h
enormous impli"ations that it should #e e0plained to people as
something e0tremel) frightening+ al#eit it is also an a"t of God(s
mer") for the release of the spirit after its endless time of "aptivit).
1o*ever+ the idea that the soul re%in"arnates onto the same earth
again for the purpose of finishing its development is misguided....
!f God returns a soul from the spiritual realm of light to earth it is
merel) an a"t of ,indness #e"ause this soul has to fulfil a tas, of
li#erating the "onstrained spirit on earth.... 1en"e an alread) full)
matured #eing of light in"arnates on earth to spirituall) help others
*hile it apparentl) has to advan"e on the path of spiritual
development li,e an) other human #eing.
. return to earth for the purpose of a"hieving "omplete maturit)+ to
ma,e up for the negle"t of a past earthl) life+ does not "orrespond
to God(s *isdom #e"ause it *ould interrupt the progressive
development- a return from the spiritual into the ph)si"al state
*ould #e a regression and thus a sign of the soul(s intention to
distan"e itself from God+ thus it does not indi"ate spiritual
/hose *ho strive to*ards God trul) have enough opportunities in
the spiritual realm+ *here the spirit "an prove itself and thus
mature and develop further.
On the other hand+ highl) developed spiritual #eings *ho have not
)et rea"hed the degree of "hildship to God+ "an #e"ome a "hild of
God #) in"arnating on earth for the purpose of a mission+ *hi"h is
al*a)s lin,ed to e0tremel) diffi"ult living "onditions and reuires a
previousl) a"hieved spe"ifi" degree of maturit) in the #e)ond.
/he tea"hing of re%in"arnation is a humanl) devised tea"hing *hi"h
"orresponds to their *ishes and therefore is defended time and
again #e"ause man) people are no longer a#le to "orre"tl)
understand the truth from a#ove and thus "hange it to fit in *ith
their *ishes. Be"ause their longing for this earthl) *orld is still too
strong and the thought of #eing permitted to return to earth is
reassuring and "omforting.
But this tea"hing is an o#sta"le to the human #eing(s spiritual
development and therefore *ill have to #e "hallenged time and
again #) those *ho shall spread the pure truth....
2 Pu#lished #) friends of ne* revelations of God 2
!nformation+ do*nload of all translated revelations+ theme%#oo,lets

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