2878 Knowledge of The Spirit's Work in A Person.... Exceptional Opportunity For God To Reveal Himself....

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... through Bertha Dudde

Knowledge of the spirit's work in a person....
!"eptional opportunit# for God to re$eal %i&self....
God "an onl# re$eal %i&self in the Word to a few people' (e"ause
&ost people ha$e lost the knowledge of the spirit's work in the
hu&an (eing and thus are not preparing the&sel$es to hear the
di$ine Word within the&sel$es.
)his is a pro"ess whi"h first re*uires (elief in the working of the
spirit' (ut this (elief is la"king in people and the# "an onl# arri$e at
this knowledge through lo$e. Be"ause this will guide their thoughts
in the right dire"tion'
and the person "an also &entall# (e introdu"ed to this knowledge.
But he will ne$er re"ognise this knowledge as the working of the
spirit and not (e full# "on$in"ed of it hi&self.
%owe$er' God's spirit wants to e!press itself "learl# and pre"isel#....
God wants to re$eal %i&self to people' hen"e %e will speak to
%e will "on$e# %is Word to the&.... as soon as the# (elie$e in %i&'
in %is lo$e' %is wisdo& and %is o&nipoten"e.
Be"ause then the# will also want to enter into "onta"t with God'
the# will start a dialogue with %i& and in response hear %is $oi"e
within the&sel$es. )he strength of the spirit will "o&&uni"ate itself
to the&' and a lu"id understanding of the &ost di$erse su(+e"ts will
(e the result.
)he infor&ation of the working of the spirit in a person should (e
passed on to people (ut it will rarel# (e (elie$ed' and #et' without
(elief it "annot (e e!perien"ed. Onl# a person's profound lo$e will
result in this (elief' sin"e then the spirit of God will work in hi& and
gi$e hi& the idea to listen inwardl#.
This is the beginning of a person's actual instruction and
thus an introduction to the most profound knowledge. God
"an onl# e!press %i&self when a deepl# de$oted heart turns to
%i&' (ut then he will i&part %is wisdo& without li&itation....
,onse*uentl#' the working of the spirit is of utmost
importance because it is the only means to find the truth and
to penetrate into di$ine wisdo&'s deepest profundit#. %en"e it is the
onl# &eans of re"ei$ing infor&ation whi"h "ould ne$er (e a"*uired
rationall#' whi"h will pro$ide the person with re&arka(le insight and
knowledge relating to God and the hu&an (eing' to "reation and
the spiritual kingdo&....
-rofound understanding is onl# possi(le where the spirit of God is
a(le to work' and #et' the working of the spirit solel# depends on a
person's will' (e"ause this has to (e"o&e a"ti$e first' it has to
a""o&plish the hu&an (eing's inner "hange' whi"h is a prere*uisite
for the working of the spirit in a person.
)he hu&an (eing's will has to de"ide to i&pro$e his soul' it has to
i&pel a"tions of lo$e' it has to esta(lish the inner&ost "onta"t with
God' and inwardly it has to listen attentively in order to hear %is
Word' whi"h is then gi$en to hi& (# the $oi"e of the spirit.
But &ost people fail to listen inwardl#' e$en if the# "o&pl# with all
other "onditions' (e"ause the# la"k the infor&ation that God
%i&self is working in the de$out hu&an (eing.
)his knowledge was lost' and it is diffi"ult to persuade the& to put
the rule to the test.... to "o&pl# with all "onditions and then to
listen "arefull#.... For this reason the di$ine Word is hardl# e$er
trans&itted to earth in the &ost natural wa#' (# God speaking to
people' (# su(&itting all wisdo& to the& %i&self and (#
instru"ting the& like a tea"her instru"ts his students.
But as soon as a hu&an (eing is doing e$er#thing to per"ei$e the
working of the spirit' as soon as he &akes hi&self a$aila(le for
re"eption (# "ons"iousl# listening within hi&self' profound
knowledge will (e &ade a""essi(le to hi&. Be"ause this knowledge
is intended for the (enefit of his fellow hu&an (eings'
he is &eant to pass it on' he is supposed to support it' he is &eant
to (e"o&e the &ediator (etween God and the people' who "annot
(e addressed (# %i& %i&self (e"ause the# are una(le to hear
%e should (e"o&e the distri(utor of truth on earth' he should let
his light shine e$er#where and &ake God's lo$e known to people'
whi"h is as"ending to earth in the Word and offering the truth'
(e"ause the lies' whi"h are endangering souls' shall (e re&o$ed.
%e is to (ear witness to %is wisdo& (# des"ri(ing to people God's
reign and a"tion in "reation and the spiritual kingdo&' and he
should pro"lai& %is o&nipoten"e' whi"h a"hie$es whate$er is
deter&ined (# God's will....
%e should present God to people as the &ost perfe"t Being in order
to arouse their lo$e for %i& and to spurn their will to su(ordinate
the&sel$es to this Being' to lo$e and (e of ser$i"e to .t for all
0 -u(lished (# friends of new re$elations of God 0
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