Promethea #07

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ALAN MOORE J.H. WILLIAMS Ill J, VILLARRUBIA MICK GRAY > JEROMY COX << TODD KLEIN 4) ’ IMEDOWN PROM HIGH FIVE "To's HOSPYIAL, Root. HELL ROGER, SNoE “95 AND THAT SWPPRAGETTE Gity evisove, weve ALL Wad Some ADSUSING TO DOL PEOPLEMAVE PEBLINGS,,, igre, way ‘Lesion AbouT You Leonmé nice? mar Wee MEANT AGA ‘COMPLIMENT. 808, DON'T wan? 10 eVEN TALK ABOUT THis. RIGHT NOW, Me HAVE A ‘eR/6/6 NOUR HANDS. onary eQiricaL He PAINTED COLL 3 ‘Stik aulve, AND “KENNETHES GONG TO PIECES. og er HE WAS MOLESTING SOME VNCONSCIOUS TEENAGER WHEN HE WAS SUPPOSED TO BE GUAROING MARV! ITELLYOU, EVER SINCE HIS DIVORCE W, AND THEN THERES THE DOLL. HEG ALMOST CERTAINLY HEADING FORTHE Hos- PITALTO FINISH MARY OFF.WE NEED LEADERSHIP Cah WE PROBABLY expeor wonton or cto: YU Lucas, OKAY, OKAY, SOWE. THROW A STRICT SECURITY CORDON AROUND THE HOS- PITAL. NOBODY GOES IN, > OR OUT. ‘ NE JUST MAINTAIN AGHT PERIMETER, Mii WILL SYAYSAFE.,, UNLESS 3 YOUIVEGOTANY SNAPPIER, HOW AgouT WE \ JUST CHANGE ALLTHE BUSINESS STATIONERY TO"FOUR SweLL Guys HE: ¢ (HELLIS THiS WHeReD ) ALL THESE PEOPLE MAYOR BASKERVILLE! TRYING 10 UP HIS RATINGS WITH A HOSPITAL Look, WE'LL FIND THE OTHERS IND WORK SOME = LOOK, 3 DON'T HAVE TIME FOR YOUR CRAP, OH. ITS YOU. Nessa aocoenn WHATS THE MATTER WITH SopHie? Have YOU BEEN GIVING HER DRUGS? TRISH YOU SHOWED We, SOMEBODY | /sie’o wrervieweo FORHER 7B; OH, \ BLESS YOU! YOU WELL, ACTUALLY, REMEMBER! I’M BIE BIL | AT THE STRICTLY E SPEAKING, T WAS ARTIST-WRITER, BUT IM NOT AS | YES. I WORKED ON AND | DEEP AS MARGARET WAS PROMETHEA LONGER ORAS WITTY ASGRACE THAN ANYONE, ‘39 ANDI WANTED YOU THROUGH ‘65! \10 NOTICE ME > - SOYOURE JUST THE MOST \ SOPHIE. ADORABLE a ZHAHHHH Ee MY PROMETHEA NOT VERY WELL A WASN'T THE WISESTOR LOTOE THE TINE TO MEAN, LIKE, ILLIA THE STRONGEST, BUTT q WILLIAM WOOLCOTT, 1 LIKE TO THINK SHE WAS O} Ste T i ~ COMICS ARTIST HENICEST. 4 PP norm nora " ¥ ‘ GUY. WILLIAM WOOLCOTT: WAS A GUY. IF I’M ANYTHING, IM HIS /MAGINATION, a AND BILLS IMAGINATION WELL, ITS LIKE, YOURE AGUY. WELL, TO BE HONEST, BILL WAS AS GAY AS A SPRING LAMB. OF COURSE, THE EXPRESSION AT THE TIM WAS WCONERIED BACHELOR! In AND BILL. ane TAINLY F\00-H00! SOPHIE! OVER ene ISSUES FOR MY COLLEG! UDO THAT WITH THE SIZE ANS THE TWO PLACES ATONCE AND EVERYTHING? OH, WE! a WAS ALGOSORTOF (~ HE SILLIEST PRO- METHEA, ALWAYE GROWING GIANT ORVISITING TOYTOWN, ELEMENTE? BUT YOu SAID I NEEDED FOUR WEAPONS, FOUR ELEMENTS, FOUR MAGICAL WEAPONS, FOUR ESSENTIAL HUMAN QUALITIES, ,JHEY'RE ALL THE SAME THING, INA /AY ACTUALLY, I DION'T THINK IT WAS SILLY. J THOUGHT: IT WAS PLAYFUL. iT WAS MEANT OR CHILPREN 1 1 WAS THE MOST HUMAN, THE MOST EARTHLY OF ALL THE PROMETHEAS. ALL THE GIRLS. ACTUALLY, That WAS ALwaye INY BIGGEST PROBLEM, BE WHY THEY!Ve CHOSEN ME . TOTGACH YOU ABOUT IRTHLY MATTERS. HONEY, INVOLVED 6) THE Wore, Love wiTHT PHYSICAL WORLD! TERM PAPER. T ‘MEABOUT LIKE THE IMPORTANCE OF BEING SSIONATE, THE $0,WHAT CO. 1 KNOW ABOUT COINS? WELL, NOT EXACTLY, YOUCOULO CALLTHEM COINS, OR SPIRIT, LOM- PASSION, INTELLECT AND PHYSICAL EXISTENCE. PENTACLESORDISCS. | THEY Re ONE oF THE YOU NEED THEM ALL FOURMAGICAL AX 10 BE PROMETHEA, WEAPONS. ORT HUMAN. ROS AND COIN: WATER, AiR At EARTH. YOUIREGOING TONEEPALL FOUR ELEMENTS, ALLTHAT FLESH AND SENBATION.1O Me, IT WAS Lik IRRESISTIBL WELL, Wi FAR ALONG THE ROAD THAT LEADS DOWN INTO MATTER, AND THISIS A KIND OF IVE-THRO IKE ATHEME PARK THAN A DINER, DON'T THEY DO ANY FOOD HERE? O COMEON: WHAT PHIE BANGS WANT ONHER PLATTER? MAYBE A DYE? PERHAPS KIS ONE DAY? ITS A very POPULAR CHOICE. MAYBE A FAMIL GIVE YOU THE PURFL YOU WERE LOOKIN WOHH, L-LISTEN, THAT ( WAS KIND OF /NTENSE. CAN WALK2 TM ING MOTION SICKNESS & MONEY LP MAKE SENSE ORSEX. LO. . PLEASURE AND FORGET EVERYTHING ELSE. THAT WAS ALWAYS THE BIGONE COULD BE AN INTELLECTUAL AND JOIN THE £/TERAT/. WH-MHAT IF YOU DON'T CHOOSE ANY jae WHY THEN, CHILD, YOU WILL BE AUINGRY. AND YOU WILL BE HUNGRY FOR THE LONGEST THE MATE} FAR FROM HERE. IF THE WINS RIGHT, YOU CAN ALMOST SMELL THE SHLPHUR,,. FOOD, SOPHIE. IT'S COMPORT Eat WITH LOVE AND WEALTH AND FAME A SUGAR RUSH. UH-UH. YOU MEAN INTHE MATERIAL WORLD, NOT THE REAL WORLD. ITS (ALL REAL, HONEY. YEAH, KEEP NOTICING THAT Y THERE'S 32 POINTS IN THE WHOLE SYSTEM: 70. SPHERES, 22 PATHS, ROUTE 32 1S THE PATH CONNECTING MATTER AND IMAGINA- TION. IF YOU'RE WORRIED, WE OUGHT 1D HURRY BACK THERE. MATTER ISN'T FAR AHEAC NOW. ITS SYMBOLS ARE ALL ARDLIND IS. IN SOME WAYS NS ITS THE MOST IMPORTANT _( Pati. Like T Say you sHouLo FIND A MAGICIAN To HELP WITH THIS STUFF Se peed ANYWAY, | ee GOOP YOU'RECONCERNED AFTERALL, IT'S JUSTAS PRECIOUS AS THE IMMATE 1A. SUR PLANE, START MATTERS THE LOWEST FURTHEST FROM POINT INT! ON THEOTHER HAND, YOU” WHATS /MPORTANT IS EXISTENCES COULDSEEEARTHAS THAT UNDERSTANDING THAT MIND PURE ESSEN- WORKINGS FINALRESULT; ANDMATTER AREN'T. 176 ULTIMATE PURPOSE. 4 ED. THEY'RE JUST DIFFERENT POINTS INONE SYSTEM, DIFFERENT S10PS ON ONE HIGHWAY. WOR FAILING THAT, I SUPPOSE YOu COULD ALWAYS ASK THE SNAKES. GOING ON WITH THE LANDSCAPE? WHAT, YOU MEAN THE ONES'ON THe CADL- EUS; ORs? CHANGING THE WORLDS AS EASY AS CHANGING YOUR MING. ITS JUST THATMATTERS THICKER AND MORE VISCOUS THAN (AGINATION, 80 IT TAKES LONGER.» ‘OH, IMSORRY. TM ORONING, AREN'T 12 AND SO ‘ARE WE! GOD, WHATS “= HAPPENING? EVERY- THING HAS THI DIANOND CLARITY AND BARBARA SAY ITS LIKE DRUGS, BUT T NEVER TOOK DRUGS, $0 T WOULDN'T KNOW. Irs gust THE THIRTY-SECOND PATH, TAKING US CLOSER TO MATERIAL REALITY SO EVERYTHING SORT OF CRYSTALLIZES. M6 BEAUTIFUL, TGUESS THIS THIRTY ‘SECOND PATH 16 THE SCENICROUTE? AWW! YES, ITCAN BE OVER- WHEL MING AT FIRBT. IDEALLY, YOU SHOULD FINDA MAGICIAN WHO PERSONALLY, T ALWAYS SORT OF LIKED YACK FAUST. HE COULD TeLL YOU ALL ABOUT SPAERES, ABOUT THIRTY-SECONP PATH. f WHAT THINGS LOOKIIKE ISNT AS IMPORTANT HERE a5 WHAT THEY Sym BOLIZE. AG FOR WHAT THis PATH on a THE SWAKE 1S SEALING Dua, L EARTHLY some CALL IT THE UNIVERSE.” DOYOU SEE, SonHicT HEAWCNDERE DANCE BETWEEN THE FL EGS WP Te INACTION, ge HE'S ONE OF MINE. DRAWING THIGIG BILL WOOLCOT, — PROMETHEA, WITH WHEN L...WHEN HE WAS A SO MUCH PASSION THAT, TO YOUNG MAN, HIS SURPRISE, HE CAN WANTED To BE AW I BUT I Guess HE'D Always WANTED 10 BE A GODDESS. IrWas so MUCH FUN, HELPING \ PEOPLE HAVING AD~ VENTURES... NeW a EXISTENCE, MORE THAN THAT, FETE NLOVE. HIS REAL, NAME WAS DENM/S: DRUCKER. DANGERFIELD. q " 4 tl aN THe Arrair was ; VERY PASSIONATE. You Have NOIDA, FOR THe TONED-DOWN IGOMIE BOOK VERSION, Gil. y CALLED HIGES.|. AGENT DIRK ” OH, HUSH. T'LL BE GETTING ee ee , UH, I MEAN ser LET ME ENJOY TELLING. ‘YOU OUR FAIRYTALE LOVE STORY irwas JUST SO PERFECT. DENNIS WAS DECENT, HANZSOME,,,AND STRAIGHT. THAT WAS HE DECIDER, Ir Im HONEST. DENNIG:COULDN'T BELIEVE HISLUCK. HE LOVED THE PERFECT WOMAN, AND THE SEXWAS FANTASTIC. TMEAN SEX WITH PROMETHEA AND THERE REALLY ARE FIREWORKS. HUNDREDS OF LITILE BLUE STARS. BUT THE LOVE WAS BETTER THAN THe SEX. I'S LiKe, ALUMAN MAN, IN LOVE WITH A GOD- DESS..LVERY MOMENT WE SPENT TOSETHER SEEMED MYTHICAL. EVERY WORD SHIVERED LIKE STARLIGHT, EVERY K/SS'WAS TIMELES: GOP, SOPHIE, He WAS GREAT HE WAS ‘$0 GREAT. 60 ‘ANY Way, GUESS WHAT HAPPENED? BUSINESS ABOUT YOU ABOUT BILL BEING A oly, DENNIS FOUND WELL, You'p BETTER LOOK INSIDE. HERE AND SEE FOR YOURSELF BUT Basically YEAH... od T'S MOS! THAT IT CAME OH, GESTION id TY YEARS, THIRTY YEARS, BOUND AND PECKED At, EATEN BY HIS MEMORIES. | ad PROMETHEAWAS. EVERYTHING 0 Hilt, AND He KILLEP HER. HE LOVED. ME, SOPHIE BOTH OF you? WHeWHaT HAPPENED TO. DENN TAKE A LOOK AND See. I'S LIKE CHARLTON SENMETT!S AFFAIR WITH PROMETHEA WHEN SHE WAS ANNA, THESE THINGS NEVER END WELL. He REALLY REALLY LOVED Me. Be BLAME DENNIS, I'D NEVER TOLD HIM ABOUT BILL. I WAS BEING D/S- THAT POOR HONEST AND T MAN. IF HE HADN'T ‘KNEW IT. BEEN 60 BIGOTED is YOU KNOW, You DIDN'T NEED TO SHOW ME THAT. T MEAN, iF IT Was GOWN 101 UPSET BD OH BUT IT Was Di _Inecmant You stow F S26 you Have 10 unpen- STAND THE DANGERS OF THE EARTHLY REALM, OF GETTING 100 ATTACH- ~ fe iO. Mere LovINGIt700 ) = MUCH. i ihe q f 5 WELL, PERHAPS NOT. a POSSIBLE? 10 AFTER ALL, YOU'RE PROMETHEA ; OVE THE WORLD. pais . NOW, YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO BRING nes ‘AND PEOPLE 100" Fi . THE LIGHT OF PURE SPIRIT MUCH? DOWN 10 FREE EARTHBOUND HUMANITY. BUT REMEMBER, YOU'RE NOT THE Fist 70 TRY TOUCHING THE MORTAL CLAY WITH THE FLAME OF THE IM- MORTAL SOUL. youyge NOT THe FIRST F/RE- ge RINGER. i pip You ever =F “WonDeR Wey Oule HEROINES Rh. FATHER CHOSE THAT PARTIC: aR; ULAR NAME FOR His ONLY. Bae DAUGHTER? ~< i" 2 PROMETHER? WELL T LOOKED IT UP: ‘AND ALL FOUND Wag, IT ‘THE NAME OF THIS SPECIES, THE PROMETHEA MOTH: _ sn AND-THE PEMINIZED. " NAME OF ANOTHER GREAT STORY. % BOOK FIGURE WHO TRIED BRINGING HEAVENLY IRE 70 ILLUMINATES ‘MANKIND'S DARKEARTH. JEEZ, THEN THE MYTH ABOUT THE CHAIN) AND THE FEASTING j ' E ALLINVTHS ARE ‘Ele: .. TRUE, SOPHIE. GIVEN THAT THEY LAST LONGER, THEY RE EVEN TRUER THAN THE SO- CALLED "REAL WORLD! SPEAKING OF WHICH, IT SEEMS WE'RE FINALLY HERE. ISN'T THIS YOUR HOSP/TALE I BON'T KNOW. SESS WN oilbiad ee tn LOOKS UKE THERE SHOULD BE SUCH A HERE” a CROWD OF THEMHERE, _ MUST BE FORTY, WHO ARE T CANT IMAGINE. ATLEAST, THEY'RE ALL UNREAL- & LOOKING, LIKE us. HIM, WELL, WE Bor THIS MULTIPLE- PERSONALITY MAYOR: IN NEW YORK, BUT HE WOULDN'T BE ANYWHERE AROUND THIS HOS- PITAL, OH, Hey THINK THar's MARY FROM THE Five SWELL GUYS, THEY'RE, LIKE, THESE SCIENCE HEROES? IPE SIS cont CUE co YOUR BODY'S RIGHT ALOTOF TROUBLE con BE VERY /LL. HIS SPIRIT LOOKS AS IF IT'S WONDERING WHETHER TO LEAVE, come ALONG... ET WILt. HEY. wEVERYTHING'S CHANGING AGAIN, THE Way IT LOOKS. THANKS FOR EVERYTHING, BILL. D'LL SEE YOU SAYING TM ABAD MOTHER? LISTEN, RAISING SOPHIE WITHOUT 7 YOU HAVE NO IDEA WHAT IT WAS LIKE. TRISH, NEITHER HAVE YOU. SOPHIE HAD A NEW DAD EVERY OTHER FRIDAY. ACTUALLY ME AND THE OTHER KID6 USED IO ENVY ii YOU LITTLE £$% de! YOU KNOW, SOPHIE WAS ‘OH, YOU THINK YOU'RE... WELL, Y'KNOW, SEE, THE FINE UNTIL.SHE (MET YO ALL THETIME, IT'S 80 T'VE MASTERED BASIC © THING WITH You ALLTHATDEATH-METAL JIM GODDAMN SMART YOu JA SENTENCE CON ‘SHELIGTENS To... THINKYOU ARE! STRUCTION. OURE: WITH "4 LINING? WHEN You'Re JI DRUNK NEED SPY LOOK, SW’ oH, You'Re FINE? Ton FINE, \ I COME ALL THE WAY youlRe Okay! \ okay?" \'HERE AND YOU'RE WHERE HAVE )ustaeT } JUST TAKING A YOU BEEN? WAP, HUH? you're BOTH JERKS, N YOU COLLApEED! IF THIS I6 SOME DRUG LIKE 9B OR SKYOR NT OR WHATEVER T WANT YOU V7 iT SOUNDED LIKE ITCAME FROM THE HOSPITAL FORE- COURT, OUT FRONT, nia Dt Re G z7IINAR et Ne Y (IN . pol / ES Write to us at 7910 Ivanhoe Ave., Foe 438,La Jolla,CA 92037, / email: All letters appreciated! PROMETHEA 7 CAST AND CREDITS: Promethea and the Universe: AUDREY CAUSILLA Sophie Bangs: JEANNIE LOBATO Bill Woolcott: DOUGLAS BAYNE DIRK DANGERFIELD/DENNIS: Drucker: TOM BURKE Prometheus, Taurus and monumental figures: PAWEL PAGAN-PILKORSKI Aquarius: ALAN FLUHARTY Marv: EVERETT BOYD Crowd: CARLOS, LISA, ELENA AND SARAH TAYLOR, NACHO MUNOZ-SANJUAN AND ALEKSEY ZOLOTARYOV Digital snake and Promethea moths: ALEKSEY ZOLOTARYOV Hair and Makeup: GREGORY MALONE Wigs courtesy of MATTHEW AND INGRID HAIR REPLACEMENT Promethea’s costume by TODD DOUGLASS Straight Jacket and Padded Cell: DAVID PAGE BackGround research: FEHL CANNON Special thanks to JAE LEE, J. H. WILLIAMS, ARTURO, ALVARO, LUZ AND ALEJANDRO VILLARRUBIA, LUZ J. MOMEDIANO, DAVID DRAKE, STEVE KENT AND STEPHEN JOHN PHILLIPS, ene J.H. WILLIAMS IIL and MICK GRAY Cover art WILDSTORM FX Cover color TODD KLEIN Cover logo and design JIM LEE Editorial Director JOHN NEE VP & General Manager SCOTT DUNBIER Group Editor ‘Some things just have « certain fee! to them. Maybe it's quality. Maybe it's some sense of resonance. Maybe it's just imagination. Whose imagination, I'm not sure. I'd prefer to think it's not just MY imagination, 1 vividly recall opening the first issue of Warrior magazine and read- ing “A Dream of Flying.” That episode had a feel to it that I hadn't encoun. tered in a comic book before, and have encountered all too rarely since. It was one of those pivotal life ‘moments; a small, trivial one to be sure, but one that definitely ADDED something worth adding to life, at @ time when all too many of the things | ‘was experiencing were at best neutral, and all too often the very opposite of “life-enhancing,” Britain in the 80s: shudder, I didn't know who the guy who flew out of the power station ‘was, but somehow | knew his story ‘was going to be important to me. An irrational conviction, but one that proved accurate. And thet story wasn't just important to me: | recently discovered a work colleague is an ex-comics fan, and when I mentioned Warrior magazine to him the first thing he asked was if | remembered “A Dream of Flying,” ‘Which brings me to Promethea. Of all the ABC titles —and, yes, | get them all- Promethea is the one with that feel’. | have an irrational conviction that there's something going on there that isn't explicit in the narrative yet, and that Promethea’s story is going to be as important to me in this new cen- tury ag Marvelman’s (for some — prob- ably sed — reason neither | nor my ‘mate at work can ever bring ourselves to call him "Miracleman”) was to me nearly 20 years ago. God, has it really been THAT long? Maybe there's @ resonance there. Maybe it's simply the quality. Maybe it's just my imagination. I'd prefer to think that it’s simply that Alan Moore knows what he’s doing. Thanks, man. “A Caven McColl” Somewhere in the U.K. Yes, we can definitely state for the record thet Alan knows what he's doing. Or he’s doing a marvelous job of winging it, which, realistically, is just a8 good, isn't it? There's nothing like creativity on the fly. And by the way, feel free to use your real name when you write us. The chances of anyone being hunted down like a dog because of his or her support of an exceptional piece of work like Promethes are... well, okay, stick with the pseudonym. There are forces afoot in this world that hate art, ‘aren't there? Hi Gang, dust 8 quick note to say thanks for Promethes. Issue #5 brought (ears to my eyes. The End of the World will indeed do. I have read every word of Alan Moore's I could get my hands on in the last dozen or so years, and am profoundly grateful for his work, Which is a benediction. I have admired the many artists he’s collaborated with, seeing the synergistic sparkle of unadulterated genius meny times. Here it is again! Promethea is beauti- ful, wonderful, and so much more alive than much of the so-called world itis helping to end. Blessings, Kelly Evans ‘Very well put, Kelly. Thank you for the blessings, You're right, something about collaborating with Alan seems to bring, ‘out the best in the artists who work on his tales. And, judging by the mail we ‘et, his writing brings out the best in his readers as well, which is truly a gift. Dear Promethea crew, Now this is what I have been wait ing for. Promethea 6 finally gave us Joyal readers a highly intriguing and extremely insightful look into the world of Immateria and ass bonus delivered some nicely balanced char- acter interaction and lovely pieces of dialogue that only @ writer like Alan Moore could come up with. I would even go 60 far as to say this is the best issuc thus fer. The most enjoyable part about the issue at hand was that basically noth- ing happened, with Sophie and Margaret doing nothing more than making @ journey through the Immateria and discussing things os they went along, It has been a long time since I've read a comic book like this, with hardly any action of the bat- tling kind at all and only powerful dia- logue instead. It's almost like most new writers these days know that this, is exactly the kind of stories the read- ‘ers enjoy most, but they've forgotten exactly how to write them, That way, they mostly end up with twenty-some thing pages full of silly dialogue that does nothing but state the obvious and forces all the facts down the readers’ throats. Fortunately, this issue showed how it can and should be done. Said journey through the Immateria wasn’t only a very clever piece of writ- ing, it also proved to be a good way to lay down the basic rules of this comic book series’ world, universe and real ity. It was, in @ way, also paving the road for upcoming issues, giving tiny and subtle glimpses of ideas and con: cepts that undoubtedly will return somewhere further down the road. Still, I think that after these first five issues of the book, which basically were somewhat introductory, now is the right time to shift into @ higher gear and focus on Sophie. She's been running and jumping into one roller coaster ride after the other and that approach will not work in the long run. Sophie is the main character, 50 she should be given the chance to really shine in that role. Right now, she's still too much of a supporting character, In short, focused storytelling is the key, but if this very issue is any indica- tion of what's to come, nobody needs to be worried about focused story- telling. Things are looking good, so thumbs up on Promethea #5. ‘Olav Beemer Zeist, The Netherlands We're glad to have overcome some initial misgivings about Promethca’s direction, Olav. You said before that you didn’t want to just see one fight after another, and that definitely is not what Promethea has been about. Now You say you want to see Sophie come into her own, and it’s safe to promise that you won't be disappointed. Among all the (much-deserved) praise that Promethea has had heaped upon it, one espect seems to have been overlooked. Yes, of course, we see the rich back-story of the various incarnations of Promethea, and the wonderfully envisioned world of the Immateris. But nobody's mentioned the city of New York itself... and that's a crying shame, It’s 1999, both here and in the world of Sophie Bangs — but her 1999 is the one envisioned in countless World's Fairs and in the optimistic predictions of Popular Mechanics. Flying cars, automatic medicine, and media everywhere... © glittering con- struction of neon lights that reminds one of Blade Runner. It's a gorgeous backdrop to this story of the imagina- tion, a city crafted from imagination itself, Icing on the cake, of course, but well worth a look in and of itself. Sincerely, dohn Seavey Isn't that whet the real New York is like, John? We get # bit spoiled out here on the sunny coast, and we for- get to check out the rest of the world sometimes. Maybe we can arrange a factfinding junket for the America’s Best Comics editorial staff. Hello, Promethea just keeps getting better, the art as well as the story. Please con- sider an appearance by the poet William Blake in one of the historical interludes. “Every thing possible to be believ'd is an imoge of the truth.” WB McCamy Taylor Consider him considered. We had, in fact, forgotten those great Promethea sonnets Blake wrote in {801 and 02. Our deepest appreciation for the reminder. Hello, I want to add myself to the list of Promethea fans. It's the only ABC series | follow. I mean, I've read some of the others and all of them are thor- ough and well thought out, but there's something about this one. I guess its much essier for me to relate to the Promethea character than to any of the others. Being an incorrigible dreamer, myself, I can relate to Sophie Bangs (although that la: name... ugh), even though I'm older and hairier. And Promethea, herself, is a mythic representation of a Self- Realized individual, which appeals strongly fo me as a dreamer. OXK., now to the nitpicking section of this missive, I'm surprised nobody has noticed this, or that you've man: aged to avoid mentioning it, The article “THE PROMETHEA PUZZLE: An ‘Adventure in Folklore” in the back of 1, the death of Steven Shelley from cancer was dated “in the spring of 1996". However, on page 23 his wife, Barbara, claimed that he died in 91. dust thought I'd mention it. ‘Arash Shahangian Mistake, or cleverly planted clue to some deeper mystery? We're not telling — we'll just point out thet in a story that's largely about imagination, ‘and the lies told by storytellers in the service of the tale, you shouldn't take ‘anything for granted. Either that, or we messed up. And by the way, Alan is also older ‘and hairier than Sophie — it’s not an unheard of condition. You'll be fine. eet ea SAN NEXT ISSUE: Sophie's apprenticeship as Promethea comes to an end, ‘and she finds hereelf tested by fire — in the form of the Goetic demons of Benny Solomon. And those alltime favorites, science heroes The Five Swell Guys, return for this spine-tingling supernatural issue

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