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c h a n g e yo u r re fe re n c e !
intelligent Motor Control Centre
To increase
to reduceprocess
to aminimum,
customer is unique.
change your reference!
Your own MotorSys solution
to improve operation and safety
of your processes.
W herever w e have to anticipate process stoppages, MotorSys provides
new solutions for m otor protection and control.
MotorSys provides the highest levelof reliability for equipm ent
and installations: pum ps, ventilators, filters, com pressors, m ixers,
grinders, conveyors, etc.
MotorSys is therefore ideallysuited to providing protectioninsectors
directlyrelated to our dailylives suchas Oil &Gas, chemicals,
pharmaceutical industry, electronics, agri-food, infrastructures, water
treatment and distribution, etc., as well as industrial facilities suchas
paper mills, ironand steel works, cement works, mines, etc.
MotorSys, the intelligent
Motor Control Centre.
Minimum70% reduction
inunexpected process
90% elimination
of motor burnouts.
Over 50% reduction
inmaintenance costs.
With MotorSys, re lia b ility ta k e s o n a n e w d im e n sio n !
MotorSys offers the very best performance
for protection and management of your motor
equipment base today.
Because with MotorSys, you have
the configuration that is best suited
to your process, guaranteeing an optimal level
of reliability and the best return on investment.
MotorSys solutions combine:
n B lokset and O kken high-dependability sw itchboards,
n w ith the latest generation protection and m otor controlsystem s.
MotorSys advantages:
n prevention of m otor m alfunctions,
n enhanced process availability and productivity,
n data feedback for continuous im provem ent in process control,
n reduced installation tim es,
n reduced m aintenance costs,
n com patibility w ith m ost com m unication netw orks on the m arket,
n configuration tailored to suit the criticality of your process,
n m ore m otor feeders for the sam e volum e,
n reduced space requirem ents,
n very high upgradeability.
Choose efficiency!
Allof the data needed to control, optim ize and m onitor your process
is perm anently accessible both locally and rem otely:
n setting and activating of protection devices,
n configuring and controlling m otor controls,
n m otor status m onitoring (alarm s and tripping),
n data exchange (status, m easurem ents, diagnosis, history, counters).
B ecause each process is different,
because each site is different,
because each custom er is unique,
MotorSys provides you w ith the best
perform ing solution.
O pen to m ost com m unication protocols,
MotorSys com m unicates via the m ain industrial
netw orks: Profibus D P, D eviceN et,M odBus, Ethernet.
With MotorSys, g ive a b o o st to yo u r p ro c e ss!
MotorSys, packed with added value!
n More motor feeders for the same volume:
you can installup to 23 m otor feeders per colum n.
n Reduced space requirement
n Major upgradeabilitypotential:
B lokset is designed for easy upgrading w hen energized: adding a new
feeder or m odifying existing feeders. The free locations are only equipped
w hen required.
n Conformitywithinternational standards:
N M anufacturing standards:
- standard IEC 60439-1: low voltage assem blies:
type tested assem blies, partially type tested assem blies
N Sw itchgear standards:
- standard IEC 60947-2/3: circuit breakers, interrupters
Each process criticality level has a specific
MotorSys solution
MotorSys offers a w hole range of solutions, w ith the best suited configuration
for each process criticality level:
MotorSys Multifunction
n C onnectivity w ith D C Ss and PLC s
n H igh-levelm otor protection: current, voltage, pow er, earth fault,
tem perature sensors
n Locallogic
n Easy and cost effective Ethernet connection
MotorSys Advanced
n C onnectivity w ith PLC s
n Intelligent current-based m otor protection
MotorSys Classic
n O ptionalnetw ork connection
n O verload protection
MotorSys E@gle
n Interoperability certificates w ith the m ost w idely available D C Ss
n H igh-levelm otor protection: current, voltage, pow er, earth fault,
tem perature sensors
n Locallogic
n R edundant Ethernet port
W hatever type of project, you can use Schneider Electrics know -how
and extensive w orldw ide netw ork of m anufacturing Equipm ent U nits
and partner panelbuilders. Selected for their expertise, they are regularly
trained and audited to ensure dependable and appropriate installation
for your application.
W herever you are in the w orld, you can be sure of the best suited global
solution and the service m eeting your localrequirem ents.
Custom partnering solutions
for installation and implementation
of your MotorSys solution
TeSys prote
Blokset Okken
MotorSys Multifunction
n C onnectivity w ith D C Ss and PLC s
n H igh-levelm otor protection: current, voltage,
pow er, earth fault, tem perature sensors
n R ealtim e feedback of data
and quality inform ation
n B lokset high-dependability sw itchboard
MotorSys Classic
n C onventionaltherm alrelay
n O ptionalnetw ork connection using
Advantys O TB
n R eal-tim e data feedback
n B lokset high-dependability sw itchboard
B e c a u se e a c h p ro c e ss is d iffe re n t,
MotorSys : a fa m ily o f so lu tio n s!
Connectivity Motor protection
n C urrent
n C urrent
n Voltage
n Pow er
n Earth fault
n Tem perature sensors
n R edundant
com m unication ports
n N ative D eviceN et
TeSys T T
n C urrent
n Voltage
n Pow er
n Earth fault
n Tem perature sensors
n N ative protocols:
-M odbus
-D eviceN et
-Profibus D P
TeSys U U
n N ative protocols:
-M odbus
-D eviceN et
-Profibus D P
n C onventional
therm alrelay
n M odbus / Ethernet
via Advantys O TB
TeSys D
MotorSys Advanced
n C onnectivity w ith PLC s
n C urrent-based intelligent m otor protection
n R eal-tim e data feedback
n B lokset high-dependability sw itchboard
MotorSys is the best performing iMCC solution
on the market today.
MotorSys, is a combination of the most dependable
low voltage switchboards and the most widely used
motor feeders in the world. Totally open-ended,
the MotorSys motor control and management
systems are compatible with all existing industrial
communication protocols.
MotorSys E@gle
n Interoperability w ith the m ost w idely used D C Ss
n H igh-levelm otor protection: current, voltage,
pow er, earth fault, tem perature sensors
n R ealtim e feedback of data
and quality inform ation
n O kken high-dependability sw itchboard

TeSys pro
Okken Blokset
Okken, high-availability switchboard
for applications up to 6300A, is the most
dependable, most optimized and most
upgradeable switchboard on the market.
Blokset, high-dependability switchboard,
for applications up to 6300A, brings a unique
high-performance along with adaptibility to local
habits and project execution.
M e a su re m e n ts
C u rre n ts n n n
E a rth c u rre n t n n n
Ave ra g e c u rre n t n n n
P h a se im b a la n c e c u rre n t) n n n
H e a t c a p a c ity le ve l n n
M o to r te m p e ra tu re b y se n so rs) n n
F re q u e n c y n n
P h a se -p h a se vo lta g e n n
P h a se im b a la n c e vo lta g e ) n n
Ave ra g e vo lta g e n
A c tive p o we r n n
R e a c tive p o we r n n
P o we r fa c to r n n
A c tive e n e rg y n n
R e a c tive e n e rg y n n
MotorSys, th e b e st in te rm s o f lo w vo lta g e switc h b o a rd s
a n d m o to r fe e d e r m a n a g e m e n t syste m s!
P ro te c tio n MotorSys MotorSys MotorSys MotorSys
Multifunction Advanced Classic E@gle
T h e rm a l o ve rlo a d n n n n
P h a se im b a la n c e c u rre n t) n n n
P h a se lo ss c u rre n t) n n n
O ve r-c u rre n t n n n
E a rth fa u lt n n n
L o n g sta rtu p sta llin g ) n n n
R o to r b lo c k a g e n n n
U n d e r-lo a d c u rre n t) n n n
C u rre n t p h a se in ve rsio n n
M o to r te m p e ra tu re b y se n so rs) n n
F a u lt la tc h in g n
L o a d sh e d d in g n
P h a se im b a la n c e vo lta g e ) n n
P h a se lo ss vo lta g e ) n n
P h a se vo lta g e in ve rsio n n
U n d e r-vo lta g e n n
O ve r-vo lta g e n
U n d e r-lo a d p o we r n n
O ve rlo a d p o we r n n
L o w p o we r fa c to r n

n TeSys Port is the Ethernet com m unication port for TeSys U and TeSys T
n R esponse tim e 100m s for 120 m otors
n TeSys U and TeSys T com m unication options:
- M odbus
- D eviceN et
- Profibus D P
n Interoperability tested w ith the m ain D C Ss: H oneyw ell, Yokogaw a,
Em erson, Foxboro
n O ne Advantys O TB can be added to each feeder for bus com m unication
MotorSys Multifunction and Advanced architecture examples
MotorSys E@gle architecture examples
MotorSys Classic architecture example
C o m m u n ic a tio n a rc h ite c tu re s,
o p e n in g u p n e w o p p o rtu n itie s fo r yo u !
Ethernet or M odbus SL
Ethernet D eviceN et or Profibus or M odbus SL

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