Ba - Zi by Hand

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Don Lim Ban Hin, 24 july 2014

There are two tabulated sets of 60 pillars use for the purpose of deriving the month and the hour
Heavenly stem in a particular year & day respectively.
I choose to combine both tables into a single palm which is more handy.
Before we begin, you must remember the natural seuence of the Heavenly stems as follows !

"nd the orders of the #$ %odiac across the fingers sections as shown in the picture.
&rom the picture attached ,locate ", B & ' .
(ach representing the ", B, ' steps to follow through in seuences.
)tep ".. *our must remember the +ui He 'ombination pairs of #0 heavenly stems as follows!
once you have memori%ed the +ui He 'ombination you can always s,ip )tep "
)tep B.. -ecalling the natural seuence of the Heavenly )tems....ust use the first / Heavenly
)tems of the natural seuence ... 'orresponding that respectively as
remember that goes with green bo0....hence pairing with it both start with
goes with red bo0...... .hence pairing with it both start with
goes with yellow bo0...& start with
goes with white bo0.....& start with
goes with blue bo0.......& start with
)tep '..."pplications
Irregardless of or you can simply forget them from now as
we are .ust interested to find the heavenly )tem of the month of a given *ear, or to find the
heavenly stem the hour of a given day..)ame single application.
(g. on a day what will be the hourly Heavenly stem in )na,e hour
1sing )tep " only if you still haven2t be able to memori%ed the +ui He combination, otherwise
you can s,ip it.
1sing )tep B ... goes with green bo0 so start with
Indicated )tep ' on the finger base , )tart the finger section as go cloc,wise with the
#$ %odiac in seuence in tandem with natural seuence of the Heavenly stems as follows

)na,e being 3os si0 will pair with Heavenly )tem earth.
Hence on a day at )na,e hour the heavenly stem at sna,e hour will be .
(g. on a ! year what will be the 4onth Heavenly stem in -ooster 4onth "
),ip )tep " only if you have memori%ed the +ui He combination...haha
1sing )tep B ... goes with red bo0 so start with
Indicated )tep ' on the finger base , )tart the finger section as go cloc,wise with the
#$ %odiac in seuence in tandem with natural seuence of the Heavenly stems as follows

-ooster being 3os #0 will pair with Heavenly )tem wood.

Hence on a ! year at -ooster month the heavenly stem at -ooster month will be heavenly

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