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High Magic

Practical Applications of the Ancient Wisdom

written by Andras M. Nagy
Published by the Ancient Wisdom Publications
Foreword ............................................................. 3
a Brief History of agic ....................................... !
"he Foundation of agic ..................................... 1#
"he $eft %ersus the &ight-hand Path ................... '(
Amulets and "alismans ....................................... 3!
)atural agic ...................................................... !*
Astral "ra%el ........................................................ !+
Healing ................................................................ +(
"he agic in )umbers ........................................ ,1
ental agic ....................................................... ,!
"he )ine -n.nown en ..................................... 1*/
A00endi1 A )umbers from * to , ........................ 1*,
A00endi1 B 2arma and &eincarnation ................. 11'
High Magic is a form of magical 0ractice3 a way
of life3 not an endorsement of using hallucinogens
or 0otent herbs for e10erimental3 mind e10anding
5 wrote this boo. because there is 0recious little
information on High magic which is the most
0owerful and benign form of doing miracles.
First of all3 the 0ower of all magic3 left-hand3
right-hand3 light or dar.3 it all comes from the same
0lace6 some would ha%e you belie%e that the origin
of dar. magic is 7atan3 but it is sim0ly not true.
7atan3 as the word had originated from the 0lanet
7aturn3 but that is all there is to it.
"he source of magic is not the 8e%il nor it is an
anthromor0hic3 40ersonal4 9od3 the real source is
ali%e within all of us3 and it is the slice of the di%ine3
the essence of the infinite.
uch that is written on the sub:ect of magical
0henomena is o%er hy0ed3 regurgitated %ersion of
the old boo.s of "antric te1ts3 ;nochian3 Chaos or
7e1 magic3 or the 0ublished material is either on
Wicca or 7hamanism with some new age
s0irituality mi1ed in.
y main concern with most magic boo.s is that
most of them loo. at the world as something that
you need to control. For e1am0le when we get into
mi1ing dro0s of your blood with clay in order to
charge the sym0athetic actor alas 0erform some
charm then you are going in a wrong direction3 on
the wrong 0ath. "rue high magic is in harmony with
other ;arth3 all the elements3 the 0eo0le and all
de%ic entities. 9aining se1ual gratification %ia
charms is not beneficial3 harmony is.
<f course3 se1 sells3 it is hard to find a 0erson
who will come out and say no to se1. He will be
laughed u0on and ostraci=ed... howe%er in my boo.
5 bra%ed this trend3 henceforth the reader will find
%ery little material of these 0ractices. 5 do not hold
negati%e o0inion on these other 0ractices but 5 am
here to offer something fresh3 something safer and
5n reality3 true3 high magic is the 0ractical
a00lication of the Ancient Wisdom. 5n my research
and 0ractice 5 followed no school3 co%en or religious
0hiloso0hy. 5 felt that there was a great need for a
com0rehensi%e and u0dated boo. on true men-
made 0henomena of the su0ernatural. 5n this boo.
you might find the 0henomena a little more
mundane and down to earth3 yet the 0ur0ose of
this boo. is to teach the reader e%ery techni>ue
and craft that can create true miracles in his life.
5n this boo. 5 will not attem0t to e10lain
0henomena3 using science or 0seudoscience. 5
write on sub:ects that 5 ha%e experienced to be
true. 5 sim0ly state6 there are immeasurable
energies ?%ibrations@ that e1ist3 yet scientifically
not >uantifiable using current technologies. "hese
%ibrations are the foundations and the cornerstone
of all in%isible 0henomena3 such as the aura3 astral
body etc. Words3 numbers3 colors3 sounds all
%ibrate and ha%e im0act u0on our mind and s0irit.
7ome 0eo0le who ha%e well de%elo0ed inner
sight - the third eye center is o0ened3 hence they
can see the auras and other gly0hs of energies
most cannot.
"he 0ractice of high magic is life affirming and
>uite liberating. 5t confirms the e1istence of a
higher 0ower and also re-affirms our constant
connection to this 0ower.
5 found that s0irituality alone is not as sought
after sub:ect as certain 0ractical a00lications of
consciousness. en see. tangible3 useful ideas that
can hel0 them co0ing and managing in our
increasingly challenging en%ironment. Achie%ing
godAs consciousness is a noble goal3 howe%er it is
not as easy as 0racticing magic. We ha%e anchors
that .ee0 us connected to this realm3 certain
desires and wishes will .ee0 us from achie%ing
enlightenment yet while we are struggling to
o%ercome these3 we can reinforce our faith by
0racticing magic.
"he reader will note that conclusion of this boo.
are %ery often in contrast of the commonly
acce0ted theory and conclusion of the mainstream
media. 5 will cite sources that 0lace the framewor.
of this boo. into historical conte1t yet there will be
%ery little su00orting literature to bac. u0 what is
said in this boo.. "his is mainly because the facts
about natureAs laws and con%ectional 4wisdom4
ha%e %ery little in common. ost of the ideas and
facts were of my own findings and there is %ery
little information out there to su00ort what this
boo. states. "o some 0eo0le this is a warning sign
to others it is the sign of a genuine and uni>ue
5 ha%e been studying and 0racticing the Ancient
Wisdom initially under the tutelage of my teacher
and lately on my own. According to my teacher
who was clairaudient and clair%oyant my s0iritual
origins were from the 7irius star system3 the dog
star. "his ma.es me feel real old.
5 first became interested in magic after reading
the boo. from Paramhansa Bogananda3 the
Autobiography of a Yogi. 5n his boo. the author
describes the 0erfume saint3 a reclusi%e yogi who
0roduced any fragrance the audience re>uested. 5
ha%e noticed the innocent nature of the magic.
$oftier3 more selfish goals might not wor. with the
0ractitioner who 0ractices the right-hand 0ath.
BogonandaAs im0ression on magic was not
com0limentary3 he sought it as distraction from
enlightenment which is3 in his o0inion our ultimate
goal and birthright.
5 am 0artially in agreement with Bogonanda.
Focusing on ones effort to 0erform a 0henomena is
seemingly an idle and useless 0ursuit. <n the other
hand what about the countess obser%ers to whom
this 0henomena might germinate something. 5t
maybe a trigger to something bigger3 in which case
you3 the magician3 are ser%ing a higher 0ur0ose .
Bes3 reading this boo. the ultimate goal should
be enlightenment not showing off your
su0ernatural s.ills but learning certain s.ills is
em0owering and beneficial and would get you well
on the 0ath of your ultimate goal which is oneness
with god3 the ultimate magic tric..
a Brief History of Magic
"Man is arrogant in proportion of his ignorance. "
;dward-Bullwer $ytton
en ha%e always stri%ed to control nature and
the elements. "he earliest shamans3 before the
e1istence of any organi=ed religionAs sought to
heal the sic. and get rain when the cro0s needed
or otherwise render weather more fa%orable to
their 0ursuits and lifestyle.
"hese holy men had the lu1ury of ignore hunting
or fighting 0arties3 they did not need to toil the
land3 their needs were met by the community. 7o
they had the time and lu1ury to s0end all their time
with contem0lati%e 0ursuits. "his was a lu1ury then
as it is undoubtedly a lu1ury today.
"hose who followed and learned the tenets of
the Ancient Wisdom3 e%entually also mastered the
0ractice right-hand magic.
"his usually consisted of communicating and
wor.ing with the elements and elementaries.
Certain men who were o0en minded and intelligent
found out that most things that were im0ortant and
elusi%e were not always %isible and more often
than not were out of their control. With res0ect and
careful ca:oling the holy men learned to coe1ist
and harness the elements %ia their s0irit 0ro1ies.
"he .ey word was always res0ect and coe1istence.
"hese early holy men were not anointed by any
0ower-structure or leader. "hey e1isted at the side
of the head of the tribe offering guidance and
fortune telling3 healing and rainma.ing among
other things. "hese men e%entually learned which
herbs were beneficial and which were 0oison3 how
to 0rotect their own from the hostility of others
while offering useful and 0ractical guidance to the
members of the tribe and its leader.
As tribal life became more structured and earth
became more 0o0ulous these scattered tribes
e%entually mor0hed into .ingdoms or 0rinci0alities.
What commonality e1isted in most of these early
human societies were the benign nature of the
ruler. "he rulers3 while wielded ultimate 0ower and
control o%er their sub:ects were often benign and
held the welfare and 0ros0erity of their 0eo0le to a
high regard.
As the role of the ultimate ruler was handed
down from generations to generations3 >uite often
the royal family had connections to the higher
worlds and higher beings. "hey were the e1tended
arm of the white brotherhood that e1isted since the
dawn of times. "he intermediaries between the
royal family and the white brotherhood were
always the magician3 the consigliere3 the seer and
ad%isor to the .ing and his family.
At times3 the dar. forces gained access to a
member of the royal family and by brewing ill
content and animosity among brothers and sisters
they instigated .in against .in3 son against the
father. -ns0ea.able acts were done between the
royal families in %ying for 0ower and wealth3 but
more often than not the dar. forces were behind
the scene controlling the e%ents and their main
0ur0ose was to hinder and interru0t the hierarchy
of the light.
"he most famous magician was erlin3 from the
Anglo tradition of 2ing Arthur.
erlin first a00ears in 9eoffrey of
onmouthAs Historia Regum Britanniae3 written
around 113#3 and is based on an amalgamation of
0re%ious historical and legendary figures de0icting
the relationshi0 between the royal family and the
holy-man who ad%ises the family3 tells the fortune
and guides the monarchy through tic. and thin.
<ften the royalty itself 0racticed magic and the
Ancient Wisdom. 5n the case of Cleo0atra
sideste00ed the intermediary and as the 0riestess
of Philae
3 she acted as ruler and sorceress as one.
7he managed to beguile two &oman leaders
.ee0 ;gy0t inde0endent and free from foreign rule.
History 0ortrayed her as enchantress and
mani0ulator of men but the little .nown facts that
the history boo.s failed to catch on was her
intimate .nowledge of the Ancient Wisdom and
magic. 7he was well %ersed in the ;gy0tian and
Hellenistic mysteries and %ery 0o0ular among her
Cleo0atraAs father Auletes was a direct
descendant of Ale1ander the 9reatAs
general3 Ptolemy 5 7oter3 son of Arsinoe and $acus3
both of acedonian heritage.
As such3 Cleo0atraAs bac.ground was
the 9ree. s0o.en by the Hellenic aristocracy3
though she was .nown to be the first ruler of the
dynasty to learn ;gy0tian. 7he also ado0ted
common ;gy0tian beliefs and 0ractices. Her 0atron
goddess was 5sis3 and thus3 during her reign3 it was
belie%ed that she was the re-incarnation and
embodiment of the goddess of wisdom.
Christianity and the decline of the &oman ;m0ire
slowly forced magic underground. Anyone with a
whiff of alchemy3 natural science li.e astronomy3
that the church disa00ro%ed was in gra%e danger.
"he church considered 9nosis of transcendental
god3 science3 the dar. arts and the Ancient Wisdom
in the same category. 8angerous and forbidden.
Anyone who wanted to learn or see more was
labeled a witch and had to confess under torture.
)otable e1ce0tion to this was the mysterious 8r.
8ee3 who was Cueen ;li=abethDs court astrologer
Cleopatra VII Philopator
an island in the Nile Riverand the previous site of an Egyptian temple complex in southern Egypt
Julius Caesar and Mark ntony !after Caesar"s death#
and the occult architect of the British ;m0ire.
8r. Eohn 8ee commingled the worlds
of science and magic :ust as they were becoming
<ne of the most learned men of his age3 he had
been in%ited to lecture on ad%anced algebra at
the -ni%ersity of Paris while still in his early
twenties. 8ee howe%er de%oted much of his life to
the study of alchemy3 di%ination3 and Hermetic
Contemporary Magicians
5t is not easy to com0ile a list of names worth
mentioning in modern western occult 0ractice in
the same boo. that mentions Count 7t. 9ermain
but we will try e1actly that.
Samuel Liddell Macregor Mathers
7amuel $iddell ?or $iddel@ 4ac9regor4 athers3
born as 7amuel $iddell ?Eanuary3 1+(/ F )o%ember3
1,1+@3 was a famous magician and one of the most
influential figures in modern <ccultism. He is
0rimarily .nown as one of the founders of the
Hermetic <rder of the 9olden 8awn3 a ceremonial
magic order whose offshoots still e1ist today.
Arthur !dward Waite
Arthur ;dward Waite ?<ctober '3 1+(! - ay 1,3
1,/'@ was an occultist and co-creator of the
0o0ular and widely used &ider-Waite "arot dec.
and author of its com0anion %olume3 the Pictorial
2ey to the "arot. "his was notable for being one of
the first dec.s to illustrate all !+ cards fully3 as
o00osed to the '' ma:or arcana.
Waite was a 0rolific author with many of his
wor.s being well recei%ed in academic circles. He
wrote occult te1ts on sub:ects including di%ination3
&osicrucianAs3 freemasonry3 blac. and ceremonial
magic3 2abbalism and alchemy6 he also translated
and reissued se%eral im0ortant mystical and
alchemical wor.s. His wor.s on the Holy 9rail3
influenced by his friendshi0 with Arthur achen3
were 0articularly notable. A number of his %olumes
remain in 0rint3 "he Boo. of Ceremonial agic3 "he
Holy 2abbalah3 and )ew ;ncyclo0edia of
Freemasonry ha%ing seen re0rints in recent years.
Austin "sman Spare
Austin <sman 70are was an artist3 0hiloso0her
and occult magician. $i.e Aleister Crowley with
whom he had a brief association3 70are was a
genius in his own time una00reciated and %ilified
by a society that could little understand him. His
was the ins0iration that led to the formation of the
A5lluminates of "hanaterosA ?5<"@ in ;ngland in the
late 1,!*Ds and the 0ractice of what is now .nown
as Chaos agic.
#ran$ %ardon
Fran= Bardon ?8ecember 13 1,*, F Euly 1*3
1,(+@. C=ech occultist best .nown for his three
%olumes on Hermetic magic. "hese %olumes are
nitiation nto Hermetics3 !he "ractice of Magical
#$ocation and !he %ey to the !rue &uabbalah.
Additionally there was a fourth wor. attributed to
him by the title of Frabato the agician3 su00osed
to be a fictional autobiogra0hy3 though the
factuality of its contents and its authorshi0 are
"he story is set in 8resden3 9ermany3 in the
early 1,3*s3 it chronicles FrabatoAs magical battles
with the members of a 0owerful and dangerous
blac. lodge3 his esca0e from 9ermany during the
final des0erate days of the Weimar &e0ublic3 and
the beginning of the s0iritual mission which was to
culminate in Fran= BardonAs classic boo.s on
Hermetic magic. ore than an occult no%el3
Frabato the agician is itself a wor. of magic which
illuminates BardonAs other boo.s as well as
0ro%iding a re%ealing loo. into the dar. occult
forces which lay behind the rise of the "hird &eich.
BardonAs boo.s are most notable for their
sim0licity3 their relati%ely small theoretical
sections3 and hea%y em0hasis on 0ractice with
many e1ercises. Peo0le in the 4tradeA consider him
to ha%e written the best training 0rograms of any
magician of the '*th century. "hey were written
with the intention of allowing students who wished
to 0ractice magic the means to do so if they could
not study under a teacher3 a 0ath which Bardon
!liphas Le&i
;li0has $e%i ?the 0en name of AbbG $ouis
Constant3 1+1*-1+!(@3 was a French occultist who
is credited for re%i%ing interest in magic in the 1,th
His first and 0robably most im0ortant wor. was
"he 8ogma and &itual of High agic which was the
ins0iration of the boo. you are reading.
5t was followed by A History of agic3
"ranscendental agic3 "he 2ey of 9reat ysteries3
and others. $e%i belie%ed in the e1istence of a
uni%ersal Asecret doctrineA of magic throughout
history3 e%erywhere in the world.
$e%i wrote that he was influenced by an earlier
writer and occultist Francis Barrett. 5n turn he had
influenced another writer and occultist 'ir #dward
Bulwer()ytton3 with whom he %isited in $ondon in
1+#1. Bulwer-$ytton wrote "he $ast 8ays of
Pom0eii and other occult boo.s hel0ing to ma.e
magic fashionable to the last of the 1,th century.
"hey both became members of an occult grou03
which 0erha0s Bulwer-$ytton may ha%e organi=ed3
that studied scrying3 magic3 astrology3 and
mesmerism. 5n his 0o0ularity $e%i drew a strong
following3 influencing others to write their own
Around the turn of the century se%eral 0rominent
esoteric 0ersonalities were ascendant3 mainly in
the -nited 2ingdom.
<ne such 0erson was 5srael &egardie6 once a
0ersonal secretary and disci0le of Aleister Crowley3
&egardie bro.e their relationshi0 and became
in%ol%ed with the order of Hermetic <rder of the
9olden 8awn.
$eft-hand magic became synonymous with the
nefarious rise of the "hird &eich.
"he connection between )a=ism and the occult
ha%e been meticulously e1amined and e10loited.
"he earliest and most notable was the boo. titled
!he Morning of the Magicians was first 0ublished
as )e Matin des magiciens. Written by $ouis
Pauwels and Eac>ues Bergier in 1,#*. "his boo.
started the subse>uent research of the occult
connection of )a=ism and occult magic. While the
!he Morning of the Magicians became a best seller
in France3 the wild ideas and outrageous claims3
notably the cons0iracy theories and lin.ing the )a=i
0arty with the Hril
3 drew criticism and negati%e
"he 0ositi%e as0ects of the boo. was that it
0a%ed the way for honest :ournalism and research
that we now acce0t as historical facts.
Vril is a su$stance descri$ed in Ed%ard &ul%er'(ytton"s )*+) novel The Coming Race, %hich %as later
reprinted as Vril: The Power of the Coming Race
"here was one documentary, Hitler*s 'earch for
the Holy +rail, includes footage from the 1,3,
9erman e10edition to "ibet. "he documentary
describes it as 4the most ambitious e10edition4 of
the 77.
"he renowned <1ford historian )icholas
9oodric.-Clar.eAs seminal wor. !he -ccult Roots of
.a/ism describes HitlerAs inner circle as occultists
who 0er%erted the Ancient Wisdom and turned it
u0side down. Hitler has his own dar. guru who
used the ancient symbols but he carefully changed
them to gain the su00ort from the dar. forces. Fore
e1am0le the most famous symbol of )a=ism3 the
ancient "ibetan 7wasti.a was changed.
Amusingly3 des0ite the %ehement denial from
the seculars the e1istence of the su0ernatural
0owers3 during World War 55 British 5ntelligence3 in
fact3 in%ited many occultists into its ran.s because
it needed their s0ecialist .nowledge and s.ills.
Cecil Williamson was the founder of both the
Witchcraft &esearch Center which was a 0art
of 5#As war against )a=i 9ermany3 and
the useum of Witchcraft.
5n addition the assistant director of )a%al
5ntelligence during the war was $t. Commander 5an
Fleming &)3 best .nown later as a thriller writer
and the creator of the famous fictional s0y Eames
Bond **!. Fleming was also interested in astrology
and numerology and he was a friend of the
notorious magician Aleister Crowley3 who had
wor.ed for 5# during World War 5 and in the
1,'*s and 1,3*s s0ying on 9ermans with shared
occult interests.
5f you consider the facts about the meteoric rise
and military successes of the "hird &eich3 the
numerous unsuccessful attem0ts on HitlerAs life
there could be %ery little doubt in oneAs mind on
some su0ernatural su00ort. "he ;nglish3 at least
too. this seriously.
With the hel0 of unseen and tireless wor. of the
White Brotherhood3 the good guys won. ost
historians agree and ac.nowledge how close it was3
es0ecially in the conte1t of the recent disco%eries
of the ad%ent of 9erman roc.et technologies and
9erman efforts of harnessing and wea0oni=ing the
0ower of the atom.
5n contem0orary times magic and the ancient
wisdom became %ery 0o0ular. ost of the classic
boo.s were re0ublished new ones were written
saying much the same as the ancient te1ts e1ce0t
using more contem0orary 0hrases and linguistics.
"he $aw of Attraction and the other boo.s on the
0ower of the mind
were dug u0 and romantici=ed.
<0rah3 the 0atron saint of writers and )ew Age
aficionados3 hel0ed to commerciali=e much of the
ideas and conce0ts that relate to magic. ost of
that material is incom0lete and hence inaccurate3
by focusing on form rather than the dee0 source of
magic residing in all of us.
the Ne% -hought movement
!he Foundation of Magic
"!he moti$ating power, then, in all magical operations,
is the trained will of the magician. All ad0uncts of
1eremonial Magic ( lights, colours, circles, triangles,
perfumes ( are merely aids to concentrate the will of
the magician into a bla/ing stream of pure energy."
Francis 2ing3 &itual agic in ;ngland
&eal magic is often seemingly mundane and
ambiguous. "he biggest talent of the magician is to
0erform magic and ma.e it loo. li.e luc. or
"here is an old saying about the most cunning
tric. the de%il e%er achie%ed was to 0romulgate the
wides0read belief the he did not e1ist. <f course
there is no de%il3 but there are the dar. forces3
entities on the lower realms and of course there is
$ucifer but that is all there is to it.
7imilarly3 the real magician3 es0ecially one who
follows the right-hand 0ath3 has no intention of
becoming famous or e%en to show off his talent.
"here are rare e1ce0tions to this li.e -ri 9eller who
can bend metal for.s with the 0ower of his mind.
<thers ha%e no 0ower to do such feats but they are
masters of hy0nosis3 e%en on the scale of an
auditorium full of 0eo0le.
While it is true that that which is .nown as
4magic4 has always been mi1ed u0 with a mass of
credulity3 su0erstition3 and meaningless forms and
ceremonies and e%en frauds and charlatans3 the
close student will see that these anomalies and
a00endages necessarily arose from the
su0erstitions of the mass of the 0eo0le3 and to the
%arious forms of 0rimiti%e religions that the sim0le
0eo0le had fostered during the 0rocession of the
centuries and ages.
"he magicians were nearly always 0riests in the
old days3 that being the only career o0en to them3
and one that enabled them to erect the barrier of
0rimiti%e religious rites between their wisdom and
the ignorance of the masses.
"o understand magic3 is to gain fundamental
insight to what reality and real is. 5f you thin. our
%ery e1istence is reality3 5 am here to burst your
bubble. )othing we see or hear is real3 it is the
result of our 0erce0tion and the illusion of the
"o 0ut it in another word3 all e10eriences are in
the realm of the sub:ect-ob:ect 0roblem3 a
longstanding 0hiloso0hical issue3 is concerned with
the analysis of human e10erience3 and of what
within e10erience is 4sub:ecti%e4 and what is
4ob:ecti%e4. "he sub:ect-ob:ect 0roblem is twofoldI
firstly3 there is the >uestion of 4what4 do we .now3
and %ery recently this could be called the 4atri14
>uestion3 i.e.3 4How do we .now we are not li%ing in
a 4matri14J
"he second 0roblem is that of 4how4 do we .now
what we .nowJ 7urely3 are 0erson with a mental
disease has a sense of reality that is >uite different
from the norm. How do we .now who is rightJ
"herefore in the absolute esoteric sense3 all that
we .now and thin. as real3 is in fact an illusion.
Precisely because it is obser%ed by limited faculties
i.e. the sub:ect-ob:ect human brain and secondly3
all that we thin. of real is finite and 0erishable. <ne
second it e1ist then it is gone. 5s that real for youJ
"he second might last a few million light years but
that is only >uibbling o%er time.
<ur uni%erse is finite3 all within the uni%erse is
finite. We are3 as mortals3 and naturally are finite3
we all die one day. )othing is real e1ce0t 5nfinity3
i.e. 9od.
"herefore wor.ing with this illusion as a magician
must be >uite easy - all matter %ibrates and mo%es
around in a %arying s0eed. )othing is solid3 at the
sub atomic le%el - an atom is mostly em0ty s0ace.
All is malleable and can be controlled as all is the
creation of our mind. "he wor.ings of the uni%erse
as we .now it3 are the result of our su0er
conscious3 the collecti%e mind. "he -ni%erse is
emanated from 5nfinity i.e. 9od ha%ing all the
innate di%ine characteristics 0resent but in some
ways only a mirror image of the 4real thing4.
What ma.es things feel solid when in fact
e%erything is s0aceJ
"o understand why my hand did not stic. to my
.eyboard as 5 was ty0ing this cha0ter3 you ha%e to
understand why and how atoms combine.
;ach atom has electrons re%ol%ing around it. "he
number %aries de0ending on the element. "here
are different le%els of electrons3 too. "he inner
most le%el can only contain u0 to two electrons3 all
of the other le%els can contain u0 to +. 7ome of
them are 0ositi%ely charged some of the
negati%ely3 hence re0el each other offering the
illusion of solid state.
5f our reality is a dream3 i.e. an illusion then it
must be concluded that altering this dream must
be relati%ely easy and without technical difficulties.
5t is all doable.
"he biggest obstacle for any 0erson who wishes
to become a magician is the first ste0 of
understanding the mechanics and the bac.ground
of reality3 and our mind. "o acce0t fully this
0aradigm is not easy. ;%en at the 0oint of
acce0ting the 0remise of this many subconsciously
fail to belie%e it fully and integrate this truth into
his conscious and subconscious mind. "his can ta.e
"he second idea in understanding of magic is the
.nowledge and acce0tance of our se0tenary
e1istence. We ha%e access to these se%en le%els3 at
all times3 only one le%el of this se%en is on this
0hysical3 material 0lane. "he rest is in%isible to the
human eye.
&ealm of 9od. ?5nfinity@ !th
&ealm of Hirgin 70irits. ?angels@ #th
&ealm of 8i%ine 70irit. ?higher beings3
ahatmas@ (th
&ealm of $ife 70irit. ?"his is the Chi3 $ife force3
0rana etc.@
&ealm of "hought. 3rd
8esire &ealm. ?Where we s0end time between
incarnations3 Astral@ 'nd
Physical &ealm. 1st
"here are different names and e%en different
numbers of these le%els are described in %arious
teachings. 7ince demarcation is not %ery strong
between these le%els3 it is best not to >uibble with
7ans.rit names and numbers. 5 ha%e tried to
0resent the best descri0tion of these le%els to a
We are simultaneously e1ist on all se%en le%els
but awareness of the higher le%els is bloc.ed by
our limited mind. After all we 0ur0ortedly use 1*-
'*-0ercent mind ca0acity and our centers are
usually closedKbloc.ed. "hese centers are also e1ist
in se%en and corres0ond to our se%en le%els of
being. "here are 3-lower centers and 3-higher
centers and there in the middle is the heart center.
At the two highest le%els of &ealms3 the >uantum
mechanics and molecular 0hysics do not a00ly3 the
%ibration le%el of this e1istence is so high that it
renders normal 0hysics useless3 the laws of these
sim0ly do not a00ly. At this le%el we are <ne3 this
e10lains how remote healing can be 0erformed by
a Healer or .
7ince time and s0ace no longer forming
obstacles while acting on these le%els3 all contact
and .nowledge is 0ossible of the seemingly
se0arated fragmented 4others4 on the lower
-sing a to0Kdown a00roach a Healer can heal the
4other4 0ersonAs astral body first which facilitates
o%erall healing for the 0hysical body.
5t is little .nown esoteric fact that s0irit and
matter are conditions of each other. ;ssentially
there are the same. 70irit is refined matter and
matter is denser form of s0irit3 their difference
e1ists only in their %ibratory rate. Bou can thin. of
this as water and ice 0aradigm. 5ce is water3 with a
denser form.
Hence at the two higher realms the
differentiation of s0irit and matter are hardly
distinguishable. 5n our 0olari=ed uni%erse3 matter
re0resents the feminine -matter ?mother@ and s0rit
the masculine - s0irit?father@.
(he Source of Magic
"he strongest .ind of magic comes from our
higher self. "his is why what 5 0ractice is called the
4High4 agic. When one trainsKo0erates at this
le%el nothing is im0ossible.
"o achie%e this 0ower the as0irant need to
seriously wor. at se%eral facets6
1. )atural culti%ation of the o0ening of the
'. &each to the two highest le%els3 if that is
not immediately 0ossible reach to as high-
self as 0ossible while %acating the lower-
3. Focus the mind and build a strong3 %isual
$ets tal. a little more about these centers and
why they are there. "he centers all connected and
the source of their origin is the hara center3 this
e1ists about two inches below the na%el3 it is the
origin of life as you were connected to your mother
%ia the umbilical cord for nine months. "he wor.
hara is .nown in Ea0an3 when the Ea0anese wish to
e1tinguish life3 the ta.e a small .nife and 0lunge it
into the hara center3 .illing the life-source instantly.
All %ital energies3 the 0rana3 life force3 the chi ?or
>i@ surges through these centers. "his energy can
also be the source of miracles and the
su0ernatural3 the lac. of this life force will ma.e
you ill and 0erish3 abundance of this will ma.e you
li%e as long as you wish.
Bou of course cannot force or mani0ulate these
centers to o0en. "hey will o0en in harmony when
they - you are ready3 not before. Forcing your
centers to o0en 0rematurely can only cause chaos3
calamity and disaster. -sually3 this ends in
madness3 or a mental brea.down for the as0irant
and the result usually is 0ermanent. Certain
amuletAs can hel0 strengthening ones Chi and that
in turn can hel0 with the centers but that is the
e1tent one can 0roacti%ely hel0. editation and
ser%ice are the .eys3 do that and e%entually when
you are ready the centers will o0en.
8oes this mean that you cannot 0erform magic
before your centers fully o0enJ <f course not.
"here are techni>ues and e1ercises that can hel0
your mental strength and will.
For e1am0le3 learning methods de%elo0ed by the
Bulgarian 0sychothera0ist 9eorgi $o=ano%3 can
lead to more efficient and creati%e ways if utili=ing
your mental faculties3 using suggestions and the
0ower of the subconscious mind. "hese techni>ues
will be further discussed in this boo. under the
cha0ter the Mental Magic.
agic ceremonies were always used to facilitate
the mental transformation of the 7haman or
magician Priest to a higher more 0otent le%el at
which he could 0erform his mission. Actually the
early 9ree. theatre and other ritualistic
0erformance were similar and they e%en drew in
the s0ectators by feeding on their collecti%e
We can all learn to communicate with our higher
self and that is how dowsing or 0endulum magic
8i%ination using a 0endulum is also a %ery useful
art3 as the answers in%ariably will come from the
higher-self therefore should be reliable and
trustworthy information.
"he 0endulum can be used for choosing between
alternati%es in a relati%ely wide range of areas. "o
get an answer from the 0endulum3 sim0ly as. any
yesKno >uestion about a s0ecific thing that you feel
uncertain about3 but only in areas where you ha%e
the 0ower to ma.e the decision. "he 0endulum is
ty0ically used o%er a guide3 a sheet of 0a0er3
ha%ing a Bes or )o3 written on.
Here are some ty0ical areas where the 0endulum
can be used to good ad%antageI
a.ing a choice. ?8o 5 want to ha%e this
wee.-end tri0 or rather 5 should stay homeJ@
Figuring out what is best to do. ?Would it be
better to .ee0 my 0resent wor. or loo. for a
new 0ositionJ@
Figuring out how you really feel about
something. ?8o 5 want a family in the near
Becoming more aware of the inner thoughts
and desires of a 0erson close to you.
8etermining your 0robability of success in a
situation.?8o 5 ha%e what it ta.es to com0lete
this com0etitionJ@
Finding the cause of 0hysical sym0toms. ?5s
my red meat diet causing my mood-swingsJ@
8etermining what foods or %itamins to ta.e.
?Would it be good for me to double my
Hitamin 8 inta.eJ@
8etermining what is causing an allergic
reaction. ?Am 5 allergic to the catJ@
Pros0ecting for water3 oil3 treasure. ?5s there
a sil%er coin buried o%er hereJ@
"hings that can cause an incorrect res0onse from
the 0endulumI
)naccurate phrasing the *uestion+ "he
most im0ortant thing is how you 0hrase the
>uestion. For e1am0le3 donAt :ust as.3 45s this
water good for me4J4 Be more accurateI
9ood in what wayJ "he bread may ha%e both
good and bad as0ects. For e1am0le3 you may
be e1tremely hungry3 so the bread is good
for nourishment your body3 but the bread
could made of tainted grain and later gi%e
you food-0oisoning. 7o state the >uestion
0recisely such as 4Will this bread ser%e my
highest and greatest goodJ4
As,ing *uestions that are too
general+ 8onAt as. general >uestions such
this is also called dowsing.
as 45s 7te%en healthyJ4 &ather as. s0ecific
>uestions such as 45s 7te%enAs smo.ing
causing him health 0roblemsJ4
%eing tired.
#orcing the situation. -sing the 0endulum
e%en though the time or circumstances are
not right.
%eing off Center+ Feeling mentally or
emotionally out of balance. Bou need to be in
the right frame of mind.
Focusing too hea%ily on the 0endulum itself3
and not enough on the information inside
Being too close to high fre>uency electrical
e>ui0ment ?being in the close %icinity of a "H
or com0uter screen@.
!he )eft $ersus the Right(hand
"!here are two forces, each ha$ing se$en streams,
and they again se$en times se$en, and so on
downward unto an infinity of numbers.
!hey are right and left, hand positi$e and negati$e,
light and dar2ness, good and e$il. #ach has many
names and many attributes,
and in the ultimate the two are one3 though not
yet, nor for many eons, is their oneness
manifested, and until then they are opposites.
!heir oneness is an occult secret, difficult to
understand, and it is madness for the choosers of
the left hand force to meditate their treacheries
when the star of the right hand force is in the
ascendant." from "albot undyAs Cueen Cleo0atra
When embar.ing on the esoteric 0ath3 the
as0irant e%entually must decide between the left or
the right hand 0ractice. "his choice is not always
conscious but rather it will reflect the ambitions
and moti%ations of the as0irant. Why is he see.ing
s0ecial wisdomJ 5s it for alchemy3 for self-
gratification or the betterment of man.indJ 5s it
about control and domination of othersJ "he
as0irant can deny being on the left-hand 0ath and
%ehemently fa%or the right-hand 0ractice but the
real litmus test he might fail the test.
"here is no way to fa.e moti%ation. "he real
thoughts and hidden agendas will surface by
actions. "here is no going around this. "he truth
always comes to the surface. "he saying goes6
4...by their fruits you shall recogni=e them...4
-sually 0ractitioners of the left-hand are rather
Matthe% +.)/
benign and harmless. "here are always games
0layed for control3 money and 0ower. oney and
se1 are ingredients of the left-hand 0ath.
Perfect e1am0le of this was Aleister Crowley. A
brilliant and learned man of the occult and magic
he is considered3 by a BBC 0oll as being the
se%enty-third greatest Briton of all time.
Practitioners of the right-hand do not usually
achie%e fame and wealth. "hey toil in the shadows
and the world is usually an obstacle for them. "hey
would ne%er get on <0rah. "he world3 as it is today
is controlled by the left-hand forces3 this is
0recisely why the state of affairs are the way they
<n the other hand the white magicians do get
hel0 and they are seldom in the want - 4Your needs
will be met4 as the old saying 0romises3 and rela13
it shall be so.
As benign3 as some of the left-hand 0ractitioners
are3 occasionally there are e1ce0tions. For
e1am0le3 the seduction of the 9erman 0eo0le by
Adol0h Hitler and the resulting death and carnage
was far from benign.
<ne of HitlerAs dar. guru was 9uido %on $ist3 4the
reader of the runes4 founder of the Arioso0hical
7ociety. $ist was also the author of 4as +eheimnis
der Runen ?!he 'ecret of the Runes@.
9uido %on $ist was strongly influenced by adame
Bla%ats.y3 which he blended with his own racial
religious beliefs3 founded u0on 9ermanic
0aganism. $ist misinter0reted Bla%ats.y terms of
se$en root races of man and based on Bla%ats.yAs
boo.3 the 7ecret 8octrine and other 9ermanic
legends he formed his racial su0eriority theories of
the 9erman 0eo0le.
"he other3 with e%en more direct im0act on the
"hird &eich was 2arl aria Wiligut. Wiligut3 who
was also called 4HimmlerAs &as0utin4 because in
70ring 1,3( Wiligut was transferred to Berlin to
ser%e on HimmlerAs 0ersonal staff.
-sually the ceremonial magician will attem0t to
e%o.e beings to hel0 them do his bidding3 but often
the e%ocation fails or bac.fires. 7till3 the dar.
forces use the 0ower of the mind as their wea0on
but their moti%ation is >uite different. "he
methodologies are different3 attracting followers3
disci0les is mush easier for those who follow the
left-hand ways3 since their main ob:ect is control3
0ower3 money and accom0lishments of material in
nature3 most men will easily relate.
)ature s0irits3 also .nown as elementals usually
abide in trees3 ri%ers3 0lants3 bogs3 mountains3 and
minerals. "hey attached themsel%es to 0ractically
e%ery natural thing. "he Chinese3 for e1am0le3
belie%e that they watch o%er the rice3 sil.3 roads3
gateways3 and other things.
High magic allows for as.ing the guidance of the
elementals3 these are the 9nomes3 li%ing in ca%es
and mountains. 7yl0hs a00ear as butterflies3
undines as wa%es3 and salamanders as li=ard-li.e
creatures that frolic in flames.
Acts that might disturb these creatures are not
ad%ised3 whene%er the magician encroaches u0on
the territories of the elementals he must first as.
for 0ermission and e1ercise caution thereon. When
the balance is .e0t and harmony is assured by
maintaining res0ectful relationshi0 with the rulers
of the four elements3 the magician can 0roceed
with whate%er tas. at hand. Hel0 will be gi%en3 but
fool heartedness and arrogance is usually
"he best descri0tion of e%ocation and magical
ceremonies can be found by reading the ancient
story of Abramelin3 the ;gy0tian magician. "he
story re%ol%es around the autobiogra0hy of
Abraham of Worms3 it describes his tra%el from
9ermany to ;gy0t and his obtaining
AbramelinAs magical and 2abbalistic secrets.
"he boo.As aim to teach all Abraham .nows of
magic to his son $amech. "he boo.As se%eral
transactions from 9erman are the basis of what
modern occultists call the Abramelin operation3 in
which the o0erator must underta.e a se%eral
months long3 ritualistic 0urifying and cleansing acts
in 0erfect isolation. "he ultimate aim of this is to
meet the o0eratorAs guardian angel.
All of the 9erman te1ts describe a duration for
the o0eration at least eighteen months before any
di%ine contact is made. 5n the athers translation3
the initial 0hase of wor.ing the system lasts only
si1 months.
After the as0irant has made contact with the
guardian angel3 the magician must e%o.e the
twel%e 2ings and 8u.es of Hell and gain control
o%er them hence remo%ing their negati%e influence
from his life. 5n addition3 these s0irits deli%er a
number of familiar s0irits along with a set of
magical word-s>uare talismans.
As the result the 0ractitioner is 0romised the
ability to find buried treasure3 cast lo%e charms3 the
ability of magical flight3 and the secret
of in%isibility. agic s>uares feature 0rominently in
the instructions for carrying out these o0erations3
as does a reci0e for an anointing oil ?ta.en from
;1odus 3*@3 0o0ularly used by ceremonial
magicians under the name 4Abramelin <il4. "here
are also se%eral further tools - such as a holy $am03
a Wand made of an almond branch3 a reci0e for
incense .nown today as 4Abramelin 5ncense43
%arious &obes3 a s>uare or se%en-sided 0late of
sil%er or ?bees@ wa13 etc.
Because the Abramelin o0eration in%ol%es
-his is in some cases identical to the 0oly anointing oil descri$ed in Exodus 12.33'34
e%ocation of demons3 it is in its entirety not
something 5 would recommend3 es0ecially if the
actual meeting of the guardian angel is in >uestion.
"he danger in this business is our ability to 0ro:ect
e%ents es0ecially when we wish something %ery
&e0ortedly3 the British occultist Aleister Crowley
had attem0ted the o0eration on se%eral occasions
with >uestionable success. <ne time he had %isions
of a high being but afterwards he lac.ed the usual
ad%ertised 0owers of treasure-finding3 in%isibility3
flight3 and lo%e-drawing. His re0orted hashish use
during and before the o0eration might ha%e
clouded this or 0erha0s he encountered something
entirely different.
How many 0eo0le were successful in this
o0erationJ "here is another 0erson3 who is unli.e
Crowley3 is still ali%e today. His name is William
Bloom3 and he wrote an interesting boo. on his
e10eriences and trials he had encountered in )orth
Africa. His boo. is titled 4"he 7acred agician43 it is
out of 0rint today.

Personally3 since the te1tAs 0rimary focus is u0on
the in%ocation of the guardian angel3 5 ha%e been
reluctant to dismiss it as dar. magic and 5 ha%e
e1tensi%ely studied the o0eration and recommend
the reader to do the same for its research and
reference %alue.
y main interest in the wor.s of Abraham of
Worms is the word s>uares. Word s>uares relate to
numerology and talisman magic3 which 5 ha%e
reoccurring interest. 5 0ersonally do not belie%e the
o0eration would e%er wor. as written.
$et me share an occult secret with the reader
according to the Ancient Wisdom. "his is about the
nature and e1istence of this +uardian Angel. "his
s0irit guide is not an angel in the true sense of the
"hat which was a re0rint of the earlier boo. of the same name by the
0seudonymous 49eorges Che%alier4.
se%en Archangels and high beings mentioned in
the Bible3
des0ite the common misconce0tion.
All incarnated humans ha%e a guardian at their
dis0osal and this guardian sprit is always at hand
to hel0 us achie%e what we desire3 it is our in%isible
hel0er. "here is a catch howe%er3 this s0irit is there
to hel0 in good and bad deeds3 it as.s no
>uestions3 it will hel0 us unconditionally no matter
what the goal and destination may be. 5t is amoral
and truly and frighteningly o0en minded. 5t can be
used for good as it can be used for bad.
"his unlimited creati%ity and freedom of choice
we ha%e inherited from the infinite di%ine3 but this
is a double edged sword and can and will cut both
2now this and your shall ha%e an ad%antage o%er
those who still ta.e the good boo. too literally and
will labor for months on the Abramelin o0eration.
%lac, Magic
;li0has $e%i3 in his formidable 0iece3 4ogma et
Rituel de la Haute Magie3 writes about blac. magicI
4 5) B$AC2 A95C3 "H; 8;H5$ 57 "H; 9&;A"
A95CA$ A9;)" ;P$<B;8 F<& ;H5$ P-&P<7;7
BB A P;&H;&7; W5$$.4
"his is misleading on many fronts3 the name
4de%il43 of course is $ucifer3 the fallen angel3 the
term 4de%il4 is a catchall 0hrase that has no
0hiloso0hical basis. 5t stands for ignorance3
dar.ness and misuse of great 0owers. 5n that
conte1t the >uote is right. Howe%er3 there is no
entity such as the 4de%il43 it is $ucifer3 it has always
been $ucifer3 and he has no ill will or 0articular
&ehold, I send an ngel $efore you, to keep you in the %ay and to $ring you into the place %hich I have
prepared5 &e%are of 0im, and o$ey 0is voice6 provoke 0im not, for 0e %ill not pardon thy transgressions6 for
My Name is in 0im5 &ut, if thou shalt indeed o$ey 0is voice, and do all that I speak, then I %ill $e an enemy
unto your enemies, and an adversary unto your adversaries5 7Exodus 31. 32'318
nefarious intention3 other than .ee0ing the human
race from awa.ening and .ee0 us in dar.ness. His
main wea0on is indi%idualism3 ego and control of
one another3 all embedded3 dee0ly in human
nature. Billions of 0eo0le are ha00y un.nowing
collaborators3 toiling in careers3 accumulating
material things3 mistreating others and going to
"here are 4dar. centers4 around the world where
teaching high magic is and e1ercise in futility. 5t is
useless for a magician on the right-hand 0ath to
dwell in such a 0lace. "he concentrated energies
of all the dar. 0ractitioners are way too strong in
these 0laces. "hese centers of dar.ness are
concentrated urban 0laces such as 7an Francisco
and $ondon.
Centers of the 4light4 are )ew Bor. and $os
Angeles and 0erha0s in )ew <rleans3 es0ecially for
their creati%e energies3 0artially o%erriding the
e1isting dar. ones. 5t is well ad%ised for a no%ice3
0racticing magician to a%oid large urban centers
with their 0roblems created by the %orte1 of
negati%e energies3 urban blight and other social ills.
5n 0ur0oseful blac. ceremonies when anyone
in%o.es the 4de%il4 with intentional ceremonies3the
$ucifer or his myriads of 4agents4 come and is
seen. uch earthly 0leasures3 wealth and
o00ortunities will suddenly 0resent themsel%es to
the magician. 5t is 0recisely the danger and
tem0tation3 the ease and s0eed at which hel0 is
gi%en. As the woman is >uoted in the 0lay Bell,
Boo2 and 1andle
3 -(he white ones do it for
others. we do it for ourse&es-.
According to $e%i3 using magic to gain lo%e is
automatically nefarious and dar.. He writes about
this in cha0ter si1teen under the name3
Bell3 Boo. and CandleI A Comedy in "hree Acts by Eohn Han 8ruten
bewitchment. "his is because any material gain3
other than for day-to-day sur%i%al is essentially
dar. magic. Hoodoo is not dar. because its name3
it is only dar. when 0racticed li.e most 0eo0le
0ractice it3 to harm someone as tit for tat3 in 0etty
human s>uabble3 lo%e wooing or other 0etty and
selfish reasons. ;%en the grou0 energies of the
dar.3 Hoodoo 0riests and their followers are enough
to be dangerous to the uninitiated.
y former teacher was an associate of anly
Palmer Hall in the (*As and #*As in $os Angeles. He
told us many interesting stories of Hall3 whom he
lo%ed and admired. "owards the end of his life Hall
decided to go to Haiti to learn more about Hoodoo.
any 0eo0le warned him about the dangers and
0itfalls might be coming from ta.ing such a tri0.
7adly3 he did not listen. &ight after the tri03 he
contacted the dreaded disease of ele0hantiasis3 a
mysterious and untreatable disease. His lower body
grew so obese that he needed a s0ecial lift to get
him in and out of his car.
(he rey !minence
4"he 9rey ;minence4 may ha%e double meaning
and connotation3 but in this conte1t3 it is used for
those who wor. against the 4light4 un2nowingly.
"he em0hasis is based on ignorance and fear. "he
forces of the 8ar.3 .nowingly latch on to these
human follies and wor. them against the Hierarchy.
$ets ta.e the e1am0le of &as0utin3 who was a
holy men3 albeit unusual in a00earance and
mannerism3 a 0owerful 4wi=ard43 a healer and
0ossessor of the most enigmatic 0ersonality. &ising
from a sim0le 0heasant stoc.3 this &ussian mon.
became the 0ersonal confidant of the !saritsa
Ale1andra 5wife of the "sar )icholas 55@3 was
of 9erman descent.
While fascinated by him3 the 7aint
Petersburg elite did not widely acce0t &as0utinI he
did not fit in with the royal family3 and he and the
&ussian <rthodo1 Church had a %ery tense
relationshi0. "he Holy 7ynod fre>uently attac.ed
&as0utin3 accusing him of a %ariety of immoral or
e%il 0ractices3 which is ty0ical of 0attern of the
+rey #minence.
8uring World War 53 &as0utin to show his loyalty
to &ussia &as0utin e10ressed his interest in going
to the front to bless the troo0s early in the war3 the
Commander-in-Chief3 9rand 8u.e )icholas3
0romised to hang him if he dared to show u0 there.
While "sar )icholas 55 was away at the front3
&as0utinAs influence o%er !saritsa Ale1andra
increased immensely. He soon became
her confidant and 0ersonal ad%iser3 and also
con%inced her to fill some go%ernmental offices
with his own hand0ic.ed candidates. "his was all in
order to create a more enlightened &ussia but the
Hierarchy is not always successful3 usually the
failure originates from the character defect or flaw
in the o0erator3 in this case &as0utin3 but the e1act
reasoning of the outcome is only s0eculation. 5
0ersonally sus0ect his wea.ness for alcohol and
drugs were somehow connected to his ultimate
"he legends surrounding the death of &as0utin
are 0erha0s e%en more mysterious and bi=arre
than his life. According to 9reg 2ingAs 1,,#
boo. !he Man 6ho %illed Rasputin3 a 0re%ious
attem0t on &as0utinAs life had failedI &as0utin was
%isiting his wife and children in Po.ro%s.oye3 his
hometown along in 7iberia. <n Eune ',3 1,1/3 he
was attac.ed suddenly by 2hionia 9use%a3 a
former 0rostitute who had become a disci0le of the
mon. 5liodor
he had a fallout with &as0utin.
9use%a thrust a .nife into &as0utinAs abdomen3
and his entrails hung out of what seemed li.e a
mortal wound. Con%inced of her success3 9use%a
su00osedly screamed3 45 ha%e .illed the antichristL4
&as0utin reco%ered. 5t was said of his sur%i%al that
4the soul of this cursed mu=hi.
was sewn on his
body.4 His daughter3 aria3 obser%ed in her
memoirs that he was ne%er the same man after
thatI he seemed to tire more easily and fre>uently
too. o0ium for 0ain relief.
"he murder of &as0utin has become a legend3
0recisely because his unnatural death or in fact
clinging to life was a 0henomena that historians
and medical science cannot e10lain e%en today.
<n 8ecember 1#3 1,1#3 ha%ing decided that
&as0utinAs influence o%er the "saritsa had made
him a threat to the em0ire3 a grou0 of nobles led by
Prince Feli1 Busu0o% and the 9rand 8u.e 8mitri
Pa%lo%ich and the right-wing 0olitician Hladimir
Purish.e%ich a00arently lured &as0utin to the
Busu0o%sA oi.a Palace 3
"he grou0 led him down to the cellar3 where
they ser%ed him ca.es and red wine laced with a
massi%e amount of cyanide. According to legend3
&as0utin was unaffected3 although Hasily
a.la.o% had su00lied enough 0oison to .ill fi%e
8etermined to finish the :ob3 Prince Busu0o%
became an1ious about the 0ossibility that &as0utin
might li%e until the morning3 lea%ing the
cons0irators no time to conceal his body. Busu0o%
ran u0stairs to consult the others and then came
bac. down to shoot &as0utin through the bac. with
a re%ol%er. &as0utin fell3 and the com0any left the
0alace for a while. Busu0o%3 who had left without a
coat3 decided to return to get one3 and while at the
refers to a Russian peasant5
0alace3 he went to chec. on the body.
7uddenly3 &as0utin o0ened his eyes and lunged
at Busu0o%. He grabbed Busu0o%3 ominously
whis0ered in his ear3 4you bad boy34 and attem0ted
to strangle him. At that moment3 howe%er3 the
other cons0irators arri%ed and fired at &as0utin.
After being hit three times in the bac.3 he fell once
more. As they got closer to his body3 they found
that3 remar.ably3 he was still ali%e3 struggling to
get u0. "hey clubbed him into submission3 After
binding his body and wra00ing him in a car0et3
they threw him into the icy )e%a &i%er. He bro.e
out of his bonds and the car0et wra00ing him3 but
drowned in the ri%er.
"hree days later3 &as0utinAs body3 0oisoned3 shot
four times3 badly beaten3 and drowned3 was
reco%ered from the ri%er. An auto0sy established
that the cause of death was drowning. His arms
were found in an u0right 0osition3 as if he had tried
to claw his way out from under the ice. 5t was found
that he had indeed been 0oisoned3 and that the
0oison alone should ha%e been enough to .ill him.
"here is a re0ort that after his body was reco%ered3
water was found in the lungs3 su00orting the idea
that he was still ali%e before submersion into the
0artially fro=en ri%er.
"he story of the life and death of &as0utin
demonstrate with glowing accuracy the 0ower of
the mind3 in the form of mesmerism3 animal
magnetism and the shadowy 0ower of the 9rey
;minence that unwittingly ser%e the 8ar.
;%en todayAs 0o0ular media has hard time
deciding if &as0utin was a 0ositi%e or negati%e
0ersonalityJ "he 0o0ular media has made se%eral
attem0ts to 4resurrect him4 in fictional characters.
)e%er mind the horrific murder in 0olitical disguise
would naturally render him to be the %ictim3 "he
first film made about him is titled as3 Rasputin, the
Blac2 Mon23 0remiered in <ctober 1,1!. 8o you
seeJ "he dar. forces at wor. again3 e%en after
&as0utinAs death.
5t is im0ortant to remember that the +rey
#minence always wor.s in grou0s
3 if there is one
found out3 rest assured that there are a cou0le of
more in the bac.ground. "heir wor. is not always
as sinister as murder3 it is usually the more
mundane character assassination in form of
slander3 negati%e 0ro0aganda and influence
0eddling. "his is 0recisely why the stri%ing and
efforts 0ut forth of the right-hand is usually not
0o0ular or well .nown.
usually in threes
Amulets and !alismans
Ancient in their e1istence and crossing o%er eras3
cultures and continents6 amulets are meant to
ward off unwanted s0irit entities or demons while
the "alisman is to con:ure u0 something for the
owner. "he 0ower of the talisman is the
combination of 0ositi%e energies stored u0 within
and the faith and belief system of the owner. For
the most effecti%e talismans or amuletAs both
ingredient should e1ist to ha%e the strongest effect.
While not too many 0eo0le associate the
Christian cross with the esoteric and occult3 for
some3 the 0ur0ose of the cross for some is
0rotection from e%il. Ham0ire mo%ies and other lore
has shown us the beneficial 0ro0erties of sil%er and
the holly cross. "his cha0ter is to introduce to you
the usefulness and creati%ity behind amulets and
talismans3 using magic s>uares3 numerological
information to create your own 0ersonal talismans.
Writing about amuletAs and talismans could
easily fill a boo. in itself3 we are going to limit
oursel%es to the highlights of the sub:ects %isiting
dynasties from the ancient times and re%isiting
some of their lore.
"here is no time or dynasty in recorded human
history that is so intertwined with 0owerful magic
than the Ancient ;gy0tian dynasties3 which lasted
at least si1 thousand years and according to some
historians 0erha0s more.
"he ci%ili=ation of Ancient ;gy0t lasted longer
than the entire s0an of what we ha%e come to
acce0t as Arecorded historyI o%er three thousand
years. 8uring this %ast s0an of time3 the Ancient
;gy0tians de%elo0ed a myriads of esoteric
0ractices3 of which3 the true 0ur0ose and meaning
are still being unra%eled. "his rich tradition was
mostly un.nown until the early nineteenth century3
when the ;gy0tian language was finally
"he scarab is one of the more recogni=ed
magical ob:ect from the ;gy0tian 0eriod3 it
symboli=es the sun3 setting and rising from the
scarab beetle rolling its s0herical balls. As amulet3
the scarab re0resents resurrection and eternal life.
"he force behind itAs 0ower is the god 2e0hra.
"Hail unto thee who art %hephra in !hy hiding,
e$en unto !hee who art %hephra in !hy silence,
who tra$ellest o$er the hea$ens in !hy bar2
at the Midnight Hour of the 'un.
!ahuti standeth in His splendour at the prow,
and Ra(Hoor abideth at the helm.
Hail unto !hee from the Abodes of #$ening."

From $iber &esh %el Helios
"he an.h cross is also a 0owerful ;gy0tian symbol
of life and immortality. 7ince the loo0 of the an.h
resembles of a .ey3 this amulet is sometimes
referred as the 42ey of $ife4.
(i$er Resh vel 0elios, is %ritten $y leister Cro%ley, comprises four daily adorations to the 9un, to $e
performed at da%n, noon, sunset, and midnight5 -he general o$:ect is to focus the conscious mind on the
center of our solar system5
#igure / Egyptian Ankh
"he an.h is also referred to as Cru1 Ansata and it
is worn to bring .nowledge3 0ower and abundance.
"he swasti.a is a fascinating symbol3 usually
associated with "ibet. 5nterestingly the swasti.a
was also found among the artifacts from 0rehistoric
e1ico as well as 7cotland3 where the )ewton
7tone that dis0lays a swasti.a and inscri0tion in an
alien al0habet that had befuddled scientist and
no%ices ali.e.
"here is an ongoing contro%ersy of the two .inds
of swasti.aAs the arm 0ointing to right hand and the
other3 where the arm 0ointing to the left hand .ind.
Both were found in ancient art and it is a mista.e
to thin. that the one ado0ted by the )a=i 0arty is
automatically nefarious and filled with ill omen.
When 0eo0le say that Hitler and his occult3 inner
circle has ta.en 0owerful symbols and 4turned
them u0side down43 using them to unleash
uns0ea.able horrors and mayhem3 their words
should not be ta.en literally.
5t does not matter which swasti.a or 0entagram
you loo. at3 the form is not whatAs im0ortant. "he
desire and thoughts that ins0ire the user of these
symbols determine their ultimate ser%itude. Hitler
could ha%e ado0ted the other .ind of swasti.a for
the "hird &eich and his reign would ha%e still been
the synonym of ;%il.
5n the iddle ;ast3 the symbol of the human
hand is a 0o0ular amulet to ward off e%il3 deri%ed
0robably from the human gesture of raising the
hand in a 0rotecti%e way.
"his is the Hand of Fatima3 and its original name
is the hamsa ?or .hamsa@. 5t is often incor0orated
in :ewelry and wall hangings3 as a defense against
the e%il eye.

5t is belie%ed to originate in ancient
0ractices associated with Phoenician origin.
#igure 0 Khamsa (Fatima's hand) used as a pendant
"he 0entagram is also achie%ed world 0o0ularity
as a magical symbol3 amulet or traditional lore3
associated with the Eewish tradition3 from the time
of .ing 7olomon but originated much before. <ne
of the well .nown 0entagram is interlaced3 u0right
one3 which is the #liphas )e$i*s "entagram, figure
of the microcosm, the magical formula of Man. in
Figure 3. ?from $e%i3 ;li0has ?1+((@ 8ogme et
&ituel de la Haute agie5#
#igure 1 Eliphas Levi's Pentagram, figure of the microcosm, the magical
formula of Man.
"alismans and amulets should be constructed
with 0ointed 0ur0ose and intent3 while the
magicianAs consciousness under influence of the
-ni%ersal $ife Force. Attuned and concentrated will
wor.ing through the amulet ma.ers higher-self
facilitates channeling s0iritual forces into matter.
"his branch of magic is called enchantment3
ma.ing the ma.er of the talisman the enchanter.
"he 0rocess of imbuing matter with s0iritual life is
called consecration.
"alismans are often natural ob:ects3 for e1am0le6
the rabbitAs foot is the natural catalyst of the
ownerAs 0syche to ward off ill luc..
Consideration must be gi%en to the material of
which the talisman would be constructed.
7ince e%erything in this uni%erse %ibrates there is
nothing such as 4dead matter43 only gradations of
li%eliness and consciousness. ;%ery 0article of the
consecrated matter would ha%e with its own
0articular nature3 >uality and %ibration effects
other 0articles in its %icinity.
"he magical design may consist of sigils3 magic
s>uares3 symbols3 gly0hs3 sacred characters and
images. 5n addition3 as we noted in Francis BarrettAs
the agus inscri0tion of 0rayers can also be
included on the talisman.
7ymbols and images stimulate the right
hemis0here of the human brain3 the side
associated with creati%e3 subconscious and magical
as0ect of man.
8uring the consecration ritual the magician
in%o.es the a00ro0riate forces that would aid him
with the manifestation of his will. "he forces
con:ured u0 by the mage during the consecration
ritual include6 cosmic rays3 elements3 thoughtforms
and 0rana3 the ultimate life force.
Before attem0ting any talisman ma.ing3 the
magician must 0urify his body and thoughts
through se%en days of fasting.
5m0ortant elements of ma.ing a functional
Will. "he magician must focus his will u0on
the tas.. Without accessing the higher-self
through sheer determination and
will0ower3 nothing magical will ha00en.
Hisuali=ation3 in 0ractical a00lication of the
Ancient Wisdom3 the 0ower to %isuali=e is
essential for the as0irant to learn. Clearer
5n Hedantic 0hiloso0hy3 0rana is the notion of a %ital3 life-sustaining force
of li%ing beings and %ital energy3 com0arable to the Chinese notion of Ci.
the %isual image of the desired effect more
certain that the desired magical
transformation will ta.e 0lace.
7election of the material and time and
0lace of consecration. For e1am0le6 if the
magician wishes to imbued the talisman
with all the 0owers of archangel 9abriel3
the material selected should be sil%er and
the day of consecration should be onday
and anointing of the talisman would be
0erformed with Easmine.
)n&ocation for Sunday 2S"L3 1ome,
Hea$enly 'pirits who ha$e the effulgent rays of the
'un, )uminous 'pirits who are ready to obey the
power of the great !etragrammaton, come and
assist me in the operation that am ma2ing under
the auspices of the +rand )ight of 4ay which the
#ternal 1reator hath formed for the use of
uni$ersal nature. in$o2e you for these purposes.
Be fa$orable and auspicious to what shall as2 in
the .ame of Amioram, Adonai, 'abaoth.
)n&ocation for Monday 2M""N3 Haste ye
'ublime and ntelligent +enii who are obedient to
the 'o$ereign Arcana, come and assist me in the
operation that underta2e under the auspices of
the +rand )uminary of the .ight. in$o2e you to
this end and implore you to be fa$orable and hear
my entreaties in the .ame of Him 6ho commands
the spirits of the Four &uarters of the 7ni$ersal
Mansions8 nhabit, Bileth, Mi/abu, Abin/aba.
)n&ocation for (uesday 2MA4S3 1ome 1hildren
of the Red +enii who ha$e executed the order of
the 'o$ereign Master of the 7ni$erse upon the
armies of the rash 'ennacherib, come and assist
me in the operation that underta2e under the
auspices of the third brilliant luminary of the
firmament3 be fa$orable to my entreaties in the
.ame of Adonay 'abaoth.
)n&ocation of Wednesday 2M!4C5463
Run to me with speed, come to me ye 'pirits of
Mercury who preside o$er the operation of this
day, hear fa$orably the present in$ocation that
ma2e to you under the 4i$ine .ames of 9enoel,
7ranel, be 2ind and ready to second my
underta2ings. Render them efficacious.
)n&ocation for (hursday 275P)(!43
1ome speedily ye -lepid 'pirits who preside
o$er the operation of this day. 1ome,
ncomprehensible :ebarel and all your legions,
haste to my assistance and be propitious to my
underta2ings, be 2ind and refuse me not your
powerful aid and assistance.
)n&ocation for #riday 28!N5S3 1ome on
the wings of the wind, ye happy +enii who preside
o$er the wor2ings of the heart. 1ome in the .ame
of the +reat !etragrammaton3 hear fa$orably the
n$ocation that ma2e this day, destined to the
wonder of lo$e. Be ready to lend me your
assistance to succeed in what ha$e underta2en
under the hope that you
will be fa$orable to me.
)n&ocation for Saturday 2SA(54N3
1ome out of your gloomy solitude ye
'aturnine spirits, come with your cohort, come with
diligence to the place where am going to begin
my operation under your auspices3 be attenti$e to
my labors and contribute your assistance that it
may rebound to the honor and glory of the
Connected to the 0lanet Eu0iter and the element of
air3 Agrimony has a uni>ue ability to assist the user
in releasing fear. 5t is also used for 0rotection.
"raditional -sesI
7ew into a white cloth and carry to deflect
"o release fear?s@I
Carry in charm bag alone or with Angelica ?or
other a00ro0riate herb@.
Burn on charcoal to remo%e negati%ity and
fear %ibrations from any location.
"o release your fear?s@ conscious or
unconscious3 burn on charcoal or ma.e into
tea and add a small amount to your ritual
Connected to the element of water3 Althea is used
for 0rotection and to enhance 0sychic 0owers. 5t is
.nown to be a s0irit 0ulling herb--0lace it on the
altar to bring good s0irits to hel0 with your ritual.
-ses as talismanI
For 0rotection3 burn on charcoal or carry in a
white 0ouch inscribed with this rune.
"o enhance 0sychic 0owers3 burn on
Place on altar to attract good s0irits during
Burn on charcoal to attract good s0irits.
from the 7;C&;" 9&5<5&; <F "-&5;$
"his masculine herb3 also .nown as asterwort3 is
connected to the 7un and the element of fire.
2nown to be a 0rotecti%e 0lant3 it is sometimes
used in 0rotection and e1orcism incenses. 5t is also
used for luc. and to 0romote healing.
-ses as talismanI
For luc.3 0lace in small green 0ouch ?or wra0
in green fabric@ and carry in your 0oc.et.
70rin.le in each of the four corners of the
house for 0rotection against negati%ity.
"o 0romote healing3 burn on charcoal alone
or with other healing herbs such as
sandalwood3 elder3 fran.incense3 myrrh3
%er%ain or yerba santa.
ASH %A49
A well .nown druid magical tree3 the Ash is 0art of
the sacred trio 4by oa.3 by ash and by thorn4 of
ancient British legend. "his 0owerful tree is used
for 0rotection3 and to attract 0ros0erity3 and lo%e.
-ses as talismanI
Place in a white 0ouch inscribed with a
0rotection symbol and wear as 0rotection
from the negati%ity of others.
Place in the four corners of the house for
Burn at Bule to attract 0ros0erity in the
coming year.
Place in a green 0ouch inscribed with a ?lo%e
attracting@ rune to attract the o00osite se1.
%ALM "# )L!A:
Connected to the 0lanet Henus and the element of
water3 Balm of 9ilead is used to 0romote healing
and 0rotection.
-ses as talismanI
7ew into a red 0ouch and carry to attract a
new lo%e or to soothe a bro.en heart.
7ew into blue 0ouch and carry with you to
0romote healing.
7ew into a white 0ouch and carry with you to
0romote 0rotection.
Connected to the 7un and the element of air3
Ben=oin is used for 0urification and to attract
-ses as talismanI
For 0urification3 burn alone or add to other
0urifying herbs such as sage3 fran.incense
and myrrh.
Combine with cinnamon and basil and burn
on charcoal to attract customers to your
"o attract abundance3 combine with other
0ros0erity herbs ?such as Cedar3 5rish oss3
int3 High Eohn3 7assafras3 etc.@ and 0lace in
a green 0ouch inscribed ?if 0ossible@ with A
0ros0erity rune. Wear or carry with you.
"his 4$ady of the Woods4 was considered by the
8ruids to be a sacred tree. 7he is closely connected
to Henus and the element of water. 7he brings the
influence of lo%e3 0urification3 and 0rotection3 and
is the wood of choice when wor.ing with runes. 5ts
been .nown to be used for 0rotection against
lightning and
warding off the e%il eye when you hang a red
ribbon of the stem of the birch.
-ses as talismanI
"o attract lo%e3 car%e with lo%e attracting
runes ?or write with red in.@ Burn or toss into
a running ri%er ?or stream3 etc.@. For best
results3 do this on a Friday.
"o remo%e negati%ity from 0eo0le or animals3
gently ta0 them with a 0iece of birch.
Car%e with 0rotection runes and 0lace in the
home or carry for 0rotection.
"ie a stem of birch with a red ribbon to ward
off negati%ity.
"his masculine herb3 also .nown as Blac. 7na.e
&oot3 is used to attract lo%e3 to dis0el negati%ity
and to gain courage.
-ses as talismanI
"o attract lo%e3 add to two other lo%e herbs
such as rose3 la%ender3 "on.a3 trillium3 M
%er%ain and sew into a red 0ouch. 5f 0ossible3
inscribed with lo%e symbols. Wear near your
Carry in a dar. red 0ouch to strengthen
7tee0 in boiling water3 strain3 and s0rin.le
infusion around room to dis0el negati%ity.
%L!SS!: (H)S(L!
Also .nown as Holy "histle3 this 8ruid sacred herb
is commonly used for 0rotection and 0urification.
-ses as talismanI
Carry or wear around nec. ?sewn into or 0ut
into a white 0ouch@ as a 0rotecti%e amulet
and to gi%e you strength.
Add to bath ?tied u0 in white muslin@ for
0urification 0ur0oses.
7ew into white 0ouch and hang anywhere
?house3 car@ for 0rotecti%e 0ur0oses.
Place in room ?in a bowl@ to fortify and
re%itali=e all who are near it.
%L"": 4""(
Connected to the 0lanet ars and the element of
fire6 Blood &oot is used to 0romote lo%e and
0rotection and is also used for 0urification.
-ses as talismanI
7ew into a red cloth inscribed with a lo%e
attracting rune and carry to draw lo%e to you.
7ew into a white cloth inscribed with a
0rotection rune and carry to ward off
Place abo%e doorways and on window sills for
home 0rotection.
Also .nown as the "ree of $ife3 this 8ruid sacred
tree is used for 0urification3 abundance3 and
-ses as talismanI
When burned3 cedar smo.e hel0s to 0urify an
area by hel0ing to release and remo%e
negati%e emotions ?and energies@ from
0eo0le and 0laces. "he smo.e also hel0s to
alle%iate nightmares
Place in your wallet or 0urse to attract
money. Bou may also burn it for the same
Hang in home ?in white 0ouch@ to 0rotect
home from lightning stri.es and negati%e
Connected to the 7un and the element of fire3
Celandine is used for 0rotection3 legal difficulties3
and de0ression.
-ses as talismanI
7ew into a 0in. cloth inscribed with a healing
rune and carry to alle%iate de0ression and
0romote ha00iness.
7ew into a white cloth and carry for
Wear to court to 0romote a 0ositi%e legal
Connected to the 0lanet Eu0iter and the element of
fire3 Cin>uefoil is used to 0romote abundance3
0rotection3 and restful slee0.
-ses as talismanI
Place in a white bag or 0ouch and hang o%er
door or on the bed for 0rotection.
"o 0romote abundance3 mi1 with e>ual 0arts
of cinnamon3 clo%es and "on.a beans and
0lace in a 0ur0le 0ouch or bag. Carry with
you. 8o this on a "hursday during the wa1ing
?between new and full@ moon for best results.
Place under 0illow to dream of your future
Hang o%er your bed to 0romote restful slee0.
Connected to the 0lanet 7aturn and the element of
water3 Comfrey is most often used to insure safe
tra%el and to attract 0ros0erity.
-ses as talismanI
Place in a white bag inscribed with a
0rotection rune and wear or carry to insure
safe tra%el. 5f 0ossible3 add a small 0iece of
rowan to the bag.
Place in luggage to safeguard it during tra%el.
Place in a green bag inscribed with a
0ros0erity symbol and carry to attract
:!8)L=S SH"!S(4)N
2nown as an herb with 4staying 0ower43 the
legendary 8e%ilAs 7hoestring is used for 0rotection3
0ower3 money and luc..
-ses as talismanI
Place in a red amulet bag and wear
?es0ecially at night@ for 0rotection.
Cut into 1-'4 0ieces and 0lace in small :ar
filled with a mi1ture of s0irits of cam0hor and
whis.y. Whene%er you need 0ower of any
.ind3 remo%e a 0iece from the :ar and rub
between your hands. "he root can then be
carried for luc.3 i.e. a gamblerAs talisman. 5t
can also be carried to hel0 with em0loyment3
and can be 0laced in your wallet or cash
register3 etc. to draw money to you.
:4A"N=S %L"":
"his 0alm tree resin has become a fa%orite among
many fol. magicians. Connected to the 0lanet ars
and the element of fire3 dragonAs blood is used to
0romote lo%e3 0rotection and 0ower.
-ses as talismanI
Add to any incense to increase its 0ower.
Burn ?on charcoal@ to attract lo%e and to
bring a wandering lo%er bac. to you.
For 0owerful 0rotection3 carry on you andKor
s0rin.le into all four corners of the house.
Burn ?on charcoal@ to 0urge the area of all
7ew into a 0ur0le 0ouch and wear to 0romote
0ersonal 0ower.
Place under bed to hel0 alle%iate im0otency.
7trongly connected to the 9reat 9oddess3 this
druid sacred tree is often a refuge for faeries and
other woodland fol.. 5t was highly regarded by the
Celts for its 0owers to 0rotect3 manifest wishes and
hel0 induce slee0.
-ses as talismanI
7ew into a white cloth3 inscribe with a
0rotection rune and hang abo%e entrance
ways ?doors3 windows@ for house 0rotection.
Carry with you for 0ersonal 0rotection and
Place under your 0illow to hel0 dis0el
"o manifest a wishI Focus on your intent and
write it on a 0iece of 0a0er. 7catter ;lder on
the 0a0er and the four corners of the room.
Place 0a0er and any ;lder that has fallen on
it in a 0ouch and wear until wish manifests.
Connected to the 0lanet ercury and the element
of air3 ;lecam0ane is used for lo%e3 0rotection3 and
for increasing 0sychic 0owers.
-ses as talismanI
7ew into a 0in. cloth inscribed with a lo%e
attracting rune and carry to attract lo%e.
7ew into a white cloth inscribed with a
0rotection symbol and carry for 0rotection.
7molder on charcoal to increase your 0sychic
Connected to the 0lanet ars and the element of
fire6 Fla1 is used to 0romote 0ros0erity3 healing3
and 0sychic 0owers and is also used for 0rotection.
-ses as talismanI
For 0ros0erity3 0lace a few seeds in your
wallet3 0urse3 etc. &e0eat daily.
7ew into a green 0ouch3 inscribed with a
0ros0erity rune3 and carry to attract
i1 with other healing herbs3 sew into a blue
cloth and carry with you or hang in the home
to 0romote healing.
#4AN9)NC!NS! ? M644H
<ften used together3 Fran.incense and yrrh ha%e
had a long tradition of religious usage. When
combined3 these two are considered to be a great
0urifier3 a 0rotector3 and an aid to s0iritual growth
and meditation.
-ses as talismanI
Burn to cleanse and 0urify an area. Can be
used when mo%ing into new home to remo%e
0re%ious occu0antAs %ibrations.
Wear in white 0ouch around your nec. for
7ew into white 0ouch and hang anywhere ?a
doorway3 window3 and car@ for 0rotection.
Burn as an aid to meditation and s0iritual
Connected to the 0lanet 7aturn and the element of
earth3 Fumitory is most often used to for
0urification3 0rotection and to attract money.
-ses as talismanI
Place in a white bag inscribed with a
0rotection rune and wear or carry for
Burn o%er charcoal to 0urify an area3 remo%e
negati%ity and banish e%il s0irits and s0ells.
7tee0 in boiling water3 strain3 and s0rin.le
infusion around your home wee.ly to attract
money to you >uic.ly.
"his masculine herb3 also .nown as $ow Eohn the
Con>ueror3 is connected to the 0lanet ars and the
element of fire. 5t is used to 0romote abundance3
0rotection3 good health3 lust3 and 0sychic 0owers.
-ses as talismanI
"o 0romote abundance3 0lace in a leather
0ouch along with a sil%er coin ?or coins@.
5nscribe a 0ros0erity rune on the 0ouch or
draw rune onto a 0iece of green 0a0er and
0lace inside of 0ouch.
Carry or wear ?in white 0ouch@ for 0rotection3
luc.3 and good health.
Carry to 0romote lust3 and Kor grind into small
0ieces ?as close to 0owder as 0ossible@ and
s0rin.le around the house.
7ew into a 0ur0le 0ouch and wear to increase
0sychic 0owers.
5M A4A%)C
Connected to the 7un and the element of air3 9um
Arabic is most often used for 0urification and
-ses as talismanI
For 0urification and 0ositi%e energy3 burn
alone ?on charcoal@.
For a great uni%ersal incense3 combine with
Fran.incense3 yrrh3 7andalwood and
&osemary. Burn on charcoal.
"his 8ruid sacred tree3 closely connected to the
0lanet ars and the element of fire3 brings the
influence of ha00iness3 fertility3 and 0rotection.
-ses as talismanI
"o 0romote and ha00iness and alle%iate
de0ression3 sew into a blue cloth and wear or
hang in the home.
"o 0rotect your home ?es0ecially from
lightning and storms@ 0lace in a white 0ouch
inscribed with a 0rotection rune and hang
from a high 0oint in your home.
For fertility3 0lace in a cu0 along while
%isuali=ing your desired outcome. $ea%e for 3
days during wa1ing moon ?between new and
full moon@. After 3 days3 bury in earth or sew
into green 0ouch and carry with you.
H)H 7"HN (H! C"N<5!4"4
Connected to the 0lanet ars and the element of
fire6 High Eohn is used to 0romote abundance3 lo%e3
success and ha00iness.
-ses as talismanI
High Eohn can be used sim0ly by em0owering it
with your desire ?abundance3 lo%e3 success3 and to
alle%iate de0ression@ and wearing it or carrying it
with you. Bou may also do the followingI
"o 0romote abundanceI 0lace a few dro0s of
0atchouli or mint oil onto the root and sew
into a green 0ouch. 5f 0ossible 0lace an
abundance symbol inside the 0ouch. Wear or
carry with you.
"o 0romote lo%eI 0lace a few dro0s of either
rose3 or rosemary oil onto the root and sew
into a 0in. 0ouch. Wear or carry with you.
H"4S! CH!S(N5(
Also .nown as a buc.eye3 Horse Chestnut is
connected to the 0lanet Eu0iter and the element of
fire. -se this 0owerful nut to manifest success and
0ros0erity and to alle%iate 0ain.
-ses as talismanI
For 0ros0erity3 wra0 0a0er money around a
horse chestnut3 0lace in a green 0ouch and
carry with you.
Carry to alle%iate 0ain from arthritis3 bursitis3
and rheumatism.
5nscribe with a success symbol and carry for
success in all things.
Hysso0 is considered one of the most 0owerful
0urification herbs. -se it for 0urification and
-ses as talismanI
7tee0 in boiling water. 70rin.le throughout
house to 0urify. 70rin.le also on ob:ects and
0eo0le for 0urification 0ur0oses.
Add to bath ?tied u0 in muslin bag@ for
0urification and 0rotection.
7ew into white 0ouch and wear to dis0el
7ew into a white 0ouch and hang in the home
to remo%e negati%ity
P!"N6 4""(
Connected to the 0lanet 7aturn and the element of
water3 Comfrey is most often used to insure safe
tra%el and to attract 0ros0erity.
-ses as talismanI
Place in a white bag inscribed with a
0rotection rune and wear or carry to insure
safe tra%el. 5f 0ossible3 add a small 0iece of
rowan to the bag.
Place in luggage to safeguard it during tra%el.
Place in a green bag inscribed with an
abundance rune and carry to attract
Considered sacred by the druids ?Celtic 0riests@3
twigs of this %ery magical tree are used for healing3
0rotection3 success and 0sychic 0ower.
-ses as talismanI
Carry 0ieces of bar. to aid in healing. ay
also be added to other healing herbs and
worn or carried in blue 0ouch for healing
For 0rotection3 tie two twigs together with
red yarnKthread to ma.e a cross. Carry with
you to 0rotect yourself or hang in home ?or
0lace in window@ to 0rotect home.
Carry with you as good luc.Ksuccess amulet
or to increase your 0sychic 0owers.
Connected to the 0lanet ars and the element of
fire3 &ue is used to 0romote healing3 to attract lo%e
and money and to strengthen will0ower. 5t is also
used for 0rotection and to dis0el negati%e energy.
-ses as talismanI
Powerful when burned as an incense--burn
?on charcoal@ to strengthen your will0ower3 to
draw money3 to dis0el negati%ity and to
0romote healing.
Burn to attract the right lo%er and to clear
your mind of illusions regarding a lo%er.
7ew into white 0ouch and hang in doorway
for 0rotection.
Wear around the nec. in a white 0ouch to
0romote healing and 0re%ent illness. 5nscribe
0ouch healing symbol.
7age has long been considered an herb of wisdom
?hence the 0hrase3 4sage ad%ice4@. Along with
sage is often used to 0romote health3 abundance
and 0rotection.
-ses as talismanI
7tee0 in boiling water. 70rin.le throughout
house to increase wisdom of occu0ants. Add
to bath for clarity and wisdom as well.
Crush the lea%es between your fingers while
%isuali=ing money coming into your life.
7ew into white 0ouch and wear to dis0el
negati%ity and 0romote health.
7ew into a 0ur0le 0ouch and carry to obtain
wisdom about a 0articular matter.
S(. 7"HN=S W"4(
"his druid sacred herb is considered to be one of
the most 0rotecti%e herbs. Worn into battle by the
Celts for in%incibility3 it is also used for health3 lo%e
and strength.
-ses as talismanI
Wear around nec. ?sewn into or 0ut into a
0ouch@ to attract lo%e.
Wear around nec. as abo%e for 0rotection
against fe%ers.
7ew into white 0ouch and hang anywhere
?doorway3 window3 and car@ for 0rotecti%e
Burn to banish negati%e energies.
Wear to ma.e you strong and in%incible in
battles of all .inds.
"his small3 feminine tree3 a nati%e of 5ndia3 is
connected to the oon and the element of water. 5t
is used to 0romote s0irituality3 0rotection and
0urification3 and manifesting oneAs desires
-ses as talismanI
Combine with la%ender or fran.incense and
burn on charcoal at the full moon to connect
with s0irits.
Wear ?in white 0ouch@ for 0rotection and to
increase s0iritual awareness.
Burn in room to remo%e negati%ity.
"o hel0 you manifest your desire6 write your
wish on a sli0 of 0a0er3 add small amount of
sandalwood3 fold 3 times and burn while
saying 4Adonai3 ;lohim3 ;lohim3 Adonai.4
Burn to aid in meditation and in connecting
with your s0iritual self.
Connected to the 0lanet Eu0iter and the element of
fire3 it is most often used for healing and to attract
-ses as talismanI
Burn as incense to attract money. ay also
be 0laced in wallet or cash register for the
same 0ur0ose.
Combine with other healing herbs ?such as
Angelica3 &ue3 &osemary3 int3 etc.@ and
0lace in a blue 0ouch inscribed with a healing
rune. Wear or carry with you.
7tee0 in boiling water3 strain3 and s0rin.le
infusion around your home to attract money
to you.
Connected to the 0lanet 7aturn and the element of
water3 7olomonAs 7eal is used for 0rotection and to
remo%e negati%ity.
-ses as talismanI
7tee0 in boiling water and s0rin.le cooled
infusion around area to remo%e negati%ity.
Place in four corners of house for 0rotection.
Burn as incense when wishing %isual contact
with s0irits.
Connected to the 0lanet Henus and the element of
water3 "ansy is used to 0romote health and
-ses as talismanI
7ew into a blue cloth and inscribe with a
healing rune or symbol. Carry or wear to
0romote healing.
7ew into a 0ur0le cloth and carry for
Place into your shoe to heal 0ersistent illness.
("N9A %!AN
"he fragrant "on.a Bean has long been considered
a 0owerful way to attract lo%e and abundance.
1aution8 !his bean is poisonous((2eep out of reach
of children and do not eat=
-ses as talismanI
"o attract lo%e3 sim0ly carry in 0oc.et or
wear in 0ouch.
"o ward off negati%ity3 beans may be strung
on a nec.lace or bracelet and worn.
"o attract abundance3 carry or wear in 0ouch
?0referably green@.
"o recei%e that which you desire3 hold bean
in your hand and %isuali=e what you want.
Afterwards3 toss bean into running water.
Also .nown as 4Beth &oot34 "rillium is connected to
the 0lanet Henus and the element of water. "his
0owerful 0lant is used to attract luc. and money as
well as lo%e to its wearer.
-ses as talismanI
Carry in wallet or 0urse to attract money. Can
also be sewn into a green 0ouch inscribed
with a 0ros0erity symbol to draw money to
Hold or carry in your 0oc.et for luc..
"o attract lo%e3 0lace in a red 0ouch inscribed
a lo%e symbol Wear around nec.3 near the
&oll between your 0alms to acti%ate while
thin.ing of the one you wish to attract to you.
8AL!4)AN 4""(
Connected to the 0lanet Henus and the element of
water3 Halerian &oot is used to attract lo%e and is
also used for 0rotection and to aid in slee0.
-ses as talismanI
"o attract lo%e3 carry with you. ay also be
sewn into a red cloth which is inscribed with
a lo%e symbol and worn around the nec..
)ote--root is %ery strong smellingL
7ew into a white cloth inscribed with a
0rotection rune and hang in the home for
Place in a 0illow for hel0 in falling aslee0
Connected to the 0lanet Henus and the element of
earth3 Heti%ert is used to 0romote abundance3 lo%e3
and 0hysical attracti%eness.
-ses as talismanI
Place in cash register to increase business or
carry in wallet to 0romote abundance.
Add to bath water to increase 0hysical
7ew into red 0ouch and carry to attract lo%e.
Carry to attract good luc..
2nown as the holy herb of the druids3 Her%ain was
one of the three most sacred herbs. Because of its
many uses3 it was also .nown as the enchanterAs
herb. Considered a 0owerful cleanser and 0urifier3
it is also used for lo%e and abundance.
-ses as talismanI
7tee0 in water and use as a s0ray or on a
washcloth to remo%e negati%ity and calm
7tee0 as abo%e and wear on body to attract a
Carry or wear around nec. as a 0ersonal
safety amulet.
Place or sew into a green 0ouch to increase
abundance. Place a small amount in wallet
for same 0ur0ose.
"his druid sacred tree is also .nown as the 4"ree of
;nchantment.4 Associated with the element of
water and the moon3 this tree e1udes feminine
energy and is often used for lo%e3 0rotection3 and
-ses as talismanI
"o attract lo%e3 car%e on a Friday with 3 lo%e
runes and carry with youI
"o 0rotect yourself3 carry with you or hang in
home ?or 0lace in window@ to 0rotect home.
Carry 0ieces of bar. to aid in healing. ay
also be added to other healing herbs and
worn or carried in blue 0ouch for healing
"o summon s0irits3 mi1 bar. sha%ings with
sandalwood and burn outside during the
waning ?between the full and new@ moon.
W"": %!("N6
"his druid sacred herb was highly regarded by the
Celts for its ability to dis0el nightmares3 e%il s0irits3
and de0ression. Considered to be highly 0rotecti%e3
it was also used for 0urification 0ur0oses.
-ses as talismanI
"o halt nightmares3 sew herb into a small
0illow and 0lace under your regular 0illow.
7catter near doors and windows to form a
0rotecti%e barrier against negati%ity.
Burn in a idsummer bonfire and :um0
through smo.e to 0urify mind3 body3 and
Wear on the body for strength and for
success when loo.ing for a mate.
Also .nown as the aster of the Woods3 this druid
sacred herb was used to 0romote new beginnings3
%ictory and 0rotection. Was added to wine at the
time of Beltane as a symbol of new beginnings.
-ses as talismanI
Carry or wear in 0ouch around nec. when
you wish to change the course of your life
?es0ecially in s0ring@.
Burn to clear away the drabness of winter.
Carry or wear in green 0ouch to attract
money and abundance.
7ew into leather 0ouch for 0rotection against
all negati%ity.
Carry or wear in 0ouch to achie%e %ictory.
Connected to the 0lanet ars and the element of
fire3 Wormwood is used to 0romote lo%e3 0sychism3
and 0rotection.
-ses as talismanI
Burn as an incense andKor wear to 0romote
0sychic 0owers.
7ew into white 0ouch and hang in car for
0rotection from accidents.
7ew into red 0ouch and carry to attract lo%e.
Place under bed to attract lo%e.
A fa%orite among many3 Barrow is most often used
for attracting lo%e and friendshi03 0sychism3 and
-ses as talismanI
7tee0 in boiling water. 8rin. to im0ro%e your
0sychic 0owers.
Hold in your hand to assuage fears and
summon courage.
7ew into white 0ouch and wear for
7ew into a 0in. 0ouch and wear near heart
?around nec. is best@ to attract lo%e and
6!4%A SAN(A
"his 0lant is used to 0romote s0irituality3 healing3
0sychism3 and 0rotection.
-ses as talismanI
Carry in 0ur0le 0ouch to 0romote 0sychic
0owers or s0iritual strength.
7ew into white 0ouch and wear for
3 7ew into blue 0ouch and wear around your
nec. to 0romote healing and for 0rotection
from illness.
7tee0 in boiling water3 strain and add water
to bath to increase attracti%eness.
!@ample of Sigil Construction
<n the bac. of the 9reat "ortoise which the
;m0eror Bu found on the ban.s of the Bellow &i%er
after the great flood of '3/+ B.C.3 there was a
s>uare of numbers which is now .nown as the $o
7hu 7>uare.
"he magic s>uare of 7aturn is a table of the
numbers one through nine3 arranged in such a way
that all rows add to 1(. "he seal is created by
tracing the numbers in the s>uare in order.
"able of 7aturn I-
"he 7eal of 7aturn is a magical symbol
re0resenting the 5ntelligence of the 0lanet 7aturn.
"he 0oints of the sigil corres0ond with the
numbers of the magic s>uare3 starting at the
s>uare 13 0roceeding to s>uare '3 and 3...and so
A different %ersion of talisman construction can
be found in detail in &ichard WebsterAs boo.3
.umerology Magic. "hese 0ersonal magic s>uares
based on indi%idual birth-dates are called yantras
"hese highly 0ersonali=ed talismans are held to
embody the energetic signatures of Bou.
;antra !# is the 9anskrit %ord for <instrument< or <machine<
$ets loo. at EF2 ?President 2ennedy@ who had the
date of birth on ay ',3 1,1!5
ay ?(@
', N 'O,N11
1,1!N1O,O1O!N'!N, "his )umber goes
into s>uare 8.
1! ?last ' digits from the year@ will go into s>uare
11 ?number deri%ed from the day ?',@ goes into
s>uare B
( ?deri%ed from ay@ goes into s>uare A
We can see that the rest of the s>uare3 besides
the first row are based on a sim0le algorithm
including the first four numbers and adding or
subtracting numbers from it.
7ince 5 am la=y3 5 li.e to 0rogram these into a
s0readsheet and then 5 can use it for the
com0uting different birth date based yantras. As an
e1ercise you should com0lete the s>uare and
chec. it3 the sum of numbers of each row and
column should add u0 to be the same.
After finishing the 0ersonal s>uare you might
wish to create a sigil from it as well. -sing sil%er as
material for sigil ?magic s>uare@ :ewelry is >uite
ad%antageous3 0rice of sil%er is lower than gold and
the sil%er is better material for esoteric3 magical
:ewelry than gold.
Warning3 the manufacturer of such :ewelry
should be a trusted3 trained magician3 not :ust
.atural Magic
"he conce0t of elements3 e1ist in the ;ast as
much as in the West. "he ;ast calls the elements
!attwas3 according to them the whole -ni%erse is
elaborated with the ethereal matter3 the A2asha.
"he aether disarranges itself into se%en different
modalities. When these modalities condense3 then
they gi%e form to all that is.
"he element of fire3 named Agni3 in 7ans.rit is
>uite im0ressi%e and 0erha0s the earliest source of
clair%oyant %isions. en had these %isions from the
bonfire when men still li%ed in ca%es and hunted
and gathered.
5n the Christian Bible3 oses encountered 9od in
the form of a burning bush. "he illusory nature of
the fire3 after it a00ears from lightning or a men-
made 0rocess and then disa00earing when it died
out3 aroused menAs curiosity. Where did the fire
come fromJ Where did it go3 afterwardsJ
7alamanders li%e within the fire ?"e:as "attwa@3
their 0hysical bodies are the roots3 0lants3 and
%egetables influenced by the fire sign.
7ince few 0eo0le ha%e o0en fire in the house3
candles are useful substitutes to re0resent Agni3
the fire in your day-to-day life.
Candle magic is one custom coming from the
lore of fire worshi00ing. 5t should be 0reformed
with high >uality
3 colored candles and it is said
that you should burn a candle as the last thing you
do before retiring at night.
Cleansing before is strongly ad%ised6 you do not
wish to carry your day-to-day im0urities into this
ceremony. Add a hand full of sea salt to re-charge
your energies. $ight a few candles3 turn off the light
beeswa1 candles are more e10ensi%e but 0referred for this as they are
and rela1. Hoid your mind of the garbage you ha%e
0ic.ed u0 through out the day. Hisuali=e the water
washing away all the negati%ity. 5t is %ery im0ortant
to ha%e a 0ro0er mindset 0rior to any magical
ceremony. Also3 clean the candle3 remo%e all the
negati%e energies that the candle has 0ic.ed u0
along the way. Candles3 as with all magical tools3
needs to be as free of 0sychic debris as 0ossible.
Before you start burning the candle3 it is
recommended that you anoint the candle with
scented oil. "his is to attach your thoughts to the
candle and dedicate it for the magical 0ur0ose you
desire. "he candle should be brand new3 ne%er
used before.
Bou should also write down your wish onto a
0iece of 0a0er. Bou should ha%e a dedicated
candle holder for ceremonial or magical 0ur0ose
only3 do not use it for other mundane uses.
Anointing the candle is 0erformed by rubbing it
with the oil3 starting at the middle wor.ing your
way u0 and down while focusing on the desire you
wish to achie%e. "o send something away from
you...you would rub the oil from the middle of the
candle out to the end3 similarity to get something
to you3 you would rub the oil from the middle
towards you. 8o not ma.e a bac. and forth motion
as it will not wor.. -se the remaining oil from your
fingers onto your forehead ?third eye@ and on your
heart center.
Put the 0iece of 0a0er you wrote on3 and after
cleaning the candle3 0lace it in the holder3 and light
)ow3 while the candle is burning breathe dee0ly
in and out3 and start by concentrating your
thoughts u0on your desire. Abo%e all3 ma.e an
effort to %isuali=e your desire but forming a mental
0icture of the outcome. "his %isual image should be
clear for as long as you are able to .ee0 it that
way. 8oubts should be e:ected from your thin.ing.
WhiteI 0urity3 s0irituality and 0eace. 5n some
cultures it is the color of death and mourning.
&edI health3 energy3 strength3 se1ual
0otency3 courage and the masculine 0rinci0le
in )ature.
Pin.I romantic lo%e3 affection and friendshi0.
BellowI intellect3 the 0owers of the creati%e
imagination3 memory3 communication and
mental agility.
9reenI abundance3 fertility3 good luc. and
BlueI healing3 truth3 ins0iration3 higher
wisdom3 occult 0ower and 0sychic 0rotection3
understanding3 good health and the feminine
0rinci0le in )ature.
Pur0leI success in financial affairs3 0sychic
ability of a highly-de%elo0ed form3 idealism
and s0iritual 0ower.
9oldI attracts 0ositi%e influences and itAs
connected with :ustice and wor. related
7il%erI clair%oyance3 astral energies3 also the
faculty of far memory and remembering 0ast
5f you are :ust starting to e10eriment with candle
magic3 the first trial may not wor.. 8o not get
discouraged3 wait a little and try again. &emember3
your thoughts and %isuali=ation cou0led with the
element of fire will determine the outcome. 5f
things do not wor. out it is %ery li.ely caused by a
.armic baggage3 you or the sub:ect of your magic
might carry.
Water is the symbol of cleansing and
re:u%enation. We all ha%e heard of 0laces where
s0ring water has s0ecial healing 0owers. Water is a
0assi%e3 feminine element.
$istening to the sound of s0ring water gushing
from the ground or the ocean wa%es beating
against the shores can 0ut us in a state of
borderline trans. Water can also simulate
weightlessness and 0ut us bac. into the 0rimordial
"he elemental wea0on of water3 as used in
ceremonial magic3 is the cu0. "he archangel of
water is 9abriel3 the angel is "aliahad3 the ruler is
"harsis3 the .ing is )ichsa3 and the
water elementals3 are called -ndines3 and )ereids.
"he 0hysical form of these elementals are the
0lants influenced by the sign of Water ?Apas
"he elemental wea0on of air is the dagger. "he
archangel of air is &a0hael3 the angel is Chassan3
the ruler is Aral3 the .ing is Paralda3 and
the air elementals are called syl0hs3 whose
0hysical bodies are the 0lants under the influence
of the sign of Air ?9ayu "attwa@.
Air3 according to the 5ndian yogi 0hiloso0hy3 is
associated with breathing3 a function that carries
life gi%ing o1ygen into the %ital 0arts of our body.
5t is the magicianAs goal to li%e in harmony with
the elementals3 as. for their hel03 when needed
and than. them in gratitude when3 hel0 is gi%en.
Bou can foster the abundant energies of ;arth6
early in the morning3 when you wal. outside3
barefoot on the grass still wet from mildew. 5t is a
fantastic feeling3 you should try.
5n>uire of the earth3 the air3 and the water3 of the
secrets they hold for you. "he de%elo0ment of your
inner senses will enable you to do this.
Animal Worship
5n "he 9olden Bough3 Professor Fra=er showed
that the 0ig was worshi00ed because it was at one
time a sacred animal identified with <siris.
<nce a year3 according to Herodotus3 0igs were
sacrificed in ;gy0t to the moon and to <siris. "he
moon 0ig was eaten3 but the 0igs offered to <siris
were slain in front of house doors and gi%en bac. to
the swineherds from whom they were 0urchased.
7imilarly in ;gy0t the frog3 the crocodile3 the cat
and the sna.e was also taboo. ;%en a &oman
soldier was once mobbed and slain because he
.illed a household cat.
5n 5reland the cat deity was the god Cairbre cinn
cait3 4of the catAs head4. He was a god of the Fir
Bolg3 the enemies of the 9aulish 8anann 0eo0le.
7ome animals dis0layed uncanny sensiti%ity
before some natural disaster struc.. "his was
obser%ed time after time. "his e1tra sensory
0erce0tion ga%e a lore to animals and offered them
0rotected status.
5n 1,''3 Co0ia0o3 Chile3 hundreds of cats
deserted the town shortly before an earth>ua.e hit
the town causing e1tensi%e damage.
A similar e%ent too. 0lace a year later in "o.yo3
Ea0an. Peo0le obser%ed the 0eculiar restlessness of
dogs. "hey howled3 bar.ed incessantly and
suddenly they were gone. "hey disa00eared shortly
before a de%astating earth>ua.e hit the city3 .illing
thousands of 0eo0le.
ore inscrutable the animals were - more
magical lore they were associated with. Cats and
owls were gi%en s0ecial attention from the early
days and witches were not only .e0t them as 0ets
but on occasion3 they were able to transform
themsel%es into these creatures at will.
(he Mystic Cat
" ha$e studied many philosophers and many cats.
!he wisdom of cats is infinitely superior." Hi00olyte
"he start of documented cat 4cultus4 begun
when the ;gy0tians started identifying the lions
that roamed around their land with the 7un. "hey
belie%ed that at sunset3 &a3 the 7un 9od3 would die
and descend through the underworld in the West3
to be born again in the ;ast3 at sunrise. 8uring the
night3 howe%er &a was always in great danger3 as
his enemies3 headed by the great ser0ent A0o0his
would not hesitate to attac. him3 thus 0utting the
whole -ni%erse in danger.
Howe%er3 the lions would loo. unto the setting
sun3 and .ee0 its rays in their eyes3 for they3 li.e all
domestic felines3 ha%e eyes that reflect in the dar..
With that fire burning in their eyes3 the lions would
go forth and .ill the ser0ents of the night.
When the domestic cat was bred in the tem0les
of the Ancient ;gy0tians3 cat worshi0 had reached
it height6 anybody who .illed a cat3 e%en
accidentally3 was 0ut to death3 and when a cat
died3 the owners used to sha%e off their eyebrows
as a sign of mourning.
And there is the legend of the 7acred Cat of
Burma. "he storey ta.es 0lace in a tem0le built on
the sides of ount $ugh3 in Burma. "he tem0le
housed the golden image of the 9oddess "sun
un-Ha3 the head mon. always used to meditate
in front of the 9oddess with the sa00hire eyes. "he
9oddess "sun 2yan-2se made sure that the
followers would be reborn as an animal for the
duration of a life3 after which the soul would be in
the 4s0ecial 0lace43 beyond illusion3 shining with a
golden aura.
As the full moon shone3 one night3 un-Ha
entered a transcendental state which was so dee0
that he felt no 0ain when 7iamese in%aders
murdered him. 7inh3 the cat 0laced his gentle 0aws
on the mon.As robes. Facing the 9oddess3 the catAs
fur became gold3 li.e the golden statue before him3
and his eyes became the beautiful blue shining
eyes of the 9oddess. His legs3 his tail3 his ears and
his face became a %el%ety rich brown. His 0aws3
which were gently laid on his masterAs body
became a 0urest white3 the traditional loo. of a
siamese cat.
Cats are considered to be %ery clean animals.
"he Pro0het ohammed is said to ha%e .e0t cats
himself3 and 0o0ular legend tells that one time3 the
Pro0het had to res0ect the call to 0rayer3 but his
cat was slee0ing on the slee%e of his robe. &ather
than awa.e the cat3 the Pro0het sim0ly tore his
slee%e3 and went of to 0rayer.
Felines ha%e been the sub:ect of many strange
lore. <ne of these lore is from3 at the time of the
great Biblical flood.
)oah too. 0airs of rats and mice on the Ar.3
howe%er3 the rodents multi0lied %ery >uic.ly and
the Ar. was3 after a while3 infested by rodents.
)oah had a little tal. with the lion3 who as .ing of
the beasts3 naturally had a solution. "he lion
snee=ed and from his nostrils3 a 0air of ready made
fu==y3 domestic cats came out3 who instantly set to
wor.3 ha%ing a natural instinct for being hunters of
With the ad%ent of the dar. ages and dogmatic3
fear based autocratic 0owers bestowed u0on the
church3 the fortune of cats had turned from high to
Po0e 9regory 5P denounced blac. cats as e%il in
his 1'33 Pa0al Bull AHo1 in &amaA and this
unfortunately launched the e1termination of many
cats. "housands of cats were burned ali%e in the
cause of searching out the de%il. "ales of these
witchesA cats turning into mice3 dogs3 bats and all
sorts of creatures flourished during the iddle
Another instance of the o00ression of cats was in
the downfall of the 2nights "em0lar. -nder torture3
the 2nights "em0lar were forced to confess to
heresy3 >uestioning ChristAs di%inity and3 in some
instances3 the worshi0 of cats.
"he mass destruction of the cat in edie%al
;uro0e was not without .armic conse>uences3 with
their natural enemy on the decline3 rats multi0lied
without any control. "his e%entually caused
mayhem and disease. "he Blac. 8eath is estimated
to ha%e .illed 3*Q to #*Q of ;uro0eAs 0o0ulation3
reducing the worldAs 0o0ulation from an estimated
/(* million to between 3(* and 3!( million by the
year 1/**.
5 lo%e and cherish cats. "he 0ersonality of the
cat3 maintaining total inde0endence from the
4owner4 while being com0letely domesticated is a
mystical and strange 0henomena. A cat3
re0resenting nature3 at its most mysterious and
natural setting3 in your %ery own li%ing s0ace3 is
wonderful. Cats seldom need com0any and they
s0end lots of their time on the Astral 0lane3 while
slee0ing. Cat lo%ers do not need the 40ower-tri04
from controlling their 0ets as sometimes dog
owners do3 so 5 also relate to other cat fanciers for
this %ery reason.
Astral !ra$el
"he term Astral !ra$el is a .nown dissociati%e
0henomena3 many of which are referred to by
%arious terms3 such as out(of(body experience.
"he term out(of(body experience is accurate to the
e1tent that it describes the sensation felt by a
0erson e10eriencing the 0henomenon.
5t is widely belie%ed that u0 to the >uarter of
human 0o0ulation has e10erienced Astral "ra%el
during a dream state3 without consciously .nowing
that such e%ent e%er too. 0lace.
5t is not wise to desire to lea%e your body until
you achie%ed insight and clear %ision of the third
eye. "his is an intense e10erience and can be
dangerous. For e1am0le out of body flight can be
e1hilarating but when it is actually slee0wal.ing3 it
could result in:ury or death.
)ndirectly !@perimenting with Astral (ra&el
7oon after wa.ing from slee03 stay motionless
and eyes closed. <bser%e the blan. s0ace behind
the eyes for a few seconds and try to locate
discernable 0ictures3 images3 or symbols. 5f nothing
a00ears during this e1ercise3 the techni>ue should
be substituted. 5f something a00ears3 continue to
0assi%ely obser%e the images. "he images will
become increasingly realistic3 literally
o%ershadowing the 0ractitioner. 8o not
0ur0osefully e1amine the details of the image3
because it might %anish or change. "he image
should be dee0ly e10erienced3 ta.ing e%erything
in. <bser%e the images as long as the >uality and
realism increases. 8oing so yields two 0ossible
resultsI you become 0art of the surroundings3 and
has achie%ed the e1ercise3 or the image becomes
borderline or absolutely realistic3 and se0aration
from the 0hysical body is hence commencing.
As an alternate e10eriment you could attem0t to
mo%e a 0art of the body for a few seconds3 but
without using any muscles. "his e1ercise should
also be attem0ted after wa.ing from a restful
slee0. While 0racticing phantom mo$ement3 strong
%ibrations may occur3 at which time3 se0aration
may be attem0ted. 7ensations of sounds often
come about3 allowing the o00ortunity to 0ractice
inner listening3 which can lead to se0aration as
)nner Listening
7oon after wa.ing from slee03 remain still3 eyes
closed. Attem0t to listen to noise in your head. 8o
this for few seconds without mo%ing and without
o0ening your eyes. 5f nothing ha00ens during this
0eriod of time3 switch to another techni>ue. 5f any
sounds li.e bu==ing3 humming3 hissing3 whistling3
or melodies occur3 listen attenti%ely. After a while
the sound will increase in %olume. $isten in as long
as there is some dynamism in the %olume of the
sound. When the sound sto0s3 or the noise
becomes loud enough3 se0aration may be
5mmediately after wa.ing from slee03 remain
motionless3 eyes closed. 5magine the 0hysical body
is swirling along an a1is for a few seconds. 5f
nothing ha00ens3 try another techni>ue. 5f any
%ibrations occur during swirling or the mo%ement
suddenly feels realistic3 then continue the swirling
techni>ue as long as there is 0rogress in the
sensationDs de%elo0ment. "here are se%eral
0ossible outcomes when swirling is 0racticed. "he
imagined swirling is re0laced by a %ery real
sensation of rotating along an imagined a1is. When
this occurs3 you may easily lea%e the body. "he
other outcome is the sudden 0resence of strong
%ibrations or loud sounds3 amid which se0aration is
0ossible. 8uring swirling3 se0aration has been
.nown to s0ontaneously commence.
"he abo%e techni>ues can be attem0ted
s0ontaneously3 at will3 without the stated3 slee0ing-
awa.ening ste0. "he best time of attem0ting these
techni>ues is during the night3 when you are
awa.ened from dee0 slee0. 5t is ad%isable to do
something for at least ten minutes and then
commence with the techni>ues. Alternati%ely these
can be attem0ted right before you go to bed.
Maintaining the Phenomena
After se0aration from the 0hysical body occurs at
different gradation to which that e10erience
manifest. At first3 the le%el of se0aration may be
su0erficial and light. As se%eral re0eat attem0ts of
se0aration would commence3 it will become clear
that certain techni>ues could be em0loyed to
deepen the se0aration.
<ne of such techni>ue is touching e%erything
that comes in your way. "his should be done
>uic.ly with feeling the sha0es and te1ture of the
ob:ects3 ne%er staying with one ob:ect for long and
constantly searching new items. "his should only
be done after com0lete se0aration or the e1ercise
will >uic.ly cease to 0rogress.
"he other dee0ening techni>ue can be
attem0ted only when %ision is achie%ed3 at this
0oint3 %isually e1amine ob:ects3 their 0atters3
sha0es and forms3 no more than for one second at
the time.
Performing the simultaneous touching and %isual
e1amination of ob:ects would be the 0referred
5t is common for a no%ice to be stric.en by
insurmountable fear that causes 0aralysis. "here is
only one way to gradually o%ercome this6 each time
you enter the Astral 0lane3 an attem0t should be
made to go a ste0 further than the 0re%ious time.
For e1am0le3 in s0ite of feeling terrified3 you should
try to e10erience something new at each attem0t.
"hen3 after incremental ste0s toward e10eriencing
the harmlessness of the astral tra%el3 0roducti%e3
calming sensation would arri%e.
;10erience shows that at least one-third of initial
Astral tra%el attem0ts3 you are faced with a degree
of fear that forces your return to the body.
<ccasionally3 e%en e10erienced Astral tra%elers
face situations that re>uire an abru0t return to
wa.efulness. "his 0oses a number of concerns.
<ccasionally3 after reentering the body3 you
suddenly reali=e that 0hysical functionality has
ceased due to the onset of slee0 0aralysis. 8uring
slee0 0aralysis3 it is im0ossible to scream3 call for
hel03 or e%en mo%e a finger. 5n the ma:ority of
cases3 it is also im0ossible to o0en the eyes.
5n Astral "ra%el the 0ractitioner could %ery well
encounter li%ing entities6 there are cou0le of .ey
0oints must be made about this.
<ne is3 no res0onse for attem0ted
communication and the other is abru0t termination
of the 4tri04. 5n order to a%oid any of the 0itfalls
mentioned3 you should 0ractice the techni>ues
abo%e to maintain the 0henomena. "he shoc. of
the first encounter causes the 0henomena to cease
or not function the way you wish.
:istant (ra&el and Passing (hrough Walls
5nstant dislocation3 far tra%el is the bonus of any
Astral 4tri043 as well as 0assing through closed
doors and walls.
"f you concentrate on the physical sensations
associated with passing through any obstacle too
much, it is li2ely to get stuc2. You may e$en
experience the feeling of obstructed breathing
when this happens. At such a time it is necessary
to return to the body." writes ichael &aduga3 who
teaches out-of-body tra%el in &ussia and on the
8etailed3 ste0-by-ste0 instructions can be found
on Bou"ube and reading his boo.3 7chool of <ut-of-
Body "ra%elI A Practical 9uideboo.3 which in my
o0inion is the best training on this as0ect of magic.
"here are myriads of boo.s and 4e10erts4 on out-
of-body e10erience3 but as . &aduga states3 there
is no describing this e10erience. <nly your own
e10erimentation and e%entual successful 4tri04
ha%e any meaning. "here are many writers and so-
called e10erts who3 from :udging their material
ne%er had this e10erience. &aduga and his team
ha%e the total number of recorded3 %erifiable
4tri0s4 e1ceeding one thousand3 at the writing of
this boo.3 0erha0s a great deal more. 5 refer to
&aduga as teacher of this 0henomena as my own
e10erience is limited to hundreds of 4tri0s4 in my
childhood3 e10erience that has been faded away
with the corrosi%e effect of time.
But aside of these techni>ues in my o0inion the
best way to achie%e astral tra%el is through a
rigorous meditati%e 0ractice. $ea%ing the 0hysical
body is the whole idea of meditation.
"here is one techni>ue that wor.s for me that 5
will share with you. "here are many others and you
should 0ic. one that you are most comfortable
7it u0right in comfortable 0osition3 then ta.e a
re0resentation of 9od in your head and meditate
on it. Bou can use an abstract image li.e a flame
burning3 or the 7un3 also a statue3 0ainting or
drawing would do. 7ome 0eo0le use an image of
the Buddha3 but you can use ohammed3 Eesus3
2rishna or whate%er you wish. <ne you ha%e
chosen this image you must %isuali=e it to the most
minute detail3 once you gras0 the image you
should hold it3 and ne1t try to mentally 0ull it
towards you3 towards the third eye3 and right
through it. 5f you do this 0ro0erly you will e1it your
body through your head which is the acce0ted way.
"his is why Buddhist mon.s sha%e their head. 5f this
does not wor.3 try other meditation techni>ues but
gi%e them some time. Practice a little e%ery day.
Astral "ra%el is not to be confused with the
sensation what some call 7amadhi3 an also a
dissociati%e consciousness3 an e10erience that3 if
anything can3 alone trum0s Astral "ra%el.
7amadhi is the state of consciousness induced
by com0lete meditation3 a non-dualistic state of
consciousness in which the consciousness of the
e10eriencing sub:ect becomes one with the
e10erienced ob:ect.
&ama.rishna describes his first 'amadhi
3 at the
age of si1I while wal.ing along the 0addy fields3 a
floc. of white cranes flying against a bac.dro0 of
dar. thunder clouds caught his %ision. He
re0ortedly became so absorbed by this scene that
he lost outward consciousness and e10erienced
indescribable :oy in that state. 5t is said that during
this one has 3#*-degree %ision and indescribable
samadhi is the state of consciousness induced $y complete meditation5
.ature cures, not the physician - Hi00ocrates
We li%e in an age and society where seemingly
easy solutions tem0t us e%ery which way we loo..
For health3 losing weight3 slee0ing and lo%e ma.ing
there is a 0ill to ta.e. We do not need to ma.e an
effort3 or monitor our lifestyle3 the adds say3 only
ta.e a small 0ill. "he side affects are garbled fast
since they ad ma.ers do not wish us to listen to the
myriads of side effects of their wonder 0ills.
5t is clear that health cannot be considered
without loo.ing at lifestyle habits. "his is called a
holistic a00roach. 5t is also must be said that
natural homeo0athic com0ounds3 herbs or natural
medicine contains similar chemical com0ound as
modern medicine. "herefore the side effects and
negati%e im0act on the body would be similar to
ta.ing drugs. Perha0s this analogy is and
o%erstatement when we consider the tremendous
brew of 0sychotro0ic drugs and their un.nown side
effects and dangers.
ost of the herbal or %itamin based remedies
were with us for thousands of years3 so any ill3 side
effects are .nown. For e1am0le for lowering blood
0ressure ta.ing )iacin is a natural remedy. 5t wor.s
and the ill effects of )iacin are .nown while the ill
effects of the latest blood 0ressure medicine is can
only be s0eculated u0on.
5llnesses can be characteri=ed into two grou0s3
2armic illness or illnesses caused by degradation of
the mind and body due to long neglect and stress.
5llness3 whether it is based on 2arma or lifestyle is
manifested by the lac. of 0rana
3 Chi3 in 0lain
;nglish3 )ife Force.
Prana !, 0rRSa# is the 9anskrit for <vital life<
Healing is the greatest magic one can 0erform.
"his is 0recisely why so few can do it effecti%ely.
"he good news is certain amount of healing can be
initiated by you. "he first ste0 is understanding the
cause of illnesses3 the im0act of stress and worry
u0on you and willingness to ta.e certain ste0s to
correct what is correctible.
"he ancient healing arts none were more
0rofound as the ;ssenes3 this is what 9erald
assey said about them in one of his lecturesI
4"he ;ssenes were healers3 not because they
were the wor.ers of mythical miracles li.e Eesus3
but because they were 0rofound students of
)atureAs secret 0owers6 because they were
masters of the science of mental medicine3
consciously able to draw on the s0irit-world for
healing influencesL
"hey had disco%ered that health was infectious
as well as disease3 and that the ca0acity for
recei%ing and gi%ing3 as a medium of the higher
life3 de0ended on conditions that could be
culti%ated in this life. Hence the stress they laid on
0ersonal 0urity and its eight stages of attainment.
"hey were healers by %irtue of the Christ within.
Again3 we learn from 0seudo-8ionysius3 the
Areo0agite3 that the name of healer3 i.e.3 the
4;ssene4 or
"hera0eut3 whom ;usebius calls the Curate3 was
em0loyed in the early Church to denote the
0erfected Ade0t3 who had attained the highest
standing3 :ust as it was with the earlier ;ssenes.
"he current e10ression3--4A Cure of 7ouls34 or a
4Curacy34 still shows the Christian line of descent
from the 0re-Christian healers.4
We are what we eat. 5 am sure most of us ha%e
heard this a1iom but getting the gra%ity of it to
ma.e lasting changes had not reached all of us. 5
am sure being a militant %egan is self-ser%ing to
some 0eo0le but you do not need to be a %egan or
only eat raw food. 5t is enough to be mindful and
eat right3 in moderation. ;at small 0ortions and if
you must eat more often3 do so in smaller 0ortions.
"his way your stomach will remain small and
;at food that is home made and natural. ;at
fruits3 %egetables3 legumes and anything you fancy
as long as it has no additi%es and 0reser%ati%es. 5f
you must eat meat3 eat white meat or fish. A%oid
red meat as much as 0ossible.
9arlic3 onions and fish oil are of s0ecial healing
>ualities. 7o is tea3 es0ecially green tea. Coffee is
to be a%oided only because it is inefficient to
0ro%ide the energy boost3 but if you must drin.
coffee only in the morning. Coffee gi%es a high for
a relati%ely short 0eriod of a time and you get a
downswing %ery soon3 whereby you wish to drin.
more coffee3 e1ce0t it has less and less effect on
you. "ea 0ro%ides a better high and for longer
0eriod of time. "ea also contains anti-o1idants.
Alcohol and drugs are not to be consumed. We
all hear that small amount of alcohol3 es0ecially red
wine can be of medicinal %alue3 but what you gain3
you would lose by itAs detrimental effect it has on
your 0rana
3 e%en in a small amount.
Mental Healing
"here can be metal ?0hysic@ healing 0erformed
on two le%els6
one the most rare and 0owerful3 which is when
the healer magician imbues his abundant 0rana to
the sic. 0erson. "his is done by a %ery s0ecial
0erson who is usually most clair%oyant and can see
auras. He can see the 0ersonAs .armic 0ast on his
aura and will not e%en attem0t 0hysic healing3 if
the illness is incurable i.e. of .armic origin. "his
.ind of healing is %ery hard on the healer and it
usually is detrimental to his health by de0leting his
own life-force.
"he other more mundane healing is when the
healer o0ens the mind of the sic. 0erson and
suggests the true nature of his illness3 many times
that alone is enough to embar. u0on a nurturing
and slow 0rogress of im0ro%ement. 5f the 0erson
wants to be whole3 he can3 as long as his negati%e
thought 0atterns changes and his total belief
system and will-0ower su00orts this.
&esearch shows that e%en in modern medicine
some 0atients get well and some wonAt. 5t usually is
determined by the attitude and forceful desire to
get better by the 0atient. 7ome fight on and some
gi%e u0.
William Att.inson 0ut it >uite elo>uently in his
magnum o0us3 Mind("ower8 !he 'ecret -f Mental
4;%ery cell has its share of mind3 and science
shows us that each cell can and does li%e its life as
a se0arate entity3 always3 howe%er3 subordinate to
the whole system of cells3 and the mind controlling
it. And the mind in each cell3 or system of cells3
may be reached by the 0ositi%e mind of a 0erson3
when 0ro0erly a00lied.
5n order to fully gras0 the significance of this
statement3 you must remember that e%ery organ3
0art3 bone3 ner%e3 %essel3 tissue and e%erything
else in your body3 is built u0 of cells which ha%e
formed certain combinations. "here are indi%idual
cells in your blood and other 0arts of the body6 and
there are cell communities in your body3 which
0erform certain functions and which you call 4my
li%er46 4my heart46 4my stomach46 4my .idneys34
etc.3 etc. And there is mind in e%ery one of them.
And the mind in e%ery cell3 and in e%ery organ may
be reached by ind-Power a00lied by the mind of
oneself or another 0erson.4
Amber and (ibetan Mus, "il
Amber and mus. oil3 both ha%e been on the
forefront of the magical3 nature made substances
that naturally enhances the 0hysic energy3 0rana
or chi of the body. Amber is an ancient resin ?not
sa0@ crystalli=ed and it contains stored u0 energies
of the sun. "he magical 0ro0erties of amber can be
demonstrated by rubbing it with fur3 it will de%elo0
a static electrical field which will attract light
ob:ects such as feather and dust.
"he Pure "ibetan mus. or Pure "ibetan
mochus?mus.@ eli1ir is of a dar. 0ur0le color3 dry3
smooth to the touch3 and bitter in taste.
"he dro0 of mus. will distinctly scent millions of
cubic feet of air without any a00reciable loss of
weight3 and its scent is not only more 0enetrating
but more 0ersistent than that of any other .nown
"he best >uality a%ailable is "ibetan ?ton.in@
mus.3 it is %ery rare and difficult to find3 while
Carbadine mus. from &ussian and Chinese
Himalayan regions are considered lesser >uality.
According to traditional Chinese medicine3 mus.
is affiliated with the Heart and 70leen meridians.
5n aromathera0y3 us. is among the scents and
%ibrations that attracts the most attention. 5t
connects to the highest %alued consciousness3 the
scent has an archety0al a00eal to the dee0est le%el
Cha0ter PPH. ental "hera0eutics ?isbn ,!+-1-/(3#-(+/!-(@
of our 0syche.
!he Magic in .umbers
T)omes est <man.U
Roman pro$erb 5!he .ame is the
"he 8octrine of Corres0ondences is at the root of
all occult inter0retation3 %ia our human
0resentation of the -ni%ersal $aw which binds the
icrocosm to the acrocosm as an effect to its
antecedent cause.
"he mystic3 the 0oet and the creati%e artist are
all unconscious inter0reters of this uni%ersal law.
"hey ha%e in some degree the uni%ersal sense by
which their souls are rendered res0onsi%e to the
0ulsations of )atureDs own rhythm. "he
clair%oyant 3 the di%iner and the seer are in e%en
closer touch with the 9reat $ife3 while they ha%e
less conscious en:oyment of that intimacy.
<thers who would reach to the heart of things by
a clear and conscious intellection3 understanding
what they see3 analy=ing and inter0reting what
they feel. "hese are the true wi=ards3 the true
masters of the secret .nowledge.
What di%ination is not able to 0redictJ )o
e1isting form of di%ination is able to 0redict
someoneAs death3 as well as there is no form of
di%ination that is suitable to 0redict the end of the
world. 5f someone claims that he can do this3 run3
do not wal. to the nearest e1it.
"he forefront of all di%ination art has always
been Astrology. "ycho Brahe
used a 0hrase to
summari=e his studies in astrologyI suspiciendo
despicio3 4by loo.ing u0 5 see downward4.
"he connection between celestial order and
terrestrial dynamics was e10lored first by 5saac
-ycho %as %ell kno%n in his lifetime as an astronomer and alchemist5
)ewton with his de%elo0ment of a uni%ersal theory
of gra%itation3 claims that the gra%itational effects
of the celestial bodies are what accounts for
astrological generali=ations are the basis of
astrological di%ination. "here is more to this.
7cience has not reached the ade>uate le%el in
refined measurements of cosmic rays to e10lain
and understand the force of the hea%enly bodies on
<ccult magicians3 after reaching a certain le%el
and insight3 will sto0 feeling the effects of the stars6
in fact they can ha%e im0act3 limited as it may be3
on the stars3 if they wish.
Ad%anced ade0ts of alchemy will often
e10erience a .armic s0iritual birth
months before
their actual conce0tion ta.es 0lace. "his is why
astrological charts do not always wor. for old souls
or magicians. Prenatal astrology has attem0ted to
o%ercome this 0roblem3 howe%er as e1act date and
time must be .nown to graft an accurate
astrological chart3 0renatal astrology is not e1act
enough. Also3 0renatal astrology will loo. at
embryonic e1istence instead of birth3 but that will
not alle%iate the 0roblem stemming from of
s0iritual3 .armic birth which comes e%en before
embryonic state.
ore e1act di%ination art is numerology3 often
relegated as 4second cousin4 of the more
established and 0o0ular art of astrology.
)umerology is closely related to the 2abbala and
numerical associations to letters3 which the Hebrew
al0habet is 0erfectly suited for.
)umerology 0resu00oses that we humans e%ol%e
by reincarnating into the 0hysical 0lane o%er and
o%er again. 5t also acce0ts that 2arma as
accumulation of our deeds and attributes is a
"he s0rit can ho%er o%er the womb long before the actual conce0tion.
lesson to all to learn and e%ol%e. <ur new
incarnation3 our new life is staged already in our
0rior life by our thoughts and deeds. 5ndeed the
country and family we born into is direct result of
our indi%idual 2armic account.
<ur birth is not the first time our s0irit enters to
the realm of the 0hysical e1istence and our death
is not the last incarnation. "his is %ery im0ortant to
gras0 when one studies )umerology.
<ur birth e%ent in a certain sna0shot in time and
s0ace has s0ecial significance. "his is a cosmic
barcode of time and s0ace where the 0hysical
-ni%erse is conditioned for acce0ting us in the new
incarnation. "his date is a date of our birth. 5t is
0art of the two 0ronged e%ents cou0led with our
naming that will gi%e us the roadma0 to our life.
"he attributes and characteristics that we are and
in fact who we 0ercei%e oursel%es hinge u0on this
two e%ents.
)ow letDs tal. about naming. 7ha.es0eare said
TA &ose is a rose no matter what you name itU. Bet3
the 0arado1 is that &ose is the most 0erfect sound
to describe the sublime beauty of that flower.
5t is alleged that if a child is not named at birth
heKshe will whiter away and die. 5 am not sure of
the accuracy of this but 5 am sure with not naming
something we inherently deny our attention and
lo%e and then the 0remise will come true.
<ne thing is %ery im0ortant3 naming a child
carefully and with lo%e usually comes from our
higher self. Parents agoni=e o%er the name of the
newborn and this concern is not without merit. Bad
naming and bad childrearing could result self-
doubt3 de%elo0ment issues and e%entually a
change of a name.
According to the Pythagorean numerology3 each
letter in the modern al0habet has an associated
/ 0 1 A B C D E F
A B C 8 ; F 9 H 5
E 2V $ ) < P C &
7 " - HV W P B

#igure A the Pythagorean matri1
/ 0 1 A B C D E
A B C 8 ; - < F
5 2 9 H H W P
E & $ " ) W
C 7 P
#igure B the Chaldean matri1
Chaldean numerology was originally de%elo0ed
in Ancient Babylon
3 and combines 2abbalistic
name inter0retation with as0ects of astrology. "he
, is considered holy and therefore is .e0t a0art
from other %ibrations3 except when it results as the
sum of %ibrations for e1am0le numbers deri%ed
from the first and last name.
(he Life Path number ?as calculated using the
Pythagorean system@
"he $ife Path3 as is the case with all numbers
deri%ed from your date of birth3 has to do with the
momentum3 the direction3 of your life. "he $ife Path
is a cycle. ?;1am0le deleted to 0rotect 0ri%acy@
How to #ind 6our Personality number
Add only the consonants of each name and
reduce to a single-digit.
)e1t3 add the resulting numbers and reduce to a
A N : 4 A S M ) 9 L " S N A 6
B A F / A 0 1 C. / B D
5+4+9+1=19 4+2+3+1=10 5+7=12
1+9=10/1 10/1 1+2=3=1+1+3=5
H!A4(=S :!S)4! N5M%!4 ?sometimes called
47oul -rge4@
Bour HeartAs 8esire is deri%ed from the %owels of
your name.
"he %owels are A3 ;3 53 <3 and -. All other letters
are consonants3 e1ce0t3 in some cases3 the letter B.
modern day 5ra>
A N : 4 A S M ) 9 L " S N A 6
/ / F C / D
1O1N0 ,O#N/B
0 1(KC +
"he inter0retation of these numbers as whole is
the tas. of a s.illed numerologist. "his cha0terAs
goal to gi%e the reader a taste and the rationale of
why and how this all wor.s3 not to teach it in detail.
Mental Magic
"6hen you ha$e reached a point at which you cannot
see more, You must remember that there may be a
point beyond this at which you can see e$erything."
ehmet 2arago=
"he cosmogony legend according to the ancient
wisdom says that the Archangels created the
0lanets and all there is from 0ure concentrated
thought. 5f these high beings used the sheer 0ower
of their mind to ma.e all there is3 then it is
concei%able that our mind is also ca0able of
7cientist researching the human brain and its
ca0acity and their conclusion is that we use our
mind not nearly its full 0ower. Autistic sa%ants ha%e
demonstrated su0er human ca0abilities in certain
7ome scientists3 li.e Allan 7nyder of the
-ni%ersity of 7ydney and director of Centre for the
ind3 belie%e that the 0otential to e10ress multi0le
su0er-abilities is a uni%ersal trait3 but is obscured
by the normal functioning intellect3 it is also
belie%ed that damage to the brain has somehow
disru0ted 4normal4 functioning and therefore allows
the brain to manifest certain su0ernatural s.ills and
"here are three main as0ects of using our mind
for the 0ur0ose of magic. All these will be
e1amined in detail below6
Pro:ecting3 focusing something desirable in
order to ma.e this ha00en.
5nteracting with others and the self3 using
suggestions or self-hy0nosis.
indfulness where we are constantly
monitoring our own thoughts3 eliminating
negati%ity3 im0urity and fostering 0ositi%e3
wholesome thoughts.
When we focus and concentrate on an outcome3
and we do it 0ro0erly and with 0erse%erance that
outcome is most certain to materiali=e unless there
are 2armic hindrances. $et me elaborate on this
using my own life e10erience.
For ten years3 5 ha%e 0layed 0o.er in high ho0es
that 5 could ma.e a little money when 5 get older to
su00lement my income and enhance my social life.
5 ha%e studied3 0racticed for years. ;arly on 5 lost
money and 5 considered it 4tuition fee43 but as time
went by 5 had noticed something6 0erha0s 5 was not
a great 0layer but most certainly the most unluc.y.
<f course3 there were times when things wor.ed
out in my fa%or but o%erall 5 was :in1ed. $ater3 after
5A%e met my teacher and as.ed to ha%e insight into
this lost3 ten years3 it was re%ealed to me that in
my 0ast life3 5 had made my li%ing cheating in cards
in the <ld West. Clearly3 there was some negati%e
in my .armic account. 5 ha%e reali=ed that
there was no way 5 would be able to become a
0ositi%e e10ectation 0o.er 0layer.
"here is :ust too much uncertainty in 0o.er
de0ending on seemingly random outcome we refer
to as luc.. 5t is a hard business for 0eo0le with
normal .armic 0ast3 but someone li.e me3 it was
"he 0roducers of the 8H83 the 7ecret and other
sensationalistic 0ublications about the 4law of
attraction4 will not tell you this. <f course in normal
circumstances the law will wor.3 it always has and
always will3 but why not tell the whole storyJ
"he danger is that 0eo0le attem0ting to follow
see A00endi1 B for details on 2arma and &eincarnation
some %ariation of the 7ecret3 and run into similar
0roblem as 5 had3 would lose faith in something
that is an -ni%ersal $aw.
;%en when there is no .armic hindrance3
0racticing the $aw of Attraction would ha%e certain
side effects and conse>uences which is not
discussed ade>uately in any literature 5 ha%e seen
so far. "his is called the 4re%erse blow43 it is li.e a
boomerang thrown3 u0on con:uring u0 something3
often there are conse>uences unforeseen.
Bou see3 the Cosmos is not an A" machine to
get things we idly desire. <ne woman re0orted that
using the $aw of Attraction3 in which she meditated
and focused on getting a min. coat she always
When she finally recei%ed the coat3 hence her
0ro:ection resulted in 0ositi%e outcome3 her
husband recei%ed a transfer to ;gy0t and in a few
months she was touring the 9i=a and her new min.
coat was in storage. "his is the ironical 4re%erse
8oes this mean we should not use the 7ecret at
allJ <f course not. -nderstanding the 7ecret and all
itAs ramifications is the Holy 9rail3 the long sought
40hiloso0herAs stone43 men sought and died for
since the dawn of times. <f course men always
thought that this magical stone was an artifact3 a
magical ob:ect3 ne%er reali=ing that the
40hiloso0herAs stone4 was always right in front of
them3 in their head3 unseen and un.nown3 but
always there. Fully acce0ting that the
40hiloso0herAs stone43 is in fact3 our own mindAs
0ower is first ste0 in understanding and 0racticing
high magic.
"his boo. refers to the term 4luc.4 in many
0laces3 but clarification of using the wor. 4luc.4 is
in order.
4$uc.4 im0lies that e%ents occur in random and
there is a chaos - it says things :ust ha00en to you.
5f you belie%e in nature and life and in larger3 the
-ni%erse as a orderly system where e%erything is
choreogra0hed to 0erfection you would hard time
belie%ing in luc..
A)ady )uc2 is a Fic2le Bitch and her name is

Why are some 0eo0le luc.y while others cannot
win for losingJ "here are neither luc.y 0eo0le nor
unluc.y 0eo0le6 it is their thin.ing or .armic fate
that we must e1amine.
"here are no accidents and ha00enstances.
;%erything is fi1ed by either .armic law or by
thought forms manifesting in a 0ositi%e or negati%e
5t is written BCand it is easier for hea$en and
earth to pass, than one tittle of the law to fail...A
this would im0ly that nothing :ust ha00ens to you
by accident. ;%erything is choreogra0hed to
0erfection by thought 0ower and the $aw of 2arma3
the cause and effect.
"his is the Cosmic $aw of thought $ibrations
attracting each other. 9ood and 0ositi%e thoughts
attract similar3 0ositi%e thoughts. Bou could thin. of
the Human mind as a radio. 5f it is tuned 0ro0erly it
recei%es 0ositi%e and affirming thoughts of the
myriad of thoughts in the ether.
"houghts create %orte1es3 which are grou0 of
thoughts of a similar 0itch. When 0eo0le gamble in
the stoc. mar.et or casino3 they are filled with fear
and greed. "hese thoughts are not wholesome or
0ositi%e. At the same time3 uncertainty and self-
doubt are e%er 0resent in the mind of the a%erage
gambler. "hese grou0s of thoughts act as a
re0eater or enhancer to the thought of the
indi%idual. ;%erything is connected and naturally
our thoughts affect others and we get feedbac.
from a great 4ocean of thoughts4 according to the
>uality of our thin.ing.
<ur mind has the ca0acity to manifest
A)B"H5)9. A 0owerful mind is a 0owerful tool and
a feeble mind is not using its full ca0acity. "he
good news is that we all ha%e the ability to train
our mind to be 0owerful so we can con:ure u0
anything we want as long as it does not interfere
with our 2arma.
All the abo%e mental magic is indirect
manifestation of the magicianAs mind and
imagination. Howe%er there is a more direct way to
control our en%ironment.
(he :irect Magnetism
When two 0eo0le meet at the first time3 des0ite
the demure or actions of either of them3 rest
assured there is a mental battle ta.ing 0lace
between the two. "here is a 0ec.ing order and it
must be determined who is the leader and who is
the follower. )o matter if these two are both
women or men3 or a men meet a women3 there is
always challenge in the air.
Whether in the form of 0ersonal magnetism3 or
the subtle disarming charm of one mind o%er an
other - that form of mental force that influences as
if by an irresistible 0ersona6 that bewitches3 allures3
charms3 enchants3 attracts6 or in what has been
called fascination3 one 0erson has it and the other
We all ha%e the ca0acity3 the 0otential for this
but unfortunately this is not taught in schools and
%ery seldom taught effecti%ely e%en by masters.
We see on both sides of the se1es3 men or
women who seem to e1ert a wonderful and
mysterious mental influence u0on others. We
e10erience that when some 0eo0le enter a room3
they bring with them an indefinable influence that
becomes a00arent to all. 7ome call it a 0resence
some ha%e other words but it all comes down to
this fact - some 0ersons attract - others re0el.
"he 0henomena of the manifestations of )ew
"hought under the name of this cha0ter - 4ental
agic34 the use of the term being :ustified by the
following factsI "he word 4agic4 was deri%ed from
the Persian word 4mag34 meaning 4a 0riest.4 "he
Persian 0riests were 4wonder-wor.ers3 4 or 4
"he latter word being deri%ed from the word
4agi34 the name of the hereditary caste of 0riests
of ancient Persia and edea. "his agian order3 or
esoteric cult of the Woroastrian 0riesthood3
re0resented the center of ancient occultism at that
0eriod of the worldAs history3 and its influence was
felt in all 0arts of the world3 and continues down to
this time. 7o highly were its members res0ected
and considered3 that the term 4Wise en34 and
4agi4 were synonymous with the 4"hree Wise
en4 mentioned as a00earing at the birth of Christ.
)ndirect Mental Magic
5ndirect mental o0eration is when we do not
interact with a grou0 or indi%idual. We act in the
bac.ground and attem0t to con:ure u0 something
for others3 this is called ndirect Metal Magic. 8oing
this o0eration for yourself is o.3 when you must
ha%e something to do your wor. or to facilitate
basic needs or 0rotect you from harm of others. <f
course basic needs and wants are often ambiguous
and the line for some 0eo0le is hard to draw.
Con:uring u0 the lotto tic.et is usually not 0art of a
need but it is a want3 no matter how you try to
rationali=e it.
When we desire to manifest something we must
carefully craft a mental image of the desired ob:ect
or 0erson. "he mental image is more than a
thought %ibration3 it must be a clear image as if it
e1isted )<W3 not in the future. 5dle thought
fragments are not enough. Bou must %isuali=e it as
if it was right in front of you.
8uring the %isuali=ation 0hase you must be %oid
of all negati%e emotions and thoughts. 8oubt and
fear are your biggest obstacles.
Fear is %ery damaging as it is e10ectation in a
negati%e way. As 0ositi%e e10ectations are
beneficial and in fact the engine of manifesting3
fear is the dissolution of what was 0ossible.
Whene%er you catch yourself in fear of
something you must instantly re%erse gear and
summon courage. Bou can self-hy0noti=e courage
and %erbal affirmations are hel0ful. But instead of
sayingI 45 am not afraid4 you should say 45 am full
of courage3 nothing bad can ha00en to me.4
8oubt comes in when you >uestion your own
abilities and the comforting 0resence and hel0 of
the Hierarchy. Whate%er you doubt will cease to
e1ist for you. "his is how 0owerful the metal
matri13 we call reality is. 9etting it bac. is often
im0ossible. But do not worry you will always ha%e a
second chance in another life.
!he .ine 7n2nown Men
"he rationale behind the 6hite Brotherhood also
.nown as the Hierarchy is that e%en the most
0owerful magician has someone to answer to or to
0ut it more 0recisely3 there is always someone who
.nows more. "he Hierarchy is not a rigid
organi=ation whereby they would ha%e a to0 down
command structure. Control of others is a taboo for
those who follow the right-hand 0ath.
"he hierarchy3 may ne%er in your lifetime
interact with you but it is always arrogant and
sim0le minded to thin. that you are alone on the
to03 no matter what achie%ements you ha%e made.
5t is also said that if you for some reason you had
found out that the 0erson you :ust met is 0art of
the hierarchy he would sim0ly %anish3 you would
not ha%e a chance to >ui= him or otherwise ma.e
in>uiries. "he members of the hierarchy are not to
show off3 they are not to get on "H shows and you
would ne%er .now if you :ust met one.
"he legend of a secret brotherhood goes bac. to
the time of the ;m0eror Asho.a3 who reigned in
5ndia from '!3 B.C.
5t was said that the ;m0eror Asho.a3 aware of
the horrors of war3 deemed that men ne%er to 0ut
their intelligence to e%il uses. 8uring his reign3
natural science3 0ast and 0resent3 was %owed
to secrecy.
For the ne1t '3*** years3 all researches3 ranging
from the structure of matter to the
techni>ues em0loyed in collecti%e 0sychology3
were to be hidden behind the mystical mas. of a
0eo0le commonly belie%ed to be
e1clusi%ely concerned with ecstasy and
su0ernatural 0henomena. Asho.a founded the
most 0owerful secret society on earthI that of the
.ine 7n2nown Men.
"he )ine -n.nown en was 0o0ulari=ed for the
first time in 1,'! in a boo. by "albot undy who
for twenty-fi%e years was a member of the British
0olice force in 5ndia. His boo. is half-fiction3 half
scientific in>uiry. "he )ine a00arently
de%elo0ed and used a coded language3 and each of
them was in 0ossession of a boo. that was
constantly being rewritten and containing
a detailed account of some science.
"he first of these boo.s is said to ha%e been
de%oted to the
techni>ue of 0ro0aganda and 0sychological
warfare. 4"he most
dangerous of all sciences34 wrote undy3 4is that of
molding mass o0inion3 because it would enable
anyone to go%ern the whole world.4
"he second boo. was on 0hysiology. 5t e10lained3
among other things3 how it is 0ossible to .ill a man
by touching him3 death being caused by a re%ersal
of the ner%e-im0ulse. 5t is said that Eudo is a result
of 4lea.ages4 from this boo..
"he third %olume was a study on microbiology3
and dealt es0ecially with 0rotecti%e colloids.
"he fourth was concerned with alchemy
"here is a legend that in times of drought tem0les
and religious relief organi=ations recei%ed large
>uantities of fine gold from a secret source.
"he fifth boo. contains a study of all means of
communication3 terrestrial and e1tra-terrestrial.
"he si1th boo. e10ounds the secrets of
transmutation of metals
"he se%enth boo. contains the most e1hausti%e
cosmogony .nown to humanity.
"he eighth boo. deals with light.
"he ninth boo.3 on sociology3 gi%es the rules for
the e%olution of societies3 and means of foretelling
their decline.
A%oiding all forms of religious3 social or 0olitical
attachments3 deliberately and 0erfectly concealed
from the 0ublic eye3 the )ine were the incarnation
of the ideal man of .nowledge3 serenely aloof3 but
conscious of his moral obligations.
Ha%ing the 0ower to mold the destiny of the
human race3 but refraining from its e1ercise3 this
secret society is the finest tribute imaginable to
freedom of the most e1alted .ind. $oo.ing down
from the mountainto0 of their hidden glory3 these
)ine -n.nown en watched ci%ili=ations
being born3 destroyed and re-born again3 tolerant
rather than indifferent3 and ready to come to the
rescue but always obser%ing that rule of silence
that is the mar. of human greatness.
"he indi%iduals - we do not .now if indeed they
are only nine
3 that com0rises the Hierarchy are
sentinel beings3 sometimes also referred as
ahatmas. ahatma is a 7ans.rit word meaning
great soul. "hese ahatmas are members of our
own e%olutionary grou03 not %isitors from the
celestial s0heres.
"hey are su0ermen only in that they ha%e
attained .nowledge of the laws of the -ni%erse and
mastery o%er its forces with which we are still
struggling. "hey are not 9ods come down to earth3
-he Rosicrucian"s $elieve of t%elve Elder &rothers, gathered around a thirteenth %ho is the invisi$le
but earthly mortals risen to the status of Christ3 the
greatest magician3 e%er .nown.
"he Hierarchy as.s us no re%erence3 neither
worshi06 they demand no allegiance but we can
offer our hel0 to them %oluntarily.
"he Hierarchy are our 4;lder Brothers34 not
distant deities6 "hey are not our asters in the
sense of holding lordshi0 o%er us6 they are the
4asters of Wisdom and Com0assion.4 o%ed by
an infinite sym0athy with the whole human race
they ha%e renounced their right to go forward to
more s0lendid con>uests in the e%olution of their
own3 by staying here to hel0 man.ind.
"he accom0lishments and abilities of these high
souls should be ins0iration to all of us in showing
that the ultimate goal is attainable to e%ery 0erson
who stri%es to achie%e s0iritual 0erfection. 5t is
theoretically 0ossible for a 0erson to become a
ahatma in one incarnation but that is
synonymous of shooting 0erfect golf in e%ery
attem0t for that lifetime. "o 0ut it in other words3 it
is not easy. Parado1ically3 the %ery notion one of
aspiring to become a ahatma would 0reclude the
0erson from attaining it. 7o to achie%e the highest
magic we should %oid oursel%es of human desires
and attachments as much as 0ossible.
Finally3 it behoo%es us to >uestion whether
magic should be a00roached as a solitary or as a
grou0 0ursuit. "his is a >uestion that is hard to
answer. 5 must 0oint out certain facts6 your
0ersonality3 the e1istence of a su0erb grou0 in the
%icinity of where you li%e will and some other
factors will hel0 you in deciding this. "his cha0terAs
main message is to 0oint out to our reader6 you are
ne$er alone.
Howe%er3 there is strength and ad%antage in
being a member of a magical grou0 and e%en in
communal li%ing. "he ad%antage is being in a grou0
that the 0ositi%e %ibration of the aggregate
indi%iduals of the grou0 are li.e an am0lifier of
0hysic energy. "houghts and thought %ibrations are
contagious and magnified in strength when more
than one indi%idual is 0resent3 any no%ice can
greatly benefit :ust by hanging out in a highly
charged 0ositi%e grou0.
7o if you find a grou0 that matches your
0referred style li.e the 4hand in glo%e43 and the
grou0 has a leader who is highly ad%anced and
willing to ta.e you3 you should as. to :oin. Be e1tra
careful3 howe%er that you do not alter your desired
style and 0ractice :ust to be 0art of a mediocre
grou03 or god forbid one thatAs goals and 0ursuits
would categori=e them as dar..
Appendix A Numbers from 0
to 9
5n describing the generic nature of the numbers3
*-,3 5 am going to inter:ect certain elements li.e
?water earth3 fire@ and astrology into the cauldron.
2ee0 in mind that in numerology numbers are
described in a certain conte1t for e1am0le
describing of the meaning of the $ife Path number.
"his is a generic archety0ical descri0tion.
Wero re0resents the monad3 the indi%isible unit.
<n the mundane 0lane it is the macrocosm of the
whole uni%erse or the microcosm of the smallest
self-contained sub-atomic 0article. Wero is the
cosmic or <r0hic egg. 5t is also the Buddhist %oid.
<ne is the beginning3 the creation3 the unity. "he
sun has always been associated with the number
one as a symbol of life and wholeness.
Astrologically the <ne is connected to 7un. Aries
?cardinal Fire@ sign is the first sign of the =odiac and
hence related to the number one.
"raditionally the numeral two is associated
duality3 se0aration3 conflict and is a mythogem of
the o00ositesI 7un and oon3 male and female3 life
and death3 etc.
Astrologically the ' is connected to oon. "he '
is related to the sign of the "aurus3 a fi1ed ;arth
"he number three re0resents unity through
o%ercoming the duality of two by adding one.
Eu0iter is the 0lanet of the 3 and the 3 is also
related to 9emini which is a mutable Air sign.
5n contrast to three the number four is solidity of
the earth and the cube. "he four cardinal 0ointsI
east3 west3 north and south6 and the four elements
of air3 earth3 water and fire symboli=e inner
ordering related to 0sychic wholeness. "he four
>uarters of the moon in their wa1ing and waning
0hases has always been a mythogem for the
stages of birth3 de%elo0ment3 maturity and death.
FourDs 0lanet is the -ranus and Cancer a
cardinal water sign of the /Ds sign of the =odiacDs.
"he human microcosm or natural man e>uals
two arms3 two legs and a head. ercury and $eo ?a
fi1ed fire element@ are connected to the (.
7i1 signifies lo%e3 beauty3 romance3 harmony3
balance between male and female 0rinci0les. 5n
9enesis it re0resents the si1 days of creation. "he
Planet of the si1 is the Henus while it is connected
to the Hirgo ?mutable earth@ element.
any mystical systems are based on the number
se%en. "he se%en Cha.ras from 5ndia. "he ancient
number of the uni%erse was the se%en %isible
0lanets before the disco%ery of -ranus3 )e0tune
and Pluto. Corres0onding to this in alchemy3 each
of the se%en 0lanets is re0resented by a metalI
sunNgold3 moonNsil%er3 ercuryN >uic.sil%er3
HenusNco00er3 arsNiron3 Eu0iterNtin and
7aturnNlead. "he ! is ruled by )e0tune and it is
the $ibra sign. ?the !th sign of the =odiac@
;ight is an infinity symbol. Also a symbol for the
worlds of the conscious3 unconscious and the loo0
which flows bac. and forth between them. "he
eight s0o.es of the ancient wheel held the center
and outer rim together.
"he + is ruled by the 7aturn and as the +th
=odiac is 7cor0io ?a fi1ed water element@.
)ine in numerology e>uals the end of a nine year
cycle. 5n human biology it symboli=es the nine
month gestation of 0regnancy. 5t can be a time to
gi%e birth or a return to a 0ast cycle or 0attern. "he
, is ruled by the 0lanet ars and connected the
7agittarius the ,th sign of the =odiac3 this is a
mutable fire sign.
Appendix B %arma and
any 0eo0le are wondering why they are here.
What is the 0ur0ose of their lifeJ "o fully
understand this >uestion we must also understand
.arma and reincarnation better. 5f you do not
belie%e in .arma and reincarnation sto0 reading
this as it will be a waste of your time. "o the
millions of 0eo0le who are somewhat familiar with
the $aw of 2arma3 that .nowledge can be a basis of
further understanding lifeDs mysteries and e%en get
a glim0se of the meaning of life.
"his cyclical nature of succession of li%es is %ery
much in line with the cyclical nature of time3
seasons and lower forms of biological life. We see
flowers bloom3 whither away and bloom again.
"here is no reason to thin. that our 0ath is any
$ife as a whole is meant to be a lesson. What the
lesson on hand is not a00arent because most of us
are unaware of 0ast li%es and deeds3 but there is
always an underlying theme. <ur li%es are only
im0ortant in the way we interact and affect the
li%es of others. A good honorable life is filled with
self-sacrifice and gi%ing. $ac.ing these attributes
gi%es a glim0se of certain shortcomings of the
beholder. ost of us ha%e li%ed thousands of li%es3
we ha%e been blac.3 white3 Asian3 men3 woman.
We ha%e been murderers and s0ectators of
<ur e%olutionary 0rogress in the s0iritual reams
ta.es us through time and s0ace3 incarnating from
body to body with some short interludes on the
subtle 0lane. "he ultimate 0ur0ose is to sto0 the
cycle of the robotic re0etition of the same mista.es
and fall of the wheel of .arma. "his is the Buddhist
terminology of ;nlightenment.
5magine how the world would change if 0eo0le
would reali=e the merit of .arma and reincarnation
and would not fear and dread death as much.
Where do you thin. this stress and an1iety would
be coming from thenJ Peo0le feel de0ressed out of
control and hel0lessness. 5t is from ignorance in
understanding death and dying.
Can thoughts be .armicJ When considering that
thoughts are the forbearers of actions it is definite
that they ha%e strong .armic charge. 5 am not
tal.ing about idle ideas or musings but dee0 and
deliberate thought is almost always a 0recursor of
some action.
"houghts come ali%e after one con:ures them
and e%en in the e%ent when the originator of the
thought is not acting on them3 someone ultimately
will. Bou see thoughts grou0 themsel%es into
0ositi%e and negati%ely charged %orte1es. "hese
%orte1es can influence feeble minded 0eo0le and
ultimately the negati%e thoughts of certain 0itch
can result in negati%e acts.
Bou see3 e%en your negati%e thoughts can ha%e
.armic im0act on you and others.
"his is what the new thought mo%ement with the
Christian 7cience and )ew "hought mo%ement
resurrected at the turn of the century. "hese were
of course .nown much before their time but on and
off man.ind forgot the weight and seriousness of
how our thin.ing can influence us.
)ow letDs get bac. to .arma. 5t is im0ortant to
.now that besides indi%idual .arma3 there is .arma
of a grou0 of 0eo0le and e%en a whole nation. "he
-7A carries some 0ositi%e and negati%e .arma
from the acts of her historical e%ents. "he idea of a
nation of free men welcoming others o0enly is a
magnificent deed and carries tremendous 0ositi%e
.armic charge. "he founding fathers of the -7A
were High 7ouls.
"he symbol of the -7A is an ;agle but the
cosmic symbol is the Phoeni1. "his means no
matter how bad things will get here and around the
world3 the -7A shall rise from the ashes ?li.e the
0hoeni1@. ?see anly Palmer HallDs boo. F T"he
7ecret 8estiny of AmericaT@ And things will get
worse before they will turn around. We are on a
collision course with destiny e%er since the
2ennedy assassination. ?a %ery bad .armic
e%ent@ and the Hietnam War ?cannot say which was
worse@3 and now the 5ra> and Afghanistan War@
shall 5 go onJ
5t must be in:ected here that 0eo0le in the
military ha%e no .armic debt to righteous acts
during their ser%ice to their country. Peo0le and
0oliticians who start wars carry the entire .armic
debt of such an e%ent.
70iritual 0eo0le on the 0ath of the $ight can as.
the Hierarchy to s0eed u0 their .arma hence
facilitate their s0iritual ad%ancement on a Tfast
trac.U "his can wor. in most cases e1ce0t in some
se%ere circumstance when a 0erson does
something horrendous which might ha%e to be
settled in a ne1t life scenario.
2armic scenarios could come bac. again and
again into 0eo0leDs li%es through se%eral lifetimes.
Peo0le who abuse their .ids or other 0eo0leDs .ids
come bac. in a new incarnation and in turn they
will be at the mercy of a foster 0arent or alcoholic
mother or an abusi%e ste0father.
9i%ing a hel0ing hand is mandatory3 or else one
suffers .armic retribution. Hel0ing cannot be
conditional and based on feelings3 it must be
offered when one is in dire need.
When something bad ha00ens to me 5 always
thin. hard and long to find the reason. "he reason
is not always ob%ious but there are times :ust li.e
this that confirm to me as fact that e%erything 5
ha%e learned and .now is &;A$.
"here is nobody Tout to get youU and blaming
others is often a con%enient e1cuse to sidetrac. us
from the real source to your troubles at times3 but
the buc. sto0s with B<-.
We are o%ermedicated and an1ious3 when we
should be aware and .nowing that we actually are
in control. <ur daily acts and deeds will
determine our ne1t life as our current life is deri%ed
from our 0ast li%es and deeds. "here is nobody out
to get us but e%erything in the -ni%erse is in
constant action-reaction and the a.ashic records
are .e0t in 0erfect tune. ;%erything wor.s 0erfectly
in harmony and we should ne%er be afraid to die.
Fear is nothing but a shadow of a bug on the sunlit
2arma is lifeDs Tcosmic ban. accountU. We
accumulate good and bad .arma with e%ery deed
and thought. <ur .armic balance 0redetermines
the condition we incarnate into. Be it our economic
status3 0arents3 race or en%ironment3 what we are
born into is all set e%en before we were concei%ed3
andX is choreogra0hed to 0erfection.
8harma is the all encom0assing 0ath of
achie%ement that suits us for this incarnation. "his
is what we are to do in this life. Howe%er3 get this3
we are free to turn away and choose other
0ur0oses and %ocations.
"he storehouse of hea%en is filled with unfulfilled
0ro0hecies because we always ha%e the freedom to
chooseL "he catch is fulfilling your 8harma will
ma.e you ha00y. Eose0h Cam0bell .new this and
ad%ised all to Tfollow your blissU. 5f you3 for some
reason are not following your bliss3 you will
e%entually ha%e to as you are 0rolonging the
ine%itable. 5n the ne1t life you will face the same
set of conditions as in the one where you went
astray. 5n a sense3 you can 0ush the 0ause button
on your own 0rogress3 howe%er the ne1t time6 lifeDs
lesson will be harder than the first.
Following our 8harma will lead us to life lessons
and situations that we are to wor. out6 hence we
are fulfilling our 0ur0ose. Whether we 0ass the
tests gi%en to us is a whole different story.
&eincarnation is caused by our attachment3 our
=est for life that will 0ull us to transmigrate and
come bac. again and again. "his attachment can
be anything. ;%en the lo%e of 9od3 can cause us to
be 0ulled bac. again. -sually this attachment is
something more mundane6 se13 food3 alcohol3
drugs3 money3 0ower and countless other %enues3
some a00earing benign others >uite sinister.
5t is said that &ama.rishnaDs lo%e for 9od3 in
reality his lo%e for 7amadhi3 was his 0ull.
He was said to be into1icated with his innate
ability to enter 7amadhi almost at will3
Peo0le told him to bac. off as moderation in all
things is desirable. &ama.rishna said
TBou are right maybe 5 am mad3 too many men
are mad for money3 or fame3 other are for 0ower3
but too few are mad for 9odU.
"he life cycle of birth3 death and rebirth is called
the Twheel of .armaU.
)oteI 2arma and reincarnation are the bus and
the bus dri%er3 nothing ha00ens without one or the
other. 2arma is the Cosmic $aw of cause and
effect. Bou rob a ban.3 and then you might go to
:ail. "his is instant .arma. 5f you somehow esca0e
0unishment your ne1t life you will be born into a
circumstance to balance out this cosmic imbalance.
When a 0erson loses all his attachments3 and
finally loses his attachment to the self3 his ego3
then and only then he will gain the final bliss and
he will then fall off the wheel of .arma.
Bou can read about reincarnation a million times3
and it will be :ust words until you can remember
0ast li%es. "hen and only then it will become reality
and fact of s0iritual li%e.
5ncarnations alternate3 one time you were a man
and now 0erha0s you are a woman. "his is
0recisely the reason we ha%e no moral ground to
loo. down on anyone who is 0erha0s in the shoe
that we were3 in 0erha0s a do=en lifetimes ago.
Personal traits are carried forward from lifetime
to lifetime but we always get situated into life
circumstances that will allow us to learn the
s0ecific life lesson that caused us to be here the
first 0lace. For e1am0le a 0erson who was a
0rofessional musician might come bac. with some
s.ills and affinity to music but his ne1t life he will
do something different. Certain ingrained traits will
remain with us but sometime >uite dormant in the
All this information is carried in our Aura and the
few and %ery s0ecial who might be around to read
Auras3 can instantly ha%e the ma0 of traits3 and
thousands of li%es li%ed. A true 9uru could do this
but we ha%e no 9uruDs incarnated anymore.
Before a certain time an animal3 for e1am0le a
horse or a dog could 0erform a heroic act3 li.e
sa%ing the life of a human by self sacrificing3 ?which
is common0lace act among noble animals@. At that
0oint3 this animal could incarnate into a human
being. "his went on for a long time in human
history but that is no more.
7ome 0eo0le argued against reincarnation on
the basis of total number of souls e%er li%ed since
the dawn of men would far outweigh the number of
human beings on earth F currently si1 billion. "here
is an e10lanation to this and it is as follows6
7ouls can incarnate to faraway star systems as
easily as to earth3 we cannot be ;arth centric to
detriment of the -ni%erse. 7ome of the 0eo0le who
millions of years ago taught early men to s.ills of
using fire or tools3 were in fact beings incarnated
from 7tars li.e 7irius. "hese were ad%anced beings
and they chose to be reincarnated into the
0rimiti%e milieu of early men with the full
.nowledge of getting .illed. "hey did not mind as
their 0ur0ose was to ser%e and hel0. "hus after
being brutally slain they were 0rom0tly
reincarnated bac. and .e0t on.
)oteI ad%anced souls can reincarnate or not
de0ending on the need of some mission to be
0erformed3 here on ;arth.
"here is a dualism in some 2armic e%ents.
When Eesus was betrayed and subse>uently
murdered there is an indication that this was a
result of some 0ast life deed that Eesus has done.
7imilarly the act of betrayal was a .armic act that
Eudas had done. We can say F it was a negati%e
.armic act. 7o you see3 there is a dualism in
.arma3 and free will is a 0arado1ical factor. Had
Eudas not betray Eesus3 there would ha%e been a
T0lan BU3 for his ca0ture and nothing would ha%e
Peo0le often as. me3 what reincarnates the s0irit
or the soul and what is the difference between
these two3 if anyJ
"he answer is that the s0irit is the TseedU of the
indi%idual soul. When reincarnation occurs3 the soul
mo%es on to 8e%achan
and incarnates into a new
indi%iduality. "here are no distincti%e memories of
the soul3 but in the 70irit that is se0arate but one
with it3 lifetimes of information .e0t.
Finally3 animals ha%e grou0 souls only.
It is regarded as the place %here most souls go after death %here desires are gratified, corresponding to
the Christian $elief in 0eaven5 0o%ever, =evachan is a temporary, intermediate state of $eing $efore the
soul"s eventual re$irth into the physical %orld5

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