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"My vengeance... ends now." - Kratos

Kratos is the main protagonist and
anti-hero of the God of War series.
In God of War seriesEdit
Early LifeEdit
- "How much is enough, Kratos?
When will it end!?"
- "When the glory of Sparta is known
throughout the world!"
- "The glory of Sparta... You did this
for yourself!"
- Kratos and Lysandra
Living in Sparta, Kratos was
monitored, like all other younglings.
During several tests, those that were
deemed ft were to stay in Sparta to be
trained as Spartan protectors, while
those deemed unft would be sent to
the mountains, sealing their fate.
Kratos, already feisty and aggressive
at his young age, along with his
brother, Deimos, trained, and dreamt
of joining the Spartan army. On an ill-
fated day, when the young brothers
Biographical Information
Born Sparta
Lives in Sparta
Physical Description
Species Demigod
Gender Male
Status Unknown
Eye Colour Green
Family Information
Family em!ers
Zeus (father)
Callisto (mother)
Deimos (brother)
Calliope (daughter)
Lsandra (wife)
Gaia (great grandmother)
Cronos (grandfather)
!hea (grandmother)
"ades (un#le)
$oseidon (un#le)
%heseus (#ousin)
&res (half'brother)
"era (step'mother)
&thena (half'sister)
&rtemis (half'sister)
&pollo (half'brother)
"ermes (half'brother)
$ersephone (half'sister)
$erseus (half'brother)
"er#ules (half'brother)
Minos (half'brother)
&phrodite (sister'in'law)
"ephaestus (half'brother)
were training outside their home, the city was raided by the gods, Ares and Athena ,
and their army of centaurs, in search of the Marked Warrior. Ares, seeing Deimos'
birthmark as a sign of the prophecy, snatched him away. In anger and desperation,
Kratos jumped to attack the god and save his brother, only for Ares to smack Kratos
back in to a pile of wood, leaving him with a scar. Insulted by this, Ares raised his
sword to kill Kratos, but was stopped by Athena reminding him that they had what
they were looking for. Before leaving, Athena apologized to Kratos, and disappeared
into fames. The loss of his brother left an indelible mark on Kratos, as he vowed to
never falter again, Kratos adorned a red tattoo on his body in honor of Deimos, a
tattoo in the very image of his brother's birthmark. Later in years, Kratos soon
became captain of the Spartan army, consisting frst of only ffty men, and later
growing into the thousands. At that time, he had married Lysandra, and had a
daughter, Calliope.
Over the course of his battles, Kratos' brutality and war-hunger increased. He won
battles through unorthodox, but efective tactics. However, Kratos and his Spartan
army would prove no match for the merciless Barbarian tribes from the east.
Outnumbered and overpowered, the Spartans began losing the battle quickly.
Kratos, whom was nearly killed by the Barbarians' leader, desperately pledged
allegiance to Ares, the God of War, in exchange for victory. The God accepted, killing
the Barbarians, and giving Kratos the Blades of Chaos as a sign of his servitude.
Kratos served Ares loyally, raiding villages and spreading chaos in his name.
However, during a raid on a village of Athena's followers, Ares tricked Kratos into
killing his wife and child in a ft of blind rage. Ares justifed his trickery as a means to
make Kratos the perfect warrior. Stricken with horror and grief, Kratos left the bodies
to be burned within the temple as he cursed Ares' name. The village oracle in turn
cursed Kratos, forcing him to forever wear the ashes of his dead family on his skin.
From that day forward, he was known as The Ghost of Sparta; his skin now 'pale as
the moon' from the ashes that coated him.
Distraught, Kratos was haunted by terrible nightmares over the death of his family. In
due time, the memories and nightmares began to consume him, driving him to the
brink of madness. Abandoning Sparta, Kratos traveled throughout Greece, fnding
small solace in sailing the Aegean Sea. To fnd peace again, he pledged himself to
the other Gods of Olympus, in the hope that they would one day relieve him of his
To other mortals, he was now marked by his white skin. The knowledge of his past
actions had been shown to repulse normal people to the point where they would
rather die than allow him to save their lives. He became known as the personifcation
of cruelty and selfshness.
Kratos would serve the Gods for ten years following the death of his family, but he
never lost his desire for revenge against Ares, the God who stole everything from
Service to the GodsEdit
"Is this all you would have me do? Is there nothing else!?" - Kratos
See also: God of War: Chains of Olympus
During Kratos's ten years of servitude (Despite taking down cities and taking loot),
the greatest task given to him came after he joined the army of Attica in their struggle
against the invading Persian Army and the great beast they brought forth,
the Basilisk. After a lengthy battle, Kratos killed both the Persian King and the
Basilisk, and, upon speaking to the Gods, he witnessed the Sun disappearing from
the sky, leaving the world in eternal darkness.
As the only presence of light was seen somewhere in the distance, Kratos journeyed
there, only to discover theTemple of Helios and the city of Marathon. Kratos realized
that Helios, the God of Sun, had been captured by an unknown force,
allowing Morpheus, the God of Dreams, to place the other Olympians under his
spell, putting them into a deep slumber, allowing him to invade and seize control of
the land by covering Greece under his Black Fog. Fighting through Morpheus'
minions, Kratos entered the temple of the Sun God, and after learning of the events
that transpired, he was tasked by Eos, the sister of Helios, to awaken her
brother's Fire Steeds, which would take Kratos to where their master was being held
After having awakened the Helios' Steeds, Kratos was taken to the Underworld,
where he saw Helios' glowing light in the distance, right before the Pillar of the World.
Kratos fought his way through Hades' domain, acquired the mighty Gauntlet of Zeus,
went down into Tartarus, and killed Charon, the ferryman of the dead. Kratos then
discovered the Titan Atlas had somehow escaped Tartarus and captured Helios.
Throughout his journey, Kratos was plagued by visions of his daughter, Calliope, and
the song she played on the fute he himself once presented her. When Kratos
reached the Pillar of the World and the Temple of Persephonethat lay nearby, he had
already forgotten his task, thinking only of reuniting with his daughter. He
encounteredPersephone, Hades' wife, who revealed he could be with his daughter
again, if he gave away all of his powers to the Forsaken Tree. Desperate to see his
daughter again, Kratos did, and thereupon entered the Elysium felds, where he met
with his daughter and was seen happy for the frst time since he became the Ghost
of Sparta.
Persephone, however, appeared before him, revealing that it was she who rescued
Atlas and asked him to capture Helios. With his help, she devised a scheme to
destroy the Pillar of the World, thus killing the Gods and all of mankind as well. She
taunted Kratos with the knowledge that he may live with his daughter for a short
period, but would ultimately see her die again, upon the completion of her plan.
Kratos then forced himself to become the Ghost of Sparta again by killing the
innocent souls of Elysium, and regaining his powers. Whilst giving pursuit to
Persephone, he realized he would never have the chance to be with his daughter
again, and, hearing her crying behind him, his hatred for the Gods he served grew
even stronger still.
Kratos succeeded in killing Persephone and chaining Atlas to the ground above the
Pillar of the World, thus completing his task. Before he left the Underworld, Atlas
asked Kratos if he truly believed the Gods would keep their promise. Kratos replied it
was the only thing he could hope for now, since he had lost his welcome in Elysium.
With the use of the Fire Steeds, Kratos then escaped the Underworld, but found
himself too exhausted from the journey, and fell from the Chariot, to the ground
below. Subsequently, he was saved by Athena and Helios, who stripped him of his
powers and equipment, leaving him powerless and unconscious upon the clifs of the
Aegean Sea.
The Final TaskEdit
"Ares, you will die for what you did that night!" - Kratos
Kratos confronts the Hydra.
Added by Godofwar20
See also: God of War
Five years passed since Kratos defeated Atlas and Persephone, and after having
killed the sea monster known as the Hydra, Kratos received a chance to seek his
revenge on the God of War and rid himself of the terrible nightmares that haunted
him. He was ordered by Athena to seek out Pandora's Box in order to help him
destroy Ares.
Kratos made his way through the war-ravaged city of Athens, killing countless
minions of Ares and even the infamous Medusa, the Queen of the Gorgons.
Following the Athenian Oracle's instructions, Kratos traversed the Desert of Lost
Souls and found Pandora's Temple atop the back of the Titan Cronos. After having
summoned the Titan by using the Titan Horn, he climbed to the top, made his way
through the temple, and ultimately retrieved Pandora's Box, being the frst human
ever to do so. Sensing Kratos had obtained the Box, Ares, still in Athens, taking a
huge broken pillar, hurled it towards Pandora's Temple. The pillar impaled Kratos into
a wall. As he slowly died, Harpies took the Box back to Ares, while Kratos was sent
to the Underworld. When falling down towards the River Styx, Kratos grabbed hold
of the Captain's leg, who had previously died at the hands of Kratos, climbed onto a
ledge, and kicked the Captain down below into the River Styx. Reaching the top
again, Kratos managed to escape the clutches of Hades. Meeting up with
the Gravediggeragain, whom he had met earlier at the Oracle's Temple, he then
reacquired Pandora's Box from Ares, and used it to grow tremendously in size, as
well as receiving a substantial amount of power in order to battle Ares on an even
footing. After a vicious fght, Ares trapped Kratos into a void where several demonic
incarnations of himselfattempted to kill phantom versions of his family. Kratos
attempted to save them, but watched helplessly as Ares stripped him of the Blades of
Chaos, and used them to kill his family again. Kratos, now distraught and vulnerable,
nearly met his end at the hands of Ares, but took notice of the Blade of the Gods,
proceeding to use it to fnally destroy the God of War.
Though his past had been forgiven, the Gods could not relieve him of his nightmares.
His last hope taken from him, Kratos attempted to commit suicide by jumping from a
clif. Athena had a diferent plan for the Spartan. She saved his life and ofered him
the empty throne of the God of War on Olympus. He accepted the ofer, settling upon
the fallen god's throne, and becoming the new God of War.
Kratos, The New God of WarEdit
"My Lord, Kratos! Another city is ready to fall! Soon all will know the glory of Sparta!"
- The Last Spartan
See also: God of War: Ghost of Sparta, God of War: Betrayal, God of War II
Shortly after becoming the new God of War, Kratos has a vision of his mother, being
held at the Temple of Poseidon in the City of Atlantis. He argues with Athena while
en-route to Poseidon's kingdom, only then to be attacked by Scylla. Shortly after
Kratos sends the monster feeing and has a vision of his childhood, training with his
brother Deimos. He enters the temple and encounters his long presumed dead
mother Callisto, who then tells him his father Zeus had taken her there and that
Deimos is still alive; trapped and being tortured in the Domain of Death. Both
shocked and angered, Kratos asks why she lied to him all those years ago and who
his father was. Callisto tries to tell him but is transformed into a hideous beast,
forcing Kratos to kill her. Enraged by the fact that the gods had taken yet another
member of his family from him, Kratos embarks on a journey to save his brother. He
then encounters The Titan Thera, imprisoned inside a volcano (after being attacked
again by Scylla) who tells him that he would be incapable of leaving if he did not free
her. And by doing this he obtains Thera's Bane, which allows him to leave the
volcano; but not before impaling the monster that had been harassing him during his
stay at Atlantis. Before he returns to his home city of Sparta, Kratos is attacked by
Erinys. After he defeats Thanatos' daughter and fnds the key to saving his brother in
the Temple of Ares; Kratos returns to the sinking city of Atlantis, enters the Domain of
Death, and continues on his journey. When he fnds Deimos, deep in the Temple of
Thanatos, he is attacked by Deimos, who blame Kratos for not helping him the time
he needed him the most, untilThanatos arrives and snatches Deimos. Kratos follows
Thanatos to the Suicide Blufs and rescues Deimos. Both of them managed to fght
Thanatos where Thanatos manages to kill Deimos only to be killed by Kratos. Kratos,
then took the lifess body of his brother to a grave made by the Grave digger. After
putting Deimos in the grave Kratos states that his brother is "free now". Kratos then
tried to kill himself but stopped and asked "what have I become?" the Grave digger
answered "Death the destroyer... of worlds" then vanished. Athena then appeared
and ofered full god-hood and freedom from the visions but Kratos refused and
stated that the gods will pay for what they did.
During the seige of an unknown city, while aiding the Spartans in his mortal form, he
was attacked by Argos,Hera's pet. Before he could defeat the beast however, an
unknown Assassin killed it in his stead, apparently trying to destroy his reputation on
Olympus. Kratos pursued the Assassin, but saw his progress halted by the minions
ofHades himself. The God of War did not surrender, and continued his relentless
pursuit, only to be stopped byCeryx, messenger of the Gods, who allowed the
Assassin to escape. Ceryx, in the name of Zeus, ordered Kratos to sway pursuit.
Providing no valid reason, Ceryx only managed to infuriate the God of War. Kratos
then killed the messenger on the spot, instantly realizing Zeus would not stand for
this action.
Later on, Kratos decided to lead his Spartans to Rhodes. Athena, still concerned with
Kratos, implored him not to continue the endless wars, as the other Gods grew
weary of his brutal warfare. Kratos chose not to heed her warning, and instead
plunged down to Earth, aiding his army in further destroying the city. Moments after,
an eagle, who Kratos assumed to be Athena, robbed him of his giant size, thus
shrinking him back down to mortal size. The eagle then few past the Colossus of
Rhodes, which was then brought to life. Kratos fought a long and arduous battle with
the giant, until Zeus ofered help in the form of the Blade of Olympus, which the
King-God himself used to end the Titan War. Infusing all of his powers and
immortality into the blade, Kratos took down his foe. As he shouted at the heavens,
the Colossus' falling hand crushed him. Severely wounded, and stripped of all his
powers, Kratos knew his rescue lay with the Blade. Limping towards it, the eagle
came soaring down, revealing itself to be Zeus in disguise. Zeus informs Kratos of
the fact that he didn't want to sufer the same fate as Ares, demanding that Kratos
serve him. However, when Kratos refused, he was viciously attacked by Zeus, who
killed him by driving the Blade into his abdomen.
Changing His FateEdit
"You will never control your fate, Kratos!" - Clotho
After being killed by Zeus, Kratos was dragged down by the arms of the Underworld.
The Titan Gaia, who had been watching him his entire life, then decided to intervene.
She saved Kratos, sealed his wound, and gave him the strength to escape death
once again. Climbing out from the Underworld, and back into Rhodes, he then
instructed the last surviving soldier to return to Sparta, in order to prepare for another
battle. Kratos then took Pegasus, a gift from Gaia, and attempted to fy back to
Olympus, so he could exact his revenge, but discovered that he could no longer
enter Olympus, as he was no longer a God. Instead, Gaia instructed Pegasus and
Kratos to seek out theSisters of Fate. She informed him the Sisters had the power to
travel back in time, which he needed to use to reclaim the Blade of Olympus, and
take his revenge on Zeus. Kratos then frst traveled to Typhon's lair, where he met
with Prometheus, who pleaded him to release him from his torment in the Flames of
Olympus. Kratos, having previously stolen Typhon's Bane from the Titan, used it to
break Prometheus' last chain, sending him down into the fames, burning him alive,
and fnally releasing him. and his ashes granted him the power of the Titans.
Kratos safely arrived on the Island of Creation, where he met Theseus, who guarded
the Steeds of Time. They fought to determine the best warrior of Greece; with Kratos
emerging the victor, after having bashed Theseus' head against a door, and
skewering him with his own spear. Kratos later defeated Perseus (who tried to save
his beloved Andromeda), the Barbarian King (who escaped Hades' torment to
change his fate), and Icarus (who had gone crazy). After having defeated them all,
he once again fell prey to the Underworld, where he once again met with Atlas. Intent
on crushing the former God for his imprisonment, Atlas ultimately ceased his attempt
when Kratos revealed he was now an enemy of Zeus, and sought to change his fate
in order to destroy Zeus. After Atlas aided him back to the surface, he continued his
journey into the Palace of Fates. There, unbeknownst to him, he encountered the
remaining Spartan warrior, only this time shrouded in darkness. Not knowing they
were facing, both warriors intended on reaching the Sisters themselves, therefore
intent on killing the other. After a quick battle, the Last Spartan fell prey to Kratos'
Blades. The Spartan warrior informed Kratos of the fact that Zeus had now destroyed
Sparta, causing Kratos to be overtaken with anger, proceeding to shout to the
Heavens. Blinded by anger, he was then attacked by the Kraken. Held frm in its
grasp, Kratos then saw an astral projection of his wife, which was actually Gaia in
disguise, encouraging him to go on or face eternal torment in Hades. Kratos was
informed of the fact that the Titans wanted the Spartan to lead them into battle.
Kratos, ultimately regaining his will to live, killed the Krakken, and continued his
Kratos then entered the Sisters' throne Room, met with Lahkesis, and was told the
Fates' decided upon the destinies of all, and how she had allowed him to come as far
as he did. She then proclaimed it was not his destiny to kill Zeus, with Kratos
declaring they no longer controlled his destiny, and engaged her in battle. Instantly,
Lahkesis summoned her sister Atropos, who took Kratos back in time, to his battle
with Ares, determined to destroy the Blade of the Gods, so his past and present self
would cease to exist. Kratos managed to subdue her, and teleported themselves
back to the present. Now fghting both Sisters, he managed to trap them in a mirror,
and shattered it, trapping them in the past. Kratos then proceeded onto Clotho, who
warned him not to go forward with his manipulation of fate. Kratos then killed the
obese Sister of Fate, took control of his own fate in the Loom Chamber, and went
back in time. Arriving in the past, he took the Blade of Olympus out of a surprised
Zeus' hands, pulling it out of his other self. Zeus and Kratos then fought on
the Summit of Sacrifce. Kratos and Zeus engaged in a vicious battle, with Kratos
fghting Zeus in his full Olympian size, as well as his normal mortal size. During the
battle Zeus unleashed a powerful lightning storm, in which Kratos yielded defeat and
surrendered. He then asked the King of Gods to release him from his torment, to
which Zeus stated, "I will release you from your life my son, but your torment is just
beginning." Kratos then dodged the blow, pinned Zeus to a rock with his Blades, took
the Blade of Olympus and drove it into Zeus' abdomen. Intending to kill Zeus in the
same way Zeus killed Kratos in Rhodes, he was then stopped by Athena, who was
determined to defend Olympus. As Zeus tried to fee, Kratos took another swing at
him, only for Athena to take the blow. Her dying words revealed Zeus to be his father.
Zeus, wanting only to break the cycle of the son killing the father, cared not for the
well-being of Greece, only for his own position and life.
Athena begged Kratos to stop his revenge, informing him that all of Olympus would
unite against him. Kratos revealed that he would destroy all of the Gods, proceeding
to travel back in time to the Titanomachy, bringing the Titans to the present in order
to battle the Olympians for control.
The Second Great WarEdit
"The hands of death could not defeat me, the Sisters of Fate could not hold me, and
YOU will not see the end of this day! I WILL have my revenge!!" - Kratos
See: God of War III
Picking up right where God of War II left of, God of War III saw Zeus discussing the
actions of the rogue God of War, Kratos, who was 'commanding' a small army
of Titans rescued from the Great War, using the power of the Fates. The Olympians
immediately rushed to battle as Hermes sped down the very peaks
of Olympus, Herculessent out his troops down into the fray, Hades, in giant form,
lunged of the Mountain and engaged several Titans, and Poseidon, using his
aquakinesis, shot down from Olympus like a torpedo, and struck a death blow
throughEpimetheus' chest, sending the Titan into a watery grave. The God of the
Sea then manifested himself as a massive water being and spawned
several Hippocampi to aid him in battle. With Poseidon as their greatest threat in
battle, having already decimated numerous Titan, and now going after Gaia herself,
Kratos engaged the God of the Sea and, drawing him into Gaia's grasp, managed to
knock a weakened Poseidon out of his godly form, and onto a separate platform. The
two berated each other briefy before Kratos walked up and battered the Lord of the
Sea severely, fnally gouging out his eyes and snapping his neck as he tossed him
of into the ocean. With Poseidon's death, the seas cataclysmed and ocean levels
rose signifcantly, causing a food that engulfed the entire world, destroying almost all
of mankind, save those on top of Olympia.
After killing Poseidon, Gaia and Kratos reached Zeus' pavilion, where the king of the
gods angrily anticipated Kratos' arrival and, at last, assaulted both with a mighty blast
of lightning, that blew a portion of Gaia's arm clean of, sending the two spiraling
down Olympus. Having stabbed the Blade of Olympus to in Gaia's back to hold onto,
Kratos was unable to hang on as Gaia fought to survive. Gaia shouted in pain, as
she told him he was but a pawn, and was deemed expendable now that the Titans
had reached Zeus. Embittered, Kratos tumbled into the underworld. Contemplating
his life as he lurched through the River Styx and its caverns, he resolved to escaping
Hades yet again, and destroying Zeus once and for all. On his way to Hades'
chamber, after being sucked of nearly all of his power by the dead souls of Styx, he
reunited with an astral Athena, who claimed to have reached a "higher existence",
and was once again willing to help Kratos exact his revenge. With Kratos suspicious
of this turn of events, Athena explained how she saw thruths were she did not before.
As a sign of faith, she transformed Kratos' Blades into the Blades of Exile, to help
him survive the Underworld and the foes that awaited him. She then continued to
defne his quest, as she ordered him to fnd and extinguish the Flame of Olympus, in
order to truly defeat Zeus. Kratos battling Hades.
Added by Belgiansparten
Kratos made his way through the Underworld, meeting lost souls, encountering The
Judges, and visiting Hephaestus several times, gaining more and more information
about the secrets of Olympus, his adopted daughter Pandora, who was the key to
Pandora's Box, and Zeus, all along fnding mysterious scrawls that he silently
acknowledged to be from various people in his past. Finally, having entered Hades'
Palace, and fnding the cofn-wed body of Persephone that Hades had restored, he
engaged the Lord of the Underworld himself inside of a dark cavern. Kratos and
Hades proved evenly matched, until a bloodthirsty Spartan managed to rip of
his helmet, stole his Claws, and stole Hades' own soul by absorbing it into the Claws.
Hades, without a soul and now dead, caused all souls in the Underworld to go
rampant. Escaping the Underworld through a Hyperion Gate, Kratos continued his
journey up along Olympus, now facing both the Titans and the Gods.
Defeating Hermes by slicing his leggs of, he took his boots, mercilessly pummeled
his own half-brother Hercules to death with the Cestus, snapped Hera's neck after
she insulted Pandora, encountered a radiant Aphrodite and her handmaidens in the
goddess' chamber, and fnally arrived at the Flame's chamber. Inside the Chamber,
in the presence of Pandora, whom he had previously freed from the Labyrinth, he
began to have second thoughts and refused to let Pandora sacrifce her life. In turn,
she refused as well, stating she did not want to be treated as a child, and how she
had to embrace her destiny, only to be interrupted and apprehended by Zeus himself.
Kratos, demanding that Zeus let go of Pandora, saw Zeus retort he should not
confuse Pandora with his own fesh and blood, but mused that he already had. He
cited the destruction of Olympus as proof of Kratos' need for atonement for the
murder of his family. Kratos snarled that he only saw what he had come to destroy.
He then engaged in battle with his father, while Olympus crumbled around them.
Pandora tried to run into the Flame, intent on pacifying it, as Kratos attempted to stop
her. However, due to inadvertently prodding Zeus' pleads how Kratos should not "fail
her like he did his family", Kratos released Pandora, attacking Zeus in a ft of rage,
only to be stunned by the Flame's dissipation. Kratos then opened the Box once
again, only to discover it was empty. Zeus mocked him for "another failure", and went
outside to recover, while Kratos' fury boiled even further. Outside, father and son met
again on the pavilion. But before either could claim victory, the platform suddenly
shook rapidly, as a reawakened Gaia attempted to crush the pavilion between her
hands. Seeing not other exit, Zeus and Kratos fed inside her chest, dueled near her
heart, and sucked the life out of Gaia's heart. A rejuvenated Kratos fnally bested
Zeus, impaling him with the Blade of Olympus against Gaia's heart, killing both of
Awakening amidst cracked earth, Kratos found Zeus' body impaled on a rock, and
extracted the blade callously. Kratos, overseeing
the Chaos he had sent the world into, upon destroying Olympus.
Added by Stan Alexandru
But Zeus' spirit, consumed by some lasting hatred for his infdel son, attacked
Kratos, draining him of his willpower and anger, instead flling him with fear, and a
sense of loss, bringing him on the verge of death. Trapped inside his own mind,
taunted by his haunting memories, and his father, Kratos was then aided by Pandora,
whose spirit lived on, abolishing the various torments of his soul. Overcoming these
hurtles with a feeling of Hope, Kratos returned to the physical world and managed to
free himself from Zeus' chocking grip. He then attacked his spirit, forcing him back
into his own body, which Kratos then violently and relentlessly battered into a bloody
pulp, ending Zeus' reign once and for all...
Arriving to congratulate Kratos, Athena requested Kratos to turn over the power he
claimed from Pandora's Box. Kratos replied to Athena that there was nothing inside.
Believing Pandora had died in vain, only to serve his need for vengeance, Kratos
was suddenly struck with remorse over her death. Athena did not believe him
however, as when the evils of the Titanomachy were frst sealed into the box, she
placed 'the most powerful weapon in the world' with them, to counteract the evils.
She demanded Kratos to return the power he had obtained, as it rightfully belonged
to her. For now that the world was cleansed by chaos, she would rebuild it under her
rule, using the power of hope. Athena quickly came to realize however, that when
Kratos frst opened the box to kill Ares, the evils infected the gods of Olympus, taking
hold of them. As the evils took hold of the gods, the power of hope instead infused
itself into Kratos. Buried beneath all the layers of guilt, anger, and the need for
revenge, Hope was fnally released when Kratos fnally learned to forgive his past
deeds, thus releasing its power. Asking Kratos again, he refused, instead impaling
himself onto the Blade, thereby releasing Hope into the mortal world, for humanity to
embrace. An action that Athena would clearly despise, as she removed the Blade
from his chest, uttering the world was not ready to harness this vast power, and how
Kratos had disappointed her. Athena then left, leaving a laughing Kratos to die, his
vengeance fnally complete.
In a post-credits scene, the phoenix-engraved mural where Kratos' body lay was now
empty, as a trail of blood lead back to the sea that now consumed the world...
Weapons and powers Edit
Kratos possesses incredible superhuman strength and stamina (the exact limits of
which are yet to be determined). He has proven capable of overpowering the Hydra,
throwing the Colossus of Rhodes after it attempted to crush him beneath its foot, and
prevented both Cronos and Atlas from crushing him between their fngers. It should
be noted that these four creatures are considerably larger than Kratos, but he was
still capable of overpowering and ultimately defeating them. During his battle
against Hercules, who is considered to be unrivaled in terms of sheer physical
strength, Kratos proved capable of stopping his charges, forcing him backwards and
enduring his powerful bear hugs without any ill efects, even breaking free from them
by knocking the Olympian down with incredible strength. Kratos was ultimately able
to defeat Hercules, proving to be the superior warrior of the two. In God of War III,
Kratos rips of Helios' head, using only his sheer strength. It is presumed that Kratos
was born with his god-like strength due to being Zeus' demigod son.
In addition to his vast strength, he also possesses incredible agility, durability,
resilience, and refexes. He is capable of sensing danger and possesses great skills
with all forms of weapons and magic. These are all due to his status as a demigod,
an efect of being the son of Zeus. Due to this, Kratos is able to challenge monsters
and even the Gods themselves. Kratos also possesses High Resistance to most
forms of attack that would easily kill most humans or magical beings.
Kratos' main weapons were once the Blades of Chaos, a gift from Ares as a sign of
Kratos' servitude. They are essentially two Falchion-like blades on long chains,
permanently fused and seared to the wielder's forearms. Once Kratos killed
Ares, Athena replaced them with a nearly identical pair of blades called the Blades of
Athena, and then replaces them again in God of War III with the very similar Blades
of Exile. Kratos displays profciency with all of his weapons. It's implied that he
learned many of his fghting skills from Ares, the former God of War himself.
Kratos, before and after becoming a God, gained many powers from the Gods.
When he relinquished his old powers to the Blade of Olympus, he was given new
powers by the Titans. Some of these powers resemble the abilities given to him by
the Gods. The Blade of Olympus is one of Kratos' greatest weapons, as he has
infused all of his godly power into it.
Kratos is the epitome of what a Spartan soldier is in that he is essentially made for
battle. He is exceptionally tall, standing at a height of 6.2 feet, in which, due to his
status a warrior, he is at his peak physical condition. Prior to the series' actual time of
taking place he had tanned skin and a red tattoo going down the majority of his
upper body and up to his face. On his face, besides the aforementioned tattoo, he
has a scar on his right eye and a black goatee. After killing his beloved wife and
child, two of the few people he truly cared for, the village oracle bound their ashes to
his skin to be forever a reminder of the horrible deed he committed on that day. As a
Spartan General prior to his service to Ares, Kratos wore Spartan hoplite armor and
after becoming the new God of War he wore a very elaborately decorated piece of
armor. By the end of God of War III Kratos only wears a leather loincloth, Hermes'
greaves, armlets with the chains of the Blades of Exile, and the Golden Fleece.
-"By the Gods, what have I become?" -"Death. The destroyer . . . of worlds."
- Kratos and The Grave Digger
Kratos as the great Spartan general.
Added by Enyalius
Kratos is a very destructive, amoral, self-centered anti-hero with guilt that is often
converted to extreme rage. His goal is to achieve vengeance on Ares for making him
kill his wife and child. This vengeance later extends to Zeus for trying to kill him in
Rhodes. Kratos then decides to get revenge on all the gods of Olympus. Unable to
cope with the memory of his own misdeeds, Kratos has considered suicide on two
separate occasions. On some occasions, Kratos even tended to put the blame of his
actions onto others (Ares, The Gods ,...), until the very end, during which he fnally
realized the consequences of his actions, thus stabbing himself with theBlade of
He is surprised when Athena tells Kratos that he is the son of Zeus. In denial, he
replies that he has no father. He does not truly accept this fact until the siege
of Mount Olympus. Kratos told Zeus that his son brought the destruction of Olympus.
The one and only time Kratos is shown to be happy is when he sees his
daughter,Calliope, again in Chains of Olympus.
Despite his his violent nature, Kratos has shown to respect, and even care for, a
handful of people. Besides his wife and daughter, he has also shown to be regretful
of his accidental killing of Athena. Kratos also showed respect for the
nameless Spartan Captain he encountered several times during God of War II, and
treated Pandoraas if she were his own daughter.
In Greek MythologyEdit
"Cratos" means "power" or "strength" in Greek.
In Greek mythology, Cratus and Bia were commanded by Hephaestus to
imprison Prometheus. Ironically, it was Kratos who released Prometheus from
his imprisonment in God of War II.
Though Kratos isn't a character in actual Greek mythology, there is a being in
myth named "Cratos". He is the son of Pallas and Styx and he is the
personifcation of strength and power. The mythical Cratos and the Kratos in-
game, however, have vastly diferent loyalties, whereas Kratos is concerned
only for himself and despises the gods, Cratos is utterly loyal to Zeus.
In another strand of myth, Kratos is a Titan who binds Prometheus on order
of Hephaestus.
In God of War SeriesEdit
Kratos is voiced by Terrence C. Carson in all games.
Kratos' family is shown to be the only people he has ever truly loved. The only
time he has been seen smiling was when he found Calliope in the Underworld.
Kratos was very distraught when he had to leave her once again. Later, when
he encounters an illusion of his late wife, he begs her for forgiveness,
something he has never been seen doing before.
From God of War to God of War III, Kratos' tattoo gets thinner and thinner and
changes slightly in design. In the frst game, it stretches on his chest from
close to his sternum to past his left nipple. In the second, it is closer to his
nipple. In the fnal game, it doesn't cover his nipple at all. It should also be
noted that his tattoo in God of War circled more of his left arm, but in the
games afterwards, it does not.
In God of War, Kratos is amazed by the possibility of killing a god, yet in God
of War: Chains of Olympus, he killed Persephone, the goddess of
the Underworld. This may possibly be due to an error of thought from the God
of War: Chains of Olympus crew, since Persephone is a goddess.
In the fash-backs in God of War III to Kratos from God of War, the character
model of Kratos from God of War III is used instead.
In God of War II, when Kratos is taken back in time by Atropos to his battle
with Ares, his past self's tattoos are very faded in color, almost invisible, until
the ending scene where he grabs the Blade of the Gods. Curiously, the tattoos
are colored orange instead of red.
In the Temple of Lahkesis in God of War II, Lahkesis speaks to Kratos through
a statue of herself and tells him "only death awaits you in the end of your
journey", which Kratos' apparent suicide at the end of God of War III seems to
prove correct. However, in the fnal post-credits cutscene showing the site
where Kratos fell, his body is missing, and a trail of blood leads to the nearby
sea, leaving his fnal fate unknown.
Developer Stig Asmussen has revealed that David Jafe intended for Kratos to
take on the Norse Mythology gods after having defeated Zeus, and the other
Greek gods. Whether this story is yet to unfold, remains to be seen.
By technicality, Kratos managed to free himself from his past in Chains of
Olympus. When he gave up his weapons, powers, and abilities, Kratos' tattoo
and pale skin were also removed, thus granting him amnesty. Unfortunately, he
was forced to regain everything at the cost of his daughter, Calliope.
The main series saw Kratos being stabbed through the stomach, at least
once, in every entry.
Most Kratos actions during the series were driven by rage and vengeance
except when he went to search for the Ambrosia to save his daughter ( in the
comics ) and the time he went to save his brother Diemos ignoring any and all
warnings ( Ghost of Sparta ).
Guest AppearancesEdit
Kratos makes a guest appearance in SoulCalibur: Broken Destiny. He fghts
with the Blades of Chaos, Blade of Olympus, Icarus Wings, and Poseidon's
The God of War Armour makes an appearance in Heavenly Sword. On a
mission with the character Kai, the player enters an armoury with a display of
her mother's skeleton.
One of the other displays is the God of War Armour with the Blades of
Chaos underneath.
The inscription reads to the efect of "Armour of the Prince who stood alone
against the Persian Army."
This was confrmed by Ninja Theory (the developer of Heavenly Sword) as
accreditation to the God of War series for being such a heavy infuence to their
own production.
In the 2008 The Simpson's Game, a parody of God of War can be seen in the
background of a level on a billboard. The words "God of Wharf" are written
next to a picture of a Simpson-esque Kratos eating a bowl of chowder.
Kratos makes a guest appearance in the PS3 golf game, Everybody's Golf:
World Tour.
Playing with the 'Clubs of Olympus', a set of of clubs with the club heads
attached to chains, Kratos is protrayed being quite rude to his caddy, blaming
all his bogeys and missed shots on The Sisters of Fate.
The PS3 exclusive cart racing game ModNation ofers Kratos, and his Kart of
Chaos, as a playable character when pre-ordering. Kratos, along with other
pre-order incentives, were made available worldwide.
In 2009's Game of the Year LitteBigPlanet, there is a rare character costume
of Kratos, as well as Medusaand Pandora's Guardian.
Kratos is set to appear in the PS3 version of the 2011 game Mortal
Kombat, with his own set of moves, and a personal God of War battle arena.
He will not however, be a part of the storyline.
Kastor, the character of the Age of Mythology name is said to be an anagram
of Kratos' name.
Other MediaEdit
7-Eleven featured a Slurpee drink called "Kratos Fury" in promotion for God of
War III.
David Jafe showed interest in having Djimon Hounsou portray Kratos in the
upcoming God of War flm. With the flm currently in development hell, there
are no updates on Hounsou's possible involvement, nor on the flm itself.

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