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1 | P a g e

I certify that the Project entitled DISASTER MANAGEMENT
subitted to Mubai !ni"ersity in #artial fulfillent for the a$ard
of de%ree of MASTER &' (&MMER(E )MANAGEMENT* is a
record of ori%inal research $or+ done by NIRMA,A A,,-.N
(RAST&/ durin% the #eriod of study 0123425 in the De#artent of
(oerce/ Mubai !ni"ersity under y Guidance and
Su#er"ision and the dissertation has not fored the basis for the
a$ard of any De%ree6 Di#loa6 Association6 'ello$shi# or other
siilar title to any other (andidate of any !ni"ersity7
2 | P a g e

I/ NIRMA,A A,,-.N (RAST&/ hereby declare the Project
-or+ entitled DISASTER MANAGEMENT subitted to
Mubai !ni"ersity in #artial fulfillent of the re9uireent for the
a$ard of the de%ree of MASTER &' (&MMER(E
)MANAGEMENT* is ori%inal $or+ done by e under the
su#er"ision and %uidance of DR7S!:;AS; D<S&!=A it has not
fored the basis for the a$ard of any De%ree6 Di#loa6
Association6 'ello$shi# or other siilar title to any (andidate in
any !ni"ersity7
3 | P a g e
SR7N&7 T&PI(
disaster is a crisis situation that far exceeds the capabilities7
ADisaster< is defined as a crisis situation causin% $ide s#read daa%e $hich far exceeds our
ability to recover7 Thus/ by definition/ there cannot be a #erfect ideal syste that #re"ents
daa%e/ because then it $ould not be a disaster7 It has to suffocate our ability to reco"er7
&nly then it can be called as Adisaster<7
4 | P a g e
Disasters are not totally discrete e"ents7 Their #ossibility of occurrence/ tie/ #lace and
se"erity of the stri+e can be reasonably and in soe cases accurately #redicted by
technolo%ical and scientific ad"ances7 It has been established there is a definite #attern in
their occurrences and hence $e can to soe eBtent reduce the impact of damage thou%h $e
cannot reduce the eBtent of daa%e itself7
T!"#$ %& D'$($)#*
Disasters are ainly of 0 ty#es/
+. N(),*(- .'$($)#*$. E/(0"-# 1 #(*)23,(4#$, &-%%.$, -(5.$-'.#$, #)6.
7. M(580(.# .'$($)#*$. E/(0"-# 1 9(*, :%0: :-($)$, 62#0'6(- -#(4$, #)6.
The #hases of all disasters/ be it natural or an4ade/ are the sae7 The disasters often differ
in 9uantity of daa%e caused or in 9uality of the ty#e of edical conse9uences7 'or eBa#le
earth9ua+es cause a lot of #hysical injury and fractures/ floods cause dro$nin% deaths and
infections/ cheical lea+s cause toBic anifestations/ etc7
5 | P a g e
1 Natural Disaster
These ty#es of disaster naturally occur in #roBiity to/ and #ose a threat to/ #eo#le/ structures or
econoic assets7 They are caused by biolo%ical/ %eolo%ical/ seisic/ hydrolo%ic/ or eteorolo%ical
conditions or #rocesses in the natural en"ironent )e7%7/ cyclones/ earth9ua+es/ tsunai/ floods/
landslides/ and "olcanic eru#tions*7
a Cyclones, Hurricanes or Ty!oons
(yclones de"elo# $hen a $ar ocean %i"es rise to hot air/ $hich in turn creates con"ectional air
(yclones occur $hen these
con"entional air currents are bein% dis#laced7 The ter hurricane6ty#hoon is a re%ionally s#ecific
nae for a tro#ical cyclone7 In Asia they are called Aty#hoons<C in the Indian and Pacific &ceans
they are called Acyclones<C and o"er the North Atlantic and (aribbean :asin/ they are called
Tro#ical $arnin% #rocedures8
i Sall crafts and fishin% boats8 a##roB 0D43D#h $inds7
ii -ind ad"isory for the #ublic8 a##roB7 0D43D#h $inds7
iii Gale "a#c!$ $hen a ature tro#ical cyclone has a si%nificant #robability to threaten a #art of the
country $ithin 5E hours7
i% Gale &orce "arnin'$ issued $hen $ind s#eeds are eB#ected to reach %ale force intensity of )354
5F+nots* $ithin the neBt 05 hours7
% S#or( "a#c!8 if a #ost tro#ical cyclone disturbance is a notable to threat to an area or the entire
country $ithin a 05 to 5E hour tiefrae/ a stor $atch stateent $ould be included $ith the %ale
%i S#or( "arnin'$ issued e"ery three )3* hours $hen the a"era%e $ind s#eeds are eB#ected to reach
stor force intensity of 5E4G3 +nots $ithin the neBt 20 to 05 hours7
%ii Cyclone "a#c!$ issued $hen tro#ical cyclone $inds is eB#ected to reach cyclone force $inds of
abo"e G3 +nots )or F1 #h* in 05 to 5E hours7
%iii Cyclone "arnin'$ issued e"ery three )3* hours/ $hen $ind s#eeds are eB#ected to eBceed G3 +nots
$ithin the neBt 20 to 05 hours7
b Earthquakes
An earth9ua+e is a treblin% or sha+in% o"eent of the earth<s surface/ resultin% fro #late
o"eents alon% a fault4#lane or as a result of "olcanic acti"ity7 Earth9ua+es can stri+e suddenly/
"iolently/ and $ithout $arnin% at any tie of the day or ni%ht7 The follo$in% terinolo%ies are
associated $ith earth9ua+es8 eicen#er, &aul#, (a'ni#u)e and seis(ic "a%es7
'or #ractical #ur#oses/ earth9ua+es are usually defined by their a%nitude )or 9uantitati"e ener%y
released* $hich is easured usin% a lo%arith scale of 2 H 217 This lo%arith scale is referred to as
the Ric!#er scale7 The a%nitude is deterined by analyIin% seisic data obtained fro
The intensity of an earth9ua+e is easured usin% the *o)i&ie) *arcella In#ensi#y +**I, Scale/ $hich
is dete
c Tsunami
6 | P a g e
A tsunai is an ocean $a"e %enerated by a subarine earth9ua+e/ "olcano or landslide7 It is
also +no$n as a seisic sea $a"e/ and incorrectly as a tidal $a"e7 Stor sur%es )or Galu
Lolo* are $a"es caused by stron% $inds27
The lar%est earth9ua+e e"ent recorded in Saoa $as on 0G >une 2J2F/ easurin% E73 on the
Richter scale7 The e"ent ori%inated in Ton%a )a##roBiately 011+ south of A#ia* and it
tri%%ered a tsunai of four to ei%ht )54E* etre run4u#s in Satu#aitea/ Sa"aii7 The tsunai
arri"ed less than ten )21* inutes fro its #oint of ori%in/ eanin% it tra"elled at Tsunai
$as +no$n in Saoa as a Galu A&i but the National Disaster Ad"isory (oittee )DA(* has
no$ ado#ted SKNAMI as its Saoan translation7 a s#eed of ore than 2/111+6hr7 ;ence/
$hen an earth9ua+e occurs/ you ust heed the tsunai $arnin%/ for eBa#le/ #eo#le li"in%
in lo$4lyin% coastal areas ust relocate to hi%her and safer %rounds iediately7
d loods
This #henoenon occurs $hen $ater co"ers #re"iously dry areas/ i7e7/ $hen lar%e aounts of
$ater flo$ fro a source such as a ri"er or a bro+en #i#e onto a #re"iously dry area/ or $hen
$ater o"erflo$s ban+s or barriers7
'loods can be en"ironentally i#ortant to local ecosystes7 'or eBa#le/ soe ri"er floods
brin% nutrients to soil such as in E%y#t $here the annual floodin% of the Nile Ri"er carries
nutrients to other$ise dry land7 'loods can also ha"e an econoic and eotional i#act on
#eo#le/ #articularly if their #ro#erty is directly affected7 ;a"in% a better understandin% of
$hat causes floodin% can hel# #eo#le to be better #re#ared and to #erha#s iniiIe or
#re"ent flood daa%e7
e !andslides
The ter landslide refers to the do$n$ard o"eent of asses of roc+ and soil7 ,andslides
are caused by one or a cobination of the follo$in% factors8 chan%e in slo#e %radient/
increasin% the load the land ust bear/ shoc+s and "ibrations/ chan%e in $ater content/
%round $ater o"eent/ frost action/ $eatherin% of shoc+s/ reo"al or/ or chan%in% the ty#e
of "e%etation co"erin% slo#es7
,andslide haIard areas occur $here the land has certain characteristics $hich contribute to
the ris+ of the do$nhill o"eent of aterial7 These characteristics include8
i A slo#e %reater than 2D #ercent7
ii ,andslide acti"ity or o"eent occurred durin% the last 21/111 years7
iii Strea or $a"e acti"ity $hich has caused erosion/ undercut a ban+ or cut into a ban+ to
cause the surroundin% land to be unstable7
i% The #resence or #otential for sno$ a"alanches7
% The #resence of an allu"ial fan $hich indicates "ulnerability to the flo$ of debris or
%i The #resence of i#ereable soils/ such as silt or clay/ $hich are iBed $ith %ranular soils
such as sand and %ra"el7
,andslides can also be tri%%ered by other natural haIards such as rains/ floods/ earth9ua+es/
as $ell as huan4ade causes/ such as %radin%/ terrain cuttin% and fillin%/ eBcessi"e
de"elo#ent/ etc7 :ecause the factors affectin% landslides can be %eo#hysical or huan4ade/ they
can occur in de"elo#ed areas/ unde"elo#ed areas/ or any area $here the terrain has been altered for
roads/ houses/ utilities/ buildin%s/ etc7
7 | P a g e
" #uman$%ade Disasters
These are disasters or eer%ency situations of $hich the #rinci#al/ direct causes are
identifiable huan actions/ deliberate or other$ise7 A#art fro technolo%ical disasters this
ainly in"ol"es situations in $hich ci"ilian #o#ulations suffer casualties/ losses of #ro#erty/
basic ser"ices and eans of li"elihood as a result of $ar/ ci"il strife or other conflicts/ or
#olicy i#leentation7 In any cases/ #eo#le are forced to lea"e their hoes/ %i"in% rise to
con%re%ations of refu%ees or eBternally and6or internally dis#laced #ersons as a result of ci"il
strife/ an air#lane crash/ a ajor fire/ oil s#ill/ e#ideic/ terroris/ etc7
1 Su))en onse#$ little or no $arnin%/ inial tie to #re#are7 'or eBa#le/ an earth9ua+e/
tsunai/ cyclone/ "olcano/ etc7
8 | P a g e
" Slo" onse#$ ad"erse e"ent slo$ to de"elo#C first the situation de"elo#sC the second le"el is
an eer%encyC the third le"el is a disaster7 'or eBa#le/ drou%ht/ ci"il strife/ e#ideic/ etc7
The ain haIards a re%ion is/ or ay be "ulnerable to/ $ill de#end on the %eo%ra#hic location
of the country7 In Saoa/ for eBa#le/ the ain haIards $hich ay turn into disasters are8
I0"-'6()'%5$ %& .'$($)#*$ %5 !%,* *#;'%5 (5. #5<'*%50#5)
(yclones ha"e been a fre9uently occurrin% disaster in Saoa for the #ast decadeC the i#act
of each occurrence has been de"astatin%7 The follo$in% list identifies a fe$ of the un#leasant
Infrastructure daa%e
Telecounication loss
Po$er disru#tion reained 9ualitati"ely by #hysical obser"ations of the earth9ua+e<s
B,$'5#$$ D#&'5')'%5 &%*= D'$($)#* M(5(;#0#5)
>)2# (6)'%5$ )(4#5 :! (5 %*;(5'?()'%5 '5 *#$"%5$# )% ,5#/"#6)#. #<#5)$ )2() (*#
(.<#*$#-! (&&#6)'5; "#%"-# %* *#$%,*6#$ (5. )2*#()#5'5; )2# 6%5)'5,#. %"#*()'%5 %& )2#
D'$($)#* 0(5(;#0#5) '56-,.#$=
The de"elo#ent of disaster reco"ery #lans/) for iniiIin% the ris+ of disasters and for
handlin% the $hen they do occur/* and the i#leentation of such #lans7
Disaster ana%eent usually refers to the ana%eent of natural catastro#hes such as fire/
floodin%/ or earth9ua+es7 Related techni9ues include crisis ana%eent/ contin%ency
ana%eent/ and ris+ ana%eent7
9 | P a g e
Disaster6eer%ency ana%eent is the disci#line of dealin% $ith and a"oidin% ris+s7 It
in"ol"es #re#arin% for a disaster before it ha##ens/ disaster res#onse )e7%7 eer%ency
e"acuation/ 9uarantine/ ass decontaination/ etc7*/ as $ell as su##ortin%/ and rebuildin%
society after natural or huan4ade disasters ha"e occurred7
In %eneral/ any Eer%ency ana%eent is the continuous #rocess by $hich all indi"iduals/
%rou#s/ and counities ana%e haIards in an effort to a"oid or aeliorate the i#act of
disasters resultin% fro the haIards7
Actions ta+en de#end in #art on #erce#tions of ris+ of those eB#osed7
Effecti"e eer%ency ana%eent relies on thorou%h inte%ration of eer%ency #lans at all
le"els of %o"ernent and non4%o"ernent in"ol"eent7 Acti"ities at each le"el )indi"idual/
%rou#/ counity* affect the other le"els7 It is coon to #lace the res#onsibility for
%o"ernental eer%ency ana%eent $ith the institutions for ci"il defense or $ithin the
con"entional structure of the eer%ency ser"ices7 In the #ri"ate sector/ eer%ency
ana%eent is soeties referred to as business continuity #lannin%7
O)2#* )#*0$ ,$#. &%* .'$($)#* 0(5(;#0#5) '56-,.#=
4-(er'ency *ana'e(en# $hich has re#laced Ci%il )e&ense can be seen as a ore %eneral
intent to #rotect the ci"ilian #o#ulation in ties of #eace as $ell as in ties of $ar7
4Ci%il Pro#ec#ion is $idely used $ithin the Euro#ean !nion and refers to %o"ernent4
a##ro"ed systes and resources $hose tas+ is to #rotect the ci"ilian #o#ulation/ #riarily in
the e"ent of natural and huan4ade disasters7
4Crisis *ana'e(en# is the ter $idely used in E! countries and it e#hasiIes the #olitical
and security diension rather than easures to satisfy the iediate needs of the ci"ilian
./isas#er ris0 re)uc#ion An acadeic trend is to$ards usin% the ter is %ro$in%/ #articularly
for eer%ency ana%eent in a de"elo#ent ana%eent conteBt7 This focuses on the
iti%ation and #re#aredness as#ects of the eer%ency cycle )see belo$*7
Disaster ana%eent cycle includes the follo$in% sta%es6 #hases
27 Disaster #hase
07 Res#onse #hase
37 Reco"ery6 Rehabilitation #hase
57 Ris+ Reduction6 Miti%ation #hase
D7 Pre#aredness #hase
10 | P a g e
D'$($)#* "2($# H The #hase durin% $hich the e"ent of the disaster ta+es #lace7 This #hase is
characteriIed by #rofound daa%e to the huan society7 This daa%e 6 loss ay be that of
huan life/ loss of #ro#erty/ loss of en"ironent/ loss of health or anythin% else7 In this
#hase/ the #o#ulation is ta+en by #rofound shoc+7
R#$"%5$# "2($# H This is the #eriod that iediately follo$s the occurrence of the disaster7
In a $ay/ all indi"iduals res#ond to the disaster/ but in their o$n $ays
R#6%<#*! "2($# H -hen the iediate needs of the #o#ulation are et/ $hen all edical
hel# has arri"ed and #eo#le ha"e settled fro the hustle H bustle of the e"ent/ they be%in to
enter the neBt #hase/ the reco"ery #hase $hich is the ost si%nificant/ in ters of lon% ter
outcoe7 It is durin% this tie that the "ictis actually reali1e #!e i(ac# of disaster7 It is no$
that they ercei%e #!e (eanin' o& #!e loss that they ha"e suffered7
R'$4 *#.,6)'%5 "2($# H Durin% this #hase/ the #o#ulation has returned to #redisaster
standards of li"in%7 :ut/ they reco%niIe the need for cer#ain (easures "!ic! (ay 2e nee)e)
#o re)uce #!e e3#en# or i(ac# o& )a(a'e )urin' #!e ne3# si(ilar )isas#er7 'or eBa#le/ after
an earth9ua+e $hich caused a lot of daa%es to i#ro#erly built houses/ the #o#ulation
be%ins to rebuild stron%er houses and buildin%s that %i"e a$ay less easily to earth9ua+es7 &r/
in the case of tsunai/ to a"oid housin%s "ery close to the shore and the de"elo#ent of a
A%reen belt<4 a thic+ stretch of trees adjacent to the coast line in order to reduce the i#act of
the tsunai $a"es on the land7 This #rocess of (a0in' #!e i(ac# less se%ere is
P*#"(*#.5#$$ "2($# H This #hase in"ol"es the )e%elo(en# o& a"areness aon% the
#o#ulation on the %eneral as#ects of disaster and on ho$ to beha"e in the face of a future
disaster7 This includes e)uca#ion on $arnin% si%ns of disasters/ ethods of safe and
successful e"acuation and first aid easures7
It is $orth to note that the tie #eriod for each #hase ay de#end on the ty#e and se"erity of
the disaster7
P2($#$ (5. "*%&#$$'%5(- (6)'<')'#$
The nature of eer%ency ana%eent is hi%hly de#endent on econoic and social conditions
local to the eer%ency/ or disaster7 EB#erts ha"e lon% noted that the cycle of eer%ency
ana%eent ust include lon%4ter $or+ on infrastructure/ #ublic a$areness/ and e"en
huan justice issues7 This is #articularly i#ortant in de"elo#in% nations7
The #rocess of disaster ana%eent in"ol"es four #hases8 0')';()'%5, "*#"(*#.5#$$,
*#$"%5$#, (5. *#6%<#*!.
11 | P a g e
A ;*("2'6 R#"*#$#5)()'%5 %& )2# F%,* P2($#$ '5 D'$($)#* M(5(;#0#5)
Miti%ation efforts atte#t to #re"ent haIards fro de"elo#in% into disasters alto%ether/ or to
reduce the effects of disasters $hen they occur7 The iti%ation #hase differs fro the other
#hases because it focuses on lon%4ter easures for reducin% or eliinatin% ris+7 The
i#leentation of iti%ation strate%ies can be considered a #art of the reco"ery #rocess if
a##lied after a disaster occurs7 ;o$e"er/ e"en if a##lied as #art of reco"ery efforts/ actions
that reduce or eliinate ris+ o"er tie are still considered iti%ation efforts7
Miti%ati"e easures can be structural or non4structural7 Structural easures use technolo%ical
solutions/ li+e flood le"ees7 Non4structural easures include le%islation/ land4use #lannin%
)e7%7 the desi%nation of nonessential land li+e #ar+s to be used as flood Iones*/ and insurance7
Miti%ation is the ost cost4efficient ethod for reducin% the i#act of haIards7 ;o$e"er/
iti%ation is not al$ays suitable and structural iti%ation in #articular ay ha"e ad"erse
effects on the ecosyste7
A #recursor acti"ity to the iti%ation is the identification of ris+s7 Physical ris+ assessent
refers to the #rocess of identifyin% and e"aluatin% haIards7 In ris+ assessent/ "arious
haIards )e7%7 earth9ua+es/ floods/ riots* $ithin a certain area are identified7 Each haIard #oses
a ris+ to the #o#ulation $ithin the area assessed7 The haIard4s#ecific ris+ )R!* cobines both
the #robability and the le"el of i#act of a s#ecific haIard7 The e9uation belo$ %i"es that the
haIard ties the #o#ulations< "ulnerability to that haIard #roduce a ris+7 The hi%her the ris+/
the ore ur%ent that the haIard s#ecific "ulnerabilities are tar%eted by iti%ation and
#re#aredness efforts7 ;o$e"er/ if there is no "ulnerability there $ill be no ris+/ e7%7 an
earth9ua+e occurrin% in a desert $here nobody li"es7
C%0"%5#5)$ %& R'$4
)natural e"ent* )social factors*
12 | P a g e
R'$4 F(6)%*$
H#otentially daa%in% eBo%enous e"ents $hose #robable characteristics and fre9uency of
occurrence can be estiated
Hintrinsic characteristics of the eleents at ris+ that deterine ho$ daa%ed they $ould be if
they eB#erienced a haIard e"ent of soe le"el
D'0#5$'%5$ %& <,-5#*(:'-')! ($$#$$0#5)
LP2!$'6(- <,-5#*(:'-')!4analyIe i#acts of e"ents on assets such as buildin%/ infrastructure/
@S%6'(- V,-5#*(:'-')!8 estiate i#acts of e"ents on hi%hly "ulnerable %rou#s such as the #oor/
co#in% ca#acity/ status institutional structure desi%ned to hel# co#in%/ a$areness of ris+
LE6%5%0'6 <,-5#*(:'-')!8#otential i#acts of haIards on econoic assets and #rocesses
)business interru#tion/ secondary effects*
LE5<'*%50#5)(- <,-5#*(:'-')!8De%raded en"ironental 9uality liits the natural resilience to
haIard effects and reduces en"ironental bufferin% of effects
E-#0#5)$ () *'$4= #/(0"-#$
L#eo#le )counities/ countries/ the #oor*
Leconoic acti"ities6assets
L#lant6anial s#ecies
Len"ironental ser"ices 7 7 .
78 P*#"(*#.5#$$
In the #re#aredness #hase/ eer%ency ana%ers de"elo# #lans of action for $hen the disaster
stri+es7 (oon #re#aredness easures include the
counication #lans $ith easily understandable terinolo%y and chain of coand
de"elo#ent and #ractice of ulti4a%ency coordination and incident coand
13 | P a g e
#ro#er aintenance and trainin% of eer%ency ser"ices
de"elo#ent and eBercise of eer%ency #o#ulation $arnin% ethods cobined $ith
eer%ency shelters and e"acuation #lans
stoc+#ilin%/ in"entory/ and aintenance of su##lies and e9ui#ent
An efficient #re#aredness easure is an eer%ency o#erations center )E&(* cobined $ith a
#racticed re%ion4$ide doctrine for ana%in% eer%encies7 Another #re#aredness easure is
to de"elo# a "olunteer res#onse ca#ability aon% ci"ilian #o#ulations7 Since/ "olunteer
res#onse is not as #redictable and #layable as #rofessional res#onseC "olunteers are ost
effecti"ely de#loyed on the #eri#hery of an eer%ency7
Another as#ect of #re#aredness is casualty #rediction/ the study of ho$ any deaths or
injuries to eB#ect for a %i"en +ind of e"ent7 This %i"es #lanners an idea of $hat resources
need to be in #lace to res#ond to a #articular +ind of e"ent7
A8 R#$"%5$#
The res#onse #hase includes the obiliIation of the necessary eer%ency ser"ices and first
res#onders in the disaster area7 This is li+ely to include a first $a"e of core eer%ency
ser"ices/ such as firefi%hters/ #olice and abulance cre$s7 They ay be su##orted by a
nuber of secondary eer%ency ser"ices/ such as s#ecialist rescue teas7
In addition "olunteers and non4%o"ernental or%aniIations )NG&s* such as the local Red
(ross branch ay #ro"ide iediate #ractical assistance/ fro first aid #ro"ision to
#ro"idin% food and counselin%7 A $ell4rehearsed eer%ency #lan de"elo#ed as #art of the
#re#aredness #hase enables efficient coordination of rescue efforts7 Eer%ency #lan rehearsal
is essential to achie"e o#tial out#ut $ith liited resources7 In the res#onse #hase/ edical
assets $ill be used in accordance $ith the a##ro#riate tria%e of the affected "ictis7
-here re9uired/ search and rescue efforts coence at an early sta%e7 De#endin% on injuries
sustained by the "icti/ outside te#erature/ and "icti access to air and $ater/ the "ast
ajority of those affected by a disaster $ill die $ithin F0 hours after i#act7
Indi"iduals are often co#elled to "olunteer directly after a disaster7 ?olunteers can be both a
hel# and a hindrance to eer%ency ana%eent and other relief a%encies7
The ai of the reco"ery #hase is to restore the affected area to its #re"ious state7 It differs
fro the res#onse #hase in its focusC reco"ery efforts are concerned $ith issues and decisions
that ust be ade after iediate needs are addressed7 Reco"ery efforts are #riarily
concerned $ith actions that in"ol"e rebuildin% destroyed #ro#erty/ re4 e#loyent/ and the
re#air of other essential infrastructure7 An i#ortant as#ect of effecti"e reco"ery efforts is
ta+in% ad"anta%e of a A$indo$ of o##ortunity< for the i#leentation of iti%ates easures
that i%ht other$ise be
14 | P a g e
un#o#ular7 (itiIens of the affected area are ore li+ely to acce#t ore iti%ate chan%es $hen
a recent disaster is in fresh eory7
P2($#$ (5. "#*$%5(- (6)'<')'#$
+8 M')';()'%5
Personal iti%ation is ainly about +no$in% and a"oidin% unnecessary ris+s7 This includes
an assessent of #ossible ris+s to #ersonal6faily health and to #ersonal #ro#erty7
&ne eBa#le of iti%ation $ould be to a"oid buyin% #ro#erty that is eB#osed to haIards/ e7%7
in a flood #lain/ in areas of subsidence or landslides7 ;oeo$ners ay not be a$are of a
#ro#erty bein% eB#osed to a haIard until it stri+es7 ;o$e"er/ s#ecialists can be hired to
conduct ris+ identification and assessent sur"eys7 Purchase of insurance co"erin% the ost
#roinent identified ris+s is a coon easure7
15 | P a g e
Personal structural iti%ation in earth9ua+e #rone areas includes installation of an
Earth9ua+e ?al"e to instantly shut off the natural %as su##ly to a #ro#erty/ seisic retrofits of
#ro#erty and the securin% of ites inside a buildin% to enhance household seisic safety7 The
latter ay include the ountin% of furniture/ refri%erators/ $ater heaters and brea+ables to the
$alls/ and the addition of cabinet latches7 In flood #rone areas houses can be built on #oles/
as in uch of southern Asia7 In areas #rone to #rolon%ed electricity blac+4outs installation of
a %enerator $ould be an eBa#le of an o#tial structural iti%ation easure7 The
construction of stor cellars and fallout shelters are further eBa#les of #ersonal iti%ated
M')';()'%5 in"ol"es Structural and Non4structural easures ta+en to liit the i#act of
Structural Miti%ation84
This in"ol"es #ro#er layout of buildin%/ #articularly to a+e it resistant to disasters7
Non Structural Miti%ation84
This in"ol"es easures ta+en other than i#ro"in% the structure of buildin%7
!nli+e iti%ation acti"ities/ $hich are aied at #re"entin% a disaster fro occurrin%/
#ersonal #re#aredness focuses on #re#arin% e9ui#ent and #rocedures for use "!en a disaster
occurs/ i7e7 #lannin%7 Pre#aredness easures can ta+e any fors includin% the construction
of shelters/ installation of $arnin% de"ices/ creation of bac+4u# life4line ser"ices )e7%7 #o$er/
$ater/ se$a%e*/ and rehearsin% e"acuation #lans7 T$o si#le easures can hel# #re#are the
indi"idual for sittin% out the e"ent or e"acuatin%/ as necessary7 'or e"acuation/ a disaster
su##lies +it ay be #re#ared and for shelterin% #ur#oses a stoc+#ile of su##lies ay be
created7 The #re#aration of a sur"i"al +it/ coonly referred to as a MF04hour +itM/ is often
ad"ocated by authorities7 These +its ay include food/ edicine/ flashli%hts/ candles and
The res#onse #hase of an eer%ency ay coence $ith search and rescue but in all cases
the focus $ill 9uic+ly turn to fulfillin% the basic huanitarian needs of the affected
#o#ulation7 This assistance ay be #ro"ided by national or international a%encies and
or%aniIations7 Effecti"e coordination of disaster assistance is often crucial/ #articularly $hen
any or%aniIations res#ond and local eer%ency ana%eent a%ency ),EMA* ca#acity has
been eBceeded by the deand or diinished by the disaster itself7
&n a #ersonal le"el the res#onse can ta+e the sha#e either of a !o(e con&ine(en# or
ane%acua#ion7 In a hoe confineent a faily $ould be #re#ared to fend for thesel"es in
their hoe for any days $ithout any for of outside su##ort7 In an e%acua#ion/ a faily
lea"es the area by autoobile )or other ode of trans#ortation* ta+in% $ith the the
aBiu aount of su##lies they can carry/ #ossibly includin% a tent for shelter7 If
echanical trans#ortation is not a"ailable/ e"acuation on foot $ould ideally include carryin%
16 | P a g e
at least three days of su##lies and rain4ti%ht beddin%/ a tar#aulin and a bedroll of blan+ets
bein% the iniu7
The reco"ery #hase starts after the iediate threat to huan life has subsided7 Durin%
reconstruction it is recoended to consider the location or construction aterial of the
The ost eBtree hoe confineent scenarios include $ar/ faine and se"ere e#ideics and
ay last a year or ore7 Then reco"ery $ill ta+e #lace inside the hoe7 Planners for these
e"ents usually buy bul+ foods and a##ro#riate stora%e and #re#aration e9ui#ent/ and eat the
food as #art of noral life7 A si#le balanced diet can be constructed fro "itain
#ills/$hole4eal $heat/ beans/ dried il+/ corn/ and coo+in% oil7 &ne should add "e%etables/
fruits/ s#ices and eats/ both #re#ared and fresh4%ardened/ $hen #ossible7
LH(?(*.8 A #otentially daa%in% #hysical e"ent/ #henoenon and6or huan acti"ity $hich ay
cause the loss of life/ injury/ #ro#erty daa%e/ social and econoic disru#tion and
en"ironental de%radation
LV,-5#*(:'-')!8Set of conditions and #rocesses resultin% fro #hysical/ social/ econoic/
en"ironental factors )and de"elo#ent decisions* $hich increase the susce#tibility of
counity )or #roject* to the i#act of haIards
LR'$48Probability of harful conse9uences and eB#ected loss resultin% fro interaction bet$een
natural or huan haIards and "ulnerable conditions7
LP2!$'6(- <,-5#*(:'-')!8analyIe i#acts of e"ents on assets such as buildin%/ infrastructure/
LS%6'(- V,-5#*(:'-')!8 estiate i#acts of e"ents on hi%hly "ulnerable %rou#s such as the #oor/
co#in% ca#acity/ status institutional structure desi%ned to hel# co#in%/ a$areness of ris+
17 | P a g e
LE6%5%0'6 <,-5#*(:'-')!8#otential i#acts of haIards on econoic assets and #rocesses
)business interru#tion/ secondary effects*
LE5<'*%50#5)(- <,-5#*(:'-')!4De%raded en"ironental 9uality liits the natural resilience to
haIard effects and reduces en"ironental bufferin% of effects
T2# C!6-# %& D'$($)#* M(5(;#0#5)
18 | P a g e
W2() '$ () *'$4C
19 | P a g e
P%$$':-# S%6'%8E6%5%0'6 S6#5(*'%$ N##.#. F%* C-'0()# C2(5;# I0"(6) (5. A.(")()'%5
G#5#*(- Po#ulation %ro$th
Econoic %ro$th
A.(")()'%5 6("(6')! )econoic/ technolo%ical/ institutional*
W()#* *#$%,*6#$ -ater use for a%riculture/ doestic/ industrial
and ener%y sectors
,and use )for run4off*
A.(")()'%5 6("(6')! )econoic/ technolo%ical/ institutional*
(oastal Iones
Po#ulation density
Econoic acti"ity and in"estents
,and use
A;*'6,-),*# ,and use
-ater use
'ood deand
Atos#heric co#osition and de#osition
A%ricultural #olicies )incl7 international trade*
A.(")()'%5 6("(6')! )econoic/ technolo%ical/ institutional*
H,0(5 2#(-)2 'ood and $ater accessibility and 9uality
;ealth care )incl7 basic*
Deo%ra#hic structure
A.(")()'%5 6("(6')! )econoic/ technolo%ical/ institutional*
C($# S),.!= G,D(*() E(*)23,(4#

0112 :huj Earth9ua+e8 Preliinary Re#ort fro IIT@an#ur
A Po$erful Earth9ua+e of a%nitude G7J on Richter4Scale roc+ed the -estern
Indian State of Gujarat on the 0Gthof >anuary/ 01127 It caused eBtensi"e
daa%e to life N #ro#erty7 This earth9ua+e $as so de"astatin% in its scale
and sufferin% that the li+es of it had not been eB#erienced in #ast D1 years7
,ea"in% thousands seriously injured/ bruised and handica##edC both
#hysically/ #sycholo%ically and econoically

20 | P a g e
The e#icenter of the 9ua+e $as located at 037G north ,atitude and GJ7E east
,on%itude/ about 01 +
Northeast of :huj To$n of the @utch district in -estern Gujarat7 At a de#th of
only 03 +s belo$ surface this 9ua+e %enerated intense sha+in% $hich $as
felt in F1O re%ion of India and far beyond in nei%hbourin% Pa+istan and Ne#al
too7 This $as follo$ed by intense after shoc+s that becae a continued source
of anBiety
for the #o#ulace7
The Seisicity of the affected Area of @utch is a +no$n fact $ith a hi%h
incidence of earth9ua+es in recent ties and in historical #ast7 It falls in
Seisic =one ?7 The only such Ione outside the ;ialayan Seisic
:elt7 In last 011 years i#ortant daa%in% earth9ua+es occurred in 2E2J/
2E55/ 2E5D/ 2EDG/ 2EGJ/2JDG in the sae "icinity as 0112 earth9ua+e7
T$enty4one of the total 0D districts of the state $as affected in this 9ua+e7
Around 2E to$ns/ 2E0 talu+as and FJ15 "illa%es in the affected districts ha"e
seen lar%e4scale de"astation7 The affected areas e"en s#read u# to 311 +
fro the e#icentre7 In the @utch District/ four ajor urban areas H :huj/ Anjar/
:achau and Ra#ar suffered near total destruction7 The rural areas in the re%ion
are also "ery badly affected $ith o"er 5D1 "illa%es alost totally destroyed7
In addition/ $ide s#read daa%es also occurred in Raj+ot/ >ana%ar/
Surendrana%ar/ Patan and Ahedabad districts7 &ther !rban areas such as
Ganhidha/ Mor"i/ Raj+ot and >ana%ar ha"e also suffered daa%e to ajor
structures/ infrastructure and industrial facilities7 Ahedabad the ca#ital $as
also se"erely affected7

Gujarat Earth9ua+e is "ery si%nificant fro the #oint of "ie$ of earth9ua+e
disaster iti%ation in India7 The #robles obser"ed in this disaster are no
different fro other ajor recent earth9ua+es in the $orld7 The issues in the
reco"ery and reconstruction #hase are8 the #ro#er understandin% ris+ aon%
different sta+eholders/ trainin% and confidence buildin% aon% the
#rofessionals and asons $ith a##ro#riate de"elo#ent #lannin% strate%ies7
This 9ua+e has #ro"ided nuerous eBa#les of %eo4technical and structural
failures7 The traditional $isdo of desi%n and construction #ractises of
en%ineered buildin%s #re"alent in this country cae under criticis for the
first tie7 It has tri%%ered co#rehensi"e understandin% on $hat needs to be
21 | P a g e
done in this re%ard7 issues in the reco"ery and reconstruction #hase are8 the
#ro#er understandin% ris+ aon% different sta+eholders/ trainin% and
confidence buildin% aon% the #rofessionals and asons $ith a##ro#riate
de"elo#ent #lannin% strate%ies7
This 9ua+e has #ro"ided nuerous eBa#les of %eo4technical and structural
failures7 The traditional $isdo
of desi%n and construction #ractises of en%ineered buildin%s #re"alent in this
country cae under criticis for the first tie7 It has tri%%ered co#rehensi"e
understandin% on $hat needs to be done in this re%ard7
(haoli );ialaya/ India* Earth9ua+e of 0J March 2JJJ

The (haoli earth9ua+e of 0J March 2JJJ in northern India is yet another
i#ortant e"ent fro the "ie$#oint
of ;ialayan seisotectonics and seisic resistance of non4en%ineered
constructions7 The earth9ua+e
occurred in a #art of the (entral ;ialaya/ $hich is hi%hly #rone to
earth9ua+es and has been #laced in the hi%hest seisic Ione )Ione ?* of India7
There has been a bitter contro"ersy durin% the recent years re%ardin%
the seisic safety of a 0G144hi%h roc+4fill da under construction at Tehri/
about E1 + $est of the
e#icenter7 'ortunately/ there are no ajor cities in the eiIoseisal re%ion and
the #o#ulation density is the
second lo$est in the state7 The earth9ua+e caused death of about 211 #ersons
and injured hundreds ore7
MaBiu MS@ intensity $as u# to ?III at a fe$ locations7
The 9ua+e $as felt at far4off #laces such as @an#ur )551 + south4east fro
the e#icenter*/ Shila )001 +
north4$est* and Delhi )0E1 + south4$est*7 MaBiu death and daa%e
occurred in the district of (haoli
$here about G3 #ersons died and o"er 011 injuredC about 0/DJD houses
colla#sed and about 21/EG2 house$ere #artially daa%ed7 In all/ about 2/0DG
"illa%es $ere affected7 A fe$ buildin%s at the far a$ay e%a4city of
22 | P a g e
Delhi sustained non4structural daa%es7 No instances of li9uefaction $ere
re#orted7 ,on%itudinal crac+s in
the %round $ere seen in soe locations in the affected area7 $ere #artially
daa%ed7 In all/ about 2/0DG "illa%es $ere affected7 A fe$ buildin%s at the far
a$ay e%a4city of
Delhi sustained non4structural daa%es7 No instances of li9uefaction $ere
re#orted7 ,on%itudinal crac+s in the %round $ere seen in soe locations in the
affected area7 $ere #artially daa%ed7 In all/ about 2/0DG "illa%es $ere
affected7 A fe$ buildin%s at the far a$ay e%a4city of
Delhi sustained non4structural daa%es7 No instances of li9uefaction $ere
re#orted7 ,on%itudinal crac+s in
the %round $ere seen in soe locations in the affected area7 $ere #artially
daa%ed7 In all/ about 2/0DG "illa%es $ere affected7 A fe$ buildin%s at the far
a$ay e%a4city of
Delhi sustained non4structural daa%es7 No instances of li9uefaction $ere
re#orted7 ,on%itudinal crac+s in
the %round $ere seen in soe locations in the affected area7
Eer%ency Res#onse
'ortunately/ the nuber of fatalities in the earth9ua+e $as relati"ely less at
about 211 as co#ared to
about E11 in the 2JJ2 !ttar+ashi earth9ua+e7 Interestin%ly/ at the tie of
earth9ua+e a #o#ular o"ie $as
bein% screened by a T? channel and any #eo#le $ho $ere a$a+e could
easily esca#e7 The area has ajor
;indu shrines and dra$s hu%e tourist traffic durin% May to &ctoberC the
tiin% of this earth9ua+e $as
fortunately durin% the lean tourist season7 ;ence/ the tas+ of search and rescue
o#erations $as easier and
$as carried out by the local #eo#le7 Ary and #arailitary #ersonnel $ere
also called4in to hel# in relief
o#erations the "ery neBt day7 Soe cash co#ensation/ food rations/ and cloth
tents $ere #ro"ided by the
state %o"ernent7 :y March the $inter is o"er/ and hence/ cloth tents $ere
sufficient for te#orary shelters7
'ood and other su##lies had to be air4dro##ed to nuerous "illa%es $hich
$ere norally inaccessible by
otorable roads or cut4off due to landslides7 Due to #oor accessibility/ relief
o#erations $ere 9uite challen%in%
and caused dissatisfaction in reote "illa%es $hich could not be attended to on
tie7 The head9uarters for (haoli district is at Go#esh$ar/ 21 + by road
23 | P a g e
fro (haoli7 Since Go#esh$ar did not eB#erience ajor daa%es/ the entire
adinistrati"e achinery could function effecti"ely7 ;o$e"er/ fre9uent "isits
by senior #oliticians and adinistrators fro the state and central %o"ernents
ay ha"e si%nificantly di"erted attention of the district officials7 Daa%e
assessent for indi"idual houses $as initiated by the re"enue officials
iediately after the earth9ua+e7 This $as also a difficult tas+ due to the
inaccessibility of any "illa%es leadin% to soe co#laints about the fairness
in daa%e assessent7
Si%nificant aftershoc+ acti"ity/ $hich included a fe$ e"ents of M PD/ created
a lot of fear aon%st the #eo#le and they hesitated to slee# indoors e"en $hen
their d$ellin%s had little or no daa%e7 S#eculations about an i#endin% lar%e
earth9ua+e added to the fear and #anic7 Massi"e forest fires/ $hich are
coon durin% this tie of the year/ dro"e soe $ild anials to$ards the
"illa%es addin% to the insecurity7 I#endin% onsoons in the neBt t$o onths
reained a ajor concernC slo#e failures and additional daa%e to #artially
houses $ere feared
The earth9ua+e occurred on March 0Jth at 2083D a )local tie* near the
to$n of (haoli in the state of !ttar Pradesh in northern India )'i%ure 2*7 The
earth9ua+e a%nitude $as calculated as bQG73/ MSQG7G by !SGS/ and as
bQG7E/ MSQG7D by the India Meteorolo%ical De#artent )IMD*7 The
#reliinary locations of
the e#icenter by the different a%encies are 31 5J70 N/ FJ 0E7E E by !SGSC and
31 2F7E0 N/ FJ 337E5 E by IMD7 Distances in this re#ort refer to the !SGS
location7 Recorded aftershoc+s and the daa%e #attern su%%est that the Ione of
acti"ity $as close to (haoliC this re%ion also sho$ed a aBiu intensity of
?III on the MS@ scale7 !SGS estiated the focal de#th at 20 +7
The 9ua+e $as felt at far4off #laces such as @an#ur )551 + southeast of the
e#icenter*/ Shila north$est* and Delhi )0E1 + south$est*7 MaBiu death
and daa%e occurred in the district of (haoli/
$here about G3 #ersons died and o"er 011 $ere injured7 About 0/DJD houses
colla#sed and ore than21/ED1 $ere #artially daa%ed7 In all/ about 2/0DG
"illa%es $ere affected7 A fe$ buildin%s at the distant city of Delhi sustained
nonstructural daa%e7 No instances of li9uefaction $ere re#orted7 ,inear
crac+s in the %round $ere seen in soe locations in the affected area7
24 | P a g e
Nonstructural daa%e to soe buildin%s in far4off Delhi clearly underlines
the #otential for a ajor disaster there7 (onsiderin% the #olitical and social
si%nificance of such an e"entuality/ efforts should be directed to$ards
effecti"e earth9ua+e disaster iti%ation and ana%eent in the Indian ca#ital7
The Se#teber 0J/ 2JJ3/ MG75 @illari/ Maharashtra Earth9ua+e in (entral
Most of the $orld seisicity is concentrated alon% the #late boundaries7
;o$e"er/ a si%nificant nuber of earth9ua+es/ includin% soe lar%e and
daa%in% ones/ do occur $ithin the #lates7 &ur understandin% of intracratonic
seiso%enesis and the haIard it entails is #oor/ in #art because data are scarce7
The 2JJ3 @illari earth9ua+e in central #eninsular India is the latest
intracratonic e"ent to be res#onsible for a lar%e disaster7 The #ositi"e side of
this tra%edy is that it $ill #ro"ide ne$ insi%hts into %eolo%ic/ en%ineerin% and
cultural factors that control the distribution and de%ree of daa%e/ $hich $ill
aid in turn the de"elo#ent
of a ore effecti"e haIard reduction #ro%ra for #eninsular India and siilar
intra#olate en"ironents7 This re#ort suariIes our obser"ations durin% a
ten4day in"esti%ation of the esoseisal area of the 2JJ3 @illari earth9ua+e7
Se"eral as#ects of the earth9ua+e $ere in"esti%ated/ ran%in% fro the surface
ru#ture and related deforation to the #attern of daa%e to en%ineered and
traditional structures7 'inally/ the rescue and reconstruction efforts follo$in%
the earth9ua+e brou%ht out i#ortant issues that are %enerally rele"ant to
earth9ua+e haIard reduction in traditional rural settin%sC these are also briefly
Eer%ency Res#onse
The affected area does not suffer fro floods and $as considered Aseisic7
The only natural disaster +no$n in the area is drou%ht7 ;ence/ the earth9ua+e
too+ the #eo#le and adinistration by sur#rise7 It too+ the adinistration 0 to
5 days to effecti"ely or%aniIe rescue and relief o#erations7 -hat then follo$ed
a##eared to be $ell4or%aniIed and effecti"e7 (i"ilian as $ell as ilitary
authorities coo#erated in the effort7 Since the reconnaissance tea did not "isit
the affected areas of @arnata+a/ the discussion here is based on the res#onse in
25 | P a g e
the districts of ,atur and &sanabad only7 &f all the "illa%es de"astated by the
9ua+e/ only the "illa%e of @illari had a $ireless connection $ith the district
#olice head9uarters at ,atur7 -ithin inutes/ the inforation about the
de"astation in @illari $as con"eyed to ,atur and fro there to the state
head9uarters at :obay7 Iediately/ about 01 #oliceen stationed at Ausa
)0E +* $ere rushed to @illari/ follo$ed by district le"el adinistrators
)District (ollector/ Su#erintendent of Police/ etc*7 About D1 #oliceen $ere
also dis#atched fro ,atur )50 +*7 Iediate search and rescue $as
conducted by the sur"i"ors and the liited #olice rescue teas7 As the day
#ro%ressed/ inforation about e9ually se"ere de"astation fro nearby "illa%es
started reachin% @illari7 :y early neBt ornin% )&ct7 2*/ the Indian ary too+
o"er the tas+ of search and rescue7 :y the afternoon of the day of the
earth9ua+e/ any curious onloo+ers had arri"ed in the area7 This led to traffic
jas and ha#ered the tas+ of search and rescue7 :e%innin% &ct7 0/ entry to
the affected area $as controlled to allo$ entrance only to %o"erne
#ersonnel and ebers of "olunteer or%aniIations7 The tas+ of search and
rescue becae eBtreely difficult due to the hea"y rains/ $hich iediately
follo$ed the earth9ua+e and the enorous 9uantities of the rubble7 In #laces
043 of rubble has to be reo"ed to eBtricate the bodies7 The narro$ "illa%e
streets $ere cho+ed by fallen rubble/ $hich further ha#ered rescue
Mass creations that $ere held on the first t$o days after the earth9ua+e
$ere done $ithout ade9uate record +ee#in%7 This led to confusion about the
actual nuber of deaths7 At one tie/ the ne$s#a#ers $ere re#ortin% u# to
31111 dead/ ne$ 7 ,ater it $as disco"ered that about J111 fatalities actually
Reco"ery Medical Aid
nuber of injured in Maharashtra $as about 2DD117 About D1 obile teas of
doctors $ere #ressed into ser"iceC at least H doctor $as s ade a"ailable at
each of the affected "illa%es7 The 20D beds ci"il hos#ital at ,atur had to
con"ert the nearby Rajasthan School into a hos#ital $ard to care for about 311
indoor #atients7 &n the other hand/ the rural edical colle%e and hos#ital at
26 | P a g e
Abe >o%ai/ $hich is only G1+ fro ,atur/ had a D214bed ca#acity but only
had EG #atients aBiu at any %i"en tie7 &n the $hole/ in a fe$ days/
there $ere ore %o"ernent and #ri"ate doctors a"ailable than could be used7

Ahuja ;7,7/ Macro econoics/ theory and #olicy/ re"ised
eidition8 S7 (hand
:hatai ;7 ,7 / International econoics/ "i+as #ublishin%
house #"t7 ,td7
Raj @uar / international econoics eBcel boo+s/ ne$
Soldersten :o and Reed Geoffrey /international
27 | P a g e

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