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2 0 1 1 C O M S O L 1 | T H E R M A L S T R E S S A N A L Y S I S O F A TU R B I N E S T A T O R B L A D E
T he r mal S t r e s s Anal y s i s of a T ur bi ne
S t a t or Bl a de
The conditions within gas turbines are extreme. The pressure can be as high as 40 bar,
and the temperature more than 1000 K. Any new component must therefore be
carefully designed to be able to withstand thermal stresses, vibrations and loads
asserted by the fluid rushing through the turbine. If a component fails, the high
rotational speeds can result in a complete rupture of the whole turbine.
The most extreme conditions are found in the high pressure part downstream of the
combustion chamber where hot combustion gases flows through a cascade of rotors
and stators. To prevent the parts from melting, the air that is led from the compressor
past the combustion chamber, and is used as a coolant. Directly behind the
combustion chamber, both internal cooling and film cooling is applied. Further
downstream, where the temperature is somewhat lower, it may suffice with internal
cooling. For more details on gas turbines, see Ref. 1.
Since the physics within a gas turbine is very complex, simplified approaches are often
used at initial stages of the development of the new components. In this model, the
thermal stresses in a stator blade with internal cooling are analyzed.
Note: This model requires the Structural Mechanics Module and the CFD Module
or Heat Transfer Module.
Model Definition
The model geometry is shown in Figure 1. The stator blade profile is a modified
version of a design shown in Ref. 2. The model includes some generic mounting details
as well as a generic internal cooling duct.
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Figure 1: A stator blade with mounting details.
Use the Thermal Stress interface from the Structural Mechanics Module to set up the
model. The blade and the mounting details are assumed to be made of the M-152 alloy
which is a 12 Cr alloy with high tensile strength (Ref. 1). M-152 is available in the
COMSOL Material Library. In addition to the data covered by the Material Library,
the linear elastic model requires a reference temperature that is set to 300 K and a
Poissons Ratio that is set to 0.33, a number comparable to that for other stainless
steels. Any coating has been neglected.
Figure 2 shows the cooling duct. The duct geometry is simplified and does not include
details such as the ribs (Ref. 3) typical for cooling ducts. Instead of simulating the
complicated flow in the duct, an average Nusselt number correlation from Ref. 3 is
used to calculate a heat transfer coefficient. Assume the cooling fluid to be air at 30 bar
and 600 K. The fluid properties are taken from Ref. 4.
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Figure 2: The internal cooling duct.
The heat flux on the stator blade surfaces is calculated using the heat transfer
coefficient. The upside and downside are approximated as two flat plates using the
local heat transfer coefficient for external forced convection. The combustion gases are
approximated as air at 30 bar and 1100 K. The corresponding speed of sound is
approximately 650 m/s (Ref. 4).
Ref. 5 contains a Mach number plot of stators without film cooling. A typical Mach
number is 0.7 on the suction side (the convex side) and 0.45 on the pressure side (the
concave side). This corresponds to approximately 450 m/s on the suction side and
300 m/s on the pressure side.
The side walls adjacent to the stator blades are treated in the same way as the stator
itself but with the free stream velocity set to 350 m/s.
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The stator blade exchanges heat with the rest of the turbine through the boundaries
highlighted in Figure 3. It is assumed that the turbine has a local working temperature
of 900 K, and that the heat transfer coefficient to the stator is 25 W/(m
Figure 3: Boundaries through which heat is exchanged with the rest of the turbine.
The attachment of the stator element to a ring support is simulated via roller and
spring foundation boundary conditions on few boundaries. All other boundaries are
free to deform as a result of thermal expansion.
Results and Discussion
Figure 4 shows a temperature surface plot. The internal cooling creates significant
temperature gradients within the blade. However, the trailing edge reaches a
temperature close to that of the combustion gases, which indicates that the cooling
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might be insufficient. The side walls also become very hot, and some additional
cooling can be beneficial.
Figure 4: Surface temperature plot.
Figure 5 shows a surface plot of the von Mises stress. The maximum stress with a value
close to the yield stress for the material (Ref. 6) occurs in the internal cooling duct. No
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definite assessment can however be made without conducting a more advanced
analysis that includes details of the flow inside the duct.
Figure 5: Surface plot of the von Mises stress.
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Figure 6: Surface plot of the displacement.
1. M.P. Boyce, Gas Turbine Engineering Handbook, Gulf Professional Publishing,
Second edition, 2001.
2. Website:
3. J. Bredberg, Turbulence Modelling for Internal Cooling of Gas-Turbine Blades,
Thesis for the degree of doctor of philosophy, Chalmers University of Technology,
4. Website:
5. P. Dahlander, Source Term Model Approaches to Film Cooling Simulations,
Thesis for the degree of doctor of philosophy, Chalmers University of Technology,
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Model Library path: Structural_Mechanics_Module/
Modeling Instructions
1 Go to the Model Wizard window.
2 Click Next.
3 In the Add physics tree, select Structural Mechanics>Thermal Stress (ts).
4 Click Add Selected.
5 Click Next.
6 Find the Studies subsection.
7 Click Finish.
1 In the Model Builder window, right-click Global Definitions and choose Parameters.
2 Go to the Settings window for Parameters.
3 Locate the Parameters section. In the Parameters table, enter the following settings:
Pr_cool 0.72 Cooling Prandtl number
U_up 450[m/s] Gas velocity on stator pressure side
U_down 300[m/s] Gas velocity on suction side
U_side 350[m/s] Gas velocity along side walls
T_gas 1100[K] Gas temperature
p_high 30[bar] High pressure level
mu_cool 3.1e-5[Pa*s] Viscosity of the cooling air
Cp_cool 770[J/kg/K] Heat capacity of the cooling air
T_cool 800[K] Cooling air temperature
H_cool 0.01[m] Characteristic length scale of
cooling channels
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G E O ME T R Y 1
Import 1 (imp1)
1 In the Model Builder window, right-click Model 1>Geometry 1 and choose Import.
2 Go to the Settings window for Import.
3 Locate the Import section. Click the Browse button.
4 Browse to the models Model Library folder and double-click the file
5 Click the Import button.
6 Click the Transparency button on the Graphics toolbar to see the interior.
The imported geometry should look as shown in the Figure 1.
7 Click the Build All button.
8 Click the Zoom Extents button on the Graphics toolbar.
Define a number of sections to simplify the model setup. First, define the internal
cooling duct boundaries.
Explicit 1
1 In the Model Builder window, right-click Definitions and choose Selections>Explicit.
2 Go to the Settings window for Explicit.
3 Locate the Input Entities section. From the Geometric entity level list, select
4 Click Paste Selection.
5 Go to the Paste Selection dialog box.
6 In the Selection edit field, type 198-201, 212, 233-238, 242-243, 250-251,
255-257, 264-277, 280-283, 285-287, 293.
If you are reading an electronic version of this document, you can copy the
geometric entity numbers from the text.
7 Click the OK button.
8 Right-click Explicit 1 and choose Rename.
T_work 900[K] Working temperature
Nu_cool 400 Average Nusset number in cooling
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9 Go to the Rename Explicit dialog box and type Cooling_Duct in the New name edit
10 Click OK.
The selection is shown in Figure 2.
Proceed to select the boundaries through which heat exchanger with the rest of
turbine occur Figure 3.
Explicit 2
1 Right-click Definitions and choose Explicit.
2 Go to the Settings window for Explicit.
3 Locate the Input Entities section. From the Geometric entity level list, select
4 Click Paste Selection.
5 Go to the Paste Selection dialog box.
6 In the Selection edit field, type 3-4, 12, 15-16, 18-20, 23-25, 27-58,
60-93, 98-111, 114-138, 142-197, 202-207, 209, 214-232, 239-241,
244-249, 252-254, 259-260, 290-291, 294-377, 381-403, 405-410,
412-418, 421-422 .
7 Click the OK button.
8 Right-click Explicit 2 and choose Rename.
9 Go to the Rename Explicit dialog box and type Exchange_Boundaries in the New
name edit field.
10 Click OK.
1 In the Model Builder window, right-click Model 1 >Materials and choose Open Material
2 Go to the Material Browser window.
3 Locate the Materials section. In the Materials tree, select Material Library>Iron
Alloys>JETHETE M-152 or Moly Ascoloy (UNS S64152).
4 Right-click and choose Add Material to Model from the menu.
1 Go to the Settings window for Material.
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2 Locate the Material Contents section. In the Material contents table, enter the
following settings:
3 In the Model Builder windows toolbar, click the Show button and select Discretization
in the menu.
4 In the Model Builder window, expand the Model 1 >Thermal Stress.
5 Go to the Settings window for Thermal Stress.
6 Click to expand the Discretization section.
7 From the Element type list, select Equal order.
8 From the Thermal stress fields list, select U1 + T1.
Thermal Linear Elastic 1
1 In the Model Builder window, expand the Thermal Stress node, then click Thermal
Linear Elastic 1.
2 Go to the Settings window for Thermal Linear Elastic.
3 Locate the Thermal Expansion section. In the T
edit field, type 300[K].
Initial Values 1
1 In the Model Builder window, click Initial Values 1.
2 Go to the Settings window for Initial Values.
3 Locate the Initial Values section. In the T edit field, type T_gas.
Heat Flux 1
1 In the Model Builder window, right-click Thermal Stress and choose the boundary
condition Heat Transfer>Heat Flux.
2 Go to the Settings window for Heat Flux.
3 Locate the Boundary Selection section. From the Selection list, select
4 Locate the Heat Flux section. Click the Inward heat flux button.
5 In the h edit field, type 25.
6 In the T
edit field, type T_work.
Heat Flux 2
1 In the Model Builder window, right-click Thermal Stress and choose the boundary
condition Heat Transfer>Heat Flux.
Poisson's ratio nu 0.33
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2 Go to the Settings window for Heat Flux.
3 Locate the Boundary Selection section. From the Selection list, select Cooling_Duct.
4 Locate the Heat Flux section. Click the Inward heat flux button.
5 In the h edit field, type Nu_cool*mu_cool*Cp_cool/2/Pr_cool/H_cool.
6 In the T
edit field, type T_cool.
Convective Cooling 1
1 In the Model Builder window, right-click Thermal Stress and choose the boundary
condition Heat Transfer>Convective Cooling.
2 Select Boundaries 113 and 139 only.
3 Go to the Settings window for Convective Cooling.
4 Locate the Heat Flux section. From the Heat transfer coefficient list, select External
forced convection.
6 In the x
edit field, type 0.1675-x.
7 In the U
edit field, type U_up.
8 In the p
edit field, type p_high.
9 In the T
edit field, type T_gas.
Convective Cooling 2
1 In the Model Builder window, right-click Thermal Stress and choose the boundary
condition Heat Transfer>Convective Cooling.
2 Select Boundaries 112 and 284 only.
3 Go to the Settings window for Convective Cooling.
4 Locate the Heat Flux section. From the Heat transfer coefficient list, select External
forced convection.
6 In the x
edit field, type 0.1675-x.
7 In the U
edit field, type U_down.
8 In the p
edit field, type p_high.
9 In the T
edit field, type T_gas.
Convective Cooling 3
1 In the Model Builder window, right-click Thermal Stress and choose the boundary
condition Heat Transfer>Convective Cooling.
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2 Select Boundaries 17, 26, 9497, 140, 141, 208, 210, 211, 213, 258, 261263,
278, 279, 288, 289, and 292 only.
3 Go to the Settings window for Convective Cooling.
4 Locate the Heat Flux section. From the Heat transfer coefficient list, select External
forced convection.
6 In the x
edit field, type 0.19-x.
7 In the U
edit field, type U_side.
8 In the p
edit field, type p_high.
9 In the T
edit field, type T_gas.
Roller 1
1 In the Model Builder window, right-click Thermal Stress and choose the boundary
condition Solid Mechanics>Roller.
2 Go to the Settings window for Roller.
3 Locate the Boundary Selection section. From the Selection list, select Cooling_Duct.
4 Click Clear Selection.
5 Select Boundaries 116, 122, and 189 only.
Spring Foundation 1
1 In the Model Builder window, right-click Thermal Stress and choose the boundary
condition Solid Mechanics>Spring Foundation.
2 Select Boundaries 406 and 408 only.
3 Go to the Settings window for Spring Foundation.
4 Locate the Spring section. Specify the k
vector as
Spring Foundation 2
1 In the Model Builder window, right-click Thermal Stress and choose the boundary
condition Solid Mechanics>Spring Foundation.
2 Go to the Settings window for Spring Foundation.
3 Locate the Boundary Selection section. Click Paste Selection.
4 Go to the Paste Selection dialog box.
1e9 x
0 y
0 z
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5 In the Selection edit field, type 72, 78, 168, 229, 300-306, 308-313,
315-322, 347-351, 353, 363-364, 374, 376, 381, 391-392, 402, 407,
409, 418.
6 Click the OK button.
7 Go to the Settings window for Spring Foundation.
8 Locate the Spring section. Specify the k
vector as
Prescribed Displacement 1
1 In the Model Builder window, right-click Thermal Stress and choose Points>Prescribed
2 Go to the Settings window for Prescribed Displacement.
3 Locate the Prescribed Displacement section. Select the Prescribed in y direction check
4 Select Vertex 16 only.
ME S H 1
1 In the Model Builder window, click Model 1>Mesh 1.
2 Go to the Settings window for Mesh.
3 Locate the Mesh Settings section. From the Element size list, select Fine.
4 Click the Build All button.
To avoid the warning message, you can use Virtual Operation Feature to ignore
smallest edges.
G E O ME T R Y 1
Ignore Edges 1
1 In the Model Builder window, right-click Model 1>Geometry 1 and choose Virtual
Operations>Ignore Edges.
2 On the object fin, select Edges 721, 724, 726, and 729 only.
S T U D Y 1
1 In the Model Builder window, right-click Model 1 >Mesh 1 and choose Build All.
2 Right-click Study 1 and choose Compute.
0 x
0 y
1e10 z
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2 0 1 1 C O M S O L 15 | T H E R M A L S T R E S S A N A L Y S I S O F A TU R B I N E S T A T O R B L A D E
The first default plot show the von Mises stress together with the resulting
deformation. Follow the steps below to reproduce Figure 5.
Stress (ts)
1 In the Model Builder window, right-click Results>Stress (ts) and choose More
Plots>Max/Min Surface.
2 Go to the Settings window for Max/Min Surface.
3 In the upper-right corner of the Expression section, click Replace Expression.
4 From the menu, choose Thermal Stress>von Mises stress (ts.mises).
5 Click the Plot button.
6 Click the Zoom Extents button on the Graphics toolbar.
The second default plot shows the temperature distribution Figure 4.
Temperature (ts)
1 In the Model Builder window, click Results>Temperature (ts).
2 Go to the Settings window for 3D Plot Group.
3 Locate the Plot Settings section. Clear the Plot data set edges check box.
4 Click the Plot button.
5 Click the Zoom Extents button on the Graphics toolbar.
Finally, plot the total displacement (Figure 6).
3D Plot Group 3
1 In the Model Builder window, right-click Results and choose 3D Plot Group.
2 Right-click Results>3D Plot Group 3 and choose Volume.
3 Go to the Settings window for Volume.
4 In the upper-right corner of the Expression section, click Replace Expression.
5 From the menu, choose Thermal Stress>Total displacement (ts.disp).
6 Locate the Expression section. From the Unit list, select mm.
7 Click the Plot button.
8 Click the Zoom Extents button on the Graphics toolbar.
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