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The film starts off with a train pulling up to a platform. The train comes to a stop and the doors
open. A man dressed in smart attire walks of the train; with a briefcase in his hand. His top button is
undone and his tie is hanging out his pocket, this suggest he is returning home from work. He walks
out the station and walks down the road he, is walking and texting at the same time. The scene cuts
to an over the shoulder shot of the man walking, in the distance a man can be seen sitting on the
wall with his hood up. He walks passed. Then the scene cuts to a another over the shoulder shot
with the mans face is a extreme close up, the man sitting on the wall then gets up and starts to
follow him.
The man turns down an alley and continues walking without realising hes being followed. The
antagonist follows around 3 seconds after, keeping a safe distance the antagonist keeps his head
facing downwards to stop any cameras or neighbours recognising his face. The mans phone starts to
ring and the antagonist quickly dashes into neighbouring alley. The mam answers the phone, its his
friend asking whether hell see him at the pub later. The man replies with no mate, just having a
quite night in tonight. The phone call is brief. The stalking continues for the next five seconds until
the man reaches his home. An establishing shot introduces the house and indicates its his as he
walks towards the door. The stalker is now unseen-giving the audience a sense of unpredictability.
He opens his door and walks through. He throws his coat and briefcase onto the sofa next to him. He
turns on the tv. He seems to be getting tired and he starts to fall asleep. As he sleeping a dark figure
can been seen moving around outside, the figure peers through the window. Suddenly , a loud noise
is heard, the man jumps up; startled, he looks around and ensure himself it was nothing. He falls
back asleep. Then the back door swings open slowly. Footsteps can be heard/seen coming through
the door. It then cuts back to the man sleeping on the sofa, and the dark figure is standing right
behind him, he suddenly brings his hands down on the victims neck, this is accompanied by a loud
noise, then the screen goes black and a scream is heard. Then is goes silent and the credits start to

Focus Group questionnaire
Do you think the story line is believable/realistic?

Does it suit the genre of horror?

Do you think its possible to tell that its a horror from a five minute film?

Do you believe it connotes horror and do you think the audience will be pleased with it?

Do you have any ideas of how I could improve my short film?

Is there anything you would change?

In summary, my focus group was generally happy with my synopsis. The results from the focus group
told me that my synopsis is very well thought out and definitely follows the typical conventions of a
horror genre film. So I believe that if I stick closely to the synopsis my short film will be effective.
However, in order to make this really possible, one candidate suggest to include a bit more suspense
into the film, Id do this by sound effects/soundtrack, by using a slow tempo soundtrack then
increasing the tempo faster and faster and then all of a sudden come to a stop creates the suspense
the candidate was talking about, this is because the fast tempo makes the audiences adrenalin start
pumping, and then the sudden cut of and pause of clients creates a scary atmosphere. Overall, the
feedback from the focus group was very good, and also made me realise what I must do in order to
improve my short film.

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