Anthropology of Food and Nutrition

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1) Explain RDA Guidelines with respect to men and women.
Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA) is he average daily dietary nutrient intake level sufficient to
meet the nutrient requirement of nearly all healthy individuals in a particular life stage and gender
group. It is the amount of dietary energy and nutrients considered sufficient for maintaining good
health. These nutrients are necessary for physiological and biochemical processes by which the
human body acquires, assimilates and utilize the food to maintain health and activity. RDA
represents the level of the nutrient to be consumed daily to meet all the requirements of most of
the individuals in a given population. However, it must be recognized that RDA is not meant to be
used as standard to determine whether or not a given individual requirement has been met, since it
is a level above the requirement of most individuals in a given population. RDA value of a nutrient is
valid only when all other dietary nutrient intakes are satisfactory.
Age, gender and body weight largely determine the nutrient requirement of an individual. Body
weights and heights of children reflect their state of health, nutrition and growth rate, while weights
and heights of adults represent what can be attained by an individual with normal growth.
Anthropometric measurements of infants and children of well-to-do families are usually treated as
reference values. The purpose of recommending nutrient requirements is to help in attaining these
anthropometric reference standards. International Organizations like WHO have proposed reference
standards applicable at the international level.
The purpose of recommending nutrient requirements is to help in attaining these anthropometric
reference standards. International Organizations like WHO have proposed reference standards
applicable at the international level.
For Man- Reference man is between 18-29 years of age and weighs 60 kg with a height of 1.73m
with a BMI of 20.3 and is free from disease and physically fit for active work; on each working day,
he is engaged in 8 hours of occupation which usually involves moderate activity, while when not at
work he spends 8 hours in bed, 4-6 hours in sitting and moving about, 2 hours in walking and in
active recreation or household duties.
For Woman- Reference woman is between 18-29 years of age, non-pregnant non- lactating (NPNL)
and weighs 55 kg with a height of 1.61m and a BMI of 21.2, is free from disease and physically fit for
active work; on each working day she is engaged in 8 hours of occupation which usually involves
moderate activity, while when not at work she spends 8 hours in bed, 4-6 hours in sitting and
moving about, 2 hours in walking and in active recreation or household duties.
Group Age Reference Body
Weight (Kg)
Adult man 18-29 yr 60.0
Adult woman
18-29 yr 55.0
Infants 0-6 months 5.4
6-12 months 8.4
Children 1-3 yr 12.9
4-6 yr 18.0
7-9 yr 25.1
Boys 10-12 yr 34.3
13-15 yr 47.6
16-17 yr 55.4
Girls 10-12 yr 35.0
13-15 yr 46.6
16-17 yr 52.1
Reference Body Weights of Indians
Employed for Computing RDA, 2009

Protein requirement for Normal Indian Adults and allowances for Pregnant and
Lactating Women
Group Body weight (kg) Protein (g/kg/d) Daily additional
Total Dietary
Male 60 1.0 60
Female 55 1.0 55
Pregnant women 23 78
Lactating women
0-6m 19 74
6-12m 13 68

Recommendations for dietary fat intake in Indians
Group Physical activity Minimum level of
total fat (%E)
Fats from other
than visible fats
Visible fat
%E g/p/d
Adult Man Sedentary


10 30
Adult Woman Sedentary


10 30

Recommended intakes of Calcium and Phosphorus
Group Calcium/Phosphorus (mg/d)
Adult men 600
Adult women 600
Pregnant women 1200
Lactating women 1200

Recommended daily allowances of Magnesium for Indians
Group RDA 2009 (mg/d)
Man 340
Woman 310

Recommended intakes of sodium and potassium
Group Sodium(mg/d) Potassium(mg/d)
Men 2092 3750
Women 1902 3225

RDA for IRON in India
Group Body weight(kg) RDA(mg/d)
Man 60 17
Woman 55 21
Pregnant woman 35
Lactating woman 25

RDA for zinc in India
Group RDA(mg/d)
Man 12
Woman 10
Pregnant woman 12
Lactating woman 12


2) Elaborate on reviews of RDA
Maintenance of a state of positive health and optimal performance in populations at
large by maintaining ideal body weight.
Ensurement of adequate nutritional status for pregnant women and lactating mothers.
Improvement of birth weights and promotion of growth of infants, children and
adolescents to achieve their full genetic potential.
Achievement of adequacy in all nutrients and prevention of deficiency diseases.
Prevention of chronic diet-related disorders.
Maintenance of the health of the elderly and increase the life expectancy.
Eat variety of foods to ensure a balanced diet
Ensure provision of extra food and healthcare to pregnant and lactating women.
Promote exclusive breastfeeding for six months and encourage breast feeding till two
Feed home based semisolid foods to the infant after six months.
Ensure adequate and appropriate diets for children and adolescents both in health and
Eat plenty of vegetables and fruits.
Ensure moderate use of edible oils and animal foods and very less use of
Over eating should be avoided to prevent over weight and obesity.
Exercise regularly and be physically active to maintain ideal body weight.
Use salt in moderation/Restrict salt intake to minimum.
Ensure the use of safe and clean foods.
Practice right cooking method sand healthy eating habits.
Drink plenty of water and take beverages in moderation.
Minimize the use of processed foods rich in salt, sugar and fats.
Include micronutrient rich foods in the diets of elderly people to enable them to be fit
and active.

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