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Test Case Template 3

Version <1.0>

October 27, 2014
Test Case Template 3
Version: <1.0>
Templte 0!"#un"2011
Revision History
Date Version Description Author
0!"#un"2011 <$.$> <%etils> <nme>
Test Case Template 3
Version: <1.0>
Templte 0!"#un"2011
Table of Contents
1. &ntro%uction
1.1 'e(initions, )cronyms n% )bbre*itions
1.2 +e(erences
2. Testing ,n*ironments
2.1 ,n*ironment 1
2.2 ,n*ironment 2
-. .etup &n(ormtion /generl Pre"con%itions0
4. Test 1ses
4.1 Test 1se 1: <Test 1se 2me>
4.1.1 'escription 4
4.1.2 Pre"con%itions (or this test cse 4
4.1.- .cenrio 4
4.1.4 )rry o( *lues 4
4.2 Test 1se 2: <Test 1se 2me>
Test 1se Templte -
Version: <1.0>
Templte 'te: 10327314
1. Introduction
[If necessary, write the introduction of the Test Cases. It should provide an overview of the entire
document, and include the purpose, scope, definitions, acronyms, abbreviations, references and overview of
this set of Test Cases.]
1.1 efinitions! "cronyms and "bbreviations
[This subsection should provide the definitions of all terms, acronyms, and abbreviations required to
interpret properly the Test Cases. This information may be provided by the project lossary.]
1.# References
[This subsection should provide a complete list of all documents referenced elsewhere in the Test Cases.
!ach document should be identified with a title, report number "if applicable#, date, and publishin$
or$ani%ation. &pecify the sources from which the references can be obtained. This information may be
provided by reference to an appendi' or to another document.]
1ompny 2me, yyyy 1
Test Case Template 3
Version: <1.0>
Templte 0!"#un"2011
#. Testin$ %nvironments
#.1 %nvironment 1
4chine 2me '5 'irectory
Version '5 1lient .er*er
Tester 2me Test 'te
2e7 8og If necessary, list the new lo$ after tests have been run. .tte &uccessful()ailed
#.# %nvironment #
[*epeat above chart as needed for environment +.]
Test 1se Templte -
Version: <1.0>
Templte 'te: 10327314
3. &etup Information '$eneral (re)conditions*
[!nter the prerequisites to e'ecute the test cases "e.$. )la$s, parameters, etc.#]
1ompny 2me, yyyy -
Test Case Template 3
Version: <1.0>
Templte 0!"#un"2011
+. Test Cases
+.1 Test Case 1, <Test Case -ame>
4.1.1 Description
[If necessary, write description te't.]
4.1.2 Pre-conditions for this test case
[If necessary, write pre,conditions te't.]
4.1.3 Scenario
Test Case
Step Description Expected Result Actual Result
/i( %i((erent (rom e$pecte%0
Nr !if
#o$ Numer
!if failed"
Test Case Status &uccessful
4.1.4 Array of values
[If necessary, fill an array of value.]
Arra% of values
Scenario & Scenario ' Scenario( Scenario ) Scenario *
Expected Result
Actual Result
Test Case Template 3
Version: <1.0>
Templte 0!"#un"2011
/i( %i((erent (rom
Environment Nr !if
#o$ Numer !if failed"
+.# Test Case #, <Test Case -ame>
[If necessary, repeat test case-s previous section for each additional test case.]

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