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MGT301- Principles of Marketing (Session

- 5)
Question No: 1 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please
coose one
If XYZ Insurance Company observes a sudden
increase in the number of farmers seeking flood insurance
in Pakistan due to major floods in India, Which one of the
folloing is representing flood situation for the company!
"arketing opportunity
"arketing strategy
"arketing concept
Marketing threat

Question No: ! ( Marks: 1 ) - Please
coose one
#onica is aiming its Cool Cam camera at teenagers$
Which one of the folloing is reflecting %eenagers!
Target audience
%arget market
'ocus group

Question No: 3 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please
coose one
Which one of the folloing options represents this
statement (What place do you ant your product to hold in
the consumer)s mind*!

Question No: " ( Marks: 1 ) - Please
coose one
+n important concept in hich e reali,e that losing a
customer means losing more than a single sale$ It means
losing the entire stream of purchases that the customer
ould make over a lifetime of patronage$ Which one of the
folloing options reflects this concept!
-et profit
Customer lifetime value
.elationship marketing
"arket share

Question No: 5 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please
coose one
/athering secondary information is one of the steps of
developing the research plan$ What does the meaning of
secondary information in marketing research!
%hat does not currently e0ist in an organi,ed form
That already exists somewhere, having been
collected for another purpose
%hat the researcher can obtain through surveys and
%hat already e0ists somehere in an organi,ed

Question No: # ( Marks: 1 ) - Please
coose one
If +1C 2td knos that its market share in Pakistan has
dropped 34 percent in the first 5uarter of the year but
does not kno hat might have contributed to this
decline, it is in hich stage of the marketing research
6ypothesis development
&ymptom identification
Problem identification
Data interpretation

Question No: $ ( Marks: 1 ) - Please
coose one
If 7nilever needs to survey retailer)s attitudes on the
availability of product literature in athletic shoe shops
and needs the results ithin four orking days,
7nilever ill probably use hat kind of survey!
+ mail
+ telephone
Computer intervieing
A personal interview

Question No: % ( Marks: 1 ) - Please
coose one
"arketing researchers usually dra conclusions about large
groups of consumers by studying hich of the folloing
small component of the total consumer population!
& ample
%arget group

Question No: ' ( Marks: 1 ) - Please
coose one
Which one of the folloing three8step process
represents (Perception*!
"otivation, personality and attitudes
Collecting, eliminating and organi,ing information
Marketing Manage(ent M)Qs Page 1
& !eceiving, organi"ing and interpreting
information inputs
+nticipating, classifying and discarding
information inputs

Question No: 10 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please
coose one
Which one of the folloing is #$T the stage that
customers go through in the process of adopting a ne

Question No: 11 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please
coose one
Inelastic demand in industrial markets refers to hich
of the folloing situation!
:emand for a given product fluctuates very little
over time$
Price increases or decreases will not
significantly alter demand for a given product%
%he demand for one product depends heavily on the
demand for another product$
&upply for a given product cannot keep up ith the
demand for it$

Question No: 1! ( Marks: 1 ) - Please
coose one
"ost organi,ational purchase decisions are made by
hich of the folloing categories!
%he sales force
+ team of purchasing agents
A firm&s buying centre
Inventory control personnel

Question No: 13 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please
coose one
In its purchase of a small business computer, "r$ +tee5
asked that potential suppliers provide information only
on units ith 3"b of memory$ +s management
evaluates the purchase, it finds that 3"b is inade5uate
for many of the softare programs they use$ In this
instance, the firm ould need to modify hich aspect
of the purchase process!
&pecification development
+lternative evaluation
Performance evaluation

Question No: 1" ( Marks: 1 ) - Please
coose one
1uyer8 seller similarities is an attribute comes under hich
one of the folloing concepts!
Demographic factors
Personal characteristics
&ituational factors
;perating variables

Question No: 15 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please
coose one
Which one of the folloing is a marketer)s major
positioning tool that has a direct impact on product or
service performance< thus, it is closely linked to customer
value and satisfaction!
Product 'uality
Product style
Product design
Product features

Question No: 1# ( Marks: 1 ) - Please
coose one
1eyond 5uality level, high 5uality also can mean high levels
of 5uality consistency$ 6ere, ('reedom from defects and
consistency in delivering a targeted level of performance*
refers to hich of the folloing 5ualities!
Perceived 5uality
Product 'uality
+dherence 5uality
Conformance 5uality

Question No: 1$ ( Marks: 1 ) - Please
coose one
Which of the folloing are a form of product that consists
of activities, benefits or satisfactions offered for sale that are
essentially intangible and do not result in the onership of
2ine e0tensions

Question No: 1% ( Marks: 1 ) - Please
coose one
Which one of the folloing attribute may grab attention and
produce pleasing aesthetics, but it does not necessarily
make the product perform better!
Marketing Manage(ent M)Qs Page !

Question No: 1' ( Marks: 1 ) - Please
coose one
-e product development starts ith hich one of the
folloing steps of ne product development!
Idea screening
(dea generation
%est marketing
Concept testing

Question No: !0 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please
coose one
What do e call a detailed version of a ne idea stated in
meaningful customer terms!
Product idea
Product concept
Product image
Product proposal

Question No: !1 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please
coose one
Which one of the folloing steps calls for testing ne8
product concepts ith groups of target consumers in ne
product development!
Concept development
Concept testing
Idea generation
%est marketing

Question No: !! ( Marks: 1 ) - Please
coose one
%he consumer decides to make use of the product on a
regular basis$ Which one of the folloing concepts )*T
describe it!

Question No: !3 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please
coose one
Which one of the folloing concept )*T represents the
involvement of management and employees in the
continuous improvement of the production of goods and
Total 'uality management
"arketing management
Customer relationship management
#noledge management

Question No: !" ( Marks: 1 ) - Please
coose one
When a customer pays .s$3>>> and receives a television set
in return$ What does this e0ample sho!

Question No: !5 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please
coose one
'ast8food restaurants offer tasty and convenient food at
affordable prices< they contribute to fatness that harms
consumer health$ Which one of the folloing concepts is
#$T being folloed by this company!
Product concept
Production concept
&ocietal marketing concept
"arketing concept

Question No: !# ( Marks: 1 ) - Please
coose one
?%he netorks that connect people ithin a company to
each other and to the company? reflect hich one of the
folloing netorks!

Question No: !$ ( Marks: 1 ) - Please
coose one
(Planning that involves developing a strategy to meet
competition and ensure long8term survival and groth*
represents hich one of the folloing planning types!
2ong8range planning
&hort8range planning
+nnual planning
trategic planning

Question No: !% ( Marks: 1 ) - Please
coose one
%he publishers of (%he 9conomist* developed a
campaign to market the maga,ine to university and
college students studying business and management
Marketing Manage(ent M)Qs Page 3
courses$ %he publishers are focusing on hich of the
folloing strategies!
Product development
6ori,ontal diversification
"arket development
Conglomerate diversification

Question No: !' ( Marks: 1 ) - Please
coose one
In 1oston Consulting /roup approach, hich one of the
folloing is a measure of company@s strength in the market!
!elative market share
"arket share
1usiness portfolio
"arket groth rate

Question No: 30 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please
coose one
;ne of the contents of formal marketing plan that includes a
market description, a product revie, a revie of
competition and a revie of distribution is calledA
%hreats and opportunity analysis
;bjectives and issues
"arketing strategy
Current marketing situation
Question No: 31 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please
coose one
%he marketing mi0 consists of the four PsA product, price,
place, and promotion$ In the age of connectedness, these
tools might be more appropriately named the four CsA
Customer solution, Customer cost, Communication and
Customer control
Customer relationship

Question No: 3! ( Marks: 1 ) - Please
coose one
Which one of the folloing is #$T part of the micro
Cultural forces
'inancial intermediaries
Customer markets
"arketing channel firms

Question No: 33 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please
coose one
'inance, research and development, purchasing and
manufacturing all are the activities of hich element of the
micro environment!

Question No: 3" ( Marks: 1 ) - Please
coose one
Which one of the folloing forces is #$T the part of
company)s macro environment!

Question No: 35 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please
coose one
"arketing Information &ystem consists of people,
e5uipment, and procedures to gather, sort, BBBBB, evaluate,
and distribute information to marketing decision makers$

Question No: 3# ( Marks: 1 ) - Please
coose one
Identify the name of a vast public eb of computer
netorks that connect users of all types all around the orld
to each other!

Question No: 3$ ( Marks: 1 ) - Please
coose one
"r$ +1C has just brainstormed a large number of ideas for
adding ne products and services after visiting several
buying fairs$ %he oners ill begin the first idea8reducing
stage to select the good ideas and drop the poor ones$ What
is another name of idea reducing stage
Idea generation
(dea screening
Product concept
Concept development

Question No: 3% ( Marks: 1 ) - Please
coose one
Which one of the folloing product re5uires a lot of
advertising, personal selling and other marketing efforts
because consumer either does not kno about it or knos
about it but does not normally think about buying!
Marketing Manage(ent M)Qs Page "
&pecialty products
&hopping products
Industrial products
& +nsought products

Question No: 3' ( Marks: 1 ) - Please
coose one
1usiness markets can be segmented on the basis of all of the
folloing variables *,C*PT-
Personal characteristics
;perating variables
elling approaches
&ituational factors

Question No: "0 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please
coose one
"arkets can be segmented into group of non8users, e08
users, potential users, first8time users and regular users of a
product$ It refers to hich type of segmentation!
+ser status
7sage rate
2oyalty status
&eller status

Question No: "1 ( Marks: 10 )
+s a marketing manager you are going to launch a ne
product category CdetergentD, ho ill you apply the first
three steps of marketing process to launch this product!
Answer- #ew product launches are crucial to the success of a
business. they demand careful planning and flawless
execution% (nternal communications are vital to the early
success of the program, as is the support of senior
management, who must commit resources to the pro/ect%
0hile launching a new product we carefully guide the public
through these seven important steps that will help them
successfully bring their new products and services to market%
1% tudy your competition%
Many business marketing classes teach participants how to
perform a
0$T 2strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats3
analysis% 4ou have to start by taking a serious look at your
competitors% Make a list of the businesses that offer products
or services similar to the one you plan to launch% *ven if you
think your new product or service is entirely uni'ue and
without existing competition, it&s important to put yourself in
your prospective customers& shoes and imagine what they
might buy in lieu of what you plan to offer% $nce you decide
whom your competitors will be, review their marketing
materials, including their ads, brochures and websites%
*valuate how your new product
or service will stand up against what&s already being offered,
in what ways you&ll excel, and which companies or their
offerings pose the greatest threats to your success%
5% Target the ideal customer%
(t includes-6
2i3 Market segmentation- (t is the process of dividing
market into distinct groups of buyers with different needs
characteristic or behavior%
2ii3 Market targeting- (t is the process of evaluating each
mark segments attractiveness and selecting one or more
segments to eater%
2iii3 Market positioning- (t is arranging for a distinctive
and desirable place relative to competing products in the
minds of target consumers%
To successfully launch your new product or service with
minimum financial outlay, it&s essential to focus exclusively on
the prospects you believe are most likely to purchase from
you% These may be customers who are currently buying
something similar and will appreciate the additional features
your new product or service provides% 4our
best prospects have a perceived need for what you offer, can
afford to buy it and have demonstrated a willingness to do so66
probably by purchasing from your competition
stand apart from your competition and who will want to take
advantage of your offer%
7% D*8*9P(#: T;* MA!<*T(#: M(,-
Marketing Mix-(t is the set of controllable marketing
variables that the firm blends to produce the response it wants
in the target market%At this stage, you should have a clear
understanding of what you must offer in order to take attract
the customers%
)esides these three steps there are some more steps in
marketing process,0hich are e'ually important in the
launching of a new product%
=% Define your marketing strategy and tactics%
>% Test your concept and marketing approach%
?% !oll out your campaign%
@% <now your product&s lifecycle%
Question No: 1 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please
coose one
In a "ichael Porter "odel, hich one of the folloing
options is a major tool in the identification of ays to create
value in an organi,ation!
Chain model
%he 1C/ model
'ive forces model
=alue chain model

Question No: ! ( Marks: 1 ) - Please
coose one
+ marketing manager of a large consumer foods
company is studying distribution, promotion, and price
of the company@s product$ "arketing manager is
studying hich one of the folloing concepts!
"arketing plan
"arketing strategy
Marketing Manage(ent M)Qs Page 5
"arketing mi0
"arket offering

Question No: 3 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please
coose one
Which one of the folloing options represents this
statement (What place do you ant your product to hold in
the consumer)s mind*!

Question No: " ( Marks: 1 ) - Please
coose one
.elationship marketing is a consistent application of up to
date knoledge of individual customers to product and
service design$ Why it is communicated interactively to
'or delivering short term value E satisfaction to
'or delivering long term value E satisfaction to
'or delivering short term value to management
'or delivering long term value to management

Question No: 5 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please
coose one
+n important concept in hich e reali,e that losing a
customer means losing more than a single sale$ It means
losing the entire stream of purchases that the customer
ould make over a lifetime of patronage$ Which one of the
folloing options reflects this concept!
-et profit
Customer lifetime value
.elationship marketing
"arket share

Question No: # ( Marks: 1 ) - Please
coose one
When a church targets different demographic groups to
increase attendance, it is an e0ample of hich of the
folloing options!
-ot8for8profit marketing
"indless marketing
9thics in marketing
&ocietal marketing

Question No: $ ( Marks: 1 ) - Please
coose one
+irlines offer fre5uent flier marketing programs to build
value and satisfaction into the customer relationship$ 7sing
this approach, airlines add hich of the folloing benefits
to the customer relationship!
&ocial benefits
&tructural benefits
'inancial benefits
;ld age benefits

Question No: % ( Marks: 1 ) - Please
coose one
%he digital age ill fundamentally change customers)
thinking of convenience, speed, price, product information
and service$ %his ne consumer thinking ill affect hich
one of the folloing businesses!
+ fe businesses
9very business
9stablished businesses
&tarting up businesses

Question No: ' ( Marks: 1 ) - Please
coose one
&ome banks have increased their market share by offering
accounts especially for children in another city$ %his
e0ample illustrates hich of the folloing groth
"arket penetration
"arket development
6ori,ontal diversification
Conglomerate diversification

Question No: 10 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please
coose one
Which of the folloing sets refers to the order or se5uence
of marketing management functions!
Control F implementation F market planning
"arket planning F control F implementation
Implementation F control F market planning
"arketing planning F implementation 8 control

Question No: 11 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please
coose one
Your colleague is confused about using the marketing
research process$ In hich footstep he is feeling difficulty!
:efining the problem
:efining the research objectives
:efining the problem and research objectives
.esearching a research agency to help

Marketing Manage(ent M)Qs Page #
Question No: 1! ( Marks: 1 ) - Please
coose one
/athering secondary information is one of the steps of
developing the research plan$ What does the meaning of
secondary information in marketing research!
%hat does not currently e0ist in an organi,ed form
%hat already e0ists somehere, having been
collected for another purpose
%hat the researcher can obtain through surveys and
%hat already e0ists somehere in an organi,ed

Question No: 13 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please
coose one
Which method of research can be used to obtain
information if people are unilling or unable to provide!
'ocus groups
Personal intervies

Question No: 1" ( Marks: 1 ) - Please
coose one
Which one of the folloing statements )*T
characteri,es marketing research!
.esearch is a continuous process, providing a
constant flo of information
.esearch is conducted on a special8project basis
.esearch is performed hen routine information is
.esearch is the basis for making recurring
marketing decisions

Question No: 15 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please
coose one
+1C .esearch /roup must guard against problems during
the implementation phase of marketing research for its
clients$ %ypically, management ill not encounter hich of
these problems!
.espondents ho refuse to cooperate or give biased
Intervieers ho make mistakes or take shortcuts
Interpreting and reporting the findings
Primary data that conflict ith secondary data

Question No: 1# ( Marks: 1 ) - Please
coose one
.esearch of buying decisions by large companies to find out
hat they buy, here they buy, ho and ho much they
buy refers to hich one of the folloing buying decision!
"arket buying decision
Consumer buying decision
&ocial buying decision
/roup buying decision

Question No: 1$ ( Marks: 1 ) - Please
coose one
&ociety)s relatively permanent and ordered divisions hose
members share similar values, interests and behaviors
reflect hich one of the folloing option!
&ocial classes
6abitual buyers
Charismatic leaders
;pinion leaders

Question No: 1% ( Marks: 1 ) - Please
coose one
Which one of the folloing factor relates to family that
influences consumer behavior!

Question No: 1' ( Marks: 1 ) - Please
coose one
%he buying process starts from hich one of the folloing
stage in hich the buyer recogni,es a problem or need!
-eed recognition
Information search
9valuation of alternative
Purchase decision

Question No: !0 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please
coose one
You purchase cleaning supplies for your custodial help
regularly$ It is shoing hich buying situation!
"odified rebuy
&traight rebuy
"odified straight rebuy
Consumer buy

Question No: !1 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please
coose one
Marketing Manage(ent M)Qs Page $
(+ purchase in hich the customer buys the same goods in
the same 5uantity on the same terms from the same
supplier* refers to hich one of the folloing buying
"odified rebuy
&traight rebuy

Question No: !! ( Marks: 1 ) - Please
coose one
When a company caters to clothing, cosmetics and toiletries
markets, it is probably using hich type of segmentation!

Question No: !3 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please
coose one
"r$ +1C and his staff have decided to use target marketing
to reach their sales goals$ Which are their three steps Cin
orderD to target marketing!
"arket segmentation, market positioning and target
"arket segmentation, target marketing and market
"arket alignment, market segmentation and market
"arket recognition, market preference and market

Question No: !" ( Marks: 1 ) - Please
coose one
Which of the folloing are industrial products that aid in
the buyer)s production or operations, including installations
and accessory e5uipment!
&pecialty items
Capital items

Question No: !5 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please
coose one
:eveloping a product or service involves defining the
benefits that it ill offer$ %he benefits such as 5uality,
features and design, style that are communicated and
delivered comes under hich of the folloing categories!
Private brands
Product attributes
Consumer products
Product mi0es

Question No: !# ( Marks: 1 ) - Please
coose one
"arketers need to position their brands clearly in target
customers) minds$ %he strongest brands go beyond
attributes or benefit positioning$ ;n hich of the folloing
basis the products are positioned!
:esirable benefit
/ood packaging
&trong beliefs and values
Customer image

Question No: !$ ( Marks: 1 ) - Please
coose one
+n organi,ation ith several product lines has hich one of
the folloing mi0 that consists of all the product lines and
items hich a particular seller offers for sale!
Product mix
1rand mi0
Consumer mi0
Packaging mi0

Question No: !% ( Marks: 1 ) - Please
coose one
With hat groups do firms conduct concept testing for ne
%arget customers
'ocus groups

Question No: !' ( Marks: 1 ) - Please
coose one
+fter concept testing, a firm ould engage in hich stage
for developing and marketing a ne product!
"arketing strategy development
1usiness analysis
Product development
%est marketing

Question No: 30 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please
coose one
If the company)s sales are slo don, and profits level off
or decline$ +t hich stage the company has reached!

Marketing Manage(ent M)Qs Page %
Question No: 31 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please
coose one
Which of the folloing marketing mi0 activity is most
closely associated ith nesletters, catalogues and
invitations to organi,ation8sponsored events!

Question No: 3! ( Marks: 1 ) - Please
coose one
%hree main strategies for intensive groth are market
penetration, product development and BBBBBBBBBBBBBB$
Product improvement
"arket saturation
"arket groth
"arket development

Question No: 33 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please
coose one
1uying goods and services for further processing or for use
in the production process refers to hich of the folloing
Consumer markets
/overnment markets
1usiness markets
International markets

Question No: 3" ( Marks: 1 ) - Please
coose one
Which one of the folloing factor does not affect the
economic environment of organi,ations!
:onation to hospital
90change rate
=alue added ta0
:isposable income

Question No: 35 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please
coose one
Which one of the folloing are the M$T useful source of
speedier and more comprehensive information!
#ey customers
Company reports
&ales force

Question No: 3# ( Marks: 1 ) - Please
coose one
Which one of the folloing steps in the marketing research
process deals in ?defining the problems and research
objectives, implementing the research plan, and interpreting
and reporting the findings?!
:eveloping the research budget
Choosing the research agency
Choosing the research method
:eveloping the research plan

Question No: 3$ ( Marks: 1 ) - Please
coose one
Which one of the folloing sets represents H C)s of the
marketing mi0!
Customer solution, cost, convenience,
Customer, cost, convenience, comfort
Convenience, communication, coverage, cost
Cost, coverage, communication, consultancy

Question No: 3% ( Marks: 1 ) - Please
coose one
Chimney &eeps employs people to clean fireplaces
and chimneys in homes and apartments$ %he firm is
primarily the marketer of hich one of the folloing!
+n image
+ service
+ good
+n idea

Question No: 3' ( Marks: 1 ) - Please
coose one
In 1C/ matri0, hich one of the folloing &17s finances
the company)s 5uestion marks and stars!
Cash cos
Guestion marks

Note: Confusing question has no clear
Question No: "0 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please
coose one
9nvironmental groups are one kind of hich of the
folloing publics!
Citi,en8action publics
"edia publics
/overnment publics
2ocal publics

Question No: "1 ( Marks: 10 )
Marketing Manage(ent M)Qs Page '
%rend analysts labeled the specific areas of concern
regarding natural environment$ Identify those trends in the
firm)s natural environments$
Te N*T+,*- .N/01,NM.NT in2ol2es
natural resources tat are nee3e3 as
input 45 (arketers or tat are a6ecte3 45
(arketing acti2ities7
Tren3 anal5sts a2e la4ele3 te follo8ing
speci9c areas of concern regar3ing
natural en2iron(ent7
1) Storage of ,a8 (aterial7
,a8 (aterials are 2er5 i(portant in
natural en2iron(ent an3 te resources
like air: 8ater: 8oo3 pro3ucts a2e 4een
e6ecte3 an3 3a(age3 45 in3ustries7 ;or
e<a(ple non rene8a4le as oil: coal an3
2arious (inerals a2e 4een seriousl5
3eplete3 3uring in3ustrial e<pansion7
;oresigte3 co(panies are 4eco(ing
en2iron(entall5 frien3l5 an3 are
pro3ucing en2iron(entall5 safe an3
rec5clea4le or 4io3egra3ea4le goo3s7 Te
pu4lic response to tese co(panies is
encouraging o8e2er lack of a3e=uate
fun3ing speciall5 in tir3 8orl3 countries
is (a>or 4arrier7
!) 0ncrease3 population?
0ncrease3 population pose3 3i6erent
treats an3 is a 8or3 8i3e pro4le( an3
3a(age te in3ustr5 in (an5 8a5s7
3) Go2ern(ent inter2entions7
Gon2er(ent as cause3 en2ior(ental
concern to 4e (ore practical an3
necessar5 in 4usiness an3 in3ustr57
Go2ern(ent can ser2er te role of lea3er
to support tis an3 go2ern(ent can also
appl5 punis(ent sce(es tat go
against tis7 Go2ern(ent as greater role7
") .n2iorn(ental sustaina4le
Ma<i(u( e6orts soul3 4e 3one 45
co(panies to 3e2elop an3 i(ple(ent
en2ior(ental sustaina4le strategies7 1ne
goo3 e<a(ple is G,..N .;;.)T@M1/M.NT
7Te so calle3 green (o2e(ent as
encourage3 or e2en re=uire tat 9r(s
4uil3 strategies tat are not onl5
en2ior(ental frien3l5 an3 also te5
soul3 4e en2ior(entall5 proacti2e7 ;ir(s
are no8 8atcing te links 4et8een
ealt5 en2iron(ent an3 ealt5
Question No: 1 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
%he type of product that results from applying human and
mechanical efforts to people or objects refers to hich one of the
folloing options!
+n idea
A service
+ philosophy
+ concept

Question No: 2 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
When ;lympia Carpets develops ne carpets that are highly stain
resistant and durable, it must educate consumers about the
product@s benefits$ %his activity calls for hich one of the
folloing marketing mi0 variables!


Question No: 3 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
Customer)s evaluation of the difference beteen all the benefits
and all the costs of a marketing offer relative to those of
competing offers refers to hich of the folloing options!

Customer perceived value
"arketing myopia
Customer relationship management
Customer satisfaction

Question No: 4 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
Which one of the folloing statements by a company chairman
)*T reflects the marketing concept!
0e have organi"ed our business to satisfy the
customer needs
We believe that marketing department must organi,e to
sell hat e produce
We try to produce only high 5uality, technically efficient
We try to encourage company groth in the market

Question No: 5 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
Which one of the folloing concepts is a useful philosophy in a
situation hen the product)s cost is too high and marketers look
for ays to bring it don!

&elling concept
Product concept
Production concept
Marketing Manage(ent M)Qs Page 10
"arketing concept

Question No: 6 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
Which one of the folloing is a key to build lasting relationships
ith consumers!

Price of the product
-eed recognition
Customer satisfaction
Guality of product

Question No: 7 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
Which one of the folloing options enables consumers and
companies to access and share huge amounts of information ith
just a fe mouse clicks!

:igital age

Question No: 8 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
Which one of the folloing options is best to e0plain the purpose
of intranets!

1uying and selling processes
1usiness8to8business purchasing
Communication among employees
"aintaining customer relations

Question No: 9 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
Which of the folloing sets refers to the order or se5uence of
marketing management functions!

Control F implementation F market planning
"arket planning F control F implementation
Implementation F control F market planning
Marketing planning A implementation 6 control

Question No: 1 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
+dvertising agencies are an e0ample of hich of the folloing
marketing intermediaries!

Insurance company
'inancial intermediary
Marketing services agency
Physical distribution firm

Question No: 11 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
"arketing information from hich of the folloing databases can
be accessed more 5uickly and cheaply!
Internal E 90ternal

Question No: 12 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
%he objective of hich of the folloing research is to gather
preliminary information that ill help define the problem and
suggest hypotheses!


Question No: 13 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
Which method of research can be used to obtain information if
people are unilling or unable to provide!

'ocus groups
Personal interviews

Question No: 14 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
+ person on the 7niversity 1ook &hop@s survey asks respondents
to tell the shop, in their on ords, hat they like least about
te0tbook shopping$ What is a type of this 5uestion!

An open6ended
+ dichotomous
+ multiple choice
+ scale

Question No: 15 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
+1C .esearch /roup must guard against problems during the
implementation phase of marketing research for its clients$
%ypically, management ill not encounter hich of these

!espondents who refuse to cooperate or give biased
Intervieers ho make mistakes or take shortcuts
(nterpreting and reporting the findings
Primary data that conflict ith secondary data

Question No: 16 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
&ociety)s relatively permanent and ordered divisions hose
members share similar values, interests and behaviors reflect
hich one of the folloing option!

ocial classes
6abitual buyers
Charismatic leaders
;pinion leaders

Question No: 17 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
In a reference group, people having special skills, knoledge,
personality, or other characteristics, e0ert influence on others$
Which one of the folloing option refers to these people!

;pinion leaders
6abitual buyers
Charismatic personalities
Wild ducks

Question No: 18 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
+ change in an individual@s behavior prompted by information and
Marketing Manage(ent M)Qs Page 11
e0perience refers to hich one of the folloing concept!
.ole selection

Question No: 19 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
%he factors such as the buyer)s age, life8cycle stage, occupation,
economic situation, lifestyle, personality and self8concept that
influences buyer)s decisions refers to hich one of the folloing
Personal characteristics
Psychological characteristics
1ehavioral characteristics
Demographical characteristics

Question No: 2 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
Identify the process by hich individuals organi,e and interpret
their sensory impressions in order to give meaning to their

&elective group
6abitual behavior

Question No: 21 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
+ transaction in hich the organi,ation is making an initial
purchase of an item to be used to perform a ne job refers to
hich of the folloing purchases!
&traight rebuy purchase
:elayed purchase
#ew6task purchase
"odified rebuy purchase

Question No: 22 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
In its purchase of a small business computer, "r$ +tee5 asked that
potential suppliers provide information only on units ith 3"b of
memory$ +s management evaluates the purchase, it finds that 3"b
is inade5uate for many of the softare programs they use$ In this
instance, the firm ould need to modify hich aspect of the
purchase process!
&pecification development
+lternative evaluation
Performance evaluation

Question No: 23 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
'olloing are the variables for the segmentation of international
markets *,C*PTA
/eographic factors
9conomic factors
Cultural factors
Psychological factors

Question No: 24 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
With concentrated marketing, the marketer goes after a BBBBB
share of BBBBB$
&mall< a small market
&mall< a large market
9arge. one or a few niches
2arge< the mass market

Question No: 25 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
1eyond 5uality level, high 5uality also can mean high levels of
5uality consistency$ 6ere, ('reedom from defects and consistency
in delivering a targeted level of performance* refers to hich of
the folloing 5ualities!

Perceived 5uality
Product 'uality
+dherence 5uality
Conformance 5uality

Question No: 26 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
Customer service is another element of product strategy$ %he first
step is to survey customers periodically to assess the value of
current services and to obtain ideas for ne ones$ 'rom this
careful monitoring, marketer has learned that buyers are very
upset by repairs that are not done correctly the first time$ What is
the name of these types of services!
1rand e5uity services
Product support services
&ocial marketing services
7nsought product services

Question No: 27 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
In hich of the folloing cases to established brand names of
different companies are used on the same product!
1rand e0tension
1rand e5uity

Question No: 28 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
With hat groups do firms conduct concept testing for ne

%arget customers
'ocus groups

Question No: 29 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
;nce the product or service passes the business analysis test, it
moves into hich stage!
Concept development
Product development
"arket testing
Product proposal

Question No: 3 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
Which one of the folloing groups of people get the product
e0posure but is not often perceived by the majority of potential
buyers as typical consumers!
9arly "ajority
9ate Ma/ority
9arly +dopter

Marketing Manage(ent M)Qs Page 1!
Question No: 31 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
'irst -ational 1ank launches an innovative in8home banking
system tied to personal computers$ %he product is not idely
accepted because bank customers don@t see the need for such a
service$ Which one of the folloing is the best discretion of
product failure!
*stablishment of a customer information system
;rgani,ation structure
%echnological advancement
&canning corporate capabilities

Question No: 32 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
In 1oston Consulting /roup approach, hich one of the folloing
is a measure of company@s strength in the market!

!elative market share
"arket share
1usiness portfolio
"arket groth rate

Question No: 33 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
Which one of the folloing is a chief goal of the implementation
function in marketing process!

Develops marketing plans
%urns plans into actions
%akes corrective actions
:evelops strategic plans

Question No: 34 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
'inance, research and development, purchasing and
manufacturing all are the activities of hich element of the micro

Question No: 35 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
1uying goods and services for further processing or for use in the
production process refers to hich of the folloing markets!
Consumer markets
/overnment markets
1usiness markets
International markets

Question No: 36 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
Political force is one of the forces of marketing macro
environment$ Identify the vie of marketer about the political
&imple to recogni,e
)eyond their control
9asily ignored
9asily influenced

Question No: 37 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
Chimney &eeps employs people to clean fireplaces and
chimneys in homes and apartments$ %he firm is primarily the
marketer of hich one of the folloing!
+n image
A service
+ good
+n idea

Question No: 38 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
What does it sho (Increasing demand, as ell as changing or
even reducing demand*!

Marketing management
"arketing myopia
.elationship management

Question No: 39 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
9nvironmental groups are one kind of hich of the folloing

Citi,en8action publics
"edia publics
/overnment publics
9ocal publics

Question No: 4 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
Which one of the folloing is #$T considered as competitive
differentiation of a company!

Question No: 41 ( Marks: 1 )
6o ould you classify customers according to their buying
behavior based on the type of the product!

%he customers buying behavior is based on :emographical
characteristics, 1argaining, Guality of product and after sale
&ervice$ "arketer alays should concentrate on buyer)s needs
and re5uirements and provided better 5uality of service and create
good relationship ith that kind of customers and plan for
marketing accordingly to adhere ith those kinds of customers$
Question No: 1 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please
coose one
The type of product that results from applying
human and mechanical eforts to people or
objects refers to which one of the following
n idea
* ser2ice

Question No: ! ( Marks: 1 ) - Please
coose one
!hen "lympia Carpets de#elops new carpets
that are highly stain resistant and durable$ it
must educate consumers about the product%s
Marketing Manage(ent M)Qs Page 13
bene&ts. This acti#ity calls for which one of the
following mar'eting mi( #ariables?


Question No: 3 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please
coose one
Customer+s e#aluation of the diference
between all the bene&ts and all the costs of a
mar'eting ofer relati#e to those of competing
ofers refers to which of the following options?

Customer percei#ed #alue
,ar'eting myopia
Customer relationship management
)usto(er satisfaction

Question No: " ( Marks: 1 ) - Please
coose one
!hich one of the following statements by a
company chairman A.ST re-ects the
mar'eting concept?
Be a2e organiCe3 our 4usiness to
satisf5 te custo(er nee3s
!e belie#e that mar'eting department
must organi.e to sell what we produce
!e try to produce only high quality$
technically e/cient products
!e try to encourage company growth in
the mar'et

Question No: 5 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please
coose one
!hich one of the following concepts is a useful
philosophy in a situation when the product+s
cost is too high and mar'eters loo' for ways to
bring it down?

0elling concept
Pro3uct concept
)roduction concept
,ar'eting concept

Question No: # ( Marks: 1 ) - Please
coose one
!hich one of the following is a 'ey to build
lasting relationships with consumers?

)rice of the product
Need recognition
)usto(er satisfaction
1uality of product

Question No: $ ( Marks: 1 ) - Please
coose one
!hich one of the following options enables
consumers and companies to access and share
huge amounts of information with just a few
mouse clic's?

*igital age

Question No: % ( Marks: 1 ) - Please
coose one
!hich one of the following options is best to
e(plain the purpose of intranets?

3uying and selling processes
3usiness4to4business purchasing
)o((unication a(ong e(plo5ees
,aintaining customer relations

Question No: ' ( Marks: 1 ) - Please
coose one
!hich of the following sets refers to the order
or sequence of mar'eting management

Control 5 implementation 5 mar'et
,ar'et planning 5 control 5
2mplementation 5 control 5 mar'et
Marketing planning D
i(ple(entation - control

Question No: 10 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please
coose one
d#ertising agencies are an e(ample of which
of the following mar'eting intermediaries?

2nsurance company
6inancial intermediary
Marketing ser2ices agenc5
)hysical distribution &rm

Question No: 11 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please
coose one
Marketing Manage(ent M)Qs Page 1"
,ar'eting information from which of the
following databases can be accessed more
quic'ly and cheaply?
2nternal 8 7(ternal

Question No: 1! ( Marks: 1 ) - Please
coose one
The objecti#e of which of the following research
is to gather preliminary information that will
help de&ne the problem and suggest


Question No: 13 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please
coose one
!hich method of research can be used to
obtain information if people are unwilling or
unable to pro#ide?

6ocus groups
Personal inter2ie8s

Question No: 1" ( Marks: 1 ) - Please
coose one
person on the :ni#ersity 3oo' 0hop%s sur#ey
as's respondents to tell the shop$ in their own
words$ what they li'e least about te(tboo'
shopping. !hat is a type of this question?

*n open-en3e3
multiple choice

Question No: 15 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please
coose one
3C 9esearch ;roup must guard against
problems during the implementation phase of
mar'eting research for its clients. Typically$
management will not encounter which of these

,espon3ents 8o refuse to
cooperate or gi2e 4iase3 ans8ers
2nter#iewers who ma'e mista'es or ta'e
0nterpreting an3 reporting te
)rimary data that con-ict with secondary

Question No: 1# ( Marks: 1 ) - Please
coose one
0ociety+s relati#ely permanent and ordered
di#isions whose members share similar #alues$
interests and beha#iors re-ect which one of the
following option?

Social classes
<abitual buyers
Charismatic leaders
"pinion leaders

Question No: 1$ ( Marks: 1 ) - Please
coose one
2n a reference group$ people ha#ing special
s'ills$ 'nowledge$ personality$ or other
characteristics$ e(ert in-uence on others.
!hich one of the following option refers to
these people?

"pinion leaders
<abitual buyers
)aris(atic personalities
!ild duc's

Question No: 1% ( Marks: 1 ) - Please
coose one
change in an indi#idual%s beha#ior prompted
by information and e(perience refers to which
one of the following concept?
9ole selection

Question No: 1' ( Marks: 1 ) - Please
coose one
The factors such as the buyer+s age$ life4cycle
stage$ occupation$ economic situation$ lifestyle$
personality and self4concept that in-uences
buyer+s decisions refers to which one of the
following characteristic?
)ersonal characteristics
)sychological characteristics
3eha#ioral characteristics
Ee(ograpical caracteristics

Marketing Manage(ent M)Qs Page 15
Question No: !0 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please
coose one
2dentify the process by which indi#iduals
organi.e and interpret their sensory
impressions in order to gi#e meaning to their

0electi#e group
<abitual beha#ior

Question No: !1 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please
coose one
transaction in which the organi.ation is
ma'ing an initial purchase of an item to be
used to perform a new job refers to which of
the following purchases?
0traight rebuy purchase
*elayed purchase
Ne8-task purcase
,odi&ed rebuy purchase

Question No: !! ( Marks: 1 ) - Please
coose one
2n its purchase of a small business computer$
,r. teeq as'ed that potential suppliers pro#ide
information only on units with >,b of memory.
s management e#aluates the purchase$ it
&nds that >,b is inadequate for many of the
software programs they use. 2n this instance$
the &rm would need to modify which aspect of
the purchase process?
0peci&cation de#elopment
lternati#e e#aluation
Perfor(ance e2aluation

Question No: !3 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please
coose one
6ollowing are the #ariables for the
segmentation of international mar'ets .F).PT:
;eographic factors
7conomic factors
Cultural factors
Ps5cological factors

Question No: !" ( Marks: 1 ) - Please
coose one
!ith concentrated mar'eting$ the mar'eter
goes after a ????? share of ?????.
0mall@ a small mar'et
0mall@ a large mar'et
-arge? one or a fe8 nices
=arge@ the mass mar'et

Question No: !5 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please
coose one
3eyond quality le#el$ high quality also can
mean high le#els of quality consistency. <ere$
A6reedom from defects and consistency in
deli#ering a targeted le#el of performanceB
refers to which of the following qualities?

)ercei#ed quality
Pro3uct =ualit5
dherence quality
Conformance quality

Question No: !# ( Marks: 1 ) - Please
coose one
Customer ser#ice is another element of product
strategy. The &rst step is to sur#ey customers
periodically to assess the #alue of current
ser#ices and to obtain ideas for new ones. 6rom
this careful monitoring$ mar'eter has learned
that buyers are #ery upset by repairs that are
not done correctly the &rst time. !hat is the
name of these types of ser#ices?
3rand equity ser#ices
Pro3uct support ser2ices
0ocial mar'eting ser#ices
:nsought product ser#ices

Question No: !$ ( Marks: 1 ) - Please
coose one
2n which of the following cases two established
brand names of diferent companies are used
on the same product?
3rand e(tension
3rand equity

Question No: !% ( Marks: 1 ) - Please
coose one
!ith what groups do &rms conduct concept
testing for new products?

Target customers
6ocus groups

Question No: !' ( Marks: 1 ) - Please
coose one
Marketing Manage(ent M)Qs Page 1#
"nce the product or ser#ice passes the
business analysis test$ it mo#es into which
Concept de#elopment
Pro3uct 3e2elop(ent
,ar'et testing
)roduct proposal

Question No: 30 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please
coose one
!hich one of the following groups of people get
the product e(posure but is not often percei#ed
by the majority of potential buyers as typical
7arly ,ajority
-ate Ma>orit5
7arly dopter

Question No: 31 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please
coose one
6irst National 3an' launches an inno#ati#e in4
home ban'ing system tied to personal
computers. The product is not widely accepted
because ban' customers don%t see the need for
such a ser#ice. !hich one of the following is the
best discretion of product failure?
.sta4lis(ent of a custo(er
infor(ation s5ste(
"rgani.ation structure
Technological ad#ancement
0canning corporate capabilities

Question No: 3! ( Marks: 1 ) - Please
coose one
2n 3oston Consulting ;roup approach$ which
one of the following is a measure of company%s
strength in the mar'et?

,elati2e (arket sare
,ar'et share
3usiness portfolio
,ar'et growth rate

Question No: 33 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please
coose one
!hich one of the following is a chief goal of the
implementation function in mar'eting process?

Ee2elops (arketing plans
Turns plans into actions
Ta'es correcti#e actions
*e#elops strategic plans

Question No: 3" ( Marks: 1 ) - Please
coose one
6inance$ research and de#elopment$ purchasing
and manufacturing all are the acti#ities of
which element of the micro en#ironment?

Question No: 35 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please
coose one
3uying goods and ser#ices for further
processing or for use in the production process
refers to which of the following mar'ets?
)onsu(er (arkets
;o#ernment mar'ets
3usiness mar'ets
2nternational mar'ets

Question No: 3# ( Marks: 1 ) - Please
coose one
)olitical force is one of the forces of mar'eting
macro en#ironment. 2dentify the #iew of
mar'eter about the political forces.
0imple to recogni.e
Ae5on3 teir control
7asily ignored
7asily in-uenced

Question No: 3$ ( Marks: 1 ) - Please
coose one
Chimney 0weeps employs people to clean
&replaces and chimneys in homes and
apartments. The &rm is primarily the mar'eter
of which one of the following?
n image
* ser2ice
n idea

Question No: 3% ( Marks: 1 ) - Please
coose one
!hat does it show A2ncreasing demand$ as well
as changing or e#en reducing demandB?

Marketing (anage(ent
,ar'eting myopia
9elationship management

Question No: 3' ( Marks: 1 ) - Please
coose one
Marketing Manage(ent M)Qs Page 1$
7n#ironmental groups are one 'ind of which of
the following publics?

Citi.en4action publics
,edia publics
;o#ernment publics
-ocal pu4lics

Question No: "0 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please
coose one
!hich one of the following is N1T considered
as competiti#e diferentiation of a company?

Question No: "1 ( Marks: 10 )
<ow would you classify customers according to
their buying beha#ior based on the type of the

The customers buying beha#ior is based on
*emographical characteristics$ 3argaining$
1uality of product and after sale 0er#ice.
,ar'eter always should concentrate on buyer+s
needs and requirements and pro#ided better
quality of ser#ice and create good relationship
with that 'ind of customers and plan for
mar'eting accordingly to adhere with those
'inds of customers.

Question No: 1 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please
coose one
If the company)s sales are slo don, and profits level off
or decline$ +t hich stage the company has reached!
& Maturity

Question No: ! ( Marks: 1 ) - Please
coose one
+ period of rapid market acceptance and increasing profits
refers to hich of the folloing stages of the product life

Question No: 3 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please
coose one
In hich of the folloing product life cycle stages, sales are
,ero and the company)s investment costs mount!
Product development

Question No: " ( Marks: 1 ) - Please
coose one
Which one of the folloing groups is skeptical and adopts
innovations only after most of the market has accepted the
9ate ma/ority
9arly +dopter
9arly "ajority

Question No: 5 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please
coose one
+ revie of the sales, costs and profit projections for a ne
product to find out hether they satisfy the company)s
objectives refers to hich one of the folloing concepts!
1usiness feasibility
'easibility study
)usiness analysis
Product acceptance

Question No: # ( Marks: 1 ) - Please
coose one
+fter concept testing, a firm ould engage in hich stage
for developing and marketing a ne product!
& Marketing strategy development
1usiness analysis
Product development
%est marketing

Question No: $ ( Marks: 1 ) - Please
coose one
Which one of the folloing categories refers to a group of
products that are closely related because they function in a
similar manner, are sold to the same customer groups, are
marketed through the same type of outlets, or fall ithin
given price ranges!
Product line
2ine e0tension
Private brand
Marketing Manage(ent M)Qs Page 1%
Product bandidth

Question No: % ( Marks: 1 ) - Please
coose one
"arketers need to position their brands clearly in target
customers) minds$ %he strongest brands go beyond
attributes or benefit positioning$ ;n hich of the folloing
basis the products are positioned!
Desirable benefit
/ood packaging
&trong beliefs and values
Customer image

Question No: ' ( Marks: 1 ) - Please
coose one
Which one of the folloing attribute may grab attention and
produce pleasing aesthetics, but it does not necessarily
make the product perform better!

Question No: 10 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please
coose one
You have an upset stomach$ Your spouse rushes to the
corner convenience store for a medicine$ %his product falls
under hich of the folloing categories!

Question No: 11 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please
coose one
Product planners need to think about products and services
on three levels$ 9ach level adds more customer value$
Which one of the folloing is the most basic level that
addresses the 5uestion, (What is the buyer really buying!*
+ctual product
+ugmented product
Core benefit

Question No: 1! ( Marks: 1 ) - Please
coose one
"ass marketers, such as %arget and =enture &tores, ignore
market segment differences and target the hole market
ith one offer$ What is their approach to segmenting!
+ndifferentiated marketing
:ifferentiated marketing
%arget marketing
Intelligent marketing

Question No: 13 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please
coose one
+ marketer has brought same products in the market for all
segments ithout considering the needs and ants of the
customers$ Which one of the folloing strategy is being
practiced by the marketer!
+ndifferentiated marketing strategy
:ifferentiated marketing strategy
Concentrated marketing strategy
Custom marketing strategy

Question No: 1" ( Marks: 1 ) - Please
coose one
:emographic segmentation divides the market into groups
based on hich of the folloing variables!
&i,e, location, industry, customer
&i,e, company, industry, technology
9ocation, si"e, occupation, race
Customer, technology, company, industry

Question No: 15 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please
coose one
Income segmentation is used to target hich of the
folloing groups!
"iddle class
& 9ower income class
+ll of the given options

Question No: 1# ( Marks: 1 ) - Please
coose one
When a company identifies the parts of the market it can
serve best and most profitably$ Which one of the folloing
factor is in the practice of a company!
Concentrated marketing
"ass marketing
%argeted marketing
"arket segmentation

Question No: 1$ ( Marks: 1 ) - Please
coose one
Which of the folloing demands that business markets have
Derived demands
&teady demands

Question No: 1% ( Marks: 1 ) - Please
coose one
Marketing Manage(ent M)Qs Page 1'
%he mental act, condition or habit of placing trust or
confidence in another shos hich of the folloing

Question No: 1' ( Marks: 1 ) - Please
coose one
People are e0pected to perform activities according to the
persons around them$ %hese activities reflect hich one of
the folloing concept!

Question No: !0 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please
coose one
6o do consumers respond to various marketing efforts the
company might use! What is a starting point of a buyer)s
Post purchase feeling
& timulus6response Model

Question No: !1 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please
coose one
+ person on the 7niversity 1ook &hop@s survey asks
respondents to tell the shop, in their on ords, hat
they like least about te0tbook shopping$ What is a type
of this 5uestion!
An open6ended
+ dichotomous
+ multiple choice
+ scale

Question No: !! ( Marks: 1 ) - Please
coose one
/eneral "otors need to assess the company@s image
relative to a ne competitor$ %he time schedule is
fle0ible, the research budget is very limited and a lo
response rate ill not be a major problem$ Which one
of the folloing survey ould be used by /eneral
Personal intervie

Question No: !3 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please
coose one
If Proctor and /amble need to kno hat percentage
of customers e0amines product labels before making a
product selection in the supermarket! 1y hich
method this study ould be accomplished!
'ocus groups
"ail surveys
Personal intervies

Question No: !" ( Marks: 1 ) - Please
coose one
%he objective of hich of the folloing research is to
gather preliminary information that ill help define the
problem and suggest hypotheses!

Question No: !5 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please
coose one
6arvard 7niversity is using the systematic design,
collection, analysis, and reporting of data relevant to
marketing its programs to minority students$ What do e
call this!
Marketing research
Cost8benefit analysis

Question No: !# ( Marks: 1 ) - Please
coose one
"arketing information from hich of the folloing
databases can be accessed more 5uickly and cheaply!
Internal E 90ternal
& (nternal

Question No: !$ ( Marks: 1 ) - Please
coose one
%he marketing information system is not limited to use by
the company$ It may also provide information to hich of
the folloing!
%he government
Marketing Manage(ent M)Qs Page !0
*xternal partners
=arious publics

Question No: !% ( Marks: 1 ) - Please
coose one
1eliefs and values that are passed on from parents to
children and are reinforced by schools, churches, business
and government refer to hich of the folloing beliefs and

Question No: !' ( Marks: 1 ) - Please
coose one
Which of the folloing forces shos the marketing macro
:emographic, economic, natural, technological,
political, and social
:emographic, natural, economic, political, social,
and cultural
Demographic, economic, natural, technological,
political, and cultural
:emographic, economic, natural, social, political,
and legal

Question No: 30 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please
coose one
'inance, research and development, purchasing and
manufacturing are all activities of hich element of the
%he suppliers
%he competitors
The companies
%he publics

Question No: 31 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please
coose one
Which one of the folloing is #$T a content of marketing

Question No: 3! ( Marks: 1 ) - Please
coose one
&ome banks have increased their market share by offering
accounts especially for children in another city$ %his
e0ample illustrates hich of the folloing groth
"arket penetration
Market development
6ori,ontal diversification
Conglomerate diversification

Question No: 33 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please
coose one
%hree main strategies for intensive groth are market
penetration, product development and the other one!
Product improvement
"arket saturation
"arket groth
& Market development

Question No: 3" ( Marks: 1 ) - Please
coose one
(Planning that involves developing a strategy to meet
competition and ensure long8term survival and groth*
represents hich one of the folloing planning type!
2ong8range planning
&hort8range planning
+nnual planning
trategic planning

Question No: 35 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please
coose one
In case of an intense competition there are a number of
manufacturers and buyers ho have more options for
product sitching$ Which one of the folloing forces
represents it!
%hreat of ne entrants
1argaining poer of buyers
1argaining poer of suppliers
!ivalry among competing firms

Question No: 3# ( Marks: 1 ) - Please
coose one
Which one of the folloing concepts is a useful philosophy
in a situation hen the product)s cost is too high and
marketers look for ays to bring it don!
&elling concept
Product concept
Production concept
"arketing concept

Marketing Manage(ent M)Qs Page !1
Question No: 3$ ( Marks: 1 ) - Please
coose one
When a church targets different demographic groups to
increase attendance, it is an e0ample of hich of the
folloing options!
"indless marketing
9thics in marketing
&ocietal marketing
#ot6for6profit marketing

Question No: 3% ( Marks: 1 ) - Please
coose one
If a food company gives I percent discount in particular
burger to increase sales, it is altering hich one of the
folloing elements of the marketing mi0!

Question No: 3' ( Marks: 1 ) - Please
coose one
+n automobile manufacturing company places steel
beams in the doors of its cars for hich of the
folloing purposes!
Increase short run customer satisfaction
Increase long run customer satisfaction
+dd style to its cars
!educe the possibility of accidents

Question No: "0 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please
coose one
Identify the name for the recent technology advances
including ide use of the Internet!
+n old economy
+ ne orld$
The digital age

Question No: "1 ( Marks: 10 )
+ marketer plays an important role in increasing the sales of
an organi,ation$ What guiding principles did he follo to
become a successful marketer and hich skills he needed!
6e should satisfy the customers@ need ith 5uality
product, competitive price and satisfaction on the
company@s brand$
6e should meet the market demand by supplying
sufficient 5uantity of his products as, hen and here
6e should use the modern techni5ues of promotion
of his product or service to convince the mind of customers$
6e should provide good after sale services to
further satisfy the customers$ 'eedback from the market and
take remedial measures to improve the 5uality of product,
packaging and labeling should also be improved$
6e ill have good market survey to ensure the
improvement of his product and competitive price$
The #erbal portion of an ad#ertisement$ including
headlines$ body$ and signature re-ects which one
of the following concepts? 0elect correct option:
Connecting with employees in the company
refers to which of the following options? 0elect
correct option:
!orld !ide !eb
!hich one of the following afects both
demographic and psychological factors? 0elect
1uantity discounts
Price elasticit5
1uality discounts
,ar'4up pricing
The name of a #ast public web of computer
networ's that connect users of all types all
around the world to each other? 0elect correct
ccording to ,int.berg$ when a manager
searches the organi.ation and its en#ironment for
opportunities and initiates projects to bring about
change$ the manager is acting in which role?
0elect correct option:
9esource allocator
!hich one of the following concept states that
consumers will fa#or products that ofer the most
Marketing Manage(ent M)Qs Page !!
quality$ performance and features? 0elect correct
Pro3uct concept handouts pageCD
0elling concept
,ar'eting concept
)roduction concept
Collecting$ and interpretation of data
refer to which of the following concepts? 0elect
correct option:
Marketing researc handouts page
,ar'eting intelligence
,ar'eting information
,ar'eting 'nowledge
2n 0!"T analysis$ strength and wea'nesses are
part of which of the following en#ironment?
0elect correct option:
manufacturer spends a large amount of money
on research and de#elopment leading to the
introduction of a product that is li'ely to present
the &rm with a brea'through opportunity. The
manufacturer prices the product with the goal of
achie#ing a CD percent return on its in#estment.
!hich of the following types of pricing objecti#es
is the company using? 0elect correct option:
Target return
)ro&t ma(imi.ation
Nonprice competition
,eeting competition
!hich of the following is an intensi#e growth
strategy of increasing sales in present mar'ets
with present products? 0elect correct option:
,ar'et de#elopment
Market penetration pageFF
)roduct de#elopment
,ar'et saturation
!hich one of the following concept is the latest in
a mar'eting philosophy? 0elect correct
Societal (arketing concept page CD
0elling concept
,ar'eting concept
)roduction concept
!hich one of the following set is considered as a
&t4match of &rm? 0elect correct option:
1pportunities D strengt
"pportunities 4 wea'nesses
"pportunities 5 customer demand
Customer #alue 4 wea'ness
)ublics including wor'ers$ managers$ #olunteers
and the board of directors show which of the
following publics? 0elect correct option:
Citi.en4action publics
=ocal publics
;eneral publics
0nternal Pu4lics page""
mar'eting manager of a large consumer foods
company is studying distribution$ promotion$
and price of the company%s product. ,ar'eting
manager is studying which one of the following
concepts? 0elect correct option:
,ar'eting strategy
Marketing (i<
,ar'et ofering
,ar'eting plan
2n the 3C; approach$ stars are high4share$ high4
growth businesses or products. They need hea#y
in#estment to &nance rapid growth. !hen their
growth slows down$ they turn into which of the
following? 0elect correct option:
1uestion mar's
Cash cows
Trust and trustworthiness afect a leader+s access
*edication and achie#ement
)ersuasion and control
)ower and in-uence
Gnowledge and cooperation
Halue pricingI means setting a fair price for a
mar'eting mi( that gi#es the target mar'et
superior customer #alue. 0elect correct option:
!hich one of the following promotion tools
includes press releases and special e#ents?
0elect correct option:
)ersonal selling
*irect mar'eting
Marketing Manage(ent M)Qs Page !3
)ublic relations
Companies should set up systems that ?????
customer to complain. 0elect correct option:
*o not allow
None of the gi#en options
3uyer decision process consists of &#e stages.
!hich of the following is N"T one of these
stages? 0elect correct option:
7#aluation of lternati#es
0nfor(ation searc
Hariety4see'ing buying beha#ior
)ost purchase beha#ior
)ublics44carry news$ features$ and editorial
opinions refer to which of the following publics?
0elect correct option:
6inancial publics
Me3ia pu4lics pageJF
;o#ernment publics
Citi.en4action publics
ll of the following are the customer mar'ets
7KC7)T which of the following? 0elect correct
9eseller mar'ets
Go2ern(ent (arkets page JF
2nternational mar'ets
3usiness mar'ets
The standards that state the amount each
salesperson should sell and how sales should be
di#ided among the company+s products. 2t refers
to which one of the following concepts? 0elect
correct option:
0ales goals
Company quotas
Sales =uotas page >LM
0ales incenti#es
There are major steps in media selection. !hich
is N"T one of these steps? 0elect correct
*eciding on reach$ frequency$ and impact
Choosing among major media types
0electing speci&c media #ehicles
Eeci3ing on for(at ele(ents page 1$3
0ociety and culture shape the basic form of
human needs refers to which one of the following
option? 0elect correct option:
Bants page10
n e(change
!hat is our business? !ho+s our customer? !hat
do our customers #alue? !hat should our
business be? ll these simple4sounding questions
de&ne which of the following concepts?
"bjecti#es and goals
Mission state(ent pageCM
3usiness portfolio
"perational strategies
6inance$ research and de#elopment$ purchasing
and manufacturing are all acti#ities of which
element of the micro en#ironment? 0elect correct
The supplier
The Competitor
Te co(pan5 page"!
The public
ll of the following are the stages in the adoption
process 7KC7)T: 0elect correct option: wareness
-aggar3s page$3
Connecting with employees in the company
refers to which of the following options? 0elect
correct option:
0ntranet page!3
!orld !ide !eb
!hat is generally the result of groupthin'? 0elect
correct option:
<igher quality decisions
,ore ris'y decisions
=ess critical analysis
:npopular decisions
?????????? is a retail establishment that
combines supermar'et and discount store
shopping in one location. 0elect correct option:
*epartment store
,ega mar'et
Marketing Manage(ent M)Qs Page !"
!hich one of the following is N"T a part of
industry structure analysis? 0elect correct option:
7ntryNe(it barriers
)o(petitor page "'
Characteristics such as age$ gender and marital
status are 'nown as ?????????????????
0elect correct option:
)sychographic characteristics
Aiograpical caracteristics
;eographical characteristics
3eha#ioral characteristics
2n the 3oston Consulting ;roup approach$ which
one of the following is a measure of company
strength in the mar'et?
0elect correct option:
9elati#e mar'et share
A)G (atri< page31
3usiness portfolio
,ar'et growth rate
!hich one of the following is the function of
direct distribution channel?
0elect correct option:
Te Ho8 of pro3ucts fro( pro3ucers to
=in's producer to othe r mar'eting intermediaries
Ta'es title to products and resells them
,anages transportation and warehousing
&rm that operates in more than one country
'nown as: 0elect correct option: Glo4al 9r(
,ar'eting &rm
"perating &rm
"utside &rm
!hy do manufacturers ofer channel members
quantity discounts$ promotional allowances and
slotting allowances?
0elect correct option:
To increase the le#el of #ertical integration
To establish long4term transactional relationships
To ta'e ad#antage of price elasticity
To encourage them to acti#ely mar'et the
6ollowing are the elements of the mar'eting mi(
7KC7)T: 0elect correct option:
Target (arket
!hich one of the following is the function of
direct distribution channel? 0elect correct
Te Ho8 of pro3ucts fro( pro3ucers to
=in's producers to other mar'eting
Ta'es title to products and resells them
,anages transportation and warehousing
Connecting with employees in the company
refers to which of the following options? 0elect
correct option:
!orld !ide !eb
To reduce in#entory management costs$ many
companies use a system where they carry only
small in#entories of parts or merchandise$ often
only enough for a few days of operation refers to
which of the following concepts? 0elect correct
Iust-in-ti(e logistics page1"3
=imited in#entory logistics
7conomic order quantity
0upply chain management
!hat can be ofered to a mar'et to satisfy a need
or want? 0elect correct option:
Customer #alue
Pro3uct page10
*istribution of product to get it in the mar'et
refers to which of the following acti#ities? 0elect
correct option:
0elling acti#ities
d#ertising acti#ities
)romotion acti#ities
Place or 3istri4ution acti2ities page1$
!hich of the following statements about the
determinants of personality is true? 0elect
Marketing Manage(ent M)Qs Page !5
Personalit5 appears to 4e a result of
e<ternal factors
)ersonality appears to be a result of mainly
hereditary factors
)ersonality appears to be a result of mainly
en#ironmental factors
)ersonality appears to be a result of both
hereditary and en#ironmental factors
!hich of the following group is focused by
producer to sell their products? 0elect correct
option: 6inal users
0nter(e3iaries page"3
The go#ernment
!hich one of the following is the major direct4
mar'eting communications tool in today+s
business world? 0elect correct option:
Tele2ision (arketing page1'!
Gios' mar'eting
Telephone mar'eting
Catalog mar'eting
!hich one of the following factor relates to family
that in-uences consumer beha#ior? 0elect
correct option:
Social page #"
!hich of the following is N"T a sales promotion?
0elect correct option:
TH commercials
!hich one of the following is the way in which
consumers percei#e an actual or potential
0elect correct option:
)roduct idea
Pro3uct concept page103
)roduct image
Test mar'et
!hich one of the following option is true for
,ar'eting? 0elect correct option:
Ee(an3 (anage(ent
Customer relationship
,a'ing a sale
,a'ing a pro&t
The #erbal portion of an ad#ertisement$ including
headlines$ body$ and signature re-ects which
one of the following concepts? 0elect correct
!hat are the companies doing from the following
options as a result of an e(plosion of more
focused media that better match today+s
targeting strategies? 0elect correct option:
,ore narrowcasting and less broadcasting
-ess 4roa3casting an3 (ore narro8casting
=ess narrowcasting and broadcasting
,ore narrowcasting and broadcasting
)eople often buy the 'ind of clothing. !hat does
it show? 0elect correct option:
-ifest5le page##
2n international pricing companies that mar'et
their products internationally must decide what
prices to charge in the diferent countries in
which they operate. 0elect correct option:
Marketing Manage(ent M)Qs Page !#
Question No: 1 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
Which one of the folloing phrases reflects the
marketing concept!
%he supplier is a king in the market
"arketing should be vieed as hunting not gardening
%his is hat I make, on@t you please buy it!
This is what ( want, won&t you please make itB
Question No: 2 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
If a local company ants to adopt the marketing concept$
%o be consistent ith this
move, it should adopt hich of the folloing
'ocusing on today is important for us
"aking money is our business
The customer is always right
#eeping prices lo is our objective
Question No: 3 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
Which one of the folloing options is best to e0plain the
purpose of intranets!
1uying and selling processes
1usiness8to8business purchasing
Communication among employees
"aintaining customer relations
Question No: 4 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
+ll of the folloing are accurate descriptions of a
company@s mission statement,
*,C*PT hich one!
"ission statement should fit the market environment
"ission statement should be realistic
Mission statement should be broad
"ission statement should be motivating
Question No: 5 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
Which of the folloing sets refers to the order or
se5uence of marketing management functions!
Control 8 implementation 8 market planning
"arket planning 8 control 8 implementation
Implementation 8 control 8 market planning
Marketing planning 6 implementation A control
Question No: 6 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
+dvertising agencies are an e0ample of hich of the
folloing marketing intermediaries!
Insurance company
Cinancial intermediary
"arketing services agency
Physical distribution firm
Question No: 7 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
?6o people feel about corporations, government
agencies, trade unions and universities? refers to hich of
the folloing vies!
People@s vie of others
People@s vie of societies
People@s vie of themselves
People&s view of organi"ations
Question No: 8 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
Which one of the folloing is #$T a part of the macro8
:emographic forces
-atural forces
Competitors& forces
Political forces
Question No: 9 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
"arketing information from hich of the folloing
databases can be accessed more
5uickly and cheaply!
(nternal D *xternal
Question No: 1 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
/athering secondary information is one of the steps of
developing the research plan$
What does the meaning of secondary information in
marketing research!
%hat does not currently e0ist in an organi,ed form
That already exists somewhere, having been
collected for another purpose
%hat the researcher can obtain through surveys and
%hat already e0ists somehere in an organi,ed form
Question No: 11 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
&urvey research, called the backbone of primary
research, is the most idely used
method for primary data collection and is best suited for
gathering hich of the folloing information!
Question No: 12 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
If +1C 2td knos that its market share in Pakistan has
dropped 34 percent in the first
5uarter of the year but does not kno hat might have
contributed to this decline, it is in
Marketing Manage(ent M)Qs Page !$
hich stage of the marketing research process!
6ypothesis development
ymptom identification
Problem identification
:ata interpretation
Question No: 13 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
Which one of the folloing factor is #$T used for
measuring the social class!
-umber of children in family
Question No: 14 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
Which one of the folloing three8step process represents
"otivation, personality and attitudes
Collecting, eliminating and organi,ing information
Receiving, organizing and interpreting
information inputs
+nticipating, classifying and discarding information
Question No: 15 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
Person@s pattern of living as e0pressed in his or her
psychographics represents hich one
of the folloing concept!
Question No: 16 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
Which one of the folloing option represents the
collection of data for the purpose of
applying appropriate actions at a subse5uent time!
Question No: 17 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
Which one of the folloing is #$T the stage that
customers go through in the process of adopting a ne
Question No: 18 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
+fter deciding to order replacement parts for ageing
machinery, the buyer for a
construction company e0amines catalogues and trade
publications$ %he buyer is probably
at hich stage of the organi,ational buying decision
Problem recognition
Product specification
Product8supplier search
Product evaluation
Question No: 19 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
:emographic segmentation divides the market into
groups based on hich of the
folloing variables!
&i,e, location, industry, customer
&i,e, company, industry, technology
2ocation, si,e, occupation, race
Customer, technology, company, industry
Question No: 2 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
Which of the folloing factors are often used for
segmenting customer groups!
/eographic factors
Psychographic factors
1ehavioral factors
Demographic factors
Question No: 21 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
+ marketer has brought same products in the market for
all segments ithout
considering the needs and ants of the customers$ Which
one of the folloing strategy is
being practiced by the marketer!
+ndifferentiated marketing strategy
:ifferentiated marketing strategy
Concentrated marketing strategy
Custom marketing strategy
Question No: 22 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
1uyer8 seller similarities is an attribute comes under
hich one of the folloing
:emographic factors
Personal characteristics
ituational factors
;perating variables
Question No: 23 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
Which of the folloing are those products purchased for
further processing or for use in conducting a business!
Marketing Manage(ent M)Qs Page !%
7nsought products
&pecialty products
&hopping products
(ndustrial products
Question No: 24 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
Which one of the folloing categories refers to a group
of products that are closely
related because they function in a similar manner, are
sold to the same customer groups, are marketed through
the same type of outlets, or fall ithin given price
Product line
2ine e0tension
Private brand
Product bandidth
Question No: 25 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
+fter concept testing, a firm ould engage in hich stage
for developing and marketing
a ne product!
"arketing strategy development
1usiness analysis
Product development
Test marketing
Question No: 26 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
+ revie of the sales, costs and profit projections for a
ne product to find out hether
they satisfy the company@s objectives refers to hich one
of the folloing concepts!
1usiness feasibility
'easibility study
)usiness analysis
Product acceptance
Question No: 27 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
In hich of the folloing product life cycle stages, sales
are ,ero and the company@s
investment costs mount!
Product development
Question No: 28 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
In hich one of the folloing stages of the product life
cycle sales fall off and profits stop!
Question No: 29 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
"c:onald@s run advertisement featuring children, senior
citi,ens and minority groups$
What does this ad sho!
Company is product oriented
Company considers only environmental factors
Company has several target markets
Company is market oriented
Question No: 3 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
When a customer pays .s$3>>> and receives a television
set in return$ What does this e0ample sho!
Question No: 31 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
In a company division, a product line ithin a division,
or sometimes a single product or
brand reflects hich one of the folloing options!
Question No: 32 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
(Planning that involves developing a strategy to meet
competition and ensure long8term
survival and groth* represents hich one of the
folloing planning types!
2ong8range planning
&hort8range planning
+nnual planning
trategic planning
Question No: 33 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
Which one of the folloing is a chief goal of the
implementation function in marketing process!
:evelops marketing plans
%urns plans into actions
%akes corrective actions
Develops strategic planshttpAJJvustudents$ning$com
Question No: 34 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
?Consumers are spending more on products and services
that ill improve their lives rather than their image*
reflects hich aspect of the cultural environment!
People@s vie of others
People&s view of themselves
Marketing Manage(ent M)Qs Page !'
People@s vie of organi,ations
People@s vie of nature
Question No: 35 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
&uppose marketers at 2ever 1rothers are trying to
determine hether the use of coupons
for detergent as the reason for a sales increase in a
particular store$ What type of study conducted to anser
this 5uestion!
Question No: 36 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
+1C Company ants to learn about consumer attitudes
toard mail order purchases and
conducts a study to ac5uire this information$ Which one
of the folloing data ould
)*T be classified for this study!
Question No: 37 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
Which one of the folloing is #$T considered as
competitive differentiation of a
Question No: 38 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
Which one of the folloing characteristics is #$T a
re5uirement for effective
Question No: 39 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
Which one of the folloing product re5uires a lot of
advertising, personal selling and
other marketing efforts because consumer either does not
kno about it or knos about it
but does not normally think about buying!
pecialty products
&hopping products
Industrial products
7nsought productshttpAJJvustudents$ning$com 3L
Marketing Manage(ent M)Qs Page 30
Question No: 4 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
1usiness markets can be segmented on the basis of all of
the folloing variables
Personal characteristics
;perating variables
&elling approaches
&ituational factors
Euestion #o- 1 2 Marks- 1 3 6 Please choose one
%he type of product that results from applying human and
mechanical efforts to people
or objects refers to hich one of the folloing options!
+n idea
A service
+ philosophy
+ concept
Euestion #o- 5 2 Marks- 1 3 6 Please choose one
When ;lympia Carpets develops ne carpets that are
highly stain resistant and durable,
it must educate consumers about the product@s benefits$
%his activity calls for hich one
of the folloing marketing mi0 variables!
Euestion #o- 7 2 Marks- 1 3 6 Please choose one
Customer)s evaluation of the difference beteen all the
benefits and all the costs of a marketing offer relative to
those of competing offers refers to hich of the
folloing options!
Customer perceived value
"arketing myopia
Customer relationship management
Customer satisfaction
Euestion #o- = 2 Marks- 1 3 6 Please choose one
Which one of the folloing statements by a company
chairman )*T reflects the marketing concept!
0e have organi"ed our business to satisfy the
customer needs
We believe that marketing department must organi,e
to sell hat e produce
We try to produce only high 5uality, technically
efficient products
We try to encourage company groth in the market
Euestion #o- > 2 Marks- 1 3 6 Please choose one
Which one of the folloing concepts is a useful
philosophy in a situation hen the product)s cost is too
high and marketers look for ays to bring it don!
&elling concept
Product concept
Production concept
"arketing concept
Euestion #o- ? 2 Marks- 1 3 6 Please choose one
Which one of the folloing is a key to build lasting
relationships ith consumers!
Price of the product
-eed recognition
Customer satisfaction
Guality of product
Euestion #o- @ 2 Marks- 1 3 6 Please choose one
Which one of the folloing options enables consumers
and companies to access and share huge amounts of
information ith just a fe mouse clicks!
:igital age
Euestion #o- F 2 Marks- 1 3 6 Please choose one
Which one of the folloing options is best to e0plain the
purpose of intranets!
1uying and selling processes
1usiness8to8business purchasing
Communication among employees
"aintaining customer relations
Euestion #o- G 2 Marks- 1 3 6 Please choose one
Which of the folloing sets refers to the order or
se5uence of marketing management functions!
Control F implementation F market planning
"arket planning F control F implementation
Implementation F control F market planning
Marketing planning A implementation A control
Euestion #o- 1H 2 Marks- 1 3 6 Please choose one
+dvertising agencies are an e0ample of hich of the
folloing marketing intermediaries!
Insurance company
'inancial intermediary
Marketing services agency
Physical distribution firm
Euestion #o- 11 2 Marks- 1 3 6 Please choose one
Marketing Manage(ent M)Qs Page 31
"arketing information from hich of the folloing
databases can be accessed more 5uickly and cheaply!
Internal E 90ternal
Euestion #o- 15 2 Marks- 1 3 6 Please choose one
%he objective of hich of the folloing research is to
gather preliminary information that ill help define the
problem and suggest hypotheses!
Euestion #o- 17 2 Marks- 1 3 6 Please choose one
Which method of research can be used to obtain
information if people are unilling or unable to provide!
'ocus groups
Personal interviews
Euestion #o- 1= 2 Marks- 1 3 6 Please choose one
+ person on the 7niversity 1ook &hop@s survey asks
respondents to tell the shop, in their
on ords, hat they like least about te0tbook shopping$
What is a type of this 5uestion!
An open6ended
+ dichotomous
+ multiple choice
+ scale
Euestion #o- 1> 2 Marks- 1 3 6 Please choose one
+1C .esearch /roup must guard against problems
during the implementation phase of
marketing research for its clients$ %ypically, management
ill not encounter hich of
these problems!
!espondents who refuse to cooperate or give
biased answers
Intervieers ho make mistakes or take shortcuts
(nterpreting and reporting the findings
Primary data that conflict ith secondary data
Euestion #o- 1? 2 Marks- 1 3 6 Please choose one
&ociety)s relatively permanent and ordered divisions
hose members share similar values, interests and
behaviors reflect hich one of the folloing option!
ocial classes
6abitual buyers
Charismatic leaders
;pinion leaders
Euestion #o- 1@ 2 Marks- 1 3 6 Please choose one
In a reference group, people having special skills,
knoledge, personality, or other characteristics, e0ert
influence on others$ Which one of the folloing option
refers to these people!
;pinion leaders
6abitual buyers
Charismatic personalities
Wild ducks
Euestion #o- 1F 2 Marks- 1 3 6 Please choose one
+ change in an individual@s behavior prompted by
information and e0perience refers to
hich one of the folloing concept!
.ole selection
Euestion #o- 1G 2 Marks- 1 3 6 Please choose one
%he factors such as the buyer)s age, life8cycle stage,
occupation, economic situation, lifestyle, personality and
self8concept that influences buyer)s decisions refers to
hich one of the folloing characteristic!
Personal characteristics
Psychological characteristics
1ehavioral characteristics
Demographical characteristics
Euestion #o- 5H 2 Marks- 1 3 6 Please choose one
Identify the process by hich individuals organi,e and
interpret their sensory impressions in order to give
meaning to their environment!
&elective group
6abitual behavior
Euestion #o- 51 2 Marks- 1 3 6 Please choose one
+ transaction in hich the organi,ation is making an
initial purchase of an item to be used to perform a ne
job refers to hich of the folloing purchases!
&traight rebuy purchase
:elayed purchase
#ew6task purchase
"odified rebuy purchase
Euestion #o- 55 2 Marks- 1 3 6 Please choose one
Marketing Manage(ent M)Qs Page 3!
In its purchase of a small business computer, "r$ +tee5
asked that potential suppliers provide information only
on units ith 3"b of memory$ +s management evaluates
the purchase, it finds that 3"b is inade5uate for many of
the softare programs they use$ In this instance, the firm
ould need to modify hich aspect of the purchase
&pecification development
+lternative evaluation
Performance evaluation
Euestion #o- 57 2 Marks- 1 3 6 Please choose one
'olloing are the variables for the segmentation of
international markets *,C*PTA
/eographic factors
9conomic factors
Cultural factors
Psychological factors
Euestion #o- 5= 2 Marks- 1 3 6 Please choose one
With concentrated marketing, the marketer goes after a
share of $
&mall< a small market
&mall< a large market
9arge. one or a few niches
2arge< the mass market
Euestion #o- 5> 2 Marks- 1 3 6 Please choose one
1eyond 5uality level, high 5uality also can mean high
levels of 5uality consistency$
6ere, ('reedom from defects and consistency in
delivering a targeted level of
performance* refers to hich of the folloing 5ualities!
Perceived 5uality
Product 'uality
+dherence 5uality
Conformance 5uality
Euestion #o- 5? 2 Marks- 1 3 6 Please choose one
Customer service is another element of product strategy$
%he first step is to survey customers periodically to
assess the value of current services and to obtain ideas for
ne ones$ 'rom this careful monitoring, marketer has
learned that buyers are very upset by repairs that are not
done correctly the first time$ What is the name of these
types of services!
1rand e5uity services
Product support services
&ocial marketing services
7nsought product services
Euestion #o- 5@ 2 Marks- 1 3 6 Please choose one
In hich of the folloing cases to established brand
names of different companies are used on the same
1rand e0tension
1rand e5uity
Euestion #o- 5F 2 Marks- 1 3 6 Please choose one
With hat groups do firms conduct concept testing for
ne products!
%arget customers
'ocus groups
Euestion #o- 5G 2 Marks- 1 3 6 Please choose one
;nce the product or service passes the business analysis
test, it moves into hich stage!
Concept development
Product development
"arket testing
Product proposal
Euestion #o- 7H 2 Marks- 1 3 6 Please choose one
Which one of the folloing groups of people get the
product e0posure but is not often perceived by the
majority of potential buyers as typical consumers!
9arly "ajority
9ate Ma/ority
9arly +dopter
Euestion #o- 71 2 Marks- 1 3 6 Please choose one
'irst -ational 1ank launches an innovative in8home
banking system tied to personal computers$ %he product
is not idely accepted because bank customers don@t see
the need
for such a service$ Which one of the folloing is the best
discretion of product failure!
*stablishment of a customer information system
;rgani,ation structure
%echnological advancement
&canning corporate capabilities
Euestion #o- 75 2 Marks- 1 3 6 Please choose one
In 1oston Consulting /roup approach, hich one of the
folloing is a measure of company@s strength in the
!elative market share
"arket share
1usiness portfolio
Marketing Manage(ent M)Qs Page 33
"arket groth rate
Euestion #o- 77 2 Marks- 1 3 6 Please choose one
Which one of the folloing is a chief goal of the
implementation function in marketing process!
Develops marketing plans
%urns plans into actions
%akes corrective actions
:evelops strategic plans
Euestion #o- 7= 2 Marks- 1 3 6 Please choose one
'inance, research and development, purchasing and
manufacturing all are the activities
of hich element of the micro environment!
Euestion #o- 7> 2 Marks- 1 3 6 Please choose one
1uying goods and services for further processing or for
use in the production process
refers to hich of the folloing markets!
Consumer markets
/overnment markets
1usiness markets
International markets
Euestion #o- 7? 2 Marks- 1 3 6 Please choose one
Political force is one of the forces of marketing macro
environment$ Identify the vie of marketer about the
political forces$
&imple to recogni,e
)eyond their control
9asily ignored
9asily influenced
Euestion #o- 7@ 2 Marks- 1 3 6 Please choose one
Chimney &eeps employs people to clean fireplaces and
chimneys in homes and
apartments$ %he firm is primarily the marketer of hich
one of the folloing!
+n image
A service
+ good
+n idea
Euestion #o- 7F 2 Marks- 1 3 6 Please choose one
What does it sho (Increasing demand, as ell as
changing or even reducing demand*!
Marketing management
"arketing myopia
.elationship management
Euestion #o- 7G 2 Marks- 1 3 6 Please choose one
9nvironmental groups are one kind of hich of the
folloing publics!
Citi,en8action publics
"edia publics
/overnment publics
9ocal publics
Euestion #o- =H 2 Marks- 1 3 6 Please choose one
Which one of the folloing is #$T considered as
competitive differentiation of a company!
Question No: 1 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
In a "ichael Porter "odel, hich one of the folloing
options is a major tool in the
identification of ays to create value in an organi,ation!
Chain model
%he 1C/ model
Cive forces model
=alue chain model
Question No: 2 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
+ marketing manager of a large consumer foods
company is studying distribution,
promotion, and price of the company@s product$
"arketing manager is studying hich
one of the folloing concepts!
"arketing plan
"arketing strategy
Marketing mix
"arket offering
Question No: 3 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
Which one of the folloing options represents this
statement (What place do you ant
your product to hold in the consumer)s mind*!
Question No: 4 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
.elationship marketing is a consistent application of up
to date knoledge of individual customers to product and
Marketing Manage(ent M)Qs Page 3"
service design$ Why it is communicated interactively to
'or delivering short term value E satisfaction to
Cor delivering long term value D satisfaction to
'or delivering short term value to management
'or delivering long term value to management
Question No: 5 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
+n important concept in hich e reali,e that losing a
customer means losing more than
a single sale$ It means losing the entire stream of
purchases that the customer ould make
over a lifetime of patronage$ Which one of the folloing
options reflects this concept!
-et profit
Customer lifetime value
.elationship marketing
"arket share
Question No: 6 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
When a church targets different demographic groups to
increase attendance, it is an e0ample of hich of the
folloing options!
#ot6for6profit marketing
"indless marketing
9thics in marketing
&ocietal marketing
Question No: 7 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
+irlines offer fre5uent flier marketing programs to build
value and satisfaction into the
customer relationship$ 7sing this approach, airlines add
hich of the folloing benefits
to the customer relationship!
&ocial benefits
&tructural benefits
Cinancial benefits
;ld age benefits
Question No: 8 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
%he digital age ill fundamentally change customers)
thinking of convenience, speed,
price, product information and service$ %his ne
consumer thinking ill affect hich one
of the folloing businesses!
+ fe businesses
*very business
9stablished businesses
&tarting up businesses
Question No: 9 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
&ome banks have increased their market share by
offering accounts especially for children in another city$
%his e0ample illustrates hich of the folloing groth
"arket penetration
"arket development
;ori"ontal diversification
Conglomerate diversification
Question No: 1 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
Which of the folloing sets refers to the order or
se5uence of marketing management
Control F implementation F market planning
"arket planning F control F implementation
Implementation F control F market planning
Marketing planning A implementation 6 control
Question No: 11 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
Your colleague is confused about using the marketing
research process$ In hich
footstep he is feeling difficulty!
Defining the problem
:efining the research objectives
:efining the problem and research objectives
.esearching a research agency to help
Question No: 12 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
/athering secondary information is one of the steps of
developing the research plan$
What does the meaning of secondary information in
marketing research!
%hat does not currently e0ist in an organi,ed form
That already exists somewhere, having been
collected for another purpose
%hat the researcher can obtain through surveys and
%hat already e0ists somehere in an organi,ed form
Question No: 13 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
Which method of research can be used to obtain
information if people are unilling or
unable to provide!
'ocus groups
Personal intervies
Question No: 14 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
Which one of the folloing statements )*T
characteri,es marketing research!
Marketing Manage(ent M)Qs Page 35
.esearch is a continuous process, providing a constant
flo of information
!esearch is conducted on a special6pro/ect basis
.esearch is performed hen routine information is
.esearch is the basis for making recurring marketing
Question No: 15 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
+1C .esearch /roup must guard against problems
during the implementation phase of
marketing research for its clients$ %ypically, management
ill not encounter hich of
these problems!
.espondents ho refuse to cooperate or give biased
Intervieers ho make mistakes or take shortcuts
(nterpreting and reporting the findings
Primary data that conflict ith secondary data
Question No: 16 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
.esearch of buying decisions by large companies to find
out hat they buy, here they
buy, ho and ho much they buy refers to hich one of
the folloing buying decision!
"arket buying decision
Consumer buying decision
&ocial buying decision
/roup buying decision
Question No: 17 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
&ociety)s relatively permanent and ordered divisions
hose members share similar
values, interests and behaviors reflect hich one of the
folloing option!
ocial classes
6abitual buyers
Charismatic leaders
;pinion leaders
Question No: 18 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
Which one of the folloing factor relates to family that
influences consumer behavior!
Question No: 19 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
%he buying process starts from hich one of the
folloing stage in hich the buyer
recogni,es a problem or need!
#eed recognition
Information search
9valuation of alternative
Purchase decision
Question No: 2 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
You purchase cleaning supplies for your custodial help
regularly$ It is shoing hich
buying situation!
"odified rebuy
traight rebuy
"odified straight rebuy
Consumer buy
Question No: 21 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
(+ purchase in hich the customer buys the same goods
in the same 5uantity on the same terms from the same
supplier* refers to hich one of the folloing buying
"odified rebuy
traight rebuy
Question No: 22 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
When a company caters to clothing, cosmetics and
toiletries markets, it is probably using
hich type of segmentation!
Question No: 23 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
"r$ +1C and his staff have decided to use target
marketing to reach their sales goals$ Which are their three
steps Cin orderD to target marketing!
"arket segmentation, market positioning and target
Market segmentation, target marketing and
market positioning
"arket alignment, market segmentation and market
"arket recognition, market preference and market
Question No: 24 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
Which of the folloing are industrial products that aid in
the buyer)s production or
operations, including installations and accessory
Marketing Manage(ent M)Qs Page 3#
&pecialty items
Capital items
Question No: 25 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
:eveloping a product or service involves defining the
benefits that it ill offer$ %he
benefits such as 5uality, features and design, style that are
communicated and delivered
comes under hich of the folloing categories!
Private brands
Product attributes
Consumer products
Product mi0es
Question No: 26 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
"arketers need to position their brands clearly in target
customers) minds$ %he strongest
brands go beyond attributes or benefit positioning$ ;n
hich of the folloing basis the products are positioned!
:esirable benefit
/ood packaging
&trong beliefs and values
Customer image
Question No: 27 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
+n organi,ation ith several product lines has hich one
of the folloing mi0 that
consists of all the product lines and items hich a
particular seller offers for sale!
Product mix
1rand mi0
Consumer mi0
Packaging mi0
Question No: 28 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
With hat groups do firms conduct concept testing for
ne products!
%arget customers
Cocus groups
Question No: 29 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
+fter concept testing, a firm ould engage in hich stage
for developing and marketing
a ne product!
Marketing strategy development
1usiness analysis
Product development
%est marketing
Question No: 3 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
If the company)s sales are slo don, and profits level
off or decline$ +t hich stage the
company has reached!
Question No: 31 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
Which of the folloing marketing mi0 activity is most
closely associated ith nesletters, catalogues and
invitations to organi,ation8sponsored events!
Question No: 32 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
%hree main strategies for intensive groth are market
penetration, product development and $
Product improvement
"arket saturation
"arket groth
Market development
Question No: 33 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
1uying goods and services for further processing or for
use in the production process
refers to hich of the folloing markets!
Consumer markets
/overnment markets
)usiness markets
International markets
Question No: 34 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
Which one of the folloing factor does not affect the
economic environment of
:onation to hospital
90change rate
=alue added ta0
:isposable income
Question No: 35 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
Which one of the folloing are the M$T useful source
of speedier and more
comprehensive information!
#ey customers
Company reports
&ales force
Question No: 36 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
Marketing Manage(ent M)Qs Page 3$
Which one of the folloing steps in the marketing
research process deals in ?defining
the problems and research objectives, implementing the
research plan, and interpreting and reporting the
:eveloping the research budget
Choosing the research agency
Choosing the research method
Developing the research plan
Question No: 37 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
Which one of the folloing sets represents H C)s of the
marketing mi0!
Customer solution, cost, convenience,
Customer, cost, convenience, comfort
Convenience, communication, coverage, cost
Cost, coverage, communication, consultancy
Question No: 38 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
Chimney &eeps employs people to clean fireplaces and
chimneys in homes and
apartments$ %he firm is primarily the marketer of hich
one of the folloing!
+n image
A service
+ good
+n idea
Question No: 39 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
In 1C/ matri0, hich one of the folloing &17s
finances the company)s 5uestion marks and stars!
Cash cows
Guestion marks
Note: Confusing question has no clear dimension
Question No: 4 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
9nvironmental groups are one kind of hich of the
folloing publics!
Citi,en8action publics
"edia publics
/overnment publics
9ocal publics
Question No: 1 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
+ social and managerial process by hich individuals
and organi,ations obtain hat
they need and ant through value creation refers to
hich one of the folloing concepts!
Question No: 2 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
+ marketing manager of a large consumer foods
company is studying distribution, promotion, and price of
the company@s product$ "arketing manager is studying
hich one of the folloing concepts!
"arketing plan
"arketing strategy
Marketing mix
"arket offering
Question No: 3 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
Which one of the folloing options represents this
statement (What place do you ant
your product to hold in the consumer)s mind*!
Question No: 4 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
When a church targets different demographic groups to
increase attendance, it is an e0ample of hich of the
folloing options!
#ot6for6profit marketing
Question No: 5 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
&te 2eonard, onerJoperator of supermarkets, reacts
adversely to losing a single customer sale$ 6e feels that
this amounts to losing the entire stream of future
purchases that a customer is likely to make if heJshe
remains in the area$ Which one is an illustration of the
folloing concepts!
"arket share
Customer lifetime value
"arket share maintenance
Question No: 6 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
+ netork of netorks that consists of millions of
smaller domestic, academic, business,
and government netorks, hich together carry various
information and services$ Which
one of the folloing netorks represents it!
Marketing Manage(ent M)Qs Page 3%
Question No: 7 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
Which one of the folloing options is best to e0plain the
purpose of intranets!
1uying and selling processes
1usiness8to8business purchasing
Communication among employees
"aintaining customer relations
Question No: 8 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
Which of the folloing sets refers to the order or
se5uence of marketing management
Control F implementation F market planning
"arket planning F control F implementation
Implementation F control F market planning
Marketing planning A implementation 6 control
Question No: 9 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
Which of the folloing sets refers to the order of action
in marketing control process!
Measure performance A evaluate performance A
corrective action A set goals
Corrective action F set goals 8 measure performance F
evaluate performance
&et goals 8 "easure performance F evaluate
performance 8 corrective action
&et goals 8 "easure performance F corrective action F
evaluate performance
Question No: 1 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
+dvertising agencies are an e0ample of hich of the
folloing marketing
Insurance company
'inancial intermediary
Marketing services agency
Physical distribution firm
Question No: 11 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
+gencies that buy goods and services in order to produce
public services or transfer
them to those that need them reflect hich of the
folloing markets!
!eseller markets
/overnment markets
International markets
1usiness markets
Question No: 12 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
In creating research 5uestionnaires, hich of the
folloing is good advice for research specialist to
+se care in the wording and ordering of 'uestions
Guestions do not have to be arranged in a logical
+sk personal 5uestions in the middle of the instrument
+void eye contact as it may confuse the respondents
Question No: 13 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
"arketing stimuli consist of the four Ps$ Which is #$T
one of these Ps!
Question No: 14 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
"aslo has a list of human needs from the most pressing
to the least pressing$ %hey include all of the folloing
Physiological needs
&afety needs
#eed recognition
Question No: 15 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
2earning occurs through the interplay of all of the
folloing *,C*PT-
Question No: 16 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
%he mental act, condition or habit of placing trust or
confidence in another shos hich
of the folloing options!
Question No: 17 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
Which one of the folloing is #$T the stage that
customers go through in the process of
adopting a ne product!
Question No: 18 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
Which of the folloing is #$T a primary motivation!
Marketing Manage(ent M)Qs Page 3'
Question No: 19 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
+ transaction in hich the organi,ation is making an
initial purchase of an item to be
used to perform a ne job refers to hich of the
folloing purchases!
&traight rebuy purchase
:elayed purchase
#ew6task purchase
"odified rebuy purchase
Question No: 2 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
"ost organi,ational purchase decisions are made by
hich of the folloing categories!
%he sales force
A team of purchasing agents
+ firm@s buying centre
Inventory control personnel
Question No: 21 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
In its purchase of a small business computer, "r$ +tee5
asked that potential suppliers
provide information only on units ith 3"b of memory$
+s management evaluates the
purchase, it finds that 3"b is inade5uate for many of the
softare programs they use$ In
this instance, the firm ould need to modify hich aspect
of the purchase process!
pecification development
+lternative evaluation
Performance evaluation
Question No: 22 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
When 1urger #ing targets different groups from children
and teens to adults and seniors ith different ads and
media, it is practicing hich one of the folloing
Age and life cycle
Question No: 23 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
%his type of segmentation centers on the use of the ord
(whenI such as hen
consumers get the idea to buy, hen they actually make
their purchase, or hen they use
the purchased item$ What do marketers call this!
Question No: 24 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
Which of the segmenting strategies carries higher8than8
average risks in consumer
Question No: 25 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
Which of the folloing are those products purchased for
further processing or for use in conducting a business!
7nsought products
&pecialty products
&hopping products
(ndustrial products
Question No: 26 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
Which one of the folloing factor indicates ?the name,
term, sign, symbol, design or a
combination of these that differentiate the product of one
seller or group of sellers from
the other sellers?!
Question No: 27 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
In hich of the folloing cases to established brand
names of different companies are
used on the same product!
1rand e0tension
1rand e5uity
Question No: 28 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
When a company introduces additional items in a given
product category under the same
brand name, such as ne flavors, forms, colors,
ingredients, or package si,es refers to hich of the
folloing steps!
9ine extensions
Product mi0
&ervice variability
&ervice intangibility
Marketing Manage(ent M)Qs Page "0
Question No: 29 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
-e product development starts ith hich one of the
folloing steps of ne product
Idea screening
(dea generation
%est marketing
Concept testing
Question No: 3 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
%he purpose of idea generation is to create a of ideas$ %he
purpose of succeeding stages is to that number$
&mall number< reduce
&mall number< increase
2arge number< increase
9arge number. reduce
Question No: 31 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
Which one of the folloing groups of people get the
product e0posure but is not often
perceived by the majority of potential buyers as typical
9arly "ajority
2ate "ajority
9arly +dopter
Question No: 32 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
'irst -ational 1ank launches an innovative in8home
banking system tied to personal
computers$ %he product is not idely accepted because
bank customers don@t see the need for such a service$
Which one of the folloing is the best discretion of
product failure!
9stablishment of a customer information system
;rgani,ation structure
Technological advancement
&canning corporate capabilities
Question No: 33 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
What does this statement sho (%rade of value beteen
to parties*!
Question No: 34 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
Which one of the folloing options represents the
collection of businesses and products
that make up a company!
&trategic business unit
"ission statement
&trategic plan
)usiness portfolio
Question No: 35 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
'inance, research and development, purchasing and
manufacturing all are the activities of hich element of
the micro environment!
Question No: 36 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
Political force is one of the forces of marketing macro
environment$ Identify the vie of marketer about the
political forces$
&imple to recogni,e
)eyond their control
9asily ignored
9asily influenced
Question No: 37 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
Which of the folloing forces sho the marketing macro
:emographic, economic, natural, technological,
political, and social
:emographic, natural, economic, political, social, and
Demographic, economic, natural, technological,
political, and cultural
:emographic, economic, natural, social, political, and
Question No: 38 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
Information about consumers, competitors and channel
members Cholesalers, and retailersD is collected mostly
from hich one of the folloing sources!
90ternal environment
(nternal environment
%op management
"iddle management httpAJJ
1elief that (violence is rong* is an evaluative
statement$ &uch an opinion constitutes hich of the
folloing component of an attitude$ &elect correct optionA
Marketing Manage(ent M)Qs Page "1
+ person on the 7niversity 1ook &hop@s survey asks
respondents to tell the shop, in their on ords, hat
they like least about te0tbook shopping$ What is a type of
this 5uestion! &elect
correct optionA
An open6ended
+ dichotomous
+ multiple choice
+ scale
In the modern ork orld, here higher8level trust has
been largely destroyed because of broken promises, it is
likely to be replaced ith hich of the folloing type of
trust! &elect correct optionA
In contrast to vending machines hich dispense only
products, there are other systems that
dispense information and take orders ithout direct
human aid$ %his system refers to hich one of the
folloing options!
&elect correct optionA
%= monitors
The internet
Cell phones
Which one of the folloing is the first step of marketing
research process! &elect correct optionA
Define problem
:ata analysis
Which one of the folloing categories refers to a group
of products that are closely related
because they function in a similar manner, are sold to the
same customer groups, are marketed through the same
type of outlets, or fall ithin given price ranges! &elect
correct optionA
Product line page1HH
2ine e0tension
Private brand
Product bandidth
Which of the folloing advertising is used heavily for
creating a primary demand hen introducing a ne
product in the market! &elect correct optionA
Persuasive advertising
(nformative advertising page1@H
Comparative advertising
Institutional advertising
%he decline stage is marked by chronically decreasing
profits$ &elect correct optionA
Which one of the folloing is -;% a part of market
potential! &elect correct option!
/roth rate
&i,e and groth rate
(nflation page=G
"anagement at 6appy "otors must decide hat mi0 of
compensation elements to offer their sales force$ Which
of the folloing is -;% one of the four basic types of
compensation plans!
&traight commission
&traight salary
&alary and commission
Commission and bonuses
"obilink divides buyers into groups based on their
knoledge, attitudes, uses or responses to a product$ It is
obviously using hich type of segmentation! &elect
correct optionA
%he first step in the marketing control process is 19&%
described as one here the marketer performs hich of
the folloing activities! &elect correct optionA
9valuates performance
"easures performance
ets specific goals page7G
%akes corrective action
Which one of the folloing is an e0ample of a
convenience consumer product! &elect correct
Marketing Manage(ent M)Qs Page "!
+ motorcycle
+ bicycle
+thletic shoes
Which one of the folloing is a part of marketing
functions! &elect correct optionA
&tandardi,ing and grading
'inancing E .isk taking
&ecuring "arketing Information
All of the above page17
Which of the folloing communication and promotion
tools involve direct connections ith
customers aimed toard building customer8uni5ue value
and lasting relationships!
Personal selling and direct marketing page1>1
Public relation and publicity
98commerce and 98business
+dvertising and sales promotion
Winning a ne customer is usually more costly than
retaining an e0isting customer$ 6o much time it is
costly! &elect correct optionA
>61H times page1>
3>83I times
3I8M> times
M>8MI times
;rgani,ations that rely heavily on personal selling are
likely to use other promotional efforts$ What is the
purpose of these promotional efforts!
Promote their less e0pensive products$
7rge consumers to send their comments and ideas to the
firm$ Promote free gifts to consumers$
Improve the effectiveness of salespeople$
Which one of the folloing option is true for the core
marketing concept! &elect correct optionA
All of the given options page551
What type of ne product strategy, Pi,,a 6ut is using
hen it allos "arriott to offer its ne specialty pi,,as
in the hotel chain@s room service menu! &elect correct
Market development page55>
Product development
"arket saturation
"arket penetration
+ firm has decided to locali,e its products and services to
meet local market demands$ Which
one of the folloing approaches is a good approach for
this segmentation!
:eographic pageF=
2/ is going to introduce a ne mobile set in the market$
6o the consumers ill be aare of this product! &elect
correct optionA
)y Promotion page7
1y Personal relationships
1y Positioning
1y People
%o reduce time demands on their outside sales forces,
many companies have increased the si,e of their inside
sales forces, hich include technical support people and
sales assistants$ Which one of the folloing can also be
another part of the sales force! &elect correct optionA
;rder takers
;rder getters
"arketing manager ants to improve the packaging of
ne products after reading customer responses to its
customer opinion poll$ Which one of the folloing is
-;% a function of packaging! &elect correct optionA
It contains and protects the product
It contains the brand mark
(t determines product 'uality pageGF
It may contain the brand symbol
+ cash discount of ?MJ3>, net 4>,* means thatA
%he buyer gets a 3> percent discount off the face value of
the invoice if the invoice is paid ithin M days$
Payment is due within 7H days. the buyer can deduct
5 percent if the bill is paid within 1H days$
%he buyer makes a M percent don payment on the face
value of the invoice ithin 3> days< the remainder is due
in 4> days$ the buyer gets a MJ3> CM> percentD discount if
the invoice is paid ithin 4> days$
Products that are used directly in the production of a final
product but are not easily identifiable are categori,ed as
hich one of the folloing! &elect correct optionA
Component parts pageG=
Consumable supplies
Marketing Manage(ent M)Qs Page "3
+ssembly components
Process materials
If you ish to emphasi,e the importance of making
decisions consistent ith fundamental
liberties and privileges, the focus of your teaching ill
also be on hich of the folloing!
&elect correct optionA
Which of the folloing management is responsible for
setting the company)s mission, objectives, broad
strategies and policies! &elect correct optionA
Top management
"iddle level management
2o level management
'unctional management
Which one of the folloing is -;% an ethical pricing
&elect correct optionA
Product dumping
Predatory pricing
Price fi0ing
&lo &kimming
"r$ + is a marketing manager for a large consumer foods
company$ 6e is studying distribution,
promotion and price of the company)s product$ "r$ + is
studying hich of the folloing
a% Marketing strategy
b$ "arketing mi0
c$ "arket offering
d$ "arketing plan
Which one of the folloing sets refers to the key building
blocks for developing and managing customer
a$ Consumer e0pectations and customer satisfaction
b$ Customer choices and product offer
c$ Product performance and customer value
d% Customer value and customer satisfaction
(Provide more 5uality products and services ithout
variation in the 5uality* refers to hich of the folloing
marketing functions!
a% tandardi"ing and grading page17
b$ %ransporting
c$ &toring
d$ &elling
What does this statement sho (Increasing demand as
ell as changing or even reducing demand*!
a$ "arketing management
b$ "arketing myopia
c% Demarketing page1=
d$ .elationship management
When -okia introduced its ne mobile set in the market
in response to consumer demand, it as folloing hich
one of the folloing philosophies!
a$ &elling concept
b$ Production concept
c$ Customer concept
d% Marketing concept page 5H
Which one of the folloing models can be used to
analy,e the environment both for ne and e0isting
a$ Chain model
b$ %he 1C/ model
c$ Cive forces model page55
d$ =alue chain model
"ost portfolio analysis methods evaluate &17s on hich
of folloing to dimensions!
a$ "arket &hare< sales
b$ Market growth rate. relative market share
c$ "arket attractiveness< market groth rate
d$ "arket groth rate< profits
"r$ +1C e0amined his firm)s recently completed market
attractiveness8business position model< he finds that the
firm)s biscuit unit is lo on both dimensions$ Which one
of the folloing strategies ould this placement dictate!
a$ Invest
b$ 6arvest
c$ :ivest
d$ "aintain
In &W;% analysis, strength and eaknesses are part of
hich of the folloing environment!
a% (nternal
Marketing Manage(ent M)Qs Page ""
b$ ;utdoor
c$ 90ternal
d$ ;utside
+ll of the folloing activities are the part of marketing
process 9XC9P%A
a$ +naly,ing marketing opportunities
b$ &electing target markets
c$ Developing the business portfolio page7>
d$ "anaging the marketing efforts
Which of the folloing is an intensive groth strategy of
increasing sales in current markets ith current products!
a$ "arket development
b$ Market penetration
c$ Product development
d$ "arket saturation
-iche marketing is opposite to hich one of the
folloing concepts!
a$ -e marketing e0ploration
b$ #noledge management
c% Mass marketing pageF7
d$ "arket intelligence
Which one of the folloing is -;% a part of marketing
control process!
a$ &et goals for organi,ation
b$ "easure performance
c$ Take risk for profits page7G
d$ 9valuate performance
3O$ +ll of the folloing are e0amples of customer market
a$ .eseller markets
b$ /overnment markets
c$ International markets
d$ 1usiness markets
e% none of the above
3L$ Publics8carry nes, features and editorial opinion
refers to hich of the folloing publics!
a$ 'inancial publics
b% Media publics page=7
c$ /overnment publics
d$ Citi,en8action publics
3P$ &tudy of human populations in terms of si,e, density,
location, age, se0, race, occupation and other statistics
refers to hich of the folloing studies!
a$ &egmentation
b% Demography
c$ Psychographic
d$ /eographic
M>$ What is another name of 9cho boomers!
a% )aby boomlets page=>
b$ 1aby boomers
c$ /eneration8X
d$ /eneration8Y
P*,T 1N.: M+-T0P-. )G10). (Total !5
=uestions 8it 3 (arks eac)
Please select te (ost appropriate
ans8er (onl5 one) an3 8rite 3o8n
5our ans8er in te Multiple )oice
*ns8er Seet7
>. ll mar'eting acti#ities that
attempt to stimulate quic' buyer action or
immediate sales of a product are 'nown as
a. 0ponsorship
b. d#ertising
c. personal selling
d. sales promotion
e. )ublicity
N0: *
C 2n general$ the single4#oice$ or
synergy principle$ in#ol#es selecting a
speci&c ???????? for a brand.
a. positioning statement
b. mar'eting mi(
c. pricing strategy
d. ad#ertising budget
e. none of the abo#e
F. !hich one of the following is the
greatest obstacle to implementing
integrated mar'eting communications?
a. 6ew pro#iders of mar'eting communications ser#ices ha#e the
s'ills to e(ecute 2,C programs.
b. There is a lac' of interest in 2,C by top management.
c. The cost for implementing an 2,C program is di/cult to justify.
d. =ittle can be gained by coordinating the #arious mar'eting
communications elements.
e. ,ar'eting directors are essentially performing the 2,C function
Marketing Manage(ent M)Qs Page "5
J. The premise underlying
geodemographic targeting is that people
who ??????????? also share demographic
and lifestyle similarities.
a. are in the same income category
b. reside in similar areas
c. are of the same age
d. are of the same gender
e. are of the same ethnic group
N0: 3
E. detergent that ad#ertises how
clean it gets clothes is appealing to the
?????????? consumer need.
a. 6unctional
b. 0ymbolic
c. 3iological
d. :tilitarian
e. 7(periential
O. The process of translating thought
into a symbolic form is 'nown as
a. 7ncoding
b. 6eedbac'
c. Noise
d. *ecoding
e. the message channel
P. ccording to the <7,$ consumer
beha#ior is seen as ?????????.
a. 9ational
b. highly cogniti#e
c. 7motional
d. 0ystematic
e. 9easoned
N0: C
L. 3y de&nition$ ?????????? simply
means that consumers come in contact
with the mar'eter%s message.
a. )erception
b. 7(posure
c. ttention
d. Comprehension
e. 2nterpretation
N0: 3
M. The ?????????? component of
attitudes focuses on beha#ioral tendencies.
a. fecti#e
b. 2nstrumental
c. Conati#e
d. Cogniti#e
e. 3eha#ioral
N0: C

>D. ,ar'eters can enhance the
consumers% ability to access 'nowledge
structures by ??????????.
a. using loud music
b. using colorful ads
c. employing #erbal framing
d. repeating brand information
e. increasing curiosity about the brand
N0: C
>>. ,argaret 0tephens notices the
tele#ision commercial because of the loud
sounds. This is an e(ample of ??????????.
a. e(posure
b. in#oluntary attention
c. non#oluntary attention
d. #oluntary attention
e. interpretation
N0: 3
>C. ttitudes toward a brand result from
a combination of ?????????? attitude4
formation processes.
a. primary and secondary
b. linear and non4linear
c. associati#e and non4associati#e
Marketing Manage(ent M)Qs Page "#
d. central4 and peripheral4route
e. None of the abo#e.
N0: *
>F. !hich of the following is N"T a
requirement for setting ad#ertising
a. "bjecti#es must specify the amount of change.
b. "bjecti#es must be stated in terms of pro&ts.
c. "bjecti#es must be realistic.
d. "bjecti#es must be internally consistent.
e. "bjecti#es must be clear and in writing.
N0: 3
>J. QnR ?????????? ad#ertising objecti#e
is aimed at achie#ing communication
outcomes that precede beha#ior.
a. precise
b. planned
c. indirect
d. direct
e. operational
N0: C
>E. The &rst step of the objecti#e4and4
tas' method is ??????????.
a. assessing the communications functions
b. establishing speci&c mar'eting objecti#es that need to be
c. determining ad#ertising%s role in the total communication mi(
d. establishing speci&c ad#ertising goals in terms of the le#els of
measurable communication response required to achie#e
mar'eting objecti#es
e. establish the budget based on estimates of e(penditures required
to accomplish the ad#ertising goals
N0: 3
>O. clothing store that sets their
ad#ertising budget by following the major
competitor and adding an additional >E
percent is using the ?????????? method.
a. percentage4of4sales
b. arbitrary allocation
c. objecti#e4and4tas'
d. competiti#e parity
e. afordability
N0: *
>P. The ad#ertising budget procedure
used most frequently is the ??????????
a. percentage4of4sales
b. arbitrary allocation
c. marginal cost
d. competiti#e parity
e. None of the abo#e.
N0: 7
>L. !hich #alue is deri#ed from the need
for #ariety and achie#ing an e(citing life?
a. self4direction
b. hedonism
c. achie#ement
d. stimulation
e. tradition
N0: *
>M. =addering is a mar'eting research
technique that has been de#eloped to
identify lin's between ??????????.
a. attributes$ consumers$ and #alues
b. attitudes$ consumers$ and #alues
c. attributes$ consequences$ and #ariables
d. attributes$ consequences$ and #alues
e. attitudes$ consequences$ and #alues
N0: *
CD. :sing se( appeal can generally
a. =ure attention
b. 7nhance recall
c. 7#o'e emotional responses
d. all of the abo#e
e. "nly a and b
N0: C
C>. good copy4testing system needs to
pro#ide measurements that are
Marketing Manage(ent M)Qs Page "$
a. rele#ant to the ad#ertising objecti#es
b. rele#ant to the ad#ertising budget
c. rele#ant to the ad#ertising media
d. rele#ant to the ad#ertising script
e. None of the abo#e
CC. strength of radio ad#ertising is
a. the ability to reach segmented audiences
b. the ability to reach prospecti#e customers on a personal and
intimate le#el
c. low cost per thousand
d. short lead4times
e. ll of the abo#e
N0: 7
CF. !hich of the following is N"T a
problem with tele#ision ad#ertising?
a. escalating ad#ertising costs
b. erosion of tele#ision #iewing audiences
c. substantial audience fractionali.ation
d. Clutter
e. inability to achie#e impact
N0: 7
CJ. The concept of efecti#e reach states
that fewer e(posures to ad#ertisements are
required ??????????.
a. when humor is used
b. when comparati#e ad#ertising is used
c. for brands with higher mar'et shares and greater customer
d. for e(pensi#e products
e. for necessities
N0: C
CE. 2n a ????????? ad#ertising schedule$
ad#ertising is used during e#ery period of
the campaign$ but the amount of
ad#ertising #aries considerably from period
to period.
a. 6lighting
b. *ated
c. )lotted
d. )ulsing
e. Continuous
N0: *
Marketing Manage(ent M)Qs Page "%
>. 7(plain the &#e functions of
ad#ertising Q>E mar'sR.
2nforming QCR: d#ertising ma'es
consumers aware of new brands$
educates them about brand features and
bene&ts and facilitates the creation of
positi#e brand images Q>R.
)ersuading QCR: d#ertising
pro#ides consumers with reasons fro
trying one brand #ersus another and
sometimes ofers emotional appeals that
ha#e a positi#e efect on brand attributes
9eminding QCR: d#ertising can
'eep a company+s brand fresh in
consumer+s memory Q>R.
dding #alue QCR: There are three
basic ways a company can add #alues
through ad#ertising: inno#ating$
impro#ing quality and altering consumer
perceptions Q>R.
ssisting other company+s eforts
QCR: d#ertising is part of the ,arcom so
sometimes it can facilitates other
company+s eforts in the ,arcom process
C 7(plain the creati#e strategies
that in#ol#e symbolicNe(periential
Q>D mar'sR.
7fecti#e ad#ertising is usually
creati#e$ that is$ it diferentiates itself
from the mass of mediocre
ad#ertisements and it is somehow
diferent and out of the ordinary Q>R.
Creati#e strategies that ha#e
symbolicN7(periential "rientation include:
3rand 2mage 0trategy QCR: The
brand image strategy based on
promoting psychological rather than
physical diferentiation QD.ER. d#ertising
attempts to de#elop an image or identity
for a brand by associating the product
with symbols QD.ER.
9esonance 0trategy QCR:
9esonance ad#ertising strategy e(tends
from psychographic research and
structures an ad#ertising campaign to
pattern the pre#ailing lifestyle orientation
of the intended mar'et segment QD.ER.
9esonant ad#ertising does not focus on
product claims or brand images but
rather see's to present circumstances or
situations that &nd counterparts in the
real or imagined e(periences of the
target audience QD.ER.
7motional 0trategy QCR: The use of
emotion in ad#ertising runs the gamut of
positi#e and negati#e emotions$
including appeals to romance$ nostalgia$
compassion and regret etc. QD.ER. ,any
products are brought on the basis of
emotional factors and that appeals to
emotion can be #ery successful if used
appropriately and with the right brands
Marketing Manage(ent M)Qs Page "'
,ultiple choice questions: basic
Try the basic multiple choice questions
below to test your 'nowledge of Chapter C.
"nce you ha#e completed the test$ clic' on
%0ubmit nswers for ;rading% to get your
2f your lecturer has requested that you send
your results to them$ please complete the
9outing 2nformation found at the bottom of
your graded page and clic' on the %74,ail
9esults% button. )lease do not forward your
results unless your lecturer has speci&cally
requested that you do so.
This acti#ity contains M questions.
Ben a co(pan5 ac=uires a supplier
troug an ac=uisition strateg5: tis is
referre3 to as:
forward integration.
hori.ontal integration.
#ertical mar'eting system.
bac'ward integration.
0ntro3ucing ne8 pro3ucts to e<isting
(arkets is an e<a(ple of:
#ertical di#ersi&cation.
hori.ontal di#ersi&cation.
conglomerate di#ersi&cation.
concentric di#ersi&cation.
Bat is te state(ent of te
organisationLs purposeM
,ission statement.
"rganisational intent.
"rganisational perspecti#e.
)orporate strateg5 is:
more speci&c and practical than mar'eting
reacti#e to short4term competiti#e acti#ity.
the implementation of plans to achie#e long4
term aims.
the framewor' for functional mar'eting
decided by functional mar'eting strategy.
Bic of te follo8ing state(ents are
not true of (arket callengersM
They carry out -an'ing acti#ities.
They ha#e a #ested interest in the status
They tend to use penetration pricing
strategies as a way of e(panding their
e(isting business.
They often direct their competiti#e acti#ity
at smaller &rms.
Best )oast ;is a2e no for(al
organisation for (arketing7 Bere tis
8oul3 4e state3 in its (arketing planM
6inancial controls.
7(ecuti#e summary.
,ar'eting strategy.
0!"T nalysis.
Te *)M. )o(pan5 sets its (arketing
4u3get 45 esti(ating te (arket
lea3erLs (arketing spen3s7 Tis
approac to setting a 4u3get is calle3:
percent of sales method.
marginal approach.
comparati#e parity method.
objecti#e and tas' method.
To 3e2elop its (arket seg(ents: Best
)oast ;is planne3 sales 2isits to te
top !5 otels an3 restaurants in
0relan37 Bere 8oul3 tis appear in a
(arketing planM
ction plans.
,ar'eting strategies.
Critical issues.
7(ecuti#e summary.
*)M. )o(pan5 sets its a32ertising
4u3get 45 onl5 spen3ing up to te point
8ere an5 furter spen3ing 8oul3 not
generate enoug e<tra 4usiness to
>ustif5 te outla57 Bat approac is it
using to setting te 4u3getM
"bjecti#e method.
Tas' method.
Comparati#e parity method.
,arginal approach.
ll4you4can4aford method.
nswer choices in this e(ercise appear in a
diferent order each time the page is loaded.
N0!79 G7S:
Sour 9esults for: I,ultiple choice questions:
)rint this page
Marketing Manage(ent M)Qs Page 50
0ite Title: )rinciples of ,ar'eting
3oo' Title: )rinciples of ,ar'eting$ fourth
7uropean edition
3oo' uthor: Gotler et al
=ocation on 0ite: 0tudent 9esources T
Chapter C: 0trategic mar'eting T ,ultiple
choice questions: basic
*ateNTime 0ubmitted:
"ctober CL$ CD>> at O:JF ), Q:TCN;,TR
0ummary of 9esults
FFU Correct of M 0cored items: F Correct:
O 2ncorrect: OPU
,ore information about scoring
>. !hen a company acquires a
supplier through an acquisition strategy$ this is
referred to as:
Sour nswer:forward integration.
C. 2ntroducing new products to
e(isting mar'ets is an e(ample of:
Sour nswer:concentric di#ersi&cation.
Correct nswer: hori.ontal di#ersi&cation.
F. !hat is the statement of the organisation%s
Sour nswer:,ission statement.
J. Corporate strategy is:
Sour nswer:decided by functional mar'eting
Correct nswer: the implementation of plans
to achie#e long4term aims.
E. !hich of the following statements
are not true of mar'et challengers?
Sour nswer:They ha#e a #ested interest in the
status quo.
O. !est Coast 6ish ha#e no formal
organisation for mar'eting. !here this would
be stated in its mar'eting plan?
Sour nswer:6inancial controls.
Correct nswer: 0!"T nalysis.
P. The C,7 Company sets its
mar'eting budget by estimating the mar'et
leader%s mar'eting spends. This approach to
setting a budget is called:
Sour nswer:marginal approach.
Correct nswer: comparati#e parity method.
L. To de#elop its mar'et segments$
!est Coast 6ish planned sales #isits to the top
CE hotels and restaurants in 2reland. !here
would this appear in a mar'eting plan?
Sour nswer:,ar'eting strategies.
Correct nswer: ction plans.
M. C,7 Company sets its
ad#ertising budget by only spending up to the
point where any further spending would not
generate enough e(tra business to justify the
outlay. !hat approach is it using to setting the
Sour nswer:"bjecti#e method.
Marketing Manage(ent M)Qs Page 51
Correct nswer: ,arginal approach.
MGT 301 solved MCQs from new
Quizzes 29/6/2010
Guestion Q 3 of 3I C &tart timeA >IA4OA3I P" D %otal
"arksA 3
Which of the folloing environment involves natural
resources that are needed as inputs by marketers or that
are affected by marketing activities!
Cultural environment
#atural environment
aPolitical environment
%echnological environment

Guestion Q M of 3I C &tart timeA >IA4LA>P P" D %otal "arksA
What is the first step in target8cost pricing!
&elect correct optionA
:etermine budget limitations
'orecast sales
Predict competitive reaction
Define the market segment

Guestion Q I of 3I C &tart timeA >IAH3AIL P" D %otal "arksA
Which of the folloing is an intensive groth strategy of
increasing sales in present markets ith present products!
&elect correct optionA
"arket development
Market penetration
Product development
"arket saturation

page 77
Market penetration means trying to increase sales of a firmJs present
products in its present markets
Guestion Q K of 3I C &tart timeA >IAHMA3L P" D %otal "arksA
Which one of the folloing is the first step of marketing
research process!
&elect correct optionA
Define problem
:ata analysis

Guestion Q O of 3I C &tart timeA >IAHMAHI P" D %otal "arksA
(;utside8in* perspective focus on hich of folloing
&elect correct optionA

pae 557
53% The marketing concept takes an Koutside6inI perspective 2focuses
on customer needs, values,
and satisfactions3%

Guestion Q L of 3I C &tart timeA >IAH4AIH P" D %otal "arksA
.ecord system that provides current data on sales, costs,
inventories, cash flos, accounts receivable and payable
refers to hich of the folloing data!
&elect correct optionA
(nternal data
90ternal data
&econdary data
Primary data

Guestion Q P of 3I C &tart timeA >IAHHA4P P" D %otal "arksA
If +1C Company observes all compact disc customers as
pretty much alike and thus offered only one marketing mi0,
it ould be using hich of the folloing approach!
&elect correct optionA

Guestion Q 3> of 3I C &tart timeA >IAHIA3M P" D %otal
"arksA 3
1y ___ the market and having several detergent brands,
Procter E /amble has an attractive offering for consumers
in all important preference groups$
&elect correct optionA

Guestion Q 33 of 3I C &tart timeA >IAHKA>H P" D %otal
"arksA 3
In hich of the folloing methods of data collection
consumers read 5uestions from a computer screen and
Marketing Manage(ent M)Qs Page 5!
&elect correct optionA
Personal intervieing
Computer interviewing
%elephone intervieing
"ail 5uestionnaires

Guestion Q 3M of 3I C &tart timeA >IAHKAHP P" D %otal
"arksA 3
+ firm has decided to locali,e its products and services to
meet local market demands$ Which one of the folloing
approaches is a good approach for this segmentation!
&elect correct optionA

Guestion Q 34 of 3I C &tart timeA >IAHOAMP P" D %otal
"arksA 3
Which one of the folloing is an e0ample of a convenience
consumer product!
&elect correct optionA
+ motorcycle
+ bicycle
+thletic shoes

Guestion Q 3H of 3I C &tart timeA >IAHLA>P P" D %otal
"arksA 3
People ith so many resources that they can indulge in any
or all consumer self8orientation$ Which one of the folloing
category is true!
&elect correct optionA
;abitual buyers
1rand personalities
.eference groups

Guestion Q 3I of 3I C &tart timeA >IAHPAMO P" D %otal
"arksA 3
%here are three decision involved in designing a sample$
Which of the folloing is -;% a part of sample designing!
&elect correct optionA
&ampling unit
&ampling si,e
ampling procedure
&ampling cost

Which one of the folloing options represents the
collection of businesses and products that make up a
&elect correct optionA
&trategic business unit
"ission statement
&trategic plan
)usiness portfolio

&ome analysts see hich of the folloing as the major enduring asset of a
company, outlasting the company)s specific products and facilities!
&elect correct optionA

page GF
Guestion Q 4 of 3I C &tart timeA >KAHPAI3 P" D
%otal "arksA 3
Which of the folloing refers to (%he art and science
of choosing target markets and building profitable
&elect correct optionA
Customer relationship management
#noledge management
%otal 5uality management
Marketing management

Guestion Q H of 3I C &tart timeA >KAI>AI> P" D %otal "arksA 3
Public that influence the company)s ability to obtain funds reflects hich
of the folloing publics!
&elect correct optionA
Cinancial publics
"edia publics
/overnment publics
Citi,en8action publics

Which one of the folloing is a part of marketing
&elect correct optionA
&tandardi,ing and grading
'inancing E .isk taking
&ecuring "arketing Information
All of the above

Guestion Q K of 3I C &tart timeA >KAIMA43 P" D
%otal "arksA 3
+ person on the 7niversity 1ook &hop@s survey asks
respondents to tell the shop, in their on ords, hat
they like least about te0tbook shopping$ What is a type
of this 5uestion!
&elect correct optionA
An open6ended
+ dichotomous
+ multiple choice
Marketing Manage(ent M)Qs Page 53
+ scale

Planning that involves developing a strategy to meet competition and
ensure long8term survival and groth* represents hich one of the
folloing planning types
&elect correct optionA
9ong6range planning
&hort8range planning
+nnual planning
&trategic planning

%he search for ne8product ideas should be ___ rather than hapha,ard$
&elect correct optionA

page 1H5
The search for new6product ideas should be
systematic rather than hapha"ard%

Which one of the folloing categories refers to a group of products that
are closely related because they function in a similar manner, are sold to
the same customer groups, are marketed through the same type of outlets,
or fall ithin given price ranges!
&elect correct optionA
Product line
2ine e0tension
Private brand
Product bandidth

page 1HH
A product line is a group of products that are
closely related because they function in a similar
manner, are sold to the same customer groups, are
marketed through the same types of outlets, or
fall within given price ranges%

&tudies of the origin of man, religion, and thought8provoking ad
campaigns are on the rise$ %his study reflects hich of the folloing
&elect correct optionA
PeopleJs views of the universe
People)s vies of nature
People)s vies of society
People)s vies of organi,ation

page =F
f3% PeopleJs views of the universe% tudies of the
origin of man, religion, and
thought6provoking ad campaigns are on the rise%
Currently, Americans are on a spiritual /ourney%
This will probably take the form of Kspiritual

%he 1C/ groth8share matri0 classifies hich of the folloing four
types of &17s!
&elect correct optionA
Product< price< promotion< placement
&ales< market share< price< promotion
tars. cash cows. 'uestion marks. dogs
Planning< organi,ing< leading< controlling

+ccording to Philip #otler ho many marketing
management philosophies are there!
&elect correct optionA
page 555
Which one of the folloing option is -;% correct for marketing
&elect correct optionA
It increases demand
It reduces demand
(t destroys demand
It finds demand

:uring shopping in a market, a girl sees a ne diet cola$ &he picks up a
si08pack to take home and try$ %his purchase is indicative of hich one of
the folloing decision making!
&elect correct optionA
page @H

Companies begin their marketing ith one targeted
segment and then e0pand into other segments refers to
hich of the folloing concepts!
&elect correct optionA
%otal market
Target marketing
page F5

Marketing Manage(ent M)Qs Page 5"

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