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English Activities (Projeto Ingls Funcionrios/UFSCar)

Teacher aria Clau!ia
Name: _________________________________________________________
"# $ea!ing an! %riting activit&
Take a look at the following poster. Its called An Alphabet for World Peace
. Do yo know
these words! Are there words that are si"ilar to Portgese! Which ones! #ircle the".
$orce% http%&&www."'poster.(pg. Accessed on April )1* )+1,.
#reate yor own poster abot a topic of yor choice as ho"ework. Try to choose a word for at
least 1+ letters of the alphabet. -o "ay se a dictionary and yor creati.ity/
'# (oca)ular& activit&* greetings/intro!ucing &oursel+
0atch the col"ns%

1 1 2 3i. 1 2 4ood'bye/
1 ) 2 3ow are yo! 1 2 3ello/
1 5 2 This is "y friend 6illy. 1 2 7ice to "eet yo/
1 , 2 8ye/ 1 2 9ine* thanks/
,# activities
3a.e a look at the following chart with infor"ation abot the :erb To 8e
BE Verb Introduction - Simple Present Tense
( +
1st person I am I'm I'm here.
2nd person you are you're You're busy.
3rd person he is he's He's a friend.
3rd person she is she's She's a doctor.
3rd person it is it's It's cold today.
1st person pl. we are we're We're hungry.
2nd person pl. you are you're You're beautiful.
3rd person pl. they are they're hey're asleep.
( "
I am not I'm not I'm not thirsty.
you are not
you aren't
you're not
You aren't here.
You're not a cat!
he is not
he isn't
he's not
He isn't there.
He's not at home.
she is not
she isn't
she's not
She isn't a mother.
She's not an actress.
it is not
it isn't
it's not
It isn't warm today.
It's not too hot today.
we are not
we aren't
we're not
We aren't asleep.
We're not sleepy.
you are not
you aren't
you're not
You aren't tired.
You're not at wor".
they are not
they aren't
they're not
hey aren't here.
hey're not at wor".

BE VERB # SUBJECT (+ S$ort Ans%er (" S$ort Ans%er
( (
#m I correct$ Yes% I am. &o% I'm not.
#re you tired$ Yes% you are.
&o% you aren't.
&o% you're not.
Is he asleep$ Yes% he is.
&o% he isn't.
&o% he's not.
Is she here$ Yes% she is.
&o% she isn't.
&o% she's not.
Is it warm$ Yes% it is.
&o% it isn't.
&o% it's not.
#re we students$ Yes% we are.
&o% we aren't.
&o% we're not.
#re you thirsty$ Yes% you are.
&o% you aren't.
&o% you're not.
#re they here$ Yes% they are.
&o% they aren't.
&o% they're not.
;ead the following short te<ts and nderline e<a"ples of the :erb To 8e%
$orce% http%&&english'"&.erbs&be'"l. Accessed on% April ))* )+1,.
Six-year-old girl is saved
)1'+,')+1, +>%++
A boat sinks near $oth ?orea. A si<'year'old girl is lcky. People resce her. $adly* her
parents are still "issing. The girl goes to hospital. People try to find her fa"ily. They find the
girls ncle. People look for the girls parents. We ha.e no infor"ation abot the".
Rat scares people
18-04-2014 15:00
Here is some news from New York. A person lms a scar! moment. "t s#ows
people on a s$%wa!. &#ere is a rat on t#e train. &#e people panic. &#e!
'$mp on t#eir seats. &#e! scream. (oon) a lot of people lea*e t#e train.
+arat#on in a ,esert
1--04-2014 0.:00
&#ere is a marat#on in +orocco. "t is t#e 2/t# marat#on of t#is t!pe. &#is
marat#on is *er! #ar,. 0eople r$n in t#e (a#ara 1esert. "t is e2tremel! #ot
t#ere3 &#e r$nners r$n 155 miles 424/ kilometres5. +ore t#an 1)000 people
take part in t#e marat#on. &#e! r$n in t#e san, in t#e %e6innin6. &#en
t#e! reac# a 7at area. &#e! 6et to an o*erni6#t station after anot#er 8
kilometres. No%o,! carries t#in6s for t#e r$nners. &#e r$nners m$st carr!
$orce% http%&&"&prodcts&si<'year'old'girl'is'sa.ed'le.el'1. Accessed on April ))* )+1,.
$orce% http%&&"&prodcts&rat'scares'people'le.el'1&.Accessed on April ))* )+1,.
$orce% http%&&"&prodcts&"arathon'in'a'desert'le.el'1&.Accessed on April ))* )+1,.

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