Script - JNJ Mystery Audit Base Scenario

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Script JnJ Mystery Audit

Base Scenario:
You are wearing spectacles for some time now and would like to try something new. Pondering over this
thought you decided to go and check out the various contact lenses options that are available in the
As a part of your quest you are about to enter an optical store and engage in the following conversation
with an ECP
Script Template

To understand whether or not ECP positively refers Contact lenses to
TG/Auditor. And what parameters they communicate in favour of contact
lenses while recommending them TG/Auditor
Questions Covered Auditor Script ECP response Auditor Response Scenario/ Question Auditor Response
*Q1. On what basis did ECP tells you about the lenses? Here you have to see on
what parameters i.e.
Price, Technology,
Days/hours of usage,
Duration of wear etc,
ECP recommends lenses
to you. And also you
have to note down the
rational ECP gives when
he recommends lenses
based on one or more
than more one options
as mentioned above
*Q2. Did optometrist
ask you about our
Scenario 2.1
ECP doesnt asks about the profile of Auditor (i.e.
what kind of lifestyle he has in terms of his work
environment etc)
In this case , Auditor
has to make sure that
he tries to bring the
conversation on that
line by communicating
So what kind of
options are available for
a person like me who
has to
a) Has to wear
specs for entire
day & work on
computer for
most the time ,
b) Has to wear
specs for entire
day & spend
most of the
time travelling
After communicating
this Auditor has to
observe and
understand the
recommendation which
ECP gives basis the
rational justifying your
lifestyle or work .
Q3*. Did optometrist
ask you about our
Scenario 2.2
ECP asks you about your day to day routine and
lifestyle pattern as in what kind of work you do,
in what kind of environment etc
Here Auditor has to
specify any one of the
two profiles (as
communicated to them)
a) Has to wear
specs for entire
day & work on
computer for
most of the
b) Has to wear
specs for entire
day & spend
most of the
time travelling
After communicating
this Auditor has to
observe and
understand the
recommendation which
ECP gives basis the
rational justifying your
lifestyle or work

Objective To understand what kind of recommendation ECP provides basis the profile
and background of Auditor
Q4. Which Brand did ECP recommended to you? Auditor needs to
observe and
understand that out of
the following brands
a. Bosch &
b. Johnson &
c. Ciba(Alcon)
d. Other, Please
Which one is
recommended by ECP?
In this scenario, Auditor
has to probe the ECP by
asking him which
particular brand you
would recommend for
me and why? And
observe all the reason
ECP mentions for
referring a particular
brand or rejecting
Q5. Reasons for Brand Recommendation Here Auditor need to
understand & observe
the exact rational about
each parameter which
EPC communicates
while recommending a
particular brand in the
previous question.
These parameters are
as follows
a. Quality
b. Popularity
c. Technology
d. Long hours/
Many days
e. comfort
f. value for
g. Ease of use
h. Healthier
ECP can refer to more
than 1 parameter for
brand recommendation
,and you have observe
the rational for each
one of them
Outcome The outcome is to observe which brand level recommendation an Auditor is
exposed to and what are the parameters that ECP uses to give that
recommendation to Auditor
Q6. Ask ECP for the price of the recommended brand Please note that you
have to ask for price of
the recommended
Q7. Ask ECP for the duration of recommended brand Please note that you
have to ask for duration
(Monthly, Fortnightly,
Daily basis, Yearly) of
recommended brand
Q8. Ask ECP for discount on the product/ Brand
offered(mention the %age discount offered)
Have to probe ECP to
provide discount on the
mentioned price
Q9. Ask for any scheme/ offer on the recommended
brand( e.g. free philips headphones) mention the
complete scheme offered
Have to probe ECP to
see if there are some
additional schemes
from company side on
purchase of contact
Outcome The outcome is to observe what level of negotiation happens inside a store in
context of contact lenses purchase and how actively ECP tries to promote
different schemes and offer to sell the product to Auditor
Q10. Which is the most visible brand inside the store Here, auditor has to see
that which brand is
having the maximum
promotion inside the
store (through stickers,
posters, banners,
hoardings, standees
Q11. Ask ECP to provide a trial of lenses Auditor requests the
ECP to give him/her a
trial of lenses of
required power
Q12. Was Lenses of your required power available at
the store
Auditor would have to
see that whether the
required power of
lenses are available in
the store or not
Q13. If no trial is provided , please specify the reason Have to record the
exact reason if no trial
is provided
Q14. Did ECP help you out during the trial process Yes/No
Q15. How did ECP help you out during product Trial Mention how he exactly
guided you during the
trial process
Q16. Share your experience of trial Comment purely based
on your experience
Q17. How was your overall experience of store visit Comment based on
Q18. Would you like to Purchase contact lenses based
on the Interaction you had with ECP?
Have to share your final
opinion on purchase of
lenses basis your
interaction with ECP
Outcome The outcome is observe how comfortable ECP are in providing trial to
Auditors and whether based overall interaction process how the purchase
intention of Auditor gets influenced

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