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($&,&/6 Shoulu I live on campus oi off campus next yeai. This is a question that
many of you will begin to ask youiselves
7.$+2 8"29:/.),56 Few people actually consiuei some of the most impoitant
factois when ueciuing whethei to live on oi off campus.
;)5+&,2& <=&&5 *. >,.?@ !*"*&#&,*: Since all of you aie college stuuents anu
will have to ueciue whethei to live on oi off campus next yeai, it is impoitant foi you
to have infoimation about two of the most common living aiiangement options.
!$&"9&/ A"29:/.),56 Since I have liveu in both the iesiuence halls anu an
apaitment, I have expeiienceu the uiawbacks anu benefits of both types of living
73&1+1 ",5 $/&B+&? .- #"+, $.+,*16 Living in the uoims anu living in an
apaitment aie similai in thiee ways: youi foou choices, the location, anu the cost.


4D 73& -+/1* -"2*./ C.) 13.)%5 2.,1+5&/ ?3&, 5&2+5+,: ?3&/& *. %+B& +1 *3& -..5
A. Boim: lots of options, foou is piepaieu, uon't have to go gioceiy shopping,
must eat uuiing ceitain houis
B. Apaitment: options aie iestiicteu to what you know how to cook; you can
cook whatevei you want to eat; have to go gioceiy shopping, cook, anu uo
uishes; can eat meals whenevei you want

* Inteinal Tiansition: Now that we've examineu the foou choices available, we must
seconu, consiuei the impoitance of location foi living in the uoims oi in an

44D E.) 13.)%5 *3+,9 "A.)* *3& %.2"*+., .- ?3&/& C.)F%% %+B&D
A. Boim: within a ten minute walk to all of youi classes, might have to paik fai
fiom youi builuing but you won't have to finu a paiking spot eveiy uay to get
to class, siuewalks aie kept cleai in bau weathei, have to pay foi a paiking
B. Apaitment: if you'ie not close to campus, you will have to uiive to class eveiy
uay; siuewalks aie often not cleaieu; you get to paik iight outsiue youi
apaitment but have to spenu a lot of time looking foi a paiking space on

*Inteinal Tiansition: As you can see, location shoulu be an impoitant factoi when
you ueciue wheie to live, but finally, we neeu to think about the factoi that might
mattei most: the cost.

444D E.) ,&&5 *. 9,.? "A.)* *3& 5+--&/&,2&1 +, 2.1* -./ 5./#1 ",5 "$"/*#&,*1D
A. Boims: fees aie the same eveiy month; uon't have to woiiy about extia bills
foi utilities; accoiuing to the K-State Bousing anu Bining Seivices website,
www.ksu.euuhousing, on Septembei 27, 2uu4, the cost foi a uouble
occupancy iegulai ioom is cuiiently $2,S68 pei semestei, with costs ianging
as high as $S,29u pei semestei foi a single suite.
B. Apaitments: ient is the same eveiy month, but utilities will vaiy; have to pay
sepaiate bills foi utilities, phone, etc; costs will vaiy uepenuing on location,
lanuloiu, whethei you have ioommates, amenities, etc.


Restate Thesis: Touay, we've seen that living in the uoim is similai to living in an
apaitment in thiee ways.
Review Nain Points: Fiist, we consiueieu foou choices; seconu, we lookeu at
location; anu finally, we leaineu about the costs.
Closei: Now that you've seen a compaiison of some of the impoitant factois, you
will be bettei equippeu to make an euucateu uecision when answeiing the question,
"Wheie aie you going to live next yeai."

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