KA Section VII - Sheet1

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Key Assessment Section VII

Goals Objectives Description of Evaluation

Goal 1: To provide opportunities and
assistance for students in the
development of knowledge on how to
use and access web 2.0 tools
Objective 1a: The media specialist will administer a survey
to students to determine the top three web 2.0 tools that
students want to know more about.
Evaluation 1a: Online survey, given by media specialist,
implemented at beginning of year
Objective 1b: The media specialist will provide training
sessions in the media center that will teach students how to
use the web 2.0 tools that were chosen from the survey.
Evaluation 1b: The media specialist will create a test
instrument to determine the fluency and understanding of
students after training session.
Objective 1c: The media specialist will evaluate students on
how well they can use the web 2.0 tools after several
training sessions.
Evaluation 1c: Rubric for each Web 2.0 tool, given by
media specialist, implemented at end of year.
Goal 2: To provide instruction on how
to access and use Destiny, the online
card catalog, to search for resources
and check out e-books
Objective 2a: The media specialist will provide a training
session at the beginning of each year that will teach
students how to use and access the online card catalog.
Evaluation 2a: The media specialist will conduct an
assessment of student learning through a short assessment
given to teachers regarding student usage of electronic
Objective 2b: The media specialist will offer incentives
throughout the year to ensure that students are accessing
and using the online card catalog.
Evaluation 2b: The media specialist will create a control
group of students who did not receive incentives and
compare their usage of electronic resources to a group of
students who received incentives.
Objective 2c: The media specialist will conduct a survey at
the end of the year for students to check for understanding
of how to use and access the online card catalog.
Evaluation 2c: Survey, given by media specialist, given at
end of year. Every student who participated in the
information literacy session will receive this survey.
Goal 3: To collaborate with staff in
planning and implenting
media/technology into lessons to meet
students' educational needs
Objective 3a: The media specialist will create a committee
of teachers that are interested in collaborative efforts to
increase student achievement.
Evaluation 3a: The media specialist will target and recruit
staff members (teachers, paraprofessionals, and
administrative staff) to participate in collaborative efforts to
increase student achievement. The media specialist will
conduct various staff assessments to determine the increase
in student achivement.
Objective 3b: The teachers and media specialist will
formulate a plan of action to design activities and
assessments for student-centered learning.
Evaluation 3b: The media committee will assess the
baseline of student learning, or will use materials from
previous years. The MC will create surveys to determine
the learner's needs and will implement these assessments.
The media specialist will interpret these results and will
report the findings back to the committee. Once the
committee receives the report back, they will determine the
goals to increase student achievement.
Objective 3c: The committee will determine a time
schedule that the teacher and the librarian will co-teach on
the activities and assessments that have previously been
Evaluation 3c: The media committee will utilize Google
calendar to schedule co-teaching information literacy
sessions. The media specialist and media committee will
work collaboratively to create assessments, a timeline for
teaching information literacy sessions, and will plan
assessment measures to determine student achievements,
specifically utilizing surveys to determine the effectiveness
of information literacy sessions.

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