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2nd Midterm

6.00: Pm to 8:50 Pm
Close Book, In Class Test.
Section IS 101
Maximum Points 100
Match the following
1. More buttons a) A style that makes text appear darker
2.Auto correct b) combines selected cells into a single cell as c) Adds borders and shading to tables
4. Cut d). A set location in the document to hich you can align text
!."uler e) #isplays tab settings and paragraph and document margins
$.%ab stop &) inserts text &rom the clipboard in a document
'. (old g) the intersection o& ro and column
). %able Auto &ormat h) "emoves the text &rom document and places it on the clipboard
*. Cell +) Changes the spelling o& misspelled ords as you type
1,. Merge cells -). Creates a ne document hile saving the original document
k) #isplays buttons not currently visible on the toolbar
Select the best answer true false ! fill in the best answer.

1. "o close the word #rogram window $ou must%
a& 'lic( office button% then clic( close
b& 'lic( the )xit button on the standard tool bar
c& 'lic( *ile on the office% then clic( )xit
d& 'lic( the )xit window button on the office button
2. +hich tab includes buttons for formatting text,
a& -ome c& .iew
b& Page /a$out d& 0nsert
1. -ow man$ times can $ou #aste an item from the cli#board into a document,
a& 2nce
b& 3n unlimited number of times
c& "wice
d& 12 times
4. "he 'li#board can store a maximum of 555555555 item items.
a& 2ne
b& 3n unlimited number of items
c& "wice
d& 24 items

5. +hich 6iew is best for annotating text with comments and highlighting,
a& Print la$out 6iew
b& *ull Screen 7eading 6iew
c& +eb la$out 6iew
d& 2utline 6iew
6. +hich button on "ables and 8orders toolbar do $ou clic( when $ou want to
a##l$ shading to text,
a& Shading
b& 8orders
c& 8orders and Shadings
d& 9ou cannot a##l$ shading with a button
:. +hat is the (e$board shortcut for the #aste command,
a& ;'trl<;'< b& ;'trl<;P<
c& ;'trl<;.< d& ;'trl<;=<
8. Sum allows $ou to total the 6alues of cells abo6e or to the left of the
'urrent cell. >" *&,
Match the following
3. ?omain 8. 8ounce '. *3@ ?. *lame ). *lame +ar *. -ome Page A. -$#erlin(
-. 0nbox 0. 0nternet B. CetiDuette E. Search engine. /. Shouting M. Signature C. Smile$
2. SiFing -andles P. S#am @. S#oofing 7. G7/ S. +eb 8rowser ". 3ddress 8oo(
G. 3ddress 8ar
1.... A list o& email addresses.
2.... /0uares around a selected image used to resi1e.
3....%ext that2 hen clicked2 takes to another page or t another eb site.
4....%he server 3computer) upon hich a ebsite exists.
!.... %he global collection o& millions o& linked computers.
$.... A ebsite database that lets me &inds more in&ormation.
'.... A list o& 0uestions than have been asked be&ore.
).... 4here my incoming mails are kept.
*.... Common rules o& internet eti0uette.
1,.... 5ndelivered mail ill do this.
11.... %he &irst page is seen hen a eb site is accessed.
12....hen &olks exchange a barrage o& insults.
13...%ext &ound at the end o& some email message.
14.... %ext in capital letters can be interpreted as this.
1!..... 4here + enter the eb site address + ant to load
1$.... 5seless in&ormation sent to many people at once.
1'. ... 6retending to be some one else.
1)....6uncation symbols that look like a human &ace.
1*..... A ebsite address.
2,.....%he type o& so&tare used to access the internet.
21. ... A. message that incites the recipient to anger.
*ill in the blan(s.
1. Copies o& sent messages are saved in ..........
2. 6artially7completed letters are kept in .........
3. 8CC9 is an abbreviation &or ..........
4. %o send a received message to some one else is...........
!. .......... is a text or an image &ile that is sent ith an email.
$. :%M; stands &or ..........
'. :%%6 stands &or ............
). 5"; stands &or..............
*. %C6<+6 stands &or............
1,. + = stand &or .............
11. 4rit e the components o& an email address.3give examples) 32 points)
12. 4rite the components o& an 5";. .3give examples) 32 points)
"rue *alse ! fill in the 8lan(s >10 #oints&
1. A deleted email message is put in the inbox. 3 )
2. + can edit contacts in my address book. 3 )
3. +n email 8CC9 stands &or Community college. 3 )
4. %ext at the end o& each message is called as emoticon. 3 )
!. A collection o& addresses are kept in the voice box. 3 )
$. 5sing a passord restricts access to an email account. 3 )
'. An email address alays starts ith 444.
). ;A> stands &or ...........
*. 4A> stands &or ..............
1,......... is a device that permits you to convert a photograph into digital &ormat so
that e can post it on the ebsite2 send it via email or insert it in a document.

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