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DF antennas for every purpose

From HF to UHF, stationary and mobile

When Rohde & Schwarz launched a

new generation of digital direction

finders several years ago, a new

family of DF antennas appeared at

the same time and has been contin-

uously added to. The antennas can

be used for both Digital Monitoring

Direction Finders DDF0xM and Digital

Photo 43 178/3
Scanning Direction Finders DDF0 xS,

which feature three receiver modules.

FIG 1 Interferometer DF Antenna ADD 011, combined with Adcock Antenna ADD 012 (monopoles
A separate antenna family is provided in background, right)

for the single-channel DDF 190.

The new generation of digital direction tion of a transmitter can be determined

finders [1, 2, 3] uses either the classic with only one direction finder by con-
Watson-Watt method or the advanced sidering the ionosphere (SSL: single sta-
correlative interferometer principle. For tion location), provided however that the
both, Rohde & Schwarz offers a compre- signal is only reflected once by the iono-
hensive selection of antennas for station- sphere (single-hop propagation).
ary and mobile use covering the range
from HF through UHF (FIG 4). For the correlative interferometer there
are two types of DF antenna: ADD010
and ADD011. The latter consists of
DF antennas for shortwave nine crossed-loop antenna elements
arranged on the circumference of a
Because of the large wavelengths in the circle 50 m in diameter (FIG 1). Thanks
shortwave range from 1000 m to 10 m, to their vertical antenna pattern, crossed
DF antennas for this purpose are usually loops detect signals that arrive as sky-
also large. All shortwave antennas from waves up to elevation angles of almost
Rohde & Schwarz range from 0.3 MHz to 90°.
30 MHz.
The antenna elements can be folded up,
Correlative interferometer mounted on tripods and are thus suit-
The correlative interferometer deter- able for stationary and transportable use.
mines the azimuth of a signal and its
elevation. The advantage is that the loca-

News from Rohde& Schwarz Number 169 (2000/IV)

Wave If the available space is limited, on DF antennas for VHF-UHF

Elevation ships or vehicles for instance, there is
no alternative to compact DF antennas, Apart from elevation, the same funda-
ADD010 but these can only be implemented for mentals apply to DF methods in the
ADD012 Watson-Watt. For vehicular use or tem- VHF-UHF range. Here too, there are DF
porary installation on a tripod, HF DF antennas for evaluation by the correla-
Antenna ADD119 is the best choice. It tive interferometer or Watson-Watt prin-
FIG 2 Vertical patterns of ADD 011, consisting
of crossed-loop elements, and ADD 010 and can be used in single- and three-channel ciple, for both stationary and mobile use.
ADD012, both designed with rod antennas systems.
Correlative interferometer
ADD 015 was specially designed for ship- A wide range of antennas is available for
DF Antenna ADD010 is intended for board use and so that an extra VHF-UHF the correlative interferometer. Compact
mobile applications in the same fre- DF Antenna ADD150 can be mounted VHF-UHF DF Antenna ADD150 covers
quency range. It consists of nine on its tip [4]. 20 MHz through 1300 MHz in a station-
monopole elements, also arranged in ary or mobile role. Due to its compact
a circle 50 m in diameter. They can Modernization of older systems size, performance is slightly limited at
be set up and dismantled faster, and Users in the shortwave range in particu- the bottom end of the frequency range
take up less space during transport. lar will modernize their Adcock/Watson- (sensitivity, response to multipath propa-
In this case the vertical pattern only Watt direction finder from time to gation). This deficiency can be reduced
allows detection of signals up to eleva- time, but wish to continue using the in mobile use by approaching the trans-
tion angles of about 60° (FIG 2). In partic- generally rather elaborate Adcock com- mitter. In stationary mode, VHF Antenna
ular when determining elevation, major ponent. With Direction Finder DDF01M ADD050, which is optimized for the
errors can be produced by signals with or DDF01S, this is quite straightforward 20 MHz to 200 MHz range, can be added
steep angles of incidence. With nine by connecting Antenna Interface GX060 (together they form DF Antenna ADD051,
elements and a triple receiver arrange- between DF antenna and DF instrumen- FIG 3). UHF DF Antenna ADD070 (FIG 3),
ment, sequential sampling is necessary, tation. both mobile and stationary, covers the
requiring extended signal duration. On range between 1.3 GHz and 3 GHz.
the other hand, the correlative interfer-
ometer stands out for its high accuracy GSM frequencies 900 MHz/1800 MHz
and stability. and 1900 MHz are gaining in importance.
Organizations responsible for correct use
Adcock/Watson-Watt direction finder of the frequency spectrum are very
DF Antenna ADD012 is intended for sta- much interested in locating sources of
tionary applications using the Watson- interference in these bands – especially
Watt method. It is in the nature of in built-up areas. DF Antenna ADD170,
Adcock antennas that they do not cover which is especially immune to reflection,
as wide a frequency range as DF was developed for this purpose.
antennas for a correlative interferometer.
ADD012 may consist of one or two Adcock/Watson-Watt direction finder
circular arrays, each with eight mono- The Watson-Watt method can also
poles, and one central antenna, the be utilized with compact DF Antenna
circles being 7 m and/or 22 m in diam- ADD155 covering 20 MHz to 650 MHz.
eter. Since the Watson-Watt method
only gives you the azimuth and no eleva-
tion, the vertical pattern of the monopole Antennas for DDF190
Photo 43 073/2

plays a minor role (FIG 2). The signals of

the Adcock antenna are processed simul- In the shortwave range, DDF190 oper-
taneously during the Watson-Watt evalu- ates in Watson-Watt mode. HF DF
ation, i.e. without any switching steps, so FIG 3 Together, correlative interferometer Antenna ADD119 is designed for both
antennas ADD 051 (= ADD050 with ADD 150)
signals of shorter duration are detected and ADD 070 (cylinder below) cover the the two three-channel DDF0xM and
and higher search speed is possible. frequency range 20 MHz to 3000 MHz DDF0xS direction finders and single-

News from Rohde & Schwarz Number 169 (2000/IV)
FIG 4 Shortwave
Antenna selection for
Digital Direction
Antennas for Adcock/Watson-Watt
Finders DDF0xM,
DDF0x S and ADD155
(yellow: mobile ADD119
and stationary, ADD015
green: stationary)

Interferometer antennas for correlation

ADD 051 (=
( ADD050 + ADD 150))
ADD 010

0.3 1 3 10 20 30 100 200 650 1300 3000

Frequency / MHz

channel DDF190. DF Antenna ADD190 REFERENCES

[1] Digital Monitoring Direction Finders DDF0x M
for the VHF-UHF range (30 MHz to
– State-of-the-art monitoring direction finding
1300 MHz) is almost identical to ADD150 from HF to UHF. News from Rohde & Schwarz
but operates with a single channel. (1996) No. 150, pp 22–25
[2] Digital Scanning Direction Finders DDF0x S
– Fast direction finding of broadband and
UHF DF Antenna ADD071 (1.3 GHz shortterm signals. News from Rohde & Schwarz
to 3 GHz) is very similar to ADD070. (1998) No. 158, pp 21– 23
[3] VHF-UHF Direction Finder DDF 190 – Digital
The antenna voltages of ADD190 and direction finding from 20 to 3000 MHz to ITU
ADD071 are evaluated by the correlative guidelines. News from Rohde & Schwarz (1996),
interferometer method. Because of the No. 152, pp 30– 32
[4] Shortwave direction finding on ships. News
single-channel evaluation, a multiplex from Rohde & Schwarz (1999) No. 162,
method patented by Rohde & Schwarz is pp 29 –30
additionally implemented in DDF 190 and
its antennas.
Franz Demmel; Ulrich Unselt

Reader service card 169/10

News from Rohde& Schwarz Number 169 (2000/IV)

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