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Rajapakse Ancestry: Rajapaksa's are

born Catholics of Malaccan origin..!

(Lanka-e-Nes -!".#ct.!$%&' %$.$$(M) Rajapaksa is a 'na*e' that the
+ritish Raj ga,e to people that -i- a goo- job in Nego*bo. /ee-0a area'
close to 1at0nayake.
2he sa*e ay the +ritish -i-' gi,e fancy na*es to people in the 3ill co0ntry
an- /o0th' that -i- a goo- job!
Rajapaksa's are born Catholics of Malaccan origin (this e4plains the strong
'gob looking' Mongoloi- phenotype feat0res in all of the*).
3is father's na*e as 5on Alin Rajapaksa. 3is son (the (resi-ent no) is
(ercy Mahin-a. 2hey 'con,erte-' their Religio0s belief's to gain (olitical
2his as no -i6erent to /7R5 an- 8R8' ho ere all fro* strict Christian
backgro0n-s an- con,erte- to e4hibit /inhala +0--hist 94tre*is* to gain
(0blic (op0larity. (:oes to sho the basic insincerity an- the *anip0lati,e
*etho-s 0se- to gain poer!)
2he Rajapaksa fa*ily is no one of /ri Lanka's *ost poerf0l fa*ilies in the
Le- by (resi-ent Mahin-a (ercy Rajapaksa' all his 'kith an- kin' no occ0py
senior positions in the /ri Lankan state.
2he fa*ily controls aro0n- "$; of the national b0-get.
2he Rajapaksa fa*ily' originally fro* /ee-0a. Nego*bo later *igrate-
ith their Malaccan Catholic ancestors to the ,illages of /ipp0k0la* an-
:ir0apatt0a in the so0thern -istrict of 3a*panthotta* (no knon as
2heir Malaccan relati,es ere banishe- by <sla*ic R0lers of Malacca for
helping the (ort0g0ese con=0est of Malacca.
2hey ere feare-' an- knon for their br0tality an- r0thlessness.((nothing
see*s to ha,e change-!)
2he Malaccan fa*ily forcibly possesse- fertile pa--y >el-s an- cocon0t
lan-s belonging to nati,es' (nothing see*s to ha,e change-!) by enforcing
their br0tality thro0gh rape an- *0r-er.(nothing has change-!)
/o*e of the resi-0* of the Malaccan Catholic relati,es re*ain in the
/ee-0a. Nego*bo area' s0ch as the Lansa ?a*ily (no relation of Mario
Lansa@@!!) of Nego*bo ho are co0sins of the Rajapaksa's.
Me*bers of one section the of the /o0thern *igrant Malaccan fa*ily's later
con,erte- to <sla* to blen- ith the M0sli*s of Malay an- Arab -escent' in
or-er to recei,e tra-e bene>ts an- cre-it fro* M0sli* tra-ers ho
*onopoliAe- the so0thern tra-ing ports of :alle an- 3a*panthotta* (no
knon as 3a*bantota).
(p.s. 3istory repeats itself- this ti*e' ith the 'Chinks' as ell@@!!)
2he others entere- into Billage politics.
#ne of its *e*bers- 5on 5a,i- Rajapaksa' hel- the fe0-al post of
Bi-anarachchi in <hala Balika-a 1orale.
2he fa*ily entere- the political scene by >rst feigning their Religio0s beliefs
aligning *ore to the *ajority inhabitants beliefs of 2hera,a-a +0--his*!
2hereafter' 5on 5a,i- Rajapaksa's son 5on Mathe Rajapaksa as electe-
in %CDE to represent 3a*bantota -istrict in the /tate Co0ncil.
5on Mathe -ie- in %C&F an- at the res0lting by-election his brother' 5on
Alin Rajapaksa as electe- itho0t a contest. At the %C&" parlia*entary
election to *e*bers of the fa*ily ere electe- to represent both of the
constit0encies in 3a*bantota -istrict.
5on Alin Rajapaksa as electe- M( for +eliatta an- Laksh*an Rajapaksa
(5on Mathe's son) as electe- M( for 3a*bantota.2hey yet *aintaine-
the s0btlety of their sta0nch Catholic beliefs b0t appearing to be +0--hists
on the o0tsi-e!
2he Rajapaksas contin0e- to -o*inate politics in 3a*bantota -istrict for
ne4t three -eca-es ith to other *e*bers of the fa*ily (:eorge
Rajapaksa an- Mahin-a Rajapaksa) also entering parlia*ent.
2he Rajapaksas ere represente- in the co0ntry's legislat0res contin0o0sly
fro* %CDE till %C"".
2he fa*ily asn't represente- in parlia*ent after the GN( lan-sli-e at the
%C"" parlia*entary election.
2he <n-o-Lanka Accor- she- light on the Rajapaksa fa*ily to a-opt a *ore
hea-line-H /inhala +0--histH policy.
2his helpe- the Rajapaksa fa*ily to re-e*erge as the -o*inant political
force' in 3a*bantota -istrict' hen Mahin-a an- his brother Cha*al
Rajapaksa ere electe- in %CIC to represent 3a*bantota 9lectoral 5istrict.
2hey ere later joine- by Nir0pa*a Rajapaksa' +asil Rajapaksa an- Na*al
Altho0gh the Rajapaksas ha- -o*inate- politics in the 3a*bantota -istrict'
Nationally' politics ere -o*inate- by other fa*ilies (/enanayake's'
7ijear-ena's an- +an-aranaike's - also hypocrites of Christian origin).
7ith the co0ntry ha,ing face- *ore than to -eca-es of ar (*a-e e,en
orse by the '3oo-l0*s of the 8B()' the (resi-ential Can-i-ate Mahin-a
Rajapaksa opte- to take the *ore ra-ical /inhala +0--hist e4tre*ist path.
3e as oppose- to Ranil 7ickra*asinghe' ho ha- alrea-y create-
resent*ent fro* the /inhala +0--hist *ajority an- as consi-ere- to be
'light ,eine-' an- pro- 7estern.
2his pai- o6 ell in !$$F' hen Mahin-a Rajapaksa as electe- (resi-ent.
2here are clai*s that in the !$$F an- consec0ti,e (resi-ential 9lections his
Bictory as be=0eathe- by the sor-i- tales of *anip0lation' th0ggery an-
corr0pt *alpractices.
None of these allegation ere pro,e-' lea,ing the* only as Htales of the
-isappointe-H' altho0gh *any still belie,e the contrary!
/ince then' *e*bers of his fa*ily ha,e been appointe- to senior political
<**e-iately after being electe- (resi-ent' Mahin-a appointe- his brother
:otabhaya Rajapaksa as 5efence /ecretary (the *ost senior ci,il ser,ice
position in the Ministry of 5efence).
Another brother' +asil Rajapaksa' as appointe- /enior (resi-ential A-,isor
an- later Minister of 9cono*ic 5e,elop*ent.
+eteen the* the three Rajapaksa brothers are in charge of >,e
go,ern*ent *inistries: 5efence J Grban 5e,elop*ent' 9cono*ic
5e,elop*ent' ?inance J (lanning' 3ighays an- (orts J A,iation.
2his *eans that they -irectly control "$; of the national b0-get.
None of these relations ha- the -ecency' hono0r or self respect to -ecline
accepting these 'high oKces' if only to s=0ash the ob,io0s e*barrassing
'acc0sations' that folloe- by the tho0san-s.
2hey ent on to ac=0ire colossal a*o0nts of ealth.
2he Rajapaksa's -eny ha,ing control o,er s0ch a*o0nts!( Nat0rally!)
N0*ero0s other *e*bers of the 'e4ten-e- fa*ily' ha,e also been
appointe- to senior positions of the state.
2he entire fa*ily see*s Hset for lifeH!!
After the s0ccessf0l 'iping o0t' of the *0r-ero0s Northern terrorists (also
knon for their br0tality an- r0thlessness)' he e*poere- his Military
brother to be in charge of 5efence' an- begin to in>ltrate into the 'Grban
5e,elop*ent A0thority' (G5A)' hich has ine4plicable 'Lan- poers'' to
o,erri-e e,en the 80-iciary of the co0ntry!
2he acc0*0lation of so *0ch poer an- ealth by j0st one fa*ily' has
ine,itably le- to the belief of blatant nepotis*.
<nci-entally' the G5A as for*e- initially' by the for*er (resi-ent
(re*a-asa hen he as (ri*e Minister' an- place- 0n-er his -irect
p0r,ie a notorio0sly corr0pt ci,il ser,ant na*e- (askaralinga*! (p0n-i
/ince then' the G5A has alays been a poerf0l 'control eapon' of the
3ea- of state.
No the *ajority of the co0ntry' co*pletely ignorant of facts an- honest
infor*ation' act like 'la*bs to sla0ghter'' 0n-er the co**an- an-
-iscretion of the Rajapaksa fa*ily.
2o enhance their so calle- 'poer' they ha,e recr0ite- for*er *enials'e4-
cattle thie,es' illicit alcohol breers an- Hfather 0nknonH ,illage th0gs' to
e4ec0te *atters of 'la' s0**arily!
All this hilst the co0ntry enjoys a rep0tation of ha,ing theH best (olice
?orce in the orl-- that *oney can b0yH !!!!
No' the G5A is allege- to be forcibly ac=0iring (ri,ate an- /tate (roperty
an- transferring the* on to =0estionable tri-pLtM agree*ents to their on
fa*ily *e*bers an- their 'foot an- *o0th' sol-iers!!
Re-li,ing their ancestral history of con=0ering the -eep so0th' an- no the
hole nation!
Let 0s all sincerely hope that the Hheels of 1ar*a o0l- t0rn sloly' b0t
(?irst (0blishe- by /ri Lanka :0ar-ian)
Posted by Thavam

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