Divine Power

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Divine Power

A rules supplement to WFRP 2

Edition, and Realm of Divine
Magic by Ken Rolston, Alfred Nuez, et al.
Robert Tucker
i!ine "a#ic
T$e po%er to in!oke prayers and perform miracles is %$at
separates a priest from any sorcerous caster& 'nstead of riskin# ones
mind and soul to t$e c$aotic forces of ma#ic, a priest is in!ested by $is
patron %it$ t$e po%er $e needs to perform miraculous deeds& T$e #ods
$a!e near in(nite po%er compared to t$at of t$eir follo%ers and at
times %ill $ear t$e pleas of t$ose s%orn to t$eir ser!ice& T$e priest
t$en becomes a !essel of t$eir patrons po%er) entrusted %it$ a
minute piece of di!ine ener#y to $old in e*c$an#e for t$e adoration
and de!otion of t$e #ods follo%er& 't s$ould ne!er be for#otten t$at
t$e po%er to perform miracles comes from t$e di!ine patron and not
t$e priest&
"anna Pool +"P,
To represent t$e number of prayers a priest may in!oke or
miracles $e may perform it is necessary to assi#n a number to t$e
ener#ies $eld in ste%ards$ip %it$in a priest& To determine t$e initial
"anna Pool of a priest roll a number of d-. e/ual to t$eir current "a#ic
+"a#, 0$aracteristic& T$is is done each time t$e priest #ains an
ad!ance in t$at c$aracteristic& 0onsult t$e table belo% to determine
$o% many dice to roll& All rolls are cumulati!e&
Table -1
Career Magic
'nitiate 1- -d-.
Priest 12 2d-.
12 2d-.
3i#$ Priest 14 4d-.
0ost of 'n!okin# a Prayer
T$e Manna Cost +0ost, of in!okin# a prayer is t$e amount of
manna t$e c$aracter must spend to produce t$e desired ma#ical
e5ect& T$is cost is deducted from t$e c$aracters "P and is necessary
to keep a runnin# total of t$e po%er left in t$e "anna Pool& 'f t$is cost
is not listed as part of t$e spell description as 0ost to 0ast t$en use
t$e Casting Number of t$e spell +prayer, listed& T$is castin# number
%ill accurately re6ect t$e amount of di!ine ener#y re/uired&
7"s Note8 9sin# t$e Casting Number, as t$e ne% Manna
Cost on a point for point basis %as intended to keep t$e con!ersions
and record keepin# to a minimum& Feel free to use %$ate!er numbers
you feel %ould best ser!e your situation&
Recovering Magic Points
E*pendin# "a#ic Points only temporarily depletes a c$aracter:s
ma#ical reser!oirs&
All c$aracters naturally reco!er one "P per 24;$our period as t$eir
<pirits #radually
absorb ma#ical ener#y from t$eir surroundin#s&
All c$aracters %it$ t$e Meditation talent may be able to
reco!er "a#ic Points at a
faster rate +see i!ine <kills, ="editation=, pa#e >>&, 'nitiates learn t$is
skill as one of t$e
(rst steps in t$eir sorcerous education&
All cult members in #ood standin# may be restored to full B"P
<core by
%ors$ippin# for 24 $ours upon sacred #round dedicated to t$eir cult&
?t$er ma#ical p$enomena +i&e&, ma#ical artifacts, di!ine
miracles, po%er tappin#
spells, may also restore e*pended "a#ic Points&
Note t$at no c$aracter may e*ceed $is Basic "a#ic Point <core
by any of t$ese
met$ods of reco!erin# ma#ic points, unless e*pressly stated ot$er%ise
in t$e rules, in
rules supplements, or by t$e #ame masters rulin#&

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