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Question #1

Question: Which of the following best describes a sprint?

The correct answer was:
A sprint is a condensed amount of time in which a development team works as many hours as they
need to in order to finish the work assigned to them.
A sprint is a pre-specified amount of time in which the development team works at a sustainable
pace to complete a chosen set of work.
A sprint is a fied amount of time set aside for a team to run tests and fi any outstanding bugs right
before the product ships.
A sprint is a pre-specified period of time during which team members choose individual items from
the product backlog to work on. as each item is completed! a new item is brought into the sprint.
"orrect Answer #planation:
The concepts of sprints! sustainable pace! and a sprint backlog are discussed in the following sources:
$crum %rimer! &ountain 'oat $oftware website! and the $crum 'uide.
()ne of the principles of agile development is *sustainable pace!+ and only by working regular hours
at a reasonable level can teams continue ,running sprints- indefinitely.( $crum %rimer
($crum pro.ects make progress in a series of sprints! which are timeboed iterations no more than a
month long. At the start of a sprint! team members commit to delivering some number of features that
were listed on the pro.ect/s product backlog. At the end of the sprint! these features are done--they are
coded! tested! and integrated into the evolving product or system. At the end of the sprint a sprint
review is conducted during which the team demonstrates the new functionality to the product owner
and other interested stakeholders who provide feedback that could influence the net sprint.(
&ountain 'oat $oftware website.
(A sprint is an iteration. $prints are time-boed. ... $prints occur one after another! with no time in
between sprints.( $crum 'uide
0ou got it right1
Pergunta: Qual das seguintes alternativas melhor descreve um sprint?
A resposta correta :
- A $print 2 uma 3uantidade condensada do tempo em 3ue uma e3uipe de desenvolvimento trabalha
3uantas horas eles precisam! a fim de terminar o trabalho 3ue lhes s4o atribu5das. A $print 2 um valor
pr2-especificado de tempo em 3ue a e3uipe de desenvolvimento trabalha em um ritmo sustent6vel
para completar um con.unto escolhido de trabalho.
- A $print 2 uma 3uantidade fia de tempo reservado para uma e3uipe para eecutar testes e corrigir
os bugs direita antes de o produto se.a enviado. A $print 2 um per5odo pr2-determinado de tempo
durante o 3ual os membros da e3uipe escolher itens individuais a partir do product backlog para
trabalhar. como cada item 2 conclu5da! um novo item 2 tra7ido para o sprint. #plica84o 9esposta
correta: )s conceitos de sprints! ritmo sustent6vel! e um sprint backlog s4o discutidos nas seguintes
fontes: %rimer $crum! website &ountain $oftware "abra! eo 'uia de $crum. (:m dos princ5pios do
desenvolvimento 6gil 2( ritmo sustent6vel (! e s; trabalhando em hor6rios regulares a um n5vel
ra7o6vel pode continuar e3uipes ,em eecu84o sprints- por tempo indeterminado.( %rimer $crum
(%ro.etos $crum progridem em uma s2rie de sprints! 3ue s4o itera8<es timebo n4o mais do 3ue um
longo m=s. >o in5cio de um sprint! os membros da e3uipe comprometem a entregar um n?mero de
caracter5sticas 3ue foram listadas no backlog do pro.eto do produto. >o final do sprint! esses recursos
s4o feito - eles s4o codificados! testados e integrados no produto ou sistema em evolu84o no final do
sprint sprint 2 uma an6lise reali7ada durante o 3ual a e3uipe demonstra a nova funcionalidade para o
propriet6rio do produto e outros. partes interessadas 3ue fornecem feedback 3ue poderia influenciar o
pr;imo sprint. (&ontanha website $oftware 'oat. (:m sprint 2 uma itera84o. $prints s4o tempo-
bo. ... $prints ocorrem uma ap;s a outra! sem tempo entre sprints(. $crum 'uia
CSM Course Evaluation
Question #2
Question: What is the maimum time that $crum recommends the team spend in the daily scrum
,daily standup-?
The correct answer was:
Aifteen minutes
Thirty minutes
)ne hour
Aour hours
As long as it takes
"orrect Answer #planation:
(A daily $crum meeting is time boed at fifteen minutes and terminates at the end of fifteen minutes!
regardless.( $crum %rimer
(This is a short ,BC minute- meeting...( $crum %apers
(...the meeting is restricted to BC minutes! which! surprisingly is ample time.( Do Eetter $crum
0ou got it right1
Pergunta: Qual o tempo m!imo "ue a e"uipe Scrum recomenda gastar no scrum dirio
#dirio standup$?
A resposta correta era:
- "uin%e minutos
- trinta minutos
- uma hora
- 3uatro horas
E!plica&'o (esposta correta: (A reuni4o $crum di6ria 2 tempo encaiotado em BC minutos e
termina no final de BC minutos! independente.( %rimer $crum: (#sta 2 uma reuni4o ,BC minutos- curta
...( $crum %apers: (... a reuni4o 2 restrita aos BC minutos! o 3ue! surpreendentemente 2 tempo
suficiente.( Do Eetter $crum

CSM Course Evaluation
Question #)
Question: Fn $crum! what do we call the individual! detailed pieces of work needed to convert a
product backlog item into working software. Gint: They make up the sprint backlog and are often
estimated in hours.
The correct answer was:
:se cases
$crum bits
"orrect Answer #planation:
Arom the $crum 'uide: (Tasks are the detailed pieces of work needed to convert the %roduct Eacklog
into working software. ... This task list is called the $print Eacklog.(
Pergunta: Em Scrum* o "ue chamamos de individual* peda&os detalhados do tra+alho
necessrio para converter um item de +ac,log de produto em so-t.are -uncionando/ 0ica: Eles
comp1em o sprint +ac,log e muitas ve%es s'o estimadas em horas/
A resposta correta era:
2 tare-as
- casos de uso
- AEF$
- hist;rias
- $crum peda8os
E!plica&'o (esposta correta: Do 'uia $crum: (As tarefas s4o as pe8as detalhadas de trabalho
necess6rio para converter o Eacklog do %roduto em software trabalhando ... #sta lista de tarefas 2
chamado de $print Eacklog..(
CSM Course Evaluation
Question #3
Question: Which of the following is >)T a typical $crum artifact?
The correct answer was:
%roduct backlog
$print backlog
Eurndown chart
'antt chart
"orrect Answer #planation:
While there is some debate as to whether there are three or four artifacts! a 'antt chart is not a typical
$crum artifact. The $crum %rimer! &ountain'oat$! and Do Eetter $crum all include the
product backlog! sprint backlog! and burndown charts in their lists of artifacts.
Pergunta: Qual dos seguintes 456 um arte-ato t7pico de Scrum?
A resposta correta era:
- product backlog
- $print backlog
-gr6fico Eurndown
- gr-ico de 8antt
E!plica&'o (esposta correta: #mbora ha.a algum debate sobre se h6 tr=s ou 3uatro artefatos! um
gr6fico de 'antt n4o 2 um artefato t5pico $crum. ) %rimer $crum! &ountain'oat$! e
fa7er melhor todos os $crum incluem o product backlog! sprint backlog! e gr6ficos de mane.o em suas
listas de artefatos.
CSM Course Evaluation
Question #9
Question: Which of the following is >)T a role in $crum?
The correct answer was:
%roduct owner
%ro.ect manager
"orrect Answer #planation:
Arom Do Eetter $crum: (The responsibilities of the traditional pro.ect manager are divided over the
three roles in the $crum Team:
The %roduct )wner manages the product ,and return on investment-
The $crum&aster manages the process
The team manages itself.(
Arom &ountain'oat$ : ()ne convenient way to think of the interlocking nature of these
three roles is as a race car. The team is the car itself! ready to speed along in whatever direction it is
pointed. The product owner is the driver! making sure that the car is always going in the right
direction. The $crum&aster is the chief mechanic! keeping the car well-tuned and performing at its
Pergunta: Qual dos seguintes 456 um papel no Scrum?
A resposta correta era:
- e3uipe
- propriet6rio do produto
- gerente de pro:eto
E!plica&'o (esposta correta: De fa7er melhor $crum: (As responsabilidades do gerente de pro.eto
tradicionais s4o divididos ao longo dos tr=s pap2is na e3uipe $crum:
) %roduct )wner gerencia o produto ,e retorno sobre o investimento-H
) $crum&aster gerencia o processoH
A e3uipe gerencia si mesmo. (
De &ountain'oat$ (:ma maneira conveniente de pensar a nature7a homog=nea destas
tr=s fun8<es 2 como um carro de corrida ) time 2 o pr;prio carro! pronto para acelerar .unto em
3ual3uer dire84o 2 apontada ) propriet6rio do produto 2 o motorista!.. certificando-se 3ue o carro est6
sempre indo na dire84o certa. o $crum&aster 2 o mecInico-chefe! manter o carro bem afinado e
eecutando no seu melhor. (
CSM Course Evaluation
Question #;
Question: Which of the following is >)T traditionally one of the $crum activities?
The correct answer was:
$print planning
$print review
$print retrospective
Daily scrum
Weekly inspection
"orrect Answer #planation:
Arom Do Eetter $crum: (The sprint is the heartbeat of the $crum cycle. Ft is bookmarked by sprint
planning at
the start and by the sprint review and sprint retrospective at the end. ... #ach day during the sprint the
team holds a daily scrum meeting.(
Arom &ountain'oat$ (The sprint itself is the main activity of a $crum pro.ect. ... The
first activity of each sprint is a sprint planning meeting. ... )n each day of the sprint! a daily scrum
meeting is attended by all team members.... At the end of a sprint! the team conducts a sprint review....
Another activity performed at the end of each sprint is the sprint retrospective.(
Pergunta: Qual dos seguintes 456 tradicionalmente uma das atividades Scrum?
A resposta correta era:
- $print plane.amento
- $print revis4o
- retrospectiva da $print
- scrum di6rio
2 inspe&'o semanal
E!plica&'o (esposta correta: De fa7er melhor $crum: () sprint 2 o batimento card5aco do ciclo
$crum J marcada pelo plane.amento do sprint em! o in5cio e pela revis4o do sprint e retrospectiva de
sprint no final. ... "ada dia durante o sprint a e3uipe reali7a uma reuni4o scrum di6rio. (
De &ountain'oat$ () sprint em si 2 a principal atividade de um pro.eto $crum ... A
primeira atividade de cada sprint 2 uma reuni4o de plane.amento do sprint ... #m cada dia do sprint!
uma reuni4o scrum di6rio 2 a presen8a de.. todos os membros da e3uipe .... no final de um sprint! a
e3uipe reali7a uma revis4o de sprint .... )utra atividade reali7ada no final de cada sprint 2 a
retrospectiva do sprint. (
CSM Course Evaluation
Question #<
Question: Which of the following responsibilities does >)T fall to the $crum&aster
The correct answer was:
removing impediments
Aacilitating meetings
9eminding the team of the process
Assigning tasks to team members
%ushing back against product owner re3uests when needed
"orrect Answer #planation:
Arom &ountain'oat$ (The $crum&aster is the team/s coach and helps team members
achieve their highest level of performance. A $crum&aster differs from a pro.ect manager in many
key ways! including that the $crum&aster does not provide day-to-day direction to the team and does
not assign tas,s to individuals. A good $crum&aster shelters the team from outside distractions!
allowing team members to focus maniacally during the sprint on the goal they have selected.(
,underline added for emphasis-
Arom the $crum %rimer: (The $crum&aster helps the product group learn and apply $crum to achieve
business value. The $crum&aster does whatever is in their power to help the Team and %roduct
)wner be successful. The $crum&aster is not the manager of the Team or a pro.ect managerH instead!
the $crum&aster serves the Team! protects them from outside interference! and educates and guides
the %roduct )wner and the Team in the skillful use of $crum.(
Arom Do Eetter $crum: (The responsibilities of the $crum&aster role are:
#mpowering and shepherding the team
9emoving impediments
Keeping the process moving
$ocialising $crum to the greater organisation
&etaphor: The $crum&aster is a facilitator! coach! mentor and bulldo7er1(
Pergunta: Qual das seguintes responsa+ilidades 456 cair para o ScrumMaster
A resposta correta era:
- impedimentos remo84o
- facilitar reuni<es
- =em+rando a e"uipe do processo de atri+ui&'o de tare-as aos mem+ros da e"uipe
- Empurrando contra a pedidos proprietrio do produto* "uando necessrio/
E!plica&'o (esposta correta: De &ountain'oat$ () $crum&aster 2 o treinador da
e3uipe e a.uda os membros da e3uipe a alcan8ar seu mais alto n5vel de desempenho :m $crum&aster
difere de um gerente de pro.eto em alguns aspectos fundamentais muitos! inclusive 3ue o
$crum&aster n4o fornece dia-a-dia para a dire84o. e3uipe e n4o atribuir tarefas aos indiv5duos.
abrigos :m bom $crum&aster a e3uipe de distra8<es eternas! permitindo 3ue os membros da e3uipe
para se concentrar obsessivamente durante o sprint sobre a meta 3ue selecionou. (,sublinhado
acrescentado para =nfase-. %rimer do $crum: () $crum&aster a.uda o grupo de produtos aprender e
aplicar $crum para alcan8ar o valor do neg;cio ) $crum&aster fa7 tudo o 3ue est6 ao seu alcance
para a.udar a e3uipe e ser bem sucedido %roduct )wner ) $crum&aster n4o 2 o gerente da e3uipe ou
um.. gerente de pro.eto! em ve7 disso! o $crum&aster serve a e3uipe! os protege contra interfer=ncias
eternas! e educa e orienta o %roduct )wner ea e3uipe no uso h6bil de $crum (.
De fa7er melhor $crum: (As responsabilidades do papel $crum&aster s4o:
#mpowering e pastorear a e3uipe
impedimentos 9emo84o
&anter o processo em movimento
$ociali7ar $crum para a maior organi7a84o
&et6fora: ) $crum&aster 2 um facilitador! coach mentor! e bulldo7er (
CSM Course Evaluation
Question #>
Question: Which of the following is >)T a responsibility of the product owner?
The correct answer was:
%rioriti7ing the product backlog
Keeping the product backlog up to date
Assigning tasks to team members during the sprint
Working with stakeholders to determine product features
Fnspecting work at sprint review
"orrect Answer #planation:
Arom $crum %rimer: (The product owner is responsible for maimi7ing return on investment ,9)F-
by identifying product features! translating these into a prioriti7ed list! deciding which should be at the
top of the list for the net $print! and continually re-prioriti7ing and refining the list.( and (This is a
key practice in $crum: The team decides how much work it will commit to complete! rather than
having it assigned to them by the product owner.(
Arom Do Eetter $crum: (The responsibilities of the product owner role are:
Working on a shared vision
'athering re3uirements
&anaging and prioritising the product backlog
Accepting the software at the end of each iteration
&anaging the release plan
The profitability of the pro.ect ,9)F-
&etaphor: The %roduct )wner is a "#).(
Arom &ountain'oat$ (While the $crum&aster focuses on helping the team be the best
that it can be! the product owner works to direct the team at the right goal. The product owner does
this by creating a compelling vision of the product and then conveying that vision to the team through
the product backlog.(
Pergunta: Qual dos seguintes 456 uma responsa+ilidade do proprietrio do produto?
A resposta correta era:
- %riori7ar o product backlog
- &anter o product backlog atuali7ado
2 Atri+ui&'o de tare-as aos mem+ros da e"uipe durante o sprint
Trabalhando com as partes interessadas para determinar as caracter5sticas do produto
Fnspecionando trabalho na revis4o de sprint.
E!plica&'o (esposta correta: De %rimer $crum: () propriet6rio do produto 2 respons6vel por
maimi7ar o retorno sobre o investimento ,9)F-! identificando as caracter5sticas do produto!
tradu7indo-as em uma lista de prioridades! decidir o 3ue deve estar no topo da lista para a pr;ima
$print! e continuamente re-priori7ar e refino da lista. (e (#sta 2 uma pr6tica fundamental na $crum: A
e3uipe decide 3uanto trabalho ele vai comprometemos a concluir! ao inv2s de t=-la atribu5do a eles
pelo propriet6rio do produto.(
De fa7er melhor $crum: (As responsabilidades do propriet6rio do produto papel s4o:
de Trabalho sobre uma vis4o compartilhada
re3uisitos 'athering
'est4o e priori7ar o product backlog
Aceitar o software no final de cada itera84o
'erenciando o plano de lan8amento
A rentabilidade do pro.eto ,9)F-
&et6fora: ) %roduct )wner 2 um "#) (.
De &ountain'oat$ (#n3uanto o $crum&aster se concentra em a.udar o time ser o
melhor 3ue pode ser! o propriet6rio do produto funciona para dirigir a e3uipe no ob.etivo certo )
propriet6rio do produto fa7 isso criando uma vis4o convincente do produto e! em seguida. transmitir
essa vis4o para a e3uipe atrav2s do product backlog (.
CSM Course Evaluation
Question #?
Question: What are the two primary artifacts of a sprint planning meeting?
The correct answer was:
A sprint goal and a sprint backlog
A re3uirements document and a gantt chart
A re3uirements document and a test plan
A test plan and a gantt chart
"orrect Answer #planation:
Arom Do Eetter $crum: (An outcome of ,sprint planning- is the sprint backlog! or the list of tasks that
the team collectively needs to eecute in order to turn the items in the selected product backlog into
running tested features.(
Arom &ountain'oat$ (During this meeting the product owner and team talk about the
highest-priority items on the product backlog. Team members figure out how many items they can
commit to and then create a sprint backlog! which is a list of the tasks to perform during the sprint.(
Arom $crum 'uide: ,During the first half of the sprint planning meeting-! a sprint goal is crafted. The
sprint goal is an ob.ective that will be met through the implementation of the product backlog.(
0ou got it right1
CSM Course Evaluation
Question #1@
Question: Which of the following are roles in the $crum framework? ,select all that apply-
The correct answer was:
%roduct owner
%ro.ect owner
Team lead
"orrect Answer #planation:
Fn $crum! there are three roles: the product owner! the team! and the $crum&aster.
0ou got it right1
CSM Course Evaluation
Question #11
Question: Which of the following are activities found in the $crum framework? ,select all that apply-
The correct answer was:
Daily scrum or daily standup
Weekly scrum or weekly standup
$print planning
$print review
$print retrospective
"orrect Answer #planation:
Arom &ountain'oat$ (The first activity of each sprint is a sprint planning meeting.... )n
each day of the sprint! a daily scrum meeting is attended by all team members.... At the end of a
sprint! the team conducts a sprint review.... Another activity performed at the end of each sprint is the
sprint retrospective.
0ou got it right1
CSM Course Evaluation
Question #12
Question: Which of the following are artifacts associated with $crum? ,select all that apply-
The correct answer was:
%roduct backlog
$print backlog
%roduct specification
#ffort chart
Eurndown chart
"orrect Answer #planation:
Three of the main artifacts are the product backlog! the sprint backlog! and burndown charts. $ee
$crum %rimer! Do Eetter $crum! and &ountain'oat$
0ou got it right1
CSM Course Evaluation
Question #1)
Question: Which of the following best summari7es what it means when $crum says that a sprint or
activity is time+o!ed?
The correct answer was:
there is a recommended amount of time for the event.
There is a predefined time limit for the event.
The event must take place by a certain date.
There is not enough time to complete the event.
The time allocated for the event must be etended.
"orrect Answer #planation:
$crum %rimer: ($prints are timeboed L they end on a specific date whether the work has been
completed or not! and are never etended.(
0ou got it right1
0ou are >)T A:TG)9FM#D for this action
CSM Course Evaluation
Question #13
Question: A ma.or theme in $crum is *inspect and adapt.+ Which of the following best summari7es
that theme?
The correct answer was:
$crum insists on auditors who fre3uently inspect the work of the team and suggest ways to adapt the
process in order to improve 3uality.
$crum recommends that upper management inspect the burndown charts and notes from the daily
scrums to find ways in which the team should adapt their practices to be more productive.
$crum emphasi7es taking a short step of development! inspecting both the resulting product and the
efficacy of current practices! and then adapting the product goals and process practices.
Fnspect and adapt refers to the scrummasterNs role in inspecting the work and writing stories
designed to help the team produce higher 3uality software.
"orrect Answer #planation:
(A ma.or theme in $crum is *inspect and adapt.+ $ince development inevitably involves learning!
innovation! and surprises! $crum emphasi7es taking a short step of development! inspecting both the
resulting product and the efficacy of current practices! and then adapting the product goals and
process practices. 9epeat forever.( from $crum %rimer
(There are three points for inspection and adaptation in $crum. The Daily $crum meeting is used to
inspect progress toward the $print goal! and to make adaptations that optimi7e the value of the net
work day. Fn addition! the $print 9eview and %lanning meetings are used to inspect progress toward
the 9elease 'oal and to make adaptations that optimi7e the value of the net $print. Ainally! the
$print 9etrospective is used to review the past $print and determine what adaptations will make the
net $print more productive! fulfilling! and en.oyable.( from the $crum 'uide
0ou got it right1
CSM Course Evaluation
Question #19
Question: Gow does a team know when a backlog item is done?
The correct answer was:
The scrummaster says it is done.
The sprint is over.
The testers say it is done.
Ft meets the team and product ownerNs negotiated definition of done.
"orrect Answer #planation:
Do Eetter $crum: We must create a definition of done for the teamOwhat does it mean when the team
says it has completed a story?
Arom $crum %rimer: ,The $crum&aster- prevents the team from demonstrating or discussing product
backlog items that are not Pdone/ according to the *Definition of Done.+ and (The %roduct )wner and
Team ... review the *Definition of Done+ ,which was established earlier- that all items must meet(
0ou got it right1
CSM Course Evaluation
Question #1;
Question: Why does $crum make it difficult for product owners to make changes to a sprint that is
The correct answer was:
Eecause the team needs to be able to limit the authority of the product owner
Eecause asking the team to make a real commitment comes with an associated cost of not shifting
the basis of that commitment in mid-sprint
Eecause the team and product owner want to keep upper management in the dark about planned
Eecause it provides an incentive for the product owner to attend the meetings
"orrect Answer #planation:
Arom $crum %rimer: ()ne of the pillars of $crum is that once the Team makes its commitment! any
additions or changes must be deferred until the net sprint. This means that if halfway through the
sprint the product owner decides there is a new item he or she would like the team to work on! he
cannot make the change until the start of the net sprint. Ff an eternal circumstance appears that
significantly changes priorities! and means the team would be wasting its time if it continued working!
the product owner or the team can terminate the sprint. The team stops! and a new sprint planning
meeting initiates a new sprint. The disruption of doing this is usually greatH this serves as a
disincentive for the product owner or team to resort to this dramatic decision.(
Arom &ountain'oat$ (Fn return for their commitment to completing the selected tasks
,which! by definition! are the most important to the product owner-! the product owner commits that
he or she will not throw new re3uirements at the team during the sprint. 9e3uirements are allowed to
change ,and change is encouraged- but only outside the sprint. )nce the team starts on a sprint it
remains maniacally focused on the goal of that sprint.(
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CSM Course Evaluation
Question #1<
Question: )f the following choices! which is a key reason to adopt an agile process like $crum?
The correct answer was:
To be up to date on the latest process
To shake things up in the organi7ation
To hold programmers and testers accountable for their work
To be better able to respond to change
"orrect Answer #planation:
Arom Do Eetter $crum: (Traditional development methodologies rely on documents to record and
pass on knowledge from one specialist to the net. Aeedback cycles are too long or even noneistent.(
Arom $crum %rimer: (The agile family of development methods were born out of a belief that an
approach more grounded in human reality L and the product development reality of learning!
innovation! and change L would yield better results. Agile principles emphasi7e building working
software that people can get hands on 3uickly! versus spending a lot of time writing specifications up
front. Agile development focuses on cross-functional teams empowered to make decisions! versus big
hierarchies and compartmentali7ation by function. And it focuses on rapid iteration! with continuous
customer input along the way.(
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CSM Course Evaluation
Question #1>
Question: What is the primary purpose of the daily scrum ,sometimes called a daily standup-?
The correct answer was:
To give a status report to the scrummaster
To give a status report to the product owner
To share as a team what each member is working on and uncover obstacles standing in the way of
completing the work
To give team members a chance to take a break from their tasks
"orrect Answer #planation:
Arom $crum %rimer: (Ft is the Team/s opportunity to synchroni7e their work and report to each other
on obstacles.(
Arom Do Eetter $crum: (The daily $crum meeting is >)T for reporting progress to the $crum&aster
or %roduct )wner or anyone else.(
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CSM Course Evaluation
Question #1?
Question: Fn what order should the product backlog be kept?
The correct answer was:
"orrect Answer #planation:
$crum %rimer: (At any point! the %roduct Eacklog is the single! definitive view of Neverything that
could be done by the Team ever! in order of priority.N+
&ountain'oat$ (The product backlog is prioriti7ed by the product owner so that the
team always works on the most valuable features first.(
0ou got it right1
CSM Course Evaluation
Question #2@
Question: True or false? Agile methodologies think all documentation is a waste of time.
The correct answer was:
"orrect Answer #planation:
Arom The Agile &anifesto ,a full copy is included in Do Eetter $crum-: (Through this work we have
come to value ... Working software over comprehensive documentation ... That is! while there is value
in the items on the right! we value the items on the left more.(
Do Eetter $crum: ($crum is purposely silent about all other documentation and artifacts. This
sometimes leads to the misunderstanding that Agile teams don/t need to do any documentation. F
coach teams to produce only those artefacts that are really valuable to themselves and to others in the
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Question #21
Question: What does $crum advise a team do with the product backlog items it chooses to bring into
the sprint?
The correct answer was:
The team should break each product backlog item into tasks and estimate each task in terms of
The product owner assigns each product backlog item to the specialist best suited to carry out the
The team doesnNt do anything with the product backlog items. scrum doesnNt use tasks or task lists.
The team asks the scrummaster to research the product backlog items and decide who should work
on each one.
"orrect Answer #planation:
Arom the $crum %rimer: (The team starts with the first item on the product backlog L in other words!
the product owner/s highest priority item L and working together! breaks it down into individual tasks!
which are recorded in a document called the sprint backlog. ... At the end of the meeting! the team
will have produced a list of all the tasks with estimates ,typically in hours or fractions of a day-(
Arom the $crum %apers: (When the $crum team has selected and committed to deliver a set of top
priority features from the product backlog! the $crum&aster leads the team in a planning session to
break down product backlog features into sprint tasks.(
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Question #22
Question: Who ultimately decides when the team has enough work for the sprint?
The correct answer was:
The scrummaster
The product owner
The team
The product owner! scrummaster! and team vote to determine when the sprint backlog is full.
"orrect Answer #planation:
Arom the $crum %rimer: The team will move se3uentially down the product backlog ... until it/s used
up all its estimated capacity.(
Arom the $crum %apers: (The team decides how much work it can successfully take into the sprint
based on team si7e! available hours! and level of team productivity.(
Arom Do Eetter $crum: (The team commits to the product owner what they believe they can deliver
in the form of running tested features.(
Arom topic page on &ountain 'oat $oftware: (After the sprint planning meeting! the $crum team
meets separately to discuss what they heard and decide how much they can commit to during the
coming sprint. Fn some cases there will be negotiation with the product owner but it will always be up
to the team to determine how much they can commit to completing.(
CSM Course Evaluation
Question #2)
Question: Who can be invited to the sprint review?
Gint: The key word in this 3uestion is can. "ertain roles are required to attend the sprint review! this
3uestion is specifically concerned with who the team is allowed to invite.
The correct answer was:
)nly the team
The team! scrummaster! and product owner only
The product owner and up to two invited guests
The team! scrummaster! product owner! and anyone else whoNs interested
"orrect Answer #planation:
(When asked who should be invited to the sprint review! F answer Pthe whole world/. &y intent here
is to help the $crum&aster and the entire organisation understand that the direct attention and
feedback of a broad constituency of the organisation is crucial to maimising the value the team will
deliver in succeeding sprints.( from Do Eetter $crum
(%resent at this meeting are the %roduct )wner! Team members! and $crum&aster! plus customers!
stakeholders! eperts! eecutives! and anyone else interested.( from the $crum %rimer
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Question #23
Question: What happens when a backlog item fails to meet the definition of *done+ at the end of the
The correct answer was:
The team completes the product backlog item during the net sprint.
The incomplete backlog item is placed back in the product backlog.
The scrummaster points out the person to blame for the item not being finished.
The team is given QR hours to finish the incomplete product backlog item.
"orrect Answer #planation:
(Ftems that are not Pdone/ go back to the %roduct Eacklog and will be re-prioriti7ed by the %roduct
)wner.( from the $crum %rimer.
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Question #29
Question: Which of the following best describes the product backlog items that are lower in priority?
The correct answer was:
#very product backlog item! even those very low in priority! should be defined well enough to be
completed during a sprint.
All product backlog items are fully defined in the re3uirements and design phase.
Tower priority backlog items are coarse grained and should be progressively refined as their priority
Tower priority backlog items are kept in a separate product backlog.
"orrect Answer #planation:
(To minimi7e rework! only the highest priority items need to be detailed out. The %roduct Eacklog
items that will occupy the Teams for the upcoming several $prints are fine-grained! having been
decomposed so that any one item can be done within the duration of the $print.( --$crum 'uide
(Tow priority items! far from being implemented and usually *coarse grained+ or large! have less
re3uirements details. Gigh priority and fine-grained items that will soon be implemented tend to have
more detail.( --$crum %rimer. http:SSscrumtraininginstitute.comShomeSstream@downloadSscrumprimer
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Question #2;
Question: Which of the following best summari7es what is happening in the sprint! according to the
burndown chart pictured here ,click picture to view larger-?
The correct answer was:
The team is on track to complete all the items in the sprint.
The team is at risk of having items incomplete at the end of the sprint. the team may need to
consider making an ad.ustment.
The team is on track to complete all the items in the sprint early. if the trend continues! they may
need to add scope.
The team is trending toward a late release. they should negotiate a new deadline
"orrect Answer #planation:
The picture shown here is from The $crum %rimer. Ft shows work remaining that is higher than the
ideali7ed trendline. The team may still finish all its items but is currently trending toward having
some items incomplete at the end of the sprint.
(Ff the burndown line is not tracking downwards towards completion near the end of the $print! then
the Team needs to ad.ust! such as to reduce the scope of the work or to find a way to work more
efficiently while still maintaining a sustainable pace.( The $crum %rimer.
GereNs a similar chart and eplanation from &ountain'oat$
The team does its best to pull the right amount of work into the sprint but sometimes too much or too
little work is pulled in during the sprint planning meeting Fn this case the team needs to add or remove
tasks. Fn the above sprint burndown chart you can see that the team had pulled in too much work
initially and still had nearly RWW hours to go on CSBRSWV. Fn this case the product owner was consulted
and it was agreed to remove some work from the sprint! which resulted in the big drop on the chart
between CSBRSWV ,RBZ hours- and CSB[SWV. Arom there the team made good consistent progress and
finished the sprint successfully.
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Question #2<
Question: What is the primary purpose of the sprint retrospective?
The correct answer was:
To uncover ways to work better as a team
To find the person responsible for the sprintNs failure
To give the scrummaster the opportunity to hold employee reviews
To give the product owner an opportunity to complain about the teamNs lack of progress
"orrect Answer #planation:
Arom &ountain'oat$ (The meeting is an opportunity to reflect on the sprint that is
ending and identify opportunities to improve in the new sprint.(
Arom $crum %rimer: (The $print 9etrospective! which follows the 9eview! involves inspect and adapt
regarding the process.... Ft/s an opportunity for the Team to discuss what/s working and what/s not
working! and agree on changes to try.(
Arom Do Eetter $crum: (The retrospective is focused on the processOthe way in which the $crum
team is working together! including their technical skills and the software development practices and
tools they are using.(
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Question #2>
Question: What is the primary purpose of the sprint review?
The correct answer was:
To review the completed stories and look for opportunities to improve the product
To demo the system for upper management
To prove that the team worked hard during the sprint
To find out who failed to complete his or her tasks
"orrect Answer #planation:
Do Eetter $crum: (Fts primary purpose is to inspect what the team has delivered and gather feedback
from the attendees to adapt the plan for the succeeding sprint.... The focus of the sprint review is the
product the team is building.(
$crum %rimer: (The $print 9eview is an inspect and adapt activity for the product. Ft is a time for the
product owner to learn what is going on with the product and with the team ,that is! a review of the
sprint-H and for the team to learn what is going on with the product owner and the market.(
&ountain'oat$oftware: (The goal of this meeting is to get feedback from the product owner or any
users or other stakeholders who have been invited to the review. This feedback may result in changes
to the freshly delivered functionality. Eut it may .ust as likely result in revising or adding items to the
product backlog.(
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Question #2?
Question: What is the primary purpose of the sprint burndown chart?
The correct answer was:
To show! at a glance! how many hours have been spent during the sprint
To show! at a glance! who is behind in completing their tasks
To show! at a glance! the amount of work remaining during a sprint
To show! at a glance! whether team members are working at full capacity
"orrect Answer #planation:
Arom $crum %rimer: (This graph shows! each day! a new estimate of how much work ,measured in
person hours- remains until the Team/s tasks are finished.(
Arom &ountain'oat$ (Eurndown charts show the amount of work remaining either in a
sprint or a release.(
CSM Course Evaluation
Question #)@
Question: Which Q of the following 3uestions is each team member asked to answer at the daily
The correct answer was:
What did i do yesterday?
What will i do today?
What impediments are in my way?
Who didnNt pull his weight yesterday?
Fs the scrummaster doing a good .ob?
"orrect Answer #planation:
Arom &ountain'oat$! ()n each day of the sprint! a daily scrum meeting is attended by
all team members! including the $crum&aster and the product owner. This meeting is timeboed to
no more than fifteen minutes. During that time! team members share what they worked on the prior
day! will work on today! and identify any impediments to progress.(
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Question #)1
Question: True or Aalse? Agile is all about response to change. ThatNs why during a sprint! if the
product owner thinks of a new feature! he can add it to the sprint backlog.
Gint: The key phrase in this 3uestion is (during a sprint.(
The correct answer was:
"orrect Answer #planation:
The sprint backlog contains only the work the team has committed to completing in the current sprint.
During a sprint! the product owner should add new product backlog items only to the product
()ne of the pillars of $crum is that once the team makes its commitment! any additions or changes
must be deferred until the net sprint.( $crum %rimer.
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Question #)2
Question: True or Aalse? Agile is all about responding 3uickly to change. ThatNs why a product owner
can add or subtract features from the product backlog or even change their priority at any time.
Gint: "onsider the difference between a product backlog and a sprint backlog.
The correct answer was:
"orrect Answer #planation:
(The %roduct Eacklog is continuously updated by the %roduct )wner to reflect changes in the needs
of the customer! new ideas or insights! moves by the competition! technical hurdles that appear! and so
forth.( --$crum %rimer. http:SSscrumtraininginstitute.comShomeSstream@downloadSscrumprimer
CSM Course Evaluation
Question #))
Question: True or false? The $crum&aster is the manager of the $crum team. All team members
report to the $crum&aster.
The correct answer was:
"orrect Answer #planation:
(The $crum&aster is not the manager of the team or a pro.ect managerH instead! the $crum&aster
serves the team! protects them from outside interference! and educates and guides the product owner
and the team in the skillful use of $crum.( --$crum %rimer.
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Question #)3
Question: True or Aalse? The product owner must be present during at least the first half of sprint
The correct answer was:
"orrect Answer #planation:
Arom Do Eetter $crum: (The product owner must be present during this meeting to lead the team in
the right direction and to answer 3uestionsOand they will have many.(
Arom $crum %rimer: (Fn $print %lanning %art )ne! the %roduct )wner and Team ,with facilitation
from the $crum&aster- review the high-priority items in the %roduct Eacklog that the %roduct )wner
is interested in implementing this $print.(

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