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From: John E. Stein
To: John W. Ferguson
Subject: [Fwd: Re: Request for additional FCRPS BiOp review by Dr. Lubchenco]
Date: Thursday, October 15, 2009 7:51:44 AM
Attachments: Immediate Action climate change.pdf
Immediate Actions Life-Cycle Modeling.pdf
Immediate Action RME to reduce uncertainty.pdf

-------- Original Message --------

Subject:        Re: Request for additional FCRPS BiOp review by Dr. Lubchenco
Date:   Wed, 05 Aug 2009 21:34:51 -0700
From:   John W. Ferguson <>
To:     Peter Kareiva <pkareiva@TNC.ORG>
CC:     John Stein <>
References:     <>

Peter: I hope the ESA meetings are going well!  Attached are 3, 2-pagers
that address additional (immediate) actions that have been added to the
BiOp on climate change, life cycle modeling in general (where I captured
your comment for additional spatially explicit modeling) and RME in
general. Any time you have for these and your thoughts would be well


Peter Kareiva wrote:

> like everyone else, i will do my best.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: John Ferguson []
> Sent: Wednesday, August 05, 2009 1:18 PM
> To:;;;
> Peter Kareiva
> Cc: John Stein
> Subject: Request for additional FCRPS BiOp review by Dr. Lubchenco
> Joe, Bob, Peter, and Dan:
> I am writing on behalf of Dr. Lubchenco to ask whether you are able,
> given your schedule, to review some brief documents that have been
> prepared as part of an Adaptive Management Plan (Plan) for the Federal
> Columbia River Power System Biological Opinion (BiOp). Since your review
> of the BiOp early last month, NOAA and the Action Agencies have been
> working to incorporate your suggestions into the BiOp.  I can't go into
> the specifics in an email, but in general, the Plan calls for additional
> activities and steps to be added to the BiOp, which fall into four
> categories:  1) immediate actions that will be implemented regardless of
> salmon population trends, 2) formal triggers to provide improved "early
> warnings" of possible changes in trends, 3) if a trigger is reached,
> rapid responses are being formulated that can be implemented if needed,
> and 4) if a trigger is met, additional contingency (long term) plans can
> be implemented. All of the actions are to be guided and aided by
> additional life-cycle modeling of pop trends, effects of climate, more

NOAA Document page 000460

> spatially explicit modeling and modeling of potential interactions among
> variables affecting pop status and trends and among the various "H's"
> and ESUs.  Our main focus is to reduce the uncertainty you rightly
> pointed out exists with some key assumptions, build formal triggers into
> the BiOp implementation for early warning, and have additional actions
> that could be implemented if needed.
> Specifically, I am writing to see if you are able and willing to review
> from 1 to 3, 2-page issue papers.  These papers are being finalized and
> will be sent to Dr. Lubchenco later today.  She has asked to see if you
> are able to review these brief documents.  If so, I will send them to
> you later today and ask that you send your input back to me by tomorrow,
> if at all possible.  Unfortunately, we are up against some hard court
> filing deadlines here and haven't more time than that for your review. 
> If not, we understand.
> Thank you for considering her request.
> Regards,
> John

John Ferguson, Ph.D.
Director, Fish Ecology Division
Northwest Fisheries Science Center
Seattle, WA 98112

P 206.860.3287
C 206.321.2075
F 206.860.3267

NOAA Document page 000461

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