RE Courtesy Notice On Converting Legal Entities

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October 29

RE Courtesy Notice on Converting legal Entities
1. We are declaring that the business known as: _____________________________________
is no longer doing business at__________________________________________________
2. As of Noe!ber 1
" 2014 a #riate indiidual club will be o#erating at the aboe address.
$. A##endi% 1 & With this confir!ation '( ) _________________we show that this *ostal (ode
address" as well as those of the '+A agents are now landed in the ,ancouer -outh registr.
as 'lections (anada blue /ones" and under -ec 0 of the (harter and the 1res#ass Act under the e!#lo.e of an. 2ariti!e 3urisdiction is #rohibited fro! tres#assing our
co!!ercial #re!ise" on the understanding that this is now under co!!on law 3urisdiction" in
order to #rotect our *art.4s rubric" in a #riate !e!bershi# club co&o# structure
4. 1his 4shareholders onl. club4 is now called: _______________________________________
5. 1his co!!ercial enture is now o#erated b. 2 '+A agents of ,-2*" as an Agenc." who are
under 6reedo! of (ontract" in an agree!ent with ,-2* to o#erate under 7(85&290 rules and
regulations" in order to o#erate this #riate !e!bers club accounting #ractices thru '69 :'+A
software" which is an (anada 9eenue accredited #rogra! that can #roe that we are
o#erating strictl. under co!!on law" in order to #rotect our !e!bers4 rights to cannabis
;. Na!e_____________________________ Na!e ________________________________
Address ___________________________ Address ______________________________
-ign ______________________________ -ign _________________________________
8. <et it be understood that this '+A agenc. will refor! as a registered (o&o# as soon as we can
#rocess this #a#erwork. 1he function of this '+A agenc. is to start to sell shares to beco!e a
!e!ber of this new (o&o#. 7n this wa. we4ll onl. be sericing the needs of our new !e!bers
as if a (o&o# shareholder in our #riate !e!bers onl. clubs" until it4s for!all. registered. 7n
this wa. we goern ourseles under to co!!on law" in a 6ree and +e!ocratic societ." in order
to #reclude an. 2ariti!e 3urisdiction Authorit. fro! tres#ass on our co!!ercial #re!ise.
0. As to the attached 2&#age docu!ent on the -(( ruling of 1i! 6elger4s case" the -(( sa.s a
citi/ens cannot e%#ect our !ari3uana rights fro! being tres#assed" if we4re in a retail business"
9. AN+ then it a##ears to leae this wide&o#en door to o#erate as a co!!ercial #re!ise" under
what4s not directl. #rohibited cannot be i!#lied. 1herefore" we as '+A agents can e%#ect to
be #rotected fro! being construed as a retail #re!ise that is sub3ect to the rules and regulation
set b. those new 6'+'9A< (O=91 #erert #owers taken b. >ar#er under s&55 of the (+-A .
2arc ? (6O of ,-2*
On behalf of the '+A !e!bershi#
October 29
RE Courtesy Notice on Converting legal Entities
1. We are declaring that this dis#ensar. grower known as: _____________________________
is no longer doing business at__________________________________________________
2. As of Noe!ber 1
" 2014 a #riate indiidual far!er will be o#erating at the aboe address.
3. A##endi% 1 & With this confir!ation ) _________________we show that this *ostal (ode
address" as well as those of the '+A agents are now landed in the ,ancouer -outh registr.
as 'lections (anada blue /ones" and under -ec 0 of the (harter and the 1res#ass Act under the e!#lo.e of an. 2ariti!e 3urisdiction is #rohibited fro! tres#assing our
co!!ercial #re!ise" on the understanding that this far!er is now under co!!on law
3urisdiction" in order to #rotect our *art.4s rubric" for a #riate !e!bershi# club co&o# structure
4. 1his 4#riate indiidual far!er4 is now called:______________________________________
5. 1his co!!ercial enture is now o#erated b. 2 '+A agents of ,-2*" as an Agenc." who are
under 6reedo! of (ontract" in an agree!ent with ,-2* to o#erate under 7(85&290 rules and
regulations" in order to su##l. this #riate !e!bers club that o#erates accounting #ractices
thru '69 :'+A software" which is an (anada 9eenue accredited #rogra!" in order to #rotect
our !utual !e!bers4 rights to cannabis thru an agricultural fiduciar. trust agree!ent.
6. Na!e_____________________________ Na!e ________________________________
Address ___________________________ Address ______________________________
-ign ______________________________ -ign _________________________________
7. <et it be understood that this '+A agenc. will refor! as a registered agent for a (o&o# as soon
as we can #rocess this #a#erwork. 1he function of this '+A agenc. is to su##ort the needs of
the new !e!bers of this new (o&o#. 7n this wa. we4ll onl. be sericing the needs of our new
!e!bers as if a (o&o# shareholder in our #riate !e!bers onl. clubs" until it4s for!all.
registered. 7n this wa. we are under co!!on law" in a 6ree and +e!ocratic societ." in order
to #reclude an. 2ariti!e 3urisdiction Authorit. fro! tres#assing on our co!!ercial #re!ise.
8. As to the attached 2&#age docu!ent on the -(( ruling of 1i! 6elger4s case" the -(( sa.s a
citi/ens cannot e%#ect our !ari3uana rights fro! being tres#assed" if we4re in a retail business"
10. AN+ then it a##ears to leae this wide&o#en door to o#erate as a co!!ercial #re!ise" under
what4s not directl. #rohibited cannot be i!#lied. 1herefore" we as '+A agents can e%#ect to
be #rotected fro! being construed as a retail #re!ise that is sub3ect to the rules and regulation
set b. those new 6'+'9A< (O=91 #erert #owers taken b. >ar#er under s&55 of the (+-A .
2arc ? (6O of ,-2*
On behalf of the '+A !e!bershi#

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