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RD Exam Review Guides

Here are several study guides/programs for you to consider using to study for
the RD Exam. Current pricing and services may deviate since last edit of this
document. We have no connection with any of these reviews.
1. ANDs Professional Skill Review (now called Academys new
Student Exam Prep- StEP?)
Users have access to a dataase of more than !"# in$depth %uestions covering all
domains &including the revised CDR test speci'cations and more( from the
Registration Examination for Dietitians. )in*s to references+ ,cademy -osition
-apers+ ./-/./-- information+ ,cademy Career Development 0uide+ and more is
included. FREE Sample test available
https1//!4454!!676 or
2. DR St!d" #!ide for RD E$am %t& Edition of t&e St!d" #!ide
for t&e Re'istration E$amination for Dietitians (
. Re'istered Dietitian E$am Secrets $ E9oo* contains test$ta*ing
!. Re'istered Dietitian E$am Flas&card St!d" S"stem $
". RD in a Flas& :ashcards) &ttp*++www)rdina,as&)com+inde$)&tml
#. -reedin' . Associates ; has review courses you can attend or an
on$line exam </or :ashcards that you can purchase to use..
www.dietitianwor* .
$. Review of Dietetics p!blis&ed b" /ess . /!nt0 1nc. =his is a
large manual ; a very comprehensive review> 0o to
%. RD Practice E$am 2)3 D4R56 &as several mini tests on it ;
very helpful for studying for the RD Exam.
&. 1nman7s 1ntensive Review o!rse $ =he ?nman Review is a three
day class to review for the RD registration exam. ?t has a 7@ year
history. ,lso comes in form of CDs and inder.
1'. www)DietitianE$am)com is an online review course that allows
access for up to 75 wee*s as you wor* at your own pace. Aou can also
sign up for their free %uestion of the wee* at this site.
11. NE8* RDNow e$am ,as&cards at
/ver B## :ashcards covering all four domains of the RD exam
6C x "C for easy+ convenient use on the go or while studying at
Detailed+ step$y$step solutions for all math related e%uations
-rinted on durale cardstoc* paper
7# lan* :ashcards for your personal notes
12. Free app: S!per,as&card dietitian e$am
1. ;2 App for initial0 t&en anot&er ;2 for f!ll pro'ram b"
searc&in' for RD examD should e 'rst one that comes up y ?on Citadel+ ))D
&yellow star with sna*e in middle(. )ast yearEs intern felt worth the money

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