Care, Compassion, Excellence Mount Lockyer Primary School A Place To Learn and Grow

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Linking the school with the community

Humphreys Street, Albany WA 6330. Phone: 9841 1166 Fax: 9841 7262
Care, Compassion, Excellence;
Mount Lockyer Primary School a place to learn and grow
Newsletter No: 16 21st October 2014
Dates to Remember

22nd October
Early Close 2.30pm

23rd October
Assembly 8.50am
Host Class: Room 4

Weeks 1 and 2
Is an inner sense of

27th October
Mini Assembly -
Reliability: Means
others can depend
on you.

31st October
Holiday - All students
and staff. The school
will be closed.

P&C Uniform Shop
Open Days:
8:30am 9:30am
8:30am 9:30am

Mount Lockyer
Every Wednesday at
Our Place
session: 9.00am to
session: 1.00pm to

Hello everyone and welcome back to term 4. We have had many new families join our school
community this term, thank you for choosing Mount Lockyer and welcome.
This term is going to be a very busy one for students and families. The Year 6 students left for
camp yesterday and will return on Friday. Swimming lessons commenced last week and will
continue for the first four weeks of this term. The last week of term will see our Year 6 and Year
7 students graduating, a most significant event given added importance due to this being the first
year high schools will take Year 7 students.
Commencing next week is the 100 Year Anniversary of the Departure of the First Convoy
Commemorations. Friday 31 October all Albany public schools will close in order to allow
students and families to fully participate in the centenary events. The following information has
been provided by the Albany City Council to place in our newsletter.
ANZAC Albany is a once in a lifetime event which will enable the Albany community and
visitors to commemorate and reflect upon Albanys heritage as the birthplace of the
ANZAC legend.
It is expected that this will be one of the biggest and most significant events to happen in
Albany since the original departure of the first convoy in November 1914.
The City of Albany is encouraging the whole community to get involved in this unique and
important event.
A fantastic program has been developed which will take place between 30 October and 2
November 2014. The program has something for everyone, and includes commemorative,
cultural, educational and community aspects.
For example, the City of Albany is delighted that local schools will be performing in the
Stirling Terrace Mess Hall over the four days to showcase the amazing talent we have in
the Great Southern. We encourage you to support not only your school but all the other
schools too.
A huge amount of information about the rest of the events is available at .
There is also an ANZAC Albany smartphone app, which is available on the Apple App
Store and Google Play.
Below is a list of the specific events Mount Lockyer Students will be involved in:
Our school Choir will perform 30 October at 10.00am in the Mess Hall on Stirling Terrace,
everyone is welcome.
Shop front window display in Urban at the top of York Street - exhibition of student work.
Poppy Planting, Student Councillors will be planting poppies at Middleton Beach 7.30am, 31

I would also like to point out that our school oval will be used for parking. People will leave their
vehicles and then bus into the various events in the city centre. Further in the newsletter there is
some information for people who may choose to cycle into the city. This information includes
temporary bike parking locations.

Finally, a reminder, bikes, scooters etc. are not to be ridden anywhere within the school. All
children and parents are asked to walk their bikes, scooters etc. out of the school due to safety

This week the children from Room 4 Year 4 will provide the entertainment at the assembly.
Maxine Augustson
P 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
87.9% 87.9% 88.3% 92.5% 92% 93.3% 89.6% 87.1%
Merit Certificates
Congratulations to the following students who received honour
certificates at the last school assembly: Logan Wals, Lexy Colton,
Ashton Bates, Kerri Williams, Jack Gooch, Laura Van De Laar,
Sommara Howarth, Chloe Mooney, Malcolm Roberts, Abbey Curtin,
James Brown, Sam Hindge, Issy Lindsay, Adam Thomas, Harley
Webb and Connor Shirley.
Most Locky Legends Cinema Tickets:
Mallory Whitton
Newsletter Quiz:
Sommara Howarth
Most Locky Legends in the Class-
Room 3: Shayse Porteous
Room 6: Michala Brooks
Room 7: Nicholas Trew
Room 8: Fiona Hindge
Room 9: Evie Brenton-Reed
Room 11: Sharmaine Boyd
Room 12: Emma Hale
Room 13: Kiarah Miniter
Room 15: Levana Tindal
Room 16: Zamirah Lembo
Zahra Hossaini
Oakley Boyd
Heather Lovett
Room 22: Kirk Phillips
Room 24: Meikhi Humphreys
Playgroup 2014 Important Dates
Wednesday 22
October 9am to 11am:
Louise Campbell, Amity Health Dietician to
present a Fun food for summer session in
the garden at playgroup. No charge. Hat
and sunscreen recommended.
Wednesday 5
November 9am to 11am:
Katherine Huck, Amity Health Occupational Therapist to
present an informative and fun session on Outdoor Play
Ideas. No charge. Please bring a towel and change of
clothes for your child. Hat and sunscreen recommended.
ENQUIRIES TO Christine Tozer 98411166
This activity is funded by Communities for Children
which is supported by the Australian Government
through the Department of Families, Housing,
Community Services and Indigenous Affairs.
***Important Note Revised Swimming times weeks 3 and 4.
Due to there being only 8 lessons for weeks 3 and 4 the swimming coordinator has been able to increase the lesson times
to 45 minutes instead of the usual 40 minutes.
The amended times are set out below.
Term 4
Weeks 3 and 4

Monday 27
Thursday 7

Bus Pickup Time
From Mount Lock-
Lesson Time Bus Return Time
from Pool to
Rooms 15and11 9.10 am 9.30am 10.15am 10.45am
Rooms16 and 12 9:55am 10.15am 11.00am 11.25am
Rooms 17 and 13 10.40am 11.00am 11.45am 12:05pm
Rooms 7,21 and 24 (3s) 11.25am 11.45am 12.30pm 12:45pm
Rooms PP2 and 4 12.50pm 1.10pm 1:55pm 2:10pm
Rooms PP3 and 14 1.35pm 1.55pm 2.40pm 2.55pm
Junior Primary Disco
Room 16 is throwing a term 4 fundraiser disco.
Who: Years PP, 1 & 2
When: Friday 14th November (Week 5)
Time: 11.45am 12.45pm
Cost: $4 (to class teacher)
Dress: Casual dress (bright, fun and easy to dance in!)
Playgroup News
Some of you may have noticed that the old play fort has
been removed from the "Our Place" playgroup area to
make way for some new play equipment.
We are very fortunate to have very generous community
members that have donated equipment, fuel and their time
to level that area in readiness for the new installation.
We would like to say a very SINCERE thank you to Mr
Tony Caramia from ABA Security- Caramia Electrical for
the use of his digger and donation of fuel. This work was
completed by Neville Pitt, who donated his Saturday to
operate the machine and leave the area prepared so
professionally. Thank you Neville and your family, along
with the Davis family who also assisted on the day to make
this area a great play space for our community.
Important Information
Please be advised that the school has changed bank accounts, we are
now with the ANZ Bank.
If paying by direct deposit for camp, contributions, excursions etc. please
make payment to the following account remembering, to put student name
and description.
BSB 016510 Mount Lockyer Primary School
Acc Number 290370834
Old Farm, Strawberry Hill Open Day
Sunday 2nd November 10am - 4pm
All day Be an Archaeologist childrens program.
11am, 1pm and 2.30pm - Tours of the grounds
(tours approx. 45 mins)
All day entry to the house (Entry by donation)
174 Middleton Rd, Albany
Circle of Security: A program for parents of young
Understand your childs emotional world learning to
read the emotional need that lies behind your childs
Support your childs ability to handle their emotions and
improve their confidence and self esteem
Strengthen your skills in observing and connecting with
your child.

Throughout the program a DVD with real life experiences
and illustrations will be used.
Commencing Thursday October 30th, 6.30pm 8.00pm for
7 weeks.
Venue: Rainbow Coast Neighbourhood Centre
Family House, 219 North Rd, Albany
We recommend that participants attend all sessions as each
week flows into the next.
Phone 98410785 or 98423676 to register
Facilitated by Ingrid Storm, Rebecca Hopkinson and Ben
Free Crche Available
ANZAC Centenary Shop front Displays
Over the ANZAC commemorative period this year, an
innovative partnership initiative will see schools in the Great
Southern matched with businesses in the Albany CBD that
will result in the installation of ANZAC-themed shop front
displays. These displays will involve student work related to
the centenary of ANZAC and should be a vibrant addition to
the shop fronts lining the streets in this area. Look out for
these from Monday 27 October to Thursday 6 November
Junior Tennis Lessons Albany Tennis Academy
Merrifield Park and Lawley Park Tennis Clubs
Players ages 4-16
Any standard from beginner to advanced wel-
come. We provide racquets and all equipment,
simply turn up and play.
For bookings and information, contact: 0414 608 523
Carers WA
Are you caring for family member, friend or relative with a
disability, mental illness, chronic condition, terminal illness,
an alcohol or other drug issue, or who is frail aged?
If so, Carers WA would like to invite you to take a break
from your caring role with a 9 week introductory meditation
and relaxation course.
Enjoy some time out and talk to other carers.
When: Every Wednesday from 15th October - 10th Decem-
ber at 6.00pm - 7.00pm
Venue: S.Age Therapy Room, Albany Community Care
Centre 73 Hardie Rd, Spencer Park.
Cost: Free! Please bring your own yoga mat, blanket or
towel, a water bottle and wear comfortable clothing.
For more information or to register for this event,
please contact Jen Dodson, Regional Care Co-ordinator
on 0400 840 611 or email
P&C News
P+C Meeting
Everyones welcome come along and get involved.
School staffroom on MONDAY 27th OCTOBER at 7pm.

Reversible Hats
Great news the new hats are in! They are a bucket hat with
a toggle and have the faction colours on the reverse side.
The kids love them, the come in 2 sizes but are only
available while stocks last. A bargain at $15 each.
URGENT - Please return all read-a-thon sponsorship
booklets/forms to your teacher, even if you havent raised
any money.
WOW. Another outstanding effort by the students who
participated in the fundraising side of our read-a-thon.
We have $3200 to be spent on
books, readers and resources for the
schools literacy programme...well
done to all.
Scholastic Books
Please return all orders to the office
Final Intake-2015 Semester One for the Master of
Teaching (Primary or Early Childhood)
At the start of 2013 the UWA Graduate School of Education,
in conjunction with the UWA Albany Centre, began the
Master of Teaching (Primary and Early Childhood). This
program is a pre-service teaching qualification suitable for
those who already have an existing degree, and has
allowed members of the local community to make a
decision to change careers and engage in study while
remaining in Albany. The course has nearly completed its
second year with a cohort of 23 students both full-time
and part-time. If you would like to enrol in this course for
the start of Semester One 2015 with full-time study, then we
encourage you to visit the Albany Centre Website or contact
the Albany Centre direct for further details.
Applications are now open for Semester One 2015
enrolment this is an online application. Applications
close November 21
2014. Information on enrolment for
the Master of Teaching (Primary or Early Childhood) can be
accessed from the Albany Centre Website:
For further information about the course or the enrolment
process please contact either:
Master of Teaching Course Coordinator (Albany)
Val Faulkner
Telephone: 6488 2386 or 9842 0888
Master of Teaching Course Lecturer (Albany)
Kathy Fenwick
Telephone: 9842 0888
Albany Centre Reception
Telephone: 9842 0800
Students who bring mobile phones onto school premises must adhere to these guidelines.
Mount Lockyer Primary School acknowledges that mobile phones may be used as a safety measure out of school hours. Parents are
reminded that in cases of emergency, the school office remains the most appropriate point of contact during the school day.
The school accepts no responsibility for lost, stolen or damaged mobile phones.
Students mobile phones are to be switched off during school time and handed to the class teacher or office upon arrival in the morning.
Students are not permitted to use mobile phones for any purpose on school grounds.
Mobile phones are not permitted to be taken to school camps, excursions or other functions unless permission is granted by the school
Students seen using mobile phones on school grounds-
First breach- The phone will be confiscated and returned to the student at the end of the school day.
Further breaches- The phone will be confiscated and parents/carers will need to collect it from the office.
Dear Parents
The value from 14th to 27th October is Peacefulness If your child has demonstrated Peacefulness notify your
classroom teacher and they will be in the draw for a prize at this weeks assembly.
Value: Peacefulness
Memory Jogger - Is an inner sense of calm.
Student Name:- ___________________________________________________Value:- Peacefulness

Week Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
Week 1
Week 2

NEWSLETTER QUIZ Q: Next week is the 100 year anniversary of what ? A: __________________________

Name _________________________________________________________ Room ______________________________________________

The key to this approach is that the child is given a choice at each step to
follow directions or face increased consequences.
Students making GOOD CHOICES are acknowledged for their efforts.
For students making POOR CHOICES the following consequences
apply ~
Student refuses to follow directions.
Verbal warning.
Student still refuses to follow directions-
In-class consequence e.g. Time Out
Student still refuses to follow directions-
Out-of-class consequence e.g. Buddy
Student still refuses to follow directions-
RED CARD is sent to the office.
Parents will be requested to attend
Students will be immediately
suspended for verbal abuse of
staff and/or violence towards
staff or students.
Students returning from
suspension must be
accompanied by an adult and
will attend the Intervention
Centre (Room 20) where an
Individual Behaviour
Management Plan will be
developed and implemented.

Bullying is when a student or group
keep picking on another student. They
try to hurt them physically or
emotionally. The behaviour is
deliberate and repeated.

A fight or disagreement between
equal students is not bullying.


Tell an adult, it is not dobbing to
ask for help. Both victim and
those bullying will be counselled
and supported.
Do not be a by-stander; if you
witness bullying try to stop it or
report it.


Step 1: Warning
Step 2: In school isolation and
counselling at recess and lunch,
parents will be notified
Step 3: For continued breaches
students will be suspended.

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