Citizen Opinions of City and City Government

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City of Covington
October, 2009

73 of 135
City of Covington

Citizen Opinions of City and

City Government
October, 2009

1. Introduction......................................................................1
Respondent Profile ........................................................3

2. Key Findings.....................................................................4

3. Findings............................................................................6

4. Discussion..................................................................... 20

5. Appendix........................................................................ 21
Questionnaire with data
Cross-tabulation Tables ...........Under Separate Cover

74 of 135
City of Covington

Citizen Opinions of City

and City Government
October 2009

This report summarizes the results of a telephone survey conducted by Elway
Research for the City of Covington. The survey interviewed Covington
residents about the quality of life in Covington, priorities for the future, and
the level of satisfaction with city government and city services. Specifically,
the following subjects were addressed:
• Perceptions regarding the overall quality of life in Covington; feelings of
safety; and the appropriateness for families.
• Preferred priorities for City government.
• Satisfaction with various departments and services, including specific on
police service.
• Inclination to support or oppose a list of projects that would probably
require more taxation.
• Sources used and desired, to get information about City government.

Demographic information was included in order to profile those with certain


This report includes Key Findings and a narrative summary of the findings,
with analysis. The narrative is followed by annotated charts of the pertinent
survey results. A complete set of cross-tabulation tables is presented under
separate cover.

October 2009 75 of 135 .

City of Covington 2

SAMPLE: 300 adult heads of households inside the city
limits of Covington. Every household in
Covington was called in which there is at least
one registered voter and for which we were
able to obtain a telephone number.

TECHNIQUE: Telephone Survey

FIELD DATES: October 22-27, 2009

MARGIN OF ERROR: ±6% at the 95% confidence interval. That is,

in theory, had all similarly qualified Covington
residents been interviewed, there is a 95%
probability that the results would be within
±6% of the results in this survey.

DATA COLLECTION: Calls were made during weekday evenings

and weekend days. Trained, professional
interviewers under supervision conducted all
interviews. Up to four attempts were made to
contact a head of household at each number
in the sample before a substitute number was
called. Questionnaires were edited for
completeness, and a percentage of each
interviewer’s calls were re-called for

It must be kept in mind that survey research cannot predict the future. Although
great care was employed in the design, execution and analysis of this survey,
these results can be interpreted only as representing the answers given by these
respondents to these questions at the time they were interviewed.

October 2009 76 of 135 .

City of Covington 3

In interpreting these findings, it is important to keep in mind the
characteristics of the people actually interviewed. This table presents a
profile of the 300 respondents in the survey.
Note: Throughout this report, percentages may not add to 100%, due to rounding.

GENDER: 45% Male

55% Female
AGE: 10% 18-34
21% 35-44
25% 45-54
19% 55-64
22% 65+
21% 2-5 Years
23% 6-12 Years
19% 13-20 Years
34% 20+ years
OWN / RENT: 92% Own
6% Rent
HOUSEHOLD TYPE: 43% Couple with children at home
34% Couple with no children at home
6% Single with children at home
16% Single with no children at home
ANNUAL HOUSEHOLD 9% $35,000 or less
INCOME: 14% Over $35,000 to $50,000
18% Over $50,000 to $74,000
14% $75,000 to $99,000
21% $100,000 or more
23% No response

October 2009 77 of 135 .

City of Covington 4


♦ 2 in 3 respondents said their tax dollars were being “well spent,” a high
proportion for local governments.

♦ Residents generally satisfied with life in the city in most ways, but not
usually to the utmost degree:
• 43% rated the city’s quality of life in the top three points of the 10 point
scale, but only 9% said that it was a “10,” or “excellent.”
• Almost all agreed with three positive statements about the city, but usually
not “strongly:”
95% agreed that “Covington is a good place for families”
62% “agreed;” 33% strongly agreed.
91% agreed with “I feel safe in my neighborhood,” (60%; 31%).
93% agreed with “I feel safe in Covington” (62%; 31%).

♦ Just over half (53%) said that the City was doing a “good” (43%) or
“excellent” (10%) job of keeping them informed.
• 4 in 10 said “only fair” (32%) or “poor” (11%).
• Two in 3 get their information about city government from the Covington

♦ The same proportion (53%) rated the city’s performance in providing

residents “the opportunity to be involved in decisions” as “good” (43%) or
“excellent” (10%).
• 37% said “only fair” (26%) or “poor” (11%)

♦ “Grades” for most services ranged from "B-" to "C."

• The highest went to police services, including:
3.1 for "overall feeling of safety in the community,"
3.0 for "overall quality of police service," and
3.0 for "the time it takes them to respond to a call."
• The lowest averages were:
2.2 on the 4-point scale for "Zoning and Land Use Planning,"
2.3 for "Streets and Traffic System,"
2.4 for "Recreation Programs," and
2.4 for "Permit Services."

October 2009 78 of 135 .

City of Covington 5

♦ Many respondents did not know enough to grade many services, including:
• Permit services (34% said they did not know),
• Customer service at city hall (33%),
• The aquatics programs (32%), and
• "Emergency preparation" (30%).

♦ 1 in 3 had contact with a city agency or official in the last 12 months;

those that had any contact tended to give it an average “B” grade.

♦ Police Response, Traffic Enforcement, and “Communicating with the

public" were the top priorities for the City government:
• “Police Response” was named a “top” priority by 39%, and a “high” priority
by 41%.
• “Traffic Enforcement” (26% Top and 35% High).
• “Communicating with the Public” (25% Top and 37% High).

♦ Streets and sidewalks had highest level of potential support among

possible programs requiring tax increases.
• For “Improved streets and traffic flow,”
31% stated strong support,
35% said “maybe,”
33% were opposed (13% strongly.)
• For “Sidewalks”
16% stated strong support,
40% said “maybe,” and
43% were opposed (22% strongly.)

♦ All other possible tax increases elicited more opposition than support,
• “More recreation, such as health & fitness classes, kid, adult or senior
activities, etc.” 66% opposed vs. 21% support.
• “More community events” 64% vs. 21%,
• “Animal control” 51% vs. 16%, and
• “Parks, trails and open spaces” 44% vs. 20%.

♦ The most solid opposition was against commuter rail and a town center:
• 60% opposed Commuter Rail (39% strongly), and
• 63% opposed a town center (34% strongly.)

October 2009 79 of 135 .

City of Covington 6


Major findings are presented in the following section in the form of

annotated graphs and bullets. The full results are in detailed cross-
tabulations under separate cover.

October 2009 80 of 135 .

City of Covington 7

Average Quality of Life:

8 on a 10 Point Scale


9% 12% 32% 22% 7% 11% 1% 1% 3% 0% 1% 1%

EXCELLENT -9- -8- -7- -6- MID -4- -3- -2- -1- POOR NO OPIN

Question 3: Overall, how would you rate the quality of life in Covington? Please give a rating on a
scale of zero to 10, where 10 means you think the city has an “excellent” quality of life, a “0” means
it has a “poor” quality of life. A rating of 5 is in the middle.

♦ Satisfaction with the overall quality of life in Covington went up in the

middle incomes:
• The average ratings from those with incomes both under $50,000 and over
$75,000 was "7". This compares to
• A "9" average from those with annual household incomes between
$50,000 and $75,000.

October 2009 81 of 135 .

City of Covington 8

Almost All Agreed That

Covington is Good for Families

4% 1%

33% Strongly Agree

No Opinion
Strongly Disagree


Question 4a: I am going to read a series of statements about life in Covington. For each one, tell
me whether you Agree Strongly, Agree, Disagree or Disagree Strongly. The first one, is Covington
is a good place for families?

♦ Younger respondents were most likely to strongly agree:

43% of respondents under age 34 strongly agreed that Covington was a
good place for families, compared to
28% age 45 and older.

♦ Those with the lowest incomes also tended more to strongly agree:
39% of those with incomes under $50,000 strongly agreed vs.
29% of those with higher incomes.

♦ Even 9 in 10 of those who had thought the overall quality of life was "7" or
lower still agreed that Covington was a good place for families.

♦ Those with and without children living in the household agreed similarly to
this statement.

October 2009 82 of 135 .

City of Covington 9

Almost All Feel Safe

Strongly Agree Agree No Opinion Disagree Strongly Disagree

Feel Safe in
Neighborhood 31% 60% 8%

Feel Safe in
Covington 31% 62% 5%

Question 4b and 4c: I am going to read a series of statements about life in Covington. For each
one, tell me whether you Agree Strongly, Agree, Disagree or Disagree Strongly. 2.) I feel safe in my
neighborhood; 3.) I feel safe in Covington.

♦ There was a slight tendency for households without children to feel safer:
• 34% without children in the household strongly agreed that they felt safe in
their neighborhood, vs. 28% of those with children.
• 34% strongly agreed that they felt safe in Covington, vs. 28% of those with

October 2009 83 of 135 .

City of Covington 10

Most Paid At Least Some

Attention to City Government

17% 13%
A lot
Not very Much
Almost No Attention
27% 43%

Question 5: Let’s talk about the City Government. First, in general, how much attention would you
say you pay to Covington City government? Would you say you pay…?

♦ Most likely to have paid a lot of attention were those 65+:

19% said that they paid a lot of attention, compared to
7% of those under 35.

♦ Most likely to have paid almost no attention were those under 35:
33% did, compared to
13% over 65.

♦ Another 30% of those under 35 paid “not very much” attention, bringing
the total to 63% of the youngest group who paid little or no attention.

October 2009 84 of 135 .

City of Covington 11

2 in 3 Had No Recent Contact: Grade Averaged "B"


No Opin


Question 6: Have you had any contact with a city agency or official in the last 12 months?


14% 39% A - Excellent

F - Failing


Question 7: If you were to give that person a letter grade for helpfulness and courtesy, what grade
would you give him or her: A for Excellent, B Good, C Satisfactory, D Unsatisfactory, F for Poor?

♦ Most likely to have had contact were ages 55 – 64 (45% did) and those
with household incomes of $75,000 or more (40%).

October 2009 85 of 135 .

City of Covington 12

Police, Traffic, and Communication Top Priorities

Top High Med No Opin Low Not

Police Response 39% 41% 11% 6% 2%

Traffic Enforcement 26% 35% 31% 4% 4%

Communicating with the

Public. 25% 37% 28% 8%

Enforcing City Codes 18% 33% 32% 5% 11%

Street and Sidewalk

Construction 17% 34% 38% 8% 2%

Surface Water Management 14% 28% 35% 9% 12% 2%

Permitting Services 12% 25% 36% 10% 15% 2%

Park and Trail Construction 7% 19% 49% 3% 17% 5%

Aquatics Programs 3% 16% 39% 12% 25% 5%

Question 8: Next I am going to read a list of areas of responsibility for Covington city government. I
would like you to rate each one in terms of its priority for city government. As I read each item, tell
me whether you think that should be a Top Priority for Covington City Government, A High Priority,
Medium, Low or that should Not be a priority for Covington City Government. The first one is…?

♦ There was a variety of demographic differences:

• Those under age 45 were more concerned with street and sidewalk
construction (20% gave it a “top” rating, vs. 11% of those older.)
• Women were more likely than men to give “top” ratings to “enforcing city
codes (22% vs. 13%).
• Surface water was particularly not a top priority for those 65+ (only 7% said
“top,” compared to 16% of those younger.)
• Traffic enforcement was more of a priority with lower income groups:
39% with under $50,000 in income said “top,” vs.
27% with $50,000 to $75,000 and
14% with $75,000 or more.
• Concern with police response also went down with income, from
50% of those with under $50,000 calling it a “top” priority, to
42% with $50,000 - $75,000 and
25% with $75,000 or more.

♦ Not surprisingly, those who paid at least some attention to city government
more often named communication as a "top" priority
(29%, compared to 19% who paid not much/no attention.)

October 2009 86 of 135 .

City of Covington 13

"B-" to "C" Averages Earned by Most Services

if Grade Given; Many Not Sure How to Grade

A-Excellent B-Good C-Satis No Opin D-Unsatis F-Poor AVERAGE

Street Cleaning and Maintenance 16% 51% 24% 4% 3% 2.75
Snow & Ice Removal 16% 38% 25% 5% 9% 6% 2.51
Business Attraction and Retention 14% 45% 23% 11% 6% 2% 2.72
Stormwater/Flood Management 14% 44% 21% 14% 4% 3% 2.72
Sidewalks 13% 46% 28% 7% 4% 2.59
Customer Service at City Hall 13% 35% 14% 33% 3% 2.81
Emergency Preparation 12% 33% 20% 30% 3%3% 2.71
Enforcing City Codes 11% 33% 23% 27% 3%3% 2.62
Landscaping, Parks/Grounds Maintenance 10% 51% 27% 7% 3% 2.69
Capital Projects 9% 40% 30% 9% 7% 5% 2.46
Amount of Parks and Open Space 9% 38% 31% 6% 9% 7%
Public Meetings 9% 35% 26% 24% 5% 2%
Streets and Traffic System 8% 43% 27% 14% 9%
Aquatics Programs 7% 30% 25% 32% 4%
Recreation Programs 6% 39% 27% 18% 6% 4%
Zoning and Land Use Planning 6% 27% 26% 26% 9% 6%
Permit Services 5% 29% 20% 34% 6% 5%

Question 9: Now let’s talk about some specific areas that Covington City Government operates
using tax dollars. As we did before I’d like you to give Covington City Government a letter grade for
each area: A for Excellent, B for Good, C for Satisfactory, D for Unsatisfactory, F for poor. What
grade would you give the city for…?

♦ The services with the highest proportions of "A" grades were "street
cleaning/maintenance" and "street cleanings/snow removal):
• 16% gave an "A" for each, with 95% or more able to rate them.

♦ The highest average was given to Customer Service at City Hall:

• It was 2.8 on the 4-point scale, among those giving a rating.

♦ The most bad grades (D and F) went to "Streets and Traffic System:"
• 14% gave it a "D," and 9% an "F," with the average 2.3, or "C."

♦ The youngest respondents were least likely to know enough to give grades.
For example:
53% could not grade customer service at city hall,
50% said the same about permit services.
43% about enforcing city codes.
40% about public meetings.
37% about zoning land use.
37% about police response time.

October 2009 87 of 135 .

City of Covington 14

Most Police Services Graded "B"

A-Excellent B-Good C-Satis No Opin D-Unsatis F-Poor AVERAGE

Overall feeling of safety in

the community 30% 48% 16% 2% 3.05

The overall quality of service

they provide 27% 48% 16% 6% 2% 3.04

Maintaining traffic safety in

Covington 22% 52% 17% 5% 3% 2.94

The time it takes them to

respond to a call 22% 35% 11% 28% 2% 3.02

The number of officers 14% 30% 24% 23% 6% 4% 2.57

Question 10: Let’s talk specifically about police services in Covington. Using the letter grades as
before, what grade would you give police services in Covington for…?

♦ Those who had rated the "overall quality of life" in Covington highly (8 to
10) gave better grades to some police services:
40% gave the "overall feeling of safety" an "A," vs.
18% of those who rated the quality of life lower, and
38% gave the overall quality of police service an "A," vs. 14%.

♦ Again, lack of knowledge was centered on those younger:

• 33% of those under 55 did not know enough to grade response time,
compared to
• 22% of those 55 or older.
• However, all ages were equally likely to have no opinion about the number
of officers.

October 2009 88 of 135 .

City of Covington 15

Tax Support Strongest for Streets & Traffic

Strongly Sup Maybe Sup No Opin Probably Opp Strongly Opp

Improved Streets and Traffic

Flow 31% 35% 20% 13%

More Recreation 21% 32% 24% 22%

Parks, Trails and Open
Space 20% 36% 22% 22%

Sidewalks 16% 40% 21% 22%

Animal Control 16% 31% 3% 28% 23%

Commuter Rail 13% 24% 3% 21% 39%

More Community Events 11% 31% 3% 27% 27%

A Town Center 10% 23% 4% 29% 34%

Question 11: Now I am going to read a list of things that some people have said they would like
Covington city government to do. Of course, all city services cost money. So as I read this list,
please tell me how willing you would be – if at all – to support an increase in taxes to maintain,
improve or provide that service. Tell me if you would be Strongly Inclined to support, Maybe
Inclined to support, Probably Inclined to Oppose or Strongly Inclined to Oppose?

♦ Most likely to strongly support streets/traffic were:

• Those with children living at home (40%) and
• Those with incomes between $50,000 and $75,000 (42%).

♦ Support for commuter rail went down with age:

21% of those under age 45 strongly supported commuter rail, vs.
12% of 45-54 year olds, 9% of those 55-64, and 6% 65+.

♦ Considering all the proposals together:

34% of respondents opposed almost all of the proposals,
25% supported all or almost all, and
41% said "maybe," or a mix of support and "opposed" responses.

♦ Those age 65+ were most often opposed:

57% of this age group always or almost always were opposed, vs.
24% of those younger.

♦ Those with children still at home were most supportive of all:

30% always or almost always were supportive, vs. 20%.
27% were always or almost always opposed, vs. 41%.

October 2009 89 of 135 .

City of Covington 16

The Covington Reporter

Dominated Information Sources

Covington Reporter 68%

City Website 35%
Friends, family, neighbors 33%
Mailings From City 27%
During City Events 21%
Flyers, Posters Around the City 19%
City E-mail List 15%
Neighborhood Meetings 14%
Calling or Visiting City Hall 13%
Flyers that kids bring home from school 13%
City Commissioner/Council Member 9%
Facebook 3%

Other 2%

No Ans 4%

Question 12: In terms of keeping citizens informed about what is happening in city government --
How good a job do you think the City of Covington does at that? Would you say…?
Question 13: We are interested in how people get information about City Government here in
Covington. Which of the following have been useful to you to learn about city government?

♦ Usefulness of the Covington Reporter went up with income:

78% of those with incomes of $75,000+ named the Reporter, vs.
73% earning between $50,000 and $75,000, and
60% with under $50,000.

♦ Usefulness of the web site went down with age:

46% of the youngest (under age 45) found the web-site useful, vs.
38% of 45 – 54 year olds, and
12% of those age 65 or older.

♦ Respondents who said that they paid at least some attention to city
government were more likely than others to find several sources of
information useful, including:
• Meetings (21%, vs. 6% of those not paying much attention),
• E-mail (20% vs. 10%),
• Mailings (17% vs. 9%),
• Neighborhood meetings (17% vs. 9%), and
• The City Commissioner/Council (13% vs. 4%).

October 2009 90 of 135 .

City of Covington 17

Most Could Not Think of Other Information Sources

Send E-Mails 9%
Mailings 5%
Flyers In The Mail 3%
Town Meeting 3%
Newsletter 3%
Newspaper 2%

TV Ads




None / No 56%
No Ans 17%

Question 14: Are there any other ways you think the City can use to communicate with our
residents that we aren’t already doing? [IF YES] What would those ways be?

♦ E-mails showed the most variation, being desired more by:

• Those with the highest incomes
18% of those with incomes of $75,000+ vs.
9% with middle incomes and
1% with less than $50,000,
• Men:
14%, compared to
5% of women, and
• Those with children in the household (12% vs. 5% without children).

October 2009 91 of 135 .

City of Covington 18

Most Think Opportunity to Be Involved Good+

11% 10%

26% 43% No Opin

Question 15: How would you rate the city’s performance in providing residents the opportunity to be
involved in decisions that affect city government? How good a job do you think the City of
Covington does at that? Would you say…?

♦ Those with the highest impressions of Covington's overall quality of life (8

to 10 on the 10-point scale) were most likely to think more highly of the
opportunity to be involved:
63% said that it was good or excellent, vs.
40% of those who rated the quality of life lower.

♦ Interestingly, responses did not vary according to how informed the

respondent felt.

♦ There were no demographic variations.

October 2009 92 of 135 .

City of Covington 19

Over 2 in 3 Think Their Local Tax $ Well Spent


21% Well Spent

Not Well Spent
No Opin


Question 16: Finally, thinking now about all the things we have talked about, as a citizen of
Covington, do you think that your tax dollars are being well spent here? Or not?

♦ Most likely to say "well spent" were:

• Those who rated the overall quality of life an 8 to 10:
81% did, compared to
54% who rated it 7 or below
• Those with children:
73%, compared to
63% with no children at home.

October 2009 93 of 135 .

City of Covington 20

The City of Covington is thought by its residents to be a safe, family-friendly
place to live. Very few residents are dissatisfied with the city, and two in three
survey respondents said that their city tax dollars are well spent by the city

Just over half of these respondents said they paid attention to city
government and just one-third had had any direct contact with it. However,
more than half said that the city does a good job of providing them with
opportunities to be involved and more than half said the city does a good job
keeping them informed. Only about a quarter could think of any other way city
government could communicate with them.

Of those who did have direct contact with city government, most had a good
experience: nearly three-quarters graded their experience an “A” (39%) or a
“B” (34%).

Traffic is clearly on the minds of Covington residents. “Streets and traffic

system” ranked 13th on a list of 17 city services graded by survey
respondents. Of all the services graded, "street and traffic system" received
the most "D" and "F" grades. “Traffic enforcement” was ranked as the #2
priority for city government. And “improved streets and traffic flow” garnered
the highest level of potential support among eight city improvements that
would require a tax increase.

The police department was a particular focus of these citizens. Most

respondents said they feel safe in Covington and rate the overall quality of
police service quite high, and they clearly want to keep it that way. Police
response time was graded a solid “B” (although it had the highest number or
people who could not answer at 28%), and was rated as the top priority for
city government.

Overall satisfaction with Covington city government is quite good –

particularly among those who have contact with the city. An obvious
challenge is increasing citizen awareness of city government and its services.
Many city services were unknown to a quarter or more of these respondents.

October 2009 94 of 135 .

City of Covington 21


October 2009 95 of 135 .

City of Covington Citizen Survey TOPLINE DATA

This summary presents response frequency distributions for the survey of Covington residents on behalf of the
City of Covington.
Telephone interviews were completed with 300 Covington heads of household between October 22-27, 2009.
The overall margin of sampling error is ±6%. That means, in theory, there is a 95% probability that the results
of this survey are within ±6% of the results that would have been obtained by interviewing all Covington heads
of household.
• The data are presented here in the same order the questions were asked in the interview.
• The figures in bold type are percentages of respondents who gave each answer.
• Percentages may not add to 100% due to rounding.

SEX: MALE...45 FEMALE...55

1. Do you live within City limits of Covington? Yes – 100


2. How long have you lived in Covington?

0-1 years…2
2-5 years...21
6-12 years...23
13 to 20 years...19
More than 20 years...34

3. Overall, how would you rate the quality of life in Covington? Please give a
rating on a scale of zero to 10, where 10 means you think the city has an
“excellent” quality of life, a “0” means it has a “poor” quality of life. A rating of 5
is in the middle.
POOR = 0…..1…..2…...3…..4.…...5…..6…...7.…...8…...9…..10 = EXCELLENT [ 99 = DK/NA]
1 0 3 1 1 11 7 22 32 12 9 1

4. I am going to read a series of statements about life in Covington. For each one,
tell me whether you Agree Strongly, Agree, Disagree or Disagree Strongly.
The first one is…

A. Covington is a good place for families...... 33 ........ 62............ 4................ 1............ 0

B. I feel safe in my neighborhood.................. 31 ........ 60............ 8................ 1............ 0
C. I feel safe in Covington .............................. 31 ........ 62............ 5................ 1............ 1

11/5/09 1 of 6 ELWAY RESEARCH, INC.

96 of 135
City of Covington Citizen Survey TOPLINE DATA

5. Let’s talk about the City Government. First, in general, how much attention
would you say you pay to Covington City government? Would you say you pay…?
A Lot of Attention…13
Not Very Much…27
Almost No Attention …17

6. Have you had any contact with a city agency or official in the last 12 months?

7. If you were to give that person a letter grade for helpfulness and courtesy, what
grade would you give him or her: A for Excellent, B for Good, C for Satisfactory,
D for Unsatisfactory, F for Poor.

8. Next I am going to read a list of areas of responsibility for Covington city

government. I would like you to rate each one in terms of its priority for city
government. As I read each item, tell me whether you think that should be a Top
Priority for Covington City Government, A High Priority, Medium, Low or that
should Not be a priority for Covington City Government. The first one is…
ROTATE TOP HI........ MED .......LO NOT DK
A. Street and Sidewalk Construction ........................ 17 ..... 34...... 38 .......8 .......2 1
B. Park and Trail Construction.................................... 7 ...... 19...... 49 ......17 ......5 3
C. Permitting Services, from permit desk to
approving permits for buildings, remodels,
tenant improvements, home occupation, etc. ..... 12 ..... 25...... 36 ......15 ......2 10
D. Enforcing the city codes, such as building and
zoning codes, junk cars, yard debris,
home business violations, and so on ................... 18 ..... 33 ..... 32 ......11 ......1 5
E. Communicating with the public. ........................... 25 ..... 37...... 28 .......8 .......1 1
F. Police Response..................................................... 39 ..... 41...... 11 .......2 .......1 6
G. Traffic Enforcement ............................................... 26 ..... 35...... 31 .......4 .......1 4
H. Aquatics programs .................................................. 3 ...... 16...... 39 ......25 ......5 12
I. Surface Water Management ................................. 14 ..... 28...... 35 ......12 ......2 9

11/5/09 2 of 6 ELWAY RESEARCH, INC.

97 of 135
City of Covington Citizen Survey TOPLINE DATA

9. Now let’s talk about some specific areas that Covington City Government
operates using tax dollars. As we did before I’d like you to give Covington City
Government a letter grade for each area: A for Excellent, B for Good, C for
Satisfactory, D for Unsatisfactory, F for poor. What grade would you give the
city for…
A. Enforcing city Codes .............................................. 11 ..... 33...... 23 .......3 .......3 27
B. Customer Service at City Hall................................ 13 ..... 35...... 14 .......3 .......2 33
C. Zoning and Land use planning............................... 6 ...... 27...... 26 .......9 .......6 26
D. Aquatics programs .................................................. 7 ...... 30...... 25 .......4 .......2 32
E. Recreation Programs .............................................. 6 ...... 39...... 27 .......6 .......4 18
F. Amount of Parks and Open Space......................... 9 ...... 38...... 31 .......9 .......7 6
G. Streets and Traffic system ..................................... 8 ...... 43...... 27 ......14 ......9 0
H. Public Meetings....................................................... 9 ...... 35...... 26 .......5 .......2 24
I. Sidewalks................................................................ 13 ..... 46...... 28 .......7 .......4 2
J. Stormwater and Flood Management.................... 14 ..... 44...... 21 .......4 .......3 14
K. Permit services........................................................ 5 ...... 29...... 20 .......6 .......5 34
L. Snow & Ice removal ............................................... 16 ..... 38...... 25 .......9 .......6 5
M. Capital Projects, like building or improving roads,
parks, and other city infrastructure. ...................... 9 ...... 40...... 30 .......7 .......5 9
N. Emergency preparation ......................................... 12 ..... 33...... 20 .......3 .......3 30
O. Business attraction and retention ........................ 14 ..... 45...... 23 .......6 .......2 11
P. Street cleaning and maintenance ........................ 16 ..... 51...... 24 .......4 .......3 2
Q. Landscaping, Parks and Grounds maintenance.. 10 ..... 51...... 27 .......3 .......2 7

10. Let’s talk specifically about police services in Covington. Using the letter grades
as before, what grade would you give police services in Covington for:
A. The time it takes them to respond to a call ......... 22 ..... 35...... 11 .......2 .......2 28
B. Maintaining traffic safety in Covington................. 22 ..... 52...... 17 .......3 .......1 5
C. The number of officers ......................................... 14 ..... 30...... 24 .......6 .......4 23
D. The overall quality of service they provide ........... 27 ..... 48...... 16 .......2 .......1 6
E. Overall feeling of safety in the community ........... 30 ..... 48...... 16 .......2 .......2 2

11/5/09 3 of 6 ELWAY RESEARCH, INC.

98 of 135
City of Covington Citizen Survey TOPLINE DATA

11. Now I am going to read a list of things that some people have said they would
like Covington city government to do. Of course, all city services cost money. So
as I read this list, please tell me how willing you would be – if at all – to support
an increase in taxes to maintain, improve or provide that service. Tell me if you
would be Strongly Inclined to support raising taxes for that, Maybe Inclined to
Support, Probably Inclined to Oppose or Strongly Inclined to Oppose an
increase in city taxes to maintain, improve or provide this service in Covington.
The first one is…
A. ... Sidewalks............................................................................16 ...... 40 ......21 ......22...... 1
B. Parks, trails and open space............................................. 20...... 36 ......22 ......22...... 1
C. More recreation such as health & fitness classes,
kid, adult or senior activities, etc. .................................... 21...... 32 ......24 ......22...... 1
D. More community events .................................................... 11...... 31 ......27 ......27...... 3
E. Improved streets and traffic flow...................................... 31...... 35 ......20 ......13...... 1
F. A town center ..................................................................... 10...... 23 ......29 ......34...... 4
G. Commuter rail..................................................................... 13...... 24 ......21 ......39...... 3
H. Animal control .................................................................... 16...... 31 ......28 ......23...... 3

12. In terms of keeping citizens informed about what is happening in city

government -- How good a job do you think the City of Covington does at that?
Would you say…?
Only Fair…32

11/5/09 4 of 6 ELWAY RESEARCH, INC.

99 of 135
City of Covington Citizen Survey TOPLINE DATA

13. We are interested in how people get information about City Government here
in Covington. Which of the following have been useful to you to learn about
city government?
Calling or visiting City Hall…13
City Commissioner / council member…9
City E-mail list…15
City Website…35
Covington Reporter…68
During city Events- like Covington Days, Tree Lighting event…21
Flyers that kids bring home from school…13
Mailings From City (Bill Inserts, Brochures, Postcards, Etc.)…27
Flyers, Posters Around the City…19
Neighborhood Meetings or Organizations…14
Friends, family, neighbors…33
______________________________________________< OTHER…2

14. Are there any other ways you think the City can use to communicate with our
residents that we aren’t already doing? [IF YES] What would those ways be?


NONE / NO…56

11/5/09 5 of 6 ELWAY RESEARCH, INC.

100 of 135
City of Covington Citizen Survey TOPLINE DATA

15. How would you rate the city’s performance in providing residents the
opportunity to be involved in decisions that affect city government? How good a
job do you think the City of Covington does at that? Would you say…?
Only Fair…26

16. Finally, thinking now about all the things we have talked about, as a citizen of
Covington, do you think that your tax dollars are being well spent here? Or

17. I have just a few last questions for our statistical 18-29...5 50-54…13
analysis. How old are you? 30-34...5 55-59…12
35-39…8 60-64…7
40-44...13 65-69…8
45-49...12 70+…14
Couple with children at home...43
18. Which of the following best
describes your household: Couple with no children at home...34
Single with children at home...6
Single with no children at home...16

19. Do you own or rent the place in which OWN….92

you live? RENT…..6
20. Finally, I am going to list some ROTATE TOP/BOTTOM
broad categories. Just stop me $35,000 or less...9
when I get to the category that best $35,000 to $50,000...14
describes your approximate $50,000 to $74,000...18
household income - before taxes - $75,000 to $99,000…14
for this year. Over $100,000...21

11/5/09 6 of 6 ELWAY RESEARCH, INC.

101 of 135

102 of 135
City of Covington Citizen Survey TOPLINE DATA

This summary presents response frequency distributions for the survey of Covington residents on behalf of the
City of Covington.
Telephone interviews were completed with 300 Covington heads of household between October 22-27, 2009.
The overall margin of sampling error is ±6%. That means, in theory, there is a 95% probability that the results
of this survey are within ±6% of the results that would have been obtained by interviewing all Covington heads
of household.
• The data are presented here in the same order the questions were asked in the interview.
• The figures in bold type are percentages of respondents who gave each answer.
• Percentages may not add to 100% due to rounding.

SEX: MALE...45 FEMALE...55

1. Do you live within City limits of Covington? Yes – 100


2. How long have you lived in Covington?

0-1 years…2
2-5 years...21
6-12 years...23
13 to 20 years...19
More than 20 years...34

3. Overall, how would you rate the quality of life in Covington? Please give a
rating on a scale of zero to 10, where 10 means you think the city has an
“excellent” quality of life, a “0” means it has a “poor” quality of life. A rating of 5
is in the middle.
POOR = 0…..1…..2…...3…..4.…...5…..6…...7.…...8…...9…..10 = EXCELLENT [ 99 = DK/NA]
1 0 3 1 1 11 7 22 32 12 9 1

4. I am going to read a series of statements about life in Covington. For each one,
tell me whether you Agree Strongly, Agree, Disagree or Disagree Strongly.
The first one is…

A. Covington is a good place for families...... 33 ........ 62............ 4................ 1............ 0

B. I feel safe in my neighborhood.................. 31 ........ 60............ 8................ 1............ 0
C. I feel safe in Covington .............................. 31 ........ 62............ 5................ 1............ 1

11/5/09 1 of 6 ELWAY RESEARCH, INC.

103 of 135
City of Covington Citizen Survey TOPLINE DATA

5. Let’s talk about the City Government. First, in general, how much attention
would you say you pay to Covington City government? Would you say you pay…?
A Lot of Attention…13
Not Very Much…27
Almost No Attention …17

6. Have you had any contact with a city agency or official in the last 12 months?

7. If you were to give that person a letter grade for helpfulness and courtesy, what
grade would you give him or her: A for Excellent, B for Good, C for Satisfactory,
D for Unsatisfactory, F for Poor.

8. Next I am going to read a list of areas of responsibility for Covington city

government. I would like you to rate each one in terms of its priority for city
government. As I read each item, tell me whether you think that should be a Top
Priority for Covington City Government, A High Priority, Medium, Low or that
should Not be a priority for Covington City Government. The first one is…
ROTATE TOP HI........ MED .......LO NOT DK
A. Street and Sidewalk Construction ........................ 17 ..... 34...... 38 .......8 .......2 1
B. Park and Trail Construction.................................... 7 ...... 19...... 49 ......17 ......5 3
C. Permitting Services, from permit desk to
approving permits for buildings, remodels,
tenant improvements, home occupation, etc. ..... 12 ..... 25...... 36 ......15 ......2 10
D. Enforcing the city codes, such as building and
zoning codes, junk cars, yard debris,
home business violations, and so on ................... 18 ..... 33 ..... 32 ......11 ......1 5
E. Communicating with the public. ........................... 25 ..... 37...... 28 .......8 .......1 1
F. Police Response..................................................... 39 ..... 41...... 11 .......2 .......1 6
G. Traffic Enforcement ............................................... 26 ..... 35...... 31 .......4 .......1 4
H. Aquatics programs .................................................. 3 ...... 16...... 39 ......25 ......5 12
I. Surface Water Management ................................. 14 ..... 28...... 35 ......12 ......2 9

11/5/09 2 of 6 ELWAY RESEARCH, INC.

104 of 135
City of Covington Citizen Survey TOPLINE DATA

9. Now let’s talk about some specific areas that Covington City Government
operates using tax dollars. As we did before I’d like you to give Covington City
Government a letter grade for each area: A for Excellent, B for Good, C for
Satisfactory, D for Unsatisfactory, F for poor. What grade would you give the
city for…
A. Enforcing city Codes .............................................. 11 ..... 33...... 23 .......3 .......3 27
B. Customer Service at City Hall................................ 13 ..... 35...... 14 .......3 .......2 33
C. Zoning and Land use planning............................... 6 ...... 27...... 26 .......9 .......6 26
D. Aquatics programs .................................................. 7 ...... 30...... 25 .......4 .......2 32
E. Recreation Programs .............................................. 6 ...... 39...... 27 .......6 .......4 18
F. Amount of Parks and Open Space......................... 9 ...... 38...... 31 .......9 .......7 6
G. Streets and Traffic system ..................................... 8 ...... 43...... 27 ......14 ......9 0
H. Public Meetings....................................................... 9 ...... 35...... 26 .......5 .......2 24
I. Sidewalks................................................................ 13 ..... 46...... 28 .......7 .......4 2
J. Stormwater and Flood Management.................... 14 ..... 44...... 21 .......4 .......3 14
K. Permit services........................................................ 5 ...... 29...... 20 .......6 .......5 34
L. Snow & Ice removal ............................................... 16 ..... 38...... 25 .......9 .......6 5
M. Capital Projects, like building or improving roads,
parks, and other city infrastructure. ...................... 9 ...... 40...... 30 .......7 .......5 9
N. Emergency preparation ......................................... 12 ..... 33...... 20 .......3 .......3 30
O. Business attraction and retention ........................ 14 ..... 45...... 23 .......6 .......2 11
P. Street cleaning and maintenance ........................ 16 ..... 51...... 24 .......4 .......3 2
Q. Landscaping, Parks and Grounds maintenance.. 10 ..... 51...... 27 .......3 .......2 7

10. Let’s talk specifically about police services in Covington. Using the letter grades
as before, what grade would you give police services in Covington for:
A. The time it takes them to respond to a call ......... 22 ..... 35...... 11 .......2 .......2 28
B. Maintaining traffic safety in Covington................. 22 ..... 52...... 17 .......3 .......1 5
C. The number of officers ......................................... 14 ..... 30...... 24 .......6 .......4 23
D. The overall quality of service they provide ........... 27 ..... 48...... 16 .......2 .......1 6
E. Overall feeling of safety in the community ........... 30 ..... 48...... 16 .......2 .......2 2

11/5/09 3 of 6 ELWAY RESEARCH, INC.

105 of 135
City of Covington Citizen Survey TOPLINE DATA

11. Now I am going to read a list of things that some people have said they would
like Covington city government to do. Of course, all city services cost money. So
as I read this list, please tell me how willing you would be – if at all – to support
an increase in taxes to maintain, improve or provide that service. Tell me if you
would be Strongly Inclined to support raising taxes for that, Maybe Inclined to
Support, Probably Inclined to Oppose or Strongly Inclined to Oppose an
increase in city taxes to maintain, improve or provide this service in Covington.
The first one is…
A. ... Sidewalks............................................................................16 ...... 40 ......21 ......22...... 1
B. Parks, trails and open space............................................. 20...... 36 ......22 ......22...... 1
C. More recreation such as health & fitness classes,
kid, adult or senior activities, etc. .................................... 21...... 32 ......24 ......22...... 1
D. More community events .................................................... 11...... 31 ......27 ......27...... 3
E. Improved streets and traffic flow...................................... 31...... 35 ......20 ......13...... 1
F. A town center ..................................................................... 10...... 23 ......29 ......34...... 4
G. Commuter rail..................................................................... 13...... 24 ......21 ......39...... 3
H. Animal control .................................................................... 16...... 31 ......28 ......23...... 3

12. In terms of keeping citizens informed about what is happening in city

government -- How good a job do you think the City of Covington does at that?
Would you say…?
Only Fair…32

11/5/09 4 of 6 ELWAY RESEARCH, INC.

106 of 135
City of Covington Citizen Survey TOPLINE DATA

13. We are interested in how people get information about City Government here
in Covington. Which of the following have been useful to you to learn about
city government?
Calling or visiting City Hall…13
City Commissioner / council member…9
City E-mail list…15
City Website…35
Covington Reporter…68
During city Events- like Covington Days, Tree Lighting event…21
Flyers that kids bring home from school…13
Mailings From City (Bill Inserts, Brochures, Postcards, Etc.)…27
Flyers, Posters Around the City…19
Neighborhood Meetings or Organizations…14
Friends, family, neighbors…33
______________________________________________< OTHER…2

14. Are there any other ways you think the City can use to communicate with our
residents that we aren’t already doing? [IF YES] What would those ways be?


NONE / NO…56

11/5/09 5 of 6 ELWAY RESEARCH, INC.

107 of 135
City of Covington Citizen Survey TOPLINE DATA

15. How would you rate the city’s performance in providing residents the
opportunity to be involved in decisions that affect city government? How good a
job do you think the City of Covington does at that? Would you say…?
Only Fair…26

16. Finally, thinking now about all the things we have talked about, as a citizen of
Covington, do you think that your tax dollars are being well spent here? Or

17. I have just a few last questions for our statistical 18-29...5 50-54…13
analysis. How old are you? 30-34...5 55-59…12
35-39…8 60-64…7
40-44...13 65-69…8
45-49...12 70+…14
Couple with children at home...43
18. Which of the following best
describes your household: Couple with no children at home...34
Single with children at home...6
Single with no children at home...16

19. Do you own or rent the place in which OWN….92

you live? RENT…..6
20. Finally, I am going to list some ROTATE TOP/BOTTOM
broad categories. Just stop me $35,000 or less...9
when I get to the category that best $35,000 to $50,000...14
describes your approximate $50,000 to $74,000...18
household income - before taxes - $75,000 to $99,000…14
for this year. Over $100,000...21

11/5/09 6 of 6 ELWAY RESEARCH, INC.

108 of 135


The crosstabulations found in this report are presented in a
"banner table" format. Categories of respondents (e.g."35-54
years old," or "Female") are listed across the top of each page
(the "banner"). The questions asked in the survey are listed
down the left margin. The figures in each cell are percentages
based on the number of respondents in the category at the
head of each column.

109 of 135


(N=) 18-44 45-54 55-64 65+ <$50K $50-75K $75K+ Male Female Yes No 0 - 7 8 - 10 some+ not

(N=) 300 100 93 100 75 100 58 100 67 100 70 100 55 100 106 100 135 100 165 100 146 100 151 100 138 100 160 100 168 100 132 100

0-1 yr 6 2% 3 3% 2 3% 0 0% 1 1% 1 1% 2 4% 2 2% 1 1% 5 3% 4 3% 2 1% 3 2% 3 2% 1 1% 5 4%
2-5 yrs 63 21% 34 37% 13 17% 5 9% 8 12% 14 20% 13 24% 24 23% 28 21% 35 21% 40 27% 22 15% 30 22% 32 20% 28 17% 35 27%
6-12 yrs 69 23% 34 37% 17 23% 13 22% 5 7% 9 13% 10 18% 35 33% 27 20% 42 25% 48 33% 20 13% 29 21% 40 25% 38 23% 31 23%
13-20 yrs 58 19% 9 10% 23 31% 8 14% 16 24% 14 20% 9 16% 21 20% 24 18% 34 21% 26 18% 32 21% 28 20% 30 19% 35 21% 23 17%
20+ yrs 103 34% 13 14% 20 27% 31 53% 37 55% 32 46% 20 36% 24 23% 55 41% 48 29% 28 19% 74 49% 47 34% 55 34% 65 39% 38 29%
NA 1 0% 0 0% 0 0% 1 2% 0 0% 0 0% 1 2% 0 0% 0 0% 1 1% 0 0% 1 1% 1 1% 0 0% 1 1% 0 0%


0 - Poor 4 1% 1 1% 1 1% 0 0% 2 3% 1 1% 0 0% 2 2% 3 2% 1 1% 1 1% 3 2% 4 3% 0 0% 2 1% 2 2%
2 8 3% 0 0% 4 5% 1 2% 3 4% 2 3% 0 0% 1 1% 3 2% 5 3% 1 1% 7 5% 8 6% 0 0% 7 4% 1 1%
3 3 1% 0 0% 1 1% 1 2% 0 0% 0 0% 0 0% 3 3% 3 2% 0 0% 1 1% 2 1% 3 2% 0 0% 1 1% 2 2%
4 4 1% 2 2% 1 1% 1 2% 0 0% 2 3% 0 0% 1 1% 3 2% 1 1% 2 1% 2 1% 4 3% 0 0% 1 1% 3 2%
5-Middle 32 11% 7 8% 9 12% 5 9% 11 16% 10 14% 5 9% 6 6% 15 11% 17 10% 9 6% 23 15% 32 23% 0 0% 17 10% 15 11%
6 20 7% 7 8% 2 3% 7 12% 3 4% 2 3% 8 15% 6 6% 7 5% 13 8% 7 5% 13 9% 20 14% 0 0% 10 6% 10 8%
7 67 22% 26 28% 17 23% 12 21% 10 15% 9 13% 12 22% 33 31% 30 22% 37 22% 47 32% 20 13% 67 49% 0 0% 37 22% 30 23%
8 96 32% 30 32% 22 29% 19 33% 23 34% 25 36% 17 31% 36 34% 40 30% 56 34% 47 32% 47 31% 0 0% 96 60% 55 33% 41 31%
9 37 12% 10 11% 8 11% 6 10% 12 18% 10 14% 8 15% 12 11% 18 13% 19 12% 18 12% 19 13% 0 0% 37 23% 23 14% 14 11%
10-Excellent 27 9% 10 11% 8 11% 6 10% 3 4% 9 13% 4 7% 6 6% 11 8% 16 10% 12 8% 14 9% 0 0% 27 17% 13 8% 14 11%
DK/NA 2 1% 0 0% 2 3% 0 0% 0 0% 0 0% 1 2% 0 0% 2 1% 0 0% 1 1% 1 1% 0 0% 0 0% 2 1% 0 0%

0 - 4 19 6% 3 3% 7 10% 3 5% 5 7% 5 7% 0 0% 7 7% 12 9% 7 4% 5 3% 14 9% 19 14% 0 0% 11 7% 8 6%
5 - 7 119 40% 40 43% 28 38% 24 41% 24 36% 21 30% 25 46% 45 42% 52 39% 67 41% 63 43% 56 37% 119 86% 0 0% 64 39% 55 42%
8 - 10 160 54% 50 54% 38 52% 31 53% 38 57% 44 63% 29 54% 54 51% 69 52% 91 55% 77 53% 80 53% 0 0% 160 100 91 55% 69 52%


Agree Strg 98 33% 36 39% 21 28% 17 29% 22 33% 27 39% 16 29% 31 29% 41 30% 57 35% 46 32% 52 34% 27 20% 70 44% 53 32% 45 34%
Agree 187 62% 54 58% 50 67% 37 64% 41 61% 39 56% 38 69% 71 67% 85 63% 102 62% 94 64% 90 60% 97 70% 89 56% 108 64% 79 60%
Disagree 11 4% 1 1% 2 3% 4 7% 4 6% 2 3% 1 2% 3 3% 6 4% 5 3% 4 3% 7 5% 10 7% 1 1% 5 3% 6 5%

110 of 135
Strg Disag 3 1% 1 1% 2 3% 0 0% 0 0% 2 3% 0 0% 1 1% 3 2% 0 0% 1 1% 2 1% 3 2% 0 0% 2 1% 1 1%
NA 1 0% 1 1% 0 0% 0 0% 0 0% 0 0% 0 0% 0 0% 0 0% 1 1% 1 1% 0 0% 1 1% 0 0% 0 0% 1 1%

Agree Strg 93 31% 29 31% 23 31% 18 31% 21 31% 23 33% 18 33% 32 30% 44 33% 49 30% 40 27% 53 35% 35 25% 56 35% 55 33% 38 29%
Agree 179 60% 57 61% 44 59% 34 59% 39 58% 42 60% 32 58% 65 61% 80 59% 99 60% 96 66% 80 53% 79 57% 100 63% 100 60% 79 60%
Disagree 25 8% 7 8% 7 9% 5 9% 6 9% 5 7% 5 9% 7 7% 10 7% 15 9% 9 6% 16 11% 21 15% 4 3% 11 7% 14 11%
Strg Disag 3 1% 0 0% 1 1% 1 2% 1 1% 0 0% 0 0% 2 2% 1 1% 2 1% 1 1% 2 1% 3 2% 0 0% 2 1% 1 1%


1 of 13


(N=) 18-44 45-54 55-64 65+ <$50K $50-75K $75K+ Male Female Yes No 0 - 7 8 - 10 some+ not

(N=) 300 100 93 100 75 100 58 100 67 100 70 100 55 100 106 100 135 100 165 100 146 100 151 100 138 100 160 100 168 100 132 100

Agree Strg 93 31% 32 34% 21 28% 15 26% 22 33% 26 37% 16 29% 32 30% 44 33% 49 30% 41 28% 52 34% 32 23% 59 37% 52 31% 41 31%
Agree 186 62% 58 62% 50 67% 37 64% 37 55% 38 54% 37 67% 68 64% 81 60% 105 64% 98 67% 85 56% 89 64% 97 61% 104 62% 82 62%
Disagree 14 5% 2 2% 2 3% 4 7% 6 9% 3 4% 2 4% 4 4% 7 5% 7 4% 3 2% 11 7% 11 8% 3 2% 7 4% 7 5%
Strg Disag 4 1% 0 0% 2 3% 1 2% 1 1% 1 1% 0 0% 2 2% 1 1% 3 2% 2 1% 2 1% 4 3% 0 0% 2 1% 2 2%
NA 3 1% 1 1% 0 0% 1 2% 1 1% 2 3% 0 0% 0 0% 2 1% 1 1% 2 1% 1 1% 2 1% 1 1% 3 2% 0 0%

A Lot 40 13% 8 9% 12 16% 7 12% 13 19% 13 19% 3 5% 15 14% 18 13% 22 13% 16 11% 24 16% 19 14% 21 13% 40 24% 0 0%
Some 128 43% 35 38% 33 44% 30 52% 26 39% 33 47% 26 47% 43 41% 55 41% 73 44% 66 45% 60 40% 56 41% 70 44% 128 76% 0 0%
Not Very Much 82 27% 27 29% 22 29% 11 19% 19 28% 14 20% 15 27% 31 29% 42 31% 40 24% 39 27% 42 28% 39 28% 43 27% 0 0% 82 62%
Almost No Atten 50 17% 23 25% 8 11% 10 17% 9 13% 10 14% 11 20% 17 16% 20 15% 30 18% 25 17% 25 17% 24 17% 26 16% 0 0% 50 38%


Yes 105 35% 28 30% 25 33% 26 45% 24 36% 22 31% 18 33% 42 40% 53 39% 52 32% 45 31% 59 39% 52 38% 52 33% 75 45% 30 23%
No 190 63% 63 68% 49 65% 31 53% 42 63% 47 67% 36 65% 62 58% 79 59% 111 67% 98 67% 90 60% 84 61% 105 66% 88 52% 102 77%
DK/NA 5 2% 2 2% 1 1% 1 2% 1 1% 1 1% 1 2% 2 2% 3 2% 2 1% 3 2% 2 1% 2 1% 3 2% 5 3% 0 0%


F-Failing 5 5% 2 7% 2 8% 0 0% 1 4% 3 14% 0 0% 1 2% 3 6% 2 4% 2 4% 3 5% 4 8% 1 2% 4 5% 1 3%
D 8 8% 2 7% 1 4% 1 4% 4 17% 1 5% 1 6% 3 7% 6 11% 2 4% 4 9% 4 7% 6 12% 2 4% 5 7% 3 10%
C 15 14% 5 18% 1 4% 5 19% 2 8% 1 5% 5 28% 7 17% 8 15% 7 13% 7 16% 8 14% 11 21% 4 8% 11 15% 4 13%
B 36 34% 10 36% 10 40% 9 35% 7 29% 10 45% 8 44% 11 26% 18 34% 18 35% 18 40% 17 29% 16 31% 19 37% 27 36% 9 30%
A-Excellent 41 39% 9 32% 11 44% 11 42% 10 42% 7 32% 4 22% 20 48% 18 34% 23 44% 14 31% 27 46% 15 29% 26 50% 28 37% 13 43%


111 of 135
Not 6 2% 3 3% 0 0% 0 0% 2 3% 0 0% 2 4% 3 3% 2 1% 4 2% 3 2% 3 2% 3 2% 3 2% 2 1% 4 3%
Low 25 8% 9 10% 5 7% 0 0% 9 13% 8 11% 5 9% 6 6% 16 12% 9 5% 6 4% 19 13% 15 11% 10 6% 14 8% 11 8%
Med 115 38% 31 33% 31 41% 26 45% 25 37% 25 36% 20 36% 46 43% 50 37% 65 39% 57 39% 57 38% 58 42% 56 35% 62 37% 53 40%
High 101 34% 38 41% 24 32% 21 36% 16 24% 23 33% 17 31% 35 33% 48 36% 53 32% 55 38% 44 29% 46 33% 55 34% 57 34% 44 33%
Top 50 17% 10 11% 15 20% 11 19% 14 21% 13 19% 11 20% 14 13% 18 13% 32 19% 23 16% 27 18% 14 10% 35 22% 32 19% 18 14%
DK 3 1% 2 2% 0 0% 0 0% 1 1% 1 1% 0 0% 2 2% 1 1% 2 1% 2 1% 1 1% 2 1% 1 1% 1 1% 2 2%


2 of 13


(N=) 18-44 45-54 55-64 65+ <$50K $50-75K $75K+ Male Female Yes No 0 - 7 8 - 10 some+ not

(N=) 300 100 93 100 75 100 58 100 67 100 70 100 55 100 106 100 135 100 165 100 146 100 151 100 138 100 160 100 168 100 132 100


Not 14 5% 3 3% 4 5% 1 2% 5 7% 3 4% 4 7% 3 3% 10 7% 4 2% 6 4% 8 5% 10 7% 4 3% 7 4% 7 5%
Low 52 17% 16 17% 10 13% 6 10% 19 28% 16 23% 8 15% 17 16% 25 19% 27 16% 16 11% 36 24% 26 19% 26 16% 32 19% 20 15%
Med 148 49% 41 44% 37 49% 35 60% 31 46% 35 50% 29 53% 48 45% 66 49% 82 50% 74 51% 71 47% 68 49% 79 49% 80 48% 68 52%
High 56 19% 22 24% 17 23% 12 21% 4 6% 7 10% 9 16% 31 29% 23 17% 33 20% 36 25% 20 13% 22 16% 33 21% 38 23% 18 14%
Top 21 7% 8 9% 6 8% 4 7% 3 4% 7 10% 5 9% 5 5% 7 5% 14 8% 12 8% 9 6% 9 7% 12 8% 10 6% 11 8%
DK 9 3% 3 3% 1 1% 0 0% 5 7% 2 3% 0 0% 2 2% 4 3% 5 3% 2 1% 7 5% 3 2% 6 4% 1 1% 8 6%

Not 6 2% 2 2% 1 1% 1 2% 2 3% 1 1% 1 2% 1 1% 2 1% 4 2% 1 1% 5 3% 4 3% 2 1% 3 2% 3 2%
Low 45 15% 17 18% 12 16% 7 12% 8 12% 7 10% 9 16% 18 17% 24 18% 21 13% 24 16% 21 14% 26 19% 18 11% 21 13% 24 18%
Med 109 36% 38 41% 26 35% 24 41% 17 25% 19 27% 19 35% 47 44% 42 31% 67 41% 57 39% 50 33% 53 38% 56 35% 55 33% 54 41%
High 76 25% 24 26% 20 27% 13 22% 18 27% 23 33% 10 18% 28 26% 42 31% 34 21% 39 27% 36 24% 31 22% 45 28% 52 31% 24 18%
Top 35 12% 6 6% 9 12% 9 16% 10 15% 12 17% 11 20% 5 5% 15 11% 20 12% 15 10% 20 13% 10 7% 24 15% 25 15% 10 8%
DK 29 10% 6 6% 7 9% 4 7% 12 18% 8 11% 5 9% 7 7% 10 7% 19 12% 10 7% 19 13% 14 10% 15 9% 12 7% 17 13%

Not 4 1% 1 1% 0 0% 0 0% 2 3% 0 0% 2 4% 1 1% 1 1% 3 2% 1 1% 3 2% 2 1% 2 1% 2 1% 2 2%
Low 33 11% 10 11% 10 13% 7 12% 5 7% 4 6% 8 15% 9 8% 21 16% 12 7% 15 10% 18 12% 21 15% 11 7% 22 13% 11 8%
Med 96 32% 34 37% 20 27% 18 31% 22 33% 23 33% 16 29% 36 34% 45 33% 51 31% 52 36% 42 28% 51 37% 45 28% 43 26% 53 40%
High 98 33% 34 37% 28 37% 17 29% 18 27% 24 34% 15 27% 43 41% 42 31% 56 34% 52 36% 46 30% 42 30% 55 34% 57 34% 41 31%
Top 54 18% 12 13% 13 17% 16 28% 11 16% 16 23% 10 18% 14 13% 18 13% 36 22% 24 16% 30 20% 16 12% 38 24% 37 22% 17 13%
DK 15 5% 2 2% 4 5% 0 0% 9 13% 3 4% 4 7% 3 3% 8 6% 7 4% 2 1% 12 8% 6 4% 9 6% 7 4% 8 6%


Not 4 1% 0 0% 1 1% 0 0% 3 4% 1 1% 1 2% 2 2% 3 2% 1 1% 0 0% 4 3% 3 2% 1 1% 1 1% 3 2%
Low 24 8% 11 12% 3 4% 6 10% 4 6% 7 10% 1 2% 9 8% 11 8% 13 8% 16 11% 8 5% 21 15% 3 2% 13 8% 11 8%
Med 84 28% 26 28% 20 27% 13 22% 23 34% 13 19% 14 25% 35 33% 42 31% 42 25% 35 24% 47 31% 32 23% 51 32% 38 23% 46 35%

112 of 135
High 112 37% 37 40% 28 37% 23 40% 21 31% 27 39% 22 40% 45 42% 45 33% 67 41% 57 39% 54 36% 54 39% 58 36% 67 40% 45 34%
Top 74 25% 19 20% 22 29% 16 28% 15 22% 21 30% 17 31% 15 14% 33 24% 41 25% 38 26% 36 24% 27 20% 46 29% 49 29% 25 19%
DK 2 1% 0 0% 1 1% 0 0% 1 1% 1 1% 0 0% 0 0% 1 1% 1 1% 0 0% 2 1% 1 1% 1 1% 0 0% 2 2%


Not 3 1% 0 0% 1 1% 0 0% 2 3% 0 0% 1 2% 1 1% 3 2% 0 0% 0 0% 3 2% 2 1% 1 1% 1 1% 2 2%
Low 7 2% 4 4% 0 0% 2 3% 1 1% 3 4% 0 0% 2 2% 2 1% 5 3% 4 3% 3 2% 5 4% 2 1% 5 3% 2 2%
Med 32 11% 5 5% 12 16% 6 10% 7 10% 6 9% 4 7% 16 15% 15 11% 17 10% 13 9% 19 13% 14 10% 18 11% 15 9% 17 13%
High 123 41% 48 52% 28 37% 25 43% 22 33% 23 33% 24 44% 56 53% 56 41% 67 41% 66 45% 56 37% 69 50% 52 33% 69 41% 54 41%
Top 116 39% 32 34% 29 39% 22 38% 28 42% 35 50% 23 42% 26 25% 47 35% 69 42% 57 39% 57 38% 40 29% 76 48% 71 42% 45 34%
DK 19 6% 4 4% 5 7% 3 5% 7 10% 3 4% 3 5% 5 5% 12 9% 7 4% 6 4% 13 9% 8 6% 11 7% 7 4% 12 9%


3 of 13


(N=) 18-44 45-54 55-64 65+ <$50K $50-75K $75K+ Male Female Yes No 0 - 7 8 - 10 some+ not

(N=) 300 100 93 100 75 100 58 100 67 100 70 100 55 100 106 100 135 100 165 100 146 100 151 100 138 100 160 100 168 100 132 100

Not 3 1% 0 0% 1 1% 0 0% 2 3% 0 0% 0 0% 1 1% 2 1% 1 1% 0 0% 3 2% 3 2% 0 0% 2 1% 1 1%
Low 13 4% 4 4% 5 7% 1 2% 2 3% 2 3% 2 4% 3 3% 7 5% 6 4% 5 3% 8 5% 9 7% 4 3% 5 3% 8 6%
Med 92 31% 30 32% 27 36% 12 21% 20 30% 16 23% 11 20% 49 46% 43 32% 49 30% 47 32% 45 30% 48 35% 44 28% 49 29% 43 33%
High 104 35% 37 40% 24 32% 19 33% 22 33% 25 36% 23 42% 33 31% 48 36% 56 34% 57 39% 45 30% 49 36% 53 33% 54 32% 50 38%
Top 77 26% 20 22% 16 21% 22 38% 18 27% 27 39% 15 27% 15 14% 27 20% 50 30% 33 23% 43 28% 23 17% 54 34% 52 31% 25 19%
DK 11 4% 2 2% 2 3% 4 7% 3 4% 0 0% 4 7% 5 5% 8 6% 3 2% 4 3% 7 5% 6 4% 5 3% 6 4% 5 4%

Not 14 5% 4 4% 2 3% 2 3% 6 9% 2 3% 1 2% 5 5% 10 7% 4 2% 6 4% 8 5% 12 9% 2 1% 9 5% 5 4%
Low 74 25% 19 20% 17 23% 14 24% 22 33% 18 26% 12 22% 28 26% 36 27% 38 23% 29 20% 45 30% 34 25% 40 25% 49 29% 25 19%
Med 118 39% 35 38% 30 40% 27 47% 22 33% 30 43% 23 42% 43 41% 51 38% 67 41% 63 43% 53 35% 51 37% 67 42% 62 37% 56 42%
High 47 16% 22 24% 13 17% 7 12% 4 6% 10 14% 10 18% 18 17% 19 14% 28 17% 27 18% 19 13% 19 14% 27 17% 29 17% 18 14%
Top 10 3% 2 2% 3 4% 2 3% 3 4% 3 4% 1 2% 1 1% 2 1% 8 5% 4 3% 6 4% 3 2% 7 4% 7 4% 3 2%
DK 37 12% 11 12% 10 13% 6 10% 10 15% 7 10% 8 15% 11 10% 17 13% 20 12% 17 12% 20 13% 19 14% 17 11% 12 7% 25 19%

Not 7 2% 2 2% 1 1% 0 0% 4 6% 0 0% 2 4% 4 4% 6 4% 1 1% 2 1% 5 3% 6 4% 1 1% 1 1% 6 5%
Low 36 12% 9 10% 12 16% 3 5% 11 16% 6 9% 7 13% 10 9% 21 16% 15 9% 16 11% 20 13% 21 15% 15 9% 22 13% 14 11%
Med 104 35% 36 39% 22 29% 19 33% 22 33% 20 29% 15 27% 49 46% 52 39% 52 32% 51 35% 52 34% 52 38% 51 32% 52 31% 52 39%
High 84 28% 23 25% 21 28% 25 43% 15 22% 26 37% 17 31% 23 22% 33 24% 51 31% 42 29% 41 27% 33 24% 51 32% 51 30% 33 25%
Top 41 14% 13 14% 13 17% 9 16% 5 7% 11 16% 12 22% 10 9% 13 10% 28 17% 23 16% 18 12% 12 9% 28 18% 26 15% 15 11%
DK 28 9% 10 11% 6 8% 2 3% 10 15% 7 10% 2 4% 10 9% 10 7% 18 11% 12 8% 15 10% 14 10% 14 9% 16 10% 12 9%


F-Failing 9 3% 1 1% 3 4% 1 2% 4 6% 2 3% 0 0% 3 3% 4 3% 5 3% 1 1% 8 5% 8 6% 1 1% 7 4% 2 2%
D 10 3% 4 4% 2 3% 1 2% 3 4% 3 4% 1 2% 2 2% 5 4% 5 3% 3 2% 7 5% 7 5% 3 2% 6 4% 4 3%
C 69 23% 16 17% 15 20% 22 38% 13 19% 14 20% 8 15% 29 27% 36 27% 33 20% 33 23% 34 23% 42 30% 26 16% 41 24% 28 21%

113 of 135
B 99 33% 28 30% 22 29% 14 24% 31 46% 27 39% 28 51% 26 25% 49 36% 50 30% 43 29% 55 36% 28 20% 70 44% 64 38% 35 27%
A-Excellent 32 11% 14 15% 8 11% 5 9% 5 7% 8 11% 5 9% 10 9% 11 8% 21 13% 19 13% 13 9% 11 8% 21 13% 19 11% 13 10%
DK 81 27% 30 32% 25 33% 15 26% 11 16% 16 23% 13 24% 36 34% 30 22% 51 31% 47 32% 34 23% 42 30% 39 24% 31 18% 50 38%


F-Failing 7 2% 2 2% 2 3% 2 3% 1 1% 4 6% 0 0% 1 1% 4 3% 3 2% 3 2% 4 3% 7 5% 0 0% 4 2% 3 2%
D 8 3% 2 2% 2 3% 1 2% 1 1% 3 4% 1 2% 2 2% 2 1% 6 4% 5 3% 3 2% 4 3% 4 3% 6 4% 2 2%
C 41 14% 9 10% 11 15% 11 19% 8 12% 10 14% 10 18% 12 11% 20 15% 21 13% 19 13% 22 15% 24 17% 16 10% 20 12% 21 16%
B 105 35% 32 34% 27 36% 19 33% 26 39% 27 39% 22 40% 33 31% 49 36% 56 34% 49 34% 53 35% 40 29% 64 40% 75 45% 30 23%
A-Excellent 39 13% 13 14% 7 9% 8 14% 10 15% 9 13% 3 5% 17 16% 16 12% 23 14% 14 10% 25 17% 14 10% 25 16% 23 14% 16 12%
DK 100 33% 35 38% 26 35% 17 29% 21 31% 17 24% 19 35% 41 39% 44 33% 56 34% 56 38% 44 29% 49 36% 51 32% 40 24% 60 45%


4 of 13


(N=) 18-44 45-54 55-64 65+ <$50K $50-75K $75K+ Male Female Yes No 0 - 7 8 - 10 some+ not

(N=) 300 100 93 100 75 100 58 100 67 100 70 100 55 100 106 100 135 100 165 100 146 100 151 100 138 100 160 100 168 100 132 100


F-Failing 19 6% 5 5% 6 8% 3 5% 5 7% 5 7% 3 5% 6 6% 10 7% 9 5% 9 6% 10 7% 14 10% 5 3% 10 6% 9 7%
D 27 9% 9 10% 6 8% 8 14% 4 6% 4 6% 1 2% 15 14% 9 7% 18 11% 14 10% 12 8% 17 12% 10 6% 18 11% 9 7%
C 77 26% 17 18% 16 21% 22 38% 18 27% 19 27% 13 24% 22 21% 34 25% 43 26% 34 23% 42 28% 44 32% 32 20% 50 30% 27 20%
B 81 27% 23 25% 24 32% 12 21% 20 30% 18 26% 21 38% 25 24% 35 26% 46 28% 40 27% 40 26% 17 12% 63 39% 55 33% 26 20%
A-Excellent 17 6% 10 11% 1 1% 3 5% 3 4% 5 7% 2 4% 8 8% 7 5% 10 6% 8 5% 9 6% 2 1% 15 9% 8 5% 9 7%
DK 79 26% 29 31% 22 29% 10 17% 17 25% 19 27% 15 27% 30 28% 40 30% 39 24% 41 28% 38 25% 44 32% 35 22% 27 16% 52 39%


F-Failing 6 2% 1 1% 2 3% 0 0% 3 4% 3 4% 0 0% 1 1% 4 3% 2 1% 1 1% 5 3% 5 4% 1 1% 2 1% 4 3%
D 12 4% 4 4% 3 4% 2 3% 3 4% 2 3% 3 5% 5 5% 7 5% 5 3% 9 6% 3 2% 6 4% 6 4% 3 2% 9 7%
C 74 25% 14 15% 16 21% 21 36% 21 31% 16 23% 17 31% 21 20% 33 24% 41 25% 27 18% 45 30% 30 22% 43 27% 50 30% 24 18%
B 89 30% 32 34% 27 36% 13 22% 16 24% 22 31% 17 31% 32 30% 31 23% 58 35% 50 34% 38 25% 32 23% 57 36% 55 33% 34 26%
A-Excellent 22 7% 16 17% 1 1% 2 3% 2 3% 4 6% 3 5% 12 11% 9 7% 13 8% 16 11% 6 4% 6 4% 15 9% 15 9% 7 5%
DK 97 32% 26 28% 26 35% 20 34% 22 33% 23 33% 15 27% 35 33% 51 38% 46 28% 43 29% 54 36% 59 43% 38 24% 43 26% 54 41%

F-Failing 12 4% 4 4% 3 4% 0 0% 5 7% 3 4% 2 4% 4 4% 5 4% 7 4% 5 3% 7 5% 6 4% 6 4% 4 2% 8 6%
D 19 6% 4 4% 8 11% 5 9% 2 3% 1 1% 2 4% 15 14% 9 7% 10 6% 13 9% 6 4% 11 8% 8 5% 15 9% 4 3%
C 82 27% 23 25% 16 21% 19 33% 22 33% 13 19% 15 27% 25 24% 40 30% 42 25% 33 23% 47 31% 45 33% 36 23% 51 30% 31 23%
B 116 39% 43 46% 32 43% 19 33% 19 28% 34 49% 25 45% 37 35% 47 35% 69 42% 63 43% 52 34% 42 30% 73 46% 70 42% 46 35%
A-Excellent 17 6% 6 6% 2 3% 2 3% 6 9% 5 7% 1 2% 4 4% 7 5% 10 6% 9 6% 8 5% 3 2% 14 9% 12 7% 5 4%
DK 54 18% 13 14% 14 19% 13 22% 13 19% 14 20% 10 18% 21 20% 27 20% 27 16% 23 16% 31 21% 31 22% 23 14% 16 10% 38 29%


F-Failing 21 7% 7 8% 6 8% 4 7% 4 6% 4 6% 4 7% 10 9% 8 6% 13 8% 10 7% 11 7% 16 12% 5 3% 11 7% 10 8%
D 26 9% 9 10% 8 11% 4 7% 5 7% 4 6% 3 5% 12 11% 11 8% 15 9% 11 8% 15 10% 19 14% 7 4% 15 9% 11 8%
C 92 31% 20 22% 27 36% 21 36% 21 31% 18 26% 17 31% 30 28% 42 31% 50 30% 43 29% 48 32% 46 33% 44 28% 51 30% 41 31%
B 114 38% 39 42% 24 32% 22 38% 26 39% 31 44% 25 45% 33 31% 52 39% 62 38% 59 40% 54 36% 37 27% 77 48% 69 41% 45 34%
A-Excellent 28 9% 13 14% 5 7% 3 5% 6 9% 8 11% 2 4% 13 12% 14 10% 14 8% 13 9% 14 9% 9 7% 19 12% 15 9% 13 10%

114 of 135
DK 19 6% 5 5% 5 7% 4 7% 5 7% 5 7% 4 7% 8 8% 8 6% 11 7% 10 7% 9 6% 11 8% 8 5% 7 4% 12 9%

F-Failing 26 9% 7 8% 7 9% 7 12% 5 7% 6 9% 2 4% 8 8% 11 8% 15 9% 10 7% 16 11% 21 15% 5 3% 14 8% 12 9%
D 41 14% 10 11% 9 12% 11 19% 11 16% 5 7% 7 13% 18 17% 19 14% 22 13% 19 13% 21 14% 24 17% 17 11% 26 15% 15 11%
C 80 27% 21 23% 21 28% 15 26% 19 28% 17 24% 17 31% 29 27% 40 30% 40 24% 36 25% 43 28% 45 33% 34 21% 40 24% 40 30%
B 129 43% 46 49% 34 45% 21 36% 25 37% 34 49% 26 47% 44 42% 54 40% 75 45% 71 49% 57 38% 40 29% 88 55% 82 49% 47 36%
A-Excellent 23 8% 9 10% 4 5% 4 7% 6 9% 8 11% 3 5% 6 6% 11 8% 12 7% 10 7% 13 9% 8 6% 15 9% 6 4% 17 13%
DK 1 0% 0 0% 0 0% 0 0% 1 1% 0 0% 0 0% 1 1% 0 0% 1 1% 0 0% 1 1% 0 0% 1 1% 0 0% 1 1%


5 of 13


(N=) 18-44 45-54 55-64 65+ <$50K $50-75K $75K+ Male Female Yes No 0 - 7 8 - 10 some+ not

(N=) 300 100 93 100 75 100 58 100 67 100 70 100 55 100 106 100 135 100 165 100 146 100 151 100 138 100 160 100 168 100 132 100


F-Failing 5 2% 1 1% 2 3% 1 2% 1 1% 2 3% 1 2% 2 2% 3 2% 2 1% 1 1% 4 3% 5 4% 0 0% 2 1% 3 2%
D 14 5% 3 3% 4 5% 2 3% 5 7% 2 3% 3 5% 7 7% 6 4% 8 5% 9 6% 5 3% 12 9% 2 1% 11 7% 3 2%
C 77 26% 24 26% 20 27% 16 28% 15 22% 18 26% 5 9% 35 33% 37 27% 40 24% 38 26% 38 25% 41 30% 35 22% 43 26% 34 26%
B 105 35% 29 31% 25 33% 25 43% 23 34% 28 40% 26 47% 29 27% 46 34% 59 36% 49 34% 54 36% 34 25% 70 44% 75 45% 30 23%
A-Excellent 27 9% 10 11% 6 8% 3 5% 7 10% 5 7% 7 13% 10 9% 12 9% 15 9% 13 9% 14 9% 12 9% 15 9% 17 10% 10 8%
DK 72 24% 26 28% 18 24% 11 19% 16 24% 15 21% 13 24% 23 22% 31 23% 41 25% 36 25% 36 24% 34 25% 38 24% 20 12% 52 39%


F-Failing 12 4% 1 1% 2 3% 2 3% 7 10% 4 6% 2 4% 5 5% 6 4% 6 4% 4 3% 8 5% 7 5% 5 3% 8 5% 4 3%
D 20 7% 5 5% 3 4% 6 10% 6 9% 1 1% 3 5% 10 9% 9 7% 11 7% 7 5% 13 9% 10 7% 10 6% 13 8% 7 5%
C 84 28% 24 26% 22 29% 23 40% 13 19% 18 26% 15 27% 29 27% 38 28% 46 28% 38 26% 45 30% 57 41% 26 16% 43 26% 41 31%
B 139 46% 48 52% 38 51% 18 31% 32 48% 37 53% 27 49% 46 43% 58 43% 81 49% 71 49% 66 44% 48 35% 90 56% 81 48% 58 44%
A-Excellent 39 13% 13 14% 7 9% 9 16% 8 12% 9 13% 8 15% 13 12% 22 16% 17 10% 23 16% 16 11% 13 9% 26 16% 21 13% 18 14%
DK 6 2% 2 2% 3 4% 0 0% 1 1% 1 1% 0 0% 3 3% 2 1% 4 2% 3 2% 3 2% 3 2% 3 2% 2 1% 4 3%

F-Failing 8 3% 2 2% 2 3% 2 3% 2 3% 1 1% 4 7% 2 2% 5 4% 3 2% 1 1% 7 5% 6 4% 2 1% 2 1% 6 5%
D 13 4% 2 2% 5 7% 4 7% 2 3% 2 3% 0 0% 8 8% 8 6% 5 3% 6 4% 7 5% 7 5% 6 4% 5 3% 8 6%
C 64 21% 16 17% 16 21% 19 33% 11 16% 12 17% 15 27% 14 13% 27 20% 37 22% 30 21% 33 22% 44 32% 19 12% 38 23% 26 20%
B 131 44% 43 46% 31 41% 20 34% 33 49% 35 50% 24 44% 48 45% 54 40% 77 47% 66 45% 63 42% 42 30% 89 56% 80 48% 51 39%
A-Excellent 41 14% 16 17% 10 13% 7 12% 7 10% 7 10% 8 15% 15 14% 21 16% 20 12% 21 14% 20 13% 13 9% 27 17% 23 14% 18 14%
DK 43 14% 14 15% 11 15% 6 10% 12 18% 13 19% 4 7% 19 18% 20 15% 23 14% 22 15% 21 14% 26 19% 17 11% 20 12% 23 17%


F-Failing 15 5% 4 4% 3 4% 4 7% 4 6% 5 7% 3 5% 4 4% 5 4% 10 6% 6 4% 9 6% 8 6% 7 4% 11 7% 4 3%
D 18 6% 4 4% 3 4% 2 3% 8 12% 5 7% 2 4% 3 3% 8 6% 10 6% 5 3% 13 9% 12 9% 6 4% 12 7% 6 5%
C 61 20% 12 13% 16 21% 14 24% 16 24% 11 16% 8 15% 24 23% 28 21% 33 20% 23 16% 37 25% 29 21% 31 19% 39 23% 22 17%
B 87 29% 30 32% 19 25% 14 24% 22 33% 23 33% 16 29% 31 29% 40 30% 47 28% 43 29% 42 28% 29 21% 57 36% 52 31% 35 27%
A-Excellent 16 5% 9 10% 2 3% 3 5% 2 3% 5 7% 4 7% 3 3% 7 5% 9 5% 10 7% 6 4% 6 4% 10 6% 8 5% 8 6%

115 of 135
DK 103 34% 34 37% 32 43% 21 36% 15 22% 21 30% 22 40% 41 39% 47 35% 56 34% 59 40% 44 29% 54 39% 49 31% 46 27% 57 43%


F-Failing 19 6% 5 5% 7 9% 2 3% 5 7% 6 9% 1 2% 9 8% 8 6% 11 7% 7 5% 12 8% 16 12% 3 2% 10 6% 9 7%
D 27 9% 9 10% 6 8% 8 14% 4 6% 2 3% 5 9% 14 13% 14 10% 13 8% 16 11% 11 7% 13 9% 14 9% 10 6% 17 13%
C 76 25% 26 28% 21 28% 13 22% 13 19% 12 17% 14 25% 31 29% 38 28% 38 23% 36 25% 39 26% 37 27% 38 24% 40 24% 36 27%
B 113 38% 30 32% 26 35% 25 43% 28 42% 31 44% 23 42% 31 29% 44 33% 69 42% 53 36% 58 38% 46 33% 66 41% 69 41% 44 33%
A-Excellent 49 16% 18 19% 12 16% 9 16% 10 15% 12 17% 10 18% 17 16% 21 16% 28 17% 28 19% 21 14% 19 14% 30 19% 32 19% 17 13%
DK 16 5% 5 5% 3 4% 1 2% 7 10% 7 10% 2 4% 4 4% 10 7% 6 4% 6 4% 10 7% 7 5% 9 6% 7 4% 9 7%


6 of 13


(N=) 18-44 45-54 55-64 65+ <$50K $50-75K $75K+ Male Female Yes No 0 - 7 8 - 10 some+ not

(N=) 300 100 93 100 75 100 58 100 67 100 70 100 55 100 106 100 135 100 165 100 146 100 151 100 138 100 160 100 168 100 132 100


F-Failing 14 5% 2 2% 3 4% 3 5% 6 9% 2 3% 3 5% 5 5% 5 4% 9 5% 3 2% 11 7% 10 7% 4 3% 8 5% 6 5%
D 21 7% 6 6% 7 9% 4 7% 4 6% 3 4% 4 7% 9 8% 8 6% 13 8% 11 8% 10 7% 13 9% 8 5% 15 9% 6 5%
C 90 30% 26 28% 20 27% 19 33% 22 33% 20 29% 20 36% 26 25% 48 36% 42 25% 40 27% 48 32% 49 36% 39 24% 50 30% 40 30%
B 121 40% 43 46% 28 37% 23 40% 23 34% 34 49% 21 38% 43 41% 51 38% 70 42% 64 44% 56 37% 38 28% 83 52% 75 45% 46 35%
A-Excellent 27 9% 13 14% 7 9% 3 5% 4 6% 8 11% 2 4% 12 11% 10 7% 17 10% 16 11% 11 7% 10 7% 17 11% 13 8% 14 11%
DK 27 9% 3 3% 10 13% 6 10% 8 12% 3 4% 5 9% 11 10% 13 10% 14 8% 12 8% 15 10% 18 13% 9 6% 7 4% 20 15%


F-Failing 8 3% 4 4% 1 1% 1 2% 2 3% 4 6% 0 0% 4 4% 3 2% 5 3% 4 3% 4 3% 7 5% 1 1% 5 3% 3 2%
D 8 3% 3 3% 1 1% 3 5% 1 1% 2 3% 1 2% 5 5% 3 2% 5 3% 5 3% 3 2% 4 3% 4 3% 5 3% 3 2%
C 59 20% 17 18% 17 23% 10 17% 13 19% 9 13% 8 15% 23 22% 30 22% 29 18% 28 19% 29 19% 36 26% 22 14% 33 20% 26 20%
B 99 33% 33 35% 23 31% 17 29% 23 34% 30 43% 24 44% 22 21% 40 30% 59 36% 49 34% 49 32% 31 22% 67 42% 65 39% 34 26%
A-Excellent 37 12% 11 12% 9 12% 9 16% 7 10% 9 13% 8 15% 13 12% 16 12% 21 13% 19 13% 18 12% 12 9% 25 16% 20 12% 17 13%
DK 89 30% 25 27% 24 32% 18 31% 21 31% 16 23% 14 25% 39 37% 43 32% 46 28% 41 28% 48 32% 48 35% 41 26% 40 24% 49 37%


F-Failing 5 2% 0 0% 3 4% 0 0% 2 3% 1 1% 0 0% 2 2% 3 2% 2 1% 0 0% 5 3% 5 4% 0 0% 4 2% 1 1%
D 17 6% 4 4% 4 5% 5 9% 4 6% 2 3% 4 7% 7 7% 8 6% 9 5% 9 6% 7 5% 12 9% 5 3% 7 4% 10 8%
C 68 23% 19 20% 17 23% 11 19% 18 27% 15 21% 7 13% 23 22% 34 25% 34 21% 35 24% 32 21% 40 29% 27 17% 36 21% 32 24%
B 135 45% 47 51% 30 40% 29 50% 28 42% 34 49% 30 55% 44 42% 50 37% 85 52% 69 47% 65 43% 49 36% 86 54% 88 52% 47 36%
A-Excellent 43 14% 18 19% 11 15% 7 12% 5 7% 6 9% 11 20% 17 16% 24 18% 19 12% 23 16% 20 13% 16 12% 26 16% 23 14% 20 15%
DK 32 11% 5 5% 10 13% 6 10% 10 15% 12 17% 3 5% 13 12% 16 12% 16 10% 10 7% 22 15% 16 12% 16 10% 10 6% 22 17%


F-Failing 8 3% 2 2% 2 3% 1 2% 3 4% 4 6% 0 0% 2 2% 5 4% 3 2% 2 1% 6 4% 8 6% 0 0% 4 2% 4 3%
D 12 4% 3 3% 2 3% 3 5% 4 6% 2 3% 2 4% 3 3% 5 4% 7 4% 4 3% 8 5% 10 7% 2 1% 5 3% 7 5%
C 73 24% 20 22% 19 25% 20 34% 11 16% 14 20% 13 24% 30 28% 37 27% 36 22% 40 27% 32 21% 47 34% 25 16% 35 21% 38 29%
B 153 51% 46 49% 40 53% 28 48% 36 54% 42 60% 31 56% 47 44% 63 47% 90 55% 77 53% 74 49% 59 43% 93 58% 93 55% 60 45%
A-Excellent 47 16% 20 22% 11 15% 6 10% 9 13% 7 10% 9 16% 20 19% 22 16% 25 15% 22 15% 25 17% 11 8% 36 23% 31 18% 16 12%

116 of 135
DK 7 2% 2 2% 1 1% 0 0% 4 6% 1 1% 0 0% 4 4% 3 2% 4 2% 1 1% 6 4% 3 2% 4 3% 0 0% 7 5%

F-Failing 6 2% 1 1% 2 3% 1 2% 2 3% 1 1% 1 2% 2 2% 4 3% 2 1% 2 1% 4 3% 5 4% 1 1% 2 1% 4 3%
D 9 3% 0 0% 1 1% 5 9% 3 4% 2 3% 3 5% 1 1% 4 3% 5 3% 2 1% 7 5% 5 4% 4 3% 5 3% 4 3%
C 81 27% 22 24% 21 28% 17 29% 18 27% 13 19% 15 27% 31 29% 46 34% 35 21% 41 28% 37 25% 51 37% 29 18% 47 28% 34 26%
B 153 51% 54 58% 41 55% 27 47% 28 42% 40 57% 30 55% 54 51% 62 46% 91 55% 78 53% 75 50% 56 41% 96 60% 92 55% 61 46%
A-Excellent 30 10% 12 13% 6 8% 5 9% 6 9% 7 10% 4 7% 11 10% 10 7% 20 12% 15 10% 15 10% 7 5% 23 14% 17 10% 13 10%
DK 21 7% 4 4% 4 5% 3 5% 10 15% 7 10% 2 4% 7 7% 9 7% 12 7% 8 5% 13 9% 14 10% 7 4% 5 3% 16 12%


7 of 13


(N=) 18-44 45-54 55-64 65+ <$50K $50-75K $75K+ Male Female Yes No 0 - 7 8 - 10 some+ not

(N=) 300 100 93 100 75 100 58 100 67 100 70 100 55 100 106 100 135 100 165 100 146 100 151 100 138 100 160 100 168 100 132 100


F-Failing 6 2% 3 3% 2 3% 0 0% 1 1% 1 1% 0 0% 3 3% 4 3% 2 1% 2 1% 4 3% 3 2% 3 2% 2 1% 4 3%
D 5 2% 1 1% 3 4% 1 2% 0 0% 1 1% 1 2% 3 3% 3 2% 2 1% 4 3% 1 1% 4 3% 1 1% 2 1% 3 2%
C 33 11% 10 11% 9 12% 7 12% 7 10% 7 10% 5 9% 14 13% 19 14% 14 8% 15 10% 18 12% 22 16% 11 7% 15 9% 18 14%
B 105 35% 28 30% 25 33% 24 41% 25 37% 37 53% 20 36% 20 19% 47 35% 58 35% 49 34% 53 35% 46 33% 58 36% 69 41% 36 27%
A-Excellent 66 22% 20 22% 12 16% 14 24% 18 27% 11 16% 12 22% 22 21% 27 20% 39 24% 31 21% 35 23% 19 14% 46 29% 40 24% 26 20%
DK 85 28% 31 33% 24 32% 12 21% 16 24% 13 19% 17 31% 44 42% 35 26% 50 30% 45 31% 40 26% 44 32% 41 26% 40 24% 45 34%

F-Failing 4 1% 2 2% 2 3% 0 0% 0 0% 1 1% 0 0% 2 2% 2 1% 2 1% 1 1% 3 2% 3 2% 1 1% 2 1% 2 2%
D 10 3% 2 2% 1 1% 3 5% 4 6% 2 3% 0 0% 5 5% 5 4% 5 3% 5 3% 5 3% 9 7% 1 1% 6 4% 4 3%
C 50 17% 10 11% 17 23% 9 16% 14 21% 8 11% 8 15% 21 20% 30 22% 20 12% 21 14% 28 19% 32 23% 18 11% 26 15% 24 18%
B 156 52% 47 51% 43 57% 28 48% 34 51% 42 60% 35 64% 45 42% 64 47% 92 56% 80 55% 74 49% 69 50% 87 54% 91 54% 65 49%
A-Excellent 66 22% 28 30% 9 12% 14 24% 13 19% 14 20% 8 15% 28 26% 30 22% 36 22% 33 23% 33 22% 15 11% 49 31% 37 22% 29 22%
DK 14 5% 4 4% 3 4% 4 7% 2 3% 3 4% 4 7% 5 5% 4 3% 10 6% 6 4% 8 5% 10 7% 4 3% 6 4% 8 6%


F-Failing 11 4% 5 5% 3 4% 1 2% 2 3% 4 6% 0 0% 6 6% 6 4% 5 3% 6 4% 5 3% 9 7% 2 1% 3 2% 8 6%
D 18 6% 4 4% 5 7% 1 2% 8 12% 4 6% 3 5% 5 5% 10 7% 8 5% 10 7% 8 5% 12 9% 6 4% 10 6% 8 6%
C 71 24% 18 19% 19 25% 22 38% 12 18% 9 13% 14 25% 30 28% 31 23% 40 24% 38 26% 33 22% 36 26% 35 22% 44 26% 27 20%
B 91 30% 26 28% 23 31% 14 24% 23 34% 29 41% 20 36% 18 17% 44 33% 47 28% 40 27% 48 32% 29 21% 61 38% 59 35% 32 24%
A-Excellent 41 14% 20 22% 4 5% 7 12% 9 13% 13 19% 7 13% 15 14% 16 12% 25 15% 22 15% 19 13% 11 8% 29 18% 25 15% 16 12%
DK 68 23% 20 22% 21 28% 13 22% 13 19% 11 16% 11 20% 32 30% 28 21% 40 24% 30 21% 38 25% 41 30% 27 17% 27 16% 41 31%


F-Failing 2 1% 1 1% 0 0% 0 0% 1 1% 0 0% 1 2% 1 1% 2 1% 0 0% 1 1% 1 1% 1 1% 1 1% 0 0% 2 2%
D 7 2% 1 1% 4 5% 2 3% 0 0% 0 0% 0 0% 4 4% 3 2% 4 2% 5 3% 2 1% 7 5% 0 0% 4 2% 3 2%
C 49 16% 12 13% 18 24% 9 16% 10 15% 10 14% 7 13% 24 23% 26 19% 23 14% 22 15% 27 18% 28 20% 20 13% 25 15% 24 18%

117 of 135
B 143 48% 46 49% 32 43% 28 48% 32 48% 38 54% 26 47% 45 42% 63 47% 80 48% 72 49% 68 45% 73 53% 70 44% 90 54% 53 40%
A-Excellent 80 27% 28 30% 17 23% 15 26% 19 28% 19 27% 16 29% 23 22% 31 23% 49 30% 40 27% 40 26% 19 14% 60 38% 44 26% 36 27%
DK 19 6% 5 5% 4 5% 4 7% 5 7% 3 4% 5 9% 9 8% 10 7% 9 5% 6 4% 13 9% 10 7% 9 6% 5 3% 14 11%


F-Failing 6 2% 0 0% 2 3% 2 3% 2 3% 1 1% 0 0% 2 2% 2 1% 4 2% 3 2% 3 2% 6 4% 0 0% 3 2% 3 2%
D 5 2% 1 1% 4 5% 0 0% 0 0% 2 3% 0 0% 3 3% 3 2% 2 1% 2 1% 3 2% 4 3% 1 1% 3 2% 2 2%
C 48 16% 16 17% 8 11% 13 22% 11 16% 10 14% 11 20% 18 17% 21 16% 27 16% 23 16% 24 16% 36 26% 12 8% 24 14% 24 18%
B 145 48% 43 46% 40 53% 30 52% 30 45% 38 54% 25 45% 49 46% 58 43% 87 53% 73 50% 70 46% 63 46% 81 51% 91 54% 54 41%
A-Excellent 90 30% 32 34% 20 27% 12 21% 22 33% 18 26% 17 31% 32 30% 47 35% 43 26% 44 30% 46 30% 25 18% 64 40% 44 26% 46 35%
DK 6 2% 1 1% 1 1% 1 2% 2 3% 1 1% 2 4% 2 2% 4 3% 2 1% 1 1% 5 3% 4 3% 2 1% 3 2% 3 2%


8 of 13


(N=) 18-44 45-54 55-64 65+ <$50K $50-75K $75K+ Male Female Yes No 0 - 7 8 - 10 some+ not

(N=) 300 100 93 100 75 100 58 100 67 100 70 100 55 100 106 100 135 100 165 100 146 100 151 100 138 100 160 100 168 100 132 100


Strg Opp 65 22% 19 20% 18 24% 6 10% 21 31% 15 21% 10 18% 20 19% 32 24% 33 20% 29 20% 36 24% 42 30% 23 14% 35 21% 30 23%
Prob Opp 62 21% 18 19% 9 12% 15 26% 18 27% 16 23% 13 24% 21 20% 23 17% 39 24% 23 16% 37 25% 28 20% 34 21% 40 24% 22 17%
Maybe 121 40% 34 37% 36 48% 27 47% 21 31% 25 36% 21 38% 48 45% 57 42% 64 39% 61 42% 59 39% 51 37% 68 43% 65 39% 56 42%
Strg Sprt 48 16% 20 22% 10 13% 10 17% 7 10% 13 19% 10 18% 17 16% 20 15% 28 17% 32 22% 16 11% 13 9% 35 22% 28 17% 20 15%
DK 4 1% 2 2% 2 3% 0 0% 0 0% 1 1% 1 2% 0 0% 3 2% 1 1% 1 1% 3 2% 4 3% 0 0% 0 0% 4 3%


Strg Opp 65 22% 14 15% 20 27% 10 17% 20 30% 16 23% 10 18% 19 18% 31 23% 34 21% 25 17% 40 26% 41 30% 24 15% 43 26% 22 17%
Prob Opp 67 22% 20 22% 11 15% 9 16% 25 37% 17 24% 14 25% 20 19% 27 20% 40 24% 27 18% 38 25% 29 21% 38 24% 36 21% 31 23%
Maybe 107 36% 35 38% 30 40% 25 43% 13 19% 26 37% 18 33% 41 39% 51 38% 56 34% 61 42% 45 30% 46 33% 60 38% 60 36% 47 36%
Strg Sprt 59 20% 24 26% 12 16% 14 24% 9 13% 11 16% 13 24% 26 25% 26 19% 33 20% 33 23% 26 17% 20 14% 38 24% 29 17% 30 23%
DK 2 1% 0 0% 2 3% 0 0% 0 0% 0 0% 0 0% 0 0% 0 0% 2 1% 0 0% 2 1% 2 1% 0 0% 0 0% 2 2%


Strg Opp 67 22% 19 20% 24 32% 7 12% 16 24% 17 24% 8 15% 24 23% 32 24% 35 21% 31 21% 36 24% 38 28% 29 18% 39 23% 28 21%
Prob Opp 71 24% 18 19% 14 19% 16 28% 21 31% 17 24% 18 33% 25 24% 34 25% 37 22% 27 18% 42 28% 24 17% 46 29% 44 26% 27 20%
Maybe 96 32% 31 33% 25 33% 20 34% 17 25% 24 34% 14 25% 32 30% 44 33% 52 32% 51 35% 44 29% 51 37% 44 28% 50 30% 46 35%
Strg Sprt 62 21% 24 26% 11 15% 15 26% 11 16% 11 16% 14 25% 25 24% 23 17% 39 24% 37 25% 25 17% 22 16% 40 25% 32 19% 30 23%
DK 4 1% 1 1% 1 1% 0 0% 2 3% 1 1% 1 2% 0 0% 2 1% 2 1% 0 0% 4 3% 3 2% 1 1% 3 2% 1 1%


Strg Opp 82 27% 21 23% 26 35% 12 21% 21 31% 15 21% 14 25% 27 25% 38 28% 44 27% 35 24% 47 31% 46 33% 36 23% 49 29% 33 25%
Prob Opp 82 27% 22 24% 16 21% 18 31% 24 36% 23 33% 15 27% 30 28% 32 24% 50 30% 35 24% 45 30% 35 25% 47 29% 43 26% 39 30%
Maybe 94 31% 33 35% 23 31% 20 34% 15 22% 28 40% 16 29% 29 27% 47 35% 47 28% 47 32% 46 30% 39 28% 53 33% 52 31% 42 32%
Strg Sprt 33 11% 14 15% 8 11% 6 10% 5 7% 3 4% 6 11% 19 18% 13 10% 20 12% 25 17% 8 5% 9 7% 24 15% 19 11% 14 11%
DK 9 3% 3 3% 2 3% 2 3% 2 3% 1 1% 4 7% 1 1% 5 4% 4 2% 4 3% 5 3% 9 7% 0 0% 5 3% 4 3%


118 of 135
Strg Opp 39 13% 7 8% 15 20% 3 5% 13 19% 9 13% 6 11% 10 9% 18 13% 21 13% 17 12% 22 15% 30 22% 9 6% 22 13% 17 13%
Prob Opp 59 20% 13 14% 9 12% 13 22% 22 33% 19 27% 10 18% 21 20% 25 19% 34 21% 21 14% 36 24% 23 17% 36 23% 34 20% 25 19%
Maybe 104 35% 38 41% 28 37% 17 29% 19 28% 25 36% 15 27% 38 36% 47 35% 57 35% 52 36% 52 34% 41 30% 62 39% 57 34% 47 36%
Strg Sprt 94 31% 34 37% 22 29% 23 40% 13 19% 17 24% 23 42% 35 33% 45 33% 49 30% 55 38% 38 25% 41 30% 52 33% 53 32% 41 31%
DK 4 1% 1 1% 1 1% 2 3% 0 0% 0 0% 1 2% 2 2% 0 0% 4 2% 1 1% 3 2% 3 2% 1 1% 2 1% 2 2%


9 of 13


(N=) 18-44 45-54 55-64 65+ <$50K $50-75K $75K+ Male Female Yes No 0 - 7 8 - 10 some+ not

(N=) 300 100 93 100 75 100 58 100 67 100 70 100 55 100 106 100 135 100 165 100 146 100 151 100 138 100 160 100 168 100 132 100


Strg Opp 102 34% 26 28% 32 43% 15 26% 27 40% 21 30% 21 38% 29 27% 47 35% 55 33% 47 32% 54 36% 60 43% 41 26% 54 32% 48 36%
Prob Opp 87 29% 30 32% 18 24% 19 33% 19 28% 26 37% 16 29% 33 31% 37 27% 50 30% 45 31% 40 26% 31 22% 56 35% 50 30% 37 28%
Maybe 69 23% 15 16% 18 24% 17 29% 15 22% 14 20% 9 16% 29 27% 31 23% 38 23% 31 21% 38 25% 27 20% 42 26% 40 24% 29 22%
Strg Sprt 30 10% 16 17% 5 7% 5 9% 4 6% 8 11% 7 13% 13 12% 14 10% 16 10% 17 12% 13 9% 10 7% 19 12% 18 11% 12 9%
DK 12 4% 6 6% 2 3% 2 3% 2 3% 1 1% 2 4% 2 2% 6 4% 6 4% 6 4% 6 4% 10 7% 2 1% 6 4% 6 5%


Strg Opp 118 39% 37 40% 31 41% 20 34% 27 40% 26 37% 22 40% 39 37% 57 42% 61 37% 52 36% 65 43% 58 42% 59 37% 65 39% 53 40%
Prob Opp 62 21% 14 15% 11 15% 13 22% 22 33% 14 20% 12 22% 20 19% 25 19% 37 22% 28 19% 32 21% 27 20% 35 22% 35 21% 27 20%
Maybe 72 24% 20 22% 22 29% 17 29% 12 18% 20 29% 11 20% 30 28% 28 21% 44 27% 36 25% 36 24% 36 26% 35 22% 38 23% 34 26%
Strg Sprt 38 13% 20 22% 9 12% 5 9% 4 6% 9 13% 7 13% 16 15% 20 15% 18 11% 25 17% 13 9% 12 9% 26 16% 24 14% 14 11%
DK 10 3% 2 2% 2 3% 3 5% 2 3% 1 1% 3 5% 1 1% 5 4% 5 3% 5 3% 5 3% 5 4% 5 3% 6 4% 4 3%


Strg Opp 68 23% 24 26% 21 28% 9 16% 13 19% 12 17% 13 24% 25 24% 34 25% 34 21% 38 26% 30 20% 43 31% 25 16% 36 21% 32 24%
Prob Opp 83 28% 25 27% 18 24% 13 22% 25 37% 20 29% 17 31% 30 28% 31 23% 52 32% 35 24% 46 30% 36 26% 46 29% 48 29% 35 27%
Maybe 92 31% 26 28% 25 33% 20 34% 17 25% 25 36% 11 20% 33 31% 44 33% 48 29% 50 34% 41 27% 40 29% 51 32% 51 30% 41 31%
Strg Sprt 47 16% 15 16% 9 12% 13 22% 10 15% 10 14% 11 20% 17 16% 20 15% 27 16% 21 14% 26 17% 14 10% 33 21% 27 16% 20 15%
DK 10 3% 3 3% 2 3% 3 5% 2 3% 3 4% 3 5% 1 1% 6 4% 4 2% 2 1% 8 5% 5 4% 5 3% 6 4% 4 3%

Excellent 29 10% 7 8% 7 9% 9 16% 6 9% 3 4% 6 11% 11 10% 16 12% 13 8% 16 11% 13 9% 6 4% 23 14% 21 13% 8 6%
Good 130 43% 41 44% 28 37% 25 43% 32 48% 43 61% 30 55% 32 30% 60 44% 70 42% 59 40% 69 46% 45 33% 83 52% 87 52% 43 33%
Only Fair 97 32% 37 40% 25 33% 14 24% 18 27% 14 20% 14 25% 48 45% 40 30% 57 35% 54 37% 42 28% 55 40% 42 26% 40 24% 57 43%
Poor 33 11% 7 8% 10 13% 7 12% 9 13% 6 9% 3 5% 12 11% 14 10% 19 12% 13 9% 20 13% 27 20% 6 4% 16 10% 17 13%
DK/NA 11 4% 1 1% 5 7% 3 5% 2 3% 4 6% 2 4% 3 3% 5 4% 6 4% 4 3% 7 5% 5 4% 6 4% 4 2% 7 5%


119 of 135
10 of 13


(N=) 18-44 45-54 55-64 65+ <$50K $50-75K $75K+ Male Female Yes No 0 - 7 8 - 10 some+ not

(N=) 300 100 93 100 75 100 58 100 67 100 70 100 55 100 106 100 135 100 165 100 146 100 151 100 138 100 160 100 168 100 132 100


Meetings 43 14% 10 11% 13 17% 9 16% 8 12% 12 17% 7 13% 14 13% 20 15% 23 14% 20 14% 23 15% 22 16% 21 13% 35 21% 8 6%
Call/Visit City Hall 40 13% 11 12% 10 13% 12 21% 6 9% 9 13% 4 7% 18 17% 23 17% 17 10% 18 12% 22 15% 19 14% 21 13% 27 16% 13 10%
City Commis/Coucil 27 9% 9 10% 8 11% 6 10% 3 4% 8 11% 2 4% 13 12% 16 12% 11 7% 16 11% 11 7% 13 9% 14 9% 22 13% 5 4%
E-Mail 46 15% 10 11% 11 15% 15 26% 9 13% 7 10% 10 18% 17 16% 23 17% 23 14% 23 16% 23 15% 18 13% 27 17% 33 20% 13 10%
Website 105 35% 43 46% 28 37% 23 40% 8 12% 21 30% 19 35% 47 44% 52 39% 53 32% 61 42% 44 29% 45 33% 60 38% 62 37% 43 33%
Covington Reporter 205 68% 62 67% 50 67% 44 76% 47 70% 42 60% 40 73% 83 78% 91 67% 114 69% 99 68% 103 68% 93 67% 112 70% 117 70% 88 67%
City Events 62 21% 28 30% 19 25% 8 14% 6 9% 17 24% 11 20% 23 22% 27 20% 35 21% 42 29% 20 13% 28 20% 34 21% 36 21% 26 20%
Facebook 10 3% 6 6% 2 3% 1 2% 1 1% 4 6% 2 4% 4 4% 3 2% 7 4% 6 4% 4 3% 4 3% 6 4% 5 3% 5 4%
Flyers/School 40 13% 25 27% 6 8% 6 10% 2 3% 8 11% 11 20% 13 12% 18 13% 22 13% 36 25% 4 3% 16 12% 24 15% 28 17% 12 9%
Mailings 81 27% 29 31% 20 27% 18 31% 12 18% 22 31% 13 24% 32 30% 38 28% 43 26% 46 32% 35 23% 34 25% 47 29% 55 33% 26 20%
Flyers/Posters in
City 57 19% 21 23% 16 21% 12 21% 7 10% 11 16% 13 24% 23 22% 25 19% 32 19% 36 25% 21 14% 27 20% 30 19% 36 21% 21 16%
Neigh Meetings 41 14% 12 13% 10 13% 8 14% 9 13% 12 17% 6 11% 13 12% 17 13% 24 15% 23 16% 18 12% 15 11% 26 16% 29 17% 12 9%
Friends/Family/Neigh 99 33% 37 40% 27 36% 16 28% 15 22% 23 33% 19 35% 33 31% 36 27% 63 38% 54 37% 45 30% 44 32% 54 34% 55 33% 44 33%
Other 6 2% 2 3% 2 3% 2 3% 1 1% 4 4% 1 1% 5 3% 6 4% 4 3% 2 1% 4 2% 2 2%
DK/NA 13 4% 3 3% 2 3% 1 2% 6 9% 4 6% 2 4% 3 3% 7 5% 6 4% 5 3% 8 5% 7 5% 6 4% 2 1% 11 8%


120 of 135
11 of 13


(N=) 18-44 45-54 55-64 65+ <$50K $50-75K $75K+ Male Female Yes No 0 - 7 8 - 10 some+ not

(N=) 300 100 93 100 75 100 58 100 67 100 70 100 55 100 106 100 135 100 165 100 146 100 151 100 138 100 160 100 168 100 132 100


Flyers Mail 9 3% 2 2% 2 3% 3 5% 2 3% 2 3% 2 4% 2 2% 6 4% 3 2% 3 2% 6 4% 3 2% 6 4% 5 3% 4 3%
Town Meeting 8 3% 1 1% 2 3% 3 5% 2 3% 3 4% 2 4% 2 2% 4 3% 4 2% 3 2% 5 3% 5 4% 3 2% 5 3% 3 2%
TV Ads 4 1% 1 1% 2 3% 1 1% 1 2% 2 2% 3 2% 1 1% 1 1% 3 2% 1 1% 3 2% 2 1% 2 2%
Newsletter 9 3% 1 1% 3 5% 5 7% 3 4% 3 5% 4 3% 5 3% 3 2% 6 4% 3 2% 6 4% 7 4% 2 2%
Newspaper 7 2% 2 2% 3 4% 2 3% 2 3% 5 5% 3 2% 4 2% 5 3% 2 1% 4 3% 3 2% 4 2% 3 2%
Send E-Mails 27 9% 10 11% 8 11% 7 12% 2 3% 1 1% 5 9% 19 18% 19 14% 8 5% 18 12% 8 5% 18 13% 9 6% 16 10% 11 8%
Mailings (general) 16 5% 6 6% 5 7% 2 3% 3 4% 3 4% 2 4% 4 4% 7 5% 9 5% 8 5% 8 5% 9 7% 7 4% 5 3% 11 8%
Schools 2 1% 2 2% 2 2% 2 1% 2 1% 2 1% 1 1% 1 1%
TV News 1 0% 1 1% 1 2% 1 1% 1 1% 1 1% 1 1%
Billboards 3 1% 1 1% 1 1% 1 2% 1 1% 1 1% 3 2% 2 1% 1 1% 3 2% 2 1% 1 1%
Grocery Store 1 0% 1 1% 1 1% 1 1% 1 1% 1 1% 1 1%
Phone Calls 1 0% 1 2% 1 1% 1 1% 1 1% 1 1%
Volunteers 1 0% 1 1% 1 2% 1 1% 1 1% 1 1% 1 1%
None/No 167 56% 53 57% 44 59% 27 47% 38 57% 39 56% 32 58% 62 58% 71 53% 96 58% 82 56% 83 55% 72 52% 94 59% 93 55% 74 56%
DK/NA 51 17% 15 16% 11 15% 11 19% 12 18% 17 24% 7 13% 11 10% 22 16% 29 18% 20 14% 31 21% 23 17% 27 17% 29 17% 22 17%


121 of 135
12 of 13


(N=) 18-44 45-54 55-64 65+ <$50K $50-75K $75K+ Male Female Yes No 0 - 7 8 - 10 some+ not

(N=) 300 100 93 100 75 100 58 100 67 100 70 100 55 100 106 100 135 100 165 100 146 100 151 100 138 100 160 100 168 100 132 100

Excellent 29 10% 9 10% 6 8% 9 16% 4 6% 3 4% 4 7% 15 14% 17 13% 12 7% 13 9% 16 11% 6 4% 23 14% 19 11% 10 8%
Good 128 43% 40 43% 25 33% 26 45% 34 51% 37 53% 30 55% 34 32% 53 39% 75 45% 64 44% 61 40% 49 36% 78 49% 83 49% 45 34%
Only Fair 77 26% 30 32% 20 27% 11 19% 14 21% 19 27% 13 24% 29 27% 33 24% 44 27% 40 27% 37 25% 36 26% 41 26% 35 21% 42 32%
Poor 33 11% 6 6% 11 15% 6 10% 10 15% 6 9% 4 7% 15 14% 16 12% 17 10% 13 9% 20 13% 28 20% 5 3% 21 13% 12 9%
DK/NA 33 11% 8 9% 13 17% 6 10% 5 7% 5 7% 4 7% 13 12% 16 12% 17 10% 16 11% 17 11% 19 14% 13 8% 10 6% 23 17%

[16] TAX $ BEING

Well Spent 205 68% 68 73% 46 61% 43 74% 42 63% 49 70% 42 76% 74 70% 92 68% 113 68% 107 73% 95 63% 75 54% 129 81% 123 73% 82 62%
Not Well Spent 64 21% 19 20% 19 25% 11 19% 15 22% 14 20% 11 20% 23 22% 32 24% 32 19% 24 16% 40 26% 46 33% 17 11% 31 18% 33 25%
DK/NA 31 10% 6 6% 10 13% 4 7% 10 15% 7 10% 2 4% 9 8% 11 8% 20 12% 15 10% 16 11% 17 12% 14 9% 14 8% 17 13%

[17] AGE
18-29 15 5% 15 16% 0 0% 0 0% 0 0% 7 10% 4 7% 2 2% 8 6% 7 4% 5 3% 10 7% 10 7% 5 3% 3 2% 12 9%
30-34 15 5% 15 16% 0 0% 0 0% 0 0% 5 7% 2 4% 7 7% 6 4% 9 5% 11 8% 4 3% 7 5% 8 5% 8 5% 7 5%
35-39 23 8% 23 25% 0 0% 0 0% 0 0% 5 7% 4 7% 13 12% 5 4% 18 11% 22 15% 1 1% 9 7% 14 9% 13 8% 10 8%
40-44 40 13% 40 43% 0 0% 0 0% 0 0% 5 7% 8 15% 20 19% 19 14% 21 13% 36 25% 3 2% 17 12% 23 14% 19 11% 21 16%
45-49 36 12% 0 0% 36 48% 0 0% 0 0% 5 7% 9 16% 17 16% 16 12% 20 12% 27 18% 9 6% 16 12% 18 11% 22 13% 14 11%
50-54 39 13% 0 0% 39 52% 0 0% 0 0% 9 13% 5 9% 13 12% 20 15% 19 12% 17 12% 22 15% 19 14% 20 13% 23 14% 16 12%
55-59 37 12% 0 0% 0 0% 37 64% 0 0% 6 9% 8 15% 17 16% 18 13% 19 12% 15 10% 22 15% 18 13% 19 12% 21 13% 16 12%
60-64 21 7% 0 0% 0 0% 21 36% 0 0% 3 4% 5 9% 5 5% 6 4% 15 9% 5 3% 16 11% 9 7% 12 8% 16 10% 5 4%
65-69 24 8% 0 0% 0 0% 0 0% 24 36% 6 9% 5 9% 5 5% 15 11% 9 5% 1 1% 23 15% 11 8% 13 8% 16 10% 8 6%
70+ 43 14% 0 0% 0 0% 0 0% 43 64% 17 24% 4 7% 5 5% 19 14% 24 15% 6 4% 35 23% 18 13% 25 16% 23 14% 20 15%
NA 7 2% 0 0% 0 0% 0 0% 0 0% 2 3% 1 2% 2 2% 3 2% 4 2% 1 1% 6 4% 4 3% 3 2% 4 2% 3 2%

[18] HHOLD
Coupl/Kids 129 43% 65 70% 40 53% 19 33% 4 6% 20 29% 30 55% 62 58% 56 41% 73 44% 129 88% 0 0% 57 41% 71 44% 75 45% 54 41%
Coupl/No Kids 103 34% 5 5% 21 28% 31 53% 42 63% 19 27% 14 25% 35 33% 50 37% 53 32% 0 0% 103 68% 46 33% 56 35% 68 40% 35 27%
Single/Kids 17 6% 9 10% 4 5% 1 2% 3 4% 7 10% 2 4% 3 3% 3 2% 14 8% 17 12% 0 0% 11 8% 6 4% 7 4% 10 8%
Single/No Kids 48 16% 13 14% 10 13% 7 12% 16 24% 22 31% 9 16% 6 6% 24 18% 24 15% 0 0% 48 32% 24 17% 24 15% 16 10% 32 24%
NA 3 1% 1 1% 0 0% 0 0% 2 3% 2 3% 0 0% 0 0% 2 1% 1 1% 0 0% 0 0% 0 0% 3 2% 2 1% 1 1%

122 of 135
Own 276 92% 81 87% 69 92% 55 95% 65 97% 57 81% 49 89% 104 98% 125 93% 151 92% 138 95% 135 89% 126 91% 149 93% 155 92% 121 92%
Rent 19 6% 11 12% 5 7% 1 2% 1 1% 12 17% 4 7% 1 1% 8 6% 11 7% 7 5% 12 8% 9 7% 9 6% 10 6% 9 7%
NA 5 2% 1 1% 1 1% 2 3% 1 1% 1 1% 2 4% 1 1% 2 1% 3 2% 1 1% 4 3% 3 2% 2 1% 3 2% 2 2%

<$35,000 28 9% 10 11% 3 4% 3 5% 12 18% 28 40% 0 0% 0 0% 14 10% 14 8% 7 5% 20 13% 13 9% 15 9% 19 11% 9 7%
$35-50,000 42 14% 12 13% 11 15% 6 10% 11 16% 42 60% 0 0% 0 0% 15 11% 27 16% 20 14% 21 14% 13 9% 29 18% 27 16% 15 11%
$50-$74,000 55 18% 18 19% 14 19% 13 22% 9 13% 0 0% 55 100 0 0% 29 21% 26 16% 32 22% 23 15% 25 18% 29 18% 29 17% 26 20%
$75-$99,000 42 14% 19 20% 13 17% 6 10% 4 6% 0 0% 0 0% 42 40% 14 10% 28 17% 27 18% 15 10% 20 14% 22 14% 27 16% 15 11%
Over $100,000 64 21% 23 25% 17 23% 16 28% 6 9% 0 0% 0 0% 64 60% 34 25% 30 18% 38 26% 26 17% 32 23% 32 20% 31 18% 33 25%
NA 69 23% 11 12% 17 23% 14 24% 25 37% 0 0% 0 0% 0 0% 29 21% 40 24% 22 15% 46 30% 35 25% 33 21% 35 21% 34 26%


* *

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