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This project is co-funded by the EU
IPDEV is implemented by the consortium: Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftunge.V., Institute for Autonomy and Governance (IAG)
and DEVCON Development Consultants Inc.

October 2014

Good day, Everyone!


We are pleased to inform you that October of every year is declared as IP Month as per
Presidential Proclamation 1906 series of 2009.

With mixed feelings of accomplishment and sadness we may also inform you that IPDEV as a
project is also wrapping up and would officially close on January 2015.

In this light, may we invite you to the first ever IP Cultural Festival which will be celebrated from
October 27-30 at the Notre Dame University Gymnasium. As it will be one of the last major
activities that IPDEV is conducting, it will also be the first of its kind that will be conducted among
the IPs of Mainland ARMM.

It will showcase traditional art such as songs, dances, handicrafts, and musical instruments. Also
included are fishing gears, hunting/farming tools and food products. There will be actual cooking
of indigenous delicacies, actual building of booths using indigenous materials, actual weaving of
monom, indigenous games and other ways of life that are being practiced by the Teduray,
Lambangian, Dulangan Manobo and Higaonon. Participants will also be bringing products that
you may be interested in buying.

IPDEV will also take the occasion to give awards to the Best Para-Technician and Best Sustainable
Farm who / that have applied indigenous and sustainable farming systems, revived and
encourage during the series of trainings that were conducted in the last eighteen (18) months.

The Cultural Festival is a golden opportunity to know more about the lives of the Indigenous
Peoples in the mainland ARMM and the richness of their cultures and traditions; and how these
cultures and traditions are intrinsically connected to all of us as well.

We would be happy to hear from you for any concern, through my mobile phone number
09173120497. More importantly, we will be looking forward to your presence. It means so
much to the Indigenous Peoples in the ARMM.

All the best,

Recognition of the Rights of the Indigenous Peoples in the Autonomous Region
inMuslim Mindanao for their Empowerment and Sustainable Development

Project Manager, IPDEV
Institute for Autonomy and Governance (IAG)
2F, UMEX Bldg, Notre Dame University
Cotabato City

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