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Angraj Manjhi

Email: Contact No: +91 9739021100

Having 3.3 year o! E"#erience in $evelo#ing %2EE A##lication &ing 'omcat(
)e*logic an$ Ecli#e.
Good Knowledge in Core %ava
Good Experience in %+,( +ervlet( %-.C( an$ E%..
Good Implementation experience in +tr&t /rame0or1.
Good Implementation Knowledge in M2C !rame0or1 an$ %2EE -eign ,attern.
Knowledge in Hi*ernate /rame0or1.
Knowledge in 3M4 5+CHEMA( -'-( +A3( -6M( 3+4'( 3#ath7.
Knowledge in +#ring /rame0or1.
Professional Summary:
Currently working as Software Engineer for """"", angalore from !uly "##$ to till date
%orked as Software Engineer for +48 +o!t0are +ervice, angalore from &e' "##()!une "##$.
Education Profile:
B.E. (Information Technology) from BIT Sindri in 2004.
Technical Skills:
*perating System : )in$o0 /amily.
!a+a ,ec-nologies : %2+E( %2EE 5%-.C3.0( +ervlet2.3(%+,1.2( E%. 2.17.
&rameworks : +tr&t 1.1( Hi*ernate 3.0( +#ring 1.2(4og9%
./0S : 6racle :i( My+;l <."
1pplication2%e' Ser+ers : )e*logic :.1( A#ache 'omcat <."
I/Es : Ecli#e 3.1( %Creator 3.0
*t-ers : C2+( %=nit( H'M4 (%ava+cri#t
,roject ,ro!ile:
,roject > 1
,roject Name : /atra1.
Client : GE 0oney 3*-io, 4S15
,eam Si6e : 7"
,ec-nologies : Struts, !S8, E!, 9i'ernate.
1pp Ser+er : %e'logic.
/ata'ase : *racle.
/uration : Since 1pril "##:.
-ecri#tion : ,-e purpose of t-e &astrak is to pro+ide an intuiti+e, easy to use, relia'le and ro'ust
G4I application for storing, displaying, updating and workflow)routing t-e all document tracking
information re;uired to manage t-e collaterals t-at .S& 3.etail Sales &inance5 financed, to 'e used 'y
all Customer Ser+ice .epresentati+es and managers across all t-e functional units and lines of
'usiness wit-in GE .S&. ,-e G4I -as t-e facility to generate2fax2email2prints t-e customi6ed 'usiness
letters to 'e sent to customers2dealers. G4I application -as all t-e functionalities to +iew t-e Collateral
Information21ccount Information2/ealer Information21udit ,rail of a Case. Eac- case corresponding
to collateral -as a specific workflow matrix2cycle defined 'y t-e 'usiness. 1 case -as <iew and Stage.
Searc- mec-anism is pro+ided to searc- t-e cases. Case <iew functionality is pro+ided to +iew eac-
case in detail along wit- t-e related case. ,-ere are different +iews corresponding t-roug- w-ic- t-e
case flows suc- as 1cceptance2<ault2.elease2/irect <iew2=ew %ork <iew2/ealer Collection <iew.
1pplication Screen -as t-e facility to +iew t-e case details presents in any particular <iew. G4I
application -as t-e facility to unclose a Case2/elete a Case21dd Comments to Case2Edit 8riority of
Case2Edit <iew and Stage of Case. Eac- functionality +iew2edit2delete2unclose2sa+e2su'mit2priority
c-ange2comments addition etc is 'ased upon t-e certain profiles assigned to a use rid and is
In+ol+ed in de+elopment of 1ction classes
.esponsi'le for implementing +alidations.
4pdated Struts configuration document, +alidation document.
In+ol+ed in de+elopment of !S8 pages.
Implemented Session eans.
Implemented /esign patterns
,roject > 2
8ro>ect =ame : +,EC+ 5+#ecialty -r&g7
Client : 0cKesson
,eam Si6e : 77
,ec-nologies : Struts, !S8, !/C, E!, !a+aScript.
1pp Ser+er : %e'logic?.7.
/ata'ase : *racle?i.
/uration : !uly "##$ @ 0arc- "##:
-ecri#tion: S8ECS is a compre-ensi+e and integrated 9ealt-care management system, fully geared
up to meet t-e demands of running a modern clinic. ,-e system incorporates t-e 'est -ealt-care
practices and is designed to deli+er key tangi'le 'enefits to clients across t-e glo'e. It pro+ides t-e
'enefits of streamlined operations, en-anced administration and control, superior patient care, ;uick
reports strict cost control and impro+ed profita'ility.
In+ol+ed in de+elopment of 1ction classes
4pdated Struts configuration document, +alidation document.
In+ol+ed in de+elopment of !S8 pages.
,roject > 3
8ro>ect =ame : N?@4?+
Client : =ationwide Insurance
,eam Si6e : 7(
,ec-nologies : !a+a, !S8, Struts, !/C
1pp Ser+er : %e'logic ?.7
/ata'ase : *racle?i.
/uration : *ct "##( to 0ay "##$
=I)AIS pro+ides unparalleled ser+ice to t-e customer 'y issuing policies online and pro+ides all
customer related transaction in online mode using t-e we' tec-nology.
,-e proposed system will assist t-e dealer in terms of +arious insurance policies and maintains t-e
records of t-e proposer and t-e policy. 8roposal, .enewal and Claims are t-e core 'usiness processes
under insurance. 8olicy 8rocessing module co+ers t-e full policy life cycle 'eginning wit- t-e pre
screening, application entry t-roug- rating, premium process, underwriting and insurance of policies.
&urt-er it pro+ides support for mid)term c-anges, cancellation, reinsurance and commission
calculation. ,-e Claim 8rocessing module ena'les claim data capture, fraud detection, claim profiling,
co+er c-eck, claim ad>ustment and settlement. 1ccounting interface reminds a'out t-e premium
payment and collects t-e paid amount.
/esigned !S8s as per re;uirements.
.esponsi'le for coding 1ction classes.
/e+eloped /1*s and implemented !/C code for /ata'ase interaction.
,roject > 9:
8ro>ect =ame : ,ro$&ct Management +ytem.
Client : .1/)C9E0 A,/
,eam Si6e : ?
,ec-nologies : !S8, Struts and !/C
%e' Ser+er : ,omcat (.#
/ata'ase : 0ySBA
/uration : &e' "##( @ 1ug "##(.
-ecri#tion : ,-is pro>ect was aimed at de+eloping a system t-at supports operations related to
management of +arious products of a company. ,-e System consists of t-ree modules CStock
0anagementD, C8ayment 0anagementD and C8roduction 0anagementD. Stock 0anagement pro+ides
t-e functionality to add in+entory t-at comes in, in+entory t-at goes out and +arious reports a'out t-e
in+entory. 8ayment 0anagement pro+ides t-e facility to enter t-e daily expense details and you can
make c-anges to t-e entered data wit- t-e list of reports for t-e w-ole mont- wit- +arious ot-er kinds
of reports. 8roduction 0anagement deals wit- making of finis-ed product from raw goods2items.
/esigned !S8s as per re;uirements.
.esponsi'le for coding 1ction classes.
/e+eloped /1*s and implemented !/C code for /ata'ase interaction.

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