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Devotee (Equinox Road, p 14)

Cost: 1 to 5
Prerequisites: Wyrd 7
Addendum Changes: None
Sanctioned: for PCs and NPCS
Differences from Retainer: The Devotee is a mentally unstable individual. In the most
basic way, this is represented by him or her having one or more severe derangements.
Thematically, this person is following you specifically because they have somehow
gleaned a bit about your otherworldly nature. Not to the degree of being ensorcelled,
but on the verge of having a glimpse at your Mein. That, combined with the person's
already broken mental state, is what draws them to you. For this person, you exemplify
"Beautiful Madness."
Furthermore, a Devotee tends to be a bit clingier than a normal Retainer. Be advised:
The Devotee *will* follow you.
Finally, note the high Wyrd prerequisite. This is, essentially, *why* you are followed by
the Devotee. Your Wyrd has become so powerful that it bleeds beyond the Mask. A
sparse few warped minds may snap upon seeing you, and cling to the vision. This is
the essential nature of the Devotee. They follow you because it can be no other way--
how can they go back to living a normal life, knowing that someone so "special" as you
RP Theme: This merit works best if you want mortal followers who are broken, like
you and the other Lost. These followers may in some way understand what it is you
suffer through. Or, they may be fools--fools you could educate with a dose of fae
This merit also works nicely if you want followers who are specifically drawn to your
fae nature. It makes a particularly nice pairing for members of the Lost Pantheon
entitlement; Lost who think themselves gods may be suited to having followers.
This merit does not work so well if you want sane, well-behaved followers. The
Devotee is loyal, but highly unpredictable. Your orders will be followed, but with a
hint of madness to the methods.

Fae Mount (Rights of Spring, p 89)
Cost: 1, 2, 3, or 5
Prerequisites: None
Addendum Changes: None
Sanctioned: (for powers listed in the write-ups only) for PCs and NPCs
Beastly Abilities:: The Fae Mount is a ride-able hedgebeast that you have taken
ownership of. Useful in the hedge, it can be called there to provide transportation faster
than the average horse.
The different dot variations for the merit are for beasts of varying supernatural power.
One-dot Fae Mounts just let you summon them and ride them around in the hedge.
Five-dot Fae Mounts can have three supernatural powers, such as water walking and
flying, in addition to the limited ability to travel through the mortal world (with a
Mask of course).
RP Theme: This merit is your best option if you're looking for a hedge-based travel
source. It can also be a sort of beastly buddy, but the main focus is transportation. You
should consider this merit if your main concern is either travel through the hedge or the
thematic awesomeness of riding a mount into a hedge duel.

Hedgebeast Companion (Autumn Nightmares, p132)
Cost: 1 to 3
Prerequisites: None
Addendum Changes: a) This is a graduated cost merit
b) May be used to provide a downtime action like Allies, Mentors, Contacts, and
Retainers provided that the Hedge Beast is capable of performing that action.
Sanctioned: for PCs and NPCS
Beastly Abilities: Hedge Beasts come in all shapes and sizes, and this merit seeks to
cover as many as possible. The beast could be as big as a gorilla or as small as a
centipede. As such, the Lost and the Storyteller have a great deal of flexibility in
coming up with the "perfect" companion.
Like a Retainer, this is a graduated merit. A 1-dot Beast Companion could be upgraded
over time, learning new "tricks" and gaining other strengths. Skills, Merits, and even
Contracts can be obtained by even the weakest Hedgebeast Companion.
RP Theme: This merit is best if you want a unique hedge beast buddy to help or "help"
you on your adventures. But this is a reciprocal relationship. If you are mean to your
hedge beast, it may leave or even turn hostile. Remember the term "buddy." This is
kinship, not ownership. You should go after this merit only if you are interested in that
sort of dynamic.
Hedgebeasts are a smarter than Fae Mounts. They might be fully capable of striking up
a conversation. You can even form pledges with a hedgebeast. All of this is designed to
allow your character and the hedgebeast to form a lasting relationship. Wanting this
kind of relationship should be at the center of one's decision to go after this merit.

Prophet Circle (Rights of Spring, p94)
Cost: 1 to 5
Prerequisites: None
Addendum Changes: None
Sanctioned: for PCs and NPCs
Prophetic Abilities: A Prophet Circle is a special type of "contact", composed of one or
more mortals with some small bit of psychic ability. Using a token pledge and a bit of
glamour, you can ride the dreams of your Prophet Circle. Directed by a question about
the past, present or future, their visions can lead to insights that you might otherwise
not be able to obtain.
RP Theme: Choose this merit if you are looking for supernatural guidance through the
dream states of mortals. While similar benefits might be gained by making individual
pledges with NPCs or PCs known for their prophetic dreams, this merit represents a
network of individuals gathered for this particular purpose. They could know nothing
of each other, or they might be a group of friends.
You could choose to build them up beyond the merit, purchasing dots in Retainer to
make these mortal allies something even bigger. But because the concepts of dream
riding and prophecy come up frequently in Lost, this merit helps to work through the
guess-work of developing a sort of "psychic hotline." Never so precise as a typical
contact, the prophet circle provides a fun supernatural RP for those who like to focus
upon the Dream aspects of the Lost.

Slave (Goblin Markets, p23)
Cost: 1 to 5
Prerequisites: None
Addendum Changes: a) Slaves receive 10 XP per dot in the slave merit after the first
b) Hedge beasts purchased through this merit are minor monsters per Night Horrors:
Camarilla Edition and the rules for creating hedge beasts.
c) Slaves with a lesser template: Mid Approval
d) Slaves with a greater template: High Approval
e) Slaves cannot be any type of supernatural creature from another venue unless
specifically allowed in this supplement.
f) At ST discretion owning a slave may count as a Clarity sin.
Sanctioned: for PCs and NPCs
Slave Abilities: Slaves are typically hobgoblins, though the 5-dot version can be
something more (with the proper approval). Even a Changeling could be a potential 5-
dot slave. Every slave is an owned servant, likely with a wish to be free. They resist
action against a master largely out of fear. Keeping a more powerful slave than one can
adequately keep in line is asking for trouble.
RP Theme: Because every Lost was at one point or another a slave to his or her Keeper,
owning another creature outright can bring social trouble. Having another
*Changeling* or obviously sentient creature as a slave is perhaps a bit more dangerous
in this respect. You should take this merit only if you are willing to deal with such
potential consequences. Do not expect for most Lost to look the other way.
Owning a slave has some benefits compared to a Retainer or Hedgebeast Companion.
A slave that is kept in line properly will likely follow orders with little question. What
you give in return to keep the slave in line is mostly up to you. The main benefit here is
control; you have it, and the slave typically does not.
The RP of a master/slave relationship may not be something everyone is comfortable
with. In game terms, in addition to the social repercussions your character may suffer
from degrading Clarity. In out of game terms, players may object to the notion of
slavery being RPed in the venue. While this is an adult game, you should keep this in
mind when RPing the relationship. Talk to your ST, who ultimately will determine
whether or not to approve the merit purchase. Work out whether or not this merit will
be a good fit for your local game.
You should go after this merit only if you are after the relationship it entails. The
abilities of a slave can often be found in a Hedgebeast Companion, with a relationship
that is much more about kinship. Consider that option as an alternative, if slavery is
not your character's cup-o-tea.

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