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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Health
Activity : Workshop on the formulation of standards procedures for
Analyin! and "easurin! Customer Satisfaction
Date : #$%&' Octo(er #)'*
Venue : Ta!aytay
Participants : +OH% Central Office Inte!rity "ana!ement Committee ,I"C-
"em(ers. Selected CSS /oint /ersons of Re!ional Offices.
Hospitals. "edical Centers. Sanitaria. and Attached A!encies
I0 Introduction 1 Rationale2
In support of the Department of Healths thrust in providing a better quality health
care services through good governance by averting and deterring the occurrence of fraud
abuse of authority graft and corruption including other malfeasances in the public service a
!or"shop on the formulation of standard procedures for analy#ing and measuring customer
satisfaction and enhancement$revision of %ustomer &atisfaction &urvey '%&&( )ool shall be
conducted on *+,-. /ctober *0.1 in Pampanga2
II0 O(3ecti4es2
5eneral O(3ecti4e2
)o improve the customer satisfaction measurement in the entire department2
Specific O(3ecti4es2
At the end of the activity, the participants will be able to:
Produce the standards procedures for analy#ing and measuring customer satisfaction
3nhance the e4isting %&& tool ma"ing it more suitable to services offered not only in
the D/H %entral /ffice but also in Regional /ffices Hospitals 5edical %enters
&anitarium and D/H Attached Agencies2
III0 Contents2
&ession . 6 %ustomer Relationship 5anagement in the health facilities
&ession * 6 %ustomer &atisfaction 5easurement in the health facilities
&ession - 6 7uidelines for monitoring and measuring customer satisfaction
&ession 1 6 3nhance of the D/H e4isting %&& tool
8ldg2 . &an 9a#aro %ompound Ri#al Avenue &ta2 %ru# .00- 5anila:)run"line ;<.,=>00 Direct 9ine =..,+<0.
?a4 : =1-,.>*+ : @R9: http:$$!!!2doh2gov2phA e,mail: osecBdoh2gov2ph
1of 2
I60 "ethodolo!ies2
9ecture presentation
Interactive discussion
/pen forum
60 Operatin! +etails2
Venue: %lar" ?ield Pampanga
Date: *+,-. /ctober *0.1
Co2 of Participants: =* pa4
Co2 of Resource &pea"ers: *
Co2 of &upport &taff: -
Proposed 8udget: P-;+;00200
5eals$&nac"s$Accommodation: P-;+;00200 for - days
?und &ource: 9u#on /perations %luster '9/%(
6I0 E4aluation2
)he effectiveness of orientation conducted shall be evaluated by conducting a !ritten
evaluation during the final part of the activity2 3valuation forms or questionnaires shall be
distributed and ans!ered by all the participants2
Schedule of Acti4ities2
Time Activity Person Responsible
+ay ' ,Wednesday-
>:00A5 , .*:00CC ARRIVA9 )/ V3C@3 'early
.*:00CC 6 .:00P5 9@C%H
.:00P5 6 .:-0P5 /pening %eremonies
Cational Anthem
Delcome Remar"s
/pening Remar"s
Activity /bEectives and &chedule
Regional Director
Asec2 7erardo V2 8ayugo
I5% %hairperson
.:-0P5 6 -:-0P5 %ustomer Relationship
5anagement in the health
- Rationale$Dhat is %R5 all
aboutF Dho are customers and
!hat are their needsF
- Requirement of the various
standards on customer
- Delivery of service
- Dhat are the qualities important
to the hospitals set,up service
- 5easure and score cards
c$o Resource &pea"er from Phil2
&ociety for Guality in Health
%are 'P&Gua(
3dgar G2 3dralin
3dgar G2 3dralin
Ricardo %h2 %ostes 5D
Ricardo %h2 %ostes 5D
3dgar G2 3dralin
2 of 2
-:-0P5 6 -:1<P5 8R3AH
-:1<P5 6 <:00P5
- %ustomer &atisfaction
measurement in health facilities
- %ustomer &atisfaction
c$o Resource &pea"er from Phil2
&ociety for Guality in Health
%are 'P&Gua(
Ricardo %h2 %ostes 5D
3dgar G2 3dralin
+ay # ,Thursday-
>:00A5 6 .0:00A5
- 5easures of customer
- 7uidelines for monitoring and
- 7uidelines for dispute
resolution internal to
- 7uidelines for dispute
resolution e4ternal to
c$o Resource &pea"er from Phil2
&ociety for Guality in Health
%are 'P&Gua(
Ricardo %h2 %ostes 5D
3dgar G2 3dralin
3dgar G2 3dralin
3dgar G2 3dralin
.0:00A5 6 .0:.<A5 8R3AH
.0:00A5 6 .0:1<A5 /pen ?orum ?acilitator$5oderator
Ricardo %h2 %ostes 5D
$ 3dgar G2 3dralin
.0:1<A5 6 .*:00CC Dor"shop .: ?ormulation of
guidelines for monitoring and
measuring customer satisfaction
Ricardo %h2 %ostes 5D
$ 3dgar G2 3dralin
.*:00CC 6 .:00P5 9@C%H
.:00P5 6 *:1<P5 %ont of Dor"shop . ?acilitator$5oderator
Ricardo %h2 %ostes 5D
$ 3dgar G2 3dralin
*:1<P5 6 -:00P5 8R3AH
-:00P5 6 <:00P5 Presentation$%ritiquing ?acilitator$5oderator
Ricardo %h2 %ostes 5D
$ 3dgar G2 3dralin
;:00P5 on!ards DICC3R and &/%IA9&
+ay & ,Friday-
>:00A5 6 +:1<A5 3nhancement of the D/H
e4isting %&& tool
Ricardo %h2 %ostes 5D
$ 3dgar G2 3dralin
+:1<A5 6 .0:00A5 8R3AH
.0:00A5 6 ..:00A5 /P3C ?/R@5 ?acilitator$5oderator
Ricardo %h2 %ostes 5D
$ 3dgar G2 3dralin
..:00A5 6 ..:-0A5 %losing %eremonies Asec2Paulyn 82 Rosell,@bial
I5% Vice,%hairperson
..:-0A5 on!ards %hec" out $ D3PAR)@R3 &ecretariat
D/H e4isting %&& tool
2 of 2

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