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Tricks to Remember the Parts of the Brain

Brainstem Composed of parts of the hindbrain & the midbrain

o Stem = lowest part of a plant, hence lowest part of the brain
Cerebellum - Initiation & control of rapid movement of the limbs; posture & balance
o Rinin a !bell! is a rapid movement
o "ffects bellance #balance$
Medulla - Controls breathin, heart rate, diestion, & other vital refle%es
o &he two !ll!s stand for livin'life functions
Reticular Formation ( Controls sleep & arousal; attention
o Rested vs) *atiue
Midbrain ( +rocesses auditor, & visual sensor, information
o -idi is a t,pe of audio format #for those of ,ou who are computer literate$
o Contains the substantia nira, which is responsible for motor control
o &he substantia nigra also produces a substantial amount of dopamine
Thalamus - Rela, station that connects various parts of the brain) Reulates awareness, attention,
motivation, & emotion)
o &!hal!amus) .i/e 0al in the movie 12234 " Space 5d,sse, - who coordinated the mission
Limbic System ( influences emotions, motives, and hormones
o Separates lower brain reions from corte%
Hyothalamus - Reulates behavior related to survival #e)), se%ual behavior, huner, thirst, sleep,
water'salt balance, bod, temperature, hormones$
o -eans !below the thalamus!
Hiocamus ( .earnin & memor, formation
!mygdala ( Involved in emotional responses such as fear, aner, & disust; learnin & memor, formation
o -eans almond in latin #if this helps, the, loo/ li/e little almonds on the ends of the hippocampus$
Limbic system mnemonic4 I /new it was lunchtime because m, h,pothalamus told me I was hunr,,
thirst,, and cold) -, hippocampus helped me remember a new restaurant that opened on campus, but
when I ot there I had to wait in line and m, am,dala reacted with aner)
Cerebral Corte" - &he outer la,er of the brain
o Corte% means bar/) So corte% is li/e the bar/ of the brain; corte% is the !casin! of the brain
o &his is the area where ,our more !human! behaviors come from
#cciital Lobe - +rocessin of visual stimuli
o !5h .oo/6! ( for seein
o .ocated in bac/ of head #li/e havin e,es in the bac/ of ,our head$
Temoral Lobe ( +rocessin of auditor, information #hearin$
o .ocated 7ust behind the ear #b, ,our temples$
o 8hen ,ou9re listenin to music, ,ou9ll notice the son9s tempo, which means how fast'slow it
Parietal Lobe ( Involved in processin bodil, information
o Involved in pain & posture #+ words$
Frontal Lobe ( Important in thin/in and plannin behavior, coordinatin comple% movements, &
constructin new memories; emotional control
o .ocated behind the *orehead
o :sed for *orethouht
o ;eeps ,ou from *ore<ettin #involved in man, intellectual tas/s$
Broca$s !rea ( Speech production; located in frontal lobe #left side onl,$
o Involved in speech broduction
o .anuae and .eft hemisphere #. words$
%ernicke$s !rea ( Speech comprehension; located in temporal lobe #left side onl,$
o 8ernic/e starts with a 8 ( a double : ( : for understandin
o .anuae & .eft hemisphere #. words$
Corus Callosum - Connects the hemispheres of the brain #it=s a bundle of a%ons$
o CC = !Corte% connector!

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