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... through Bertha Dudde

Correctly used mental activity....
Maing correct use o! the gi!t o! intelligence is a"solutely essential
!or the soul#s higher develo$ment% since the human "eing &as given
intellect so that he can mentally $rocess everything that e'ists and
ha$$ens around him and there"y reach conclusions &hich
consciously mae him see the eternally Divine.
By using the intellect% !ree &ill "ecomes active in him% !or a $erson
&ill only &ant something i! his intellect has $ortrayed the "ene!it o!
this volition to him% thus the &ill is al&ays the result o! thining....
(nd the correct use o! intellect% i.e.% to &ant &hat is good and to
detest evil% must inevita"ly advance the soul#s maturity. One cannot
s$ea o! correct use o! intellect i! the latter im$els someone to
"ehave "adly) in that case the gi!ts o! intellect are "eing misused.
With serious and sensi"le deli"eration% a $erson can easily
recognise the activity o! a &ise creative *o&er &hich "rought
everything surrounding him into e'istence and that this creative
*o&er continues to care !or its creations. Once a $erson has come
this !ar then the intellect &ill "e a"le to $ersuade the &ill into
maing contact &ith this creative *o&er%
!or he has to regard himsel! as an inde$endently thining "eing%
thus as +is living creation% su"se,uently he also has to
acno&ledge the Creator as an e,ually thining Being o! su$reme
$er!ection% and this a&areness is enough to esta"lish a connection
&ith the Creator.
-very human "eing can arrive at this conclusion i! he uses his
intellect in order to come closer to the truth. .he !act that his
mental activity &ill "e correctly guided a!ter&ards is this Creator#s
&oring as soon as the $erson has consciously esta"lished a
connection &ith +im.
+o&ever% the human "eing &as given intellect in order to use it
until the moment o! contact% thus it &as added to !ree &ill in order
to ena"le the latter#s move in the right direction &hich leads to the
goal% to contact &ith God.
.he only condition is that a $erson must &ant &hat is good o! his
o&n volition% then his reasoning &ill invaria"ly lead him to the goal.
.hus the intellect has to "e used !or activating the &ill to
consciously esta"lish a connection &ith God% yet $rior to that this
&ill must have made a decision in !avour o! God% other&ise the
mental activity &ill have "een used incorrectly "y re!raining !rom all
serious deli"eration and merely assessing the advantages and
disadvantages o! his surroundings and &hat taes $lace therein.
/n that case% he &ill not "e maing !ull use o! the gi!t o! reasoning
and the result &ill "e accordingly.... he &ill never reach the goal%
instead he &ill al&ays dou"t or "e mistaen% !or he is in!luenced "y
good or evil !orces according to his &ill.
With earnest use% the mind can even change an ill0&ill% and this is
indeed its tas. For this reason the human "eing has to 1usti!y
himsel! i! he misuses the gi!t o! intelligence% i! he !ails to use it !or
its actual $ur$ose.... to come closer to the truth% &hich God does
not &ithhold !rom anyone &ho seriously strives !or it through
earnest mental activity.
With the right determination he &ill "e e'tremely success!ul and
a!ter serious deli"eration% he &ill also in!luence his determination to
aim to&ards the same goal....
*u"lished "y !riends o! ne& revelations o! God 2 /n!ormation%
do&nload o! all translated revelations% theme0"oolets at3

.... htt$344en."ertha0dudde.org4

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