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Major multipurpose water resources schemes, including many large regional hydro projects, are moving ahead in Africa at

an unprecedented rate. A status update, potential and development opportunities, as well as technical, environmental and
financial challenges, covering all regions of the African continent, will be the focus of the presentations and discussions .
Abstracts are now invited on the following and related themes:
Potential and planned developments in Africa
African multipurpose water storage including hydropower, irrigation,
water supply, navigation and fisheries
Quantifying and qualifying the benefits of water infrastructure
African small dams for irrigation
Role of storage in river basin management for sustainable development
The role of risk mitigation in making hydro more competitive
Concession agreements and construction contracts
Finance options including resource mobilization and the Africa 50 fund
Implementation and review of dam safety legislation in Africa
Monitoring the safety of dams, gates and powerplants
Public safety around dams
Dam engineering: design and construction
Institutions and institutional arrangements
Case studies from the Water Towers: the Congo Basin, the Ethiopian
Highlands, the Fouta Djallon and the Lesotho Highlands
Effects of climate change in Africa: adaptation and mitigation
Flood control
The role of hydro in African regional development
Update on the PIDA Energy Priority Action Plan
Pumped storage; hydro in synergy with other renewables
Hydros role in electrical system stability in Africa
Small hydro in Africa
Rural electrification in Africa
Hydro machinery: research and operational issues and, practical examples
of innovative low cost technologies
Environmental and social aspects of African schemes, including water
conservation and transfer, and social challenges of transboundary projects
Reservoir sedimentation mitigation
Operation, maintenance and rehabilitation challenges; obstacles and
In addition to plenary and parallel sessions exploring the themes above, there will be focused workshops and panel
discussions on topics such as project finance, regional cooperation and progress with the Programme for Infrastructure
Development in Africa, including Grand Inga and other large regional hydro projects.
English and French interpretation is generously sponsored by:
S. Alam, France
J. Antunes Sobrinho, Brazil
I. Araki, Japan
Azeb Asnake, Ethiopia
Dr Seleshi Bekele, Ethiopia
Dr E. Bellendir, Russian Federation
Prof L. Berga, Spain
Prof P. Boeriu, UNESCO-IHE
Prof H. Brekke, Norway
R. Bucher, Germany
J.M. Buil Sanz, Spain
A. Chraibi, Morocco
A. Coulibaly, UNECA
D. Develay, France
M. De Vivo, ICOLD, France
Dr E. Doujak, Austria
Dr M.R.H. Dunstan, UK
I. Ekpo, Nigeria
P. de Flix, France
J. Freitas, Portugal
S. Gatera, UNECA
M. Gospodjina cki, ESHA, Slovenia
R. Grether, Germany
J. Gummer, Australia
C.R. Head, UK
Dr A. Hughes, UK
F. Isambert, France
R.E. Israelsen, USA
Dr Jia Jinsheng, China
. Johansen, Norway
S.N. Karingi, UNECA, Ethiopia
C. Kayitenkore, Burundi
H. Keck, Switzerland
V. Kercan, Slovenia
Dr H. Kreuzer, Switzerland
T. Kunz, Switzerland
Dr Peter Mason, UK
Abdelhakim Mohammed, Ethiopia
L. Mouvet, Switzerland
U Myo Myint, Myanmar
Prof R. Lafitte, Switzerland
F. Lemprire, France
B. Leyland, New Zealand
Lin Chuxue, China
N. and L. Nielsen, Australia
A. Nombre, Burkina Faso
A. Palmieri, Italy
Prof B. Pelikan, ESHA, Austria
J. Plummer, UK
Dr V. Radchenko, Russian Federation
P.J. Rae, USA
J.R. Rojas Morales, Costa Rica
F. C. da Rocha e Silva, Mozambique
Prof A. Schleiss, Switzerland
K. Seelos, Norway
Prof J-J. Simond, Switzerland
B. Skcel, Czech Republic
B. Tardieu, France
J. Teyssieux, France
J. Thanopoulos, Greece
S. Tickodri-Togboa, Uganda
B. Trouille, USA
C.V.J. Varma, India
Prof D.A. Williams, UK

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