OSPF Skill

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Exploration Routing: OSPF Skills Based Assessment

Learning Objectives
Upon completion of this lab, you will be able to:
Create an addressing scheme to accommodate the hosts on the network
Cable network according to the diagram
Configure OSPF
Configure OSPF priorities
Configure OSPF cost
Verify OSPF operation
Configure a static default route
ou are a network engineer for an !SP with multiple locations that are connected through a switch" ou are
assigned the task of creating an addressing scheme for each client#s $%&" ou must set the OSPF priorities
so that the !SP router is the '( and the (emote)* router is the +'(" ou must also make sure that the
(emote), router ne-er takes part in the '(.+'( election"
%ll contents are Copyright / *00,1,223 Cisco Systems, !nc" %ll rights reser-ed" 4his document is Cisco Public !nformation" Page * of 5
CC&% 67ploration
(outing Protocols and Concepts 67ploration (outing: OSPF Skills +ased %ssessment
ask !: "reate an Addressing Sc#eme$
Step !: "reate an addressing sc#eme %or eac# LA& using t#e !'($!)*$!$+,(- address space$
$o2: 82 9osts
$o*: *, 9osts
$o2: 8, 9osts
$2*: ,: 9osts
Step (: Record t#e appropriate subnet address and mask in able !$
/evice 0nter%ace 0P Address Subnet 1ask
Fa+,+ !+$!+$!+$+ (22$(22$(22$(-*
Lo+ !**$-)$34$(2( (22$(22$(22$(2(
Fa+,+ !+$!+$!+$+ (22$(22$(22$(-*
Lo+ !'($!)*$!$+ (22$(22$(22$!'(
Lo! !'($!)*$!$!)+ (22$(22$(22$(-+
Fa+,+ !+$!+$!+$+ (22$(22$(22$(-*
Lo+ !'($!)*$!$)- (22$(22$(22$!'(
Lo! !'($!)*$!$!(* (22$(22$(22$((-
0nstructor5s 0nitial ......
ask (: "able and "on%igure &et6ork$
Step ! "able t#e net6ork according to t#e opolog7 /iagram$
Step ( Place t#e correct inter%ace address %or eac# router in able ($
able (
/evice 0nter%ace 0P Address Subnet 1ask
Fa+,+ !+$!+$!+$! (22$(22$(22$(-*
Lo+ !**$-)$34$(2- (22$(22$(22$(2(
Fa+,+ !+$!+$!+$3 (22$(22$(22$(-*
Lo+ !'($!)*$!$! (22$(22$(22$!'(
Lo! !'($!)*$!$!)! (22$(22$(22$(-+
Fa+,+ !+$!+$!+$( (22$(22$(22$(-*
Lo+ !'($!)*$!$)2 (22$(22$(22$!'(
Lo! !'($!)*$!$!(' (22$(22$(22$((-
Step 3 8eri%7 t#e con%igurations$
0nstructor5s 0nitial ......
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CC&% 67ploration
(outing Protocols and Concepts 67ploration (outing: OSPF Skills +ased %ssessment
ask 3: Basic OSPF "on%iguration$
Step ! "on%igure OSPF on eac# router$
Use Process !' *and ad-ertise all directly connected networks in OSPF %rea 2" %d-ertise the loopback
interface on the !SP router"
Step ( 8eri%7 t#e OSPF con%iguration$
Confirm that each router has formed an ad;acency with one another and has a path to each network in the
0nstructor5s 0nitial ......
ask -: "on%irm OSPF Priorities$
Step !: 8eri%7 t#e OSPF priorities$
Confirm that the '(.+'( election took place and that the (emote)* router is the '(, (emote), is the
+'( and the !SP router is the '(O496("
Step (: "on%igure t#e 0SP router 6it# t#e #ig#est possible OSPF priorit7$
Step 3: Assure t#at t#e Remote.( router 6ill never take place in t#e /R,B/R election process$
Step -: Reboot t#e s6itc# using t#e reload command to %orce t#e OSPF election process$
Step 2: 8eri%7 t#at t#e OSPF election #as occurred$
Confirm that the !SP router is now the '(, the (emote)* router is the +'( and the (emote), router is now
the '(O496("
0nstructor5s 0nitial ......
ask 2: "on%igure OSPF "ost$
Step !: Set t#e cost on t#e Remote.( 9A& link to a value o% !$
Step (: Set t#e cost o% t#e 0SP 9A& link to a value o% !++$
Step 3: 8eri%7 t#e cost in t#e routing table$
0nstructor5s 0nitial ......
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CC&% 67ploration
(outing Protocols and Concepts 67ploration (outing: OSPF Skills +ased %ssessment
ask ): 8eri%7 OSPF Operation$
Step !: 8eri%7 neig#bor adjacencies$
Step (: 8eri%7 t#at all net6orks are present in t#e routing table$
0nstructor5s 0nitial ......
ask 4: Static /e%ault Route
Step !: "on%igure a static de%ault route on t#e 0SP router$
Step (: Propagate t#e static de%ault route to t#e ot#er routers in t#e net6ork$
Step 3: 8eri%7 t#at eac# router can see t#e static de%ault route in t#eir routing table$
0nstructor5s 0nitial ......
ask *: 8eri%7 "onnectivit7
Step ! Ping t#e loopback inter%ace on t#e 0SP router %rom t#e Remote.! and Remote.( routers$
0nstructor5s 0nitial ......
%ll contents are Copyright / *00,1,223 Cisco Systems, !nc" %ll rights reser-ed" 4his document is Cisco Public !nformation" Page 5 of 5

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