Das (P of FSE)

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Fire Safety is the science of fre and the means of protecton against
it. Being multdisciplinary in nature, the subject is closely related
to chemical engineering, building services, electrical, electronics,
structural and civil engineering and industrial engineering.
There is a dearth of books on this subject, and therefore, the author
aims to provide readers with a lucidly writen, comprehensive text
explaining the fundamentals of the fre process and means of
Comprising eleven chapters, this well-illustrated book with data
tables begins with the introducton of the subject and then proceeds
to explain fre process, its chemistry, heat and temperature in fre,
hydraulics, actve and passive fre protecton systems, risk management
and insurance, and fnally investgatons and reconstructons of
fre incidents. The book appends useful informaton on fre safety
including cases to explain the causes of fre, Indian Standards on fre
safety, explosion and propertes of some fammable materials.
Fire safety engineering students and professionals will fnd this book
of immense use to them.
Understanding Fire and Fire Protection
AKHIL KUMAR DAS obtained BTech (ChE) from IIT Delhi and MS (Fire Protecton
Engg.) from Worcester Polytechnic Insttute, USA. He is the frst Indian to hold the
later degree and among the frst three graduates of the programme. Currently, he
is Visitng Professor at University of Petroleum & Energy Studies (UPES), Dehradun,
Consultant Professor at NETES Insttute of Technology and Science (NITS), Guwahat
and a practsing consultant. He served as Head of Fire Safety Engineering &
Management, Internatonal College of Engineering & Management, Muscat, Oman.
He has vast industry experience as Chief Manager, Safety & Environment, Bongaigaon
Refnery & Petrochemicals Ltd., Senior Engineer, HSE Technical Support, KNPC,
Kuwait, and in Assam Oil Company and Indian Oil Corporaton.
Mr. Das has promoted fre and explosion awareness extensively through training,
consultng, and development of training modules. He has published artcles and
investgaton reports in Indian and internatonal journals and presented conference
papers at the American Petroleum Insttute, American Insttute of Chemical Engineers
and the Internatonal Fire Protecton Engineering Insttute. He has been Chief Safety
Ofcer and Management Representatve for EMS ISO 14001 and a third party Auditor
of OISD. A Fellow of the Insttuton of Engineers (India) and Senior Member of the
American Insttute of Chemical Engineers, Member of the Salamander Fire Protecton
Engineering Honorary Society, USA, he has also been Fellow of The Insttuton of
Fire Engineers, UK.
Rimjhim House, 111, Patparganj Industrial Estate, Delhi-110092
Phones: 43031100, 30901100 Fax: 011-43031144
2014 / 208 pp. / 17.8 23.5 cm / ISBN-978-81-203-5038-0 / ` 250.00
1. Introducton
2. The Fire Process
3. Chemistry of Fire
4. Heat Transfer in Fires
5. Hydraulics, Pumps and Primers
6. Fire Science for the Built Environment
7. Fire Detectors and Alarms
8. Fire Extnguishers
9. Fixed Fire Protecton Systems
10. Risk Management and Fire Insurance
11. Investgatng Fire Incidents
1 Explosions Explained
2 Remembered for the Wrong Reasons
3 Indian Statutes/Standards Related to Fire Safety
4 Fire Propertes of Some Flammable Materials
Suggested Further Reading Index
E-Mail: phi@phindia.com Website: www.phindia.com

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