Sunstone EBrochure

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Business School

Creating Business Leaders for a
Tech Centric World

Post Graduate Program
in Management,


Ar e you a t echnol ogy pr of es s i onal as pi r i ng t o become a s ucc es s f ul bus i nes s l eader ?

Ar e you a t echnol ogy pr of es s i onal as pi r i ng t o become a s ucc es s f ul bus i nes s l eader ?

Ar e you a t echnol ogy pr of es s i onal as pi r i ng t o become a s ucc es s f ul bus i nes s l eader ?

Ar e you a t echnol ogy pr of es s i onal as pi r i ng t o become a s ucc es s f ul bus i nes s l eader ?

Ar e you a t echnol ogy pr of es s i onal as pi r i ng t o become a s ucc es s f ul bus i nes s l eader ?

Ar e you a t echnol ogy pr of es s i onal as pi r i ng t o become a s ucc es s f ul bus i nes s l eader ?

Ar e you a t echnol ogy pr of es s i onal as pi r i ng t o become a s ucc es s f ul bus i nes s l eader ?

Ar e you a t echnol ogy pr of es s i onal as pi r i ng t o become a s ucc es s f ul bus i nes s l eader ?

Ar e you a t echnol ogy pr of es s i onal as pi r i ng t o become a s ucc es s f ul bus i nes s l eader ?

Ar e you a t echnol ogy pr of es s i onal as pi r i ng t o become a s ucc es s f ul bus i nes s l eader ?

Ar e you a t echnol ogy pr of es s i onal as pi r i ng t o become a s ucc es s f ul bus i nes s l eader ?

Ar e you a t echnol ogy pr of es s i onal as pi r i ng t o become a s ucc es s f ul bus i nes s l eader ?

Ar e you a t echnol ogy pr of es s i onal as pi r i ng t o become a s u cc es s f ul bus i nes s l eader ?

Ar e you a t echnol ogy pr of es s i onal as pi r i ng t o become a s ucc es s f ul bus i nes s l eader ?

Ar e you a t echnol ogy pr of es s i onal as pi r i ng t o become a s ucc es s f ul bus i nes s l eader ?

Ar e you a t echnol ogy pr of es s i onal as pi r i ng t o bec ome a s ucc es s f ul bus i nes s l eader ?

Ar e you a t echnol ogy pr of es s i onal as pi r i ng t o become a s ucc es s f ul bus i nes s l eader ?

Ar e you a t echnol ogy pr of es s i onal as pi r i ng t o become a s ucc es s f ul bus i nes s l eader ?

Ar e you a t echnol ogy pr of es s i onal as pi r i ng t o become a s ucc es s f ul bus i nes s l eader ?

Do you feel that a thorough understanding of business
fundamentals will help you accelerate your transition to a
business leadership role?

Do you believe that best way to learn business is through
solving real business problems?

Do you r eal i ze t he need t o expand your net wor k t o bus i nes s
l eader s ?

Do you r eal i ze t he need t o expand your net wor k t o bus i nes s
l eader s ?

Do you r eal i ze t he need t o expand your net wor k t o bus i nes s
l eader s ?

At Sunstone PGPM we select high-caliber technology professionals like you and
transform them into business leaders. The program is tailored to the unique needs
and leadership challenges of technology professionals. We stimulate your learning
through our innovative problem based learning pedagogy, and engage with you to
sharpen your outlook through regular interactions with industry leaders, venture
capitalists and your talented classmates.


Vikas Yadav
Class of 2012
Product Manager
Adobe Systems
B.Tech, IITK - 05

Unique, effective, and
balanced - that's how I
would summarize this

- Pragati Dhingra
M.Tech, IIT Guwahati, 2003
Program Manager

Class of 2012

Program Highlights
1 year program that is divided into
three levels so that you can puruse it
along with your job, so that you can
not only apply what you learn but also
save time and money.
Unique problem based learning
pedagogy with real business problems
designed by Industry.
Placement focused to help you
explore right career opportunities.
Personal one-on-one career coaching
to focus on your overall professional
Regular interactions with industry
leaders and VCs to expand your
network and broaden your horizons.
Faculty comprising of industry leaders
and entrepreneurs, delivering over
750 hours of learning.

Sunstone Pedagogy - Being > Applying > Knowing

Suns t one Pedagogy - Bei ng > Appl yi ng > Knowi ng

Suns t one Pedagogy - Bei ng > Appl yi ng > Knowi ng

Suns t one Pedagogy - Bei ng > Appl yi ng > Knowi ng
Sunstone has embraced Problem Based Learning pedagogy, an approach in research for over 20 years and adopted at
Stanford, Ohio and various other colleges. Problem Based Learning is based on the belief that concepts can be learnt
and retained well only when they are approached under the context of a real business problem as opposed to theory or
short case based learning.
We take real world business problems from the technology industry to students and help them learn management
concepts in the process of solving them.
A typical module flows is represented below:


St op

St op


St ar t

St art

St ar t

St art

St ar t

St art

St ar t

St ar t

St ar t

St ar t

St ar t

St ar t

St ar t

St ar t

St ar t

St art

St ar t
Probl em

Pr obl em St at ement

Probl em St at ement

Pr obl em St at ement

Probl em St at ement

Pr obl em St at ement

Probl em St at ement

Pr obl em St at ement

Pr obl em St at ement

Pr obl em St at ement

Pr obl em St at ement

Pr obl em St at ement

Pr obl em St at ement

Pr obl em St at ement

Pr obl em St at ement

Pr obl em St at ement
Thi nki ng &

Thi nki ng &
Res ear ch

Thi nki ng &

Thi nki ng &
Res ear ch

Thi nki ng &

Thi nki ng &
Res ear ch

Thi nki ng &

Thi nki ng &
Res ear ch

Thi nki ng &
Res ear ch
Consul tati on
& Sol uti on
Structuri ng

Cons ul t at i on&
Sol ut i on
St r uct ur i ng

Consul t at i on&
Sol ut i on
St ruct uri ng

Cons ul t at i on&
Sol ut i on
St r uct ur i ng

Consul t at i on&
Sol ut i on
St ruct uri ng

Cons ul t at i on&
Sol ut i on
Sol uti on
Presentati on

Sol ut i on
Pr es ent at i on

Sol ut i on
Present at i on

Sol ut i on
Pr es ent at i on

Sol ut i on
Present at i on

Each uni t st art s wi t h a real
worl d busi ness probl em
caref ul l y chosen t o cover
t he l earni ng obj ect i ves e. g.
budget f or ecast i ng f or a
l arge I T Servi c es Company.

Each uni t s t ar t s wi t h a r eal
wor l d bus i nes s pr obl em
car ef ul l y chos en t o cover
t he l ear ni ng obj ect i ves e. g.
budget f or ecas t i ng f or a
l ar ge I T Ser vi ces Company.

Each uni t st art s wi t h a real
worl d busi nes s probl em
caref ul l y chosen t o cover
t he l earni ng obj ect i ves e. g.
budget f orecast i ng f or a
l arge IT Servi ces Company.

Each uni t s t ar t s wi t h a r eal
wor l d bus i nes s pr obl em
car ef ul l y chos en t o cover
t he l ear ni ng obj ect i ves e. g.
budget f or ecas t i ng f or a
l ar ge I T Ser vi ces Company.

Each uni t st art s wi t h a real
worl d busi nes s probl em
caref ul l y chosen t o cover
t he l earni ng obj ect i ves e. g.
budget f orecast i ng f or a
l arge IT Servi ces Company.

Each uni t s t ar t s wi t h a r eal
wor l d bus i nes s pr obl em
car ef ul l y chos en t o cover
St udent s ref er t o t he
accompanyi ng r eadi ng
mat er i al , rel evant i ndust ry
report s and conduct f i el d
st udi es ( i f appl i cabl e) and
devel op a perspect i ve.

St udent s r ef er t o t he
accompanyi ng r eadi ng
mat er i al , r el evant i ndus t r y
r epor t s and conduct f i el d
s t udi es ( i f appl i cabl e) and
devel op a per s pec t i ve.

St udent s ref er t o t he
accompanyi ng readi ng
mat eri al , rel evant i ndust ry
report s and conduct f i el d
st udi es ( i f appl i cabl e) and
devel op a perspect i ve.

St udent s r ef er t o t he
accompanyi ng r eadi ng
mat er i al , r el evant i ndus t r y
r epor t s and conduct f i el d
s t udi es ( i f appl i cabl e) and
devel op a per s pec t i ve.

St udent s ref er t o t he
accompanyi ng readi ng
mat eri al , rel evant i ndust ry
report s and conduct f i el d
st udi es ( i f appl i cabl e) and
Sol ut i ons are r ef i ned
t hrough cont i nuous
i nt eract i ons wi t h f acul t y
and i ndust ry expert s.

Sol ut i ons ar e r ef i ned
t hr ough cont i nuous
i nt er ac t i ons wi t h f ac ul t y
and i ndus t r y exper t s .

Sol ut i ons are ref i ned
t hrough cont i nuous
i nt eract i ons wi t h f acul t y
and i ndust ry expert s.

Sol ut i ons ar e r ef i ned
t hr ough cont i nuous
i nt er ac t i ons wi t h f ac ul t y
and i ndus t r y exper t s .

Sol ut i ons are ref i ned
t hrough cont i nuous
i nt eract i ons wi t h f acul t y
and i ndust ry expert s.
St udent s submi t t hei r
sol ut i on t o t he pr obl em f or
eval uat i on and t hen pr es ent
i t t o t he cl ass

St udent s s ubmi t t hei r
s ol ut i on t o t he pr obl em f or
eval uat i on and t hen
pr es ent i t t o t he cl as s

St udent s submi t t hei r
sol ut i on t o t he probl em f or
eval uat i on and t hen
present i t t o t he cl ass

St udent s s ubmi t t hei r
s ol ut i on t o t he pr obl em f or
eval uat i on and t hen
pr es ent i t t o t he cl as s
Facul t y pr ovi des det ai l ed
per sonal i z ed f eedback on
sol ut i on appr oach,
st r uct ur i ng and sof t ski l l s.
The key l ear ni ng obj ect i ves
and gaps ar e r e- addr es sed
t hr ough an engagi ng cl ass
di scus si on.

Facul t y pr ovi des det ai l ed
per s onal i zed f eedback on
s ol ut i on appr oach,
s t r uct ur i ng and s of t s ki l l s .
The key l ear ni ng obj ec t i ves
and gaps ar e r e- addr es s ed


St op

St op


St ar t

St art

St ar t

St art

St ar t

St art

St ar t

St ar t

St ar t

St ar t

St ar t

St ar t

St ar t

St ar t

St ar t

St art

St ar t
Probl em

Pr obl em St at ement

Probl em St at ement

Pr obl em St at ement

Probl em St at ement

Pr obl em St at ement

Probl em St at ement

Pr obl em St at ement

Pr obl em St at ement

Pr obl em St at ement

Pr obl em St at ement

Pr obl em St at ement

Pr obl em St at ement

Pr obl em St at ement

Pr obl em St at ement

Pr obl em St at ement
Thi nki ng &

Thi nki ng &
Res ear ch

Thi nki ng &

Thi nki ng &
Res ear ch

Thi nki ng &

Thi nki ng &
Res ear ch

Thi nki ng &

Thi nki ng &
Res ear ch

Thi nki ng &
Res ear ch
Consul tati on
& Sol uti on
Structuri ng

Cons ul t at i on&
Sol ut i on
St r uct ur i ng

Consul t at i on&
Sol ut i on
St ruct uri ng

Cons ul t at i on&
Sol ut i on
St r uct ur i ng

Consul t at i on&
Sol ut i on
St ruct uri ng

Cons ul t at i on&
Sol ut i on
Sol uti on
Presentati on

Sol ut i on
Pr es ent at i on

Sol ut i on
Present at i on

Sol ut i on
Pr es ent at i on

Sol ut i on
Present at i on

Each uni t st art s wi t h a real
worl d busi ness probl em
caref ul l y chosen t o cover
t he l earni ng obj ect i ves e. g.
budget f or ecast i ng f or a
l arge I T Servi c es Company.

Each uni t s t ar t s wi t h a r eal
wor l d bus i nes s pr obl em
car ef ul l y chos en t o cover
t he l ear ni ng obj ect i ves e. g.
budget f or ecas t i ng f or a
l ar ge I T Ser vi ces Company.

Each uni t st art s wi t h a real
worl d busi nes s probl em
caref ul l y chosen t o cover
t he l earni ng obj ect i ves e. g.
budget f orecast i ng f or a
l arge IT Servi ces Company.

Each uni t s t ar t s wi t h a r eal
wor l d bus i nes s pr obl em
car ef ul l y chos en t o cover
t he l ear ni ng obj ect i ves e. g.
budget f or ecas t i ng f or a
l ar ge I T Ser vi ces Company.

Each uni t st art s wi t h a real
worl d busi nes s probl em
caref ul l y chosen t o cover
t he l earni ng obj ect i ves e. g.
budget f orecast i ng f or a
l arge IT Servi ces Company.

Each uni t s t ar t s wi t h a r eal
wor l d bus i nes s pr obl em
car ef ul l y chos en t o cover
St udent s ref er t o t he
accompanyi ng r eadi ng
mat er i al , rel evant i ndust ry
report s and conduct f i el d
st udi es ( i f appl i cabl e) and
devel op a perspect i ve.

St udent s r ef er t o t he
accompanyi ng r eadi ng
mat er i al , r el evant i ndus t r y
r epor t s and conduct f i el d
s t udi es ( i f appl i cabl e) and
devel op a per s pec t i ve.

St udent s ref er t o t he
accompanyi ng readi ng
mat eri al , rel evant i ndust ry
report s and conduct f i el d
st udi es ( i f appl i cabl e) and
devel op a perspect i ve.

St udent s r ef er t o t he
accompanyi ng r eadi ng
mat er i al , r el evant i ndus t r y
r epor t s and conduct f i el d
s t udi es ( i f appl i cabl e) and
devel op a per s pec t i ve.

St udent s ref er t o t he
accompanyi ng readi ng
mat eri al , rel evant i ndust ry
report s and conduct f i el d
st udi es ( i f appl i cabl e) and
Sol ut i ons are r ef i ned
t hrough cont i nuous
i nt eract i ons wi t h f acul t y
and i ndust ry expert s.

Sol ut i ons ar e r ef i ned
t hr ough cont i nuous
i nt er ac t i ons wi t h f ac ul t y
and i ndus t r y exper t s .

Sol ut i ons are ref i ned
t hrough cont i nuous
i nt eract i ons wi t h f ac ul t y
and i ndust ry expert s.

Sol ut i ons ar e r ef i ned
t hr ough cont i nuous
i nt er ac t i ons wi t h f ac ul t y
and i ndus t r y exper t s .

Sol ut i ons are ref i ned
t hrough cont i nuous
i nt eract i ons wi t h f acul t y
and i ndust ry expert s.
St udent s submi t t hei r
sol ut i on t o t he pr obl em f or
eval uat i on and t hen pr es ent
i t t o t he cl ass

St udent s s ubmi t t hei r
s ol ut i on t o t he pr obl em f or
eval uat i on and t hen
pr es ent i t t o t he cl as s

St udent s submi t t hei r
sol ut i on t o t he probl em f or
eval uat i on and t hen
present i t t o t he cl ass

St udent s s ubmi t t hei r
s ol ut i on t o t he pr obl em f or
eval uat i on and t hen
pr es ent i t t o t he cl as s
Facul t y pr ovi des det ai l ed
per sonal i z ed f eedback on
sol ut i on appr oach,
st r uct ur i ng and sof t ski l l s.
The key l ear ni ng obj ect i ves
and gaps ar e r e- addr es sed
t hr ough an engagi ng cl ass
di scus si on.

Facul t y pr ovi des det ai l ed
per s onal i zed f eedback on
s ol ut i on appr oach,
s t r uct ur i ng and s of t s ki l l s .
The key l ear ni ng obj ec t i ves
and gaps ar e r e- addr es s ed

One year to challenge your thinking.
Your path to business leadership.

The learning model relies on real world application oriented curriculum so that you can leverage
it immediately. We take real world problem situations and impart management concepts in the
course of solving them.
The traditional monolithic MBA program has been re-imagined to be flexible and allow
participants to complete it at their own pace and according to their appetite for learning, across
three levels of depth. Each level spans 4 months, and can be completed consecutively or with
breaks between each level. Details of each level are as below.

Level 1
Busi ness
Economi cs
Bas i c Account i ng & Fi nanci al
St at ement Anal ys i s
Fundament al s of Fi nance
Mar ket i ng
Oper at i ons
Ent r epr eneur i al Vent ur e Pl anni ng
B2B Rel at i ons hi ps & Busi nes s Val ue
communi cat i on

Or gani zat i on St r uct ur e &
I ncent i ves
Bus i nes s Communi cat i on
Leadi ng Teams
Sel l i ng I deas
Per s onal Devel opment

Level 2
Busi ness
Profi ci ency

Gr owt h St r at egi es I
Company Val uat i on
Ent r epr eneur i al St r at egi es
Cos t of Capi t al
Wor ki ng Capi t al
Dat a Dr i ven Deci s i on Maki ng
Car eer Devel opment
Negot i at i ons
Leader s hi p

Account Management /Bus i nes s
Devel opment
Ser vi ce Del i ver y
Management /General
Pr oduct Management /Di gi t al
Mar ket i ng
Fi nanci al Mar ket s and Ri s k
Pr obl em Sol vi ng

Term Proj ect ( One proj ect based on speci al i zat i on chos en)

Level 3
Busi ness
Experti se

Gr owt h St r at egi es I I
St r at egi c Bus i nes s & I ndus t r y
Anal ys i s
St r at egy Si mul at i on
Fi nanci al Mar ket s and I ns t i t ut i ons
Fi nanci al Mar ket Ef f i ci ency
Behavi or al Fi nance
Equi t y as a s our ce of val ue

Per s onal Mot i vat i on
Change Management
Bus i nes s Per s pect i ves

Term Proj ect ( A capst one pr oj ect t hat wi l l hel p st udent s appl y t hei r
l earni ng t o a l i ve busi ness si t uat i on)

Level 1: Business Competence

1) Organization Structure & Incentives
Discover your organizations focus areas and strategic priorities as reflected in the organizational
structure. This course will help you understand how organizations break down goals into individual
measurements, and how your role contributes to the overall teams performance. Through this course,
you should also help gauge the extent to which measurements drive behavior (positive and negative).
Often, lack of synchronization, restricted flow of information lead to poor overall effectiveness,
something which you should acknowledge and avoid.
2) Economics
The objective of this course is two fold. First, it is to help take sound business decisions using the
principles of economics. Second, is to avoid the common pitfalls in decision-making process. We will
learn about scarcity and it's because of scarcity that we are forced to make choices on allocation of
resources. One basic framework of evaluating resource allocation decisions is costs and benefits.
However, it does come with its limitations, something we will study in this course. The course also
introduces the potent concept of opportunity cost, and how that leads into absolute and comparative
advantage. Finally, we study about international trade and how policies of nations are influenced by
the theory of comparative advantage.
3) Business Communication
Whether you are writing an email, instructing a group of people, or making a presentation, the most
important thing is that the audience understands what you are saying. You should be able to tailor
your communication to something the audience can understand quickly and effectively. This course
helps understand how to synthesize and structure all forms of business communication.
4) Basic Accounting and Financial Statement Analysis
Through this course, we try and understand the elements and the principles of accounting. Accounting
helps produce a report card of a business, if you will, and as managers, we have to be adept at
understanding this report card. This is a very worthy cause because without a solid foundation on the
language of business, we will not be able to communicate effectively the performance of a business.
The three financial statements, the balance sheet, the income statement and the statement of cash
flows form the bedrock of accounting. In this course, we take a dominant company in an industry and
understand how its financial statements have changed over the last few years with the intent of
understanding the underlying business dynamics and health of the company.
5) Fundamentals of Finance
This course introduces the very potent concept of time value of money, and its primary application,
capital budgeting. Through this course, you will develop an understanding of time value of money and
use it to assess cash flows over time. Capital allocation (or, capital budgeting in a corporate setting)
uses time value of money as its central tool. This course will introduce models to help evaluate and
make sound capital allocation decisions. However, these models are often at loggerheads with each
other. This course also helps break the jam by introducing a framework of choosing these models over
each other in their usefulness.
6) Marketing
Gone are the days when buyers appear out of nowhere. Today companies find it increasingly difficult
to attract new customers. Further, competition provides a wide range of alternatives to lure away
customers making retention a major issue to contend with. This course covers the basics of marketing
a product. Since the customer base forms a core asset of any company, it's important to learn how to
value customers objectively (customer lifetime value). Then again, the cost of acquiring different kinds
of customers varies from customer to customer. The interplay between these two concepts (customer
lifetime value and customer acquisition cost) helps us make informed business decisions.
Level 1: Business Competence - contd

Level 2: Business Proficiency

7) Personal Development
This course aims to make you more self-aware of your behavior. It is this behavior that leads to form a
certain perception by others. This course helps focus attention on the details of an individual
personality and behavior, identifies areas of strength and areas of improvement and finally develops
an activity plan for building on strengths while improving on the areas that need improvement.
8) Operations
Operations management is as old as the beginning of scientific management. Operations management
is intertwined well with working capital management, strategy and human resource management.
Through this course, we will learn how operations fit into the overall strategy of a company. Also, we
will understand what and how operational improvements add value and how to make those changes.
Finally, we will learn a few tools to identify and make operational improvements in a company.
9) Entrepreneurial Venture Planning
In this course, you prepare a business plan for a new venture of their choice. The target is an early
stage investor (typically an Angel Investor or a Seed Investor). As part of preparing the plan, you will
learn to think holistically about a complete business idea and apply your learning from the various
facets of management like finance, human resource, marketing and operations. Through critique on
your plan, you will understand what separates an investible idea with a non-investible idea. A final
presentation to an actual angel investor or a seed investor demonstrates how such plans are assessed.
10) Leading Teams
In todays connected world, we are all expected to work in teams that are diverse in culture, often
geographically disconnected and deliver to the expectations of stakeholders. This course aims to cover
some of the key aspects of building trust, ensuring accountability and teamwork in a cross-cultural and
global context.
11) B2B Relationships and Business Value communication
As each of us works with clients (internal or external) we need to understand the role relationships
play in ensuring each others success. This course will aim to highlight the importance of relationships,
tips on how to build long term sustainable relationships and communicating business value to our
customers (internal or external). This is entirely in a B2B context and excludes communication to
entire markets consisting of several consumers.
12) Selling Ideas
Do we need to sell? Why don't people buy on their own? If I build a great product, will it automatically
sell? How can I influence without authority? These are some of the questions, which this course tries
to shed light on. It builds on certain cases and introduces market segmentation, differentiated
offerings and targeting

1) Growth Strategies I
Growth is critical for a business as it ensures value creation. It energizes the whole organization and
thus helps attract and retain talent and capital. It sends a positive signal to the stock market and helps
a business increase its influence over its customers and suppliers. In an industry that is growing, if a
business does not grow, it gets left behind. The focus of this 6-week course is on developing you as a
Smart Generalist who is prepared to solve 'general/fundamental' business problems with an aim to
achieve growth.
Level 2: Business Proficiency - contd

2) Data Driven Decision Making
Today, there is no dearth of data in any business. With overwhelming amount of data, companies are
looking for ways to harness the data for better business decisions. Whether it is sales and marketing,
supply chain, HR, Finance-data decision-making is core to business. Business Analytics is a set of
techniques and processes that can be used to analyze data to improve business performance through
fact-based decision-making. Business Analytics is the subset of Business Intelligence, which creates
capabilities for companies to compete in the market effectively. Business Analytics is likely to become
one of the main functional areas in most companies. Analytics companies develop the ability to
support their decisions through analytic reasoning using variety of statistical and mathematical
techniques. In this course, we will focus on understanding basic problem solving approach in analytics
and learn to analyze data using statistics. In this process we will analyze and solve problems from
different industries and functions and see real-time application of data driven decisions in business.
3) Negotiations
Negotiations are an inevitable skill both for personal and professional growth. Negotiations can be
stressful yet unavoidable - whether it is about task division, delivering a project, or selecting a new
business partner - there are several stakeholders to making these business decisions. We often
encounter intra-group conflicts as roadblocks in business decision-making. In this course, you will
build upon the concepts covered in various other courses and apply the concepts in business
environment to see how to influence and resolve conflicts in a multi-stakeholders situation.
4) Company Valuation
In this course, we look at the various methods of valuing a business. There are many methods
available, notably discounted cash flow, dividend discount and relative valuation, and we will look at
each of these and try and understand their merits and demerits.
5) Cost of Capital
Whenever a company sources funds, be it through equity or through debt, the company pays a cost
towards it. Equity is usually more expensive than debt, however in bad times, debt has to be
mandatorily repaid whereas equity can be kept. What are the considerations against which a company
may source equity or debt or a combination thereof? Does the capital structure of a company matter?
We will look at an empirical method of computing the cost of equity, the cost of debt and the
amalgamated cost of capital for the company.
6) Working Capital
A common challenge for companies of all sizes is maintaining a consistent stream of cash, a measure of
which is known as liquidity. In this course, you will be equipped with tools that will help you
understand cash conversion cycle and working capital.
7) Digital Marketing
This course focusses on lead generation in the online world. The online customer experience plays a
primary role in the mind of customer for their purchasing decisions. Overall customer experience
comprises of both the experience before the purchase is made and the experience after the purchase is
made. This course discusses mostly the marketing aspect of a customers online engagement. In other
words, this is when customer is searching for products for his/her next purchase. During this period, a
customer is a lead or prospective customer in the eye of product seller. You will learn the various
aspects and decision making in the process of lead generation and apply the CLTV(customer lifetime
value) and CAC (Customer acquisition cost) in the context of online marketing.
Level 2: Business Proficiency - contd

8) Product Management
Product management set of courses involves creating and/or enhancing a product to satisfy target
audience needs, while maximizing the return on the investment in product development. In this
course, you understand what constitutes a good product and the various methodologies for
determining what is important in it. Product management means understanding trade-offs and
ranking requirements to create a product that is viable (for business), feasible (for engineering) and
desirable (for customers). This course will help you envision the evolution of a product (in terms of its
features), prioritize the product feature roadmap, manage internal company dynamics to ensure
product enhancement goes on smoothly and finally, measure success on the product roadmap.
9) Service Delivery Management/General Management
Service Delivery Management set of courses is an offshoot of operations. As a manager, you must
understand that service delivery is not as much about delivering products but rather is a means to
achieving customer satisfaction. Products and services are produced by companies to fulfill needs of
customers, and not the other way round. Effective service delivery has key levers of cost and quality,
and the burden of a service delivery organization is to continually delivery higher quality at a
continually lower cost. This can only be achieved by greater efficiency using measurement, tools,
processes and automation. In this course, you will also appreciate that managing people is a critical
part of service delivery in most service delivery organizations. Alignment and motivation of people on
an ongoing basis forms a key component of an effective service delivery offering.
10) Account Management/Business Development
A large part of the IT industry thrives on providing products and services to other businesses. In that
context it is important to understand the B2B relationships between organizations and the role an
account manager plays in establishing, maintaining and growing the relationship between the two
firms. This course aims to uncover the different aspects of account management and provide practical
guidance to participants that want to make a career change to these types of roles. While all aspects of
account management are covered, there is particular emphasis on business development on behalf of a
service provider.
11) Financial Markets and Risk Management
Financial markets are all-pervasive and from the perspective of technology and outsourcing
professionals, a vast majority of opportunities exist for those who are able to effectively marry their
technology skills to a working understanding of financial markets and risk. This specialization helps
these professionals bridge this gap. In this specialization, we will go over topics like Fixed Income
Securities and Bonds which is the largest market in the world and therefore the largest employer of
technology professionals. We will talk about derivatives including futures, forwards, options and
specialty derivates like interest rate and currency derivatives. We will also look at the post-Lehman
global regulatory environment
12) Selling Ideas
Do we need to sell? Why don't people buy on their own? If I build a great product, will it automatically
sell? How can I influence without authority? These are some of the questions, which this course tries
to shed light on. It builds on certain cases and introduces market segmentation, differentiated
offerings and targeting
Level 3: Business Expertise

Level 2: Business Proficiency - contd

13) Term Project
This term project will take students deeper in their chosen area of specialization.
14) Career Development
This program aims to make our participants aware of the career options that exist within different
business functions of their employer. They also dive deep into the skill and attitude requirements of
these roles and map that to their own personalities to decide fitment of roles and bridge the gaps to be
more successful.
15) Entrepreneurial Strategies
This course helps students take a closer look at how some of the new age entrepreneurs take decisions
and achieve entrepreneurial success. Is it all planned in advance? Is strategy most important? What is
pivoting? When to pivot? This course answers some of these questions using real life case studies.
16) Leadership
In the knowledge economy, leading high performance ambitious teams poses major challenges. This
course looks at how to align a team, set goals and motivate team members to find win-win for clients,
organization and self.

1) Growth Strategies II
This is in continuation to Growth Strategies I, students solve a live business situation in this course.
2) Business Perspectives
This course aims to develop in you the ability to form intelligent and informed views on various
business issues. This course puts you a real-life situation where you will need to do significant analysis
as well as synthesis. This course is to be done in teams and each team will develop a futuristic
perspective on a current business topic.
3) Strategy Simulation
A large part of strategy should be directed towards creating an uncontested marketplace for it's
products. Through a set of interactive webinars which lead to a multi-week, multi-team simulation,
this course helps in developing a deep understanding of how strategy shapes companies, and how it is
much useful to evaluate and create strategies around creating differentiated and uncontested
strategies rather than the more prevalent competitive and retaliation driven strategies.
4) Financial Markets and Institutions
This course aims to help you understand and navigate through the maze of financial markets, financial
instruments and corporate finance. You will study about the role of financial institutions like banks,
brokerages, investment banks, funds and exchanges, as well as study about the various financial
instruments like stock, bonds and derivatives. With the past knowledge on valuation, we will run
exercises which would enable you to intrinsically value some of these financial instruments.
Level 3: Business Expertise - contd

5) Financial Market Efficiency
Are markets efficient? This has been the central question, which finance theorists, and practitioners
alike have been attempting to answer for many decades now. With the proposition of the Efficient
Market Hypothesis and its three levels of market efficiency, it seemed that we had an answer to this
question. The primary actor, which makes markets efficient, is the arbitrageur. We will study the three
levels of market efficiency and run some cases on arbitrage to understand how this efficiency is
6) Behavioral Finance
It seemed that the question on whether markets are efficient had been answered, at least till the mid-
90s, when it was observed that there are instances where market efficiency broke. Various behavioral
biases seem to be the cause. Behavioral Finance is at the intersection of financial markets and investor
psychology and is the frontier of study of financial markets. We will look at these behavioral biases
and as to how they manifest into the financial markets.
7) Personal Motivation
Motivation drives your attitude; attitude drives actions and actions drive results. As a professional
aiming to break the glass ceiling and maximize your potential, you need to understand what truly
motivates you and other people around you. How do you influence your own motivation and others?
This course will be a further journey on self-discovery and interventions designed by yourself to
cultivate a positive motivation.
8) Equity as a source of value
Most of us have come to rely on value creation through compensation, i.e. salaries. Even though there
is a lot of talk of entrepreneurship these days, we shy away from ESOPs and don't really value them
when offered by the company. However, entrepreneurs and business people have created significantly
more value for themselves through equity. This course will help students understand the inherent
value creation in equity - does it come from profit? Does it come from growth? Does it come from size?
How have different companies around us created value?
9) Change Management
As organizations have become increasingly complex and large, bringing in positive change has become
increasingly difficult. Whether its a simple process rollout, change in organizational structure, or
major changes in strategy, the success of the change lies in involving all the stakeholders. This course
looks at how students can effect change in their setups and in the process improve their own
contributions and profile.
10) Strategic Business & Industry Analysis
This course will analyze the value chain of a business and dissect its underlying processes to derive a
big-picture understanding of the overall business. Through this course, you will understand how
changing the value chain helps a firm position itself to take advantage of one or more of the generic
strategies. As a tool, value chain will help in understanding the strategic position of the firm. Also, this
course will help you to develop a holistic view of the business and understand how a firm performs in
the market. This course develops further understanding on organizational capabilities using 7
strategic powers and its ability to compete in the market.
11) Term Project
This is a capstone project that will help students apply their learning of strategy to a live business
The program is quite unique
with its focus on real world
problem solving and emphasis on
soft skill development. Course
directors spend considerable time
with individuals for their holistic

- Ankur Goel
B.Tech, IIT Kanpur, 2002
Head Product & Engg.
Educomp Online

Class of 2012

Real Business
Assigned as individual or
group work throughout the

200 Hrs

Your 365 days with Sunstone Business School

Your 365 days wi t h Suns t one Bus i nes s School

Your 365 days wi t h Suns t one Bus i nes s School

Your 365 days wi t h Suns t one Bus i nes s School
Lectures and
Self study material, PPTs,
case studies, books and
live class discussions on
contact days
200 Hrs

Role playing,
and team events
50 Hrs

Self study material, PPTs,
case studies, books and
live lectures
on contact days

Case discussions,
general discussions
with Faculty and Peers

100 Hrs

Group and
presentations to
industry panels
50 Hrs

Problem Solving
Top down problem
articulation, issue tree
development, synthesizing,
outcome driven problem

Regular interactions
with industry business
leaders, successful
entrepreneurs and

150 Hrs

Sanjeev Bhikchandani
Founder & Executive Vice Chairman
Info Edge India

Amit Ranjan

Sameer Maheshwari

Sandeep Lodha
Bain & Co.

Gautam Sinha
Times Internet

George Searle
ISD Media

Sanjeev Aggarwal
Sr. Managing Director
Helion Venture Partners

Rohit Bansal
Co-Founder & COO

Dhiraj Rajaram
Founder, CEO

Naresh Gupta
Managing Director
Adobe Systems

Alok Mittal
Managing Partner
Canaan Partners India

Sunil Singh
Venture Advisor
Mayfield Fund

Divij Jain
Associate Director
MTS Group

Kirk Tang
Business Management
KPMG Advisory Services

Industry Regulars at Sunstone

I ndus t r y Regul ar s at Suns t one

I ndus t r y Regul ar s at Suns t one
Dilip Modi
Executive Vice-Chairman
Spice Group

Sanjeev Mahajan
Spice HotSpot

Anupam Rastogi
Nokia Growth Partners

Praveen Sinha
Co-Founder, MD

Rahul Batra
Head, Strategy and Corporate Finance
Bharat Light and Power

Manoj Rijhwani
Account Manager

Class of 2012

Anshuman Misra
Joined Bharti Softbank as Account Manager

The most important skills developed
which I use in my new role are C-level
readiness in communication and
structured process to decision making.

Tushar Gupta
Joined Times Internet as Product Manager

Sunstone challenged me at every step
and made me ready to face interviews
and transition into a decision making

Ankur Goel
Joined iProf as VP, Product Management

Pr ogr am Advi s or y Boar d

Pr ogr am Advi s or y Boar d

Pr ogr am Advi s or y Boar d
The power of professional networking
and relentless pursuit for excellence
helped me get the right opportunity.

Mukesh Sharma

Before the start of entrepreneurship
module, I had no idea that my project
work will lead to my new venture-

The innovation in curriculum and delivery is truly
disrupting management education. I firmly believe that
this is the future and I am excited to be part of this
paradigm shift.
- Dr Bennett McClellan

Faculty Speak

Program Faculty

Pr ogr am Facul t y

Pr ogr am Facul t y

Pr ogr am Facul t y

Dr Bennett McClellan
Dr Bennett McClellan is a business scenario strategist, change catalyst, writer and executive coach with over thirty
years of experience helping leaders achieve positive change. At Sunstone, he contributes to the curriculum for courses
Strategy, Organization Behaviour and Communication.

Bennett has worked for leading management consulting firms-McKinsey & Co., Arthur D. Little, Inc., and PricewaterhouseCoopers. At
PwC, he served as Managing Director for the west coasts Media and Entertainment strategy practice. Bennett has published multiple
papers on areas related to strategy, consulting, and branding and taught courses for UCLA Anderson School of Management in Los
Angeles and Hong Kong.
He is Ph.D. in Management, an MBA from Harvard Business School and MFA from UCLAs School of Theatre, Film and Television.

Rajul Garg
Rajul brings his passion towards entrepreneurship and business-building to various aspects of Sunstone curriculum.
His real life, ground-up approach reflects deeply in all of Sunstone method of learning.

Previously, Rajul co-founded GlobalLogic, sold for $420M in 2013 to Apax partners in the largest deal of the year in India. Rajul built
the operation ground up in India and then expanded through global acquisitions, until 2008. Rajul then consulted with top tier
venture capital firms such as Sequoia Capital and Aavishkaar, where he got exposed to the education sector. Earlier, right out of
college, Rajul founded Pine Labs, a leader in the Indian market in credit card transactions.
Rajul serves on several Boards, including publicly traded S Mobility, a leader in digital mobility. He is an active mentor to several
startups, a sought after angel investor and a participant in several industry bodies such as TiE, NASSCOM, IIT Mentors and others.
Rajul is Computer Science Graduate from IIT Delhi.

Tapan Rayaguru
Tapan has spent over 20 years in the IT and Analytics industry and most recently was a Sr VP with Mu Sigma, the leaders
in Decision Sciences. He has been responsible for client engagement, managed P&L, headed delivery for a 2000+ team
in the IT products & services world.
At Sunstone, he is responsible designing and delivering courses in Account Management, Business Analytics, B2B Sales areas.
Tapan is an alumnus of IIT Kharagpur and IIM Calcutta.

Joseph A. Hopper
Joseph serves as Director India at the Theory of Constraints Institute and is associated with Goldratt India as a
consultant. Joseph was formerly Director ASA at the Indian School of Business, Hyderabad. He created the Experiential
Learning Programme (ELP), which eventually became the most popular elective course.
He also managed the Wharton Global Consulting Practicum and expanded the International Exchange Programme to include new
partners such as Schulich, Wharton, Tsinghua, Darden, IESE, Tuck, Thunderbird, IE, NUS, Melbourne Business School, Rotman,
Queens, Fuqua, and many others.
Joseph holds an M.B.A. in Entrepreneurship & Finance from ISB (Deans List) & a B.A. in International Business from King College

David Wittenberg
Davids areas of professional interest are innovation, strategy, marketing and management. He heads The Innovation
Workgroup, bringing world-class innovation to leading Indian firms and multinationals. David takes classes and
delivers short programs to students at some of Indias top business schools.

Based on his experiences with institutes and students, he launched a second venture, University 4.0, to transform higher education in
India by teaching professors how to implement student-centred learning.
While earning his MBA (honours) at Thunderbird School of Global Management, David was privileged to attend the renowned
leadership class taught by Dr. Caren Siehl, who previously taught at Stanford.
Saurabh Agarwal
Saurabhs passion lies in solving business problems pertaining to growth and profitability. He is responsible for curriculum design and
delivery for the courses Economics, Marketing and Strategy.
He has diverse experience in strategy consulting, marketing and financial services sectors. He has worked for McKinsey & Company,
A.T. Kearney and GE Capital. Saurabh has also served leading corporates (in Consumer Durables, Apparel, Building Materials &
Financial Services) and UAE government (Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Economy).
Saurabh is an MBA from INSEAD.

Program Faculty

Pr ogr am Facul t y

Pr ogr am Facul t y

Pr ogr am Facul t y

Aniket is passionate about capital markets and is currently fund manager at Wegmans Financial Services. His philosophy of
investment revolves around value investing in equity markets, event arbitrage, and behavioral finance.
Aniket is a graduate from IIT Delhi and an MBA, Marketing and Finance from The University of Texas, Dallas.

Saurabh Agarwal
Saurabhs passion lies in solving business problems pertaining to growth and profitability. He is responsible for
curriculum design and delivery for the courses Economics, Marketing and Strategy.
He has diverse experience in strategy consulting, marketing and financial services sectors.

He has worked for McKinsey & Company, A.T. Kearney and GE Capital. Saurabh has also served leading corporates (in Consumer
Durables, Apparel, Building Materials & Financial Services) and UAE government (Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Economy).
Saurabh is an MBA from INSEAD.

Megha Khatri
Megha has keen interest in marketing and analytics. She has worked with ZS Associates, a global leader in sales and
marketing consulting. Megha has 7 years of experience in market research. She has also worked with Gerson
Lehrman Group to help set up India operations and managed large teams to deliver projects.
At Sunstone, Megha actively participates in designing courses for professional development, and data driven marketing.
Megha holds an MBA from ISB (Indian School of Business), Hyderabad, and BTech from Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi.

Mrityunjay Kumar
Mrityunjays interests lie in career management for working professionals, individually as well as within
organizations. At Sunstone, he is responsible for designing and delivering Agile Career Management module. He also
works with students all year-long to provide career coaching and guidance as well as help in placements.

Mrityunjay has diverse experience in engineering, marketing (product management) and senior management roles in product
companies. He has worked for Microsoft Corporation, SumTotal Systems and many startups in the field of high-speed networking and
telecommunications, e-learning and e-commerce.
He is a graduate from IIT Delhi (Masters in Mathematics and Computing) and also a graduate from Foster School of Business,
University of Washington (1 year Executive Development Program).

Dinesh Singh
Dineshs areas of interests are product positioning, go-to-market, consumer segmentation, and microeconomics. He
contributes to specific problems in courses Marketing Decision Making & Product Management and Strategy.

Dinesh has spent significant time in sales and go-to-market strategies with start-ups. He was also a strategy consultant with McKinsey
& Co. where he worked with Fortune 500 companies.
Dinesh is a 2000 graduate from IIT Kanpur and MBA from Cornell University.

Devendra Mangani
Devendra is working in curriculum development and delivery of finance courses at Sunstone. His interests include
valuation, corporate finance and economics. He actively follows value investing and has written articles on this topic.

He has worked in global strategy team at RBC capital markets in Canada. At RBC, he has worked on internal strategy projects for
investment banking operations. Prior to RBC, he has managed product lines for global manufacturing organizations in India.
He is a graduate from IIT Bombay and holds an MBA, Strategy and Finance from Queens School of Business, Canada.

Aniket Khera
Aniket owns creation and delivery of the course Financial Analysis in Decision Making. The course content covers
basic to intermediate finance including concepts like capital asset pricing, efficient markets and behavioral finance.

The learning is
intense just like

-Aditya Chaturvedi
B.Tech, HBTI Kanpur, 2001

Class of 2012

Program Advisory Board

Pr ogr am Advi s or y Boar d

Pr ogr am Advi s or y Boar d

Pr ogr am Advi s or y Boar d

Highly networked and effective communicator, Vishwas has been a facilitator of Leadership in Organizations. In continuation of his
passion for entrepreneurship, he has taken up the role of President of Pune Chapter of TiE (The Indus Entrepreneurs) a global notfor-
profit organisation that fosters entrepreneurship.
Vishwas is an MBA from Symbiosis Institute of Business Management.

With over 17 years experience managing high-tech product companies, Singh has played a major role in the enterprise software and
consumer internet spaces. Singh served as CEO of Informance International, where he led the Company to a successful exit in a private
equity transaction. His entrepreneurial career includes Founder of Mokume (acquired by Versant) and Visionworks (acquired by Xansa).
He also led UCCNet, a demand-supply synchronization platform, acquired by CommerceOne.
Sunil has also played an active and strategic role in a bevy of new technology start-ups through Citadel Ventures, his venture
investment fund. Singhs most recent ventures include Bunchball (a gaming platform), Kaboodle (a social shopping website), Movoto
(internet real estate web site), Egnyte (a cloud-based file server) & several India investments (e.g., Crazy Noodles). Sunil obtained his
Ph.D. from Cornell University and his B.Tech from IIT, Kanpur. He has held faculty positions at several distinguished Universities
including Dartmouth and RPI.
Sunil Singh General Management Professional, Entrepreneur and Investor
Sunil has over 25 years of international experience in general management, Strategy, and operations. Sunil Singh is a
Venture Advisor for Mayfield India. In addition, he is currently GlobalLogics Chief of Asia Pacific, where he is responsible
for managing operations and guiding companys overall business strategy in the Asia Pacific region.

Vishwas Mahajan Co-founder and ex-CEO, Compulink, President, Charter Member TiE Pune
At Compulink, Vishwas conceptualized, grew, funded, attracted VCs and took the company public. Set up product
delivery process, set up high performance sales and support team for innovative software products that Orchestrate
Performance. Merged the company with another larger one Glodyne and completed full cycle.

In his last role as Principal at New Delhi office, his responsibilities included advising clients in Technology & Telecom, Consumer
Products and Private Equity focused around India Market Entry, Business Strategy, Performance Improvement and Due Diligence.
Prior to Bain, he worked at Intel Capital where he looked at Wimax investments in India, and at Riverstone Networks, where he lead
new product development and helped set up Riverstones India operations.
Sandeep is a graduate from IIT Delhi, MS from University of Cincinnati and MBA from The Wharton School at the University of

Sandeep Lodha Executive Director, The Walt Disney Company
Sandeep is a Senior Manager at Bain & Co in the New Delhi office where he advises clients in Technology & Telecom,
consumer Products and Private Equity focused around India Market Entry, Business Strategy, Performance
Improvement and Due Diligence. He has also worked at Bains Boston and Sydney offices.

In his capacity, he leads and drives the technology strategy, vision and execution for all the internet and telecommunication
properties of the group including,,,,,, Indiatimes Shopping, Indiatimes email,,,,,
mobile applications and is responsible for driving innovation across the entire value chain.
Most recently, Mr. Sinha was the COO/CTO of CashEdge Inc, where he worked since 2001 building and leading the company from
startup to profitability. Prior to CashEdge, he held senior management positions at Sevant, Aspect Communications, Neural
Applications Corporation, and at the Ministry of Defense in India (DRDO).
Mr. Sinha has been awarded US patents for his work done in telecommunication and financial services. He holds a MS in Computer
Science from the University of Iowa (USA) and a BS in Computer Science from BIT Mesra.

Gautam Sinha Group COO / Director, Indiatimes and Times Business Solution Limited
Gautam has over 24 years of rich experience in technology innovation and execution which includes a wealth of
startup and industry expertise. He is a global executive with rich international experience. He joined TimesGroup in
2007 and is currently Director and Group CTO.

it to one of the largest analytics service providers in the world, before it was acquired by Cognizant in a $135MM transaction in 2007.
He served as VP at Cognizant for 4 years.

Aseem is currently Senior Product Manager at Amazaon. Prior to this, he has held leadership positions at Playup,,Adobe
and Microsoft.
Aseem is a graduate from IIT Delhi, and MBA from IIM Calcutta.

Nishants main areas of interest are Search Algorithms, Document Matching and Consumer Behavior. Before working in, he
worked for Schlumberger Oilfield Services for 8 years in the US, Australia and India.
Nishant has done his B.Tech in Chemical Engineering from IIT Delhi and PGP from the Indian School of Business.

Prior to marketRx, he was managing investments for Indias first early stage fund Infinity, a 2000 vintage fund which returned a 100%
return to investors and created companies like IndiaBulls, India Games and Avendus. he was also the founder and CTO of EZPower
systems, a Philadelphia based software-products company.
Subinder has a B.Tech from IIT, Delhi and an MBA (Finance) from Tulane University.
Aseem Dokania Senior Product Manager at Amazon
Aseem has extensive experience in Analytics, Internet, Mobile, Social and Gaming industry; managing and creating new
products, solutions and revenue streams. He has a proven track record of building new products and teams to leverage
emerging business opportunities.

Before investment banking, Sameer worked for eight years developing and selling information technology solutions. He managed
technology consulting projects for Fortune 500 clients while working at Deloitte Consulting for three years and subsequently sold
enterprise reporting software at MicroStrategy for five years.
Sameer holds a Bachelor of Technology from IIT Delhi and is MBA from Harvard Business School.

Nishant Pandey Senior VP, Product Management & Development,
Nishant Pandey has multiple years of experience in Internet Product Management. He is currently Senior VP, Product
Management & Development at His role requires working with Technology, Marketing, Design, Sales and
Analytics to create superior products for consumers, improve user-engagement and positively impact the bottom line.

Subinder Khurana - Entrepreneur & Investor
Subinder is currently working on a new venture, after a track record of two strategic exits. He started marketRx
India, and helped grow it to one of the largest analytics service providers in the world, before it was acquired by
Cognizant in a $135MM transaction in 2007. He served as VP at Cognizant for 4 years.

Sameer Maheshwari President and Founder, HealthKart
Sameer is the President and Founder of HealthKart, Indias premier e-health store. Prior to founding HealthKart in
2009, Sameer worked at UBS investment bank in San Francisco for 2 years, where he provided M&A and capital markets
advice to internet and software companies.

.... this program will change your thought
process of doing things and will force you
to achieve more by enhancing your skills.

Abhinay Mohan
M.Tech, IIT Roorkee 2003
Assistant Consultant, TCS

Fast paced program which
doesnt let you procrastinate.
The journey is so eventful
that you enjoy every second
of it.

Sahil Aggarwal
B.Tech, Kurukshetra University 2002
Subject Matter Expert, TCS

Fresh, clear &
effective approach.

Pankaj Yadav
B.Tech, IT BHU 2005
Computer Scientist, Adobe Systems

Student Speak - Class of 2012

Student Speak - Class of 2012

The program is one of its
kind with intensive focus on
industry needs.

Manish Gupta
B.Tech & M.Tech, IIT Delhi 2001
VP Digital Services, Spice Digital

I wish I had found
such a program a bit
early in my career ...

Ashutosh Agarwal
B.Tech, IIT Roorkee,2000

The real world problem solving
approach of PGPM not only
challenges you to seek information
from the real people and explore the
real world but also generates great
fun and passion....

Pankaj Garg
B.Tech, IIT Kanpur 2003
Team Lead , Pine Labs


Admi s s i ons

Admi s s i ons

Admi s s i ons

St ep 1: Fi l l t he appl i cat i on f or m avai l abl e her e, t o s chedul e your i nt er vi ew f or admi s s i on
St ep 2: Recei ve a bus i nes s cas e f r om admi s s i ons t o pr epar e bef or e c omi ng f or i nt er vi ew
St ep 3: I nt er act i on wi t h t he i nt er vi ew panel
St ep 4: Recei ve t he i nv i t at i on t o j oi n t he pr ogr am
St ep 5: Fi l l i n t he r egi s t r at i on f or m and depos i t f ees
Eligibility Criteria
Track record of high performance in academia and in work
Minimum of 3 years of work experience after graduation in technology and related
Innate curiosity to learn about business and ability to apply themselves to complex
Serious intent towards the rigor of the program, ability to multi-task and put efforts
for the program on a consistent basis

Experience Sunstone
We encourage you to join us during any of our contact days held usually on Saturdays and
experience the Sunstone class first-hand. You can also join us at one of many workshops/
events organized in Delhi/NCR, Pune and Bangalore. To schedule a class visit or attend a
workshop/event please write to to receive an invitation.

Creating Business Leaders for the Tech-Centric World

Business School

We are pan India and 3
International locations!

Application Process
The process of admission for the next batch has started. Please e-mail for more information. Admission process will include following:

Frequently asked questions

Fr equent l y as ked ques t i ons

Fr equent l y as ked ques t i ons

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Fr equent l y as ked ques t i ons

Fr equent l y as ked ques t i ons

Fr equent l y as ked ques t i ons

Fr equent l y as ked ques t i ons

Fr equent l y as ked ques t i ons

Fr equent l y as ked ques t i ons

Fr equent l y as ked ques t i ons

Fr equent l y as ked ques t i ons

Fr equent l y as ked ques t i ons

Creating Business Leaders for the Tech-Centric World

Business School


Does this program require me to leave my current job?
No. This program does not require you to leave your
job. However, it is a rigorous program and would
require 12-15 Hours of involvement every week.

When will the next batch start & how can I apply for it?
We graduate two batches in a year (Starting in Spring
and Fall). We have a rolling admissions process and
you can send an e-mail to
for further information.

What are the eligibility criteria for PGPM?
We are looking for high caliber working professionals
in technology and related industries.

Nishants main areas of interest are Search
Algorithms, Document Matching and Consumer
Behavior. Before working in, he worked
for Schlumberger Oilfield Services for 8 years in the
US, Australia and India.
Nishant has done his B.Tech in Chemical Engineering
from IIT Delhi and PGP from the Indian School of

Ni s hant s mai n ar eas of i nt er es t ar e
Sear ch Al gor i t hms , Document Mat chi ng
and Cons umer Behavi or . Bef or e wor ki ng i n
Naukr i . com, he wor ked f or Schl umber ger
Oi l f i el d Ser vi ces f or 8 year s i n t he US,
Aus t r al i a and I ndi a.
Ni s hant has done hi s B. Tech i n Chemi cal
Engi neer i ng f r om I I T Del hi and PGP f r om
t he I ndi an School of Bus i nes s .
Why does this program require significant work
Our curriculum is designed to prepare students for
key business roles in top global companies. It
requires significant experience to be able to derive
maximum benefit from the curriculum. Also, since
our methodology is problem based learning,
students are required to have sufficient experience to
be able to relate to these problems

Who has designed the curriculum?
The basis of our program is learning by problem
solving. We take real world problem situations and
impart management concepts in the course of solving
them. Our program is designed and monitored by the
Program Advisory Board that comprises of senior
Industry professionals.

How is the program delivered?
Our Pedagogy is based in real business like problems.
Theory is delivered using a combination of self study
materials such as PPTs, eBooks and video lectures.
Assignments, Project work, Team Workshops and
Networking Events are other parts of the Curriculum.

How many hours of commitment will be required to
complete the program?
Our program is designed for 12 months and 750
hours of learning. There will be 15-18 days of contact
program, mostly during weekends. The rigor of the
program will require a sincere effort from candidates
to get the best results.

What happens if I need to pause/stop after completing a
certain level and unable to do rest of the levels of the
It is allowed to pause or stop after completing a
certain Level, Level 1 for example. The candidate in
this case will be given a Level 1 certificate. Alumni
status is only available to candidates who complete at
least Level 2

Who are you affiliated with?
This is an autonomous program and hence lets us
have flexibility in trend setting curriculum design
keeping Industry acceptance as our key goal.

Where is the contact program conducted?
Its conducted at leading hotels in NCR, Pune and
Bangalore located conveniently for our participants.

What if I have to travel out during the program?
The program allows flexibility of 2-3 weeks if you
travel out even though you may miss a specific
contact program. However, in case of long term
travel, students can drop the term and join with next

What if my workload is very high?
The program requires about 750 hours of
commitment for a year. It does provide for flexibility
if your workload is intermittently high and you can
cover up during other times by dropping selective
part of curriculum. However, if on an average you are
unable to dedicate the required time then this is not
the right program for you!

I want to be an entrepreneur, will this program help?
We as a school feel passionately about developing a
spirit of entrepreneurship. We have a dedicated
module on entrepreneurship and successful
entrepreneurs form an important part of our school
organization. Senior jobs in start-ups are also an
important part of our placement focus.

What location is the program offered at?
You can attend the program from any location in the
world. Currently we have students from pan India
and three international locations.

Find More Online
The Sunstone website has a great deal of
information about the Sunstone PGPM program, the faculty and
schools advisory board. In addition you can also follow:
Sunstone Business Review at and learn more
about business of technology.
Free Online Courses - Indias First MOOC in Management at

Visit/Contact Us
We would be delighted to meet you at our offices.

Stay Tuned

What Next?

Please note that our offices are closed on public holidays and
Sunday and Monday of every week. Please feel free to write to

For Admission Queries, Call: +91 9717898231 or Email:

Business School

Email Us:

Corporate Offices:

Sunstone Business School
205 Regent Prime,
Whitefield Main Road,
Bangalore 560 066, (Karnataka) India

Delhi NCR:
Sunstone Business School
C/O INJ Business School,
Plot No. 10, Knowledge Park III,
Greater Noida 201 308, (U.P.) India

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