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For any enquiries about the NUS key dates contact

NUS 2014/15 Key Dates
Guide to the 2014/15 Wallplanner
NUS organises over 100 events each year for
Students Unions including conferences, training
programmes and workshops. It can often be difficult
to navigate through all of NUS activity and so this
year we have put together this wallplanner and guide
to our key dates for you to plan your year head for

A year in NUS
Whilst theres never really a quiet period in the
year with the range of activity and events NUS
runs the summer period acts as a natural break
in the cycle and we set our year start to the
beginning of July when our newly elected
officers take up their posts.

July - August
Students Unions 2014 is one of our largest
conferences and held at the start of July open
to both staff and student officers in with the
aim of resourcing you for the year ahead. The
Officer Development Programme then runs
throughout the summer equipping student
officers for the year ahead whilst Students
Unions are gearing up for the academic term

September - October
Towards the end of the summer and into
autumn most Students Unions are busy with
orientation of new and returning students. NUS
Officers will start to launch much of their
activity and campaigns. This will be the first
year of the National Society of Apprentices
running orientation during September with the
support of NUS. Important external events in
this period to note includes the Scottish
Independence Referendum and the Party

November - December
Zone Conferences will run in the first week of
November this year where Students Unions
input and develop ideas on tackling the issues
students face, culminating in the Policy
Development Convention which starts to bring
together potential proposals to be discussed at
National Conference 2015. NUS Wales and NUS
Scotland will also hold their Zone Conferences
through this period. Towards the end of
November NUS will be coordinating regional
events for Students Unions facilitating
networking and further resourcing. Training for
FE Unions will be held in the last week of
November. Registration for NUS National
Conference opens at the beginning of

January - February
At the start of 2015 NUS will facilitate more
regional events for Students Unions to work
together on shared activity. At the end of
January we will publish the priority and Zone
Committee reports and policy proposals for
Students Unions to review and discuss any
potential amendments to submit to National
Conference 2015 by the beginning of March.

Macadam House
275 Grays Inn Road
London WC1X 8QB
t 0845 5210 262
f 020 7380 0794
January February cont.
NUS will be launching a new strategy event this
year in early February which will replace both
Strategy and Scrutiny and NUS Services
Convention. We will be holding the NUS
Services Cooperative Enterprise Units alongside
this event for all Students Unions to input into
the future direction of our commercial activity.
February ends with Student Volunteering Week
and the start of our democratic conferences,
NUS UK Sections.

March - April
With spring comes most Students Union
elections and NUS democratic period. In total
NUS (including Nations, Liberation and
Sections) will host 23 conferences where
delegates from Students Unions will debate
policy proposals and elect the NUS leadership
for 2015/16. National Conference 2015, NUS
sovereign decision making body will be held at
the end of April where over 1000 students and
students officers will attend.

May - June
The General Election this year held at the start
of May will keep NUS and Students Unions
particularly busy. This period also tends to be
when most students are nearing the end of
their academic year with exams and
coursework submission deadlines. Towards the
end of June induction and training starts to take
place for the newly elected officers and the
cycle starts again.

NUS Governance Key Dates
The Wallplanner contains most of NUS council
meetings across NUS UK, Scotland, Wales and
NUS USI where representatives who have been
elected from conferences the previous year
meet to review the work of the NUS Officers
and input into NUS activity. We have also
published the dates of the 4 Boards; NUS UK,
NUS Services, NUS Charity and NUS Scotland
Charity. Our aim is to keep you informed of the
decisions made by your representatives and
elected officers at these meetings helping to
open up NUS decision making and governing
Democratic deadlines
We have also published the key dates and
deadlines relevant to our conferences where
members make decision on policy and the
leadership of NUS. We want to ensure Students
Unions have sufficient notice of the deadlines of
they need to input into particularly when this
needs to be approved by your own democratic
processes. Highlighted here are some of the
dates around NUS UK National Conference wed
like to you take particular note of when doing
your own planning.

November 3 - 5 NUS UK Zone Conference
November 28 Deadline to challenge to
delegate entitlement for all
NUS Conferences
December 1 Registration opens
January 30 Priority and Zone Committee
reports and proposals published
March 4 Nominations close (President/
Vice President positions)
March 6 Deadline to submit
amendments to Priority/Zone
proposals and Ordinary Motions
March 18 Nominations close (Block of 15)
March 18 Registration closes
March 20 Deadline to challenge the
estimates for budget 2015/16
March 22 Compositing of Zone Proposals,
Ordinary Motions and
March 30 Priority Ballot on order of
proposals opens
April 2 Priority Ballot on order of
proposals close
April 21 - 23 National Conference 2015

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