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Many have realized long ago that our politicians will lie to us at the drop of a hat, but most

have no clue that our

news media lies and deceives us just as much, if not more so. There is no such thing, at this date of the worlds
history, in India, as an independent press. Journalists have become intellectual prostitutes dancing for money.
We have been deceived by our media to such an extent, mostly because people are too trusting of our news
system. They very naively believe that broadcasters and journalists would never lie to us. This trust has worked
against us with devastating consequences which are unknown to most. With the freedom of India in 1947 , the
anti national RSS agents made their foray into news control , with the idea to have selected journalists parrot
the unoffcial saffron line under the guise of national patriotism. Some news members were simply duped, na-
ively thinking that they were helping India by disseminating important news. Others were simply unscrupulous
and morally defcient in their professional trade and were easily enough bought out, spewing whatever disinfor-
mation and propaganda that they could cash in on. RSS owns everyone of any signifcance in the major Indian
media. The RSS policy is to use and manipulate these assets in order to plant disinformation in India to target
their most hated enemy The Indian Muslims
Muslims have been the target of saffron tyranny and have faced numerous pogroms and government spon-
sored riots since independence. The war against the 300 million oppressed Indian Muslims is being waged on
all fronts including the media. This is called the Psychological Operations or PsyOps. Media is the most lethal
weapon in the theatre of war against us. Demonizing Muslims through electronic and print media pollutes a larg-
er audience much quicker than door to door canvassing. A bigger goal of brainwashing non Muslims against
us is achieved through false propaganda and direct or indirect telecast of hate speeches by the fanatic Hindu
leaders like Dr.Pravin Togadia, L.K.Advani , Narendra Modi , Dr.Subramanian Swamy and Praveen Swamy.
The ground for invasion on Muslim localities is prepared by the fery and venomous anti-Muslim speeches of
these Muslim haters until the communal harmony is fnally broken and guns begin to thunder. Media creates
the mental and moral anarchy among their communal audience and innocent men women and children lose
their lives at the end.
Make no mistake about it, corporate media continues to mislead the public on everything and anything that
those pulling the strings wish their paid media puppets to sell to us. The current media of India is controlled by
a mere half dozen owners and CEOs. Those six individuals have total control over what you see and how your
news and information in the world is shaped and presented to you. See for yourself who owns the media houses
in India.
CNN-IBN , ETV, Network18 - Mukesh Ambani
AajTak, TVtoday Network - Arun Purie
ZEE TV, ZEE Network Subhash Chandra
TimesNow TV, Times Group - Sahu Jain/Vineet Jain family
ABP News, The Telegraph - Prafulla Kumar Sarkar
NDTV Network - Prannoy Roy


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