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Education - A Myth

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Education - a Myth
By Prateek Taak

With the advent of 21st century, there was ethical shift in the manner of thinking and
recognizing the situations. Before this advent, the main aim of the Indian economy was to
increase the Literacy level, to make the Indian currency to stand in the International market,
to borrow the loans IMF and to provide the food-at least to the half of the population of India.
But now the time has changed, we have become the worlds second largest growing economy
and would become the largest possibly in 2030. We have considerably attained the literacy
level target of 75% according to 2011 census. We have become the largest hub for the foreign
market and also the destiny maker of our own because we are independent.
But still despite of attaining this many goals, we have not looked over the basic education
policy or way of education has to done. For accomplishing the targets govt. have constructed
millions of schools, employed no. of teachers, started free education, started free mid-day
meal as if like baiting someone to come. Statistically, we have achieved many of our goals
but in reality we are way back.

In many parts of India, and mostly in the rural parts if one goes through any of the report of
the Government Primary or secondary level school he/she can easily assess that the students
are not even able to spell there name in English and not even knowing about the facts of
India. But they are easily clearing the examinations and are promoted to the higher classes. A
big reason for this condition is the quality of the teachers, who are not fully qualified or
qualified in some other area but are forced to teach in other area.
Conditions of Private run education school are also not so good. Because they focus to teach
only what is written in the book or just questioning the answers asked in book. They only
stress on making the student to learn what is already given. And thus, students are very
relaxed about learning because they know that they will be scoring good marks in report
cards just by learning the marked question-answers which is the ultimate aim of the teachers
as well as parents.
And above this, the condition of higher education is so degraded in our country that there are
only around 35-40% students who are opting for higher education. The main reasons for this
could be:

1. Lack of standard colleges.
2. Lack of qualified teachers.
3. Dont have proper infrastructure.
4. Admission procedure is difficult and complex.
5. Didnt have standard colleges for the students who had scored fewer marks in schools.
6. No proper guidance for the colleges and faculties who are offering new fields as the
subject in the academic calendar.
7. Insufficient funds.
The above reasons are the static reasons.
But the problem persists in some other areas like what is to be taught. Most of the things
which are taught in the classrooms are from the books and are mostly theoretical which
compel us to think it to be true, like Hitler was a dictator. But it never gave the reason why he
was so and what were the situations or circumstances which compelled him to become a
dictator. If other positive aspects of Hitler were highlighted in the same manner as his
negatives, like his dream for becoming an architecture or his love for the music. The hatred in
our mind for him would have surely lessened a bit, which support the ideology that, every
fact is the half-truth. And these things which are taught to us and the way in which they are
taught compel us to think in the limited or the restricted manner, because childs mind is
shapeless and it could be molded in any shape. The other reason is the self-created
psychological pressure through the near relatives which have such a high expectation from
their child that any failure will completely lead to the breakdown of his/her self-confidence.
Actually self-confidence is a faith which others have on us for the work we are performing.
And when we become aware of the others faith on us, it leads to the passage for self-
For improving the present condition we need to promote new advent of education by opening
the gate of education for everyone. Everything should be assimilated into the education which
teaches us something new, which make us realize that we had learned something wonderful
by our own efforts. Because education is not the thing which can taught by others, but instead
it is self-taught through practically applying it, learning it and by watching the things how do
it actually happens. This might sound like a dialogue from 3 idiots, but it is true. And if it is
true then many movies like 3 idiots, RDB or Taare Zameen Par should be encouraged to be
produced which inspires us to do something new or different from league and which generate
new zeal and enthusiasm in us.
And most important, Education cannot be weighed just by scoring marks or grade; it is
something different which is something special. It is not the means to earn money or bread; it
is something self-satisfactory. Money can be earned by any way: good or bad, honest or
dishonest; but education is something of a divine nature. It makes us realize who we are and
what we need to be. Education could not be compared with failure because failure is nothing
but a Myth. Because every time we fail, we learn something new - this is education. Failure is
just a step to success after all it is a guarantee to success.
So never be afraid of failure, because it is education in a way. Try new things; try to unlock
fetters of mind & society and explore yourselves to the limit!

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