Pmal Final 13

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(For the last time)

The first rule of the final is to pass the flipping thing

The second rule of the final is dont write on the final
1. Postmodernism started in the
a. 1940s
b. 1950s
c. 1960s
d. 1970s
2. After World War 2, the American economy notably shifted from _____ to ______
2 ans!ers"
a. # can b$y it
b. # can steal it
c. # can b$ild it
d. # can trade for it
%. As s$&&ested by characters li'e the narrator in Fight Club the ()ost*modern+
American )rofessional is more often
a. ,l$e collar
b. White collar
c. -nem)loyed
d. .d$cated
4. What !as not )art of the technolo&ical re/ol$tion that coincided !ith the
be&innin& of )ostmodernism
a. 0ele/ision
b. 1om)$ters
c. #nternet
d. 1ell )hones
5. 0he medi$m that chan&ed entertainment d$rin& the ad/ent of )ost*modernism
a. 0ele/ision
b. 2o/ies
c. 3ideo 4ames
d. #nternet
6. 0he rise of _________ meant that American myth and c$lt$re !as no! bein&
created for )rofit
a. 0ele/ision
b. 5olly!ood
c. 6)orts
d. #nternet
(For the last time)
The first rule of the final is to pass the flipping thing
The second rule of the final is dont write on the final
7. As )ointed o$t in Fight Club, the rise of celebrity has meant that Americans no!
a. 1are abo$t stars more than themsel/es
b. ,elie/e that they are s$))osed to be li'e the stars
c. ,elie/e they can become famo$s
d. Are stal'ers
7. What m$sical form too' hold of America at the ad/ent of )ost*modernism8
a. 9oc' and roll
b. P$n'
c. 9a)
d. 9:,
9. What !as the acronym that re)resented the )ossible n$clear destr$ction of the -6
and -669 and the rest of the !orld" d$rin& the 1old War that all of the !orld
had to li/e !ith
a. 1;<
b. 0;<
c. 2A<
d. 2;<
10. 5$nter 6. 0hom)son+s =Wa/e 6)eech> s$&&ested the
a. ,e&innin& of a ne! !a/e of American o)timism and ideals
b. ,e&innin& of a ne! !a/e of Americans
c. 0he end of American o)timism
d. 0he end of the American <ream
11. 0he end of the American <ream meant that
a. Americans no lon&er e?)ected to better themsel/es
b. America !as dyin&
c. America !as finally achie/in& its desires instead of ho)in&
d. America had no ho)e
12. An e?am)le of irony in the stories !e read !o$ld be
a. 0he 1l$tters bein& m$rdered
b. 2arla sa/in& the narrator
c. 2a@or 2a@or 2a@or not !antin& to be &ood at his @ob
d. Ail&ore 0ro$t thin'in& of )eo)le as test t$bes
1%. ,lac' h$mor ta'es )lace most often in !hich story8
a. In Cold Blood
b. Scott Pilgrim vs. The World
c. Fight Club
d. City of Glass
(For the last time)
The first rule of the final is to pass the flipping thing
The second rule of the final is dont write on the final
14. Which narrati/e contained an ob/io$s e?am)le of )astiche
a. Breakfast of Chamions
b. Catch!""
c. Scott Pilgrim vs. The World
d. Fight Club
15. Palahni$' notin& that he based Fight Club on The Great Gatsby is an e?am)le of
a. Pastiche
b. #nterte?t$ality
c. 2etafiction
d. Partici)ation
16. Breakfast of Chamions is an e?am)le of _______ beca$se it the narrator
ac'no!led&es that he is !ritin& the story as he is tellin& it.
a. Pastiche
b. #nterte?t$ality
c. 2etafiction
d. Partici)ation
17. Partici)ation means that
a. 0he reader is able to chan&e the o$tcome of the story
b. 0he reader is )art of the )lot
c. 0he story notes and addresses the reader
d. 0he story is a (choose*yo$r*o!n*ad/ent$re+
17. What is not an e?am)le of tem)oral distortion8
a. 4eor&e Washin&ton $sin& a tele)hone
b. A story s'i))in& from 2onday to Wednesday to s'i) )ast borin& e/ents
c. 0ime tra/el
d. A character bein& able to sto) or slo! time
19. Which story )ro/ides e?am)les of ma&ical realism8
a. In Cold Blood
b. Scott Pilgrim vs. The World
c. Fight Club
d. City of Glass
20. Which story that !e read didn+t incl$de some form of )aranoia8
a. ;one of them
b. In Cold Blood
c. Scott Pilgrim vs. The World
d. Fight Club
e. City of Glass
(For the last time)
The first rule of the final is to pass the flipping thing
The second rule of the final is dont write on the final
21. Which mo/ement )receded )ost*modernism
a. 9ealism
b. 9omanticism
c. Bo$ndationalism
d. 2odernism
22. #n Fight Club, 0yler <$rden is real beca$se
a. 1haracters belie/e he is
b. 5e isn+t
c. 0he reader belie/es he is
d. A and 1
2%. In Cold Blood brin&s $) the iss$e of (constr$ctedness+ beca$se the testimony of
)eo)le inter/ie!ed
a. #s lies
b. 0hey aren+t real )eo)le
c. #s only their tr$th, not 05. tr$th
d. # can+t thin' of a forth o)tion
24. Which character !o$ld be considered s$b@ecti/e
a. 2a@or 2a@or 2a@or
b. 0yler <$rden
c. ;ancy 1l$tter
d. 0he narrator of Fight Club
25. A character is said to be identic if
a. 0hey ha/e a )$r)ose at their creation
b. 0hey ha/e an identity
c. 0hey are tryin& to find themsel/es
d. 0hey 'no! !ho they are
26. Post*modernism is Antifo$ndationalistic beca$se
a. #t has no fo$ndation
b. #t belie/es in nothin&
c. #t has no )$r)ose
d. #t challen&es the fo$ndations of society
27. Breakfast of Chamions symboliCes the death of the American <ream !ith the
death of
a. Ail&ore 0ro$t
b. Philboyd 6t$d&e
c. Phoebe 5$rty
d. <!ayne 5oo/er
(For the last time)
The first rule of the final is to pass the flipping thing
The second rule of the final is dont write on the final
27. 0hat Breakfast of Chamions+ title is based on a cereal is meant to s$&&est !hat
iss$e occ$rrin& !ithin the time of )ost*modernism8
a. 2aterialism
b. 1ons$merism
c. 1a)italism
d. Antifo$ndationalism
29. In Cold Blood is an e?am)le of )astiche beca$se it combines
a. Biction and 2$rder*mystery
b. ;on*fiction and 2$rder*mystery
c. ;on*fiction and fiction
d. 1omics and detecti/e
%0. In Cold Blood is not abo$t
a. 0!o m$rderers
b. 0he /ictims of a &r$esome m$rder
c. A to!n dealin& !ith a m$rder
d. An a$thor re)ortin& on t!o m$rders
%1. 0he main character of City of Glass is named
a. Pa$l A$ster
b. D$inn
c. William Wilson
d. 2a? Wor'
%2. #n City of Glass, by the end of the e?cer)t in the &ra)hic no/el !ho is more (real+8
a. D$inn
b. William Wilson
c. Pa$l A$ster
%%. #n City of Glass, by the end of the e?cer)t in the te?t /ersion, the main character
starts to call himself
a. Pa$l A$ster
b. D$inn
c. 2a? Wor'
%4. #n Catch!"" 2a@or 2a@or 2a@or is determined to be
a. 0he best
b. A hero
c. 2ediocre
d. Ali/e
%5. #n Catch!"" 2a@or 2a@or 2a@or is
a. #dentic
b. 6$b@ecti/e
(For the last time)
The first rule of the final is to pass the flipping thing
The second rule of the final is dont write on the final
%6. 0he /ario$s /ideo &ame so$nd effects in Scott Pilgrim vs. The World !o$ld be
e?am)les of
a. 2etafiction
b. #nterte?t$ality
c. #rony
d. ,lac' 5$mor
%7. #n Scott Pilgrim vs. The World 6cott+s ability to chan&e )$r)oses for life most
notably !hen he dies and comes bac' to life" s$&&ests he is
a. #dentic
b. 6$b@ecti/e
c. 0he hero
%7. #n Fight Club ,i& ,ob is a symbol of
a. <eath
b. 6adness
c. 0he destr$ction of masc$linity
d. 2asc$linity
%9. An e?am)le of blac' h$mor in Fight Club !o$ld be
a. 0he narrator+s face &ettin& ri))ed o)en
b. 0he Par'er*2orris b$ildin& not blo!in& $)
c. 0yler dyin&
d. 2arla+s mother+s fat &ettin& s)illed on the floor and 2arla and the narrator
sli))in& in it
40. 0he end of Fight Club s$&&ests that
a. 2asc$linity is ho)eless in modern society
b. 0yler li/es
c. 0here is still a need for masc$linity
d. We !ant to be controlled.
Short Answer (because I got sick of multiple choiceyoure welcome) ! points
each "#! sentences each
41. What is the )$r)ose of ha/in& a s$b@ecti/e main character in a story8 Why do
yo$ thin' a$thor+s $se them8
42. .?)lain =real and $nreal>, )lease )ro/ide an e?am)le to ill$strate yo$r )oint.
$ssay %rompt !& points ! paragraphs
5o! is Fight Club a )ost*modern no/el8 #n a 5 )ara&ra)h essay )lease e?)lain, be
s$re to incl$de s$b@ectEidentity in one body )ara&ra)h, realE$nreal in another, and
!hate/er other elements yo$ !ish in the third.

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